Coquille V O L D E N T IS T BUSY AND BEAUTIFUL Wards the sen, us, with mighty cable attached, she drag* after her the J. Curtis Snook, 0. D. S. Coos Bay Has Charms to Soothe Mer­ schooner James A. Garfield, haavily freighted with the products of our chant and Artist. Office ovor Johnson, Dean & Co’s own mills for distant markets. The market. Coquille, Oregon. Marsh-eld. Or., Sept 10.— (To the buzz of saws, the whirr of machin­ E d ito r.)--I have been impressed by ery, the noise of escaping steam a tin« beauty and natural wealth of Mcoro of engines din upon the ear. Geo. Russell, M. D. Coos County, as it appears to me As a background aud oncircling it PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON- on this, my first visit From the all, tbe hills are seen through the little« up sta ir« in M A ItT IN B U IL D IN G . western boundary to tho coast line, mellow atmosphere, looking like C al's prom ptly answered day or night. streams nre lined with a thick growth 1 omeralb isles floating in a crystal Niiiht cull will !>« answered from Mrs, of timber, including a vast amount sen. This is a picture of life and Wickham’« Boarding Honse. of myrtle trees unexcelled for tliore beauty that cannot fail to jnpress Phono, main 11141. size and symmetry. Rich stock and the observer. In it is seen the dawn dairy farms, adorned with comforta­ tho dawn of a greater day for G. 0. Holden, ble dwellings, with huge well-filled greater Oregon. B. F. Mulkey.— la . . w&Ngb* * r barns, are soon from the very head­ Oregonian L a w y e r . waters to the mouths of streams. The Justice ot the Peace. City Recorder. meadows are green throughout the Against Women Stenographers. Xj Commissioner Summer. The vegetation from river to hilltop is of a rich dark green, The Northwestern Railway’s de­ General Insuance Agent. aud its profusion reminds one of cision that none of the women sten­ Notary Public. the tropics. The hills and valleys ographers in its service will be al­ Office in Robinson Building. never reflect a glaring sunlight, and lowed to qualify for promotion or COQUILLE, OltKOON. on the brightest days one looks with be eligible for its pension list has wideopen eyes upon a landscnlpe naturally created a stir among J. Sherwood, subduod by the shadows everpres­ women workers in general and ent in the angles and coves of the women stenographers in particular. hills, aud the restful elfects of the The company explains its action on A t t o r n e y - a* L a w - . foliage of darkest " ’•con. tbe ground that “ a women stenog­ (J o g u iL L ii C i t y , C oos C o u n t y , O r k o o n . Tlie people are prosperous. Wa­ rapher can never bo anything else.” V s. A, Notary Public. ges paid for labors are good. The farms are small aud belong to the John F. H all, many, and the varied products of farm are bringing good prices. The A t t o r n e y . a,t - i_,a/w, stores are capacious, well equiped M A llS H F IE L D , O llE G O N . and heavily stocked. Myrtle Point, Coquille and Marshfield all enjoy D ea ler in U«AI> E state o f all kinds. an enormous trade, an in turn sup­ ply n good shipping point for SHAD HUDSON, •' '• J . E. H A YN E S . tho product of forest P.nd fields. Every town has its creamery, Hudson & Haynes, which is supplied with milk gathered by the boats p ilin g Mining and Real Estate Agegts the numerous rivers nnd bayous. E ckley, C arry County, Oregon. Sawmills are seen here and there in A V E valuable Mmes, Farm s, Stock Ranches and T im b er Lands for sale. the the interior and on the bay, and the arterier and streams leading far House and fi acres o f land w e ll im proved back into the hills afford natural W ilbur, D o o g lM county, O r., for sale esobiBRi for property m llyrtlo • oim highways along which logs aro transported to the mills. H 1903 i -mi SEASON. W ade R ig h t in t o th e S u b je c t- The 1003 season will bo the great­ est bicycle season ever known. The finest equipped and most up-to-date wheels that Coquillo riders ever laid their eyes on will be kept in stock lit right prices, and if you want one say so. Wo want your trade, and we are entitled to it, because we have good goods, right prices, anil can serve yon well. You don’t expect anv more, but you want that much, don’t you. The coal mines are worthy of special mention. I had not realized tliut a single coal mine in oar own state has been netting its owners $100,001) a year; that another mine has just been developed at an ex­ pense of $1,000,000, bringing within reach 5,000,000 tons of coal is being shipped from Coos County to vari- ports of tho United States; that peo­ ple in this section use for fuel coal stone coal, mined from the