Coquille City herald. (Coquille City, Or.) 188?-1904, May 17, 1904, Image 1

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VOL ‘¿1.
Professional Cards.
A. J. Sherwood,
N otary P ublic ,
Walter Sinclair,
A tto rney * a t -L a w ,
N otaby P u b lio ,
Hall & Hall,
A ttorneys - a t -L a w ,
Don lo i in U ral K»% atb of all kindH.
Marshflfeld, Oregon.
J. Curtis Snook, D. D. S.
D e n t is t , -
Office two doors south Odd Follow’ s Hall
Will make Bandon a professional visit
the first Monday in eaoh quarter.
Coquille, Oregon.
E . D. Sperry.
W . C. Chase.
Attorney -at-Law.
Office in Robinson Building,
E. G. D. Holden,
L aw yh b ,
Justice o f tho I ’enoe. City Recorder, 11.8.
Commissioner, General Ineuranoe
Agent and Notary Public.
Office in Robinson Building.
Geo. Russell, M. D.,
P h ys ic ian
S uboron ,
Office upstairs in M A R TIN BU ILD ING
Calls promptly "nsw^red A w ornicht.
Night call will be answered from Mrs.
Wickham’ s Boarding House.
Phoue, main 130.
NO. 14k
R. C. D ement
A. J. S herwood
L. H aulockf . b
L. H. H azard
I saiah H ackbr
P v - E. S hine
National Bunk of Commerce,
Y . C ity
Crocker-Woolworth National Bank,
Sun Francisco.
1st National Bank of Portland,
Portland, Ore.
Transacts a General Banking bus-
To tile t J niortanate
Dr. Gibbon
This old reliable ana
most successful spec­
i a l i s t in San Frnrois-
foo, still continues to
^ cure all HexupJ and
Seminal Diseases,
leach as Gonorrhes-
■ O l e e t . S t r i o t u re.
¡S y p h ilis , in all it,
¡form s, Skin Diseases,
» N e r v o u s Debility,
Impotoncy , Seminal Weakness and Loss of
Manhood, the consequence of self-abuse
and exoesses producing the following sympa
toms: Sallow countenance, dark spots un­
der the eyes, pain in the hand,ringing in
the ears, loss o f confidence, diffidence, in
approaching strangers, palpate lion of the
heart, weakness o f th e limbs nud back, loss
of memory, pimples on the face, conghs-
consamotlon etc.
DU. G IB B O N has practised in San Frau
oisco over 41 yearsana those troubled should
not fail to consult him and receive the ben­
efit of his great sk ill and experience. The
doctor caru*s when others fail. Try him.
CUKES OU AH AN TE E D . Persons cured
at home. Charges reasonable. Call or
D ll. J. F. GIBBON,
Ki i r nev street. S in Francisco
[p n O C U K C D A N O D EFEND ED .
ind f r — report. I
d ra w li» or photo, f or «xpart Mareo moi
I F r*« »drice, bow to obtain patenta, t
• IN A L L C O U N T R IE S .
I Business d ir er t -with W ashington saves time, I
I money an d often the patent.
1 ind lnfrlnf.rn.nt Practic, IxoWnty.
W rit« or com*» to a* at
j I U n oth Strata, opp United S te t« f s t e » OO m .|
W A S H IN G T O N , D. C.
parents and
A Letter.
Within tlmipast fortnight there San Francisco, May 10, 1904.
I ihvp appeared Hiuong the reporte of
Editor H ebald . Dear old friend
locel happenings several items per­ It seems like mduy years since I
taining to trouble Hint bee arisen lived in Coquille.
Many friends
between pareóte end teachers he. I knew there, not only in the city
cause the latter have corrected the but in the country around, I hear
disobedient children o f the former, have left, and many have joined the
and in so doing have resorted to great majority,
liver since I left
corporal punishment. In one of there I have been interested in the
these instances an entire community progress of that place. From time
became involved in the strife that to time I would hear that a rail­
»balled; another resulted in atridio- road was going into Coquille, only
culous episode that involved City to hear later “ not yet.”
Since I
and Couuty Sobool Superinten­ saw you I have seen much of the
dents in a disgraceful atiticufT en­ great west.
I found Colorado
counter on the public street; and much changed after Bn absence of
still another was characterised by twenty-one years; the same old
the seusatiooal concomitants o f an story passed on, grown old, child­
eofBged mother with a horsewhip ren strangers and old neighbors’
and an irate fstuer, who evidently heads whitened with age.
