.- I .. V --i 15 CENTS A WEEK. ' . ALBANY. OREGON- SA'AY MORNING. JULY lim ' ' . . r-r : , The Red TWEEDALE & H OPK1NS. Hardwarc,Stoves, Ranges, Tinware, Copperware. Pumps, iron pipe, rubber hose and plumbing goods. Sole agents for the celebrated "Early Breakfast" cook stores and.ranges, and "Faultless" parlor heating stoves. Albany, Oregon. Julius Joseph Manufacturer of Choice CigarJ -AND DEALER IX- FINE IMPORTED Cigar, Plug and Smoking Tobaccos, Meerschaum and Briar Pipes, and full line of Smokers' Articles. Also dealer in CALIFORNIA AND TROPICAL FRUITS. Burkhart. Keeney's Real Estate Oliice, Albany, WIIvL BROS Dealer. in all the leading Bugs, Pistols, Sewing lactones, Organs, Pianos, A full Sheet music, musical merchandise,jimmmiition,fIsli tack'e, etc. Warranted razors, butcher and pocket knives. Tlie best NEEDLES, OIL and Extras for all MACHINES LINN COUNTY AGENTS FOR NORTHWESTERN FIRE INSURANCE1C0MPANY. Repairing of sewing machines, musical instruments, guns, etc., neatly done California, the Land of Discoveries mmsk J LTV reVL ZJ9 E38f5SK k i uin raff OMSUMPTI T I C t- r r .-"rT7bt .v' v ABlETINCMCDcolflRpyiLLi.fAU. HAVE YOU A COLD in the head which doa . not get better? Have you an excessive secretion of mucus or matter in the nasal passages which either must be blown from the r ose or drop back behind the palate, or hawked orsnuffed back.vard to the throat? Are you troubled by hawking, spitting, weak and inflamed eves, frequent soreness of the throat. dX i III il theONLY QUATEED' CURE TOR 1 if -.X .Stvo Tag CitcyiA CATARRH iABIETINEMCD-Ca W M ORQVILLECAlJ corrodin:,' sores ri-ve the corruption within. As every brearh drawn into the lungs must pass ovt r and become polluted by thereliev tions in the nasal passiges, it most necessarily follow H at oiorii.g ot thi .l olt s-u-re pyilually takes place, while the morbi.i matter! th.it is t-wal'ovn. nuii j.- ti t s-;it) stem into the stomach, enfeebles ditcstiwi, and often g icilui is (as-rcj ?ia, :i d 1 1 nlly -:H;.tnsis itf, nervousness and consumption. DO NOT PROCRASTINATE. If you have eNpericnced any of the abovesymptrms i!o not ill la- . Vut'trv rfCAl.lFORNi Cat-R-Ci rk at once. We positively uanutt teg a ft w applications relieve aml'ja thorough treatment ta-OUre. S:x months treatment for 1.00: sent bv mail atUa .'.hie ami tat-K-i urc. Sor FOSHAY G. L BLACKMAN. (Successor to E. W. Langdon: DEALEli ix Drags, Paints, Oils, Perfumery and toilet article, also a full line of books and stationery, periodicals, etc. Prescriptions careful! compounded mm !N ODD FELLOWS TEMPLE, Albany Oregon"! Front. AND KEY WEST Line of- kinds of sewing machines. EUREKA The motto of California means "I ave found it." Only in that land of sunshine, where '. the orang emo and grape bloom and ripen an t attain neir ninest perfection in mic-winter, ire the herbs and cum -found that are used in that pleasant lemedy for all (throat and lung troubles, Sasta Abie, tne rule or cougns, asthma, and con- umption. Fosbay s Mason, of Al an v Oregon, have been appointed nsuaipsno his valble California rem edy, and sell it under a guarantee at $1 botthree lor FOR SALE BY ALBANY CREGON tanging or roaring in the ears, more or less impairment of the hearing, loss o smell, memory impaired, dullness or dizziness of the head, dryness or heat of nose.' Have vou lost all sense of smell? Have you a hacking cough? Have vou ;dspep'ia? Is vour breath foul? If so hroc have thk Catarrh. Some have al these symptoms, others only a part. The leading symptom of ordinary ca- jtarrh is increased secretion ot mucus of yellow or greenish colored matter. r oul breatn is causeo oy ine uecoa -rosina secretions exuded from festering ulcers far back in the head; ometimcs