hills of Coos County and bought at Sf4 a ton. Coos County is resting upon a thick vein of coal, a fact patent to those who have seen tho results of of numerous experiments at vnrious points. This fact of nature is sup- plcmctary to another greater fact- namelv, that Coos Bay is a good, safe and convenient harbor, admit­ ting vessels ID feet of water. It is a harbor which, at a moderate cost, ern he deepeud, tho channel condi­ tions being such that whatever im­ provements are made will bo per­ manent, These facts have been as­ To be brief, try us and our goods, certained by surveys made by G ov­ and our way of treating you, aud if ernment engineers, their report be­ you like us try us again. W e want ing now on file. your business. Enough said. A glance at a map of the West­ ern coast of America shows that on­ ly in three or four places 1500 miles C focs IBa.37- of const line are there indentations in the rude mountain wall where vessels can find safe haven. After San Francisco, the mouth of the C. W. PATERSON. Prop. Columbia and Puget Sound, Coos Manufacturer o f M arble Monamenta, Hen 1- Bay harranks in importance. These stonos. Tablets, etc. cem etery lots enclosed w ith stone coping harbor openings are or will be ter­ or cu rbing. Iron railin gs furnished to o r­ minal points for transcontinental der. Correspondence solicited from parties railway lines, where fleets of ships iv in g Ili in th e UDIUlbi country y '.»I or «.< other 1 Villi' liliu ulivi towns who may wish a n y th in g in my lin e o f business will lie ready to carry the products VÍ vasfTLfiwT u O beo of the empire behind the mountains and return with tho goods of far T o tine TD n t o r t n a n a t e countries. Coos Bay will become the home of n large city. Nature lias decreed it. Though her soil Dr. Gibbon were of granate, yet would she be T h is o ld r e lia b le ana most su ccessfu l spec- tbe firm support of a commercial city l ia list in San Frntcis- where ship and rail meet, forming I co, s till contin u es to an uobroken higlnv v between New [ enre n il S exu n ’ and York and the Orient. With inex­ S era in n l Diseases, |such as Gonorrhes- haustible coal fields adjacent, a con­ |G 1 e e t, S t r , o t n re, venient harbor stretching away R S y p h ilis, in a ll it Inform s, Skin Diseases. across the bar to the deep sea, Coos ^ N e r v o u s D eb ility . Bay wiil become one of Oregon’s Im potency , Seminal Weakness and Loss o f M anhood, the consequence o f self-abnse centers of commerce and manufac­ and excesses producing the fo llow in g sympa ture. F is h B ro s Marble ¡nil Slone Works toms: Sallow countenance, dark spots un­ der the eyes, pain in the head, rin gin g in the ears, loss o f confidence, tliifidenee. in approaching strangers, paipatation o f the heart, weakness o f th e lim bs and back, loss o f m em ory, pim ples on the face, conghs- consum ntion e tc. DU. G IB B O N has practised in San Fran cisco o ver 3 yonrsan .1 those troubled should not fa il to cousnlt him and receive the ben­ efit o f his great ski! I an d experience. The doctor our s when other:: fa il. T ry him. C O R E S G U A R A N T E E D . Penm ns cored at hom e. Charges reasonable. Call or W rite. D r .J . F. G IB B O N , 25 Kearney street, San Francisco, writo. D R . J . F . G IB B O N , «25 K r ir n e v s t r jjt . F r iuoiaoo 'Send model, sketch or photo of inventa n fo rj •tentability. _For For free book. 1 freer« port on patentability. write \ 1 How to Secure' 1 Patenta and TRADE-MARKS io W '% _________ lim itò COQUILLE CITY, OREGON, TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 22, 1903. 21. L e t ’s ^ ___ ^ & ' O pposite U. S. P a ten t O ffic e ? WASHiNGTpN. D. O.^ I That certainly is not true in other lines of business, however it may be in railroad rervice. Women who began as stenographers in law and commercial bouses and in the service of city, state and Nation are filliug higher positions, with broader and more responfeiqle dut­ ies, in large numbers. They be­ come private secretaries, clerks in charge of correspondence, court stenographers and librarians. Not a few of thorn conduct independ­ ent businesses, with staffs of sten­ ographers aud typewriters whom they furnish to do work on call, ami make net incomes of $4000 to $7000 a year. I t is a fact of current interest that while in some other callings— notably that of school teaching— women arc paid much less than men for the same sorvice, the woman stenographer is paid as well and sometimes better than a man stenographer. I f she is expert and has general aptitude for business, apart from her stenography, she often receives from $1200 to $2500 a year; as a court reporter one of them at least in this city is known to be paid tbe last Darned sum. The Northwestern Railway’s curi­ ous ruling is a belated expression of the old prejudice against the in­ dustrial equality of woman, which is nevertheless almost extinct.