Coquille City herald. (Coquille City, Or.) 188?-1904, April 05, 1904, Image 4

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    lauvd l o r C h ild r e n .
County Official Pat>er.
Devoted to the material and aoeial np-
o u ld in p o f the Ooqnille Valley particularly
and o f O o o n Oonnty generally.
rear.In aaranee, fl.fiO
Subscription, per year.
Church Directory*
(’ itbtrttan C hurch . — Pieachiiiaevery
Snnday at 11 a. rn. and 7:30 p. m. Sunday
eohool at 10 a. m. Christian Endeavor at
0:30 p. m. Praver meet in« every Wedn ?«-
day evening at 7:30. All cordially invited.
Episcopal OhnTch.—Epiaoopal le r v ije i
will l»e held at Ht. James chorch, Ooqnille
City the third Sunday in each month.
Sunday school at 10 a. m. each snnaay.
V a i. Horsetail. Pastor.
M E. Church. South: Preaching each
and every Sundays at 11 a. ra. and 7:30 p.
m. Sunday-school every Sunday at 10
o’clock. Senior Epworth League at 6:30, p.
ro. Jnmor League at 3:30,p. m . Prayermeet-
ng Thursday evening at 7:30.
B . A. Reagan, pastor.
Methodist Episcopal church.—Servioe
the first and third Snnday in each month
Preaching at 11 o’ clook a. m. and 7:30 p. m.
Sunday school nt TO o’clock a. m.
worth League at 6:30 p. m.
W. H. M ykrs .
P rppbyterian C hurch .— Preaching eer
vices 2nd nnd 4th Sundays, morninp ai d
evening. Snnday School every Snnday at
10 a. m. Christian Endeavor services every
Sunday at 6:30 p. m.. Miss Winnie Hall.
Ladies’ Aid and Missionary
Society meets every two weeks on Thurs­
days at 2 p. m. A oordial weloorae is r
tended to the pnblio to attend all onr ser*
A dolph H abbbly , Pastor
The W. C. T. U. meets every 1st and 3rd
Friday at 2 p. ra. at the Christian ohuroh.
CnrncH op H e d ii b id I sbakl ! Services
every 1st and 3rd Sunday in eaoh month by
Elder J. H. James.
New goods at tbe New Drug
D. M. Summerlin, of Lee, made
made us a call Wednesday.
I ’ m not closing ont but selling
just as cheap. Mrs. Nosier.
Judge J. H. Schroeder was in to
us while in town on Thursday.
Uncle Jerry Haynes, of Myrtle
Point, went to the bay on Wednes­
Rev. C. D. Price, of Bancroft,
had business in town on Thurs­
The De Laval is THE separator,
and 8. M. Nosier, Coquille, tbe
There will be a Convention of
the Cattle-Growers of Oregon held
in Portland, April 16th, beginning
at 10 a. m., and continuing in the
evening. The people interested in
this great industry are earnestly re­
quested to be present, as subjects
will be discussed of the greatest
importance to all cattle-men.
meeting will be held at the Audi­
torium, between Taylor and Sal­
mon, on Third street.
G rant M ats ,
B r o k e In to Ills H ouee.
S. Le Quinn o f Cavendish, V t,
was robbed of bisj customary health
by invasionjof Chronic Constipation.
When Dr. King’s New Life Pills
broke into his house, his trouble
was arrested and now he’s entirely
cured. They’re guaranteed to cure,
25c at R. S. Knowlton’s drug store.
■---------- -
• --- -------
Elijah Smith, of Boston, Mass.,
president of the Soutnern Oregon
Company, which ows a great amount
of valuble land in Coos County, is
in Roseburg after an absence of
seven years. Although at sn age
when most men retire from business,
Mr. Smith is still actively engaged
in looking after his affairs and is
enjoying good health—so good in
fact that he says he feel that ha
could take the trip now over the
rough stage road to Coos Bay and
experience no ill offect afterwards.
Mr. smith will not go over to Coos
Bay, however, but will remain in
Reseburg for a few days attending
to business matters.
