> (¡Quille City § étais. Council Proceedings. The couucil did not meet in reg­ PUBLISHED EVE RY TUESDAY ular session Monday night, that be­ ing a legal holiday, biu on Tuesday D. F. Daan, Editor and Proprietor night, pursuant to the call o f the , mayor, a meeting was held in the Countv Official Paper. council rooms at the recorder’s of­ fice; all members present except Devoted to the material and social up- o n ld tn g o f the Ooqoille Valley particularly ! Councilman Johnson, who was out and o f Coos County generally. Subscription, per year, in ndvanoe, fl.o u ! of town. The monthly reports of the mar­ Church Directory. shal, recorder and treasurer were C ubist ian C hcech . • - Pi caching every read aud referred to the finance Sunday at U a. to. and 7:30 p .m . Sunday committee for examination. school at 10 a. m. Christian Endeavor at G:30 i). m . Prnyer meeting every Wednes­ The marshal’s report showedj day evening nt 7:30. All cordially invited. $ 188.25 collected for water rents Episcopal Chnrcli.—Episcopal services trill be held at St. James church, ( oquille during the month of August. City tho third Sunday in each month. The treasurer’s report showed a Sunday school at 10 a. m. each Sunday. Win. Horsefall, Pastor. balance on band in the water fund M E. Church, South: Preaching each and every Sundays at 11 a. m. and 7:30 p. of ?J353-74- in the general fund m. Sunday-school every Sunday at 10 $432.98, aud that the street fund o ’clock. Senior Epworth League at 6:30, p. rn. Junior League at 3:30,p. m. Prayermeet- had been overdrawn $335. 16. ing Thursday e T ^ " » i p „ to, L. Harlocker, as a committee of M ktdodtht E piscopal C hvbch .—-Services one to ascertain the custom of other every Sunday at 11 n. m. and 7 :3 0 p .m . cities in regard to paying cost o f ie- Sunday School nt 10 o’ olock a, ro. Junior I.eagne 3:30,1. ro. Prnyer meeting rhnr«- placing broken lights, made a par­ dRy evening at 7:30 p. ro. A special invita­ tion is extended to the pnblic to attend all tial report and was continued for servioes. W. H. M yers , Pastor. further investigation. s' P bksbytkbun CHtmon.—Preaching cer­ The following bills were allowed: vices ‘2nd and 4th Sundays, morning nrd evening, Sunday School every Sunday at Dr. Nancy N. White, tor attend­ 10 a. ro. Christian Endeavor servioes every ; V -i * ing diphtheria patients............ $ 40 50 Sunday at 6:30 p. m.. Miss Winnie Hall, President, Hedies’ Aid and Missionary Geo. A. Robinson, rent of coun­ cil rooms.................................... 2 00 Sociotv moats every two weeks on lhnrs- dnvs at 2 p. ro. A cordial welcome is e i- Lee Goodman, salary for August 40 00 tended to the pnliiic to attend nil our Ber- O. C. Sanford, typewriting con­ nioes. AnoLPn H abebly , Pastor tract, etc...................................... 2 15 The W. C. T. TJ. meets every 1st and 3rd Irwin Hodson, printing bonds... Friday at 2 p. ro. at the Christian church. E. G. D. Holden, recorder’s fees C bubcii or H edbembd I sbael ! Services L. R. Hughes, to pay laborers for handingl and tallying wa­ every 1st and 3rd Holiday in eaoh month by ter pipe...................................... Elder J. H. James. L O C A L ITE M S. Flour, Flour, Flour, at Ray’s. .Fly Bouncer and sprayer at Knowltons. Miss Ora Devaul, of Norway, vist- ed in wton on Thursday. Tnomas Carter, of Myrtle 1’oint, was iu town on Thursday. E. L. CormaD, of Norway, was down on bnsiness on Thursday. R. E. Buck went to Parkersburg Thursday to visit with Mr. and Mrs. James Walstroai. For ft line registered BurKshire boar, call upon or address J. H. gchroeiler, Arago. Mrs. Elbert Dyer and daughter, Ethel, o f Bandon, visited in town the last of the week- Mrs. J. T. Jenkiri, of Caudon, visited her brother, J. 8. Haves, at this place two or three days the last of the week. Grandma Collier returned Thurs­ day from a visit of several weeks with her daughter, Mrs. J. C. Franz, of Marshfield. It is declared by those who have tried it, that Kirkpatrick’s liuement will cure the worst sore throat or even lilptheria. Ladies don’t fail to have your feathers, beds and pillows, perfect­ ly steamed and purified while you have the opportunity. 40 00 30 75 32 Peter Johnson, teaming on city w h a rf.......................................... 2 Coquille River Electric Com­ pany, lights for August.......... 