Coquille City herald. (Coquille City, Or.) 188?-1904, October 20, 1903, Image 3

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    Finest table salt, at 1*. E. Drunc’s.
Mining 1 " lition notices at Diy-
1 den's, the Job Printer.
Robinson's is the place to buy
See the granii premium offer your suits.
M. J. B. Coffee at Robinson’«.
*< liieh are not toys, but good time keepers.
with gum ut Mrs. Nosier's
Fine Cons county Sweetpotatoes
Try the Olympic Self-rising Pao-
W liting tulli* te. pen.*, p i,nils at HerseyV.
From these our assortment runs up to tho
crke Hour at P. E. Dranea.
etc., at the New Drug Store.
Fine line of late dress goods just !
Ladies! Havs yon seen Mrs.
A. li. Daily, tin- Atkins saw un n, in at Mrs. Nosier-.
Belch's uew Mil!im>ry goods.
wro le towu a day or so last wpek. I New gloves, velvets, and truu-
Uncle PeU Lowe waa up from
Lewis Ingram, of the North ! mings at Mrs. M ori's store.
Bandon on business yesterday.
of the watchmaker’s art.
A large assortment of men's;
; > 1
Fork, went to Bandon on Friday.
Fine Hanimrless shotguns from
youths’ and boye’ suits jc i t arrived)
Be sure and go to the Epworth |
$25 to $50 at T. H. MebI & Co’s.
at G. A Robinsons.
Miss Mary Dickson is down from League entertainment Satnrdayi
J. M. Conrad, of Prosper, was up \
the South Fork visiting friends.
W i ls o n J e w e lr y Go.
to t iwu gelling sou*? dental work j
Expert Watch ltepi>;*-ing.
A new line of Gents Ladies and
All should attend the entertain­ done, returning yesterday.
childrens under wear at Mrs. ment at Masuuic Halt co Saturday j
! W'.jTKD.— A position for man | A nice line Groceries at Drane’s.
south Poi Hand Wrecked
I slu wife in restaurant, hole] or
A fine line of Cigars just re­
Dr. Snook, the dentist, is at
Ice cream and strawberry soda camp. Inquire at this office.
News reached us today of the
ceived at Mrs. Nosler’s.
home again and his deutnl parlors will be served at the social at Lee
For the American Cream Separ-j
total wreck of the steamer schooner
opeD again.
on the 31st.
ator, the best and most up-to-date — at the New Drug Store.
South Portland at Cape Blanco. It
H. N. McLean, of the Myrtle
Leno Aplique, Macrime Lace, machine, go to J. A. Lamb & Co.
Something new in the way of is reported that all hands were lost
Point Lumber Co., went to the Organdie and many other summer
except the Captain aud one or two
For choice early thoroDgh bred Stove Blacking ut P. E. Drane’s.
bay Friday.
others, there being 27 lives lost.
dress goods at cost at Mrs. Nosler’s Buff Lpghorn pulleis enquire of-S.
T. H. Mehl & Go’s is the place to
L. L affeuty , Norway Oregon.
buy your fruit Jars-Mason’s the
C. L. Moon’s Body Found
Mrs. J. B. DuUey, of this place, best.
Coquille returned by yesterday’s train from
J. G. Fish, of the furniture fac­
The supicions that C- L. Moou
Marshfield where she had been tory, is prepared to gum crosout
had missed his footing and fallen
visiting a few days.
into the river aud drowned when
Harrison Hnrtly, of the South
Wilbur Hayter starts today for a he disappeard three weeks ago has
Fork, was down yesterday, and re­ few- week’s sojurn iu the Willam­ proven well-founded, as his body
ports Walter Bennett, o f Gravel ette valley.
was focmd yesterday morning where
Ford, very ill at his place with
Rev. J. J. Handsaker
will it had been thrown up on the beach
preach at the Christian church by the swells some five or six
Foil R ent — Two story* brick store nextSunclay, morning and evening. miles up the beach from Bandon.
The body was found by John
-A. Specialty.
building iu Myrtle Point. Five
Mrs. A. Wright came up from
and Robert Beaty who live near
years lease preferred.
the isthmus vesterdey and and pro­
the mouth of Whisky R ud . They
J. J. S tanley ,
Call and see C. B. Leep’s new
A uice liue of candies at Hersey’ s
ceeded up the river where she will
□otlfied the authorities at Bandon
Coquille, Oreg.
stock of goods.
visit friends.