He intends
to spend the summer at various
laces on the Pacific C oast —
A r e Y o u a D y a p e p t lc T
If you are a dyspeptic yon owe it
to yourself and your friends to get
welL Dyspepsia annoys the dys­
peptic’s friends because his disease
sours his disposition as well as his
Kodol Dyspepsia Cure
will not only cure dyspepsia, indi­
gestion and sour stomach but this
palatable, reconstructive tonic di-
gestant strengthens the whole di­
gestive apparatus and sweetens the
life as well as the stomach. When
you take Kodol Dyspepsia Cure the
food you e. t is enjoyed.
It is di­
gested, assimilated and its nutrient
properties appropriated
by the
blood and tissues.
Health is the
Dr. Snook, the dentist, went to result Sold by R. S- Knowlton.
Bandon on a professional visit
Dr- Klme Going Away.
Mrs. Thomas Devereux, of Park­
A. W. Kime, M. D., returned
ersburg, was in town shopping on home Monday evening, from a visit
to the Willamette Valley, where he
For fine carpet and m g weaving bad gone to have a look around
apply to Mrs. K. Holverson, of with a view to locating-
While away he made arrange­
K. Holvorson, o f Parkersburg, ments to locate at Cottage Groye, a
made our office a substantial call on town of abont 2,500 inhabitants,
situated on the S. P. Railroad, 18
miles south of Eugene.
Mr. and Mrs. W . W. Gage, of
One reason why Dr. Kime wishes
this city, retarned from their ranch
to get out into the valley is to get
on Coos river Thursday.
where he can be in reaoh o f hospi­
It was Elton Tyrrell and not tals and other medical institatious,
Morton, who went to Humboldt so as to study ap in his profession
conoty, California, last week.
by ooming in contact occasionally
Chas. Mulkey who has a Btock of with the advantages these institu­
H e will move as
stationery and confectionery in the tions afford.
Euglo Bakery has sold his business soon as he can get ready.— R ecord­
to Chas. Taylor.— Mail
Mrs. Mary Lange, of near Myrtle X o t h l n i E q u a l ( o C h a m b e r l a i n * !
C o l i c . C h o l e r a a n d D in r r h o e a
Point, visited with tho family of
R em ed y t » r B ow el C om ­
Rev. A. Haberly and with Mrs. Ole
p l a i n t ! I n C h ild r e n .
Lund, several days last week.
“ We have used Chamberlain’s
R. C. Dement, of the Point, Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Rem­
came down Wednesday and pro­ edy in our family for years.’’ says
ceeded to the lower river where he Mrs. J. B. Cooke, of Nederlands,
went in seareli of some young cat­ Texas. “ We have given it to all
tle for his range. He went to T. of our children.
Wo have used
P. Hanly’s.
other medicines for the same pur­
From a letter we received from pose, but never found anything to
R. C. Dement, of Myrtle Point, we equal Chamberlain’s. If you will
are informed that range stock have use it as directed it will always
suffered very severely the last two cure.” For sale by R. 8. Knowl­
months. There will be a consider­ ton.
able loss o f young stock on the
Prohibition Convention.
high ranges.
Dim .—At Marshfield Oregon,
March 2H, I. M, Gibson, of Cancer
of the bladder. Mr. Gibson was
operated on for the dreaded disease.
He was in a hopeless condition but
was relieved of his intonse suffering
for a time. He had no relatives,
and passed away quietly. He was
buried today.— Mail.
According to published statistics
of last year’s shipbuilding, the
Dumber of vossels launched in (hr
whole world was 2441, with a ton­
nage o f 2,679,531, nnd an indicat­
ed horsepower o f 2,352,485. For
1902 the number of vessels lauuch-
ed was 2394, with a tonnage of
2,715,670 and an indicated horse­
power of 2,017,254. More than
onebalf of the new tonnage of 1903
was produced within the United
Kingdom. England turning out
871 vessels o f 766,295 tons, Scot­
land 362 vessels o f 484,585, and
Ireland 25 vessels o f 158,482 toDS.
With the exception o f the United
States no other oonntry launched
an aggregate tonnage equal to (he
Clyde aloDe, which built during the
year 277 vessels of 446,869 tons
The statistics show that there were
decreases on the Clyde, the Tay,
the Dee, tho Tyne, the Wear, the
Tees, the Hartepools, the Thames,
in Ireland, Germany, France aud
Holland, and increases on tbe Forth
the Mersey, tbe Humber, the E ng­
lish Channel, in tbe colonies, the
United States, Russia, Norway and
Sweedeo, Italy, Austria, Hungary,
Japan, Denmark Belgium nnd
China. The Clyde decrease was
not so sericus as expected, last year.
