Coquille City herald. (Coquille City, Or.) 188?-1904, June 07, 1904, Image 2

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    !3 H “
Mr. 8. A. Davison, ic a letter pub­ Children s Day Program at the Pres­
lished in your issue of the 24th ult,
byterian Ghucrh, June 12th,
denies some of the statements made
at 7:30, Sharp.
in “ A History of the Fires Which
T U E S D A Y JUNE 7, 1904.
Occurred at Arago and Vicinity," i
Song, Let His Praises Ring,
published in your isBuo of Febru­
Leading Events of Sixteenth Wk
Scripture reading and prayer,
Mr. Davison has either forgotten |
of the War.
the circumstances connected with
Children’s Day,
May 24th:—Admiral T oro semis that adjustment, or confouuds it
Marguerite Hayos.
fom destroyers to Port Arthur to with some other adjustment.
Song, Over the Hills,
reconuoiter. The forts opens a
Heart Pictures,
The statements made in said his­
fire and the Japanese ships retire tory are true, to wit: that the ad­
Exercise by seven girls.
without sustaining any injury.
The Bridge of Trouble,
juster did not examine the looks.
Melvin Jacobson.
Mn\ 2i)th •— Japanese land more I stopped at the Guerin hotel and J |
Song, Something at the Door,
troops on Society Bay and a battle left uiy books in tho office of the
hotel for safe keeping where they
near Port Arthur is imminent.
remained until next morning when
The Robin’s Mission,
.May 20th:—Early in the Morn­ I called for them to return home.
Christie Haberly.
ing Japanese army of invasion Mr. Davison was a guest at the
Things we Carry as we go,
under the command of General same hotel. When I told Mr. Dav­
Exercise by boys and girls.
Oku opens a tire on the Russian ison that I had my account books 10. The Singing of Birds,
position near Kin Chou. For five witli me he did not care to see them.
Song by the Haberly children.
honrs a spirited artillery duel, in He did not examine them nor did 11. Wbat Pilgrim Meets, (adapted
who h nearly 120 cannons are he obtain from me written state­
Pilgrim’s Progress) by
brou, lit into action, continues. ments in my own hand writing.
three boys.
Gradually Japanese infantry press
The statement made in said his­ 12. Wayside Temples,
forward until they near the foot
Exercise by seven girls.
tory that the L. C. F. I. Co., had
of Nan Shan hill. Here the Rus­
submitted its policies to the best 13. For God and Native Land,
sians make the most stubborn re-
Boys and chorus.
legal talent and had received the
si.-: n re which results in the blood­
advice that nothing could be col­ 14. We are his Lambs,
iest !§;ltll knosyt iu the modern lected on them by law is abo true,
Mary Haberly.
wnrfiii' . General Oku orders a
15. O Winds of the South,
at lead, I s o understood it.
gen in! assault and the Japanese
Connie Robison.
Tho company had accepted my
troo| .- with fixed bayonets rush
1C. Offering for Sunday school
forward ucross the plain and on risk. My policy was the same as
up the hill, only to be mowed other policies written by tho com­ 17. Anthem,
Young People’s
do", ii like grass, by the heayy Rus­
sian tires from the rifle pits and
18. Grandpa and Children’s Day,
machine guns posted on the slope. If my- policy was not valid why
Marguerite Haberly.
Mr. Dnvison
At this critical moment a squadron should others be.
19. What Does the Bible Teach,
of Japanese gunboats watching the
Exercise by seven children.
operations from Kin Chou Bay stated that he regretted he had 20. Solo, When the Skies of June
comes to the rescue o f their com­
are Glowing,
Adrian Martin.
Beforo I left home for Myrtle 21. The Father’s Care,
rades on the shore, and turn loose
their broadside upon the Russian Point I consulted my father who
Tommy Krewson.
positions. Finally a detachment advised me to take my books with
22 . All for Jesus,
of second brigade (Usaka Rifles) me and not accept less than an
Children’s Motion Song,
succeed in penetrating the Rus­ equitable adjustment and stated
23. What the Clock Says,
sian line on Nan Shad Hill and that rather than havo me accept
Edna Gallier.
iu a few minutes tho entire Rus­ less, ho would if necessary borrow
and Flowers,
sian line fallB into tho hand of Jap­ the money and give mo another
Harry Hall.
anese- The fleeing Russians leave start. Having no cause to doubt
25. We Yield to None,
behind them GOO dead, 67 cannons Mr. Davison's statement in the
Girls’ marching song.
and 10 machine guns all of which premises I deemed it advisable to
aro captured by the Japanese, consult ray father before accepting 26. Somebody’s Garden,
Adrian Martin.