I had
is an exponent o f the manly art as forgotten about the cold winters so
that term is understood in the nom­ one was all I could stand. Just at
enclature o f the prizering. The the close of one year I turned my
cause of the trouble id each o f these face toward the Pacific Coast. On
instances w h s primarily, that some- the 21st of March I went to the de­
one’scbild had been a willful trans pot in a blinding snowstorm, and
gressor against school discipline, the ride from Grand Junction to
and the teacher in charge punished Salt Lake over that dreary desert
the refractory pupil, aud iu so doiDg of sage brush and greeswood and
refused to disregard the Biblical sand in the cold I shall not soon
warning leveled at those who are forget.
Salt Lake is a beautiful
prone to spare the rod in training city in summer with its large shade
tlio youth.
trees, its broad streets of 130 feet
W ith all deference to progres­ in width. The ride to Ogden and
sive methods o f pedagogy that have on westward to the Sierra mount­
largely eliminated corporal punisb- ains was dreary and cold. At mid­
meut from school diciplius, the night at Trucky the snow was three
right of the schoolmaster to thrash feet deep in the streets, but down,
a scholar when such a course is down we went on our westward
necessary for the preservation o f trip, and I awoke at five in the
good order in his school should be morning, looked out of the window
admitted. It is readily recognized to see green fields. Soon we stop­
by the men o f today that in the ped iu the town of Auburn. Here
time of their school going, discip­ we found ripe oranges on the trees,
line of this sort was not only nec­ cherries in full bloom and a soft
essary now and again, but its|effect south-west breeze was blowing from
was entirely salutary and whole­ the old Pacific. Then I thought I
some. It will not do to assume was too old to fool any more time
that the modern boy is made o f away in the wintery blasts of the
more sensitive material than his east. It was here I swore I would
predecessor. He is just as amen­ always stay under the protecting
able to the strong band o f correc­ breezes of the old Pacific.
Y et I
tion, and, as a matter o f fact, stauds could Dot rest, so I wandered up
ss much iu need of it as did the and down the coast for a year and
boy of thirty yeats ago. The inter­ a half and finally settled in the city
ference o f parents in these matters, of San Jose,
The half has never
unless there be absolute brutnlitv been told about the beauties and
in the punishment of a child, is resources of Santa Clara county.
harmful, not only to the individual Its immense orchards of all kinds of
scholar whose causéis champion­ fruits, its schools are immense, in­
ed by a foolish snd shortsighted cluding Stanford University. From
paieut, who nine cases out o f ten the city of San Jose can be seen the
is nimble to inaintalu the semblance Lick Observnfnry n+ the mmmil
California is the
o f d iciplioe in bis own family circle Mt. Hamilton.
but its infiueuce on the test o f the home of fruit and flowers.
school is demoralizing. The au­ spirit of Californians’ seems to
thority o f the teacher is weakened want to beautify the country.
to a degree that occasions a loss of town in California would look odd
respect, aud the strenuous labor o f without its myriads of flowers.
school life ia apt to go largely for Traces of the old Spanish settle­
uaugbt. I t Bbould be a well-uuer- ments are visible everywhere— mis­
• total regulation in the public sions and crosses. Those old mis­
school that the parent wbo inter­ sions tell of days gone by.
feres in the school government, many places the Spaniard lias gone,
unless lid is able to show that his but the missions and crosses still
child baa lieen the victim o f brutal stand. There are some all the way
treatment, should forfeit all beu. from San D iego going north until
etits that accrue to lus children you commence climbing the Sis­
from thli public school system. kiyou mountains.
Such a provision would doubtless
This will be a prosperous year
appear drtistic, but the public gen­ for California in all of her products.
erally has some rights involved iu H ie city of San Francisco is grow­
the mainti mauce o f school discip­ ing as never before.
Many large
line which, the bellicose parental buildings are going up and some
champion o f an ugly tempered, ill- of these are sky scrapers, The city
bread boy should be compelled to now boasts of 400,000 people.
respect. — jp.vsning Telegram.
The increase iu ocean travel and
----------- , ,f > «-----------
trade within the last four years is
VVhat it Costs.
Vessels, the largest
that float the sea, are now coming
Anv man enn take a newspaper. into the harbor loaded with freight
I t is the cheapest thing he cau buy. and taking our products of Califor­
Every time a hen clucks and lias nia for the oriental trade, lumber,
laid an egg,, his paper is paid for wine and fruit. I am employed on
that week.
