Coquille City herald. (Coquille City, Or.) 188?-1904, November 17, 1903, Image 1

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    (J o q m lle
VOL 21.
J. Curtis Snook, D. D. S.
Office ever Johnson, Dean A Co’s
market. Coquille, Oregon.
Will make Handon a profaaaional viait
he flrat Monday la«aoh quarter._________
Geo. Russell, M. D.
E. G. D. Holden,
— ------- il
Justice of the Peace.
C o m
City Recorder.
'S f f l o n e r
General Insuance K' «in.
Notary Public.
Office in R o b in s o n B u ild in g .
J. Sherwood,
Attorney - a 1 Law-.
J o q u iix b C it y , C oos C odkty , O rboom .
Notary Ptiblis.
____ 0 rn.e 3 r . at - L,a-w,
—— —^ r t ^ -
Dealei in Barn Kar i t « o f all kinds.
Hudson &
ining and Real Estate Agents
Eckley, Curry County, Oregon.
To Stop Timberland Frauoo.
Coquille furniture
F *
Washington, Nov. 11 . —Benator
Mr. Bryan seems to think that
An excerpt from the New York
“To the ¡Senate and House of
tho Free Silver issue has been en­ Hansbrough introduced a bill in the
senate, whioh by implication, re­
“ I convened congress that it may
New York City presents today cored.
peals the timber and stone act, un.
consider legislation necesary to put one of the strangest transformations
It is now literally true to say that
into operation the commercial trea. imaginable.
It is the cleansing, the biggest gun in Congress is a der which land ¡a now acquired at
f3.50 an acre, regardless of its real
ty with Cuba, which was ratified by rinsing and washing out morally of Cannon.
The measure is intended to
the senate at the last session and one of the most famous and infam­
The degree of Master of Journal, cure defects in existing laws, stop
subsequently by the Cuban gov­ ous resorts of wickedness in the
ism will give the graduates a very speculation in public timber lands
ernment, I deem such legislations whole world.
and put an end to the frauds which
imposing title.
is demanded not only by our inter­
Tho four corners of the earth
MANUFACTURER8 of Butter Boxes, Cube«, Apple and Fruit Boxes,
est, but by our honor. We cannot were ransacked for sinners to make
The political know-it-alls are now recently have grown into a national
Cabinets, Tables, Counters, Store Fronts, etc.
with propriety abandon a course up­ this spot enticing and alluring. It explaining the whvs and wherefores
Turning Work a Specialty.
All Orders given
committee on public lands, of which
on which we have so wisely embark­ was "The House of All Nations”— of the returns.
prompt Attention.
the author is chairman.
ed. When the acceptance of the upholstered in gorgeous pinks and
Canada might find relief for its
The Secretary of the Interior is
amendment was required from Cuba dainty blues and white and gold;
boiling blood by trying to forcibly authorized, under the new bill, to
by tho action of the United States carpeted with specially woven pat­
annex this country.
make examinations and estimates
this government thereby definitely terns so that your feet sank into
Congress would better be good, relative to quantity and value of the
committed itself to the policy of them as in a fleece of softest wool;
treating Cuba as occupying a uuique walls paneled in oil and water col­ or Mr. Dowie may bo tempted to timer and stone od the public lands,
and sell the right to dispose of the
position as regards this country, or friezes of nymphs and satyrs pay Washington a viJit
and it was provided that when the painted by clever artists to allure
Without exception, the loosera same in such quantities, as mav seem
island became a free and independ­ the e^e; a Turkish room, an Egyp­ declaie the state elections to be ab­ advisable, to the highest bidders.
This plan is now pursued in the sale
ent republic it should stand in such tian room, a French room, a Chin­ solutely without significance.
of timber on Indian lands in Min­
close relation with us as in certain ese room, in fact, rooms of “all
The campaign in Kentucky has nesota. The title to the land re­
respects to come within our system nations,” and from these the estab­
of international policy, and it neces­ lishment took its name and fame. become very fierce but as yet no mains in the government and the
Secretary of the Interior may fix the
sarily followed she must also, to a Rut now!—at this moment, while casualities have been feported.
certain degree, become included the old furnishings and settings
Editing an Armenian paper in limit of time in which the purchaser
H and IF
1 re ola. Meat,
within lines of our economic policy. and background of former gayeties the U. S. appears to be almost as of the right shall remove the tim­
ber or stone. The right to c»t the
“ Situated as Cuba is, it would not are still all there, the atmosphere dangerous as playiDg football.
of -A-11 3Cind.e.
timber and make it a merchantable
be possible for this country to per­ has changed.
