Coquille City herald. (Coquille City, Or.) 188?-1904, December 01, 1903, Image 1

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N O . 20
Newly Discovered Sayings of Our Savlour-
J. Curtis Snook, D. D. S.
London, November 14.— Many
Office ever Johnson, Dean & Co’s hitherto unknown sayings of Jesus
Christ have been discover id in
market. Coquille, Oregon.
Egypt by archaeologists, who have
W ill make Baudon a professional visit
buried since the
be first Monday ineaoh quarter._________ dug up papyri
second century 100 miles south of
Dr. Bernard P. Grenfell,
who has been eugaged in Egyptian
excavations since 1894, at the gen­
eral meeting of the E gypt Explora­
OfHoo np stairs in M ARTIN BU ILD IN O .
Calls promptly answered day or night.
tion fund held yesterday gave the
Night oall will be answered from Mrs. following details:
Geo. Russell, M. D.
Wickham’ s Boarding House.
Phon®, main 136.____________
L •
G. D. Holden,
— >—
L a w y e r .
Justice of the Peace,
City Recorder.
C o m m is s io n e r
General Insuanse Aeat.
Notary Public.
Office in Robinson Building.
C o q u il l e , O be o o n .
J. Sherwood,
Accompanied by Dr. Hunt, Dr.
Grenfell found a rich Ptolemaic
necropolis at E l Hibeh.
The bulk
of the documents from ono mound
consisted of a collection of sayings
of Jesus.
They are all introduced
with the words “ Jesus saith,” aud
for the most part are new.
ends of the lines, unfortunately,
are often obliterated.
all the sayings were addressed to
St. Thomas.
One of the most re-
markable is:
“ Let not him that seebest cease
from his search until he finds, and
when he finds he shall wonder;
Attorney - a* Law-.
C o q u il l e C i t y , C oos C o u n t y , O heqon . wondering he shall reach the king­
dom, i. e., the kingdom of heaven,
Notary Eublic.
and when he reaches the kingdom
of heaven he shall have rest.”
John F. H all,
Attorney . at -
Doal er in R eal E state of all kinds,
Dr. Grenfell remarked that enor­
mous interest would be also arous­
ed by the discoveries on account of
the variations they disclosed from
accepted texts.
One variant of mystical saying,
recorded in St. Luke, “ The king­
dom of God is within you," was of
great value, as the saying in the
papyrus appeared in quite different
Mining and Real Estate Agents surroundings from those attributed
to it by the evangelist and extended
E ckley, Curry County, Oregon.
AVE valuable Mraos, Farms, Stock far into another region.
Kauchcs and Timber Lands for sale.
House and 6 acres of land w ell improved
Wilbur, Douglas county, Or., for sale,
exchange for property in M yrtle Point
W ade Right into
the Subject-
The 1903 season will be the great­
est bicycle season ever known. The
finest equipped and most up-to-date
wheels that Coquille riders ever laid
their eyes on w ill be kept in stock
at right prices, and if you want one
say so.
W o want your trade, and we are
entitled to it, because we have
good goods, right prices, and can
serve you well. You don’t expect
any more, but you want that much,
don’t you.
According to Dr. Grenfell, these
sayings formed the new Gospel,
which is traditionally associated
with St. Thomas.
An interesting variation of the
Gospel according to St. Luke, elev­
enth chapter and fifty-second verse,
“ Woe unto you lawyers, for ye
have taken away the key of knowl­
edge; yet entered not in yourselves
and them that were entering in ye
hindered.’’, reads in the papyrus.
“ Ye have hidden the key of knowl­
edge, ye ontered not yourselves
and to them that were entering in
ye did not open.’’
Another fragment contained a
discourse of Christ closely related
to passages of the Sermon on the
mount and a conversation between
Christ and his disciples, in which
Christ answers a question ns to
when His kingdom will be realized,
“ When ye return to the state of
innocence which existed before the
A valuable papyrus was found,
written in Latin, giving the text of
the Epistles to the Hebrews and an
epitome of L e v i’s six lost books.
This, with the other papyri, cover­
ing the period up to 137 B. C.,
threw much new and valuable
knowledge on the history of the
world and marked the recovery of
unknown classical
literature of
A quaint instar ce of the
business methods in vogue in 137
B. C is shown in the discovery of
an amusing contract, whereby a
slave boy was to be taught short-
hnn for 120 drachmae.
