-.la CESTS A WEEK. , ALBANY. OLIEGOiX PiUPAY &0r5aOuLF3r8S -rOirm::fa ) J" Julius Joseph Manufacturer of Choice Cisrars -AND DEALER IX- FINE IMPORTED AND KEY WEST Shears, Plug and Smoking Tobaccos, Meerschaum and Briar Pipes, and full line of Smokers' Articles. Also dealer in CALIFORNIA AND BFR0P1CAL FRUITS. 2fext orturaHvenejTl Office, Albany,; The Red Front. TWEEDALE & HOPKINS. Hardware, Stoves, Ranges, Tinware, Copperware. Pumps, iron pipe, rubbor hose and plumbing goods. Sole agent for the celebrated "Early Breakfast" cook stores and.ranees, and "Faultleeb" parlor heating stoves. Albanv, Oregon. WILL Dealer.- in all Guns, Pistols, Sewing Machines, Organs, Pianos A full Slieet. music, musical merchandise.ammunition.fi8L ing tackle, eie. Warranted razors, butcher J and pocket knives The best kinds of sewing machines PEEBLES, OIL ami Extras forill MA CHINES UfiN COUNTY ACENTS FOR NORTHWESTERN FIRE INSURANCE2CQMPANY. Repairing o( seivir.g ij;ncLrjea, musical instruments, guns, etc., neatly done norma. iFjraasHAYFKJfHS eureka and SencTjor circular, frTWnOfrft" ABIETlNEHCDi-coloOTLLi.fAL HAVE YOl" A CO!J in the head wnich ilo fnot get better? Have you an excescive secretion of mucus or matter in the nasal passages which either must be blown from the nose or drop back behind the palate, or hawked orsnuffed backAard to the throat? Are vm troubled hv hnwk-inr. snittinL'. weak and inflamed eves, freauent soreness of the throat. T1 . u JN. L. 11 - V V- J CURE f(inirTiiir,iirnLr infj I LIIINLLU-tO. I R flVIl I V UrVU V 1LL.L. corroding sores reve the corruption within. As every breath drawn into the iunirs nmm tioi in the nasal passives, it must nfiesfarily gradnall;? takes place, while the n-.orhii? ncitr into tne sion.a n, ciiieeincs uii;fMiiMi, anti fiien; itv. nervousness and cnnsumiition. DO NOT If vou have experienced any of the sboi w mptt lfus do rot dt !?. nt Irv C.nvoRf rAT-K-Ci;RE at onee. Wc owt:vely i:arant teg a few) npplications relieve and .a thornm-h treatmei)! to cure, o . ..v..... Hania .tbir ami :it-K- tir-. g..r V G. L iN. Successor to E. W. Lanrdon DEALER IN Drugs, Paints, Oils, Perfumery and toilet article, also a full line of books and stationery, periodicals, etc. Preeeriptiocs carefulh compoanded m IN ODD FELLOWS TEMPLE. Albany Oregon BROS the leading Line of- The motto of Calif ojnia mears "I have found it." . Only in that land of sunshine, where ' the oran g emo iaml grape bloom and ripen an attain neir highest perfection in mic-winter. ire the herbs and gum .omul that are hiscd in that pleasant i lemedv for all throat and lung troubles, Santa Abir, me rule oi cougns, asthma, ana con- teumptim. Fonhay A Muwod. of Al lianv Oregon, have been appointed iisnarnsno his valble California rein- dy, and sell it under a guarantee at SI bottenree for 2.H. FOR SALE BY ALP.AHY CKEGON ninir or roaring in the ears, more r Jess impairment of the hearing, loss o mell, memory impaired, dullness :r tizziness of the head, dryness or heat of iosc? Have vou lost all sense of smcllY i n i." l ; l,v ii klvsneiisia? Is vou r breath foul? If so ou have the Catarrh, some have al khese symptoms, others only a part. he leading symptom of ordinary ea- 'utrrii le mcreuocu pccienun i mucus Ul I Foul breath is caused bv the deeorr mm leLand of Discoveries Way Man, J (I ATANTEED jj)osing secretions exuded from festering TOR Juicers far back m the head; ometimcs jl f a DDlil memDrane covering tne nones is J jjeaten away and the bones themselves f B I .1Cralualy decay. Mien cases ar in LALildeed objects of pity, as stench from . , Wk am-- iiss )ovr and become polluted iythe.reliev K-lflrw that tuci'ii'.g of the wl.rle .