For a first class smoke, go to
who arrived there with the corpse
J. D. Benham, of Ff-rriew, wes Mrs. Noslers.
Ellingson it JacobsoD, the furni­
Hubert Fetter, of Remote, came at 9 p. m. yesterday evening. The
in towu t: lay.
ture men, have just received a flue
Thomas Wilson, of Myrtle Point, lot o f furniture, making their ex­ down Friday aud proceeded to the body is being prepared for burial
All should remember the basket was iu town today.
bay where he takes the steamer A l­ which will take place at tho Mason­
tensive lines complete. Call at liance for Portland.
social at Lee ou the 31st.
ic cemetery as soon as it reaches
For butter Boxes and Cubes, go once and get prices.
Elvin Miller, o f Curiy County, to J. G. Fish, Coquille.
Dr. R. O. Kerkpatriok, of this here, presumably
------------- m #»* —
The P. F. & L. Co., having pass­ city, returned yesteday from a trip
was up this way a few days lately.
F ob S ale .— A good home iu this ed under new management, it will
The S. P. Co. Looking This Way
to Marshfield where he ’had gone
Several communications arrived city. Inquire at this office.
only bo a short time until all the to dispense his patent medicines.
too late for insertion in this issue.
Isaac Billings, well buown iu this
Those wishing tomatoes by the necessary arrangements will be
The new coat of paint oa the county, but who has been abseut
made for the operation of their
A meeting of Coquille Local will 501bs box get them at Hersey’s
Piesbvttrian church makes quite for about 20 years, most of tb9
meet at Coquille on Friday evening
Mrs. It. Pomeroy, of Parkers­ business at this place.
an improvement in the looks of time iu Oklahoma, and who has fo l­
at 7 :30 p. m.
Marion Hodges,
lately arriv­ that church.
burg, was up town shopping on
Mr. Mathison is do­ lowed railroadiug ever since he left
ing here from Jackson couDty, ing the painting.
Anyone wishing cabbage in large Friday.
here, was through the valley last
quantities for saner kioot can get
Ladies remember that Mrs. Nos­ and who has been living with his
week looking over the grounds in
it at Hersey’s.
ier keeps The McCall Patterns price family at the Barrows place, started business in towu Friday. We are the interest of the Southern Pacific,
which he claims will extend their
Victoria and Keystone sewing 10, and 15,cts.
pecting to make thier home at that pleased to say that he has so far lines in to this county the coming
machines at the furniture store of
Foil S ale , -Twenty-sevau head place.
recovered from his injuries of last
Ellingson & Jacobson.
of fine Angora goats. Address P.
summer and beseem s as well as season.
C. L. Mast, ot San Francisco, ever.
Anyone interested in harness
Henry Broxn, of Bandon, passed
Chas. Flvnn, of near town, spent who has been in the county for
should drop into C. B. Leep’s new
Jonathan Quick aud daughter, through town today en route to Ta­
several days in the city last week,
shop and see his fine stock.
Miss Flora, started Thursday for coma where he goes as a delegate
meeting friends nDd acquaintances. families of different sections of the Monmouth, Oregon, where they from his home union, No. 356, to
Dave Mack, of Eugene, passed
county, who are cousins, departed
Isaac Nichols and family recent­ for his home by way o f the bay on will join Miss Mary, another daugh­ the convention of tho Pacific Coast
through town yesterday on his way
ter, who is attending the state Nor­ Longshoresmeu which meets there
to Bear creek to see his brother. ly moved up from Bandon with his Friday.
mal at that place, and will spend shortly.
family and o xiupy a house near
Wesley Mack.
D. G. Beale lias secured the the winter there.
the academy.
The Choral union is doing goed
J. D. S*one has pceepted the po­
heavy logging team of John Yoak-
H. G. Myers and J. C- Weis, of work under the leadership of Prof.
It troubled w ith with a week di­ ain which he will use in an exten­
sition of foreman in' tip* Ci'izen’s
typos. Harrington gestion try Chamberlain’s Stomach sive ditching scheme on his place Salem, president and secretary of Anderson next nionday work will
and Liver Tablets They will do you across the river from town.
(Wash.) Citizen.