The pay­
ment was arranged on a thoroughly
business-like basis— 40 drachmae
down. 40 on satisfactory evidence
of progress aud 40 on the attain­
ment of proficiency.
Contract Completed.
A t a special meeting of the com­
mon council held on the evening of
the 27th ult, the new city water
works system, which has been in
process of construction for tne part
of ten weeks, under the charge of
Mr. W. H. Mitchell, contractnr,
were pronounced complete and fin­
ished and the work was formally ac­
cepted by the council, and warrants
amounting to $2775.00, were drawn
for the full final payment of the
contract price and sundry extras,
which were found necessary as the
work proceeded.
Without question our city has at
last obtained a
valuable water system worth much
more than it cost as a health-giving,
property saving institution.
Mitchell has proved himself to be
an honorable, painstaking contract­
or, ably assisted by J. J. Curren, of
Myrtle Point, and both carefully
looked after by our eagle-eyed
friend, L. R. Hughes, who has had
the interests of the city in charge
everyday during the construction
o f the works.
In one respect, however, his du­
ties have not been very onerous, as
he had to do with men who had no
disposition to slight or cover up
any defects even if they could, yet
for all that, Mr. Hughes has had no
summer picnic looking after the in­
numerable details of
the work.
That, with the rest, he has labored
faithfully to give our city what they
paid for, a good water system,
and will be a happy remembrance
during the remainder of his days.
N or should Surveyor Catheart or
our common council and Mayor be
forgotten, particularly the latter,
who aside from the necessary study
of the situation and attendance upon
many meetings bave also given
much time to 'th e unpaid service,
often going over the ground and
looking personally after many im-
patent details,
securing charter
imendments and combatting for the
right of way, spending the people’s
money as carefully as though it was
their own, nnd going slowly and
surely onward, until today we look
upon our water system, complete
.¡ad 36v.iceabl-, v.:th flood* of
clear spring water from “ over the
hills aud far away,” brought to our
very doors.
The people have just cause to re­
member the council of 1902 and 3
with gratitude.
And now with three cheers and a
tiger for our new water works sys­
tem, lets all take a drink— of spark.
ling water.
Peculiar Death of James Kelly.
E, G. D. Holden, Justice of the
Peace for this district, was called
to Beaver H ill last Wednesday,
(the coroner being ill,) to hold an
inquest over the remains of James
Kelly, who was found dead in ono
To be brief, try us and our goods,
of the coal passages of the mine,
and our way of treating you, and if
the evening before.
you like us try us again. We want
The followingf named citizens of
your business. Enough said.
the place were summoned as jurors,
to wit: J. A. McDonald, A. M.
Bunten, C. S. Farmer, L. Ansel-
C c -s
mo, Cyrus Ferreri and Chris Tor­
res, and Dr. J. G. Swensson, M.
J. W. Gammill and John
Haynes, examined as witnesses.
It seems that deceased went into
Manufacturer o f Marble Monuments. Hea 1-
the mine early on the afternnon of
fitones. Tablets, etc.
the 24th inst,
to explode some
cemetery lots enclosed with stone coping
blasts, and that wes the last time
or curbing. Iron railings furnished to or­
he was seen alive. When found he
der. Correspondence solicited from parties
iving in the country or other towns who
was lying on his back in one of the
may wish anything in my lino of business
mine chutes, and the first impres­
Vi\nfi7i wt o
O b vo
sion was that he had been over­
Ii*M lol f > v * p c i»* ia C u re.
To tiie XD mortanate
Digests all classes of food, tones come with some kind of foul air or
and strengthens the stomach and di­ gas, but tbe investigation of Dr.
gestive organs.
Cures Dyspepsia, Swensson put another complexion
A piece of half
Thin old reliable and Indigestion, Stomach Troubles, and on the sad affair.
m o il successful spec­ makes rich red blood, health and chewed beef was found lodged in
ialist in San Frarcis­
Kodol Dyspepsia Cure his throat about two inches in length
co, still continnes to strength.
cure nil Sexnei and rebuilds wornout tissues, purifies, and large enough to almost close
Sem inal Diseases,
his windpipe, and death came from
snch as Gonorrhes- strengthens and sweetens the stom­
G l e e l , S t r i c t n rs, ach. Gov. G. W. Atkinson, of W.Va., strangulation.
