ÎH î C i i ’l T U E SD A Y , MYA 3 The Sacajawea Entertainment l ’-WM Synopsis of Local Option Law. ri». Masonic Hall was filled to i>\ i ’ wing last Friday evening on the occasion of the Indian entertain­ ment. given by the Woman’s Study (flub for the Sacajawea statue fund. The program, planned by Mra. J. C. Snook, President, and Mrs. E. D. Sperry, Musical Director o f the Club, was entirely original and novel. The stage presented a wood land scene with a wigwam, between which and a trpe swung a bear-skin cradle at the rear left and a camp fire at the right front. The floor was covered with bear, elk, moose and lion skins. You were all indignant about the .eading Events of Eleventh Week of I>alllesliip Maine, which whs blown the War. up in llawinu harbor six years o;.o. April 19th.— Admiral Alexieff, the She cost #4,0OU,00ti. Two handled viceroy and commander-in-chief of and sixty Aim-iican »dors went the Russian army sad navy in the down in li.-i. it tbe L imed Stales Far East tenders his resignation to government should build a like tho Czar. ship every day aud man it with The body of late Admiral Makar, 260 American boys, sud some off who went down with the battle­ enemv should blow her to atoms ship “ Petropavlovsk,” is washed every night witu the hoys on it, the cost in lives and money would not ashore. equal that of tue legalized saloons. April 20th— The official bulletin - E x . published at S t Petersburg shows • a /» • the total cost of prosecuting the war A C u r e f o r l* fle » . up to April S, to have been $46, “ I had a bad ease of piles,” says 250,000. This figure however, does not include the loss sustained iu G. F. Carter, of Atlanta, Ga., “ and ships which were sunk by the Jap­ consulted a physician vrbo advised anese. The latter according to a me to try a box of DtAVitte’s Witch I purchased a box careful calculation amounts to about Hazel Salve. It is $45,000,000 making the total cost and was entirely cured. to Russia $91,000,000, an average of splendid for piles, giviug relief in­ stantly, and' I heartily recommend 1,600,000 per day. it to all sufferers.” DeWitte’s April 21st.— A Russian torpedo Witch Hazel Salve is unequalled transport, while engaged in mining for its healing qualities. Eczema the channel ot Port Arthur, strikes and other skin diseases, also sores, a mine and is blown up. All her cuts, burns and wounds of every crew numbering 21 perish. kind are quickly yure-1 by it. Bold April 22nd.— Russian govern­ by R. S. Knuwltun. ment begins a negotiation with several Eupopean financiers to float a bond for 160 million dollars. In consequence the Russian newspap ers begin to circulate wild rumors of Russian victories. April 23rd.— Two Russian torpe­ do boats, presumably a part of the Vladivostok squadron, enter the Soldiers Subject to harbor o f Gensan, Korea, and A ch es and Pains. sink a small Japanese merchant­ man, Goyo Maru, of 600 tons bur­ den. No life is lost Have My Share—I April *24th—The advance guard Find R elief in of the Japanese army in Korea crosses the Yalu and engagos the D r. M ites’ Antl-Perin P ills Russians near Wiju. The latter re­ aud N e rv in e . treat with feeble resistance. “ I can cheerfully recommend Dr. Miles’ April 25.—Report is current that Pitts as first-class in every respect. the Russian Vladivostok Meet is out Anti-Pain They have dote wonders for me. I was a in the Japnn sea with the intention soldier in the l«e war end am subject to and have my »here d the achce and pains from of menacing the coast of Japan, the hardship tbtf ueuarfly folie to the lot of and also to threaten the transport the soldiers who dmt service. Aari-Pain Pills never fail to relève the rheumatic twinges. serviee of the latter. The Vladivo­ headache or otkr ^ains- A number of old stok squadron consists of the ar- comrades in thfevtcminr who have used Dr. mored cruisers, “ Gromoboi,” “ Ros- Miles* Restorative T o o k , Nervine and Nerve and Liver Pills seriously to right themselves, territory. and prompt treatment is necessary. The best H . B. Krilm. D efen d a n t. J dances by dear little four-year-old telling of it. It sadly admits that treatment cosaasts of Dr. Miles’ Restorative This does not prohibit tho sale of Katie Robison, who was one of tho some of our lawmakers may have Nervine, which restores vitality to the nerves nno H . 