Sever tJive t'i. If you sutler with asthiiia,broriehitis or a "y other disease of the throat or lungs, nothing ca l sbrprise you more than the rapid improvement that will follow the use of Santa Abie. If you are troubled with catarrh, and tried o her medicines you will be unable to exacts your amazement at the mar ve'ojs and instantaneous cui alive powers of C-lifoiaia Cat-R-Cure, These are not secret eorupounds, but natural productions ot Californi:'. Sold at 1.00 a package ;three lor s-J.oU and guaranteed by Foshay & Mason. California t'al-U-t'ure. The only guaranteed cure for cat arrh, cold in the head. Hay lever, rose cold, catarrhal deafness and soie yes. liestore the sense of taste and tin ''.easaut breath, rt-stsjtinjr fiom ea i a-rh. Easy and pleasant to lise Fol'ow directions and a cure is war ranted, bv all druirtrists. Send for u circular to ABIETINE MEiMCA?. COMPANY, Orovilie Cal. Six months teatineut for $100, sent by mail for $1 10. Eor sale bs Foshaj Mason . "Y.u will never miss the water '1 ill the well run3 dry." If you want a well cluir eall on E. B. Davidson. He does prompt work at a reasonable price. Oiil' s can be left at this olliee, ' . Don't fail to see the tripods at Fort miller ic Co. They . are the kites tiling out in novelty furniture Messrs. Will & Stark have re ceived a line lot of gold-headed C ities, fii.e silverware, jrold watches ar I chains, tic, which they are offering at very low prices. Cail and see them. Mexican Cactus Bitters is the best remedy in the world for liver and kid ney diseases, indigestion, etc. For sale at M. Baruagart's. r'his is tliri top of the GENUINE PEARL TO P LAMP CHiMNEY All otht?r similar are imitation. This exact Label i.s on eaca Fe.irl Top kChimnev. A lealer may say r 1 think ho his others as good, BUT HE HAS NOT. Ir- sist upon t!ie Exact Label and Top. For sale everywhere. Made only hy CJf.o. A. Macbkth ec Co., I'ittsoiir, Fly nets at Tliompsoii & Over man's. THE- OREGON PACIFIC RAILROAD. AN l Oregon Developmejit Do.'s . SteamshiD Line 22a MILES SHORTER.- AND 'I 22 Hours Less Time. man CJ..WJ. oiner route. , i Virst class through y-w vcr and freight from Portlanil and all poiets in the Wil- mette vruey to ami noni ;:n rrauciseo. WillaiiieMc Jilt 5 i:ie f S(-:ini-r. The Wm. JJ. Mtas, the N". S. IVmk-y an.; t:ie Vbr-'c :;: tt: -ire w.i.uf'T .; fl-cr rul f. ;''; !i.-:v r-tva:!!" i'. , ii oi. i .o.d hit' ni.ed; l(e ! Fi: . .4 u.. ip . ... ..,-.;. ' -r :.i i : ."Ic I; 'in !: v s ': :, N- fa.'.::-: Front S., I ortla i,', !,ree times :: ii v k as foiiov: vo?:th !.::. l.v Corv.d is '.;!).. W- .. :.!; ; :-i ' . : H, :.;..)!. , Vi !. a.,.'. ;":.' I- ' : Ar Portland 'i'l'f- . T " .r. .!!ti . :'. ; ; sorTii r.'