24 \V. H. Mitchell, part payment on contract for water system.,.1,000 25 00 00 00 M. C. Bingham appeared before the couucil and demanded to be put into possession of the property re­ cently purchased from the city. The marshal was instructed to no­ tify the lesee of the sale of said premises, and the matter was re­ ferred to a committee o f two, con­ sisting of L. Harlocker and N. Lo­ renz. On motion, it was decided to ad­ vertise for bids for the city bonds, and that bids should be filed on or before noon September 28, 1903, with the city recorder. Adjourned sine die. -------- ---------------------- SioiiititSi T rouble. " I have been troubled with my stomach for the past four years,” says D. L. Beaoh, o f Clover Nook Farm, Greenfield, Mass. “ A few days ago 1 was induced to buy a box of Chamberlin’s Stomach and Liver Tablets. I have taken pait of them and feel a great deal bet­ ter.’’ I f yon have any trouble with your stomach try n box of these Tablets. You are certain to be biased with the result Price 25 cents. For sale by R. S. Ivnowlton. * Du:n.— Aug. 22, 1003, S. S. Ev­ erson. Mr. Everson was horn in Aberdeen, Sootlaud, and when 12 years of age came to America, mak­ ing his homo during the succeeding years iu the states of New York, Kansas, Minnesota aud lastly Ore­ gon. When a young man he enlist­ ed iu his country's cause during the war of the Rebellion, aud was hon­ orably discharged at its close. He was o member of the G. A. R. and at one time was Colonel of the Sec­ ond. Kan-as, Natioual Guard. The funeral was from the M. E. Church on Sunday afternoon, and the re­ mains were laid away in the I. O. O. F. Cemetery, —Dufer Dispatch. World's Fa r News Notes Paris, Fruuce, has appropriated Theodore liooseyelt...................... President $ 10,100 for a municipal exhibit nt John H ay...........................Secretary of State Lealie M. Shaw.........Secretary of Treasury the World’s Fair. An accurate plaster model of tho proposed enlarged Capital at Wash­ ington will be an attraction in the Government Building at the World’s Fair. ! i i 1 0 r • I .lie to n 14 i m l n o *» N e ig h b o r * * Nickel Silver CBM Fully Guaranteed l-or sole by ALL JEWELERS Illustrated Booklet on requeet. show ing COLORED |\ FANCY DIALS F. I. Dunbar..................... Secretary of State Coquille V a lley P a ckin g C om pany Oregon Myrtle Point, Hardware, Stoves, FOR SALE. A fine stock ranch consisting of 320 acres of land, which contain 2,000,000 feet of fine saw timber, a pmt of which is cedar; 75 acres cleared, a poitiou iu cultivation: good house nud barn. Price, $2800. Address, Martin Miller, Dora, Oregon. in his complaint, a succinct statement of which is as follows; That the marriage con­ tract now existing between you and plain­ R-I-P-A-N-S Tabules tiff be dissolved. Service o f this summons is made by pub­ Doctors find lication in pursuance o f an order made by A good prescription by L. Harlocker, County Judge for Coos For maukind. county, Oregan, dated the 21th day o f July, The ft-cent packet is enough for usual oc­ 1903. and directing publication o f the same casions. The family bottle (00 cents i con­ in the Coquille City H k r a i d , a newspaper tains a supply for a year, All druggist^ published at Coquille City, in said Ceos county, once each week, for a period of sell them. six weeks. A. J, S h e r w o o d , Attorney for plaintiff. W eaR H e a r ts h is >iwnf'D—nmy Non-Magnetic A. Bratechie, a baeksmith of New Chas. T. Mooro........................................State Treasurer ► ------------- Castle, Pa , 1ms invented an airship J. H. Ackerman.......Supt. Pub. Instruction - , The New England The mayor of Waterbury has de­ which lie will enter iu the contest J. K. W hitney..........................State Printer o\ Watch Co. cided that f ir spanking purposes for the $100.000 prize offered in A. M. Crawford................................ Attorney Genernl r-icios*. - It. S. Bean, J the World's Fair aerial tournament Waferbury, Conn. every policeman can “be a father to F. A. Moore, V........... Supreme Judges O ll i« , - the boys on the street. Waterbary | C. E. Wolverton, ) hew York, Cbliafo, The Peace Society of New York i M. L. Chamberlain.............................. ougliht to be an ideal place to live j Saa Fraadtcu. will erect a $40.000 monument, .........Clerk Board Scnool Land Com. in. typifying peace, at the W orld’s Eair. 0, b. Bellinger.................. U. B. Dist. Judge Bryan should culm liis wrath. It will stand in the main transverse ! W. F. Mathews........................ U. S. Marshal If you liavu vln uni iti.