Syp hilis, in nil it
A small piece of the same beef
forms, Skin Diseases. says: “ I have used a number of
N e r v o n s D ebility. bottles of Kodol Dyspepsia Cure and was found in one of the pockets of
Impotanoy, Seminal Weakness and Loss of have found it to be a very effective deceased, evidently oarried for the
Manhood, the oonseqnence o f self-abuse
and exoesses prodncinK the following sympa and, indeed a powerful remedy for purpose of lunching whild at work.
toms: Sallow oonntenance, dark spots an­ stomach ailments. I recommend it
The jury rendered a verdict in
der the eyes, pain in the head, rinp’ Dg in
the ears, loss o f oozi6deuce, diffidence, in to my friends.’’ Sold by It. S. Knowl- accordance with these facts:
approaching strangers, palpatation of the tdn.
It was in evidence that the ven-
heart, weakness o f th e limbs end baok, loss
tillating fans of the mine were
o f memory, pimples on the face, rnnghs-
consnmntion etc.
working well,
and the danger
France that duels ever prove fatal
DR. G IB B O N has prac'.ised in San Fran
from foul air or gas, "nil."
oisoo ovorSyearsanitbosetrcnblcd shonld is found in a recent duel in Paris
Mr. Kelly was a trusted, exper­
not fail to oonsalt him and receive the ben­ where a lawyer of Toulouse was
efit o f his great sk ill and experience. The
ienced miner, and had been gome
doctor car's when others fail. Try him.
years in the employ of the company.
CORES G U A R A N T E E D . Persons cured
Speaker Cannon, perhaps for the j He was held in esteem by bis fel­
at home. Cheroes reasonable. Call or
first time in bis life, read a written low workmen; leaves a wife and two
23 Kearney street, San Fraucisoo.
speech in the Republican caucus. children,
and many friends to
After finishing it, he said ‘ There mourn his unfortunate and untime­
Ed* Ka tr e e . itrs-t.Snn Fr in risco
mv newspaper ly death.
! I have finished
speech. ’
Of fraternal orders, he was a
The promptness wi'h which an; member of 8unset Lodge I. O. O. F.
I agent oi Panama appeared in Wash­ of Marshfield.
ington, duly auth irized to begin
eannl business with Uncle 8am,
The ease with which figures can
rather jarred those with fastidious
be made to lie is again being dem­
ideas of propriety.
onstrated, in the tariff campaign
Andrew Carnegie paid New York that is being waged in England.
city taxes on $10,00(1,000 worth of The protectionists produce figures
real and personal property without showing that English industries
protest, nnd now the officials are are going to the dogs, and the free
kicking themselves because they tm d*ri that they were never more
didn’t nss» ss him higher.
F is h B ro s
Marble ami Sine Works
Or. Gibbon
Note and Comment.
Cuba now wants to sell the
United States some realJestate'*at a
Colombia’s army appears to be bargain.
like the average candidate’s hopes—
Last year in India more than
mostly on paper.
23,000 people died of snake bites,
Remedies for political evils are and 1,040 were killed by tigers.
as thoee for colds, nnd tbe cures
M. Varilla,
the new Panama
are as infrequent.
minister at Washington, cries it
Hon. Grover Cleveland is a from the house tops that he is with
staunch and consistent advocate of us wholly nnd solely for canal busi­
the shotgun— for ducks.
Goquille Furniture
J- G-
The minister of Panama, at Wash­
I t has been proven that a Euro­
ington, may be short on cash, but pean bird, known as the Northern
he is unquestionably long on gall. Blue-throat, flies from Central A f­
K in g Edward is a lawyer, but rica to the German Sea, a distance
his common sense has been suffic­ of 1,600 miles, in a single night-
F is h
A Son, P r o p s -
of Butter Boxes, Cubes, Apple and Fruit Boxes
Cabinets, Tables, Counters, Store Fronts, etc
Turning W ork a Specialty.