The pleasant to take aud harm­
less One Minute Cough Cure gives
immediate relief iu all cases of
Cough Croup and Lagrippe it docs
not pass immediately into the stom­
ach, but takes effect right at the
trouble. It draws out th° inflam­
mation, heals and soothes and cures
permanently by enabling the lungs-
to contribute pure life-giving and
life-sustaining oxygen to the blood
and tissues. One Minute Cough
Cure is pleasant to take and it is
good alike for young and old.
Sold by R. S. Knowlton.
Notice is hereby given that all
Coos County road warrants indors­
ed prior to March 5th, 1904, will
be paid on presentation at my
office in Coquille, Oregon.
No in­
terest will be allowed after March
5, 1904.
J. B. D ulley ,
County Treasurer.
Coquille, Oregon, March 1, 1904.
--------------- . b » *----
Id H t'l.t-H u r.
Would not interest you if you're
looking for a guaranteed Salve for
Sores, Burns or Piles Otto Dodd,
of Ponder, Mo. writes: “ I suffered
with an ugly sore for a year, but a
box of Bucklen’s Arnica Salve cur­
T h o Bont F a m ily S u in ',
ed me. It’s the best Salve on earth.
DeWitt’s Witch Hazel gives in­ 25c at R. S. Knowlton’s drug
stant relief from burns, cures cuts, store.
------ --------• » --------------------
bruises, sores, eczema, tetter and
all abrasions of the skin. In buy­
Managers W an ted
ing Witch Hazel Salve it is only
necessary to see that you get the
Trustworthy lady or gentleman
genuine DeWitt’s and a cure is cer­ to manage business in this County
tain. There are many cheap coun­ and adjoining territory for well
terfeits on the market, all of which and favorably known house of
are worthless, and quite a few are solid financial standing. $20.00
dangerous, while DeW itt’s Witch straight cash salary and expenses
Hazel Salve is perfectly harmless paid each Monday by check direct
and cures, Sold by R. S. Knowlton. from headquarters, expense moeny
--- •---------- W * v-------------
advanced; postion permanedt. A d ­
8 t Louis, March 28.— For the dress Manager, 610 Monon Bldg.
first time in the history of United Chicago, 111.
States, a United States Senator has
been convicted of accepting a bribe.
R-I-P-A-N-S Tabules
He is Senator Joseph R. Burton, of
Doctors find
Kansas. After being out 41 hours
A good prescription
a jury iu the United States District
For maokiud-
Court today decided that the law­
The 5-cent packet is enough for usual oc­
maker accepted compensation to
casions. The family bottle (60 cents) con­
protect tbe interests of the Rialto tains a supply for a year, All druggists
Grain k Securities Company of St. sell them.
Louis before the Postoffice Depart­
A motion for a new trial was im­
mediately filed by counsel for the
Senator. Jndge Adams thereupon
ordered that Senator Burton ap­
pear in court, either in person or
by proxy, at 10 o'clock from day to
2825 Keeley St.,
day until the court has heard the
CniCAoo, 111., Oct,, 2, 1902.
argument for a new trial, and if de­
I suffered with falling and con­
cided against him to fix his punish­
gestion of the womb, with severe
pains through the groins. I suf­
fered terribly at the time of men­
N r la n t le R l i r m n a t l s i n C u r e d .
struation, had blinding headache«
and rushing of blood to the brain.
“ I have been subject to sciantic
W hat to try 1 knew not. for it
rheumatism for years,” says E. H.
seemed that I had tried all and
failed, but I had never tried W ine
Waldron, of Wilton Junction, Iowa.
of Cardui, that blessed remedy for
‘‘My joints were stiff and gave me
sick women. I found it pleasant
much pain aud discomfort.
to take and soon knew that I had
joints would crack when I straight­
the right medicine. N «w blood
seemed to course through my veim
ened up.
