¿ajiiUt CxU] ferali!, T U E S D A Y . OCT. C, 1903. C. C A. Notes. School opened this week oue-half better than last year. But for the stormy day it would have opened 100 per cent better. Miss Thompson comes in to re­ sume the Commercial work broken off last year by sickness. Miss Todd takes the place of first pri­ mary teacher. By the middle of the month we shall want another teacher for grades three to five. Young Edwards from Johnson’s mill and young Hughes from above the creamery were among the first to enroll. Everett Hatcher is in hiB placo working hard as during last year. His sisters will be with him soon. Young Holvcrstott, from Fair- view, has entered on the first day. Miss Myers, from fifteen miles out, has entered. She is one of the teachers of Coos county. Two brothers will come later and the trio wlil rent rooms and keep houses. Charlie Myers, son of our fellow townsman, entered the Commercial class and is ready to give his ener­ gies in that line. Others will join him as soon as supplies can be se­ cured from Hie city. Mr. Church, a teacher of Short Hand and Type Writing, wishes to organize a class in those branches. Any interested in those subjects will please report to the Superin­ tendent. All persons interested in a night school in Book Keeping and kin­ dred/ subjects are requested to meet at the Academy building on Thursday evening. If a sufficient number report we shall take steps to organize an evening class to work from 7 to 9 o ’clock. There will be a day class also. Mr. Church will be present at that meeting and explain the nature of his work and give you his terms for Short Hand and Typewriting, Last week we announced that Miss Latouretto would not be pres­ ent at tho opening, but wo are happy to snnounco that for an un­ foreseen happening, she was able to get in on Saturday last. She is ready to confer with any interested in piano or organ instruction. She has rooms at Mrs, Clyde Gage’s, where she will be pleased to meet any interested in her work. Miss Sweet, an eighth grade graduate of Lampa Creek, entered the first day and will do nineth grade work. Sho has rooms, I be- Scvti, uroriyrr. l-ieree s store. Miss Tupper, daughter of our hotel man, who entered near the close last year, has reentered and with the exception of Arithmetic, will take 9th grade work. Two of Mr. Paxson’s young people entered this week and others of tho family will enter later. Miss Yiola White, from Port Orford, has entered and will do 8th grade work. She may have some classes in the 9th grade. Some others, both old and new students, have entered and are already fairly in harness. We hope the school will fill up early so as to prevent the readjustment of classes. If all could be present the first week settled work could be be­ gun on the second. Where the eutrance is irregular or spasmodic irregularities must arise in the ar­ rangement of classes. However, we must do the best we can under the circumstances. Good, worthy young men and women, excellent students, aro compelled to enter late owing to homo demands. These often make the most success­ ful citizens. Peter Axe, of Bridge, the Coos couuty sweet-potato grower, was down to this place Saturday and took orders for over a ton of his spuds. Mr. Axe has been success fully growing n uiue article of sweetpotatoes for the past ten years and is doing a considerable busi­ ness along that line. He left with us samples of his production which may be seen by calling at thisnffi. ce, and to prove their complete development and good keeping qualities, he left with us a last year’s potato which is perfectly sound. T. M. Hermann, brother of Congressman Hermann, has tend­ ered bis resignation as chief of the mailing division of the peusion office at Washington, D. C , his interests in Oregon being such that it did not justify his staying at the capitol. K ioto « Coyi n.LE H ksai . d : In our daily walks we find people and oth­ er people. We find some who know a tiling, we find some who think they know; we find some who arc consistent and some who are stub­ born, others who are open for rea­ soning and arguments; the fact is, we fiud all sorts o f people; and, if we do so, then is it wonder that some people hold the opinion that a man in public office must suit and satisfy every mau, or if not, lie is dishonest or incompetent for the office he holds. Those ideas came into my head after reading tho Sunday Oregonian of Sept. 27th, page 40, eol. 6. It is a good article, the contents deal with truth and show sense, furthermore, the tendency places the responsi­ bility upon the right shoulders and should be read by all true citizens. Nevertheless, should I send this communication to the Oiegonian, it w'ould simply wander into the waste­ basket, out of the simple reason that it would prove this paper worse than unreliable, yes, malicious. And what about the Oregon Jour­ nal? my, my! That would bo car­ rying owls to AtheD. There is nothing left for a mau to do than to try a local paper and see if he finds any sympathy. Read the article in