8 . K U IB S , tho above-nam ed de- X fendant: and helps thsm to throw off various disorders pure alcohol for scientific and man- j costumed little folks roaming about been indiscreet, but alleges that rraich In the name o f tho State o f Oregon, you brin “ the methods which they pursued ufaeturing purposes, of wines for thr> woodland. are hereby required to appear and answer it nothing had timehonorod precedents.” Thus els as Dr. IL________________ the complaint, filed against yon in the above sacramental purpose nor alcoholic act directly Joan tho nerves of the digestive entitled Court and cause, on or before The second part opened with the the cheeiful whitewash brush flut organs, stimulants for medicine upon (lie W ednesday, the 18th day o f M ay, 1904. ters up and down the roll-call and activity. speedily restoring them to normal which | maidens’ chorus in the second and is eight weeks after Tuesday .the 22 nd written prescription of a regular day o f M arch. 1904, said last date being leaves a page of impeccable inno­ third pictures of Rubenstein’s A ll druggists sell and guarantee first bot­ practicing physiciaD. the date o f tbe first, publication o f this Dr. MiTei’ Remedies. sand for free book I “ Tower of Label.” (adapted.) Af- cence and dazzling radiance for the tle CJUPMVU on Nervous and Diseases. Address summons, and if you fail to so appear and 1 I ter another song and dance by the eycn of the dear people at Lome. answer, for want thereof, the plaintiff will Dr. Miles Medical Co., KlkhartTlnd. Rare Bargains in Second-Hand Wheels. Wheels to tion the question cannot lie resub­ ■ j real squaws, Miss Getty sang very take judgm ent agaiust you for the sum o f Joseph W. Folk, anti-boodling Tw o Hundred and Sixty-five D ollars and mitted for two years. | sweetly the* beautiful Sacajawea candidate for governor o f Missouri Rent. Repairing Done on Short Notice. E igh ty Cents gether with mt< rest on Two When prohibition lias been ear- i Lullaby composed for occasion by and terros of political thieves, is N O T I C E O F S H E R IF F ’ S S A L E U N D E R H undred D ollars thereof, at the rate o f six per cent per annum from the 9th day E X E C U T IO N : lied at an election hold for an ou. ' IrH- Sperry. The Indians per- sweeping the state against the or­ o f Octobev, 1902,for the further sum o fF ifty tire county, no olection shall be ! f "rn'ed the Chief’s dance in brilliant ganized Notice is hereby Riven that under and by Dollars as attorney’ s fees in this action, forces of corruption for the plaintiffs’ costs andFdisburse- East Eqd of fro n t St. • - COQUILLE, OR held in any precinct or subdivision feathered headdresses, nnd then the Boodle or anti-boodle has been the virtue o f a writ o f execution duly issued and out o f and under the seal o f the Circnit m ents thereof; and will take an order o f of a county until prohibition has program closed with the presenta­ issue, despite attempts o f the anti Court o f the state of Oregon, in an d for said Cirouit Court for the sale o f any pro­ the county o f Coos, to me directed and de­ perty attached in this action, and particu­ been defeated for the whole county tion of two pan topline tableaux ar­ folk people to sidestep. Bvery in­ dated the 27th day o f February larly all your n g h t title and interest, in W M as a whole. ranged by Mrs. Snook, illustrating dication points to his nomination livered. 1904, upon a judgm ent dulv rendered and and to Certificate N o. 6 o f the preferred tho war and peace methods of deal­ by the Democratic state convention docketed in the Judgment L ien D ocket in stock o f the Bandon O il C om pan y, a cor­ Tho same holds true for subdi­ said C onrt. on the 2nd day o f October 1894, poration incorporated and existing under ing with the Indians. Tho first July 19th. visions of a county. wnerein Isaiah Hacker ns assignee o f D avid the laws of the State o f Oregon, which has scene represented the encounter of M ores J r., was plaintiff and Th om as been attached in this accian, sufficient to W ym an and Rose 0 . W ym an were de­ satisfy such judgm ent, and oosts and d is­ Penalties nro fines from $50 to Miles Standish with Wattawamat fend ants, in favor o f said plaintiff and bursem ents. W b o o p lu K C o u g h . #•’>00, and imprisonment from 10 to and Pecksuot, tho second portray­ against said defendants, command m e to T h is sum m ons is published by the order 30 days. ing the meeting of Lewis and , “ In the spring of 1901 my