Although as a heavy loss general tho $500.00, therefore the statement
Oku scored one of the most bril­ that Mr. Davison makes that I re­ 27. You Have Nothing to Do,
Louise Haberly.
liant and important victories of quested delay until next morning
the war opening the way to Port only is not correct. There was no 28. Opportunity, Johnny Kerrigan.
Arthur for his future operations. telephone communication between 29. The Boy and the Sparrow,
Erma Hall.
Japanese loss was 3,500 in killed Myrtle Point and Arago at that
and wounded. It is estimated that time. It was the first time that I 30. Flowers and Grasses,
Annie Miller.
the Russian loss will amount to had any business of that nature
over 2,000 when the final count is with an insurance company and 31. Song, Joy’s Bright Measure,
Haberly children.
therefore had no experience. The
32. Benediction.
May 27th:—Japanese occupy the
This program will be carried out
city of Dalny on the Tnlien Wan $500.00 under the circumstances substantially as given above sub­
I have often regreted ject to any necessary changes due
May28tb: Japanese army which that I accepted that amount. What to sickness or absence of those who
have landed in Taku »Shan a few I should have done was to assign are now preparing for this happy
days since entrap and defeat four ■my policy to my creditors as I did occasion. The public are invited
squadrons of Cossacks near Taime in tire last loss of my store and con­ to bo present. Please be prompt.
Also help the children out in their
One squadron of Cossacks tents.
are practically wiped out, includ­
endeavor to have a large offering
State of Oregon |
ing all the officers.
for the worthy cause of Sunday
County of Coos )
school missionary work.
The us­
May 29th:—It is reported that
On this, the 28th day of May,
the Russian Baltic Sea fleet can A. D. 1904, personally came before ual preaching service will be held
not sail before the first of October. me, a notary public in and for said at 11 o ’clock next Sunday morning.
May 30th: —Reports from Chee County, the within named W. H.
APhliipyine Census Figures-
1’ o confirms the previous rumor Sehrooder to me personally known
that 50,000 Japanose are landing to he the identical person described
Washington, June 2-Detailed re­
iu and who executed tho within in­ port of the census of the Philip­
near Taku Shnn.
May 31st:—Another Japanese strument, and acknowledged to me pines, just published, shows a pop­
army of 10,000 land at Daln that he executed the same freely ulation of 7,635,426 in 1903, 698,-
Their objective point is supposed for tiie uses and purposes therein 786 of whom are civilized or partly
Witness my Hand and so. In Manila the population is
to bo Port Arthur.
Seal, this 28th day of May, 1904. 219,928.
At-oi sr H. B under ,
Thero are forty uncivilized tribes
Xotni'3 Public for Oregon.
Our Steamers.
of whom the Negroes are believed
► -•» -
to be aboriginal.
A F r lx lit c u c t l lltirn p.
Arrivals by the steamer Elizabeth
------------- - . « » <--------------
May 27: Mrs. R A Carpenter, A
Running like mad down the street
Deneen is nam d on 79th Ballot.
Lightbody, D M Atwater, B C dumping the occupants, or a hun­
Rucker, J M Hughes.
75 tons dred other accidents, are ever day
Springfield, Jane 3.— Charles 8.
It behooves every­
]) . u-turns by steamer Elizabeth, body to have a reliable Salve handy Deneen was nominated for Govern­
M r
20: Oapt L Snyder, W B nud there’s none as good as Buck- or by the Republican State Conven­
Jcmi'.s Chas 1 Green and son, and Ion's Arnica »Salve. Burns, Cuts, tion here this afternoon on the 79th
O.ivi-r Wilson. 200 m lumber, 40 Sores, Eczema and Piles, disappear ballot, after Governor Yates, Col­
onel Hamlin and J udg Sherman
to n s co a l, 80 cords matchwood, 50 quickly under its soothing effect.
had withdrawn in his favor. This
in w h ite cedar shingles, 40 tons 25c, at It. 8. Knowlton’s Drug
broke a deadlock that had lasted
since Friday, May 13.