the membrane covering the bones is eaten away and the bones themselves gradually decay. Such cases ar ;in feed objects of pity, as- stencn irom S;ilt ! i I MASON. J. VkJlItV J Mason, Albany, Oregon The Albany Bakery ! Uudt-r the uovjmanagenunt.ot , VVIIOKEEP A fui! line oft-hoieeifanii!y" groceries and provsmn Canned fmeapples, Dlioice Table Delicacies Ornameiitsd cakes! for Wedatnas and Parties. Salmon belliesniackerel.and salt fish.of all kinds, i FRESH BAKED BREAD .fcCverv Day. Best Sum. Pies. Cakes. TEAS asd COFrE CANNED uODS, ETC. Vne best Soap in the market Le Roi Savon. A fine assortment of domestic and Imported Cigars 2TAt John Fox's old stand. low 'Fl nn s new brick. T. J. OVERMAN aukxt for the JtSFHas on hand a line of new and second andwheels. Send for C'tal HAVING SOLD AN jlVTEREST IN MY harness business to T. J. Overman, I am desirous of collecting! all my outstanding notes and accounts. All persons knowing themselves indebted to me will please call and settle The business willJbeJ"continued as usual at the same please. E. L THOMPSON." Albany, Feb. 22. University of Oregon ! I5F"EUGEXE CITY.J Next session begins on Monday, the 17th of September, 1888. Free scholarships from every county in the state. Applv to your county superintendent. Four cou'ses: Classical. Scientific.Literary a,id a short English course in which there is no Latin, Greek, French or German. The English is pre-eminently a Business Course. For catalogues or other information, address j J. W. JOHNSON, President, LIVE- taifa Deafer IN A Live Twft, This is wh-dt Albany is at present, and in order to keep pace with the ivel7 times in this city, W. TI. Wil lard has-enlarged his store and stock so that he now lias the most complete and desirable line of furniture in the valley. Ili.s double salesrooms In Fro nian's block are tilled -with an elegant assortment of new furniture, consist ing of lounges in new patterns, line gold picture fiames, willow chairs, e-isy rockers, marble tables, brackets, eic, etc. An examination of the stock will show this to be true hi every rc-sreci. raw Bros. LEADING BIES, WILLARD WW Absolutely Pure. This powder never varies. A marvel of purity.strength and wholesomeness. More economical than the ordinary kinds, and cannot be sold in cdtn peti tion with multitude of low tebt,f-short weight alum or phosphate powders. Sold only in e-ins. Royal Bakix jow der Co., 10G Wall St., N. I. ATTOK.VF.YS. DR. N. BLACKBURN, ATTORNEY AT . Law, Albany, Oiegon.- Office in Odd bellow's Temple. ' -ViP. practice in all courts of the state, and give special attention to all business. J WOLVERTON & IRVINE, ATTORNEYS at Law, Albany, Or. OnVe in rooms 13 and 14, Foster's Block, over L. E. Blain's stor . T K. WEATHOKFORD, ATTORNEY AT J . b'.w, Albany ,JtiOrgoii . Office in 'Odd Fellow's Temple. Will practice in all the xnirts of thestate.fand give special attention to all business. rnvsiciAX. G W. 1IASTON, PHYSICIAN AND SUK , gcon, Albany, Oregon. M. II. ELLIS, PHYSICIAN AND SL'i: gcon, Albar.y, Oregon. CC. KELLY, PHYSICIAN AND oUK . geon Albany, Oregon, office over Grail wohl's store. Otlicc h'Airs, from 8 a. m. to 4 P. M. J" EVERE HOUSE, ALBANY, OK. CHAS. X Pfeiffer, Prop. Only first-eclas house in the city. Large s:unple rooms for com mercial men. No Chinamen employed in the kitchen. General stage office for CorvaUis. MRS M. E. McCOY, M. O.IIOMlEOPA iHIC physician, office and residence corner of First and Baker streets, Albany, Or. Chronic diese? a speciahv. "-'-Consultation free. Of "-1-- Tto 12 a. m and 2 to 5 P. M. ' i-. DSlKiNG RAILROAD WORK jjL Will be given emplcxment by apply ing to Contractor Hunt, at his headquarter at U'allnla. Work Will fie vigorously pushed on the