quest; the laws as they are interpreted by our good Secretary of the Intorior De­ partment, Hitchcock, are only for the wealthy, the rich; the common people have no rights whatever. The first class is the henglish don’t you know, the latter class are too American. Only a short time ago, before the election of Hon. Biuger Hermann for Oregon, I cannot forget the slurs and slanders used by the pa­ pers named above; down with a man who has risen by his own interests from the common people, hoop- posed the higher, or I should say the class of people which need no laws, their money is law under themselves and that is all the law they noed and Hitchcock is their friend, perhaps something olse, he above knows why. This salvation was the downfall of somebody else, therefore nothing but tho worst was good enough to down the man, and lots of the voters who think they knew they bleated *-bah” be­ cause others of their character bleated £‘bah” before them. Others like tho formal known before heard and expressed themselves very loud that the result of this election could be only a failure. I know of only one being which answered a question before it was asked and that was as the Holy Bible tells us, “ Baalam’s ass.” It is only a wonder to me that *icw-»i,-v1rv TXT. 11 bet scrip business, they talk, they have all sorts of "I knows;” they waste their time to stop such anarchistic actions, but never oall a halt loud enough so those in public office in Washington, D. C„ will hear it. Now is tho time; a year hence wo will be in the midst of a presiden­ tial campaign, and if I am not very much mistaken Mr. Roosevelt would not be averse to save his own bacon by being open to conviction. Bombard him with postal cards until tho \\ liito House has not enough room to hold them; 10 pos­ tals from every common citizen, in 10 weeks, at the rate oue cent a week, will do a great doal of good M. G. R o h i .. Early Risers F. C Kinnicutt Suicides C. L Moon Missing The Coquille Choral Union was organized at the Presbyterian Chuicb with the following stuff of officers: Rev. Adolph Haherly pres; Miss Floreuee Atkinson Bee; Mrs. Frank-Morse Treas; Mrs Dr Culin Pianinst; Frof E H Anderson Di­ rector o f music; Rev J ,1 Haudsaker Asst. Director of music; Prof An­ derson M rsLH H azard, Mrs Culin and Mr M A Pierf, permanent Com. on selection of Muds. Meetings are held every Monday 8. p m. at the Presbyterian Church, the only expense of membership is S1.00 initntion fee. All persons wishing to cultivate (heir voice should join this union at once.Jas it is a grand oppertuuity to culti­ vate their voice under a compe­ tent director at a trilling exepense. The Choral Union anticipates giv­ ing a concert next spring, and it will sing nt special occasions dur­ ing the winter. The citizens of Co­ quille should lend every encourage­ ment and support to this worthy organization. Word reached this place yoster. day of the attempt at suicide of Prof F. C. Kinieutt, one of Coos county’s pioneer teachers, nt the Halfway hoqse on the Coos Bay Wagon road, which had occurred at 11 a. m. Mr Kinnicutt has been a heavy drinker for ninny years, having given up his eastern home and came West 30-odd years ago on that account, and had been drinking the day before from which he had hardly recovered. At tho time he committed this rash act be and a daughter were at home, he sitting in tho front room reading a paper, when the young lady step­ ped out and soon after heard a pis­ tol shot, to return and find her fa­ ther lying on the floor with a bullet hole in his head. A physician was summoned by telegraph, hut death took place at 3:30 without his ever recovering consciousness. Deceased leaves a wife, six daugh­ ters and one son to mourn his sad demise, who have the sympathy of the entire community. A week ago (J. L. Moon, of this city, went to Baudon. and by some means has disappeared, not having been seen since Wednesday uiglit at about ten o'clock. It seems tlist at the tifne referred to'lie was seen at Munck’s saloon. He left the place at that time, stating that he was going to nne of the steamers to find a place to sleep, and not since hav­ ing been ro n, it is believed that he hits fallen into the river and drown­ ed. . - T il« Naive Thill Heals without leaviug a scar is DeWitt’s Tho name Witch Hazel is applied to many salves, but DeWitt’s Witch Hazel Salvo is the only Witch Hazel Salve made that contains the pure unadulterated witen hazel. If any other Witch 7/azel Salve is offered you it is a counterfeit. E. C. De- Witt invented Witch Hazel Salve acd DeW itl’s Witch Hazel Salve is the best salve in the world for cuts, burns, bruises, tetter, or blind, bleeding, itching and protruding piles. Sold by R. S. Knowlton. * Johnson’s mill having had a little break down last week, Mr. John­ son has leased tlio mill at this place which was not running at present on account of a little busi­ ness difficulty, and is getting out some rnsh orders. At the Christian Church. The newly chosen minister of the Christian church, J. J. Hand- saker, will