It costs less than a pos­ the harbor front and see the great
tage stamp— less than to send or ships that come and go bringing
receive a let ter. It comes to you goods and passengers from foreign
every week i nin or shine, calm or lands daily. These come and go
stormv. N c 1 matter what happens through the Golden Gate, and ves­
it enters youi • door a welcome friend, sels comiDg from the north loaded
full of suushi ne, cheer and interest. with lumber aud potatoes, others
I t opens the door of the great going south around the Horn with
world and putt* your face with its fruit and wine bound for Europe.
people and it* i great events.
It We see vessels leaving the great
shortens the
long winter nights. docks loaded with passengers, shak­
It is j’our ad viser, gossiper and ing hands, kissing goodbye, then
friend. N o m l n is just to his child­ waving handkerchiefs, until they
ren wbo does not give them the disappear down toward the Golden
local paper. N o man is good to Gate. W ho are they? When will
himself who do es not take newspa­ they come again? This is life; it
pers.— Yoakum (Texas) Herald.
has been repeated from time im­
, - .
It N. K n n w ll««
The S t Louis fair is being talked
does not hesitat e to recommend Ko- of very much now.
S t Louis is
dol Dyspepsia C ’ure to his friends the ceDter of attraction and many
and customers.
Indigestion causes are going; while many say they will
more ill health than anything else. wait and take in the Lewis and
It derangeB the stomach and briDgs Clark Centennial to be held in your
on all iranner of disease.
Kodol own state at Portland and that is
Dyspepsia Cure d igests what you what I am going to do. I look up­
eat, cures indigos.tion, dyspepsia on Oregon as my old home, having
and all stomach disi irders.
Kodol lived there over 17 yeats. I expect
is not only a perfect digestaot but a to meet many old friends in P ort­
tissue building toni( hr well. Re­ land, but my future home will be
newed health, perfei t strength and in San Jose, California. When my
increased vitality foillow its use.
engagement expires with the harbor
-• *•' ♦
commissioners, I shall return to
Americans Ambush sd By Moros
that city.
I am afraid my letter is too long
Manila, May 11-—Lieut. W in ­
field Harper aud tb il ly-uine men of I took in so much territory, hut I
Company 17. wpre ambushed May will do better next time. This is a
8, at Himatem Manzs ne, by several letter to mnay old friends on the
H e n r y H. N ichols .
handled Moros.
T w o American Coquille.
783 Mission street.
officers and fifteen m« u were killed
and five men wnondt d
•*t* • -•
One Minute Cough Cure
F o r Coughs. Colds find O r a v p .
Note and Comment.
New York City, for the amuse­
Down Dear the foot of Washing­
ton Ave., somewhat isolated from ment of visitors to the Zoological
all other buildingB and best situat­ Park, is building a bird house to
ed to display its imposing grandeur, cost $116,000. This should satisfy
stands the new C. B. R. A E. R. K the most ambitious ornithologist.
depot, now almost completed. The
WJllie Keller, a batter ot the
building is a beautiful frame struc­ American Baseball League, draws
ture covering a grouud space of an annual salary of $lu,000. A Con­
38x82J feet, and majestically tower­ gressman gets $5,00(1, but he merely
ing to a height of three stories. makes laws instead of bases.
The construction worn is rapidly
As the season advances the
nearing the finish under a large
forco o f skilled mechanics and the Weather Bureau plucks up courage
building w ill soon be ready for its to say that higher temperatures
This hardly
many finishing touches.
The par­ may be expected.
tition frames on the first two floors comes in the nature of a surprise.
are now in, showing the exact loca­
British consuls as an investment
tion and dimensions of the many compare unfavorably
now with
halls an d offices thereon.
United States two per cent bouds.
The Bpace of the ground floor is' The credit of Eoglnnd was badly
consumed in the main office, 16x34; damaged,
by the South African
the private office, 14x16; the en­ war.
gineers office, 14x15; the waiting
Floatiug schools, or “ water chau-
room, 14x19; the baggage room,
tauquas,” are the newest thing on
27x38; the toilet and bath rooms.
he Great Lakes. The pupils can
8x8; a store room 6x38; the vault,
enjoy cool breezes while listening
8x10; aud two halls, one 8x32, the
to scientific lectures and munching
other, 6x16. The partition frames
of the second floor, in accord with peanuts.
Judge Alton B. Parker of New
the floor plan, show a parlor, living
room, dining room, kitchen, china York, the much-talked-of candidate
closet, pantry, laundry, bath room, for the Presidency, is a high-church
six closets, two toilets aud four Episcopalian. His son-in-law is rec­
large bed rooms.
This and the tor of the Kingston church and the
third floor will be used as the living Judge sees him follow the choir boys
appartments of the general mana­ ever Sunday.
ger, Chandler, and family.