Wall ula branch, and an unlimited number of men can obtain, employment. II. FTinrit. BOOT AND1 SHOEMAKER, 'ALL' WORK warranted. Shop since the fire removed to Ferry street, second doer from postotficc. TR. R. KOLDEWAY, VETERINARY SUR jj geon, Albany, Oregon. Graduate of GerJ iu.ii una rtiuericilll colleges. Xolire r liNSlution.l TO ALL WHOM IT MAY CONCERN The co-partnership heretofore existing between Robert J. Carson and John N. Hoff man, is this dav dissolved bv mutual consent May 24 IbbtS. ' ROBERT J. CARSQM. JOHN N. H,FFM4N. Removed. JOSEPH WEBBER ANNOUNCES TO HIS' patcons and friends that he can be found on Lyon street, between Engine Co. No. 2 and First street, until his new rooms in Fo shay & Mason s brick are ready, Portrait YZtyf Photographer "Studio corner uf Second and Ferry PALACE MEAT MARKET James V. PiPE.Prop. FlrslJt.lre-l . Alban; The best variety of choice beef,veal,mutton, pork sausage, etcin the city keptlc-onstantly an liaDd. ' Cash paid for all kind ock.TEJ For Sale. A JUMP SEAT BUGGY, SUITABLE FOR one or two horses. This buggy is a.z good as new. An exceptional oppoitunity for a bargain. For cash down or on time or for sheep. Call soon 1- M. JONES, Albany, Oregon. OF ALBANY OREGON. PRESIDENT, L. Plinn ' vice-president S. E. Young, cashier. , u.i!,.namoeriain, TRANSACTS A GENERAL' BANKING BUSINESS. Accounts kept subject to check. Sight Exchange and Telegraphic Transfer sold on New York, Chicago, San Francisco and Portland.Orego. Collections made on favorable terms. " E. You L. Flinn L. E. 'BlAIS W. E. Tu&rbll Gko. E. Chambkrmix. St CCLSSORS TO HENRY SUSENS House ami Cat-rinse Painters, Dcro ralors auril Taper Hangers- Piano varnishing a specialty. All work womptly attended to. tolialloICo i Country work solicited. GENERAL JSrEWS. Many People Rendered Homeless by the Floods. TUKUAJOSILI UK ItOB'.V TO ZEKO. Newsy State Dispatcher De.xtli of an Ore gon Pioneer Wastir-gtt a News 0;her Item.-., The Hkrali's Special Dispatches. riTTSBCRu, July 13. The Alle ghauey and ilongahela valleys were visited j?y a heavy storm yester dairnd the rivers are again , ris ing at dadvaters;w-'-This has caused some apprehension, but old river men do not anticipate anoth er flood. The river is still reced ing here with eight feet six inches in the channel. It is clear and very cool, the mercury dropping 24 degrees in a few hours. Last night was the hardest of all on one hun dred and fifty families in Pittsburg who had to move out of their shanty boat?. Their floating homes were in a tai sn; pe wnen tne river fell yesterday, and not fit for occupancy. STATU OIM'AHIIK. Death of an Oregon I'ioneer at Tort land XeMy Xofe.s.- Portland, July 13. Oscar Kil bourn, a well known pioneer, died here yesterday, Mr. Kiloourn came to Oregon from 2sew York in 1S52. and lesided here ever since He was well known as an auditor and pool seller, and for seventeen vears, up to the last administra tion, he was the holder of import ant offices. He was born in lS32.and was 5(5 years of age at the time of his death. Suit. For Malpractice. Portland, Oregon, July 13. lhis morning Mrs. Jennie Lang ford, wile of the well known con tractor, began suit in the July stale circuit court against Doctors Henry and William Jones to recover $20,- 000 damages tor malpractice. W A!ifi;r es. American Minister t Russia Hill Tender His Resignation. Washington, Julv 13. Genera' N. Lathrop, American minister1 to Russia, will in a short time tender his resignation and return to Amer ica. One reason is the conditioi of his health, and another, that he : . . : . . : t v . : l - r 13 luwiiif uicu (m ins jnuciive me SAX FBAX ls0 TI. Tbc Charleston to He ljtnneh-i X-it Week The Sharon 'ase. San Francisco, July 13. The