Coquille City herald. (Coquille City, Or.) 188?-1904, May 10, 1904, Image 2

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    fatj-mt (TU m Ticrnltl
TUESDAY. B1YA 10, 1904.
Notes From a Sailor's Log.
I'M ¡t o r H e rald : Being down on
“ mo uppers," I sought and gained
permission to take passage on the
¡■: h 1 ship Onward, bound for San
i incisco, Capt. A- Thomas com­
! > go away from the fair Coquille
without bidding goodbye to my
f, ,;inln was not to be thought of,
*' ! i fore up the river I went, mak-
in," for and arriving at Lewis’s
holding, where I was greeted with
ti .t warm hospitality, characteristic
of him and family.
After dinner
tnin host asked me to walk with
him to the river’s bank and try my
band at Hshing.
As shy Fortune
and I had never met before, I did
not consider it breaking the strict
canons o f etiquette, to hold com­
munion with the dame. Bating book
with ucculeut worm I cast my line
ami patiently waited, praying to
■ old Isaac Walton, the white,
to adow mo with his mantle. If
i rs are answered by faith, then
surely the shade of the angler
hearkened to me, for out of the
<Yiquille came many a beautiful
trout that day. That evening for
supper Mr. Lewis’ good wife cooked
them ’mid other delicacies, and my
appetito, a goodly inheritance, was
May Heaven bless the
fair Coquilleaud the people thereof,
f"r their hospitality has been of a
kind sounding the true American
ring, that I can never be other than
debtor to.
But life’s pleasures
must ever be disturbed by the part-
ing, when work prompts the mea­
sure. The scene we all know some­
thing of; how the heart softens in
its aadnetfs as the word farewell is
S u n d a y , 17th, we started from
liandon in tow of Triumph, crossed
the bar, which was on her good be­
havior, at noon. ’Twas hard to tell
tho exact line o f demarcation, so
lightly did Neptune touch the fair
Coquille. Surely the cooing season
has begun for “ Iu the springtime
tho y o U L g man’s fancy lightly turns
to thoughts of love” may bo applied
to the inanimate in nature as well.
life. For they will leave their im-
press on his features and make him
a sad and gloomy object of com-
passion, a being to he shunned. *It
is n disease, this over-sensitiveness,
which some of us possess by the
law of hereditary or environment
and therefore should uot be too
hastily judged as emauuting from a
wish to pose, os being on a plane
apart from the throng.
For this
world is small and we upon its sur­
face, atoms, forming and doing our
parts as duty demands we shall.
In the Captain’s cabin we would
gather, during the ‘dog-watch.
Cross and I, and listen to the
strains of melody from the records
of the Master’s good volume of
sound which make the hours seem
shorter, whether to the man at the
wheel or him who satisfies our hun
That malady known as mal de
mere is especially seductive in its
ways to the tender-foot. Now Cross
had never been to sea before and
fell naturally into a drowsy, medi­
tative mood, from which our laugh­
ter cculd not rouse him. The Cap­
tain advised him repeatedly to look
over the trffrail upon the ocean’s
depths, hut the stubborn fellow
would not, preferring to remain
languidly inclined.
Of course
knew, but did he? that the skipper
was dishing out a dry soa joke in
order that a heaving of the turbu­
lent interior might calm the exter­
ior's viow.
The evening of the 2nd day
showed barometer falling fast which
spoke little else than the usual Ore­
gon mist’s presence, but a continued
dropping denoted more,
caused our Captain some uneasiness.
A rolling swell from the W N W
showed to his practiced eye
power behind which was ours to
encounter a few hours later. It did
a salt’s eye good to see the way the
vessel acted, though the man at the
wheel labored hard to keep her on
her course, as she had less tendency
to answer a starboard than a port
helm. The bracing air, and above
all the feeling of adventure that over one as he watched the
ominous clouds on the quarter,
speculating whether the craft would
spoeil beyond their zone as they
scudded toward us. Between each
ono appeared as many valleys, and
we would mount upon the crest of
one, then to the vale o f vaporous
delusions, wrapped in a dream-like
state of mind, while the good ship
Onward sped to the harbor of her
Leading'Events’ loi Twelfth Wee!< of
the War.