I'u rnger list o f incoming steam­
The ballot stood: Deneen, 957^;
Came Long Way to Wed.
er Alliance, arriving from Portland
Lowden, 522J; Warner, 21; Yates, 1.
Tuesday, Mav 31:For North Bend:
—-----------» «>» •------------ -
Tho following is from a Little
\ an Clark, John Olsen, Mrs. W.
Fight W ill Re Bitter.
Kern. Miss Hasburger, Capt. Simp­ Rook, Arkansas, paper, and the
son, C H Col lender, and wife, H young lady referred to is nono oth­
Those who will persist in closing
Jacobson, N D Palmer, Frank Cru­ er than Miss Verna Wells, late of
their ears against the continual re­
se. For Marshfield:
Mrs. C E this city:
Albert Liagamaster,
“ Harry J. Borry and Miss Verna commendation of Dr. King’s New
Mrs. Mary Fairchild, Mrs, S A Far- Wells wero married Sunday after­ Discovery for Consumption, will
rid, N S Booth, Miss Wise, V H noon by Rev. ,1. N. .Jessup at the have a long and bitter fight with
Vallols, E lvothis, Mrs. E L C Far- home of tiie groom, 1312 Louisiana their troubles, if not ended earlier
Read what
rin, Mrs. D L Rood, Hy Funck street. Tho bride formerly resided by fatal termination.
( ’ EGerrold, G I’ Storey, Mrs, 8 J irT Little Rock, but moved to Ore­ T. R. Beall of Beall, Miss, has to
Ferrey, Miss. Ferrey, J M Frankh- gon a year ago.
She came from say: “ Last fall my wife had every
ern, Mrs. Arrington, Miss. Domlor that state a few days ago to become symptom of consumption.
took Dr. King’s Discovery after
Mrs, Dernier, W A Johnson.
tho wife of Mr. Berry.”
everything else failed.
ment enme at once nnd four bottles
.1 ( m i l ) l l i v l n k r .
The district hoolhouse has been
entirely cured her. Guaranteed by
abolished throughout Rhode Is­
Blunders are sometimes very ex. R. S. Knowlton Druggist.
land aud the concentratoil town pensive. Occasionally life itself is 50c, and$1.00 Trial bottle free.
system has been substituted, mod­ the price of a mistake, but you’ll
- ■ --- ■ «•» --------—
eled after th > existing system of never be wroug if you tnko Dr.
city sehools. Tho change has been ¡King's New Life Pills for Dys-j
tried in Michigan and other states j pepsin, Dizziuess Headache, Liver
with very indifferent results, it hav­ ! nr Bowel troubles. They are gen- ; All persons knowing themselves
ing been found to lead to a neg­ ; tie yet thorough. 25e, at R S .; to be indebted to the undersigned,
are hereby notified that settlement
lected of the fundamentals and cle- i Knowlton’s Drug Store.
must be made by the 10th o f June
rnenteb and the substitution there­
- • » » - --------
or tho accountss will be placed in
fore ot a superficial smattering of
the bands o f a collector and inter­
tho '-higher branches".
est added.
Z. C. S trano .
of tho cities leads to pretentiousness
For 30 days you will get rare
and a neglect of rending, writing,
spelling, geography, history and Imrga'tis in all summer goods, in-1
V t T ir r . TO « Hf.DITORS
chiding 'aces, ribbons, gloves, cor-1
Notice is hereby given that the under­
sets nnderware, waistings, silks,
New York City contains a million hose, hats, and in fact everything signed has been dnly appointed adminis­
trator o f the partnership estate of W. H.
moie people than Philadelphia, yet in her line.
Erdice. deceased, and that.ail persons hav­
has 100,0110 more registered votes
ing claims against said estate are hereby
* «•» •
roqnired to present them, dnly verified. *o
than New York
Philadelphia has
For fine cigars go to the New thv nndersigned at the Coqnille City
tiie largest negro population of any Drug Store, Dr. O. A."Churchman, ‘ Creamery in Coos connty. Oregon, within
six months from the d afe hereof.
city in the United States except proprietor.
Dated this 1st day o f February. 1904.
N'-w Orleans,— 75,000 in all. Penn-
8. M. Nos l i f t .
F or Sti.r..— l 3-year-old Heifer,, Administrator o f the Partnership
srlvania lias 187,000 negroes.
