whobndcome especially to attend the meeting were deeply interested and expressed their section of the, TU E SD A Y . DEC. 1. 1901. county would be fouti I moro than willing to do its part. ■ As to the manner of organizing, FOR COUNTY EXHIBIT AT ST- LOUIS FAIR. Mr. Pierce thought that the Coos Organization Formed Embracing Live Men Hay Chamber of Commerce should what you want iu selecting yonr holiday If von don’t ti’nl find he at the head of the movement, From all Parts of Coos County. gifts, ’Its because you wait mil tho last week tho last day, which would give it standing at Commence your shopping early, while 'he assortment is complete From tae Count Mail. once, and the people of the Co- . , .] and you will never lie ilisapn liute I. Tbe meeting in the Chamber of quilla would join in. Commerce room» Friday evening Mr. Dow oppn-ed this idea, iu J o m e IM ow I S e t t e r resulted iu tbe f o r m a t io n of an or­ so fur as it might make the officers Toy Carls, 2 kinds, I Children’s S il­ ganization whose especial business of the Chamber the officers of the ""•’I all iron am all w i d Í it will be to see that Coos county is new o’gunizjtiion, on the ground ver plated, 3- 60 different games—all new adequately represented at tbe St that the officers of the Chamber —one in each package of to please piece sot. 25c anil 60c. d rei Louis Exposition. now have their hands full, and I lie Mets. lf> Bugles, Hums. Trum- Jas. H. Flanagan, vice-president new movement could tie Imudh'd ’’ *"*"“ -1 J ® pels and similar niu- Stco. wagons m I whe< 111 of the Chamber of Commerce pro better as a distinct institution. ami n ; mitons otln r 1 i Men! toys, 5c to 25o. at your Qrocer’s. sided oyer tbe meeting and E. < Judge Schrooder supported M1' Best tliir./s on wheels! Farrin acted as secretary. Tho fol­ Pietco’s sug'rnstion, sa did I . S- D!!l MS. Win ranted good quality, lowing gentlemen were present 0. C. A. notes. Ktufman also. • i inch diameter—26c. O. Y. Harry, of Portland, Lewis Kid Sleeping Dolls, from l-l After same discussion a motion Drums from 40c up to Thvec new nnnio and Clark Fair Commissioner, J. added to our j IS inches to 20 inches, 23c and SI. Larger 25 Henry Sobroeder and J. W. Clinton by Mr. Dow was carried, to appoint list Monday raising nr enrollment •*n p upwards of Arago, D. D. Pierce, of Coquille a committee of three to organize to 52. City, I’eter Loggie, of North Bend, the county - , On , motion . of J. S. • i Miss Nannie McAdnnps severed Toy Watches, Battles, J. H. Flanagan, P. Sengstacken, J. Coke it was decided to rulings t n s ’]ier connection with the - liool tem- Dalis, Marbles, nnd w h a t Dressed Do comuiittee by the appointment of j poranty on account 0f B it.ltncs*s in S. Coke, F. S. Kaufman, and E. L. not in the way of play- inches ns ’o o: is .'¡(i inchc C. Farrin, of Marshfield, with a rep­ one or more men at each town or (.jjP to 010. 5c to 50. resentative of the Coast Mail in postoffice, and the gentlemen here-j Rehearsals looking toward the after united were appointed. F. S oratorical contest have begun but tbe corner. Our ‘25c line oí Dolls are •y Hammers, Hatch- Dow was named as chairman of the the vori Miente! Mr. Harry addressed the meeting committee und E. L. C. Farrin as the lime of that entertainment is 1 < ! . and nxes, 5c. postponed on account of late com­ at some length stating tbe desires ^=36 secretary. Mr. Dow accepted, until ers wishi g to enter. Dm of the Lewis and Clark Commission 'Regular further action should be taken by The advanced arithmetic class urging that Coos county take steps x. 50c the committee, and he expressed a will soon finish and wili take up ad- to put a creditable exibit at St. 1) itl ( ’ ir- strong desire thnt the permanent I vnneed physiologv instead. Louis, and making valuable sug­ V rings, organization should be in tbe hands * Tho class i:i Grecian liLlovv are gestions. guoilsize, of the members of the committee. well a'otig and manifests a Toy ad Irons, 25 per set. 35c for He mentioned tbe steps that The selection of Mr. Dow ns chair Cheaper guado K this week that Lave been taken and the large mau was at the instance of Judge gree of interest. Other classes are doi goo.l appropriation that has been made Scboroiler, backed by tho other only. * ... Doll Nursing lmttles. repare by tbe state, and said that it would two gentlemen from the Coquille, work. ¡Some of these \vi Cabinet and Stamp exhibit- for tho World’s 1 exact immitation of the A MU' at St. be au oversight for any portion of anil they strouSly urged that the Iso Autograph real thing. 