Union Iron Works announced to-day that the new government cruiser, the Charlestor, will be launched next Thursday night. W. F. Herron, attori'ey for the Sh iron heirs, made an argument t--day in the United States Circuit Court in favor of the order of the court made in the case of Sharon vs. Sharon, that the celebrated marriage contract should be cancelled. .The ranks of the teachers already here to attend the National Educa tional Association Convention next week were augmented to-day by the arrival of delegations from Oregon, Nevada,. Utah, Colorado, and In diana. Patrina Schmitt, a hotel chamber maid, while removing a loaded pistol left by a guest under hie pillow last night, accidentally discharged it, the bullet entering about two inches be low her heart and coming out at the back, grazing the spinal colum. Hei injury is pronounced fatal. Will Have to Apply Elsewhere. St. Peter What's your name? "John L. Sullivan." "Oho! Yes, I've heard ot you Mr.Sullivan. You're quite a noted character down on earth." "'S'hat I am. "A champion pugilist,I believe?' "I'm er world-beater." "I suppose your business with me is to gain admission to heaven? "That "a what." "Well, you can't go .in. I don't tbink you'd be satisfied." "Why not?" "The gate receipts are too light." JTJACOBS OI tUH KntUMATISM. $20,000 LOST. COL D.J.WILLIAMSON, Ex-U. S. Consul at Callao, Pern, whose fac-simile signature from h i 8 testimonial is here shownr states: "I was a help less cripple for years from rheuma tism, spent $20,000 in vain, then used St. Jacobs Oil, and it cured SMlby DntrpL-ts and Deal ers E'rtjichere. tt. me." THE CHARLES A. VOGELER CO., BALTIAIOKE. AID. AXAHI:ll!s SHIP IX IU.A SEA. Every Man on Koard Head. To! a Voice liaiis the Kescucr. Eofton Commercial Bulletin. 'You see, messmates," says the old quartermaster, as he seats him self comfortable again, "in a seafaring life we meet with many rough obs that are out of all ordinary calkilla- tion, and what them as haven't been to sea wouldn't hardly believe. There was that ship we fell in with ia the Ctima Sea that was an odd thing, that was. "It was onlv just after daylight in the morning watch as some one sung oat 'Sail ahead.' But it wasn't much of a sail, for there was only one mast-r-the foremast standing, but a Dig sup agoing sieauy aioie tne wira, with her foretopsail set, but not hauled taut, but all flapping like. W ell, we see as there was no one aboard, or, it so be there was, they didn't know how to manage her. So when we'd run down a little ahead t-f her we lowered a boat, and I was one of the boat's crew as went aboard; and as we pulled up to her we could see nobody on deck, but only heered a dog barking; and when we went up the side, sure enough there was a half-starved dog a sitting upon the body ot a man; and when he sees us he sets up a dreadful howling, but still he didn't seem displeased to see us, but threw back his ears, though he looked dreadtul melancholy and down in the mouth. But the curious thing was to see the number of rats that was running about the decks, for the ship was . water-logged, and the rats was driven up from below and obliged to shift for themselves. "Well, there were three more dead bodies lying about; and when we come to look at them the rats had eat most of their faces and necks, and ripped. open their jackets to get at their flesh elsewhere, but the corp3e as the dog was sitting on they hadn't been able to'touch; for, you see, the rats, they lived on the dead bodies, and the dog he lived upon the rats so we supposed by the carcasses of one on 'em as lying near him. And such rats as they were I never see a'most as big as half-grown rabbits, and so tame that they didn't make no account of