— New York World. Rich Gold Deposits Found in River Bed. Jacksonville, Or., Sept. 11—As the result of construction of a dajn across R ogue river near here to conserve water for power purposes a fabulously rich deposit of placer gold has been discovered in tho bed of the stream. It is estimated that $250,000 is in sight, Alexander Orme, foreman of dam construction, was the fiuder of the gold bearing gravel. He panned out $100 worth in two and a half hours, but as soou as the fact that gold existed in the bar became known the power company refused to allow further mining operations. Extensive preparations are being made to work the property. ------------ e « » » « - Sir Thomas Lipton says that boats of the Shamrock type are dan­ gerous. For Mercy's Sake. A movement to establish a re. treat in this city for homeless con­ sumptives is, it is said, about to he inaugurated. Sucli a project is well worthy the consideration of a generous and humane people. The object, so far as it has been defined, is not to treat consumptives in the incipient stages with the hope of re- storing them to health, but to furnish the pitiable victims of this wasting malady who are homeless and who have reached the in­ curable stage with a cheerful, quiet comfortable home, in which to spend the short allotment of time that is left to them. The number of sufferers who need a retreat of this kind in this community is not large. A small home would be sufficient to accom­ modate them, and at present there is literally no place where they can go and receive the caro that their condition demands. Bacteriology, in discovering and disclosing the nature of consumption, has made consumptives unwelcome every­ where; whether ns patients in hos­ pitals and sanitariums or visitors at health resorts they arc undesirable if not forbidden guests. Sensitive, weak, fading, without hope of recovery, sufferers from this disease have a strong claim up­ on huiran sympathy, especially so when they must find shelter where they can, unaided, and are depriv­ ed by circumstances of tbe care and nourishment upon which such com­ fort ns may still attend them de­ pends. The time will come when no community can call itself civilized and allow the victims of this piti­ fully lingering disease to drag out their last days in dark, unsuitable perhaps noisome lodgings, be­ cause, either for pecuniary reasons or from the fact that they are shunned as infectious, they must fake any room that they can get. I f this matter is properly brought before the public, with a feasible plan upon which to work, there is no doubt but tho financial aid nec­ essary to establish and maintain a suitable retreat of a few rooms for this class of sufferers can be secured. It may be hoped, in the name of common humanity, which includes public safety, that the movement will take practical shape and be pushed to a successful issue.--Ore­ gonian. National Fraternal Congress. Milwaukee, W is.,—The national fraternal congress, representing fiO fraternal insurance organizations doing business in all parts of the country, met in seventeenth an­ nual session with a good attendance of delegates. The annual reports of President Joseph A. Longfill of Pittsburg, Secretary M. W . Saek- ett of Meadville, Pa., and of various other officers and committees, show that since the last sossion of the congress much substantial progress for the fraternal boneficiary sys­ tem has been mnde. Several in­ surance departments hnve an­ nounced that the examination of the departments of the homo state would be accepted by them; legis­ lation, exempting the reserve fund of fraternal orders from taxation has been secured in three states, proposed laws detrimental to the interests o f the fraternal compan­ ies have been defeated, and pro. gress along many other lines has been made. N O . 