Beef Trust Rtises Price. Dora Items. New York, March 21,— Determin­ ed on still another increase in the already enormous profits on the sale of dressed beef, tue beef trust has made an arbitrary advance of oDe cent a pound on its product The advance goes into effect tomor­ row. This means an increae o f two or three cents a pound to the con­ sumer. It is estimated that the beef trust will increase ita profits more than $160,000 per month by the new price schedule. T h . advance is regarded as arbi­ trary and absolutely without justi­ fication from the condition of the livestock market The rise in price is said to be the direct result of the war that has been waged for months by the beof trust in an ef­ fort to crush the Cudahy Packing company, its great rival. The beef trust found that the Cudahy interests were able to meet every cut with a greater one. Retrench­ ment by the trust followed and prices have been steadily advancing for several months. The present increase directly af­ fects not only this city, but indi­ rectly every other city throughout the country. Simultaneously with the increase in the price of beef by the whole­ salers there will be a corresponding increase by the retailers. Although opposed to any rise in price at the present, they are compelled by the exactions of the beef trust to meet the increase. The latest example of the rapacity by the trust comes at a time when the supply o f beef was never greater and when the price of beef on the hoof ia going down. Behold the beautiful snow on the highlands. March has been true to her uame, a stormy month. L. S. Minard has been cutting and hauling a flue lot of logs. Sure the mill man will uot scale him out of one-third of such fine logs. The team is now at M. J. Krantz's haul­ ing, the loggers are stilt holding the Nozth Fork with a large amouQt of logs. I guess J. M. Bright and the loggers will have a contest suit or Uncle Sara and the loggers, as they did not open the river when noti­ fied to. J. M. Porter has rented the Sam Goheen place and will move onto the same. The heavy wind storm caused several trees to cross the county wagon road. A logging camp is to start up on Big Creek when the weather settles. Robert Parrish is planning to run the Gravel Ford creamery this season. The Dora school commenced on the 21st, with Frank Pierson as teacher. Mabel Weekly will teach the Gravel Ford school and Mrs. F. Pierson the Pleasant Hill school. Shiloh school district is talking of moving the schoolhouse site near the bridge. About seven or eight feel of snow is reported on the Coos Bay road at the summit o f the mountain. Some of the farmers fed their hay cut to soon this year. Easter services at Gravel Ford on April 3rd, also at Pleasant Hill. The prospects for a fruit crop are good. We hear the Myrtle Point and Fairview mail route will be shorten­ ed and only run from Myrtle Point to Lee, as about five miles of road is now traveled with only ono or two settlers on it from Lee to Fair, view. Dp You S ee . -------------- approval of the Republican County Conventions. R. D. HUME. Parkersburg. Triumph towed schooner Coquille ANNOUNCEMENT up river on 22nd. Ih e little craft was out thirty-seven days from S»n Marshfield, Oregon, March 15— Francisco, reaching the latitude of 1904. 1 hereby announce myself Columbia river, whilo weathering voted as the leading piano dealer gales that discomfited her. for the counties of Coos, Curry, and Schooner Onward arrived in San Douglas, subject to the continued Francisco, Advance clearing from good will o f the people o f said counties, fortified by the far reach­ same last Sunday for this port. ing good influence o f the Ludwig The health of the community is and Hamilton pianos, and sabscribe good, although a few isolated cases myself, yours truly, of mumps aro reported, which with E. M. F urman . rr and attention will soon dis­ appear. T h « S a m e W lt fh lla zrl. Mr. Bert Jones has been indis- p ed for the past few days with a ' lii-ht form of la grippe. Mr. Hambloek, who recently had s ' a miraculous escape from ser- ii injury, or possible death, ie wr many since taken a number of bottles bot|ies of Nervine. I consider r myself cured I am doing ray and give Dr. M U «’ Nervine credit for my general good health. My object in ¡teine writing tliis is to reomnroend vour medic canne! write as strongly as I feeL^- I cannet Miss A d d ìi B. V a r i l i , K. Marion