April 2G—Two Russian torpedo
boats, presumably a part 61 the
Yliidivostnk squadron, sink a Ja­
panese transport “ Kinsu Maru”
near Gensan, Korea, and captain 17
officers, 2|( soldiers and 80 coolies
73 soldiers who refuse to surrendur
are gent to the bottom with the
April 27—Vice-admiral Skrvloff
leaves St. Petersburg for Moscow
on his way to the seat of war. The
occasion is made one of tho most
popular demonstrations as in the
previous cases when the late Admi­
ral Mackaroff and General Kuropat
kin took tbeir leave of the emper.
April 28— Russians on the Y'aiu
are hemmed in on all sides by the
Japanese and a decisive battle
April 29— A Japaneso gunboat,
Maya, accompanied hv two torpe
dobonts recounoiter the mouth of
the Yatu and assists a detatchmect
of infantry in capturing an island
in the river, situated opposite Wiju
April 3o— A special commission
appointed by Viceroy Alexieff, to
inquire into the cause of the disas
ter that befell their battleship “ Pe-
tropavlovsk,’ ’ makes report of their
survey to the effect that the ship
was blown up by the mino laid by
the Japanese.
May 1— Early in the morning of
May first a Japanese army of 16,-
000 men, under the command of
Lieutenant— General Kuroki, begin
to force the passage of the Yalu
against 30,000 Russians stroDgly
entrenched on the opposite hank of
the river. The battle opens with a
spirited cannon duel, across the
river in whioh 42 field and moun­
tain guns and 12 siege guns of Ja­
panese silence 40 quickfiro guns
and 10 machine guns of the Rus­
sians after two hours of incessant
firing. When the last Russian guns
were silenced General Kuroki or­
ders a general assault upon tho
enemy and the Japanase covered by
their artillery fire rush forward
wading the stream, waist deep in
some places with fixed bayonets
they charge the Russians from three
sides aud in exactly 45 minutes
after the charge was ordered the
entire Russian line extending
miles was in complete possession of
Kuroki’s men. Russian are thrown
into confusion and retreat toward
Weng Fung Cheng followod by
Japanese. The official reports of
the two commanding generals show
a stunning figure of Dearly 5,000
men in killed and wounded apor
tioned as follows:— Loss on Japan
ese side, 698 men officers killod and
Russian loss Is 2,000
killed, 1,800 wounded, 500 men and
47 officers captured, besides 26 can­
nons over a thousand rifles, ammuni­
tions, military wagons and horses.
General Kashtalinsky, the com­
mander reported among tile wound­
ed, also many other high officers
wlio were picked off by Japanese
Of Suffering From
Heart Disease.
I Would Not be Alive
But For Dr. Miles* Heart
Do not neglect the warning symptoms of a
weak heart. Palpitation, smothering spells,
s wailing'of feet or anklos, pain in ana around
heart; oftentimes affections of the stomach,
lungs, liver, bladder, kidneys, etc., arise from
heart weakness. A weak heart must be
helped. It cannot stop to rest. It must be
strengthened and regulated. The blood must
be enriched, the heart nerves strengthened
and the circulation improved by the great
heart and blood tonic. Dr. Miles’ Heart
Cure. There is positively nothing to equal
this wonderful medicine in its beneficial
influence upon hearts weakened from any
“ I am very grateful for what Dr. Miles
Heart Cure nas done for me, as I am confi­
dent I would not be alive today had I not
learned of its wonderful virtues and taken it
before it was too late. I had been a sufferer
from valvular heart disease for many years,
in fact ever since I was a little girl and for
three years before I began using Heart Cure
1 was In very bad shape. I could not sleep
on my left side at all and would frequently
have the most dreadful smothering spells.
At times my loft side would swell up. I had
pain in my head all the time from which I
suffered greatly. Nothing I took did me
any good until 1 used eleven bottles of Dr.
Miles’ Heart Cure which removed all these
distressing symptoms and made me feel well
aud strong.”— M rs . H. C. C ruse , San Fran­
cisco, Cal.
All druggists sell and guarantee first bot­
tle Dr. Miles’ Remedies. Send for free book
on Nervous and Heart Diseases. Address
Dr. Miles Medical Co., Elkhart, Ind.