Almost by a miracle
Dowie might try New York with quntity is made inalienable.
mit strategic abuse of the island by the Franciscan Sisters have sudden,
a minstrel show or a circus.
It is
a foreign military power. It is for ly become the new tenants. The
If Senator Hansbrough’s measure
overstocked with religious fakirs.
this reason that certain limitations old haunt of wickedness is the home
becomes a law, all the timber land
It will doubtless be a long time on the public domain will be with­
have been pressed upon h#r finan­ of a most worthy charity.
Princeton students stop drawn from entry, and the Govern­
cial policy, and stations have beeb-
Way down in the cellar are the talking about “ Mr. Elliot Flower.,
ment will enter upon the policy of
conceded by her to the United
Yen uses, the Bacchantes and the esq.”
disposing of its timber at its mar­
States, negotiations as to the detans
Sirens which used to stand on ala­
One provision in the
of those naval stations being now
As long as obstructions can be ket value.
baster pedestals among the perfum­
bill prohibits the entry of these
on the eve of completion. They
ed palms; on these same pedestals made to pay big money, there will
lands under the homestead or old
are so situated as to prevent any
now stAnd statuettes of the saints, be delay in starting work upon an
land laws. It is argued by Senator
idea that tbero is tn intention to
A burning brazier of incense has
Hansbrough that in leaving the fee
ever use them against Cuba, or
driven out the old odors of per­
That Georgia preacher who tried to the land in the Government, re-
otherwise than for the protection of
forestration will take place and the
Cuba from the assaults of foreign
Among the gaudy furnishiDgs of other, should add gun practice to sale of timber will be a source of
roes and for the better safeguard­
large revenue.
ing of Ameican interests in water the days of wine and revelry are the his regular duties.
You w ill find the latest in spring and summer Millinery
south of us. These interests have solemn pictures of martyrs and
Hon. Grover Cleveland doubtless
The second section of the bill
been largely increased by conse­
thinks our ex-Presidents should be amends the lieu land section so as at my store.
quences of war with Spain and will the gray old frieze of dancing-wom­ quarantined against letters from to provide when a settler whose en­
Dress Trimming and Fancy Goods in General. Stamp­
be further increased by the building en tip-toeing on champagne bottles humorous authors.
try falls within a forrest reserve, se­
ing done to order.
of tho isthmian canal. The grant­ the Sisters have hung pnintings and
Why does not some philanthrop­
ing to us by Cuba of the naval nta- lithographs of their most famous ist take a couple of football teams of his original entry, it must be
The saint whom Christ
tions alluded to, is of utmost impor­ saints.
over to Santo Domingo and squelch more valuable for agricultural pur­
tance, and, from a military stand­ pardoned is notable amidet it all.
poses than for timber or stone.
Sanderson Building near the Wharf.
that peanut revolution?
Its owner is “ Al” Adams, the de­
point, is proof of Cuba’s good faith.
Under the existing laws, many of
Cuba has made great progress graded “ policy king,” now in Sing
the entrymen who find themselves
In remorse for the great cares of the world is to operate a within a forest reserve cut and dis­
since her independence, and al­ Sing.
If it does not pose of the timber oil the land, aud
ready stands high among her sister evil done in the house and in ex­ racing motar-car.
republics of the new word. Loyal­ planation of his manifold sins, he kill it will frighten your woes away. later go outside of the reserve and
ly observing her obligations to us, has leased it for five years at a low
Oh no!
There is no hazing at file a homestead on other timber
us, she is entitled to like treatment price to the Franciscan Sisters Ter. Annapolis. This was proven when land.
As the Five Points once the the superintendent locked up a
by us.