Mes­ the state barbers’ board, were here will be taken up up preparatory to
good. For salo by R. 8. Kuowlton. srs. Beale aud LaBrie have a last week looking after the inter­ Thanksgiving Services the Society
Will Nefager, the popular ball
ests of the business.
They issued will also begin practicing on a can­
County Surveyor 8. B. Cathcart, large body of bottom land there
pitcher, hating gotten -void of the
a yearly card to Mr. McDonald, an tata all who desire to join the UDinn
illness of his sister at Oregon City, of Marshfield, started for Portland
apprentice card to Chas. Mooniaw are reqested to do so at once, the
yesierday mornsng where he will properly ditched.
started for his home t iny.
and gave Ralph Nosier an examin­ union meets at the Presbyterian
, , ,
;j ____ bo in attendance at the grad-roads
F- W. Barker, of Fairyiew, who ation and issued him a license.
Choice vacant lots, residence
. . . , , R ,
church monday evenings at 8 P.M.
, ,
e convention which
takes place
plac in was married recently to Miss Min­
property and blisiuess houses for ,,
, h
that city next I nda iy and Saturday. nie Barker, of Beulah, arrived
sab* at prices that will surprise'
Grund him Lenov
of this city, with his bride on the last Areata family to Bandon on Friday, hav­
J. J. S tanley .
ing rented his dairy ranch to
i went to Bandon on Friday where and are visiting Mr. Barker’s par­
F o r S a l e . — My entire crop of n p -,
vvin viiiit hei. goIli j . G and ents and many friends of that sec­ Frank Willard. Mr. Disher will go
Myrtle Point, Or.
pies -about 1000 boxes
F00'1 i family and many friends. She will tion. They will move soon to Riv­ to California in the spring, and will
Grade Lenses.
quality—at a bargain.
Address j pl ()dH(,iy
f0 Port Orford and see erton where Mr. Barker hoids a
John Gilardi, ivivertou, Or.
j »mother son, O’ U , before returu- position with the Riverton Lumber among other points he will take in Satisfaction Guaranteed in every case.
bis old houne place at Philadelphia.
Frank Layton, the popular r e -; ing.
E. J. Price, of the Riverton mill,
presentative of the Saches eloth-j p 0R S ale .— As good as new 4-
The new furniture ordered by
»1« house of San Francisi o, is m borsrt migillH and (J-horse boiler Mrs. B. F. Tupper for Hotel Co- returned Wednesday from a busi­
town aci ampanied by his wife.
and t. good Simplex churn and but­ quille while at Portland, o f which ness trip to the bay. He received
— in —
a large
lot of
shingles the
Will Cox, late of Marshfield, pas ter* worker. Any or all at good we made mention last week, has
sed through town last wfcek eu route bargain and time given on approv­ arrived, and this justly popular
large building they are erecting in
to Nevada, having secured a good ed securty, if desired. Inquire at hostelery is undergoing some chan­
connection with their mill, and a
of tine bottom land on
position on a railroad in that state, j this office.
ges which will increase the capaci­ new boiler will be installed in a % 11 3 600 the acres
(’oquille river, all in ono
This is the best bargain in land
Mr. Robertsoo, the telephone) Mrs. Lottie Davis, of this city, has, ty of the hotel as well as add ma­ short time. This is doing a good body.
offered in this valley, and will
man, erne over by yesterday’s beside the Racine stocking feet a line terially to the comforts of it* business, end local orders will ri
be Rold soon.
Investigate at
train aud proceeded to Myrtle of those popular goods, consisting
ceivo prompt attention.
$ 3 0 0 Neat small houae and two line
Point on business connected with of socks and stockings, ladies’ and
The Epworth League of the M.
lots near the Academy. This is
The many friends of Rev. Mulkey — — " i» dirt
gents’ underwear in cotton, wool E. Church, will give an entertain­
the line.
aud silk, you should see her before ment on the evpning of October will be glad to learn that arrange­ $ 1 2 0 0 A nice place o f 9 acres, 2 miles
R. J. Daan, the teamster, had
Marshfield, part bottom.
getting your winter supply.
24th, at Masono Hall. The pro­ services in the Little Church. This
the misfortune to allow the large
Nice young orchard. Good build­
fences. Place is partial­
A. G. Baleb, the contractor and gram consists of both vocal and in­ will be known as the Academy Pul­
bell lerieved by thp adventist
ly cleared. Fine list of personal
church, drop on one of his feet, builder, is getting out the plans strumental music, recitations and pit. Besides regular religious ser­
property included.