S u m m on s •
George Rowers, Plaintiff,
Mary Campbell. Defendant,
T o MARY CAMPBELL, Defendant:
Iu the name of the State of Oregon, Yon
are hereby required to appear and answer
the complaint in the above entitled suit on
or before the 30th day o f June. 1904, and if
yon fail to so answer for want thereof the
plaintiff will apply to the Ccurt for the re­
lief demanded in the complaint, to-wit, for
decree that the plaintiff is the owner in fee
simple and entitled to the possession o f the
soath-east quarter o f see. six, in township
twenty-nine (29), South o f range (9), West
of the Willamette Meridian, that the de­
fendant has no interest whatever in said
property, nnd that the plaintiff’s title there­
to be forever quieted as to any claims by
said defendant adverse to the plaintiff,
and for such other and further relief as to
eqaity may seem meet.
This publication is made for six succes­
sive weeks by order of Hon. L . Harlocker,
Judge of tbe Conuty Court o f the State of
Oregon for the CouQty o f Coos, duly made
and entered in tho above entitled cause
May 9. 1904, and the first publication of
this summons is May, 10, 1901.
G. F, M a r t in .
Attorney for Plaintiff.
030 Chaidbor of Commerce,
Portland, Oregon,
W lK E R M C t
Has just rj3i v d a pomplete stock of new
Worsted Dress Goods, Silks and
An elegant assortment o f new Wash materials Jor early
Immense line o f staole ana Fancy Ginghomsf Prices 8 1-3
to 20 cts. per yd.
Large assortment o f white andchampagne colored merceri­
zed Oxfords fo r Waists from 20 to 90 cts. per. yd,
Pcales, in latest patterns
1-2 to 20cts per yd.
Calico, 20 yards to the Dollar.
Ladies’ Heady-made Summer suits and waists
New Spring Clothing for Men and Boys.
Remember our Popular-price Shoe department, New and
Stylish foot ware is arriung Dally.
Large assortment o f up-to-date Hats just receiued, compris­
ing the Steadson. C nzzly and Dunlap, the best on earth.
We also carry a complete line of Groceries, Flour
and Feed,
Our Price are Right. Farmers, bring your produce to
W . T . KERR & C O .
T. H. Mehl and '' illiam Mehl,
partners doing business un­
der the firm name o f T. H.
Mehl & Co., Plaintiffs,
Ramblers, Tribunes, Mitchells .r
and other makes.
The .signal given by the tug to
H. 8. Kriba, DefeLdant.
cast off, caused the busy trimming
HHO H. 8. KRIBS, the above-named do-
X fendant;
of sails. As they filled the Onward
In the name of the State of Oregon, you I
gracefully plowed a path through
are hereby required to appear and answer 1
the trackless depths like an unfet­
the complaint filed against you in the above i
entitled Court and cause, on or before I
tered bird, while from the Tri­
After the storm, the proverbial
Wednesday, the 18th day of May, 1904, j
umph’s whistle three god-speed
which is eight weeks after Tuesday,the 22nd
calm, that bane to the Bailor’s even­
day o f March, 1904, said last date being j
blasts were given. How the silent
ness of mind. The rolling and holp-
the date of the first publication o f this
waving of hands speaks the mes­
N OTICE OF SHERIFF’ S S\LE UNDER summons, and if you fail to so appear and j
lessuess of the craft imbibes a like
sage, throwing o ’er us a halo of ro­
answer, for want- thereof, the plaintiff will
Rare Bargains in Second-Hand Wheels. Wheels to
spirit to her crew, for without wind
take judgment against you for the sum of
mance tinged with sadness, yet they too become helpless, stretch­
Notice is hereby given that under and b; Two Hundred and Sixty-five Dollars and
Rent. Repairing Done on Short Notice.
bright with the thought that wo ore
virtue o f a writ of execution duly issue« Eighty Cents gether with interest on Two
ing patience to beyond the virtue
out o f and under the seal of the Cironit Hundred Dollars thereof, at the rate of
missed for some good qualities we
Every sif.n that bespeaks
Court o f the state of Oregon, in and for sixper cent per annum from the 9th day
trust we are possessed of.