The third section of the bill
"The treaty submitted to you for crime center of the biggest metro­ number of cadets charged with that amends the act of March 11 , 1901 ,
approval secures to the United States polis in America, has been made offense.
and requires all proofs of commuted
economic advantages as great as over into a children’s play-ground,
homestead and desert land entries
those given Cubn. No American in­ through the work of the Five Points
to be made before registers and re­
ll bring blushes to the faces of the ceivers in local land offices. This
terest is sacrificed. By the traty Mission, bo has the House of A
the large Cuban is secured to our Nations been made over into the giddy bridegrooms among his col­ proposed amendment to existing
producers. This market, which lies Private Catholic Home for Work­ leagues by any reference to honey­ law is recommended by the Com­
at our doors, is alrge and is capable ing Girls at 117 and 119 West moon joys.
missioner of the General Land
of great expansion, and is especially Thirty-seeond street.
When ponderoeity tackles humor Office, who, in his last report, says:
important to she development of our
The Franciscan Sisters Tertiary there is fun for those who know “The privileges gained by the act This school, whioh has been in successful operation during eight months
export trade. It would be indeed undertook and finished this work. how to appreciate it. This country have been groatly abused, particu­
of the past school year, will open its Second Annnal
short sighted for us to refuse to They have cleaned the stables. has never grown a man too big to larly by the United States Commis­
Session Monday, October 5, and continue for Eight
¡ske advantage of such opportunity, Where red lights once blazed out be laughed at.
sioners, who have often been par­
and thus force Cuba into making ar­ their invitation to all men, on a
Russian diplomats are still busy ties to wholesale frauds in connec­ The Following Courses are Offered:
rangements with other countries to narrow strip of glazed glass above
explaining about Manchuria. They tion with proofs made before them." COMMON SCHOOL,
our disadvantage. The reciprocity the door gilt letters spell this
are just now telling what “ reoccu­
treaty stands by stself. It is de­ name;
pation” of what had never been
TkP Thrlce-a-Week New York World.
manded on conideration of a broad
“ The House of tho Transfigura­ abandoned tneans.
national policy, as well as by our tion.”
A reasonable reduction will be made to students desiring to take
I f the condition of the Govern­
economic interests. It will do harm
The Franciscan Sisters Tertiary ment revenues be a trustworthy establihed itself in public favor, and a mixed Course.
to no industry. It will benefit many
it this title.
Special inducements will be given to a limited number of teachers
business barometer, the vanishing it is now recognized as the strong­
industries. It is in the iuterestof have given
■» «■ - —
— ~~
Treasury surplus ought to be ac­ est publication of its kind in the bearing Certificates and taking the Normal Course.
our people as a whole, born because
On the Right Track.
United States.
Advertisers and
cepted as a warning.
of its importance from a broad stand­
Circulars with full Courses of Study issued soon.
For furtlier
publisher seeking clubbing combi­
point of international policy and
A San Francisco dispatch dated
Citizens of no big city feel safe nations—and they know best—uni­ particulars call on or address
because, us economically iutimnted, Nov. 10, says that the local secret to throw stoDes at the exposed
versally testify to this. It is widely
-A.. H . iMTTXjTCET,
it concerns us to develop and se­ service department received in­ grafters of other towns; they do
circulated in every State and Ter­
Coquille, Oregon.
cure the rich Cuban market for our structions from Washington, D. C., not know how soon the search-light
ritory of the Union, and even in re­
farmers, artisans, merchants and to in v e s tig a te the brutal atta ck may be turned on their own.
mote South Africa and on the gold
made upon Mrs. Ames, of Marsh­
It will be easy enough for the' fiields in the deserts of Australia.
Finally, it ¡ b desirable as a guar­ field, Oregon, about ten days ago,
bosses to confine the work of the These are the things that tell.
anty of the good faith of this nation while en route from this city to
at the extra session of Con­
Next year we have the Presidenl-
toward her young sister republic to Marshfield on the stea m er A llia n c e .
gress to Cuban reciprocity, but the tial campaign, in which all Ameri­
the south, whose welfare must ever Howard Laws, the n ig h tw A tcb m a n
Senate will, as usual, do as it cans arejdeeply interested. Already
be closlv bound with ours. We on the Alliance, was arrested today
the issues are being discussed and
He pleases.
gave her liberty. We knit to her and is d e ta in e d as a w itn ess.
the two great parties are preparing
the memoaies of the blood and cour­
If that Chicago woman succeeds for the first moves. You will not
Branch Office, Pharmacy Building, Coquille City, Oregon.
age of our soldiers, who fought for Ames was Thou. Davis, a waiter in getting a divorce on the ground
want to miss any details, and if you
her in war. By the memories of w h o left the steamer several days of her husband’e bad table manners,
subscribe now your year’s subscrip­
the wisdom and integrity of our ad­ ago at Eureka.— Mail.
there will be a boom for some folks, tion will cover the campaign from
ministrators who served her in
— divorce lawyers, and publishers beginning to end.
