«cqtííHf City Iterali PUBLISHED EVERY TUESDAY D- F DEAN. EDITOR AND PROPRIETOR County Official Paper. Devoted to the material and social np- o iifd in p o f the Ooqnille Valley particularly and o f Too» Oonnty generally. Subscription, per year, in advanoe, $1.60 Church Directory- O hbiwtian C hubch . - - Pienchincr every Sunday at 11 a. rn. and 7:30 p. m. Sunday «( bool nt 10 a. m. Christian Endeayor at 6:30 p. tn. Prnver meeting every Wednes day evening at 7:30. All cordially invited. KpiRoopal Ohnrob.—Episcopal services will Ho held at St. James church, Ooqnille City the third Snndav in eaoh month. Snnday school at 10 a. m. eaoh Sunday W m . Horsetail, Pastor. M E.Chnrch. South: Preaching each and every Sundays at 11 a. m. and 7:30 p. m. Sunday-school every S n D d a y at. 10 o ’clock. Senior Epworth League at 6:30, p. rn. JuniorLeagne atfl:30,p. m. Prayerraeet- riq Thursday evening at 7:30. R. A. Reagan /pastor. Methodist Episcopal church.—Service the first and third Snnday in eaoh month Pronehing at 11 o’clock a. m. and 7:30 p. no. Snndav school at 10 o’ olook a. m . Ep­ worth League at 6:30 p. m. W . H. M ybbs . Pastor. Council Proceeding«- Bancroft Ite m s . The city council met in regular session last Monday night all mem­ bers present. Reports o f recorder, marshal and treasurer for April were read aud referred to the finance committee. Moved to construct a hose and curfew tower on weat end o f hose bouse, and the recorder was in­ structed to post notices for bids ou same. Krewaon and Goodman’s bid be­ ing the only one filed for the con­ struction o f a sidewalk along the west sides o f blocks 42 and 43 m Elliott's addition, the same was aocepted at 28 cents per lineal foot for said sidewalk aod 30 cents per lineal foot for crossing connecting same. City Marshal withdrew his ap­ pointment o f W. C. Benham as night watchman. \Ve are having fine spring weath­ er at last, and farmers uro busy at last planting their crops. C. D. Price has corn coming up, maybe a little early. Mr. and Mrs Wm. Lett were made happy last Saturday, April 30, by the arrival of a fine boy. Moth­ er and son are doing well. Garland Murry, eight years old had his lelf baud badly crippled Tuesday and the right one injured by tampering with a dynamite cap. Dr. Stemler was called to dreBS the wounds, and the little fellow is get ting along nicely. M hs Lizzie Price is teaching school in the Bancroft district. The assessor is making bis regu­ lar trip through our part of .the country this week, The picture man also greets us with a pleasant smile and would like to copy our old and favorite friends. The telephone line is now as far up as Mr. Evercden’s. R. J. Helm and T. Billings came in for supplies this week aud report snow still four feet deep between here and Eden Valley. If these items are of any us6 I will scare up others in the future. The following bills were allow­ ed: Geo A Robinson, rent......... $ 2 00 W C Benham, night watch... 10 00 Lee Goodman, marshal salary 60 00 Lee Goodman, laborers on water works.......... ,........... 40 45 P rfsbytfbian C httbch .—Preaching eer- E Q D Holden, recorder fees 14 10 vioes 2nd and 4th Snndays, morning ard Frank Morris, city lights..... 27 00 evening, Snnday School every Snnday at Mrs Emily Hersey, lumber, A uto , 10 a. m. Christian Endeavor services every Snnday at 6:30 p. m ..M iss Winnie Hall, etc for gutter..................... 9 President. Ladies’ Aid and Missionary Coquille City Bulletin, print­ Society meets every two weeks on Thnrs- Local Option. ing ....................................... 13 i 9 p. m. A cordial weloome is ex­ tended to the public to attend all onr ser- E A McDuffee, painting lad­ There will be two meetings next uices. A dolph H abekly , Pastor ders ..................................... 9 Sunday at the M. E. church, South, The W . C. T. U. meets every 1st and 3rd 25 Friday at 2 p. m. 