the oonnty of Coor, to me directed and de­ o f October, 1902, for tne further sum of Fifty
wind is looked for froiu the cardinal
can I describe the fascination of the points of Heaven’s compass
livered, dated the 27th day o f February Dollars as attorney’s fees in this action,
East Ei)d of fro n t S t
C O Q U IL L E , 01*
1904, upon a judgment dnlv rendered and and for the plaintiffs' costs and?dishnrse-
sea, or its vastness. Or tell of the
in the Judgment Lien Docket in ments thereof; and will take an order of
perfect sight the Heavens present at
land’s beauty of outline “ when
said Court, on the 2nd day of October 1894, said Cironit Court for the sale of any pro­
night. Among the myriad of stars
wnerein Isaiah Hacker as assignee o f David perty attaohed in this action, and particu­
di-lance lends enchantment to the
one can pick the constellations
Morse Jr., was plaintiff and Thomas larly all your right title and interest, in
scone,’’ or of the fading brightness
Wvman and Rose 0. Wyman were de­ and to Certificate No. 6 o f the preferred
formed by Orion’s Belt, or the
fendants, in favor o f said plaintiff and stock o f the Bandon Oil Company, a cor­
of day upon the moving waters, as
Great Boar and ease bis mind re­
against said defendants, command me to poration incorporated and existing under
the sun dips beneath the apparent
make by levy and sale out o f the property the laws o f the State o f Oregon, which has
garding Russia's strife pertaining
May 2— Admiral Togo makes of said defendants, or either o f them, on or been attached in this notion, sufficient to
in ting-lino of sky and sea. Then
to the right of might, or whether
such judgment, and costs aod dis­
the third attempt to seal the en­ after tbe said 2nd day o f October 1894, tne satisfy
i!" the clouds seem clothed in ma-
its prolonging involve the balance
<lnc <>n raid judgment. t,o-wit: bursements.
trance of Port Arthur. He boldly amount
j. v of coloring until the shadow
This summons is published by the order
$630.92 with interest thereon at 8 per cent
of this world of ours. Contentions
sends in 12 fireshops in day time per annum from April 17th 1903 until paid, o f the Hon. L. Harlocker. County Jndge of
oi night appears. Gradual comes
at a distance, we will admit, have
Countv. State of Oregon, made and
and successfully bottleB up the Rus­
The fading light
fendants or either of them. I have levied entered on the 21st day o f Maroh 1904, and
our approval, but the sound of mis­
sian fleet.
which order specifies that the same shall
blonds with the coming darkness to
siles have a tendency to shock us
belonging to the said defendants, to-wit:— bo published for eight consecutive weeks
neutral tint, softening as the re-
when we hear thoir fall. Let Mars’
All of the interests that said defendants in the Coquille City H e r a l d a weekly news­
eeeding sun’s power leaves its im­ stern vissage avaunt to Rome’s
or either o f them had on the 2nd day of paper o f general circulation and printed
W h o o p in g ; C o u g h .
1894 or have sinoe acquired iu and and published in the above-named County,
press, and Nature, as Night’s wide
mythology, from whence he sprung
“ In the spring of 1901 my child­ to the South-east quarter o f north-west at the City o f Coquille.
arms enfold her, rests, until the
nn 1 nortli-enst quarter o f south­
and leave us to abide in peace.
ren had whooping cough,’’ says quarter
sun approaches from the east, to
west quarter, and
three and
Attorneys for Plaintiffs.
“ I four o f Section seven in township 26
We arrived in harbor making the D. W. Capps, of Capps, Ala.
herald again the coining day.
run down in a little over 4J days, used Chamberlain’s Cough Remedy south of range 13 west o f Willamtte Merid­
K e e p s c o n s a n t l y o n H a n d iF’r e s l i 2*£ea,T„
! ,ct one follow the sen a length of only two days behind the Advance with the most satisfactory results. ian in Coos Conntv. also, lot of land, de­
lime and he becomes a philosopher and a day and a half in advance of I think this is tho best remedy I scribed as beginning at a post standing
Notice is hereby given that the under­
north seventv-four degrees east seventy-
o f -A J .1 2 C irL d .s.
signed has been duly appointed adminis­
of active or passive tendency. file Western Home. Thus ended a liavo ever seen
for whooping eight and 1-10 feet from the soath-east trator o f the pnrtnership estate of W. H.
corner of lot four in block thirty-one in
T h e r e is mdrh lo try man’s soul in
This remedy keeps the tho town o f Empire City, Coos Co., Oregon,
cruise ofUlic Onward and as the cough."