.irxi.i. bv Portland Mop , V. ;. ami :'-i..:. - 1 ... Lv All'-:iy T-i'S., Tit -r. u:. :--A T ; Ar0.rvf"!-T--s.1i" r :.:!:... Ai";Or)!. .Cli.. nil.- .. :'. : :'' Ritetv. l-':,r-s : in' i. . ' ; . .. ihu or,;-.,i';)vr el.-j ,.!;: - : oh!-. i.,...-h Vf r bv .1:1 .-.'ir tve!i, r.!l poip ii, the WiT:;:!m. .VI jrid S.411 Franci-eo. SAILIN'O 'DATES. IM f '.' Willamette - !- Wiilfirfte V:.i:.-y , ' Wi.ian : I..- i. ,-:, WilUmvtte Vd;:-.' ' . vilUnetTi V: : V.-iPa:ne:tS w :, ' , w i nc f-tiir.!V r tea:iier :ti'i l.v Y:i,-r.i ' t i - ! :;: '. .V C." ir.i'! vail v;. c. i siw.rK. Ae'.i-'tf C. Ml lire jj.i! s-: .'ii, - f ttt. Ti:e !..- ia-ks taiuk- t: . Ilii.-Uer's f. v -;?;.( : --.i: v -i-f,n-i:-y : - i - l'C:'l ! ' (ii- ; : Mri'M-it "'! Pii hi.ijoll-. -(.:iiiriatiun. ,U'M'vo!iU" :-v c-very ir..-'-p-. im i tutloii ci' f;t; ' r I-- hy rea-i-n 'if ; net iti.f m "i iiervons sv;T-; it. is a sertaliv fuse ail tht se H a n lapii Route ! THE MARKETS. AI.BAXT QUOTATIONS. Wheat -ti-2T. 0;'iS oOfi-jiic. Flour j?4 pci bbl. Potatoes--Toe. En-s ':.;. ,'c. Butter 20c. Lard !)(,: 10e Woo' r2(7 Hie. Haul- W(d -l4c. Shouhleis (ic. Bacon '.'(SH'c. IL-y T.moiiiv, 1-, oats and chea 10. Annies (iiven. 1.59 per bit. Plums Dried, '.'(" Hie. per lb. Apidrs dried bleached 'Je suudried (t S c. Chicken s ?.'). 50(5 1 50 Hide. Ue-f hide, meer," c. dried 10 c : deer skins, 20c; .-beep pcHs, lL'(g 30c. accosdiiiL; lo wool. Beef I'.jC jrross. Mutton 2 59 er lieod. . Ho.irs 5Ji4; dressed. Lard Kegs, or 5 gallon tins, $e; nails, !le. l'OKTl.AXD markets. v. Whent-Quoie vallev 1 1(U 25; Walla Walla, dull, -1 ltitftl Oat .Market dull. O.v.oteiKp -A) je Flour Val'ey standards quale t at 4 03, and Walla Wada brands S.5 50(. 3 75, suierlinu ?2 5U(i(.2 75 per barrel. Hay Baled timothy quoted at 10 17 per ton. Feed Bran per ton, ?10(B1S; shorts $1820; chopped barley, 2125 per ton. Barley Urewinsr.pur etl, SI; round per ton, 25((;27 50. Hops Quote 0((7 !)e per pound. Butter Choice dairy, 30:j5aC per lb; brine in rolls, 20(rt 27c. Eggs Fairly s'eady: 10e per dozen. Provisions Bacon, 1(K Huj'c; iiams, 12(12).c; shoulders, 0(7e. Wool Plentiful. Valley, V.t(a;20c: Eastern Oregon, l(!rt?.lSe. Meat Steady, Beef, wholesale, 4(f; 4,'i'c Tier lb; dressed, Sc: sheep 4(('4Jic per lb; d"csscd, 7c; hogs, daessed, liitr 7c; veal, 79e. Potatoes Market;he?.vy. Per ctl, 75S9e. Burbanks favorite. SURE DEATH jTO Spirrels and Gophers, Made by a new process: never fails to L'ive satisfac l ion. Every cal: warranted or money re fundt-i. The eiiKAi-KST he- I can e it is the liKsr. Prepar ed in su li a v a y t li a 1 siiiirre!s eat it. in I'rtier ene t yrecn srr a s s, e t e. Over SO, (i CM cans so!ti la! y ear. s U voiir (li ii':--'si or dealer :or ft :i-d take 10 Oth H. F. MERRILL, Banker ALBANY, - - ORKCOA Sells excltaMffe on Xew York, San L r.i iu ieu I'lul L'orthiiHi. !'"v iiote -. i-1 ". ccuntv and oi'v warrants. Reeeive deposits subjeet to (In--I . Iiik'ie.