A «hicken
ranch. Fine chance.
Rnd as a consequence was off duty for the uew building Mrs. Wickham music by orchestra, concluding vices soon to be announced various
will have erected in which to con­ with a farce entitled “ Six Cups of lectures and addresses will be de­ $2500. A good stock ranch of 320 acreR.
tor a few days.
Good new house and two barns.
duct her boarding house business. Chocolate.’’ Admission 25 cents; livered along education hues of in­
G. T. Moulton, onr clever station
Fine water. Large orchard. A-
It will be located alongside the children under 12, 15 cents.
2,000,000 feet of timber. On
terest to Academy students aud the
agent, sprained his ankle quite
Masonic Hall and opposite the
East Fork. H alf cesh,
badly Thursday morning as he
Rev. W. H. Myers, of this city, people generally.
$ 600 House and one lot near business.
Bulletin office.
jumped from the wagon o f Team­
enjoyed an exceedingly pleasant
Pays 10 per cent interest on this
nietiHK I n v i t e s » i N c a s e .
Mrs. Fagan of New Whatcom, visit last week from bis eldest sis­
ster Mansell,
and has been
320-acre farm near Norway.
sporting a pair of crutches since.
To cure Dyspepsia or Indigestion
ter, Mrs. Shafer, and her youngest
120 acres cleared. 00 acres plow
| don about two months visitiug with daughter, Miss »Shafer, from Illi­ it is no longer necessary to live on
Halence pasture,
J F. Cox arrived yesierday , bl,t. 8o0
McEweD.aud mother, nois, who have been out from their milk and toast. Starvation produces
house, two barnes, outbuildings.
acre orchard.
from the Sixes mining section Mrs. FannieDyer, started for Port- home several weeks visiting rela­ such weskness that tho whole sys­
fcu&ced. Some saw timber Fine
where be has a fine claim upon laud Friday, where she will reside tives in several of the western tem becomes an easy prey to disease
water- Good place for Stock nnd
which he has hoeu doing his assess­ for the present.
states. They started on their re- Kodol Dyspepsia Cure enables the
ment work.
He proceeded to
Good business property 1 block
Dr. J. E. Leonard, of the Califor­ turn yesterday morning by wav of stomach and digestve organs to di­ $ 1 2 0 ■ 0 from
Bandon where he has logging in-
n lt a b li
nia Co-Operative Medical Co., bad Roseburg. This was their first gest and assimilate all of the whole­
boarding or lodging house. Put
at this price that it nmv be sold at
reuted the upper story of the Nat­ meeting for twenty-nine years, and some food that one cares to eat, and
is a never faling cure for indiges-
Three letters from onr yenng ional Bank building, aud upon the was certainly a pleasant one.
t , .it-,
, i tion. Dyspepsia and all stomach $ 350 10 acre tract of bench land near
friend, Fred KerrigaD, written at arrival of Mrs. Leonard, who he fx
■■ town, lays fine, sloping toward
V .R . Wilson,, our popular jewel- troubIeg ‘K odal digest« what you
south, extra fine place for fruit,
Buenos Avres, Argentine Republic, ; pPL-ta m a few days, will make this er, was joined in holy wedlock with
chickens, etc, No improvements.
which will be rend with consider- . -
home in the future.
Miss Winifred Taylor, at San Fran- Sold by R. S. Knowlton.
Don’t miss this chance.
able interest by many of his young j
On tb-t first pnge of tliis issue of I eisco, on the 7th inst.
Miss Taylor
Afino corner business property
friends as well as some older ones,,
tim H era LD w >- give a full and j ¡8 a sister of Mrs. Dr. Culin, o fth isj
Presbyterian Church.
& 450 House and 7 lots in Kiverton. A
appear on page three of this paper.
complete list of the echool district city, and has many friends and ac­
genuine bargain.
W anted .— Knowledge of a Life ; officers o f the county, and also on quaintances here, having visited
2 fine residence lots, close in, A
The Pastor will preach as nsual $ 450
Itisuram-e Coiup-my. which .writes a ’ page four will be found a list of the her sister on severnl occasions. next Sunday at 11a. in. and 7:30 p
Fair house nnd 2 lots in Noftler’ a
definite contract . , ( insurance, which names and atdr- s-.m of tb» teach- Their many friends will be pleased J m.