occupy the pulpit of the church next Sunday. Tho services are as follows: S. S. 10. a. m. Special music by ---------- ------ -— -------------------- the boys and girls choir. Presbyterian Church. Preaching 11 a. m. Communion 12: Y P S C E 0: 30. Preaching As the Pastor is at Corvallis at­ 7:30 The church invites all to be tending the Synod o f Oregon, present. . -»• *- - There will be no preaching at the A f o r e F o r D y sp e p sia . Presbyteriau chuicb next Sunday, but the pastor will preach as usual I had Dyspepsia in its worst form on the 4th, Suuday o f this mouth. and felt miserable most all tho time. The Sunday school meets every Did not enjoy eating untill after I Sunday morning at 10 A m. and the used Kodol Dyspepsia Cure which Cbristaiu Endeveoa society at 63:0 has completely cured me — Mrs. W. p.m. All are invited to attend these W. Saylor, Hilliard, Pa. No appe­ and all other services of the Church tite, loss of strength, nervousness, The prayermeetiDg on Thursday headache, constipation, bad breath evening is partiallv devoted to a sour rising, indigestion, dyspepsia study of the Mnnday School lesson and all stomach troubles are quick­ for the follawiug Sabetb. All who ly cured by the use of Kodol. Kodol attend this service, appreciate the represents the naturial juices of help in Bible ctudy. Visiters are digestion combined with the great­ always welcome. est known tonic and reconstructive - -* properties. Ii cleanses, purifies aud aud sweeteus tlio stomach. Sold by At Myrtle Point. R. S. Knowton. Evangelist’s Holmes and Hand- —. . . , Drygoods just being unpacked at sftker who recently held a success­ ful revival here are now in the be­ M. H. Ilersey’s Store in the way of ginning of one at Myrtle Point Daisy and Outing flannel, Muslin, AU» UwwwUyUsiAn fthiirpli. W n S-Sbeotintr. Prints. Ladies and Gents bespeak for them a good hearing. Underclothing. Hoes, Sox, over Shirts and many other artscles too - — numerous to mention. t P e r io d PninlesM Pill. is the one that will cleanse the sys­ tem, set the liver to acton, remove the bile, clear the complection, cure headache and leave a good taste in the mouth. The famous little pills for doing such work pleasntlv and effectually are Dewitt’s Little Early Risers. Bob Moore of Lafayette, Ind., says: “ All other pills I have used gripe and sicken, while De- Witts Lijttle Early Risers are simply perfect.” Sold by R. H. Knowlton. Years O f S u ffe r in g F r o m H ea rt D ise a se . I W ou ld Not be A liv e Today The Southern Oregou Stat» Nor­ But F o r D r. M ile s ’ H eart mal School begins this year’s work C u re. September i6th. A large working Do not neglect the warning symptoms of a library lias been added; the physi- weak heart. Palpitation, smothering spells, Man Lost Overboard j cal and chemical laboratory has swelling o f feet or ankles, pain in ana around heart; oftentimes affections of the stomach, The Schooner Advance, ,1. Jor I been fully equipped; a now gvm- lungs, liver, bladder, kidneys, etc., arise from i imsiam buildi.i“ is being erected, heart weakness. A weak heart must be genson, master, got in this runni­ helped. It cannot stop to rest. It must be I anil a large and handsome school strengthened and regulated. The blood must ng, 15 days out from San Francis enriched, the heart nerves strengthened co. On her arrival wn learned building is nearing completion. be and the circulation improved by the great that she lmd lost a seaman James The school grounds are beautiful heart and blood tonic, Dr. Miles’ Heart and picturesque. The health condi­ Cure. There is positively nothing to equal DeOrsay, of Eureka, on her >vny tip tions are of the best; the social en­ this wonderful medicine in its beneficial The accident occurred at 5:20, a m ' upon hearts weakened from any vironment is pure and stimulating; influence cause. Sept, 21st, in latitude 38 degrees, j the course ot atndv has been “ I am very grateful for what Dr. Miles 40 minutes, and longitude 138 de­ ) strengthened and m ido more prac­ Heart Cure nas done for me, as I am confi­ grees, 25 minutes. DeOrsay fell dent I would not be alive today had I not tical. T ic faculty lias been in- learned of its wonderful virtues and taken it overboard while taking in (he side | creased in number and the school before it was too late, t had been a sufferer lights, carrying the green one with valvular heart disease for many years, I is now equipped to do work of the from him. in fact ever since I was a little girl and for highest n id c I’ iii-school belongs three years before I began using Heart Cure A rope was thrown over to him, | to Southern Oregon. It desires I was in very bad shape. I could not sleep my left side at all and would frequently nnd two life buoys were thrown him, : and merits the patronage of the on have the most dreadful smothering spells. oue o f which struck him on the j people of this great section. For At times my left side would swell up. I had pain in my head all the time from which I shoulder: he Failed to take hold of | catalogue address. .suffered greatly. Nothing I took did me either. B enjamin F Mm, key . President, any good ubtil I used eleven bottles of Dr. Milos’ Heart Cure which removed all these He caught hoid o f the log line, Ashland. Oregon. distressing symptoms and made me feel well but let go that, and although the and strong.’’