us. You see, they'd been so familiar with the oodies aboard that they looked upon us as so many sheep or cattle, or what not, as was come aboard for their live stock. "Well, we tried to get into the cabin, but that was full of water, and so was everything below decks; and there was no name upon the starii, or we couldn't make it out where the ship was from, or where bound; and we searched the Captain's pockets, but couldn't fine no memorandum nor name, only a love-letter sewed up in a piece ot oii-3hin inside his jacket, and s-gufed 'Sarah.' And when we was thinking what was best to be done, whether to throw the bodies overboard or what, a voice, as seemed close to us, sung out in a curious low tone, more like a female's than a man's. "Snip ahoy, th.re! what ship is that?' "Well, that stf.rted us a'most out of our senses; for we couldn't see nothing, a id the bodies on Oeck was c.ead we knew by reason their faces was eat; and says one of the men, 'It must be the dog,' says he; 'he've beeu a tbiuking over to his self all he've heed, aud he've been and taught his self to speak, and says he to the dog, answering the hail like, 'The Zenobia, 600 tons, John Shuin master, of and from London, bound for Singapore, .with a general cargo,' But the dog' made no answer to that; aud while we was a wondering what it could be, the same kind of a voice sung out again. 'Steward, glass of grog!' Well, now, we knew as this couldn't be the dog. because they don't take no grog. Then says another man, Tin much deceived if cbat 'ere voice don't come c ut of the mainmast;' so we goes to the main mast that is, the stump of it and out of the middle of the ropes and halyards that was hanging about the pins the voice comes out again and says: 'O, sweet Polly! No higher, keep her rap full.' "Well, we soon cast off the ropes, and what should we see but a Hue ray parrot a setting in a kind of a nest she'd made, and looking as if there wasn't nothing the matter with her! "Well, we hove over the dead bodies aud left the rats to feed upon themselves, but we brought off the parrot and the dog, though he wouldn't leave the body till we'd taken the jacket off and laid it down in the boat for him, and then he came willin' enough: and Captain Shuin took the dog and bird and brought them home to his old woman, and perhaps they're both alive now." That Highway or Nations. The broad Atlantic, i? ever a stormy thorough fare. Yet blow the winds ever so fiercely, and ride the wavc6 ever so loftily, seamen must man the good shi?s,tourists will brave the pas sage, and commercial travelers and bu3-rs must visit this centres of foreign trade and manufacture. That atrocious malady, seasickness, togeth er with co?icky pains and much in ward uneasiness is o.'tan endured when Hostctter's Stomach Bitters would have fortified the voyagers against them. Sea captains, and in fact all old salts and veteran travelers aea acquainted with the protective value of this estimable preventive and remedy, and arc rarely unprovided with if. Emigrants to the far West should use it as a safeguard asraint mf-laria. Seek the aid of the Bitters for dyspepsia, constipation, liver com print, kidney troubles, and ail nieits that impair the harmonious an i vigorous action of the vital power. A:i (!