'at the Christian ohnroh. W W Gage, water pipe....... of those who favor Local Option. Claim of C.O. Gilkey for $500 At 7 p. m. there will be union C huboh op R kdrhmbd I sbabl ! Services overv 1st and 3rd Sunday in eaoh month by damages for use o f building for Young People’s meeting, and at 8 Elder J. H. James. pest house rejected. p. m. a union meeting for all those No bids were filed for improve­ in favor of Home Rule. L O C A L IT E M S. ment of Second street. Adjourned to meet 10th inst. to The state election falls on Jane When at Myrtle Point be sure canvas votes of city eleotion and to 6th. to visit the Ice Cream Parlors of consider bids on hose tower. Mr. aud Mrs. D. R. Toy. This popu­ T. C. Blnraenrother, the Bandon lar place has been rearranged, new­ renlestate man, was in town Satur­ D isa str o u s W r e c k s . day. Carelessness is responsible for ly fitted up for the coming season and it is a great pleasure to par­ J. C. Simmoas has business at many a railway wreck and the same take o f the delicacies served there. causes are making human wrecks of Myrtle Point a day ar so last sufferers from Throat and Lung Stationery, nuts and confectionary week. troubles. But since the advent of to snit all. ------------------— » ««► -------------- B oiin —To Mr. and Mrs. Bnrt Dr. King’s New Discovery for Con- McDuffee, May 1st, 1904, a 9 } sumption, Coughs and Colds, even W I i p u ln<* Nap R is e s . pound girl. the worst cases can be cured, and Weak lungs should be careful. Grandma Willard went to Ban- hopeless resignation is no longer Coughs nnd colds are dangerous necessary. Mrs. Lois Cragg of don Saturday for a few days’ visit then. One Minute Cough Cure Dorchester, Mass., is one of many cures coughs and colds and gives with friends. whose life was saved by Dr. King’s strength to the lungs. Mrs. G. E. Muslin De Soie, Fancy, and New Discovery. This great remedy Fenner, of Marion, Ind., says: “ I many other pretty things in sum is guaranteed for all Throat and suffered with a cough until 1 run mer goods, at Mrs. Nosler’s, Lung diseases by R. S. Knowlton, down in weight from 148 to 92 lbs. Joel Patterson, of this city, has Druggist Price 50c, and $1.00 I tried a number o f remedies to no boen over to South Slough lately Trial bottles free. avail until I used One Minute looking after his interests in that ------------ - Cough Cure. Four b o ttle s of this section. One of the arguments made wonderful remedy cured me entire­ against local option is that the per D. W. Baker, of Lee, made us ly of the cough, strengthened my pleasant visit on Friday and added cent of voters necessary to agitate, lungs nnd restored me to my nor­ two names of his friends back east or briDg the subject up before the mal weight, health and strength.” people for a vote, upon the question Sold by It. S. Knowlton. to our list. is too small, being only ten per Mrs. John Kronenberg returned cent. Well, the average mind will Friday from Parkersburg where enquire bow much does the oppo­ Reward she has been visiting with friends sition want? There is no doubt sevoral days. but that a much larger per cent of Five hundred dollars reward will Oscar Wickham has purchased the voting population can be ob- be given for information that will of B. F. Crow his 2J acre place near taiued on that question, so the lead to the arrest and conviction of tbo Odd Fellows’ cemetry and is grouud of the opposition is not well person or persons who set fire to taken on that count and the person the stores of Wm. H. Schroeder on moving home. who urges is simplv showing which January 7, 1902 and January 12, J. L. Kronenbnrg, supt. o f the side lie espouses, while he is hard 1904, and to the shingle mills of mill nt Parkersburg, made our run to find an excuse for his staud. Wm. H. Schroeder and F. Meutzel office a short but pleasant business Tbo majority rules, but the minority & Son on June 14, 1901 and