LOCAL IT E M S H e r a l d office phone No. 105. N ew Store. goods at the N ew D rug Celebrate nt Norway. At the Masonic Hall tomorrow T ry tlie new restauiant in the night. Root building. j The very finest Valencineg laces See the hi ! of the James Keaue Mrs. Nosier s. Co. on this page. Fresh bruad always on hands at Fine butter cubes at F ish ’s, at Persian Ribbons, in beautiful d e ! the Davis resturant 20 cents. signs at Mrs. Nosler’s. j Mrs. Moon has two sewing mu- D on ’t forget the 30 days sale at Carl Heller, of Dora, was in town oh^ e8 f or sale cbeap.^ M rs. Moon’s. Thd James Keane Co. tomorrow on business yesterday. W . T- K err A Co. keep the M c­ night. Don’t miss it. Leave your order for pie and C a ll patterns. A full line o f embroidery silks cakes at the Davis house- B. H . Haskins is painting his and stamped doilies at Mrs. N os­ Plum bing and Tin work a spec­ bouse with S. W . P. ler’s. ialty. T. H. Mi.in. A Co. Albatross in all colors, 50c per D sve Johnson returned from a E ggs wanted at M. H. H ersey’s month’s visit in California on Sat­ yard at Mrs. Nosler’s. store. Price, 20c per dozen. urday. A l Devaul, o f Norway, bad bus­ E. M. Blackerhy, of Bandon, had iness in town yesterday. C. J. Raudleman, of Parkers­ business up this way Saturday. burg, hak business in this city on J. O. Stemler, of Dora, was a Co- F ob S alk — A small farm one mile Saturday. quille visitor on Wednesday. from Coquille. Call at this office. See the beautiful Handkerchief Champion Mowers and Rakes. Foil S a le . A nent and good two- . Corset Covers, handmade, at Mrs. T. H. M ehi . A C o . horse buggy. Apply at this office. ; N osier’s. Janies Keane at Masonic Hall, The Clnny, or Baud laces, the D. U rqiih iirt and C- T. Cessna, Wednesday, June 29th. where over from Beaver H ill yee- very latest thing iu trimw mgs, at For n gruud Imrgnn id an Irving Mrs. N osler’s. Piauo ns guod ns now-apply at this The steamer Elizabeth airived office. in tlie* river on Saturday and sailed W. A. Goodman will go anywhere again yesterday. in Coos county to move your house C. B. L eep has added a tine or barn. stock of boots and shoes to bis Good meals at (Hipnlar prices at harness business. the Davis resturant— at the old Simplex Sepcrators, easiest clean­ Root stand. ed, lightest running and closest M. E MoDuffee went down the skimmers. T. H. M k h l A Co. riv.ir lli irsilay and visited bis son, Mr. and Mrs. R. E Back went Bert, aud family. to Parkersburg Suuday and spent J. L. Kronenburg, superintend­ the day with Mr. nnd Mrs. John ent o f the Parkersbnrg mill, had Walstrom. business in town F r ’day. li. J. Cliutou and nephew, Bert Mitchell W agons, M yers’ Hay | Clinton, of Gravel Ford, paid our Carriers and Harpoon Forks. office a pleasant call while in towD T. H. M ehi . A Co. yesterday. J. L. B riggs, the farmer, near At the revival at the Presbyterian Riverton, was in the city Friday church last night Evangelist Mc­ looking and feeling well. Veigh preached a strong sermon on M iss Ethel Johnson, weDt below on the She expects to spend her sister, Mrs. Albert, M. H. Hersey returned from a sojourn of several weeks at San FraDcisco the last of the week. For a neat little Studebaker | your trade wagon. 2 i inch, as good as new cal! carpeuteriu on J. A. Seed, or at this office. A pairing sei bargain. reasonable. W anted — A position as cook Sick hei for man and wife in logging camp, disordered hotel or restaurant. Enquire at cured by this office. and Liver T Mrs. A. H. Mulkey, of whom we Knowltoi mode mention last week, starts for Rev. R. J Medicine Lodge, Kansas, for her in the Sout aged mother today. next Sunda, F o r sick headache take Chamber- T'ces Qt nig Iain’s Stomach and Liver Tablets ' on services and a quick cure is certain. For Cal Slagl sale by R. S. Knowlton. yesterday v Slagle, win '1Pr return w1'* ‘lon: W ill A lb( J. E. Morris, of Bandon, has nR^ lately t been quite ill for several days late- ?'