—M rs . H. C. C ruse , San’ Fran­ I t r l l c r T it a n 1*111. cisco, Cal. ship's boat was at the spot in three druggist« sell and guarantee first bot­ minutes lie sank. The question has been asked— In tle All Dr. Miles’ Remedies. Send for free book what what way aro Pbnmherliiiu's | on Nervous and Heart Diseases. Address DeOrsay was unable to swim, nnd Dr. Miles Medical Co., Elkhart, Ind. seems to huvo lost his power to Stomach and Liver Tablets superior j reasen or help himself when he fell to the ordinary cathartic nnd liver I pills? Our answer is—They are j into the water. — Recorder. easier an 1 more pleasant, to take anil THE BEST LS 1 . u*. CHOICEST • . their effect is so agreeable that oue j AND THAT IS Nails! Nails! Nails! hardly realizes that it is produced The above heading on a poster by a medicine. Then they not only af Myrtle I \>iut followed by a re­ move the bowels but improve the quest that boys and girls bring a appetite anti aid the digestion, For FAMOUS MAGAZINE nail to the revival at tfie Presby­ mie nt 35 cents pel bottic by R. terian church brought out a large Knowlton. audience of bright boys and girls to hear Evangelist's Holmes' ad­ dress. Next Sunday, the idea is III-' It contains in each Issue Strings! Strings! Strings! American farmers are reminded by the Department of Commerce that over $36,000,000 worth of goat - . • - . skins were imported last year. The n ir liiia ; In v ilR t D lliH iN f. goat is not a very difficult animal to To cure Dyspepsia or indigestion raise, so much of this money might it is no longer necessary to live on be kept m the country. milk and toast. Starvation produces General MuoArthur is at a loss to such weakness that tho whole sys­ to explain why over thirteen hundred tem becomes an easy prey to disease of our soldiers have deserted wihin Kodol Dyspepsia Cure enables the the last year. It would be well to stomach and digestve organs to d i­ question the private of the army on gest ami assimilate all of the whole- this subject. They are probably sorue food that one cares to eat. and better informed than the offici ra. is a never . uro for indige-- tion. Dyi pepsin and all stomach’ troubles K '»l .1 ha‘ vou eat link. sweet. Sold bv I! l\i|< The femóme little pille. W Coquille Choral Union. WII 1 I 1 CARLETON’S FIRST NATIONAL BANK Coquille, Oregon B AKl) OF DIltECTOllS R. 0. D ement L. H arlockir I saiah H acker A. .1 S herwood It. H. H azard R. E S hine C O R R E SP O N D E N T S National Bank of Commerce, N Y. City Crocks-Woolwortl National llauk, San Franris'-o d l ’ort! rml, Nai Portland. Ore, U -Til; mît " b n s- EVERY WHERE Carleton’s Latest Poems and Stories and the Best o f additional Literature. Only Fifty Cents a Year AGENTS WANTED IN EVERY TOWN WRITE EOR TERMS B't Con— .ion, H -p.it.omf Premium! A ddrrjj, EVERY brtf-RE h k o o k iw PUB m , y . CO Death’s Harvest Deprives You ol Your Dear Ones- Show your love for the one who is gone hy providing a monument worthy the memory of that one. A huge monument or a small marker, whichever you choose at his place, will show the best judg­ ment of first-class designers and workmen. ----- »■------------------- W. M. Kay, of Riverton, had businossin town today. Mrs, \V. J. Hammock, ofFishtrap made our sanctum a pleasant busi­ ness call today. COOS CO. MARBLE AND GRANITE WORKS Stewart & Westgate Props. MARSHFIELD, Oil. The portable schredder is nt D. Morgan’s place outtiug sillage with which to fill his silo. NEW RESTAURANT Frank Stillwell who has been at Gohlen lale, Washington, for sever­ al months past, arrived in town to­ day. ate. At the anglo of the street, in North Marshfield. One of C. 0 . ‘ ‘'Gilkey‘s||little baughters has been I quite ill for M e a l s S e r v e d in t h e B e s t several days, but is about all right C u lin a r y A rt. again. ------------------ * -------------------- - C m iN f of L o o k ju w . Lockjaw, or tetanus, is caused by a bacillus or germ which exists plen­ tifully iu street dirt Ii is inactive so long as exposed to the air, but when carried beneath the skin as in the wounds caused by percussion caps or by rusty nails, and when the air excluded the germ is roused to activity aud produces the most vir­ ulent poison known. These germs may be destroyed and all dangesof lockjaw avoided by applying Cham­ berlain’s Pain Balm freely as soon as the injury is received. Pain Balm is ati antiseptic and causes cuts, bruises and like injuries to heal without maturation and in one third the time required by the usual treat­ ment. It is for sale by R. S. Knowlton. ---- • -• » The Largest Mail Ol der House in the West The new fashion catalogue of metis’ womens’ and childrens’ ap­ parel, household supplies, etc., is­ sued by Weinatock, Luhiu