5c. tbe state to overlook this chance to bead of the committee ahonkl be at Louis. in at varieties. 25c, 50o bring itself: to tbe attention of tbe Marshfield, from which point the Don’t forget the lecture next Fri­ attention tbe outside world. day evening by Prof. Anderson. ’oy Garden Set- Hoe, shipment of exhibit will be made W hile the lumber industry is As Mr. Dow travels over the couu “Educational Ideals,’' is a good Rake and spade, good We hope to have some -■■2 very important, we have other in­ ty about ouce a mouth in the line subject. size, por set, 23e. dustries just as groat. The dairy of his business the fitness of his se­ special songs for the occasion. V frJ interests are very important, lection was apparent. and it would be almost criminal Judge Sobroeder suggested thut I j F I Fresh testimony in great quantity negligence not to have them repre- to provide a small fund for iramedi- is constantly corning in declaring sented at the St. Louis fair. Put I ¡^"expenses there should be amem- Dr. King's Now Discovery for Con­ an exhibit in, and millions of peo- bership fee of 50 cents or $1, and sumption Cough and Colds to be un- pie would ses it and have their at- that a paper be drawn up and sig equuled. A recent expression from tention attracted to Coos county, natures solicited T. J. McFarland Bentorville, Va. Individuals contributing will be Mr Kaufman vigorously opposed serves as example. He writes: “I given full credit, and any diplomas this idea on tbe ground of the inuil- had Bronchitis for three years and or prizes awarded will go to the j equacy of the amount to be renlized doctored all the time withoue being party furnishing the exhibit. When | »peaking from his experience at benifited, Then I began taking th e fair is over the exhibits will be Spokane; and while he had the floor Dr. King’s New Discovery, nnd a th e property of tbe donors and will he gave a short dissertation on the few bottles whoolly cured me.’’ be disposed of as they may direct. subject of briDgiug Coos Day to Equally effective in curing all Lung The St. Louis fair will be the the front that was full of good sag and Throat troubles, Consumption, greatest exposition ever held. Over gestions. He said there was more Pneumonia anil Giip. Guariuteed §50,000,000 will be expended, and manufacturing on Coos Day today by IT. S. Knowltou, Druggist. Trial the doors will be open for 7 than there was in Spokane when bottle free, regular sizes 50c, and she had 50,000 inhabitants. Not $ 1 . 00 . months. -VCarsfn.fi.eld., Ore. - - O The agricultural, fruit and min­ an intelligent man has come here Marshfield San, Agents for lending makes of eral interests should each be ex­ but ha^ gone away enthused. Eu­ Dr. M g us is oa the improve reka has grown ahead of Coos Day hibited and exploited. Tho im­ mediate want is a carload of the bocauso they hayeBpent thousands anil will be out in a few ilsyu. A.'E. Seaman and wife have re- choicest apples, to put on exhibi­ of dollars in judicious advertising. tion at the opening of the fair. California had been built up by turue 1 f:vm an extended visit with R u b b e r G o o d s a n d U m b r e lla s . These must be secured at once, or earnest effort and judicious adver­ relative!) iu Michigan. The railroad surveyors ate about it will be too late. They will be tising, Washiugiou the same. Mr. Scbroeder withdrew his sug­ to move their camp from Winches­ shipped to St. Louis ami placed in ter bay to Ten-mile They are mak­ FJ cold storage until the fair opens. g e s t on. We buy for Cash from Manufactures and therefore can Mr. Pierce said that two years ing their way slow hut sure to Coos Alter being taken from storage bay. sell v°u at bottom prices. Wo also carry a full line of they will last two or three weeks. ago Humboldt couuty got out a sou­ Captuiu A. M. Simpson met with Before they spoil they will be given venir, to which the county court away