■ ID ” le * ly, but the Recorder reports his ln yesterda beiDg about all right again. j us- “ 18 Grandm a Leneve who had been ®®rs. G S at Bandon a week or so visiting MoClockey, ber daughter, Mrs. T. F. Lewis, I * r'J ,ly nc'? 1° for ’some time. They will be , ©on t fail tc at Lexington for some time. repairing is Waltham movement *n a 20 year filled case guar­ anteed at $10.50 Fine watch repairing. I f the other fellow can’t mahe your watch run bring it to us. Spectacles anq eyeglasses. W IL S O N J E W E L R Y CO. of this city, Breakwater. a year with at Oakland. I expect to remain here till the 12th of July as it will take till about that date to complete the photo work I have on hand. T. L. G kaves . John Neilson, secretary of the Bandon Packiug Co., passed through to the lower river Thurs­ day. Mrs. L. H. Hazard went to 8an Francisco by the Breakwater where she goes with little Austin for mod- ical treatment Their many friends sincerely hope for his complete re- covery. Largest stock, low prices. the A B C of Religion. Dr. J. C. Snook, dentist, will pay his regular professional visit to Bandon, Monday July 11th, A ny lady buying adress pattern amounting to $2.50 or more of W X K err A Co., will be presented with a McCall pattern free. WATCHES! WATCHES! W anted . — Man and wife to work on ranch as laborer aDd cook ut $40 per month- Call at the H e r a l office or address J. E, Quick, P a r­ kersburg. Editor H ehald , Find enclosed $1 50 and extend my subscription to your valuable paper one year. No true Oregonian could get along without a home paper. I have been iu many different places but the many days that I have spent in Coos county will never be forgotten, especially on the North Fork! Talk about, red apples, pretty girls, good dinners and everything in proportion. Coos county can’t be beat. Yours very truly, W . H. P ebin . J. J. McCue of San Francisco who hasspect several days in town iu the interest of the San Francisco Call, expects to return by the Breakwater. McCue informs us that Mr Spreoklps, proprietor of flint paper as well as our railroad aud other exteD6ive interests in this county, expects to give oar county a special writeup ¡ d the near future and inaugurate some substantial developement work here. W ith the rapid transit furn­ ished ly the Breakwater the Daily Call oru be landed in Marshfield as early as the Portland papers on her days of arrival, and it is ex­ pected other hosts will be placed on the route that will give a far better service than the regular mail routes. Miss Sherwood in the Lead The vote for Queen of the Marsh- field Celebration and Carnival stood as follows at last report: Job cost, not gallon cost is the true index to paint economy. S. W . P. is always lowest in job cost. It lasts longest too. T. H M eh l A C o . School C lerk O. C. Sanford nnd M. O. Hootou, who is doing the brick work for the new addition to our school house, went to the forks of the river yesterday to get a lot of sand. l L. T. Smith, a late arrival from the Palouse country, accompanied by his family, drove in Friday and took the steamer for the lower river where they will visit friends, Mr. Tay lor aud family, who purchased the P. F. G eblke place near Prosper. ] • M A R S H F IE L D Addie Anderson, Alice Aiken, Hattie Ferrey, 223 59 2 M Y R T L E P O IN T Jennie Curren Daisy Doyoe 304 95 C O Q U IL L E Clare Sherwood 571 The steamer Breakwater arrived in the bay last nignt and reached Marshfield this morning. She brought 305 tons of freight and the following passenger list: Mrs J A Lurid, Miss Kardell, Mrs G II Freely, H Adler, M rs W O Dell, F B Rood, Jas Farley, T A M cGuire, A Hassmer, M rs Hassmer, Miss Keane, Chns Green and Geo Green, The sad intelligence of a serious misfortnoe having befalleD Charles Olive.a former resident of this city, reached us last week. M r Olive has been working in a sawmill in California for some time, and it seems that by some accident lately he got one of his legs crushed aDd amputation was necessary, and that blood poisoning had made its ap- penrance nnd bis life was most (Repaired of. The Masonic fraternity have let the contract tor the erection