-.m. Ir The Cleveland baby is named ‘‘Joe j avenue on a lino with the western D. M. Dunne.................... Collector Int. Psv. Kellett’s Gii of L òia unii Street ! John H. H all................U. S. Dist. Attorney Jefferson,” not Thomas. end of the Machinery Building. Spirita of Eilun, puf uy by thè Cai SECOND J U D IC IA L D IS T R IC T . ifornia Co-Operativo Medicai Co J. W. Hamilton.....................................Judge A toothpick machine which cuts T i e 1 R c u ii in i : r s C o u iilT r lT lIs . Kopt by all lendini; JruggistB; i G. M. Brown................................ Prosecuting Attorney out perfect pie-ks from the wood at not by vours, apply at tire Filar The genuine is always better TT. 8 . L A N D O F F IC E . the rate of 1.000 a minute, a differ­ tuaoy, Coquillu Gitv, Oregon, than a counterfeit, b t the truth of ent advertisement beiug printed bn Henry B ooth......................................Receiver this statement is never more forc­ each one, will bo a feature in the J. T. Bridges..................................... Register ibly realized or more thoroughly COOS COUNTY O F F IC E R S . D. H. JOHNSON, E. F. DAVENPORT, Machinery Building at the World’s L. Harlocker...........................................Judge E. S. DEAN, appreciated than when you compare Secretary. Vice President. President. L. H. Hazard...........................................Clerk the genuine DeWitt's Witch Hazel Fair. Stephen G allier..................................Sheriff | Salve with the many counterfeits A model school for the deaf and nud worthless substitutes that are the blind will be a feature of the J. B. Dulley...................................... Treasurer I on the market. W. S. Ledbetter, Department of Education at tho T. J. T h rift..........................................Assessor ! W. 11. Bunch............ School Superintendent j of Shreveport, La , says: “ After World’s Fair, St Louis. How the Win. H orsfall.................................... Coroner (Successors to Johnson, Dean A. Co.) using numerous other remedies afflicted are taught to read and write S. B Cathcart................................... Surveyor without benefit, one box of DeWitt’s will be practically shown for the D. M cIntosh............................. Commissioner i ■ — -L' 3-0 ,0 0 0 - Witch Hazel Salve cured me.” For beuefit of visitors. R. C. Dem ent...........................Commissioner Principal place of business blind, bleeding, itching and pro­ China’s building nt the World's truding piles no remedy is equal to There are two classes of people | DeWitt’s Witch Hazel Salve. Sold Fair will be iu Chinese style and who can make or brake the St.Louis with Chinese surroundings. It will by R. S. Knowlton. Exposition, the railway passenger serve for reception purposes for A general packing business carried on. The best meats agents and the hotelkeepers. If the commissioner, Price Pao Lun, the country can produce always on hand. Highest cash Dissolution Notice. these profit by tlie experinee of and will be furnished and orna­ price paid for beef, pork, mutton, chickeus, eh*. Chicago and make .low rates there Notice is hereby given that the mented with articles of Chiueaso will be ample traffic and abundant BOARD OF UlRECTORS: co-partnership heretofore existing make to serve as an exhibit. patronage insuring large profits to E. 8. DEAN A. DAVENPORT, WM. SLINGSBY, betweon tho undersigned, under The contract for the erection of all soncerned. E. E. DAVENPORT. D. H. JOHNSON, tho firm name o f McAdams . E. Chamberlain................... .Governor Bandon Rocordor. STEAMER F. B. Tichenor was in town last A Grand Opportunity fora Ranch- For a bilious attack take Cham- evening on his return from Chetco, berliu’s Stomach and Liver Tablets where he organized n camp of A ranch of 210 acres, one of the and a quick cure is certniu. For Woodmen, of 31 members. best on the upper Ooquille, at a sale by R. 8 . K n o w l t o n . Leaves Coquille City for Myrtle Oue-li df down and bal­ Benton Hoyt, proprietor of the bargain. Enquire at Point at 7:30 a. in. Mrs. J. » 8 . Henry, of city, started Eldorado Barber Parlor, returned ance 011 long time. Leaves Myrtle Point for Coquille Trursday by way of Roseburg for from his visit to San Francisco, and the H erald oilice or the Myrtle City nt 1:30 p. in. Seattle, Washington where she is again installed in his razor Point express office. trade. goes for a few weeks’ visit . HARVEY JAMES, 0. Timmins is hero witli his crew Peter Marsden, of Portland, pass­ Captain. ed through town Friday on Ins re­ of Chinamen, mid is manufacturing turn home after a visit with rela­ enns ivuil getting ready generally to NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. care for the fish when the run be­ tives and friends on the bay. United States Land Office. gins in earnest. A few salmon are Roseburg, Oregon, Aug. 13, 11)03. A S nap — Good new seven room Are due to indigestion. Ninety-nine of every being caught by fishermen, but one hundred people who have heart trouble Notice is hereby given that m compliance house, pantry and bathroom, over .’5 with the provision- of the act of Congress lots for only $1000. See me quick. tlmre is no great amout in the riv- can remember when it was simple indiges­ of June it, 1878. entitled “ An act for the sale Must be sold soon. J. J. S tam . ky . rL GENERAL DIRECTORY- tion. It is a scientific fact that all cases of heart disease, not organic, are not only traceable to, but are the direct result of Indi­ gestion. All food taken into the stomach which fails of perfect digestion ferments and swells the stomach, puffing it up against the heart. This interferes with the action of the heart, and in the course of time that delicate but vital organ becomes diseased. For choice O. I. C- pigs enquire of S. L. Lafferty at Norway, Or. Mr. D. P. Daugherty, well known Pigs from registered stock and through-out Mercer and Sumner subject to registery. counties, W. Va., most likely owes S. L. L afferty . Ins life to the kindness of a neigh­ Mr. D . Kauble, of Nevada, O ., says: I had stomach Mr. and Mrs. A lf Gauutlett, of bor. He was almost hopelessly trouble and was in a bad state as I had heart trouble Gold Beach Curry comity, accom­ affected with diarrhoea; was atten­ with It. I took Kodol D yspepsia Cure for about four months and it cured m e. panied by their niece, Miss Cangell, ded by two physicians who gave Kodol Digests What Y o u Eat made Sheriff Gallier a visit od him little, if any, relief, when a and relieves the stomach of all nervous T hursday ns they were on their neighbor learning of Ins serious strain and the heart of all pressure. way home from a visit at Myrtle condition, brought him a bottle of Bottles only. $ 1 .0 0 S ire holding 234 tim es the trial sire, w hich sells for 5 0 c. Point. Chamberlain’s Colic, Cholera aud P re p a re d by E. O. D e W lT T & O O ., C H IC A G O . Those having land for salo will Diarrhoea Remedy, which cured For sale by R 4, TC 1 > wltou do well to remember tlmt if prop­ him iu less than twenty-four hours. For sale by. R , S. K n o w l t o n . erty is placed in the hands of O. C. Sanford, the real estate denier, at a fair figure, they are most mire of a Two for the Price ot One. sale. He keeps iu touch with ti e We have made arrangements ¡ investor and cau place your prop­ P o u ltr y F a r m , erty for you. with the publishers of the A M E R -1 W anted .- Live agents to sell l)r. IÜAN FARM ER by winch wo are J v - q 0 4 -* 1 1 11 W hite’s Electric Combs, patented nido to offer this great farm paper d , i t . D u l l l A V G i l , Prop Jan. 1,W . Cure dandruff, hair fall­ ami tlm H erald for tlin price of ARAGO, OREGON. ing out sick and nervous headaches, the H kiia LD alone—$1.50, for tlie Throughbrecl cockerel«, from 81 up. yet costH no more than nn ordinary next 30 day«. Who will lie tlie < and errees $1 per setting comb. Soils on sight. Agents first to take advantage o f this op-1 aro wild with snccoss. Sendfitt eta portnnity? This is n great offer for sample (.half price). Write for our farmers and dairy men quick. The I)r. White Electric Tin* 4 » l F a tin g ;. Comb Co., Decatur, III. Persons suffering frolli indi g es- ¡ Thomas L. Stitt, of the L ife Sav­ ing station at Newport, Oregon, ar­ tion, dyspepsia or other stomach Any person rutting Timber or rived in town Thursday with lits trouble will limit iat Kodol Dyspep­ wife, having come in by way of sia Cure digests whit you eat and Bark of any description on the This lands of tho the .Southern Oregon Rcseburg, and were on their wav makes the stomach sweet. to Bandon. wtiere they will visit remedy is a never failing cure for Company, or removing same, or Mr. Stitt” s parents, Editor Stitt, of Indigestion and Dyspepsia and all other property, from Baid lands, the Recorder and wife, as welt as complaints affecting tho glands or without being