St., Guthrie, Oklahoma. arante« first bot- All drqgfists sell and guara tie Dr. Miles' Remedies. Send for free book on Nervous and Heart Diseases. Address Dr. Milos Medical Co., Elkhart, tad. ------------ » iS» «----------- •U K’* E a rly R ise ro T h « f a m o u s I It t i« pill«. Has just received a complete stock of new Worsted Dress Goods, Silks and Velvets. An elegant assortment of new Wash materials Jor early spring . Immense line of sta pie and Fancy to 20 cts. per yd. Ginghams f Prices 8 1-3 Large assortment of white and champagne colored merceri­ zed Oxfords for Waists from 20 to 90 cts. per. yd. Percales, in latest patterns 7 1-2 to 20cts per yd. Calico, 20 yards to the Dollar. Ladies Heady-made Summer suits and waists. N ew Spring Clothing for Men and Boys. Remember our Popular-price Shoe department, New and Stylish footware is arriung Daily. Large assortment of up-to-date Hats just received, compris­ ing ihe Steadson, Crizziy and Dunlap, the best on earth. W e also carry a com plete line of Groceries, Flour and Feed, Our Price are Right. Farmers, bring your produce to W. T. KERR & C O . SUM M ONS. NOTICE OF SHERIFF’S SALE UNDER EXECUTION: Notice is hereby given that under and by virtue o f a writ o f execution duly issued out of and under the seal o f the Circuit Court of the state o f Oregon, in and for the county of Coos, to me directed and de­ livered, dated the 27th day o f February 1904, upon a judgment dnlv rendered and docketed in the .Judgment Lien Docket in said Court, on the 2nd day of Ootober 1894, wnerein Isaiah Hacker as assignee of David Morse Jr., was plaintiff and Thomas Wyman and Hose O. - Wyman were de­ fendants, in favor o f said plaintiff and against said defendants, command me to make by levy and sale ont o f tho property of said defendants, or either of them, on or after the said 2nd day o f October 1894, tnc amount duo on said judgment, to-wit: $630.92 with interest thereon at 8 per cent per annum from April 17th 1903 until paid, for want o f personal property o f said de­ fendants or either of them, I have levied upon the following described real property belonging to the said defendants, to-wit:— All o f the interests that said defendants or either o f them had on the 2nd day o f October 1894 or have since acquired in and to the South-east quarter o f north-west quarter and north-east quarter o f south­ west quarter, and lots three and four o f Seotion seven in township 26 south of range 13 west o f Willamtte Merid­ ian in Coos County, also, lot o f land, de­ scribed as beginning at a post standing north seventy-four degrees east seventy- eight and 1-10 feet from the south-east corner o f lot four in block thirty-one in the town of Empire City, Coos Co., Oregon, ns shown by the plat of said town on file and o f record in the office of the county clerk said Coos County, thenco north twenty-four degrees east fifty feet; thence south sixty six degrees east one nundred feet; thence south twenty-four degrees west fifty feet; and thence north six ty - six degrees west one hundred feet, to the place of beginning, containing 5000 square feet o f land, the same being the south half o f lot of land designated in H, H. Luse’s A ddition 10 said Empire C ity, marked “ M C” situated in Block number­ ed 132, as per plat of said addition. And will on Friday, the 15th day o f April, 1904, at the hour of 10 o’clook in the forenoon o f said aay, at the front door at the County Court House in the town of Coquille, Coos County, Oregon, offer for sale and sell to the highest and best bidder for cash, the above described real property, or sufficient thereof to satisfy the said ex­ ecution with coats and accruing costs. Given under my hand this 15th day of March, 1904. S tephen G a l l ie r , Sheriff o f Coos County, Oregon. Brown Leghorns. WlKEitMCU S u m m on s, In the circuit Court o f the State of Ore­ gon for Cooa Connty George M. Hite, Plantiff. 1 vo. J. Heury Schroeder. as adniiniatrn- I tor of the estate o f E. 8. Spur- j geon. deceased, and Cyrus Spur- I Spurgeon, 8. D. Spur- ! Suit in geon, Gabe Spurgeon, geou. Harriett Hpuri, Spurgeon, John Equity Reeder. S. W. Spurgeon and j for Nancy Maxott, heirs at law of E. I Deed. Spurgeon, deceaaed, ) To J. Henry Schroeder administrator of the estate o f E. S. Spurgeon deoeased and Cyrus Spurgeon, Gabe Spurgeon S. D. Spurgeon, Harritt narritt Spurgeon, Hpui„ John Reeder, S. N. Spurgeon ---------and and N Nancy Maxon heirs at 4 law o f £ . 