child­ m ake by levy and sale out o f the property o f the H on. L . H arlocker. County Judge o f Coos County, State of Oregon, made and o f said defendants, or either of them , on or If liquor dealers nro compelled Clark’s party with Saeajawea’s ren had « ’hooping cough,” says after the said 2nd day o f Ootober 1894, tne entered on the 21st dny o f M arch 1904. and people, the Shoshones, the climax D W. Cnpps, of Capps, Ala. “ I am ount due on said judgm ent, to-w it: which order specifies that the same shall 1>V tho workings of this law to eloso $t>30.92 with interest thereon at 8 per cent be published for eight consecutive weeks their places of business beforo the being tlie recognition of her broth­ used Chamberlain’s Cough Remedy per nnnnm from April 17th 1903 until paid, in the Coquille City HRitAiiD a weekly news­ The with the most satisfactory results. for want oxpirntion o f their licenses, a pro­ er, Camcahwait, the chief. o f personal property o f said d e ­ paper o f general circulation and printed prolonging of the final attitudes fen d an ts or either o f them. I bnve levied nnd published in tho above-nam ed C ounty, \ think this is the best remedy portionate amount of their license the follow ing described real property at the City o f C oquille. under red fire was very effective. have ever seen for whooping upon fee shall lie returned. belon ging to the said defendants, to -w it:— SP E R R Y A CHASE. cough.” This remedy keeps the All o f the interests that said d efendan ts * * - Attorneys for Plaintiffs. The examination of the loan ex­ cough loose, lessens the soverity or either o f them had on the 2 nd day o f B U IL D IN G , C O Q U IL L E C I T Y Editor H e r a l d — I would like hibit and the sale of hot tamales nnd frequency of the coughing O ctober 1894 or have sinefc acquired in and to the Sonth-enst quarter o f north-w est I L e e p s c o T 2 .s a 3 n .t l 3 r 0 3 a H a n d F r e s h . 3 S d T e a t, N O T IC E T O < ItC P lT O U X some questions answered by yon would hftvo ended a most delightful pells and counteracts any tendency quarter a n ! north-east quarter o f sou th­ N otice is hereby given that tho under­ 1 ning, had rifit tho usunl mishap toward pneumonia. For sale by R. west quarter, and lots throe and or some one in regard to the pro­ o f .A -ll L io n e ls . four o f Section seven in township 26 signed has been duly appointed adm inis­ posed direct primary nominating, in bum,-ui affairs caused some an. 8. Knowlton. sooth o f range 13 west o f W illa m tte M erid­ trator o f tho partnership estate o f W . H. By request of many, election law, to be submitted for novance. ian in Coos County, nlso, lot o f la n d , d e­ Erdioe. dereaw d. and that ai! persons h a v ­ b a n n e d E a u f a n d P ic k le d Pork. scribed as beginning *t a post stand in g ing olaiiCH against said estate are Lsreby the people to vote on in Jane next. Photographer Graves brought his W an rE o— T r u st w o r t h y L a d y north seventy fonr degrees < ast sev e n ty - required to present them , duly verified, »o Please publish the questions I ask camera for a flashlight of the final or Gentleman to manage business eight and 1-10 feet front the south-east th«» undersigned at the Coquillo City fer I want to vote intelligently and s e n e with all characters on the in this Connty and adjoining terri eorner o f lot four in block thirty-one in Cream ery in G oo« county, O regon, within six months from the date hereof. I presume Hint evory oue so desires. stag--. After some unavoidable de­ tory for house of solid financial the town o f Rinpire City, Coos Co., O regon, D ated this 1st day o f February. 1904. as shown by the nlat of said town on file SL M. N obler , 1st. Section 2, line 15; esn lay, tho flash worked "not wisely standing, $20.00 straight cash and o f record in the otfioe o f the conn tv Adm inistrator o f the Partnership E state , said Coos County, tlienco north there be any political party, and but too well,” as it ignited some salary and expenses paid each clerk o f W . H . Erdice, deceased. tw enty-four degrees east fifty feet; thence would it be recognized by any dry evergreen hangings above, Monday direct from headquarters. south sixty six degrees east one nundred TS$ S which, but for tho prompt action of feet: thence south twenty-four degrees law if not of (lie three parties Expense money advanced; posi­ west fifty feet; and