call on Friday. should have a respectful hearing. June 14, 1902; $250 by sub­ •T. A. Collier is fixing up his nice Man is a free agent; he can damn scription, guaranteed; $250 by home at the north end o f Front himself if he chooses to do so, but County Court. street by giving it a coat of paint he has not the right to damn others. C ounty C ourt of C o o C o u nty , O re ­ and otherwise improving the prem­ — Recorder. gon . By L. HarlOcker, ises. County Judge. The Steamer Liberty is on her C u r e d H i s M o t h e r « » ! K lie in iin tis m regular run again, having under­ "My mother has been a sufferer gone some repairs and her wheel for many years with rheumatism,” Gives tacts About Advertising. having been raised and inereased says W. H. Howard, of Husband, Every man or woman who is now in size. Pa. "At times she was unable to • move at all, while at all times walk­ advertising or intending to adver­ One horse or a good team will be ing was painful. I presented her tise, should send 10 cents for a copy taken in trade on any one o f the with a bottlo o f Chamberlain’s Pain of White’s Sayings published at many pianos we handle. Write to Balm and after a few applications Seattle, Wash., at $1.00 per year. E. M. F urman , she decided it was the most wonder­ This paper gives practical hints Marshfield, Oregon. ful pain reliever she bad ever tried, about advertising systems, adver­ C. C. Bunnell, for some months in fact, she is never without it now tising illustrations, writing adver­ past chief nipclmnio in the hard­ and is at all times able to walk. An tisement and suggests methods to ware establishment of J. A. Lamb occassional application of Pain Balm get more business at less expense. & ( V , has resigned that position keeps away the pain that she waa It gives the advertising rates of formerly troubled with.” For sale all the leading publications and in and has moved to Marshfield. by R. S. Knowlton. many other ways is worth the $1.00 ------------- - - The time for registering expirers per year. the 15th. Every voter should reg­ Coquille, April 28,1904. ONE SPECIAL—A paid up ister and tlien thoroughly inform E ditor H f . r a l d : Living in the himself on the proposed amend­ country aud hearing the candidates subscriber may ask all the questions he desires about business and ad­ ments and vote accordingly. for county officers at the coming vertising methods and receive con­ eloction discussed. I find that one Carl Walker went below by the fidential replies. One department last Alliance to be absent some candidate on the Democratic ticket for hustlers—tells you how to time. He will visit bis Uncle, does not seem to be very well start iu business for yourself nnd George Collier at Occidental return­ known. I refor to David Fulton, become independent. ing by way of Camas Valley where candidate for treasurer. I have no Send 10 cents today, if you are axe to grind, politically, whatsoever, he will visit Mr Walker's folks but in justice to an honest man I advertising or expect to advertise Elijah Smith president o f the wish to state that I was acquainted to White’s Sayings, Seattle, Wash­ Southern Oregon Co., who has been with Mr. Fulton nt his former home ington. on tbo bay several days come over] in eastern Oregon, for a number of to tbo county sent last Tuesday ac- years, where his sterling qualities T o l urr a Culi! lu lini' !>:»)'. companisd by Secretary Shine of j as a mini aud citizen commanded ’l'alce I.axntiv« Dromo Qninine T ablet!. the samo company. Mr. Smith is universal respect. His probity was All ilragKiatsrefnniDbe money if it fails to lookiDg well. never doubted and his integrity onr". E. W. Grove’ s signature is on each box. *JAo. never questioned, and I can as­ One of the greatest blessings a sure the people of Coos county that modest ir?