$2tUf). Two Cowes 4 -year old 25.00 of W. H. Erdice, deceased .
Mrs. Moon, the millitiAr and each, sound and gentle, ami giving
ill ssmaker, keeps all kinds of fine, a large flow of milk. April lest of
i .! fashionable trimmings, etc., milk 3.8 Add re— Ai. W illard ,
Th® fa m ou a little pill*.
»1 dresses
(Siti) l i f t ß l l l
At Mrs. Moon's
Early 1 ! Risers
Christian Church Notes-
K c T o lu t t u ii
liu m liie n l.
A sure sign of approaching re­
volt and serious trouble iu your
-E P R O M "
system is nervousness, sleeplessness,
or stomach upsets. Electric Bitters
will quickly dismember the trouble
some causes. It never fails to tone
the stomach, regulate the Kiilucv’s
aud bowels, stimulate the Liver,
and clarify tire blood.
Run down
system benefit particularly nnd all
the usual attending aches vanish
under its searching and though Will take orders for lumber of all kinds and in quantities to suit
Electric Bitters is
only 50c, and that is returned if it
don’t give perfect satisfaction guar­
Full stock of choice garden seeds
The National Separate Lonf Tab.
anteed by It. 8. Knowlton, Drug­
in bulk, at Know-Hon's.
lets at the New Drug Store.
F or S ale .— T en dairy cows, one gist.
Jorsey nnd Holstiue bull, new De-
Lsval seperater, four milch cows
and other dairy utensils. Enquire
o f A. J. Barger, at E. D. Myers’ j
place, near Johnson's mill.
The children will have full con­
trol next Sunday evening and will
furnish an interesting program.
As the minister aud wife go this
week to Bandon for vacation, there
will be no preachiug service again
until further notice. All other ser­
vices as usual.
Mrs. J. C. Snook will conduct
the Bereau class duriug Mrs. Hand-
saker's absence.
The Ladies’ Aid Society will
meet Wednesday at Mrs. Webb’s.
The C. W. B. M. will meet at the
church Thursday.
W a s A lw a y s V e r y
Pale and T h in .
Nervous Prostration*
Faint S p ells.
Dr, Miles* Nervine Saved
My Life.
There is great danger m a run down con­
dition. Overwork, mental strain, the cares
and worries of business and the home, all
have a deleterious effect upon the nerves,
which in their devitalized condition readily
fall prey to the attacks of disease. Aside
from the danger thero is no condition at­
tended by so Iftany disagreeable symptoms;
such as loss of appetite, indigestion or nerv­
ous dyspepsia, headache, tired feeling and
loss ot ambition together with the agony of
sleepless nights spent in tossing restlessly
about) only to rise exhausted in the morning.
Dr. Miles1 Nervine is a true nerve tonic
which, by strengthening the nerves, restores
health and appetite ana brings sweet sleep.
“ For six years I suffered almost constantly
from a complication of troubles which culmi­
nated in complete nervous prostration. I
had no appetite, I could not sleep, I suffered
from indigestion and nervousness. As is so
often the case in nervous prostration I fre­
quently had weak, fainting spells. Doctors
aid not help me. They said my blood was
very poor, and I know my face was always
very pale. The very first bottle of Dr. Miles’
Nervine I took gave me noticeable relief and
I felt stronger than I had in years. My
neighbors in Puyallup, Wash., where I then
lived will testify to this. I also used some of
Dr. Miles’ Restorative Tonic and Anti-Pain
Pills. I believe the Dr. Miles Remedies
saved my life.”—M rs . J. C. B enedict , Tuck­
er, Utah.
All druggists sell and guarantee first bot­
tle Dr. Miles’ Remedies. Send for free book
on Nervous and Heart Diseases. Address
Dr. Miles Medical Co., Elkhart, Ind.
Osborn & Go’s Mill, Bandon,
Krewson & Goodman, of Coquille,
Has just received a complete stock erf new
Worsted Dress Goods,
Silks and
An elegant assortment of new ,Wash materials jo r early
Immense line of staole ana Fancy
to 20 cts. per yd.
Ginghoms, Prices 8 1-3
Large assortment of white and champagne colored merceri­
zed Oxfords for Waists from 20 to 90 cts. per. ydm
Pcales, in latest patterns 7 1-2 to 20cts per yd.