All Orders given
prompt Attention.
ient to prevent his trying to prac­
In New Zealand, which is the
nearest approach to a socialist state
Gen. Jiminez, the head of the in the world, one man in every six
Santo Domingo
revolutionists, ¡ b in government employ or receives
must be a relative of “ Great Jimin- a pension from the government.
According to the provisions of
Congressmen are not the annexation act, Texas, with the
worrying over public business now consent of the people, can be di­
The Texas
— the Washington fall race meeting vided into five states.
delegates in Congress never expect
is on.
this will be done.
Only the sugar beet Congress­
A ll Germany is aroused over the
men stood in the way of a unani­
K e e p s consantly- on H a n d IF1
re sin 3N£ea,t,
mous vote in the House for Cuban trial of an officer who is being
court-martialed for having written
of 3CInd.s.
a novel in which he described the
N. Peck: “ The Shutters of Sil­ abuses which exist in the officers
ence," is not a device to be attached corps in tbe Geiman array.
to over-talkative women, but the
Delegate Prince Jonah Kuhio
name ol a novel.
Kalanianaole of Hawaii is a con­
Porto Ricans are developing the spicuous member of the House of
free advertising faculty, as may be Representatives.
seen by numerous newspapor items clerks are a little nervous, however,
about their coffee.
when they have to pronounce his
I f Speaker Canuou had to wear a name.
crown it would always be cocked
The New York physician who ad­
over one ear.
That’s the only way vertised to pay $5,000 for an ear
he ever wears a hat.
which he inteuds to graft on one of
P. E. Drai)e
C a n n e d B e e f a n d P i c k l e d P o rk .
Cash Paid for Hides in any Quantity
T h e la t e s t in
Senator Hoar’s denial of the
right of petition would prove a
boomerang if so old a man could
have a political future.
his patients, received 600 offers.
He will make his selection in a few
days. This appears to be a case
for the Society for the prevention
of cruelty to Animals.
Gen. Dan Sickles is an expansion­
Actors caimot be expected to
ist with a big E.
H e says we
should own the Isthmus of Panama sympathize with union labor. Twen­
ty-seven hundred of them are said
before diggin g the canal.
to be out of an engagement owing
Reed Smoot has more chance of
to tbe strikes in the building
bolding his Beat in the Senate than
trades, which prevent necessary re­
he has of beiug elected an honorary
pairs to the theaters, which are
member of the W. C T U.
closed in consequence.
European governments know a
The Freill’ ll Pro«*; lent h,nu d-T d -
good thing when iuej see iL. That’s
ed to look into the condition of the
why none of them object to cur
fortign legion in Algiers.
It is
digging the Panama canal.
said to be “ decimated alike by de­
Tammany wants a talker in the sertions and executions.”
On an
House and will elect ex-Senator average, four or five soldiers are
Towne, formerly of Minnesota, to se- executed every month, and some­
ceed Mayor-elect McClellan.
times as many as twelve.
— — M IL L IN E R Y -» —
a t M r s . C. L> M o o n ’s
— C 1 B 5 ----- -
You w ill find the latest in spring and summer Millinery
at my store.
Dress Trimming and Fancy Goods in General. Stamp­
ing done to order.
M rs . C . M o o n
Sanderson Building near the Wharf.
It would be interesting to know
Prince Jonah Kuhio Kalanianole,
how much per capita the Panama the delegate from Hawaii, has re­
revolutionists are figuring on get­ moved all embarrassment to official
ting out of the Canal bonus.
circles, resulting from his title and
The opposition are going to give the difficulty in pronouncing bis
Reed Smoot, the Mormon Senator last name, by requesting that he
a run for his money, and his ra . be called Mr. Kuhio. He evident­ This school, which has been in successful operation during eight months
ly did not care to be called Mr.
tention is by no means certain.
of the past school year, will open its Second Annnal
Session Monday, October 5, and continue for Eight
The array is to have an automo­
bile battery wagon.
I t will be
R E C T U M O F S T . L U K E 'S ,
The Following Courses are Offered:
wise to keep it well in the rear
A a lilt u r n liiiin , O n t a r io .
T r a il
lir a lo t h e G o o d Q t ia lillr a o l
when the army is on the march.
C l i n i n b r r l a l n 'a
C o u ttli
R e m e i l ) '.