Sunds}- school, 10 ». m: — —— Addition. Installment plan.
combines tho pe-uili ir and special! ere of. the county. Tliesi* wore at their return, and the H erald | young people's meeting, 6:30 p. in; £ 2 4 00 320 acres good Limber land near
■ ■ Sumner. Look this np.
adyantag.s contained in the p oli-. furnished
Superintendent heartily congratulates and wishes | Ladieg-
Thursday Oct. 29. 2.30
eiss of tho Mutual Benefit Life In-1 Buncli, slid should he of interest then, long and happy lives togeth- j
Ht Mrg Bingham’. ; prayer- $ 700 New 4-room cotta z« and 4 lots,
— — near business. A good buy.
suranee Companv. of Newark. N. J. to those connected with our public er. Mr. Wilson recently purchased
PVery Thursday evening, $ 4 0 0 Neat cottage nnd 2 lots near Acad-
the Ferry property which is being 7 .: n H„ bjpct „>e SaQd(4y sc|,0*, -■
W alter Crux, M. D , Local Agent, schools.
■ eray. Cheap at this price.
j put in order for their return.
house and barn 3 lots, 2 in
lesson for tlm following Sabbath. $ ——
— bottom, bearing fruit trees.
Come and pnrticipale in the ser- $ 3 5 0 3 fine corner lot-«, fine view, best
P a i n t « ’«* P i l l .
building site for sale in this city.
is the one that will cleanse the svs- j
$ 550 Hood 6-room house and 1 lot near
A nice home.
| tern, set the liver to aetoD, remove '
A T h o u g h t f u l .f l u u .
It is impossible to describe ray list in this
| the bile, clear the com pletion, cure
M* M. Austin of Winchester
j headache and leave a good taste in Ind, know what to do in tho hour olu ron . If you are looking for a good
piece o f property at a reasonable price, [
the mouth. The famous little pills ) of need. Hi« wife had H\ich an un­ can certainly suit you.
j for doing such work pleasntlv and usual case of stomach and liver
Remen bf i, I rent houses and farms and
1 effectually nre Dewitt’s Little Early , trouble, physicians could not help do all Mods o f agency bnainevs, Como in
' Risers. Bob Moore of Lafayette, 1 her. He thought of and tried Dr and ft*ie me before baying. I can stvci you
Ind , says: “ ill other pills I have King's New Lifo Pills and ehe got DOLLAKH.
use»! gripe and sicken, while De-
relief at once and wan fiinaUt outed, M r n
Witts Little Early Risers are simply ()i!iv
at K H htiuwlPM.M Drufj 1
C O IIQ h C u re
gwrfest ” Sold by H. Si. Kavwltun,
* kur¥l
i For CcuQtt«, Cold« and Croup.
We Have Low Priced Watches
Beautiful Examples
/ We Speak For Yoilr Trade
Drugs and Druggists Sundries,
Schoolbooks, Blankbooks.
Fine Stationery
M.G.Pohl, Dr." Optics,
Sanford’s Bargains
Levi C Strauss
cC o s.
op p ei?-riv eted
Wo are playing freezeout for want
of coal just at the present but this
distress will be relieved in a short
time and hope it will not occur
again. Absence of a supply hero
aud at the mine is the explanation.
Mr. Church’s class in shorthand
and typewriting failed for want of
support. We offered room, light
and fuel to help the class along aud
are very sorry that a sufficient en­
thusiasm could not be aroused to
make the class a success as it would
doubtless be of substantial benefit to
those who learn the art.
C. C. A. Notes.
Thu Academy roll was increased
by six new names »Monday. Of these
Mr. Wilcoxen, lately from Kansas,
furnished un installment of three.
Young Mr. Hodge and his sister
from Arago, also Miss McAdams
who attended last year until the
weather became so bad she couid
not come so far. We are glad to
lenrn that she lives nearer by at
present and we hope she may be
able to attend regularly throughout
the winter.