Calico, 20 yards to the Dollar.
Ladies' Heady-made Summer suits, and waists.
New Spring Clothing for Men and Boys.
Remember our Popular-price Shoe department,
New and
Stylish footware is arriung Daily.
Large assortment of up-to-date Hats just receiued, compris­
ing the Stead son, Crizzly and Dunlap, the best on earth,
We also carry a complete line of Groceries, Fiour
and Feed,
S u m m o n s •
George Bowers, Plaintiff, )
Mary Campbell. Defendant. )
T o MARY CAMPBELL, Defendant:
In the name o f the State o f Oregon, Yon
are hereby required to appear and answer
the oomplaint in the above entitled suit on
or b fore the 30th day of June, 1904, and if
yon fail to so answer for want thereof the
plaintiff will apply to the Court for the re­
lief demanded in the complaint, to-wit, for
dooree that the plaintiff is the owner in fee
simple and entitled to the possession of the
south-east quarter of sec. six, in township
twenty-nine (29), South of range (9), West
of the W illamette Meridian, that the de­
fendant has no interest whatever in saul
property, nnd that the plaintiff’ s title there­
to be forever quieted as to anv claims bv
said defendant adverse to the plaintiff,
and for such other and further relief as to
equity may seem meet.
This publication is made for six sneces-
sive weeks by order of Hon. L. Harlocker.
Judge of the Connty Court of the State of
Oregon for the County of Coos, dnlv made
and entered in the above entitled cause
May 9, 1904, and the first publication of
this summons is May, 10, 1901.
G. F . M ar tin .
Attorney for Plaintiff.
036 Chamber o f Commerce,
Portland, Oregon,
Our Price are R i g h t .
W. T. KERR & CO.
T. II. Molli and illia m M olli,]
partners doing business nil
der the firm uame o f T. H.
Mehl & Co., Plaintiffs,
'-Su ra mona.
Sheriff o f Coos Coant v. O tegon.
DeWitrs «K t S u l»»
F o r Pllf«, Burns, Sore*.
H. S. Kribs, Defoi dant.
r p o H. S. KRIBS. tho above-named de-
JL fendant:
In the nnme o f the Stale of Oregon, you
are hereby roqnired to appear and answer
♦he complaint filed against yon in theabovo
entitled Court and oanee. on or befort»
Wednesday, the 18th dav of Mav. 1901
which is eight week's after Tuesday.the 22nd
dav <»f March. 1904. said last date being
the date of the first publication o f this
summons, and if von fail In so nppear and
answer, for want thereof, the plaintiff will
take judgment against von for the sum of
Two Hniidred and Sixtv-five Dollars and
Eightv Cents gather with interest on Two
Hundred Dollars thereof, at the rate of
six per cent per annnm from tl\a 91 h dav
o f October. 1902. for the further sum of Fifty
Dollars as attorney’s fees in this action,
and for the plaintiffs’ costs and disburse­
ments thereof: and will take an order of
said Circuit Court for the sale of any P r o ­
perty attached in this action, and particu­
larly all vonr right, title and interest, in
and to Certificate No. 6 of the preferred
stock of the Bandon Oil Comnanv. a cor­
poration incorporated and existing under
the laws of the State of Oregon, which has
been attached in this actian, sufficient to
satisfy snch judgment, and oostR and dis­
This snmmons is published bv the order
of the Hon. L. Harlocker. Conntv Judge of
Coos Conntv, St.ate of Oregon. made and
entered on the 21st. dav o f March 1904. and
which order specifies that* the same shall
be published for eight consecutive weeks
in theCoquilie City H erald a weekly news­
paper of general circulation and printed
nnd published in the above-named Connty,
at the City of Coqnille.
Attorneys for Plaintiffs.