8. S Sturgeon, b i ___ deceased, the above named defendants. In the name o f the State o f Oregon, you and each o f you are hereby required to ap­ pear and answer the complaint filed against you in the above entitled court and suit on or before six weeks from the date o f the first publication of this Summons which first date is Tuesday the 16th day of Feb­ ruary, 1904 and the last date thereof and of tho time o f yonr appearanoe ia the 29th day of March, 1904, and if you fail so to ap­ pear and answer within the time limited, the plaintiff will apply to the Court for the relief demanded in the Complaint a suc­ cinct statement o f which is as follows viz. For a decree that plaintiff is the owner in fee o f the following discribed premises Rituated in Coos county, state of Oregon, viz: Beginning at an iron post forty rods South and thirty seven rods and two feet West from the quarter section corner or post on North boundary line of section one in town­ ship twenty-eight South of range thirteen West o f the Willamette Meredian—-run­ ning thence West one hundred feet thence South two hundred and sixty-two feet more or less to North boundary line of Fourth street in Coquille thence East one hundred feet, thence North two hundred and sixty- two feet more or less to place of beginning and for a deed therefor. And also the land and premises discribed as ninety feet wide East and West and two hundred and fifty feet long North and South in the North­ east corner of a tract of land discribed as commencing 80 rods East and 40 rods South o f tho Northwest corner of Seo. 1. tp 28 S. R. 13 West o f Willamette Meredian in Coos Connty, State of Oregon, running thence South 80 rods more or lose to the iron stake between the J. A. Collier and E. S. Spnrgeon land thence East 36 rods and 13K feet more or less to the Southwest corner of parcel of land bonded to J. W. Drane thence North to South side of Spur­ geon Street, thence North 300 feet, thence West to placo of begiiffling and for a deed therefor, and for costs and other equitable relief. This summons is published by order o f the Hon. L . Harlocker, connty judge for Coos county, state of Oregon made and en­ tered the 13th day ot February, 1904 direct­ ing that the same be published in the Co­ quille City Herald, a weekly paper publish­ ed in said Coos county Oregon and o f gen­ eral circulation therein, for six successive weeks. W alteb S in c l a ir , Attorney for Plantiff. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. United States Land Office. Roseburg, Oregon, March 23, 1904, Notice is hereby given that in compliance with the provisions of the act o f Congress of June 3,1878, entitled “ An act for the sale of timber lands in the States of California. Oregon,Nevada and Washington Territory.” as extended to all the Public Laud States by act of August 4, 1892. JAMES W. MAST, IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE STATE OF OREGON FOR T H E COUN­ T Y OF COOS. T . H. Mehl and V illiam Mehl, partners doing bnninesa un­ der the firm uame o f T. H. Mehl A Co., Plaintiffs, vs. \ Summons. I J H. 8. Kriba, Defendant. the above-named de­ H. S. K1UBS. T O fendant: In the name of the State o f Oregon, you aro herebv required to appear and answer the complaint filed against you in the above entitled Court and oanve. on or before Wednesday, the 18th day of May, 1904. which is eight week, after Tuesday .the 29nil day of March, 1904. said last date being tho date bf the first publication o f this summons, and if you fail to so appear and answer, for want thereof, the plaintiff will take judgment agaiqst you for the sum of Two Hundred and Sixtv-five Dollars and Eighty Centa,gether with interest on Two Hundred Dollars thereof, at the rate of six per cent per annum from the 9th day o f October, 1902, for the further sum of Fifty Dollars as attorney’s fees in this action, and for the plaintiffs’ costs andjdisburse- ments thereof; and will take an order of said Circuit Court for the sale of any pro­ perty attached in this action, and particu­ larly all your right title and interest, in and to Cfertifloate No. 6 o f the preferred stock of the Bandon Oil Company, a cor­ poration inoorperated and existing under the laws o f the State o f Oregon, which has been attached in this actian, sufficient to satisfy such judgment, and costs aad dis­ bursements. This summons is published