of a large addition to their hail, J. H. James being the successful bidder. This is going to greatlv increase the capacity of this building tbe only general-pnrpose hall in town. The new construction will reach through to tbe street on tbe north and the stage will be enlarged and greatly improved, and a gal- lery wide enough for two rows of seats put around the three sides of of the hall. W hen E. E. Johnson and wife started down from M yrtle Point on their return from their recent trip to Portland, their horses took fright when comiog ont of the Point and Mr. Johnson was QDable to hold to them, bat managed to keep them in tbe road until they reached the sawmill at tbe forks of the river, where he managed to et them under control. Mr. ohnson was so exhausted when he retched the animals, heads a f­ ter they stopped that be fell pros­ trate at their feet. H elp was near at band aDd be was extricated from his perilous position uniojared. bat it was ao exceedingly close call, AND Miss Irene hobson A Mexicai) Ijonjaoce At the Masonic Hal! Tomorrow j J. E Quick, the Lnmpa creek farmer, was up to town Saturday aDd informed us that his father, Jonathan Quick, will bn home about the last of the mouth from Mon­ mouth where he has been for some time past with his daughters, Flora and Mary, the latter of whom is in attendauce at the State Norm al School nt that place. Mr. James Keane WHERE NOW? , , ( — Wednesday Evening. T0 THE ' heraed ' j ‘ f _ OFFICE , order a Jot of Jot, Work Exactly the same Company that haue been greeted with capacity audiences throughout the country this season. j ( t \ s v n i f t n 8 ’ 8 *- 1 j j * ‘ ' I * r 1 I c | * 1 D e a t h ’s Deprives You of Your Dear Ones- Show your love for the one who $ „ 9000 ____ ■■ Th© best hotel proposition in Honthern Oregon, Growing town. Doing fine business. * 9000 F ine farm <*f 21 »ores n6»r Co- quille. All bottom, good im- House and two fine lots in good location. $ 800 ' Good house, barn and four lots in fine location. $2750 Furniture and box factory, thriving toMnin western Oregon, good machinery, good location and doing a good busmens. This is a bargain. House and one lot near busi­ ness, rents for $/» per month. Any reasonable offer gets this property. 11500 $1100 $3000 Nice small place o f 8 acres near town, well improved, 4 acres full bearing orchard, balance pasture and meadow. Good eyoporator. This is a good investment. Fine small place of 14 acres near town, fair buildings. One of the best 27-acre dairy places on Coquille river. Nice residence property, close to hnsiness. Two of the best residence lots in the oity. A residence property that is'dirt cheap. Two corner bottom lots. $ 260 Two floe lots near - »■ boose. A large monument the tchool- 600 Halfbloek of six fine lots. A fine corner business property It is impossible to describemv list in this eolnmn. If yon srs looking for s Rood piece of property st a reasonable priee, I can certainly anit yon. Kemembet, I rent hoaees and farms and do all kinda of aasnay basinets. Come in s n i see me befofe bayinR. I can save yon DOUiAM . o o RU|HW D q > 11111 .* (JrsR., or a «mall choose at his place,* will hbow the bent jud g­ ment of first-class designers and workmen. COOS CO, MARBLE AND CRANITE WORKS M A R S H F I E L D , OR. F . M. Stewart Prop Telephone, Main 238. /New Drug Store. GEO- A- CHURCHMAN, PROP GENERAL L IN E O F C H E M IC A L S , D R U G S, P A T E N T M E D IC IN E S , D R U G G IS T S ’ S U P P L I E S T O I L E T A R T IC L E S , ETC. $ 300 Two lots nicely located. $ $2800 For 30 days you will get rsre | bargains in all summer goods, in- , clnding 'aces, ribbons, gloves, cor- , set» nnderware, waistiogs, silks, | hose, l.ats, and in fact everything jn her line, worthy the memory of that one. marker, whichever you $ 900 .. ( S is gone by providing a monument provenient8, $1200 f 1 < ( H arv est P r e s c rip t io n s A S p e c ia lt y Having had many years of experience in this line we are prepared to give all the best of satisfaction. iolden Building - - - Coquille, (