thence north s ix t y - d is s o l u t io n n o t ic e Mr. Zeok and others near, and the named in see, 22. lines 5 to 13. tion permanent. Address Manager, six degrees west on e hundred feet, to tbe Notice is hereby given that the co-part - , )laco o f beginning, containing r >000 square 2nd f nder I lie provisions of calmness of the performers and ex. 605 Monon Bldg., Chicago. feet o f land, the same being the sonth nership heretofore existing between tbe ! • ’client behavior of the vast audience, undersigned, under the firm nam e o f Mar­ this sec ion could it be possible to h a lf o f lot o f land designated in H . II. Luse’ s Addition io said Em pire C ity , tin A t W ilson , is this d ay dissolved by m u­ ever organiz a fourth party or for might have proved a most serious Irown Leghorns. tual consent. marked *’ M C” situated in Block num ber­ a candidate for any oftice to rtlti disaster. As it was, a smoked ceil­ 'Ihe business will be conducted by G . W . ed 132, as per plat of said addition. M artin at the plsue o f business heretofore | independent of any party nomina­ ing was the only damage wrought. J. C. Watson, o f Cunningham, And will on Friday, the 15th day o f occupied by the old firm. Said G . W . M ar­ tion. The Club ladjes heartily thank all furnishes eggs from imported A pril. 1904. at the hour o f 10 o ’ clock in the tin is hereby authorized to sotM eall liabili- I COQUILLE C IT Y , OG ON, of those who so kindly assisted in fowls at #100 for 13, or $5.00 per forenoon o f said aay , at the front door at d a ’ th e'ou n frm ont‘,tl' n,1' n j Hide will be received for all or anv Dart sworn statem ent N o .------. for the purchase • p o f the East S o f S. W . V* o f S< crion No. for the jndgnit nnd clerks ,v.ll ,,, I,oolc advantage of this opportunity of ..,id work bid .4 must bo filed with O . C. Sanford 32, in Township No. 27. K. rnrge No 11 W .. ceive the snme salaries as at a gen­ for a closer study of the rare collec­ by All 12 o’ clock no»)ii on the 20th day o f M ay, and will offer proof to show that the land tion. 1904 and must be accom panied by a eertifl- sought is more valuable f »r its timber or eral election? and there is the ex- t*d check or cash deposit o f not less than stone than for agricultural pn-po»e«. and tr a registering work beside, besides 10 per coni o f anv bid. to establish his claim to said land before si x ditleraut kinds o f ballots, each Fontill«, and the leading brands The successful bidder cr bidders will be L . H . H azard. County Clerk o f Coos required to enter into a contract and give 3onntv. Oregon, at his office m the court­ about four feet lung, according to in cigars at Mrs. Nosler’s. a good and snffleent underfaking' to be ap house at Coquille C itT. Coos County, Ore-| the sample. Will it not be an av­ proved by the Board o f D irectors, in tne gon. on Saturday, the 11th dnv of June. Three papers of gafden seeds for snm o f their bid or bids, for the faithfnl erage of altout #1590 every 2 years »04. He names as witnesses: W . H . H a r­ performance o f their contract. m an. K. 1>. Myers, W ebb M ast, Henry for the tax payers of this county Ut yents, at Knowlton’s. The hoard o f Directors reserve the right Hervey. nil o f Lee. Oregon. to raise! D. J. anv and all bids. A\’ |. n at Marshfield eat at the to Any and all persons claim in g adversely Done by the order o f the l*»ard o f D i­ Broif-.v rectors o f school D istrict No. 8 . C’ ona i the above-descrilHxl lands are requested - i m to Has just r ceiv d a complete stock of new W orsted Dress Goods, Velvets. Silks and „ .. Old New Spring Clothing for Men and Boys. We also carry a complete line of Groceries, Fiour Our Price are Right. Farmers, bring your produce to W. T. KERR & CO. jp$gr:i a d Bicycles! Ramblers, Tribunes, Mitchells and other makes. ALBERT FTS1I, E. Dräne, GOLDEN Butcher, Cash Paid for Hides in any Quantity. 1 Star R estaurant,. MRS. fi. W. MARTIN, PROP. 100 Contractor’s Notice. F S' Î f j To Cure a Cold in One Day Laxative Brom o Quinine Strang’s Emporium. Glassware and Dishes, W ood and W illow - ware. Umbrellas, Leggings and high top Loggers shoes. Outing Flannels,Mackintoshes,Rubber goods Blankets, Ladies and Gents’ Underware. W E arly R ise r s The famous little pill*. .N j . m ' gi I-1 ut tin* Now Dr.i£< Sto»-’ * Coantv. o f April sn.I |(MI 4 T dat .,1 this UUh O . C . Hanford. r.|e,k o f hcbool District N o. A « '• '