-l iilioueii oil time tie posits Collections receive prompt attention C'.M'i ' -J "r.ii'.n . .-ii, :r:li it. I. 'Olliee :nih i'inlnSA. M. ,o o I-. M A';eiit i'or loiko'ie lire ant! in.: i ''lie tti ai i e eotupanies. M:;;f 5S:;.li v. ay of .a:ms. I'iie broad Atlantic, is :ver a slurmy low the uiiid- lhoronii i'.'.i'i'. Vet ,'Vi'l i'iio i-l-i " :id,i villi liw V:,V-- ever -ii loitsiv, feaine:i ii!ii;-t ni:oi in I o-oud shiyi, tourists will hniv.- i'iie ;(.( , a,i )1"Vl.t-s ltd co'aiae.'ek'l trav.-:eis ur I D!l'.i-!S Illll-i, Vlr-,L. IPi e, o I i ,o"ri j. !i : i a ' e and n::i'i i-i'.o't . e Thai! a,ro'- ni, tlla 'ad V, .-c:;-ielv , i-r v, "u U en'i ;;.' want u:;i-a.-ii!e-uinii ii'.ivii-;,. woiiM Pave lo ;m:'iu-t tb-rlii. i'.'-t .lid sails iicl :ii:i!"i,v: : i .r ; c-i i-"Mi!-.-'y, a-:.! a" ii-i '! -1: -i- :. :.- i:i!:ci 11 - ;: ii i : i. r v..v --. d ii: I 1 : . : is ! Ilil (1 ill: e. il'i' Tii. el i. A a X. ) .Ji THE MOttXIXG- IIET?ALD . TUESDAY", JULY HUM iii mi hiim i ii 1 1 111 imi m i w mwu I iBimiiiinnir ' " PURE ZWEMK mm PERFECT I 3 STEWAET & SOX -Dealers in- General run ma '13 Iron, Steel and CoalQ Wagons and Huggies Hope and Cordage Iilaeksni it It s 9 Stt ppties Grarden and AffrtCDitupal urniture fiOIS THOS. BRINK. Best Lin of Furniture In the City of Albnn Fancy Wicker Chairs Lounges Parlor Cornice Poles Mirrors, Feather Pillows Srino- Mattresses, Window Shades Walnut Exten sion Tables Suits, And what, you can't find at olli-r houses, J have Jt. In faetevery thiug that i.s kept in a tirst-class house. As7i, Maple and Walnut Chamber sets. Chairs, Spring Heds, Lounges Htc., Etc.. at Prices thai : CAN NOT BE UNDERSOLD. ALBAXr . . OREOO.N AGRICULTURAL DEPOT pnr: Ll CO ALBANY Have n.iiii.N, rv. ' i " i : A Fl'Li, n ri r t ,w i ; ii i i t. 6 J . V at vi -TI:-- lar.-eit t.l QT1TI j r -; $ i v , f .- i KJ JL v V CS "a ; 111 tlir 'v Y::l I i -Itil'LY liii-'U ill Hi MM I ; ! ; i . t : , , ; : '; , 1 ill j !li v 1 1 Uii - ? iJ . per exclen'.'ee pro e i; nuliiitnso? homes formoie then a quarter o a emt" ry. jii.'" tIie Uniteo-.eiates frovernmenf Endorsed by the heads of the rreaUmiversities as the j Strongest, Purest, and niot Healthful. Hr. Price's the Cream Baking Powder does fiot contain Ammonia, Lime or Alum. Sold only in cans PF ICE BAKING POWDE COMPANY, NEW TORK. CHICAGO ST. LOUIS Hardware and 2 s ptosis. Carpenters9 Tools' Ha ilders 9i Hardware l'owder, Shot, etc. Giant Powder &Fase Saws and Axes. Grrass Seeds Mi in it I Proprietor: OREGON. ; : ! (! l.iiM' (li i J.IM - : Or ; A a u i a.' : I rsiil best a; si T3 wr "c ir .