I used Chamberlain’s
and after using eleven bottles I
Pain Balm and have been thorough­
was a well woman.
ly cured. Have not had a pain or
ache from the old trouble for many
It is certainly a most
wonderful liniment.’’ For sale by
Mrs. Bush is now in perfect
R. 8. Knowlton.
It W ill Only Cost OneCent
health because she took W ine of
Cardui for menstrual disorders,
bearing down pains and blinding
headaches when all other remedies
failed to bring her relief. Any
sufferer may secure health by tak­
ing W in e of Cardui in her home.
. The first bottle convinces the pa­
tient she is on the road to health.
to buy a postal card and send to
The New York Tribime Farmer,
New York City for a free specimen
The New York Tribune Farmer
is a National Illustrated Agricul­
For advice in cases requiring
tural Weekly for Farmers and
special directions, address, g ivin g
their families, and EVERY issue
symptoms, “ The Ladies’ Advisory
oontains matter instructive nnd en­
Department,” The Chattanooga
tertaining to EVERY member of
Medicine Co., Chattanooga, Tenn.
tbe family.
The price is $1.00 per
year, but if you like it you can se­
cure it with your own favorite local
newspaper, The H eb .\ ld , Coquille,
Ore,, at a bargain.
Both papers
one year only $1.25.
Send your order and money to
•The H e r a l d . ”
The prohibition county conven­
Hudson & Haynes,
tion for Coos county, Oregon, is
The steamer, J. Warren, will
hereby called to meet at Coquille, make regular trips between Giav- lin in g and Real Estate Agents
Coos county, Oregon, on tbe 22nd el Ford aud Myrtle Point on Wed-
Eeklpy, Curry County, Oregon.
AVE valuable Mmes. Farma, Stock
day of April, 1904, at 2 o ’clock p. o f each week.
I will not be re­
Ranches nnd Timber Lands for sale.
ni., for the purpose of electing del­ sponsible for bv-freight after it is
House and 6 acres o f land w ell improved
egates to tbe state convention to be put off the boat.
Wilbnr, Douglas connty, O r., for sale,
held at Portland, Oregon, on the
exchange for property in Myrtle Point
C a p t . J. M. B r i o h t .
28th and 29th days of April, 1904;
M rs. G. R. Wickham who has delegates to the First Congressional
done a very suooeofnl boarding district convention of the State of
house business at tho foot of Front Oregon; and for the nomination of
street in the Collier residence, caodidatea for state senator for Coos
Myrtle Point, Or.
moved into her new bouse which nnd Curry counties, representative
Highest Grade Lenses.
she_ has had constructed for her for Coos county, county clerk, sher­
business just east of the Masonic iff, two county commissioners, as­ Satisfaction Onaranteed in ©very («a©.
Hall on Thursday. She will be sessor, school superintendent, treas­
remembered and fonnd by her urer, surveyor, coroner and district
maoy friends.
officers as may be necessary, and | £
G X C * 0 1 I l.G
W anteb — T rustworthy
L apy such other business ns may come be-j
or Gentleman to manage business tore said convention.
E. A. H o w e y ,
Leaves Coquille City for Myrtle
in this County and adjoining terri­
! Point at 7:30 ». m.
tory for house of solid financial
Leaves Myrtle Point for Coquille
stan.liug, $20.00 straight cash
T w ^ F n m
T H. MEHL k COB expert
salary and expenses paid each |
..... ,
, .
. ,
, [ Citv at 1 :30 p. m.
testing new Guns and Ammunition.
O. R. W IL L A R D
Mon,lay direct from headquarters.,
Expense money advance)!; pos.-
of "h o o p ,o g cough j
tion permanent Address M anner.
6ronch.Ua, w nU . Mr». W K.
605 Monon Bldg., Chicago
H*vi»and of Armonk N. Y “ but |
when all other remedies failed, we j
Speaker II. W. Kelsey, accom- saved her life with Dr. King's New j
pauied by H. L. Hockett, W. E o- Discovery.
Our niece, who had I
m o n t h l y
m a g a z in e
gene Knox and E. A. Newly will Consumption in an advanced stage, l
P o u lt r y F a r m ,
A F a m i l y l i b r a r y
visit the different points in (Ywie also used this wonderful medicine
The Best id Current Literat re
county iu the interret of Prohi- *n,l today she is perfectly well.” i J , R . S t i l l w e l l , Prop
12 C omplete N ovelc Y kat - .
bition as follows- at Myrtle Point Desperate throat and lung diseases
M AN Y S H O R T S T O R IC S A M . i
on tbe 18th, at Itivertouou the 19tli yield to Dr. King's Now Discovery
nt Bandon on the 20th, at Psrkars- as to no other medicine on earth, h roii'aH reJ cockerels from $1 up
and eggs $1 per setting.