A S u n T h in g .
peace, and who started her so well
Ar«. purely co-operative in every respect and tho Company will spare
of hand books on good table man­
The Thrice-a-Week World is ab­
It is said that nothing is sure ners.
on the difficult path of self-govern­
neither time nor money .n teaching the people at large the
solutely fair in its political news.
ment, we must help her onward; except death and taxes, but that is
great and inestimable benefits which come to each and every
If the Sultan ol Turkey is not Partisan bias is never allowed to af.
upward; aud by helping her we help not altogether true. Dr. King's
member of its system.
press feet is news columns, and Demoornt
New Discovery for Consumption is maintaining an American
“ The forgoing considerations a sure cure for all lung and throat bureau, he is playing in good luck. and Republican alike can obtain in
caused negotiations for this treaty troubles. Thousands can testify to Certainly an nnusual number of ar­ its pages truthful accounts of all the
with Cuba and its ratification by the that. rs. C . B. VanMetrs of Shep. ticles more or less complimentary to great political contests.
In addtion to all ths news, the
senate. They now, witn equal forc- herdtown, W. Va., says “ I had a the Turks have been appearing in
Thrice-a-Week World furnishes the
ce appeal for the support of legisla­ seyere case of Bronchitis and for a onr newpapers.
best serial fiction, elaborate market
tion by congress, which, by the year tried everything I heard of,
As soon ae Bishop Potter heard
treaty, is necessary to render it op­ but got no relief. One bottle of Dr. that the tone of tho consular was reports and other features of inter­
erative. Failure to enact such leg­ King's New discovery then cured to be raised he went to Washing­ est.
islation would come perilously near me absolutely.” It’s infallible for ton and got his nephew appointed
The Thrice-a-Week World’s re­
a repudiation of the pledge in faith Croup, Whooping Cough, Grip, consul.
The Bishop is credited gular subscription price is only,
of this nation. I transmit herewith Pneumonia anil Consumption. Try with being the most humorous $1.00 per y e a r, and this pays for 150
the treaty as amended py the sen­ it. It’s guaranteed by R. 8. Knowl. clergyman in America.
papers. We offer this unequalled
ate and ratified by the Cuban gov­ ton. Druggist. Trial bottle free.
newspaper an d th e H e rald togatber
Senator Scott has made himself one year for $2.15.
- -•» -
“ (Signed) T hf . odo 7; f . R oosevelt .
popular with those who are inter­
The regular subscription price of
Counsel has bepn employed by ested in appropriation bills by de­ the papers is $2.50.
“ November 10 1908.”
. *«. -
tb» lumbermen of Portland, and claring that there is no exruse for
» ( n ic k A m » » .
the legal phage of the Southern our government to talk of cutting
M atte Y o u n g « g a i n .
J. A. Gulledge if Verbena, Ala. Pacific car shortage will be investi­ down the expenses of the nation, or
“ One of Dr. King’s New Life Pills The only Sewing Machine that
was twice in hospital a severe cake gated.
of economy in public evpenditure.
each night for two weeks has put 0es not fail in any point.
of piles causing 34 turners.} After
No wonder insanity is on the in­
Two small children were removed me in my ‘teens’ again” writes D
doctors and all remedies failed, crease, when the fool-killer leaves
The lightest run
Bin-Hen’» Armen Halve quickly ar­ bis work undone for months at a from a whifla school in Virginia on H . Turner of Dempsyyton, Pa, They sing machine in the world. R A P ID — saves about ono day in three
rested further iiirtauiinstion sod time, and questions like “ how old the ground that they bad negro are the best in the world for Liver sowing that much faster than any vibrating shuttle sewing machine
cured him. It conquers aches sod is Ann?" are thrown at unprotected blood in their veins. An inveetiga. Stomach and Bowels. Purely veg Moie time is saved, more money earned.
tion showed that their great-great­ etsble. Never gripe. Only 25cts at
kills pain. 25c al. R. 8. Knowllon’l people.