by the order o f the Hon. L. Harlocker. County Judge of Coos County. State o f Oregon, made and entered on the 21st day o f March 1904, and which order specifies that the same shall be published for eight consecutive weeks in the Coquille City H e r a l d a weekly news­ paper of geueral circulation and printed and published in the above-named Connty, at the City o f Coquille. SPER R Y «k CHASE, Attorneys for Plaintiffs. the Rare Bargains in Second-Hand Wheels. Rent. DISSOLUTION NOTICE Notice is hereby given that the co-part­ nership heretofore existing between tho undersigned, under tho firm name o f Mar­ tin A Wilson, is this day dissolved by mu­ tual consent. The business will be conducted by G. W. Martin at the place o f business heretofore occupied by the old firm. Said G. W . Mar­ tin is hereby authorized to settle all liabili­ ties and collect all outstanding accounts due the old firm. Witness our hands and seals this 8th day of February, 1904. G . W . M a r t in . J. D. W ilson . Wheels to Repairing Done on Short Notice. ALBERT FISH, East Ei)d of front St. - - COQUILLE, 01^. Pianos and Organs. s in a rm m m n ri — — -«w— Forty Different Factories’ Make. Oldest and Best House in the Northwest. Fifty to a Hundred Dollars saved on every Piano. We Arrange Payments to suit convenience of Pat­ rons and Countersign all Factory Guarantees. Allen & Gilbert, Ramaker Company, For pnces terms and full Infoimation with Illustrated Catalogue write to:—:—: E. M. FURMAN for Coos County, O. Box 218, Marshfield. THE Star Restaurant, MRS, G. W. MARTIN, PROP. COQUILLE CITY, R fO G O N , This Newly Established Resort will be found first-class in every resp»ctn The tables are suppled with the best of everything, prepared in nn up-to-date manner. Give it a trial. T o Cure a Cold in One Day Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablets. * n c jf Seven M3Bon boxes soM In past 1 2 months. This signature, Coree Grip la Two Day«. on every box. 25c. R e g is te r , NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION, D rpvbtmfnt o r 1 Ramblers, Tribunes, Mitchells and other makes. If O T I C K T O CJR E D I T O R S Notieo is hereby given that the under­ signed has been duly appointed adminis­ trator of the partnership estate o f W. H. Erdice, deceased, and tha'«ail persons hav­ ing claims against said estate are hereby required to present them, duly verified, it» the undersigned at the Coquille City Creamery in Coes county, Oregon, within Rix months from the d ale hereof. Dated this 1st day of February. 1904. S. M. N oslbr , Administrator o f the Partnership Estate o f W. H. Erdice, deceased. of Prosper, connty of Coos, state o f Ore­ gon. ha* this day fildd in this office b is sworn statement N o.---- ■, for the purchase of the East H of S. W. M of Section No. 32, in Township No. 27, S. range No. 11 W ., and will offer proof to phow that the land sought is more valuable for its timber or stone than for agricultural purposes, and to establish his claim to said land before L. H . Hazard, Connty Clerk o f Coos Countv, Oregon, at hi:i office in the court­ house at Coquille Citr . Coos County, Ore­ gon, on Saturday, the 11th J hv of Jane, 1904. He names as witnesses: W. H. Har- man, E .„ D . Myers, Webb Mast, Henry | Hervey, all o f Lee, Oregon. Any and all persons claiming adversely | the above-described lands are requested to file their claims in this office on or before said 11th day of June, 1904. J. T. BRIDGES. __ Bicycles! I ntb bio r . Land Office at Kosebnri. Oregon, January 21, 1904. Notice is hereby given that the follow- ing-named settler h a j filed notice of his intention to make final commutation proof in support of his claim nd that s t id proof will be made before E. D. G. Holden, U. 8. Commissioner at Coquille Oregon, on April 9, 1904, viz: tl. E. No 11*4*1, W I L L I A M J . M >* >N. for the S ^ S S Seo. 4. T. 24 A . H. II West. He names the following w it n e s s to prove his continuous residence up ui anti cultiva­ tion o f *aid land, viz: Edw.ifU N. Moon, Arthur Brown, of McKinley. G»car P. Moon. Sherman Flinn, o f Fairview. Ore­ gon. J. T. BRIDGES. Register. Strang’s Emporium. Glassware and Dishes, W ood and W ilow - ware. Umbrellas, Leggings and hightop Loggers shoes Outing Flanels,M acintoshes,Rubber goods Blankets. Ladies’ and Gents’ Underwear. Kodol DvH-e.1. c r . Z. C. STRANG, Prop.. - - - Coquille, Oregon D i g e s t s w tijit y o u B®t*