9 2 .6 0 PE» TEA«: 2 6 CTS. A COPY
burg on the 21st,and Coquille City, Infallible for Coughs and Cold»,
on the 22nd, and at Marshfield o n ' 50c and $1.00 bottles guaranteed
« vest rvuMata com plete in itsclp
the 23rd o f April. All in sympathy I by R. 8. Knowlton. Trial bottle« One Minute Cough Ci
F o r c o u g h s . C old s a n d O rou p .
with this reform slumkl t q r fl oqt- j free.
M.G.Pohl, Dr. 'Optics,
Itiinriymmitli Rock UPPINCOTT’S
B e s t Cniiali
Y lo l Critic lo r
C lillit-
Goquille furniture
When you buy a cough raediciue
for small children you waut one iu
which you can place implicit confi­
dence. You want one that not only
relieves but cures. You want one
that is unquestionably harmless.
You -ant one that is pleasant to
take. Chamberlain’s Cough Rem­
edy meets all of these conditions.
J - G - P ish & S o n ,
There is nothing so good for the
of Hutter Boxes, Cubes, Apple and Fruit Boxet*
coughs aud oolds incident to child­
Cabin« ta, Tables, Counters, Store Fronts, etc*.
hood. It is also a curtain preven­
Turuiti;.» Work a Specialty.
All Orders flireu
tive and cure for croup, and there
promp1 Attention.
is no danger whatever from whoop­
ing cough when it is given. It lisa
been used in many epidemics of
that disease with perfect s u c c e s s .
For sale by R. S. Knowlton.
——a—» - -
New feed Store,
This paper and the Illustrated
Weekley “ Northwest Farm
Home” published at North Yakima,
WaEh., with branch offices at Seat­
tle, Wash., Portland Oregon, and
Vancouver, B. C., will be sent one
year for $2.50 The "Northwest Farm
and Home” is the third oldest agri.
cultural paper in America.
It was
established in 1847. All farmers
meetings, fairs and market reports
are published in full Every depart­
ment is replete with matter that is
adapted to the local conditious pre­
vailing in the New Northwest.
Dairying, Live rttock Breeding,
Fruitgrowing, Poultry
Beekeeping, The Household, Young
People’s page, The Grange, etc., are
among the regular departments. The
price of that weekly is $2 a year by
itself, but we olub our paper and
the “ Northwest Farm aDd Home”
for $2.50 per year.
IVrs, M, H. Webber & Son
P rop s-
Outs and whoat,, Chopped
Bran, Etc., Etc.
The ‘ C L Y D E ”
Li veryfeed Stable
Gr. W . J V Ia rtin ,
Theodore K ooseyelt.......................President
John H ay.......................... Secretary o f 8tate
Leslie M. Shaw.........Secretary o f Treasury
Elihn H oot........................ Secretary o f War
E. A. H itchcock.........Secretary o f Interior
Wra. H. M oody................ Secretary o f Navy
Jas. F. W ilson. ...Secretary of Asrioultuie
P. O. K nox......................................... Attorney General
General feed and livery business, hauling and delivering.
H. C. P ayne...................................Postmaster General
Melyille W. Fuller................... Chief Justice
furnished on short notice.
Coruor First and Hall
Coquille City, Oregon
John H. Mitchell [
..U. 8. Senator
Chas W Fulton 1 * *'
Linger Hermann, Congressman 1st Dist.
J. N. W illiamson....Congressm an 2nd Dist
Geo. E. Chamberlain.................... Governor
F. I. Dunbar..................... Secretary o f State
Chas. T. M oore........................................State Treasurer
J. H. Ackerman....... Snpt. Pub. Instruction
J. E . W hitney......................... State Printer
A. M. Crawford.................................Attorney General
K. S. Bean.
F. A. Moore,
> .............Supreme Judges
C. E. W olverton,)
M. L. Chamberlain..............................
.........Clerk Board School Land Com.