B eef and Pickled Pork.
(hiding with the ocean’s humors,
claims against said estate are hereby
Bard of Avon has well said, “ All’s cough loose, lessens the severity as shown by the plat of said town on file ing
ami o f record in the office o f the county required to present them, duly verified, to
that ho not being able to control, well that ends well.”
and frequency of the coughing clerk said Coos County, thence north the undersigned at the Coquille City
subordinates himself by necessity to,
Creamery in Coos county, Oregon, within
spells and counteracts any tendency twenty-four degrees east fifty feet; thence six
months fromi the date hereof.
nml becomes with it, calm or bois­
sixty six degrees east one nundred
toward pneumonia. For sale hy R. south
feet: thence sonth twenty-four degrees Dated this 1st day o f February. 1904.
terous, ns the consort of his choice
The voters of Chicago will be 8. Knowlton.
8 . M . N o b l e r .
west fifty feet; and thenoe north sixty-
Administrator o f tbe Partnership Estate
fi els disposed to make him. Surely called upon to decide at the Presi­
six degrees west one hundred feet, to the
place of beginning, containing 5000 square
Saint Peter’s keys arc at the beck dential election this year whether
feet of land, the same being the south
of poor Jack’s call, when Charon voting machines shall hereafter lie
half of lot of land designated in H, H.
“Wireless’’ in War
ferries his soul across that river, used exclusively at all elections in
Luse’ s Addition to said Empire City,
marked **M C*’ situated in Block number­
flowing by the borderland of the that city. Under the authority of
Notice is hereby given that the co-part­
Wheu the Russian Foreign Office ed 132, as per plat of said addition.
nership heretofore existing between the
A word for the raptnin, an act passed by the last Legisla­ declared its intentinu of tresting
And will on Friday, the 15th day of
under tho firm name o f Mar­
his officers and crew; they are gen­ ture ono machine was used at the the transmitters o f wireless tele­ April. 1904, at the hoar of 10 o’ clock in the ntidersigned,
tin & Wilson, is this day dissolved by mu­
tleman, considerate for tho welfare recent municipal election, and it is graph ns spies, there was a general forenoon o f said flay, at the front door at tual consent.
the County Court House in the towu of
The business w iR be conducted by G. W.
of others.
said that it was entirely Batisfnctorv. chorus o f protest; hut that the Coquille, Coos Comity, Oregon, offer for Martin
nt the place o f business heretofore
Did you ever hear of a seaman's Thoro is much to ne said in favor of wireless telegraph introduces a new sale and sell to the highest and best bidder occupied by the old firm. Said G. W . Mar­
f« r oash, the above described real property, tin is hereby authorized to sottleall liabili­
As soon ns the problem into warfare, and that it or
parting being hernlded in printer’s these machines.
sufficient thereof to satisfy the said ex­ ties nnd collect all outstanding accounts This Newly Established Ilesort will bo found first-cluss in every resp.ctn
may very properly he declart d con­ ecution with coats and acoruing costs. due the old firm.
ink, or of his last testament being
under my hand this 15th day of
The tables are suppled with the best of everything, prepared in
Witness our hands and s* als this 8th «lay
•Imtterd by pettifoggers, to gain declared, as the ^ote for each can­ traband, is maiutniued hy theEIpe- Given
March, *904.
of February, 1904.
nn np-to-date manner. Give it a trial.
S tephen G a l l i e r .
for elnimants tho miser’s due. Not didate is summed up by tho machine trical World and Engineer. It is
G. W. M a r t in .
J. D. W il s o n .
Sheriff o f Coin Conntv, Oregon.
such ill-luck for Jnck on earth. and displayed in plain figures. obvious that belligerents suffer a
Though lie may have stopped for a There is no delay in the count, no double peril from the presence of
time in hell, for orders. Heaven is dispute over defective ¡ballot, no wireless telegraphy. First news
his home port.