I t is announced that Governor
When complete and ready for oo. Frank Black of New York has been
cupancy this building w ill rank chosen to make the speech nominat­
well among the best of the city. Its ing Roosevelt W ithout being any
color will be the darkest shade of more gpecifio, we desire to say that
an ox-blood, both walls and roof, there are no two men anywherb
and will harmonize with the other more utterly unlike.
railroad buildings and shops iu
A list has been published of the
that vicinity. The grounds around
the new building are to be filled in business done in 1893 by the eighty-
with gravel and artistically laid off seven life insurance companies in
in squares, stars and serpentine the United States. Their tolal in­
walks which will give this station come for the year was $552,000,000
as good, if not a better appearance, and the total payments to policy­
than any station of the Southern holders exceeded $225,000,000.
Pacific between Portland and Sac­
The backbone of the House of
ramento. The old building on the
Representatives seems to have been
wharf will be torn away. The dead
considerable stiffened by its victor­
switch, now situated between the
ies over the Senate during the last
car barns and the main line to the
days of the session.
coal slips will be converted into a
conceded that Bourke Gockran is
main line running up to, and some
entitled to some of the credit for it.
200 yards beyond the new station,
and the main line now on the pier,
The eastern war, with its startl­
will be used only in connection with ing results, has led to the discovery
the new freight depot, water front that a million dollar flotilla of sub-
m arines pruimntm
The shell of the new depot is a l­
ready complete so far as the car­
penters are concerned
and the
painters are now applying the prim­
ing coat to the outside walls and
The plumbing work is
the root.
about all in, the building has been
wired, and the large steel vault for
the general office is being installed.
Wo undorstnrd that the building is
to be tastefully finished in ceiling,
bard-oil-stained, and it is expected
to be ready for occupancy by June
When the completion o f this
magnificent depot and all other im­
provements now on foot in the rail­
road addition, the general appear­
ance of Marshfield will be very
materially addod to.— Daily Coast
Henry M. Stanley Dead.
London, May 10.— Sir Henry M.
Stanley, the African explorer, died
early today. He passed away peace­
fully shortly after 6 o’clock.
was quite conscious to the last and
able to recognize his wife.
Before he died 8ir Henry express­
ed a wish to bo buried at his coun­
try seat, Furze Hill, Pirbright,
The question, however,
is being discussed of buryiDg him
beside Livingstone in Westminster
Mr. Stanley bad been ill for two
weeks of pleurisy.
SiDce Sunday
he had been iu a semi-conscious
condition, and while the dootora
had no hope o f his recovery, they
did not expect the end so soon.
Heart trouble complicated the case
however, and their famous patient
dropped off almost before they
knew it.
o o tw r
~ —
j i
I I i :«
ssd lC k U d n n .
Who cannot' stand” the shocking
strain of (laxative syrups and ca­
thartic pills are especially food of
Little Early Risers.
All persons
wbo find it necessary to take a liver
medicine should try these easy pills,
anil compare the agreeably pleasant
and strengthing effect with the
nauaeating and weakening condi­
tions following the use of other
rem ed ies."Little Early Risers cure
biliousness, constipation, sick head­
ache, jaundice, malaria and liver
Sold by(R. S. Knowlton
T h U Handsome E m broidery O it flt , r t t e p e i l on good ma­
terial, w ill be m ailed absolutely free o f charge. It consists
o f 1 Cryaantbemura Centerpiece ( H a l t in .) with « Doilies
( each 5x5 In.), S dain ty Collars. I A n ch ors for sailor suit, 1
Bookmark, S Butterflies < for collar>, 3 Autumn Leaves and
S Conrenduoal Designs fo r shirt-waist ornamentation.
A p t
*5 ^
The danger o f inbailing the dust
of the street has been brought v iv .
i* » . 'Y-* —4 _ _ «íí-e s k __ _
idly to the attention of the public
from the fact that 20 per cent, of
the street sweepers in New York
have tuberculosis ns a result of
their occupation. Owing to the
dust snd dirt in Baltimore, Bince
the great fire, the disease kDown as
pink eye has appeared.
Some people think that an
bitious man who parts both
hair and his pocket-book in
middle is intitled to all be can
CBte N E W I D E A
' W o m a n 's M a g a s in «
Is, without exception, the finest 50-cent magazine published.