-i Tan wish for is a good if they elect him to the office to D eW Itt’s JKiif Salve reliable lot o f bowels. If you are j which he aspires, that they will be not the happy possessor o f such an ! F o r PM««, B urns, S o re s. served faithfully, efficiently, honest­ outfit you ij > greatly improve the ly and conseieneiomly, and his efficiency o f those you have by the j neighbors at his former home, irre- judicious use of Chamberlain’s! ! spective of party affiliation», will Stomach and Liver Tablets. They heartily endorse this statement. are plea v ' to take and agreeable Hoping that you will publish in effr ' w y talc by It. S. Kuowl- this as it is written, iu fairness to n ton . good and honest uiar, I remain, Very truly, The tug Haider, Captain Corn­ J eff O w nby wall of Gardiner, arrived in the bay yesterday afternoon, bringing 200 sacks of potatoes for shipment to New goods at the New Drug Hun Francisco. She discharged Stole. her cargo at the new warehouse near the foot o f C street, and load- j SaitqJe the nice Freeh Candies at irig with freight o f the Gardiner! Miw NoslerV T. H. MEHL X C O * expert merchants returned to the Umpqua Best brown sugar fo r co o k in g Italien new Gens and A m m u n i t i o n tide morning.- Mail purpos- « •» Dfatie's Tone is the m ost important feature of a piano. The instrument m ay be handsomely cased and finished and w ell put together, but it it is lacking in volum e of tone, or the tone is harsh and unsympathetic, the piano w ill never cease to be a source of disappointment. The H A M IL T O N P IA N O S are distinguished for richness, volum e and pur­ ity of tone. T h ey are exceedingly even throughout the entire scale. The treble tones are clear and bell-like while the middle and bass regis­ ters are deep, lull and sonorous, characterizing the H A M IL T O N as an ideal home piano. E. M. F U R M A N , ______ ___________________ F actory's Agent, Marshfield, Oregon N ot 4 S ic k D a j Slu re. "I was taken severely sick with kidney trouble. I tried all sorts of medicines, none of which relieved me. One day I saw au ad of your Electric Bitters and determined to try that. After taking a few doses I felt relieved, and soon after was entirely cured and have not seen a sick day since. Neighbors of mine have been cured of rheumatism, neuralgia, liver and kidney troubles and general debility.” This is what B. -F. Bass, of Fremont, N. C., write. Only 50o, at Knowlton’s. » ■ ♦'---- Congressmen say that Gen. Bris­ M ä 'Ü « 3Q *} fi «fi * 4M * ti * <3 * ñ «I 4 a • tmm3 tow ought to bo prompted. They t % T H E want him sent as consul to Colon, Circle City, Ashanti, or some such Wh ) tio l t.it) c > v’s unl tu bis log iu the process of m ilk-3 nice place. ing, said she h id not dragged him ovor two miles before jj he realized he hail made a mistake. A school girl in New York killed herself because she was not as • H o - w nyEtacla. P a r t n e r pretty as “ the other girl." Most of the suicides seem to be the result of Must you bo dragged before you realize you are making a j vanity and petulance. mistake iu not using Eleetric Lights. \ «♦«• ♦ • •• • •• • •»• »•»»ae».e,e ICuuuwuj Terminated with an ugly cut on the leg of J. B. Orner, Franklin Grove, 111, It developed a stub­ born ulcer unyielding to doctors and remedies for four years. Then JUNE N U M B ER Buckien's Arnica Salve cured. Its 3 r w Ide a W o m a n » . Vl ui cnzl ur. just as good for Burns, Scalds, A number of new features charac­ Skin eruptions and Piles. 