- j& ta W t a lautiii l i .': ' -1 in'iV . i : I' 1 . !5 li k . .-. louse 1888. mil in JFORlILLEIi fi'CO; HAVE SOM ETI WSG 1 MFOKT ANT TO SAY TO '.THEIR " CUSTOMERS. THEY HAVE IN RICHJGOLD FRAMES. ALSO A full assortment of In Newest Styles, and all kinds oi FINE FURNITUE !T i i j i n i mmmrni Mm. Cowan Ralston '& Co. SCCfESSOKH TO Cowan & Cusick' Albany, - - Oregon Transacts a eeneral banking business. lr:iv sii'ht drifts on New Verk. San Kran iseoand I'ortlanil, "r. Loan money on approved security. heceive dejiosits subject to check. Collections entrusted to uus 11 rec ivi ronint attention. C 0M , A. N Y - Op Albany - Oregon 1 ai 1 : 0 TA0 T f i ifi 1 tt 1 1 Mm ,n . van rt .S",oo;s. OFFICERS. 1 'rtviilent Charles K. Wolvcrton. Vici-riesidont-.J. (). Writsniaii. Treasurer J. V. Cu.-irk. ."' Secretary -i. K. l-'.Merkin. DirtEcroKS. K. Mrahan. L"iia. K." VoIvcr ton. .1. I.-. Cowan, I).'!'.. Moiitcith. f. W. Cnsiek, J. O. .Vritsnuui, .1. K. KKlt-rkin, Charles Monteith, (J. F. Simpson. OonseryativL i,0 1 5 A Square Company,''' Managed by Square Men, C Patronized by Square Pecplt f.i Ill MOUNT SHASTA ROI : L. I ! C:t in;1. (. prt t"-il Sal, i ,!. .I.V... 'IT' ... J ::-: . i . i ! :: . .l.v. l.e'iatiiui f;i';n!.:i. s.::t -. Jl -I vt;.e:! o i . ) i I f A FIXE LINE OF J Oil Pita I KM Paper jinnCoimtyBaiik Farmers & Merchants' NlUUIinllUL Pom V iiwwjauuz THE FAMILY FHYSICIAN, FAHEIIIT'S PANACEA, -As a Blood Purifier this medi'-ine is hmhh reeouiuiended ior aii ruaaner 6i chronic or o!i standing; eomj iaiKts. eruptions of the skin, such as pimples, blotches and rashes, !;:':.- w ir::i-, tetter, saltrhonm, sald head, Scivfulu, t.r iiin's ii. iin l. the bones, side i and head, and al Fe.-es arising from impurity oi the Mood. The onlv ceimine is niaru:actt;red by S. E. luble; successor to Kasirney Kros. ,;Co. Va."iieiiucc Pa. Price reduced to Tic. j er bottie. DUBBELGAeBOUGOIT- RJCllf is proving f lie a tine ie!i:ed" Jllklll aito. Prii e i")0 per box DUBBELHEDTKYMEPAIK Olinrj is the worlds leattst jiii remedv WflL it is nscd loth ii::ei:i..!'.y and ex ternally and arts like inai.-. For pains cramps in ihe stomach or bowels it 'vortl. its weight in j;old. Price 2:.c. l er t-ottle OR. WRICHTSMAK'S SOV ERESGN BALM CF LIFE Z ld ior sc end years in the cast and ha . proven beyond "a doubt to be the greatest iioom to woiuen, the world has ever knew. It is for the relief of the pair's of maternity and the cure of all female complaints, Women will hail this with joy alter they read the testimonials in