-tn ih 'jt is al;ni i.v.iiiv tit j m !lIr, ir. cm i's t. y in:i. nu i i v: n;:t PROCRASTINATE.; a5c My5 sti it b v n iP f fAT Albany, Oregon The Albany Bakery i! r Uuderjthe uc-wmanageinent.ot D, arte Bros. WHO KEEP A fail line ofchtice family ' grocer es and rrov!sioi Cannea Vineapples, GlioicB TaWs DelicaclES Ornamented cakes fur Wcdatnas and Parties, Salmon helliesmarkerel.and salt fislt.of all kinds, i FRESH BAKED BREAD iivcrv Day. TiRries. TEAS and COFFR ri mm L'nini CANNED ,oODS, ETC. S ne best Soap in the market Le Roi Savon. A fine assortment of domestic and Imported Cigars 'v At John Fox's old tand lew brick. low "Fl mi's T.J. OVERMAN AtiKNT FOR THE S"Has on hand a line of new and second andwheels. Send for t,il HAVINGf SOLD AN INTEREST IN MY harness business to 1 . J. Overman, I am desirous of collecting! all my outstanding notes and accounts. All persons knowin? themselves indebted to me will please call and settle The business wili;beeontinued as usual at the same please. E. L THOMPSON. Albany, Feb. 22. WILLARD & WOODIN LIVE- ytiire Dealer IN A Live T&wfo. This is wliut Albany is at present, and in order to keep pace with the ivt'lv times in this oit.v W H VVil lard has enlarged his store and stock 'O that he now has the most complete and desirable line of furniture in the valley. His double salesrooms In Fro man's block are filled with an elegant assortment of new furniture, consist ing of loungesi'in new patterns, fine cold nictnre fratm-s willnw 'i-.iirj easy rockers, marble tables, brackets," en-, ii exauiinauon oi tlicstocK will show this to be true in every re spect. University of Oregon ! J-EUOENE CITY Next session l.egins on Mondav, the 17th of September, lsj8. Free whtilarships from every county in the state. Applv to your county siiperintendt-tti Four cou'ses: (.'lassical. Scicutiiic.Littraiv :..d a --hurt Knjflish course in which there is o l.,-t !. Greek. French --.r ti.-iin.iii. Tic .: .rlt-'h is p-e-cminentiy .t t'.tii:ic-s t i nif. i'or c..tu!os-ue or other information. utUiri-s J. W. JOHNSON, President. fab? IrtlOlll-lfM LEADING IM Absoluteiypure. This powder never va4s. A marvel ot purity .strength and wdoiesomeness. More economical than f lic ordinary kinds, and cannot be stl in competi tion with multitude of Jiw testshort weight alum or phospjate powders. Sold only in c-uis. RoYAiiBAKlJi Jow deu Co., 100 Wall St., NT. . DK. N. 15L.ACKBIRN, LTTOKNEY AT . Law, Albany, Oregoii- Office in Odd dpiiow s lempie. 'vinpraee in an eoun of the state, and give specia attention to all WOLVERTON CHARLE3E. ATTORNEY at Law, Albany, Or. Qfice in rooms IS and 14,, Foster's hloek, over L. E. Blain's stor i j J.1; WEATHORFOItP, ATTORNEY "AT law, Albany Oregon .Office in 'Odd Fellow's Temple. Will practice in all the courts of thestate.fand give special attention to all business. PIIYHIAS. G. W. IIASTON, PHYJICIAN AND SCR ireon. Albanv, Orerin. ' MH. ELLIS, PUYSX'LAN AND . SLlir . geon, Albai.y, Orc(on. f C. KELLY, PHYSICIAN AND oUR geon Alliny, fregii, office over Grad wohl's store. Ottice hou, from is a. m. to 4 p. M. ! X") EVEP.E HOt SE, ALJANY, OR. CHAS. X Pfeiffer, Prop. Onl; tirst-eclass house in the city. Large sample rooms for com mercial men. No Chinamen employed in the kitchen. General stage dtfice for Corvallis. MRS M.E. McCOY, M. O.HOMEOPAiHIC physician, office and ro-idence corner of First and Baker streets. A".ay, Or. Chronic diseases a specialty. Consultation free. Of n.,.r. intoi A. M ana 2 to 5 p. m. k.. .. Kt.iLUtWAV, VE1ERINARY SI'U- XJ u'eon, Albany, Ore-'on.-graduate of Ger? man it, 1 American colleges. 1 itrmovetl. J'OSKPH WEBBER A.VNOlNCES TO HIS patrons and friends that lie can be found on Lyon strict, between Enpnc Co. No. 2 and First street, until his new rooms in Fo shay & Miisju s brick arc re?dt, Land .Surveying. PARTI KS KESIRI.NQ St'RVKYIXO WINE CAN Oil. tain accurate and prompt work by calling upon ex-county surveyor t. T. T. Fisher. He has complete copies of field notes and town ship plats, and is prepared to do survevhiir in any part of Linn county. Postotfice address. Millers Station, Linn couuty, Oregon. For Sale. AJCMP SEAT BUGGY. SUITABLE FOR one or two horses. 