(! Coincidence. The other day the schooner Romeo and the schooner Ju!i t were anchored side by side in tie uiarbor of Bel-fast iluiae. FOREIGN NEWS. The Hideou5 Accusations Against Parneli. FOIiTV PEOl'LE lit KKl TO DEATH Que 3a Natalie is Sore Pressed by Har Ene miesDisgraceful Squabble Among Royal .Doctors. The Heiaud's Special Dispatohes.1 London, July 13 The Daily Telegram says : Parnell's accept ance ot the government 8 offer in the matter of the Times' charges has-4iHpiovedvhis-s position. Tiae public will await the issue with no wish than that he may succeed in purging himsalf of these hideous accusations. LET THE DEAD KEST. The Diftsracclal Quarrel Among Em peror Frederick s Dactors. Vienna, July 13. The leading journals here condemn the Ger man doctors' report on Emperor Frederick's case as a degradation to medical science. They say it was dictated by low motives and personalities. The Jockey Wants a Mew Trial. LoNDON.July 13. Jockey Woods has appealed for a new trial of his suit for libel against the licensed Victuallers Gazette. QIEE NATALIE. She Is Sore Pressed by Her EneMie CoiM-cmins the Heir, Apparent. Weisbaden, July 13. Queen Natalie is sore pressed by her en emies and so far has been unable to get help from Russia in her suit for protection from the Russian consul general at Frankfort not having been answered. The emis saries of King Milan to-day will make a formal demand on Queen Natalie for the heir apparent. The queen has firmly resolved to refuse to give up her son. IKHaiTllL MINE EAPLOSIO. I or.y. lour .Uiiiers Burned to Death in the Mine. London, July 13. A dispatch from Cape Town says the De Beers mine in Kimberton was the scene of a frightful fire Wednesday night. Having been explored by a party of searchers, 24 whites and 20 natives were found to have been burned to death. The cause of the fire is unknown. - A KOI X L I.EK. The Yon its Emperor Dines and Wines Foreign Ambassadors. Berlin, July 13. A dinner was given by the emporer at Potsdam last night in honor of the foreign ambassadors. It was a brilliant affair. Besides the ambassadors all the ministers of the govern ment were present. The Italian ambassador sat at the emperor's right hand and the Austrian am bassador at his leit. Royally Keeeived. St. Petersburg, July 13. The czar and czarina met with an en thusiastic reception in Finland. HARRIED HIS OWK DAUGHTER; The Astonishing Discovery of a Sew York Hebrew. New Yors, July 11. Aremark- able story, involving tne marriage of a father to his own daughter,was made public yesterday. The par ties are Polish Hebrews and tl man's name is said to be Isaac Waldorff- He is a merchant oa the east side. He was married in Ger many about twenty jears ago, but after two months he left his wife and came to this country. He prospered in business, married a new wife and was left a widower a tew years ago with three children . Last year he met a Hebrew girl in distress, on Broadway, who had just landed and had wandered away from Castle Garden. She said her name was Mina Sterling, and Waldorff took her to his home and gave her a night's lodging. As she showed a fondness tor his children he dismissed his house keeper and engaged her. A few months later he married her. She kept in communication with her mother and recently wrote for the latter to come and visit ber. When the mother ar rived she recognized her daughter's husband as the man who had mar ried her in his youth and was the .atber of her child, now his wife. Waldorff was in utter ignorance of the fact that he had a child in Germany and of the identity of his wife. He sought counsel, of the iabbi of his congregation and the matter was referred to Grand RaL oi Joseph, who arrived in this country a few dajs a.o. An Absolute Care. The Original Abietine Ointment is only put up in large two-ounce tia boxes, aud is an absolute cure for old sores, burns, wounds, chapped hands and all skin eruptions. Will positively cure ai; kinds of . piles. Ask for . the Orisrinal bictitm Ointment. Sold by Foshav iv Ma?on at 25 vents per box liv mail HO cents. Seven Oaks is hot and goes to the spot, lu-urcs neuralgia, toothache, chills etc- mi M :1 I