The ship may go possibility of an error in the count may bf transmitted to ueutral
Core* Crip
United States Land Office.
from land into the unknown, chanc­ and, it is contended, no reasonable points absolutely without censor­
Hosebnrg, Oregon, March 23, 1904,
Ii Two Deys.
ing the fates with her apparent prolwhility of any contested elec­ ship 01 control; next, secret com ­
Notice is hereby given that, in compliance
wit h the provisions of the act of Congress
on every
daring. The joys o f . land may he tion». The great objection to these munication might he established of
June 3,1878. entitled "An act for the sale
box. 25c.
of varid hue, but they do not up­ mschines is the enormous cost of between the news-gather *rn and of timber lands in the States of California,
lift the soul with such an ilevating providing them. An offset to this one of the belligerents in a manner Oregon.Nevada and Washington Territory,”
as «'tteud'Mt to all the Public L in d States j
l’ bsae by tot of \ngnst 4, 1899.
power ns docs the ocean in calm or cost is the economy of operation that would defy detection
Seven M illion tote In past 13 months.
T h is sign atu re,
raging mood. Gaze into its depths They avoid the expense of printing; two considerations would seem to
"II I behold tho borrowed tint from
of Prosper, county o f flooa, state of Ore­
tho infinite above.
Look at the election officers for one day, which ing au important operation, of any gon, has this dav filed in this office bis
statement N o.-----, for the pnrohase
equipped with a sworn
teeming life of such vnrietv that no is a large item. The Baltimore Sun, news vessel
of the East W o f 8. W. \+ o f Section No.
instrument. It would 32, in Township No. 27, S. rarge No. 11 W..
i inn kno«» tho number of.
You using an illustration from the Mary- wireless
will offer proof to show that the land
cannot blnmo the sailor who is wed­ land Legislature, points out that a warrant on proper unruing, the and
sought is more valuable for its timber or j
ded to tho sea, for the love he contest for a seat ia the 8tate Sen- confiscation of all such instruments stone than for agricultural purpose-», and j
hears his craft; lie is proud of her nte at the late session cost the state as contraband. Snell is the view of to establish his claim to said land before
L. H. Hazard. County Clerk o f Coos |
achievements, though they he slow $1600 and would have lieen avoided the Electrical World and Engineer, Conntv,
Oregon, nt his office in the court­
and labored at times, when baffling hy the use of a voting machine. It The answer o f the London Times house at Coquille Cit’ . Coos County. Ore- !
winds and currents prove the as­ would be worth a good deal of is that its dispatch-boat service is gon, on Saturday, the 11th dav of June, j
1904. He names as wimesses: W . Ii. Har- |
cending obstacles to lie r more rap­ money, in Maryland, Oregon, and so discreetly coudnoted that no man, E. 1). Mvers. Webb Mast, Henry j
every other state, to have the result barm can have been (tone to either Hervey, all of Lee, Oregon.
id progress.
ami all persons claiming adversely
Thu smile will broaden when off of the election declared as the polls party. But in time of national dan- the Any
above-descritu d lands are requested to
In l quarter the gentle zephyr stif­ are closed and to avoid the disputes gar very little is intrua’ ed to the file th»ir claims iu this office on or before!
fens to a stronger breeze, then will in counting and in rejecting doubt­ diecreption o f tbse who have tbe said 11th day of June, 1994.
power to harm.— New York Even­
sin show him she can coquette with ful ballote— Orogonian.
Register. ,
ing I’ost.
a ri vnl and leave her far astern, if
P. E. Drone,
C anned
Cash Paid for Hides in any Quantity.
S ta r R estau ran t,
T o Cure a Cold in One Day
Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablets. -e
S tra n g ’s Em porium .
Glassware and Dishes, W ood and W illow -
Umbrellas, Leggings and hightop Loggers
Outing Flannels,Mackintoshes,Rubber goods
Blankets, Ladies and Gents’ Underware.
-- •* -----------
on ' thtf ocean and wind combine to
Ap Elegant line of Ladies’ Shirt
For all kinds of fauey dress trim-
tc I hi r worth.
I pity him who « aulì, aqd ready made uuderwear,
too deeply the ebgilow^ of at price« to euit at Mr*. .NoelefV 011118" go to Mrs- Moon,
One Minute Cough Cure
F up iriiughs, Cold* and 0r*u p.
Z. C. STRANG, Prop,, - -
- Coquille, Oregon