Notice is hereby given that under and by
virtue o f a writ of exeention dnlv issued
out. o f nnd under the seal of the Cireuit
Court of the state of Oregon, in nnd for
the oountv of Coos, to me directed nnd de­
livered, dated the 27th day of February
1904, upon a judgment, dnlv rendered nnd
docketed in the Judgment, Lien Docket in
said Court,, on the 2nd day o f October 1894.
wnerein Tsaiah Hacker as assignee o f David
Morse Jr., was plaintiff and Thomas
Wyman nnd Rose C. Wvman were de­
fendants. in favor o f said plaintiff nnd
against said defendants, command me to
make by levy and Rale ont o f the property
of said defendants, or either of them, on or
after the said 2nd dav of October 1894. tne
amount, dne on said judgment, to-wit.:
*630.92 with interest thereon at 8 per cent
per annum from April 17fh 1903 until naid.
for want, of personal property of said de­
fendants or either o f them. T have levied
npon the following described real property
belonging to th«said defendants, to-wit:—
Ml o f the interests that said defendants
or either o f them had on the 2nd dav of
United States Land Office.
October 1894 or have since nconired in and
Rosebnrg. Oregon, March 23, 1904.
to the South-east quarter o f north-west
quarter an 1 mv-tb-onst quarter o f south­
Notice is hereby given that in compliance
west. merger
three and with the provisions of the act. o f Congress
four of Season seven in township 26 of June 3,1878. entitled “ An act forthesn V
south of rang'' 13 west o f Willamtte Merid­ of timber lands in the States o f California.
ian in Coos Countv. also, lot o f land, de­ Oregon.Nevada and Washington Territory. *
scribed as beginning at a post standing as extended to all the Public Land States
north seventy-four degrees east seventy- bv not o f Angnst 4, *892,
eight and 1-10 feet from the south-east
corner of lot four in block thirty-one in o f Prosper, county o f Coos, state o f Ore­
the town o f Empire City. Coos Co., Oregon, gon. has this dav filed in this office his
as shown bv the rdat o f said town on file ! sworn statement, N o .-----, for the pnrehase
and of record in the office o f the conntv o f tho East *-< o f S. W H of Section No.
clerk snid Coos Countv. thence north i 32. in Township No. 27. S. range No. 11 W..
twenty-four degrees east fifty feet: thence and will offer proof to show that the land
sontli sixty six degrees east one Hundred sought is more vnlnable for its timber or
feet: thence sonth twentv-fonr degrees stone than for agricultural purposes, nnd
west fifty feet: and thence north six ty - to establish his claim to snid land before
six degrees west one hundred feet . to the L. IT. Hazard. Conntv Clerk o f Coos
place of beginning, containing 5000 square l Conntv, Oregon, nt his office in the court -
feet of land, the same being the south 1 house nt Coqnille Cit’ . Coos Conntv. Ore­
half o f lot ,,f land designated in H. H. gon. on Saturday, the llth dav o f June,
Lnse’ s Addition xo said Empire Citv. 1904. He names as wi'nesses: AV. IT. Har­
marked “ \I C” situated in Block number­ man. E. D. Mvers. Wpbb Mast. Kcnrv
ed 132, as per plat of said addition.
Hervey. all o f Lee. Oregon.
Anv and all persons claiming adversely
And will on Friday, the 15th dav of
April 1904. at the honr o f 10 o'clock in th*» the above-described land«* are requested to
forenoon o f said onv. at the front door at file their claims in this office on or before
the Countv Court House in the town of said llth dav o f June. 1904.
Coqnille. Coos Conntv. Oregon, offer for
sale and sell to the highest and b**st bidder
for cash, the abov e described real prrmertv.
or sufficient thereof to satisfy the said ex­
ecution with coats nnd seem ing costs
Given under mv hand this 15th day of
M iroh. 904.
STKritr* OvLMKft.
Farmers, bring your produce to
I Ramblers. Tribunes, Mitchells
and other makes.
; Rare Bargains in Second-Hand Wheels.
Wheels to
Repairing Done on Short Notice.
A L B E R T F IS H ,
East Eqd of Front St
P. E. Drone,
K e e p s
c o n s a iE L tly
o n
H a n d
IF r e e lx
I v C e a /t .
o f .A .1 1 I K I i n c i s .
C a n n e d B e e f a n d P ic k le d Pork-
Cash Paid for Hides in any Quantity
Don't Have Cold Feet
John Peart's Coal,
by W. H. Mansell to
Lnrpe scab ■ in eonneet ion
parts of town at $
Cure a Cold in One Day
Laxative Bromo Quinine TaWets. *
Seven Million botes sold In post 13 month».
T b lS s i g n a t u r e ,
per ton
W eighing 10 cents per 1 i»d
tvl A
I® T w o Day*.
on every
box. 25c.