Our Commercial class are still
waiting on supplies, but tbose al­
New York. Oct
16.— Brough­
ready enrolled are doing work with ton Brandengurg and his wife, of
what supplies they have. Others this city, went to Italy recently
will enter ns soon as supplies arrive and returned in the streerage to
and we shall look for them now study the immigration problem
every day.
from a personal standpoint. He as­
We are glad to announced that serts that be discovered at Naples a
we have added to our teaching force band of men through whom counter­
Miss James lately from California. feit credentials could be purchased,
She is a graduate of the ‘California whicli made introduction of disease
Normal School at Los Angeles and into this country an easy matter.
comes well recommended. She will
r a i l s « o l I .o i- lijf lw .
assist in the lower gcades and do
or tetanus, is caused by
some work in the upper grammar
g»-ades. If we can secure enough of a bacillus or germ which exists plen­
the lower grades to justify Miss tifully iu street dirt. Ii is inactive
James will take them into a separate so long as exposed to the air, but
room where her undivided attention when carried beneath the skin as in
will be given to them. This ought the wounds caused by percussion
to be inducement sufficient to par­ caps or by rusty nails, and when the
ents with small children to send air excluded the germ is roused to
them on without delay. Such chil­ activity and produces the most vir­
dren will have splendid opportun­ ulent poison known. 'These germs
ities if we cau only give them a room may be destroyed and all dangesof
to themselves with such a teacher lockjaw avoided by applying Cham­
as Miss James. To this end the berlain’s Pain Balm freely as soon
management Is willing to make some as the injury is received. Pain
Balm is an antiseptic and causes
Wo had, on Monday morning, a cuts, bruises and like injuries to heal
visitor in tho person of Miss Gulver- without matu-ation and in ono third
tho time required by the usual treat-
son, a graduate of the Portland High
School, who ban been teaching in an me it. It is tor sale by R. S.
adjoining district. She it & very Knowltou.
» --------------------
intelligent lady and we hope she
The editor sat in his easy chair,
may seek further employment in lighting his pipe on his ball head
Coos County schools.
so bare. A halo shone over his
We also enjoyed a brief visit from face so fair, but hia knees were out
Miss Nellie Fa'rman and her sister. and his feet were bare. And he
It will be remembered that Miss sang a song both sad and sweet,
Fairman did advanced work with 1 while the flies died all atound his
us last year and also that her sister feet, for be had no grub in his shop
Miss Lena Fair»nan belonged to our to eat, aDd the ground was covered
Normal class. Miss Lena, we under­ with snow and sleet. Now what
stand, has taught two schools since in the world was the man to do?
she left us.
He had eaten the paste and swal­
We are also glad to chronicle a lowed the glue; he hadn't a drink,
visit from Miss Lizzie Price who an ! he hadn’t a chew, and while>be
rendered assistance in teaching stared his whiskers grew.—Sover-
last year, took advanced work, and lgn Visitor.
who has successfully taught sohool
The latest song is: order .your
on Cunniugham during the summer
music of Ohus. Gr.ssen Music Co.,
Marshfield, Oregon.
The latest
We shall expect new arrivals
always on hand, sold at J off-
ec-eiy week until the middle of this
In order to make room for fall
term after which we shall sottle
down for this term and the next. goods, Mrs. Nosier is selling a
Then we shall hope to accomplish bran new line of summer goods at
our best work.
* • a a s its « « £ « a a « a « # * n a a a a « * # t « a a a a . * » * * * » s s h w * » *
: T H E
Who tied the cow’s tail to his leg in tho process of milk- £
ing, said she had not dragged him over two miles before ■«
ho realized he had made a mistake.
• H o -w
Z M Iv ic li F a r t H e r
Must you be dragged before you realize you are making a «
mistake in not using Electric Lights.
’* * * « * * * »
Jhe Palace Barber Shop,
M McDonald Proprietor
~%=£>Best Equipped Shop in Coos C o u n ty .fts ^
Hot and Cold Baths.
O O X J IX j L E
Only First-Class Work.
O IR E Q -O T s T
0 . C. S A N F O R D
------ DEA LE R IN
C O Q U IL L E C I T Y , O R E G O N .
’ --------- O----------
R tints H o u s e s a n d F a r m s , D o e s a
G e n e r a l A g e n c y B u s in e s s .
T^O ffice—Up-stairs near PostofKce.
M ew D rug S to re ,
A Specialty.
Having had many years of experience in this line
we are prepared to give all the
best of satisfaction.
Golden Building
- - -
Coquille, OregonJ