the 'ars from hundreds of women who have use Price 1.00 per bottle. We invite everybody to call and see circu lars and testimonials of this most valuable'of family medicines. For sale by Ueyoe& liob son and ilrownell - Stanard. " " P. J. Baltimore, General Asrenf OR .SHORT LIISIE & UXIOXI'A CTFICH. It Shortest and best route to all points east aiid south. I'tillinad Vaiaee ears.Eiiiijrrai:t or fam ily slcepirjj ears all the way through from Purtiand to Couneil Bin lis ai;d KansasCity without ehanire. These ears are free of eliarire. For furllier particulars re;ra:diiisr rates,ete inquire of Cnrran A: Monteith, agents, All:my, Oregon t!is!iiti! rif I'artiiersliipr mTJtk k" TsT: j-JT. e.i-.v aixks TiiA-ivaiuj LS partnership heretofore existing between Krank L, Kenton and (J. K. Chase, known as Kenton s Chase, Croecr.', Albany Oregon, is this day i.ii'sohcd i.y n.utual consent, C. E. Chase letirin;.'. 1'. ).. l.enton will contin je the bi'siness, colli ct ail tuiiis due, and 'pay all debts t the Luaie. ' F. L. KEXTOX. c, f. CHASE. i.bany jMay 15 ISis DAVIS BROS- AND CO. DEAI.KRS IX CEXKRAL'.MKKCIIAMUSK. SIIEDD, LI XX Co., OEEGOX. I ON ANVdlVOO1 1 vv T i;1; ill i I , Ifi'Ct jo ahk- It' 11 VV 1 1 i it' 1 UV, ;il:'I V.'c JClic 1 1 . :.:'rov" oiu : 1: i The it I i-L tK. nil iiiiiiiii ii ii in ii in o WALLACE cC' T1IOJL .u'.lj-wili iiimuuumj a Wm. ForMler S Co, -Funerai Directors PaCfnPT ATTtKTSON,F.F:ST-qASS KEAF.Sfc TAfter .b!;niss hours cull .at res." den comer Fifth :.nd iJaktr streets. JQH SCHfiflEER'S LiYeiy.Feod&Sale stabig Comer Second and Ellmorlt Sts. ALBANY, - - OREGON Horsks roAiuiKi! liy the day or month. Car riages or Im''ies on reasonable terms Oregon Views, CRAWFORD & PAX TON, ITHEPEOTO GrRAPHBEs, V. OF- ALBANY - - OREGON. pARI cation. Paxton IARRV THE FINEST L1XE OF OREGON vieein the West. Catakhruc sent, on appli cation. We have a!s- ait the nciratives OS A.3. Paxton and J. O. Crawford, ami anyone can have duplieatts from then- aijret'.uet t! prices. JOHN BRIGGS, Roses a Specialty. Cemetery lots planted and carcdifor by the month or year. ALBANY, - - Or.EGO.f Colbiate Instiiule, ALB AW, OREGON. iss: ..1.S88 5.50 to 12.50 l-F.B TKRM. IEonrd in private ianalies at. '! w 'late Roon s for self bor.rdii;-: at small expense, careful supervisions exercited.tovtr p awav from lmnic. For cirou'TTS nnd full ! particulars, a the president, KEY. ELBERT N. CONDIT, Albany, Oreicon T :;ic-S AVilicl! wil! not.. ivaca iuv to Come I 1! ' -,r to ever t lo tuiii- i 1 1 u I i H ' ; : ! ' 1 ; ; " l.J 1U. OI il : 1 sox, 1 I Fine oM :h sart'e. s y bouu . t;i!'V i,..,ir ! . , j ; tlie ev .'lid v ti', OfFICB Nc ALBA.N x , -1-7-1 lFLU ft ExPiabJCi JC- to i.M