to visitors, each wrapped in a contributed *2,500. He did not ap­ a fall ou the steamer Alliance last sheet of paper on which is printed prove of doing these th u g s at pri­ week, while t s, t, and injured oue i an advertisement of the Lewis nnd vate expense. The county should of liis hands, winch lie is carrying in a sling, Clark fair, A carload of Queen take hold as au organization. And everything else in tbe music hue. Tue tug Be scoti i. .ouuiii down a : Anne cberrios would be sent, to be In this connection, Mr. Farrin ! Hiilmon th is] given away in small baskets carry­ said that a law was passed by the consignment of can ing advertising for Oregon. last legislature authorizing week from tffe Siusiu ,, ret urn mg The commission desires to bold counties to appropriate money lor Tuesday with a fuil chi : o of freight I for that ifiace. back enough of the appropriation advertising purposes. L . I 0 O F- H A L L to provide for replenishing the per­ The chairtnau of the committee was C,‘ «(ni. H. instructed to bring the matter be­ ishable exhibits. M A E S H F Not a minute should be lost when O I K E . Mr. Harry said it would bo very fore the county court and secure an a child shows ■ impious of croup. ! 1 'j approprin' ion. und difficult to get together an exhibit Chamberlain’s Cough Ilcincdv giv­ Mr. Harry suggested that adver­ en as soon as the without an organization, and he child becomes urged the necessity of a good one, tising mutter should be sent with hoarse, or even al tor the croupy the exhibits. embracing the whole county, pje cough appears, will prevent the ut- Judge Scbroeder told < ■ f n pam­ ta it. it never f ils also suggested that it he made a . ud is pleasant Deprives You ol Your phlet which he prepared for the permanent organization and be and side to take. or -ale by B. S. made a push club for the whole Omaha exposition, nnd sa i lis t Kuowlton. Dear Ones- he had not yet got through nn- county. Show your love for the one who sweruig letters from people who 81200 « id buy a ltjO-acre stock I It could gather a good compre­ saw the pamphlet. is gone by providing a monument rauch with lots of outlying range. 1 a hensive exhibit for the State fair All present seemed to realize Eight miles fi o u C pi e. worthy tho memory of that one. at Salem next year, and Mr. Harry J. J. NLEY. A large monument or a small strongly urged that this be done. tho importance of the movement :\v LINE OF TDID M NGS. marker, whichever you choose at Good advertising could be done being inaugurated, und ull seemed ELEGANT S UK OF SWEATERS, ! ; K * */;■ '/? for Coos county in this way highly pleased with the result of his place, will show the best judg­ í’ sonable I 'rices. among the people of the rest of the meeting. It may be said that ment of first-class designers and it w as especially pleasin z to the Day We Mil ■a Specialty of DR!.’ S GOODS, and c: ivy all tliej - \ A il . tho state and visitors from farther workmen. Best Weaves and are constautly "«¡du g .:;•»■ vi:,.:; : us. Idinj afield. Good advertising could be contingent lo he joined by U ip rep­ ■-,$v. Call and See Us before purchasing N-. bl • Show done right now in Portland, where resentative s of the Coquille,and to be assured, as they were, .hat on -1 Goods. the ignorance about Coos county ly the shortness of the notice pre-| A fter Monial E.ser- is astonishing. vented the attendance of many oth-J 2Æ . w . It is tho intention of the L. and er representative men from that tion—No Rost. ‘Rhone Alain Sanderson Building, Near Wharf. C. commission to augment tho pre­ section of the coun ty. MARSHFIELD, OR. miums offered at tbe state fair, for N e r v o u s , Irritable •} ) • i i Main 238. Some of our readers will ntice a county exhibits, b> tba purchasoof and W retched. the exhibits for the amouut of the difference in the appcarcnco of the premium awarded. This year $13- H erald which is eansed by a short-1 D r. M ile s ’ N e r v in e S a v e d 75 was expended for the purchase age of paper. of exhibits at the state fair. M y L ife . OF H An don Recorder. It would he a great advertise­ C c q -u ille , O regon . Th^re is little joy in living when the dis­ Capt. (). I’. Ellingson re­ ordered ment for Coos county to take the nerves prevent sleep ar.d rest; when H >Altn OF DIUECTOK8 turned home Tuesday, from San one wakes from a restless night more tired county premium at the State fair, the night before; when one is forced to R. C. D ement A. .1. S he « wood And this conlil be ,,uur, m m suf- sui-i Francisco, — ■ ■ - whero ............ he had takeu the than done, with drag through the round of daily duties with­ L. II. H azard ficient effort. ( schooner Onward some weeks ago! out energy, ambition or interest. This con- i L. H arlocker u D ,, u cl it ion is due to a derangement of the nerves ISAIAH HACKER lv. Il< OHINE Then go right to work for the for tho Coqoille Mill A Tug Co. which may be spccw ly regulated and i Lewis aud Clark Exposition, where 1 News reached here last’ Hatnr- strengthened by Dr. Miles' Restorative ; C O R R ESPO ND EN TS a greater exhibit should be made Frank Blaekerby, of this Nervine. This rtmnrkable medicine has a record of cures. Supplying as it j National Bank of Commerce, place, and Miss Flo Clark, of Phil­ wonderful than at the St, Louis fair. does the exact element needed tor tne res­ N Y City /‘/Vj /î*> Mr. Harry was listened to with om ath, were married nt Corvallis, toration of the nerve force and vitality, its , good effects are felt after the first few doses. ' the closest attention and the great- - ^ ov' ^ t*1' Crocke-Wool worth National Dank, , have used your remedies myself and in ' est approval, and it was evident i Tbe band members aro nrrnng- mv *‘I family San Francisco j for the past seven years and it is that all present were deeply inter-1 inR for ,lle best concert they lmv, not too much to say that they saved my life. 1st National Dunk of Portland, 'The tired fueling 1 used to have after giving ested in the matter which he was ever given, including a short and a few music lessons has left me eriTtrelv and Portland. Ore ! very amusing performance in c m- instead of lying in bed three or four hours laying before them. Transact» a General H'r':ing !>ns- trying to p e t;!«.; p and then gelling up and , nection therewith. Kem -mber the A general discussion followed, he O-ior until morning, I can now i which was taken part in by nearly date, Saturday nicht, December and s’cep eight, ten and twelve 19th. out ary trotbic. V. hen ! think of all present, as to the best way to : r< rv,H 2 *, wretch-d, irritable state form an organization ard get it to on Tl»e stenio^r. T. W nncr, Cilioii'i Ciili« * P r o r r f l i c t i . itil « -¿one ..hat Dr. Miles' .¿done f r me. I . do as much work Ii was clearly recognized mukc : oltr trip* hi ? • ' n Take a dou I »Ii- lo s o o f C h a ; iib< a day as l used t > take a week that there should be the least pos laiii H Colic, Oliolerft and Diarrhoea to accori] in *i h. 1 ti.ir.k Dr. Miles’ Nervine cl Ford uij'l M>rtic Point r .u Wori- sihle delay in beginning operations, Rerupfly as *oon ns tli« first indica­ is tlie b . remedy t r nervousness and gen- of each week. I will Dot be re- delti ity or earth.”—L. D. E dwaada , as especially iu the case of apples tion of the disease appears anil a. eral Apooftib'o f.n bv-freight after it is Prof, of > usic, l’reston, Idaho. a week or so of delay would make tlnvatnrd Attack may bo warded off dm ggis's sell and guarantee first Iwt- put oflf tbe boat. it impoaaibls to secure what was Hundrudrf of people use the remedy tle AH Dr. Mi' ;’ ! • « .-dies. Send f-r free book C apt . J. M B bight . ou Nervous n id lie.» i D ite a s ts Address wanted. in this way with perfect siicr* J )r Miles Med al Co.. Elkhart, Ind. The visitóle from tho Coquille, For sale by U. S. Kuowlton Cranberries at K .nem atz’s. Jfcqsiltr (City Tw nhl FAULT •/ ames Lion Ssffte £S>% THE ECL,r4i”~ Ghas. Grissen Music Co. Dry Goods, Groceries, Boots and Shoes, Flour and Feed, R. 8. RAY. Prop. rla n o s and O rgans Violins, Guitars, Banjos, Strings 0 II* CHAS. F x m u s iv e Far a c y House GRISSEN MUSIC CO. Death’s Harvest ; ■* and Seas t e liiiiiit'y iiii'i. COOS CO, MARBLE AND GRANITE WORKS a F M Stewart Prop FIRST NATIONAL BANK s> S tra r g » Em porium . ’are and Dishes, Wood and Wilow- z ilas, Leggings and hightop Loggers G.i.tiiig Flanels,Mackintoshes,Rubber goods Blaakets, Ladies' and Gents’ Underwear. Z. C. STRANG, « Coquille, Oregon