1 his bneiry is as good as new. An exceptional oppoitunity lor a bargain. For cash down or on time or for sheep. Call scon D. M. JONES, Albany, Oregon. noR sale -a good 2nd hand wag- U on. Inquire at this ortic Portrait itZtyC Photographer SSfStudio corner of Second and Ferry PALACE MEAT MARKET James V. PiFE.F'rop. KlrslJtSlreet .... Alltany The best variety of choice beef,veal,muttoij, pork sausage, etc., in the ity keptjeonstantfy an hand. Cash paid for all kind ock.TJS SUCCESSORS TO HENRY SUSENSJ House :md Carriage Palmers, Her ratorsand Paper Mangers' Piano varnishing a specialty. All wrrk promptly attended to. Countrv work solicited. L OF ALBANY; OREGON, ' president, ! FHnn vice-president 8. E. Young, cashier. OJlChamberlain, TRANSACTS A GESERALJ BANKING BUSIi ESS. Acco?ti kept subject to check. Siirht Exchaiijre and Telegraphic Transfer sold on New York, Chicatro, San Franeisco mid Portlaiid.Oregon. Collectiona made on favorable tem. E. You Fliks L. K. ULAIS v ' W- E. iUKRKI.L Gko. E. Cuaubkri.ain. - v,v will pay JO.r't-xts per ' ruli fo" lioiccc s-iiippinsr luiiter. . TuuT'SOS i Wateks. GENERAL NEW Chicago Anarchists Make a Confession. Full SUi i.i.LAK S SEATIO VAI ESCAPE Faller Caes a Four Eocr Speec!i Fatal TheaterFire Edison's Fhonograpli Vgile Other News. Hkrald Special lhspatcht s. Chicago, July 19. Frank Che bowa, one of the three anarchists, arrested by Inspector Bonfield for conspiracy, made a full and formal confession tast rtf gM.Thecantes sion was to the effect, that Kronck had unfolded to Chebowa, plans for revenging the death of Spies and the other havmarket defend ers, and had told of a boom, that he, Kronck, had invented. It was no larger than a base ball and was to be loaded with rivnamite and broken glass. It was denied bv Chebowa that there was a plot to murder the judges and inspector, that is, he had Jheard of no such deiinite scheme. They were talked of, as was Cant. Schaack, and he understood that he was to pay more attention to the captain than to any one else. There was no ar ranged plan of action, but it was agreed that when all the prepara tions were made, he and two oth ers .were to be informed by Kronck just what they were about to do. About July 1st, he was visited by Kronck, who brought him- two bombs of broken glass, and two sticks of dynamite, from which he was to make bombs of gas pipe af ter the usual pattern. The other two men, were also supplied with bombs and dynamite, lie had the stuff in his house for about a week, and then he got so afraid that it would be discovered that, he threw it in the privy vault. This was the substance of his confession, which Inspector Bonfield will use in couri. The confession is much more in detail, and covers about thirty closely printed pages. By his confession it is understood that Chebowa '.has virtually se cured immunity from prison. He is in reality much less guilty than either Holf, Kronck, Chepak, or one of the men not yet arrested, he lias agreed to give his testimony in open court, where it will be cor roborated by the other evidence secured by the inspector against the eonspriators. Two other men are still at large, but may be ar rested at any nine. f 11.11 S.HI 4.