25c, at terize the June issue of the N e w R. S. Knowlton’s. I d e a W o m a n ’ s M a o a z i n e . Among R-I-P-A-N -S Tabulos them may be mentioned especially Doctors find Perdita’s Problems.” the first of A good prescription J. a series of papers by Alice Chitten­ For mankind. den, telling linw a small family MANUFACTURERS may live comfoitably on a moder­ f 'T h e 5-cent packet is enough for usual oc­ casion*. The fam ily bottle (60 cents» con­ ate income. ’ ‘Summer Comtort” tains a supply for a year, All druggists is another interesting ja a er ly sell them. — , ■ ----------- Maud Miirray Miller. "A Glimpse GENERAL DIRECTORY. o f Capri,” by Jean B. Stearns, is a charmeug tale of travel. “ A Ger­ Theodore ltooseyelt.......................President man Bride’s Outfit,” by Mabel A. John H ay...........................Secretary o f State Potter, is both instructive and en­ Leslie M. Shaw.........Secretary o f Treasury B oot..........................Secretary of War tertaining. Iu fictions, theatrical Elihu E. A. H itchcock.........Secretary of. Interior news, domestic science aud interior Wm. H. M oody............... Secretary of Navy F. W ilson___Secretary o f Agriculture decoration, the number fairly teems Jas, P. C. K nox......................... Attorney General with good things, and theillustr - H. C. Payne.................................. Postmaster General Melville \V. Fullor.................................. Chief Justice tions fitly supplement the text. esfe a ***¿*«1 Goquiile furniture and BOX FACTORY Fish & S o n , G- of Butter Boxes, Cubes, Apple and Fruit Boxrs Cabinets, Tables, Counters, Store Fronts, etc. Turning Work a Specialty. All Orders given prompt Attention. The ‘ C L Y D E ” ---- » «a» . ---- D o e s n ’ t R e sp e c t ol«l A|tc. L iv e ry f eed Stable OBBOON STATE OFFICERS. Its shameful when youth fails to show proper respect for old age, but just the contrary in the case of Dr. King’s New Life Pills. They cut off maladies no matter how se­ vere and irrespective of old age. Dyspepsia, Jaundice, Fever, Con­ stipation all yield to this perfect pill. 25, at It. S Knowlton’s drug store. Foutilla, aud the leading brands in cigars at Mrs. Nosler’s. John H. Mitchell [ ................U. S. Senator Chaa W Fulton f Binger Hermann, Congressman 1st Dist. J. N. Williamson Congressman 2nd Dist Geo. E. Chamberlain..................... Governor F. I. Dunbar..................... Secretary o f State Chas. T. M oors........................................State Treasurer J. H. Ackerman....... Supt. Pub. Instruction T P ro p n e to rs J. E.. W hitney......................... State Printer A. M. Crawford.................................Attorney General R. S. Bean. ) F. A. Moore, r ........... Supreme Judges C. E. Wolverton, I General feed and livery business, hauling and delivering. Good M. L. Chamberlain.............................. .........Clerk Board School Land Com. furnished on short notice. Corner First and Hall C, B. Bellinger.................. U. S. Dist. Judge W. F. Mathews........................U. S. Marshal D. M. Dunne................... Collector Int. I'sv. John H . H all................ D. S. Dist. Attorney G r. W . J V T a r tin , Coqulle Cty, Oegon C. SECOND JUDICIAL D ISTRICT. Three papers of garden seeds for J. W, Hamilton.....................................Judge G. M. Brown..............Prosecuting Attorney 10 cents, at Knowlton’s. B. wood St. LEEP, D . 8. LAND CFFICB. When at Marshfield Broiler. eat at the Henry B ooth ......................................Receiver -D EALER IN - J. T . Bridges......................................Register COOS COUNTY OFFICERS. “ I don’t think we could keep h o u s e without T h c d f o r d ’ a B l ^ ’k - D ra u * lit W e h :iv e u se d It in th e f a r i n '/ f • o v e r tyvo y ea rs w ith t h e b e s t i f . ?u1te. 1 h: v < i t fee* a d ’ *. r I : '.h '.o u . .* fo r ths.6 l o n j . l l o f ; me. u i.a i! ’ —JA.' iliS H ALL, Jack ­ s o n v ille , i l l . __________ Becau-o this great medicine relieves stomach pains, frees the constipated bowels and invigor­ ates the torpid liver and weak­ ened kidneys H o D octor is necessary in the home where Thedford's Black-Draught is kept. Families living in the country, miles from any physi­ cian. have been kept in health for years with this medicine as their only doctor. Thedford’a Black - Draught cures bilious­ ness, dyspepsia, colds, chills and fever, bad blood, headaches, diarrhoea, constipation, colic and almost every other ailment because the stomach, bowels liver and kidneys so nearly con­ trol the health. THEDFORD’S BLAOi- DHAUGHT SBZ* .