Quiet anddorable. The roUrv motion doe away with noise and
grandmother was one-fourth Indian. Jt. 8. Knowlton’a Drug Store.
wear caused by the forward atq) backware movement o£ the shuttle.
They were still declared to be a
General office for the Paolflr Coast at 933 Market St , Sari Francisco
Perfumery—-ths fine»! importer
menace to the eucceea of the school
D r v (în '.f l* jq § t
. ...4
^ j HOp j t
F ish 4k D os, P vops-
P. E. Drsr/s
Canned B e e f and P ick led Pork.
John F. H all,
Note and Comment.
NO. 18c
Offloe upistaira in MABTIN BUILDING.
Calls promptly answered day or night.
Night oali will be answered from Mrs.
Wickham's Boarding House.
Phone, main 136.________ _____
In the House of Sinners.
President’s Message.
X j
H errn
hVB ralo able Mines, Farm «, StMk
Ranches and Timber Lands for sale.
loans and 8 acres o T l.n d w ell improred
Wilbnr, Donglaa oonnty, Or-. for «* »•
exchange for property in Myrtle Point
Cash Paid fr
T h e la te st in
at M rs. C. I«. M oon's
IV X rs . C . M o o n
Let’s ’ Wade Right into
the Subject
The 1903 season will be the great­
est bicycle season ever known. The
finest equipped and most up-to-date
wheels that Coquille riders ever laid
their eyes on will be kept in stock
At right prices, and if you want one
say so.
We want your trade, and we are
entitled to it, because wo have
good goods, right prices, and can
serve you well. You don’t expect
any more, but you want that much,
don’t you.
To be brief, try us and our goods,
and our way of treating you, and if
you like us try us again. We want
your business. Enough said.
Fish Bros
Coos Bay
ni Mi Works
Msnafaotarur o f Marble Monument«. Hen l-
•tonefl. Tablets, eto.
oeuietery lots enclosed with stone coping
•r curbing. Iron railings furnished to or­
der. Correspondence solicited from parties
itin g in the oountrv or other towns who
may wish anything in my line o f business
iiiaaorri»* o
O b i q
To tlx© TD mortunat#
Dr. Gibbon
T his old reliable and
most su ccessful spec­
i a l i s t in Ban Fracois-
! co, still continues to
L cars all Sexual and
l S em inal Diseases,
Isuch as Gonorrhes-
|G l e e t, 8 t r i a tu re,
■ S y p h ilis, in all it,
■forms, 8kin Diseases.
^ __ .... - i N e r r o u s Debility,
Iiupdtency, Seminal Weakness and Loss c f
Manhood, the oonseqnence o f solf-abuse
and excesses producing the following sympa
toms: Sallow oountenanoe, dark spots un­
der tbs eyes, pain in the head, ringing in
the ears, loss o f confidence, diffidence, in
approaching strangers, palpatation o f the
heart, weakness o f the limbs and back, loss
o f memory, pimples on the fsoe, conghs-
consum otion eto.
DR. GIBBON has practised in San Fran
tisoo orer 8 years an i t hoae troubled should
not fail to consult him and receive the ben­
efit o f his great skill and experience. The
doctor cures when others fail. Try him.
CORES G U A R A N TE E D . Persons cured
at hom e. Charges reasonable. Cell or
25 Kearney street, Ban Francisoo.
R25 Kearuer street. B in Francisco
»ketch or photo ol inrenttoa lor
attuar/ r For free book,1
Q ounty
Their Meth ds
W h e e le r & W ilso n
Three Times the
Value of Ai)/
W A S H IN G T O N ,
Hides in any Quantity
« le t’s
Dewitt's Z&D Salve
For S U M . S w riM . t o
M .
end wfci'f y$qq*MM *q TPP'Hpn oqj
..*lv i , )
i * ’ ’ '> - V
- -gt f jjf» Netr pftl£ (Jjqjf.