I t is an authority on all matters pertaining to dress, and
contains the latest and moat practical styles to be found
anywhere In the m a gazine world. I f you wish
dress well
at a moderate expense, the N e w I d e a W o m a n ' s M a g a -
Z IN B is a positive necessity. Each issue contains illustra­
tions in c o lo n . It treats also o f a ll subjects interesting to
women In th eir home Ufa. Send your name to-day with 50
cents and w e w ill enter your subscription for one year, and
mail also the E m broidery Outfit shown above.
W W P E A FTTBLIflUfO OO.. M l »randway, Hew York
W e Give
Our entire time to\the
Real Estate Business
If you want to sell your Ranch send us a descrip­
tion, price and terms.
If you want to loan your
money write us.
Don’t Have Cold Feet
-B U T
John Peart’s Coal,
u iv iu e u u »
than a ten million dollar fleet of Delivered by W. H. Mansell to all parts of town at $
battleships. Senator Hale urges the
W eighing 10 cents per load
President to hold up the order for Large scales in connect ion
During April nearly $20,000,000
in gold was sent from New York to
Europe. This great outflow had
but a Blight effect on the total
amount of cash. Although the sum
of $12,800,000 was exported to Eu­
rope last week tho banks of New
York gained $188,900 for the same
Mr. Sully, “ the cotton king," has
concluded that be has had enough
of speculation. H e w ill not join
the Cotton Exchange again, but
will hereafter devote his energies to
developing some scheme for the
better handling of cotton.
H e of­
fers to pay his creditors forty cents
on the dollar.
The supremacy of the W all Street
ootton bulls and bears is threatened.
Prominent planters declare that
hereafter the South will handle its
own cotton and will rendezvous at
the Now Orleans Cotton Exchange
instead of going to New York. The
boll weevil will have some thing to
say about the “ future."
per ton
T h e la t e s t in
at M r s . C. 1«. M o o n ’s
You will find the latest in spring and summer Millinery
at my stor
Dress Trimming and Fancy Goods in General,
ing done to order.
M j ? s . C . M o o n
Branoh Office, Pharmacy Building, Coquille City, Oregon.
Secretary Taft says the St. Louis
Exposition is a milestone in the
progress of the world.
But some
Arb purely co-operative in every respect and tho Company will spare
milestones are
very expensive.
neither time nor money In teaching the people at large the
This one cost $50,000,000 snd at
great and inestimable benefits which come to each and every
best is only a magnificent specula­
tion, and advertising scheme.
member of its system.
year from now barely a memory will
be left to show where it was set up.
A charcoal burner, grimy, frugal
and isolated, who lived for forty
years near Manchester, Conn., re­
cently died leaving a fortune of
$100,000 and deeds to 1,000 acres
o f land. This shows what industry
can accomplish without buying a
Am O pen L e tte r.
dollar's worth of railroad stock.
From the Chapin, 8. C., News:
They are now hunting for somebody
Early in the spring my wife and
were taken with diarrhoea and so to accept the fortune.
severe were the pains that we called
The whole nation ia making a mis­
a physician who preicribed for us, take in trying to transform its coun­
but his medicines failed to give try schools into a city system and
any relief. A friend who had
introducing pretentious high sohools
bottle of Chamberlain’s Colic, Chol­ where pupils have not yet acquired
era and Diarrhoea Remedy on band tbo elementary branches which form
gave each of us a dose and we at the basis of an education. From
once felt the effects. I procured a New York, Washington, Michigan,
bottle and before using the entire Minnesota, in fact every part of the
coutents we were entirely cured. country, comes a loud remonstrance
It is a wonderful remedy and ahould against the change.
be found in every household.
On May 14th a ship load of the
C. Bailsv, Editor.
This remedy is
mayors of England. Scotland and
for sale by R. S. Knowlton.
with their wives and
On Friday Portland Buffered the daughters will sail from Liverpool
loss by fire of three large mills, the to New York. There will be be­
Multnomah Trank A Box Co., lose tween three and four hundred of
$60,000; the Day Lumber Co., $36, them, and they will take in our
Missouri has become a great wine 000; the Ira F. Powers mnnnfac- principal citiea and the St. Louis
While in Waahington the
aod grape-gTOwing state. It sella tnring Co-, $00, 000, a total of $356, Fair.
annually 100,000 gallons o f wins 000, on which there were $106,000 President will give them a luncheon
1 and 7.000 tons o f grapes
t the Whits House,
in insurence,
Their Methds
Chas. Grissen
Music C°
IMIarslxileld., Ore.
Agents for leading makes of
Pianos and Organs
W e buy for Cash from Manufactures and therefore can
sell vou »1 bottom prices. W e also carry a full line of
Violins, Guitars, Banjos, Strings
And everything else in the music line.
I lO