« a . C'A t . m 1 - -|*7 - - fa LIPPINCOTT’S M ONTHLY M A G A Z IN E A F a m il y L ib r a r y The Best in Current Literature 12 C omp l et e N ovel « Y early M ANY S H O R T S T O R IE S A N D P A P E R S O N T IM E L Y T O P IC S $ 2 .5 0 h a rn e s s and Saddles a • n.da o f 3 L a s a . t h . e r G o o d s H a r n e s s S la o p PER YEAR : 2 5 C T S . A COPY NO C O N T IN U E D S T O R IE S EVE RY N U M B E R C O M P L C T C IN ITS E LF t o w rite fo r o u r c o n till ciit u .l lot.«. ly in g for n a ie t .t : r. ni.t; e « tepr“ : PATENT •nl T R A D E M A w K S T I P * -Ut ■■ n p y ’t* k-e. S«-mi i" ot p h o to a m i w e s e n d an I M M f c . F R E E r e p o -t o n p a te n ta b ility , the b ea t le g a l ser\ ice a n d a d v ic e , c h a r g e s a re m x le r it \ T r y us. SWIFT & CC P a to n t Lmwymra, 0pp. U $. Pat «at 0fflnt.Wstblng1.iS. D.C. ftn in c i in a. I also do all kinds of repairing in this line at reasonable figure C c c m ille O r '*’or in itself r--d elV.-ays r Huy to iu . i Ke a person w. 11 uurt app L . H arlocker........................................... Judge L. H. H azard....................... v..................Clerk Stephen Gallier..................................... Sheriff J. B. D ulley......................................Treasurer T . J. T h rift.........................................Assessor W. H. Bunch............School Superintendent Wm. H orsfall...................................... Coroner S. B Catbcart....................................Surveyor D. M cIntosh.............................Commissioner R. C. Dem ent........................... Commissioner M.G.Pohl, Dr. «'Optics, Myrtle Point, Or. H ighest Grade Lenses. Satisfaction Guaranteed in éHAD HUDSON, Hudson & D. H. JOHNSON, E. F. DAVENPORT, • Vice President. Secretary. every case. J . E. HAYNES. : E. S. DEAN, President. Coquille Valley Packing Company (Successors to Johuson, Dean & Co.) C a p ita l $ 1 0 ,0 0 0 . Principal place of business Haynes, lin in g and Real Estate Agents Eckley, Curry County, Oregon. valuable Mines, Farms, Stock Ranches and Timber Lands for sale. H AVE M yrtle Point, House and 6 acres o f land well improved Wilbur, D ouglas county, Or., for sale, exchange for property in M yrtle Point A general packing business carried ou. The best meats the country can produce always on band. Highest cash price paid for beef, pork, mutton, chickens, etc. STEAMER ‘ T Y ^ e le o ir ie ’ BOARD OF UlRECTORS: A. DAVENPORT, D. II. JOHNSON, Leaves Coquille City for Myrtle Point at 7:30 a. m. Leaves Myrtle Point for Coquille Citv at 1 :30 p. m. O. R. W IL L A R D . Captain. P o u ltr y F a r m , J, R. Stillwell, prop BANDON, OREGON. C o q u ille hroughbr ed cockerels from $1 up and eggs $1 per setting. Ara due to Indigestion. Ninety-nine of every one hundred people who have heart trouble can remember when It wax simple Indiges­ tion. tt la a scientific fact that all cases of heart disease, not organic, are not only traceable to, but are the direct result of Indi­ gestion. Alt food taken Into the stomach which falls of perfect digestion ferments and «wells the stomach, puffing It up against the heart. Thij interferes with the action of I *he heart, and In the course of time that I lellcate but vital organ becomes diseased. Mr. D. ICnible. or N.r»d,, O.. Mrs Dud srrm.ch « « i b i s and n l In a bad atato as I bad heart trouble With It. I took Kodol Drapapaia Cura for .bout four sooth, and It cured me. Kodol Digests W hat Y o u t a t Cnd relieves the stomach of ell nervoue Strain and the heart of ell pressure. ■oltlea only. X 1 .0 0 S ite hotdtot i ' i ttmee Ike trial « r e . a ’ l l l g i t n a tf t < isli D .