-I,U. Irifi'iiil Witness EM-anc Instead or turning Mate's M'ideuce. Port Huron, (Mich.), July 19. A sensational incident occurred last night. Following the exam ination of Fred and Charles Saun deis, who were arrested on June 9th for smuggling opium, Charles Label, of Indianapolis, was brought here to testify in the case. It wa understood that he had turned state's evidence and testified to several piano boxes of opium that had been shipped to him at Fort VVaye and Indianapolis and re shipped by him to San Francisco. The Saunders brothers were held ior trial and their bail was fixed at $5000. District Attorney Black and Deputy United slates Marshal Hein left for Detroit un the even ing train with Label. They had him handcuffed and intended to hold him until trial. When the train was four miles west of this city Label jumped up, ran to the door of the coach and made his escape. The train was stopped, but too late to be of any service,' as there was a buggy standing near by into which he jumped and drove away at a rapid speed. He drove direct to Saunders, three miles below here on the bank of the St. Clair river, where a boat was waiting for him. He is now in Canada and out of reach of the United States authorities. He was the only witness "against the Saunders brothers, and it will be a hard matter to convict- them. FATAL FIRE IN A THEATRE. Two Men Buraed and Several OtherM Injured, St. Louis. July 19. A peculiar accident occured ' at the standard theatre last night, resulting in the probably fatal burning of Ed. Hill and M. Dwyer, aged 19 and 21 years respectively, and the severe injury of several other attaches of J the theatre. The men - were en : gaged in fumigating- the theatre ! with sulphuric acid, which Hill and Dwyer were pouring irom stone jugs. Both jugs exploded at once, scattering the acid in every direction, saturating the clothing of both young men and bespatter ing those standing near. Hill and Dwyer were nearly crazed with v.oin .in-! .in rliir.i-ir!i tlta at fouta ! followed by a crowd until caught i bv a policeman and taken to the city dispensary, where their wounds were dressed. In their flight they had torn almost all their burning t clothing off and reached the dis Ipensary nearly nude. The other wounded men were able to go to I the dispensary without assistance, lint they are severely irjurea. perclie- vs. Conlt final inn Washington, .lulv 19. The ; nO'ii'.na'ioii u .vit-;vi,,e v . runi-i j to i..f fiiei justice oi the supreme court uf the Un.ted states was taken up by the senate this after noon in secret session. Senator Edmunds was given the floor and began a speech which it was un derstood would occupy about two hours. A DEAR nuiSIXE. Edisuu s Phunvjsrapb Milliou. Biin-i New York, July 19.-The reported sale of Edison's phonograph has been confirmed, but the statement that it had been sold to an Eng lish syndicate was an error. The Edison Phonograph Co, which owns all of Edison's patents for re cording, perpetuating and repro ducing articulate speech, in the United States and Canada, has beert.old to Jesse H-Lippincott, of this city and Pittsburg, for about $1,000,000. The purchase includes all thejimprovements to the pho nograph that will be made by Edi son during the next 15 years. Lippincott has also acquired a license to run for fifteen years the graphocone, the invention oi Messrs. Painter & Bell, of Wash ington. The inventors retain all of their foreign rights. Toll I he Bells, Dublin, July 19. The work of the bai litis engaged in making the evictions at Kilrush, county Clare, is being obstructed by the popula tion who have cut all the bridges between Killrush and Kilbee,and taken other measures to delay the progress of eviction. The chapei bells are tolling to warn the eo ple of tiie approach of the officers. The same plan of campaign has teen adapted by the tenants on the Murphy estates at Tralee, county Kerre'. A Royal Salute. Cronstadt, July 19. This after noon the imperial yacht Hohen zollern, Wiihemho William on board, entered the roads here amid volleys of salutes from war ships and forts. The Ilohenzel lern was received by the Russian imperial yacht, Djerava, on board of which was the czar. The Pope M ill Sol Leave Rome. Rome, July 19. The poplin a conversation stated that he did