C, B. Bellinger...................D. S. Dist. Judge
W. F. Mathews........................U. S. Marshal
D. M. Dunne................... Collector Int. Psv.
John H . H all................ U. 8. Dist. Attorney
harness and Saddles
K- ads or Leather Goods fou.n.d in a.
Harness Shop
8B C O K D J U D IC IA L D I S T R I C T .
I also do all kinds of repairing in this line at reasonable figure
J. W. H am ilton.................................. Judge
G. M. Brown.............. Prosecuting Attorney
Goa uille Or
U . 8 . L A N D C F F IC K .
Henry B ooth......................................Receiver
J. T. Bridges...................................... Register
L. Harlooker........................................... Jndge
L. H. H azard........................................... Clerk
Stephen G allier....................................Sheriff
J. B. D olley ......................................Treasurer
T . J. T h r ift.........................................Assessor
W . H. B unch............ School Superintendent
Wm. H orsfall...................................... Coroner
8. B Catbcart....................................Surveyor
D .; M cIntosh............................ Commissioner
R. C. Dem ent........................... Commissioner
E. 8. DEAN,
oquille Valley Packing ompany
(Successors to Johnson, Dean <fc Co.)
C a p ita l $ 1 0 ,0 0 0 .
Principal place of business
W ork
A general packing business carried on. The best meats
the country can produce always on hand. Highest cash
price paid for beef, pork, mutton, chickens, etc.
of the
Y ear S eptember 14 th .
The school is well equipped for
its particular line o f work.
lence is tbe motto of the school.
Four courses, a Training Depart­
ment of nine grades, tuition uni­
form with other Normal schools,
pleasant surroundings, best of in­
fluences, excellent accommodations
in boarding halls or private fam­
Students may enter at any
time and find work suited to tlicir
Young people desiring to
fit themselves for teachers, or for
college, or those desiring a good
education for business life will find
what they need here. Address
Oregon 8tato
School, Drain, Oregon.
W. H. D e m pster ,
W eak
-H e a rts
Myrtle Point,
Normal School
A t D rain , O pens
Vice President.
E. D E A N
T uttle
O o c p u lllo C it y . O r e g o n .
First Class in eoerg respect Coarteos treatment, Transien
and Regular Boarding and Lodging.
Are due to Indigestion. Nlnaty-ntna of every
one hundred people who have heart troubla |
can remember whan It was simple Indigos-1
tlon. It la a eclentlilo fact that all cases of |
heart disease, not organlo, are not only I
traceable to. but are the direct raaull of Indl-1
gestlon. All food- taken Into the stomach
which falls of perfect digestion ferments and
swells the stomach, puffing It up against the
heart. This Interferes with the action of
the heart, and In the course of time that
delicate but vital organ becomes diseased.
Mr. D. Rouble, of Nevada. O., aara: I had atomach
trmibla and waa le a bed atate aa I had haart trouble I
with It. 1 took K viol Drapapata Cun for about four
moot ha and It eui-adana.
First Street— East End o f Bridge.
Kodol Digest* W hat Y o n Eat
and relieves the stomach of all nervous
strain and the heart of all pressure,
•ottleeonlr. $1.00 She holdtns JK ttmaa the trial
a n . which aeSa for SOc.
Prepared b , «. O. OeWITT A OO.. OHIOAOCL
Saddle Horses of best quality always on hand. G ood Rigs in rend
ness for special trips. In fact, a general Stage and Livery business.
Accommodations for Traveling l u e D a speciality.
For sale by R. 8, Rnowltou j
I nventors Don’t Have Cold Feet
to w rit« for our confidential letter before ap­
plying for patent; it may be w orth m oney.
W e prom ptly obtain U. 8.. and Foreign
--------- B U T B U R N ----------
John Peart's Coal,
« • ' T R A D E ( M A a t K I o r i-ctnrn E N -
T I R E attorney'« fee. 8*n<l rnodel, aketch
or photo and we aend an
F R E E r-p ort on pator
the beat legal aervice and 1 advice, and our
charge« are moderate. Try na.
C O .,
0pp. U.S. P*t«at Office.Washington. D.C.
by W. H. Mansell to
Large series in connect ion
part« o f
town at $
Weighing 10 cent« per lo«tl
per ton