10. t I le in il rii it l> l r H r c u r t l. Chamberlin’s Cough Remedy has a remarkable record. It has been in use for over thirty years, during which time mnuy million bottles have been sold and used. It has loug been the standard and main reliance ¡ d the treatment of croup iu thousands o f homes, yet duriug all this time no case has ever beeD reported to the manufac­ turers in which it failed to effect a M AN U FAC TU R E R S cure. When giveD as soon as the child becomes hoarse or even as soon as tho croupy cough appears, it will prevent the attack. It is ples- ant to take, many children like it. It contains no opium or other harmful substance and may be g iv ­ en as confidently to a baby as to un adult. For sale by R. S. K nowlton . Coquille furqiture and BOX FACTORY J- 6 - The Oregon State Mining Assoc­ iation was organized at Portland in the Mining Exchange rooms, Cham­ ber of Commerce Monday, under the most favorable auspices. The purposes of the organization are to afford the miuing men of Oregon au opportunity to consult with oach other and exchange views on mat­ ters pertaining generally to mining interests in this section. J. F. Wickham, of Galice, Oregon, is president, and A. L. Morrison, of Portland, is secretary. — — —»• - -— ----- — A lN irjc n tiv c P le a s u r e . I f you ever took D eW itt’s Little Early Risers for biliousness or con­ stipation you know what a purga­ tive pleasure is. These famous lit­ tle pills cleanse the liver ond rid tho system of all bile without pro­ ducing unpleasant effects. They do not gripe, sicken or weaken, but give tone and strength to the tis­ sues and organs involved. W. H. Howell, of Houston, Tex., says, “ No better pill can be used than Little Early Risers for constipation sick headache, etc.” Sold by R. S. Knowlton. — F is h A Son s, P ro p s - of Butter Boxes, Cubes, Apple and Fruit Boxes, Cabinets, Tables, Counters, Store Fronts, etc. Turning Work a Specialty. All Orders given prompt Attention. P. E. Drone Butcher, GOLDEN BUILDING, 3Ce©p c o n s a a t l y COQUILLE CITY on H a n d P resh . M eat, o f -¿Vli H i n d s . C a n n e d B e e f a n d P ic k le d P o rk . Cash Paid for Hides in any Quantity T h e la t e s t in MILLINERY at M r s , C, I«. M o o n ’s You will find the latest in spring and summer Millinery at my store. Dress Trimming and Fancy Goods in General. Stamp­ ing done to order. ] V I i* s . C . T V I o o n The Southern Oregon Stats N o r­ mal School begins this year’s work September i6tb. A large working Sanderson Building near the Wharf. library has been added; the physi­ cal and chemical laboratory has been fully equipped; a new gym- nasinui building is being erected, and a large ami handsome school huildiug is nearing completion. Tho school grounds are beautiful and picturesque. Tbe health condi­ tions are of tho best; the social en­ vironment is pure and stimulating; the course of study has been strengthened and made more prac­ tical. The faculty has been in ­ creased in number and tho school is now equipped to do work of the highest order. This school belongs to S nit horn Oregon. It desires and merits the patronage o f the This school, which has boon iu successful operation during eight months of tho past school year, w ill open its Second Annnal people of this great section. For Session Monday, October 5, and continue for Eight catalogue address, Months. B enjamin F M ulkey , President, Ashland, Oregon, The Follow ing Courses are Offered: - - COMMON SCHOOL, NO RM AL, Dissolution Notice. H IG H SCHOOL, ACADEM IC, C O M M ERC IAL, MUSIC, Notice is hereby given that by A reasonable reduction will be made to students desiring to take mulnnl conse t the co-partnership existing betvveou W. H Youug aud a mixed Course. W ill Albee, is dissolved, and all Special inducements will be given to a limited number of teachers persons knowiug themselves to bo bearing Certificates and taking tho Normal Course. indebted to the firm are requested Circulars with full Courses of Study issued soon. For further to come forward nnd settle at once. T lie busiuess manufacturing particulars call on or address shingles will be continued by Mr. .A.. I3C. S-u.perin.teriLd.ent. Albee. Coquille, Oregon. 1903 0OOS QOUNTY j\CADEMY 1904 I l l s L ie S u e d l i r C l n m t i r r - I hih * m C o l ic . C l i o l r r n . m ill n i i i r r l m r n R e m e a ly . “ B. L. Ryer, a well known coop­ er of this town, says he believes Patti has bequeathed her larynx Turkey wasn’t guilty, but most Chamberlain’s Colic, Cholern and to the museum of tno Royal C o l­ editors meant it just tho same and Diarrhoe Remedy saved bis life last lege of Surgeons. have nothing to take hack. summer. He had been sick for a I t is pleasant to know that the month with something tho doctors Having achieved the two minute trotter, now let us turn our atten­ statistics favor lower pricees for call bilious dysentery, and could tion to the two minute stump speak­ beef, even though the trust does get nothing to do him any good until he tried this remedy. It gave er and lower the record on long not. him immediate relief,” says B. T. sermons. The Columbian Congress is mere­ Little, merchant, Hancock, Md. The case of the St. Louis man ly furnishing ammunition for Sen­ For sale by R. S. Knowlton. ator Morgan's slow fire, continuous who died after takinnghis first hath T H E in twenty years, should prove a performance. warning to people who nre tempted Germans nre astonished at the Oregon State to unduly prolong the intervals. American locomotive they recently Central imported and which will pull 5,400 The lime for settling the place in Normal School As I write, a beautiful picture is which to hold the national conven­ tons. They say it “ beats the Dutch.” spread out before me. In the fore­ tions is drawing nearer, and Milwau­ Everv once in a while some sang­ A t D im i n , O pe n s r o a W o r k o f t h e ground is the Czarina, a steamer kee, St. Louis and Kansas City have uine stranger from Arizona or Y e a r S e p t e m b e r 14 t h . just now unloading at the wharf begun throwing boquets at each New Mexico turns up in W ashing­ The school is well equipped for her cargo of merchandise, prepara­ other. ton and announces that there is to its particular line o f work. Excel­ tory to taking on her 1300-ton cargo he another statehood fight. lence is the motto of the school. Carter Harrisson, mayor o f Chi­ of coal. Around the bay aro seen “ Acquiring” Indian land is not Four courses, a Training Depart­ six tall-masted schooners being cago, says he will retire to private new. Good old William Penn ac­ ment of nine grades, tuition uni­ life at the close of his present term, loaded with lumber, as with means quired Pennsylvania. But the hu- form with other Normal schools, mysterious to the landsman huge but those who remember his father | man conscious has marched since pleasant surroundings, best of in­ bundles aro being hoisted to their will receive the announcement with these good old qtiaker days and wo fluences, excellent accommodations decks. On either hand a hail dozen reservation. ! connot allow our government in boarding halls or private fam­ small steamers are nestled against Some people are asking why Ba­ j clerks to play the role of William ilies. Students may enter at any the wharves, whence they are about con (the Senator) should draw the Penn. time and find work suited to their to start on their outward journeys line at the son of Ham. I t seems Youug people desiring to It appears from accurate statis­ needs. up river or down the bay. Here tho Senator did not enjoy waiting tics that our last Fourth o f July fit themselves for teachers, or for and there, enlivening the scene, are in a dining hall until a distinguish­ numerous small boats. Fishing I celebrations resulted in over 400 college, or those .-'«siring a good ed African had finished his din- deaths from immediate killing or education for business life will find smacks and gasoline launches hurry­ resultant lock-jaw and that three what they need here. Address ing to nnd fro, carryiog passengers Central Oregon State Normal and light raerehnndine. At the left It is estimated that there are 10- thousand were wounded, hut it is lb" ‘all lifting apparatus erected 000,000 toes of anthracite coal in not stated bow many sick and School, Diain, Oregon. W. II. D e m p s t k h , over tbe beautiful fchooner being the dealer’s hands, which is far bet­ wasted invalids had their death I'rt x. built at North B rid, just now ready ter than the situation a year ago. hastened orcompasspd hy tho peml- to r -reive her insets, is plainly to lie The only thing that bothers the imeiiinm of noise and sulphurous Can't this v ile , expensive seen As the ct ntral figure, the householder ia to get a few tons in »m ill. • m i S a l v e f 4M* Pifos, B urns, S o re s . steam tug Columbia is moving to. 1 his bands * fili'l murder?«« racket be stopped? DeWitt’s ft1 “- CALIFORNIA CO-OPERATIVE MEDICAL COM PANY Branch Office, Pharmacy Building, Coquille City, Oregon. Their Methods Are purely co-operative in every rsspcct and the Company will spare neither time nor money n teaching tbe people at large the great and inestimable benefits which come to each and every member of its system. THE W h e e le r & W ils o n Three Times the Value of Aijy Otljer.... ■ i ONE-THIRD EASIER- ONE-THIRD FASTER. The only Sewing Machine (hat oea n it fail in any print. R O T A R Y M O T IO N A N D B A L L B E A R IN G S . The lightest run ning machine in the world. R A P I D — saves about one day in three sewing that much faster than any vibrating shuttle sewing machine M oie time is saved, more ur ney earned. Quiet anddnrable. The rotary motion doe away with noise and wear caused by tho forward and backware movement of tho shuttle. General offico for tbe Pacific Coast at !)33 Market St., San Franciaco California W, H, S H «)B T, Agent, Marshfield,