not intend to leave Rome. He ex pressed regret that his last note to the Irish clergy in regard to politi cal situations should have been misinterpreted. Appropriation Bill. Washington, July 19. The pres ident has approved of the agricul tural district of Columbia appropri ation bills. MISIC AS TIIE FITI KE 4T1VKITI. its Power to t'arrv'lHunian Emotion Toward (he Infinite. Lippinr-ott's Magazine. it has beii shown that we can only think toward the infinite ; it may be that our love can reach nearer its objects. As a philosoph c truth, music does carry our emotion toward the infinite, jio man will doubt this who reflects for a mo ment on the rise of music in the church. I remember when the most flourishing church of our town regarded with intense horror a pro position to buy an organ, consider ing it an insidious project of the devil to undermine religion. The same church has now the largest organ in the city, with a paid organist and choir. Scarcely any person wi;o nas lived in the smaller towns of the United States but will recall similar instances. At pres ent the organ, the song, are in all the growing churches. What would be Mr. Moody without Mr. Sankev, or Mr. .Whittle without Mr. Bliss? - i . And not only does music win its way into the church,but it gradual ly takes on more and more im portance in the service of worship, j How many are there in these days j to whom the finest preaching comes from the organ loftl Greater and greater every year grow the multi tudes of those who declare that no sermons, no words, no forms of any sort, avail to carry,' them on the way toward the desired sacred goal as do the tones of PaleBtrina, of Bach, of Beethoven, when these are given forth by any organist of even moderate accomplishment. Everywhere one finds increasing the number of fervent souls who fare easily by this road to the Lord. From the negro swaying to and fro with the weird rythms of "Swing Low, Sweet Chariot," from the Georgia Cracker veiling the "Old Ship of Zion" to the heavens through the logs of the piny-woods church, to the intense devoteee rapt away into the infinite upon a mass of Palestrina, there comes but one testimony to the substan tial efficacy of music in this matter of helping the emotion of men across the immensity of the known into the boundry of the unknown. Nayj there are those who go fur ther than this ; there are those who declare that music Is to be ti e Church of the future, wherein all creeds will unite like the tones in a chord. 'Words cannot express the grat itude which people feel for the benefit done them by the use of Ayer's !-arsparilla. Long-stand-cases of rheumatism yield to this remedv, when all others fail to give relief." This medicine thoroughly expels the poison from the bloo.i. The price of wheat remains un changed at 59 to J' cents. XATI RF s FOT. Children Baptized I'nder ToseniUe 1 Falls. San Francisco Chronicle. The saying of the royal sage that "there's nothiug new under the sun" received a setback in the Yosemite valley on July 4th, when a novel scene was witnessed by a party of Caiilornians beneath the Bridal. Veil tails. This was the baptism ot" three children in the fleecy spray of the famous falls, and suirouuded on all sides by na ture's grandest haudwork. The time honored custom of baptizing infants in church or in the family circle has beu fo- ages past re spectedjjy ;onr 8ires,vvbut. . like, a: I earthly things, if the Yosemite in cident is modeled it'ter by romantic minds, the old custom will undergo material change. The occasion referred to wis the baptism of Lelaod Stanford Barton, '.he youngest 3on of Robert Barton of the famous Fresno vineyard. Mr. Bartou has been a constant visitor to the valley, and his proud est wish was to have his child baptized under the Bridal Veil falls on the boy's birthday, July 4th. Some