How would it do instead of in­
troducing more college work in the
Ashburnham, Ont„, April 18, 1903.
High Schools, to introduce a little — I think it is only right that I
A reasonable reduction will bo made to students desiring to take
spelling, grammar and penman­ should tell you what a wonderful a mixed Course.
effect G'hamborlain's Cough Reme­
Special inducements will be given to a limited number of teachers
There may be doubt of Leonard dy has produced. The day before
Certificates and taking the Normal Course.
W ood’s military ability, but there Easter I was so distressed with a
with full Courses of Study issued soon.
For further
is none of hie possessing one of the
main requisites to be a major-gener­ be able to take any duties tho next particulars call on or address
day. as my voice was almost choked
al— pull.
Ai-. H MTTLKET, Superintendent.
by the cough. The same day I receiv­
Coquille, Oregon.
Sixty-three years ago the first re­ ed an order from you for a bottle of
public of Panama was established, your Cougu Remedy. I at once pro­
but it was short lived.
I t did not, cured a sample bottle, and took
however, have the United States about three doses of tho mediciue.
for sponsor.
T o my great relief tho cough and
cold had completely disappeared
Rockefeller likes the public abuse
and I was able to preach three times
that goes along with his oil mil­
on Easter Day. I know that this
lions so well that he is reaching out
rapid and effective cure was due to
for more o f it, by seeking control
your Cough Remedy. I make this
of the Steel trust and a bunch of
Branch Office, Pharmacy Building, Coquille City, Oregon.
testimonial without solicitation, be­
the b ig railroads.
ing thankful to have found such a
The republicans are three votes Godsent
shy of two-thirds of the Senate, yours,
A rt purely co-operative in every respect and the Company will spare
E. A. L anofeldt , M. A.,
which is necessary to ratify a treaty.
But sometimes official pap is a
neither time nor money .n teaching tbe people at large tho
Rector of St. Luke’s Church.
powerful lever for getting votes
great and inestimable benefits which come to each and every
T o Chamberlain Medicine Co.
from the opposition.
This remedy is for sale by R. S.
member of its system.
Notwithstanding modern safety Knowlton.
Their Meth ds
--- --- —
appliances railroad casualties con­
tinue to increase.
F or the year
ending June 30, 3,553 persons were
Killed and 45,997 injured, against Kidney, Stomach
and Nervous
2,819 killed and 39,090 injured the Troubles are positively cured with
previous year.
Oil of Eden aud Sweet Spirits of
I t should not be forgotten that
They are not cheap remedies, but
New York decided at the recent
election to make a little canal in inexpensive cures; $5 will boy the
vestment of $101,000,000, about lot. Sold by all first-tdass drug­
two-thirds of the amoont that Un­ gists.
cle Sam purposes to put into the
4399 West St
isthmsan canal.
Oakland, Cal,
The Cal., Co-op. Medical Co
Every once in so often well
Oakland, Cal.
meaning men persuado a few ne­
G entlemen : I was afflicted with
groes to emigrate to Liberia, where,
severe pains of a Rheumatic nature
instead of prosperity, they find suf­
in my right leg in and about the
fering and death. Then comes the
region of the knee for eight years,
harrowing story of their experience
and could net bend it in the least.
— and public sympathy.
I suffered intensely for that long
Many Congressmen are reported period, and used all sotrs of lini­
A t last
to be disgusted to find that tbe law ments, but was not cured.
enacted at the last session prohibit­ I used tbe Oil of Eden and was en­
ing the sale of intoxicants in the tirely cured with three applications
Capitol is being rigid ly enforced. and have never had any symptom
Yours truly,
They will have to fall liack on pri­ ] of it since.
I 1
M. B crmnoen .
vate bottles in committee rooms.
Wheeler & Wilson
Three Times the
Value of Aqy
The only Sewing Machine that
oes not fail in any p >i it.
The lightest run
ning machine in tbe world.
R A P I D — saves abont one day in three
sewing that much faster than any vibrating shuttle sewing machine
M oie time is saved, more m< ney earned.
Quiet anddnrable
The rotary motion doe away with noise a id
wear caused by tbo forward nnd backware movement of the shuttle.
General offioe for the Pacific Coast at 933 Market St., San Francisco
W. H, SHORT, Agent, Marshfield.