tune ago he completed ar rauiiimeuts for that event, and secured the promise of Rev. B. C. t oute, rector of Grace Church of this city, to perform the ceremony as desired. Shortly before the appointed hour, 5 r. m., a parcy of twenty-tive,all fr'.ends of the family, left the Stoneman House for tbti falls. Arriving t the bridge th party dismounted and began their laborious ascent to the foot of the falls. This was accomplished in thirty minutes, and alter a brief rest preparations for the solemn service were made. The spot chosen as the most suitable for the service was a lovely turf-covered rocfc which juts out over the stream at an elevation of 400 feet above the valley. The rock was imme diately under the talis, and upon a raised portion of it the minister took his stand, the other members of the party forming a semicircle in front. The scene was one of beauty and power one long t be remmbererl by all who witnessed it. The min ister robed in his surplice ot spot less white; the reverent spectators with bared heads and liusned lips; the last rays of the setting sun flooding the lovely picture with golden brilliancy, like a halo oT celestial glory : the delicate lace iike sheets ot spray swaying in the gentle evening breeze all cotnbin--d to form a scene of wondrous beauty. The baptismal service r muttered with the most impres sive solemnity was beautiful, and ts the familiar words of the baptis mal office were spoken, and the solemn invocation, "Sanctify this water to the mystical washing away of siu," was expressed, a brilliant rainbow, harbinger of peace, encircled the little group. After this service had been com pleted the two children of Mrs. Wright, daughter .f Manager Cook of th Coleman House, were baptized in turn, ffcd when the benediction had been pronounced the sun had disappeared behind a mountain top. A photograph of the scene was taken by a gentleman who accom panied the party, and the rock was by unanimous consent named ''The Sanctuary." By a s:ngular coin cidence it is located almost direct! v beneath the "cathedral 'spires," which is above the falls on the opposite side. The question asked by one of the spectators is unanswerable save . in the negative: "Was there ever a baptismal font like the falls of the Bridal Veil, or an imposing temple like the giant walls' of the Yo semite?" Great English Remedy. 1ade Mark, Murray's Specifie A guaranteed cure for all nervous diseases, such M Weak Memory, Loss of Brain Power, Hysteria, Headache, Pain in the Back, Nervous Prostration, Wakefulness. n.rr t.l;-- Leucorrhcea, UiuVeal La--Btfore laKing.tuae Seminai Weakness, Un- otency and general loss of power o ii Generative Organs in either sex caused by indiscre:ion or over-exertion, and which ul timately lead to Premature TtwieMark. Old Axe, Insanity and Con sumption. 1.C0 a box or six , boxes for 5. 00. Sent by mail 1 on receipt of price. Full par ticulars m pamphlet sent free to every applicant. Wc ;narantee 6 Boxes to cure any case. For every ' 5.00 order received we send. -i" boxes, with a written.,. Takl&. rnarantee to refund themonev if onrSpecific does not effect a cure. Address all commu nications to the Sole Manufacturers, The Murray Medicine Co., Kansas. City, Mo. 5TSold in Albany by Fochay FoMbay A Mason, sol agents An Absolute C'nre. The Original Ahietine Ointment is only put up in large two-ounce tin boxes, and is" an absolute cure for old sores, hums, wounds, chapped hands and all skin eruptions. Will positively cure all kinds of piles. Ask for the Oriir inal . bietiiift Ointment. Sold by Foshay & Mason at 25 cents per box by mail 80 cents. otire to lieStlors. nnmsp vvnicivi; TI! fmsfi.VFS TV J ilctitcd to the underMirned will plea a coaifc forward ami settle at once, as I des'r ; to close up niv business preparatory to gninjr i3Kuro;jc. WM. FABER