duly authorized in other relatives end many friends. membranes of the stomach or di­ writing, will be Prosecuted ac­ They were accompanied by Mr. gestive tract. When you take Ko­ cording to Law. •son furnishing snffinenl Stitt’s sister. Miss Agnes, who wag dol Dyspepsia Cure everything you r thr rnntrmr of property returiiin,' fiout a vt-P wt*h friends e it tastes fro »d and every lnt of the ,1 ennrirtion o f Out imrtier nt Wi lling, tins state. The party nutriment tint your food contains ,r4J „ „e ia lfn f w> in t nt tlr place by Mi s Stitt is u .tnii ited and appropriated b\ by U apd Miss Blanch I’ntter«on, from the blood and fi » ok * n'llKUM LJ h iN ( g HH’ A W i Bando» i lililí riwiioülli Roti Notice! of timber lands in tin-States o f California. C regon, Nevada.and Washington Territory” as extended to all the Public Land States by act of August 4, 1892, ISAIAH S. FLINSL of Fairview. cfor.nty of Coos, State of Oregon, has this day filed in this oifico his sworn statement No. 51517 for the purchase o f the N. o f N. E. of Section No. 8 in Township No. 26 Range No. 11 West, and will offer proof to show that tho land sought is more valuable for its timbor or stone than for agricultural purposes and to establish his claim to said land before L. H. Hazard. County Clerk of Coos county Oregon, at Coquille, on Tuesday the 3rd day o f November, 1903. He names ns witnesses: LetvNeely, John H. Flinn, and F. R. Taylor, ot Fairyiew, Oregon, and W. H. Morgan, of Marsnfield. Or.. Any and nil persons claiming adversely the above-described land-? are requested to file their claims in this office on or before said 3rd day of Nov. 1908. J. T. B R ID G E » . Register. Tin atjd Agate ware Doors and Windows, m l.ime and j j NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. United States Land Office, Roseburg, Oregon, July 7, 1903, Notice is hereby given that in compliance with the provisions o f the act of Congress of June 3,1878, entitled ‘ ‘ An act for the sale of timber lands in the States of California, I Oregon,Nevada and Washington T erritory,” as extended to all the Public Land States by act of August 4, 1892, SILAS W. NOAH, of Marshfield, county o f Coos, state o f Ore­ gon, has this day filed in this office his sworn statement No.5 474. for the purchase o f the Lots 1, 2 and East ^ N. W. ^4 o f j Section No. 30, in Township No. 275, range No. 11 W. and will offer proof to show that the land songht is more valuable for its tim ­ ber or stone than for agricultural purposes, and to establish his claim to said land be­ fore W. U. Douglas, U. S. Commissioner for Oregon, at Marshfield Oregon on Sat­ urday, the 3rd day o f October 1903. He names as witnesses: Richard Coke, Thos. Coke, N. E. Harry, J. E. Noah, all ! o f Marshfield, Oregon. Any and all persons claiming adversely tho above-described lands are requested to file their claims in this office on or before said 3nd day of Oct. 1903. J. T. BRIDGES. Register. ftgr cuituro! impsments, Paigts and oils, GLASS. Best Goods Lowest Prices T utile Temperance house. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. United States Land Office, Roseburg, Or., June 23, 1903. Notice is hereby given that in compli­ First Class ance with the provisions of the act o f Con gress of June 3, 1878, entitled “ An act for j the sale of timber lands in the States of California, Oregon, Nevada and Washin­ No BAR IN gton Territory,” as extended to all the Pub lie Land Staies by act o f August, 4, 18 »2, W ILLIAM H. BUNCH, Cem ent, Oocfuill© Oity. O r e g o n . in every respeat Courteos treatment, Transient and Regular Boarding and Lodging. CONNECTION. NO CHINESE LAB 0 R First Street— East End of Bridge. O f McKinley, county o f Coos State o f Or­ egon, has this day filed in this office his sworn statement No. 5393, for the purchase of the N. % of N.K. (being lots 1 and 2) NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. o f Section No. 26 in Township No. 27, Range No. 11 Wefet, and will offer proof to United States Land Office, show that the land sought is more valuable Roseburg, Oregon, Aug. 17, 1903 I for its timber or stone than for agricultural Notice is hereby given that iu compliance purposes, and to establish his claim to said with the provision o f the net o f Congress land before L. H. Hazard. County Clerk of o f June 3. is;>. entitled “ An net for the i Coos county. Oregon, at Coquille, Oregon, sale of timber lands in the Htntes of Cali- i on Friday, the 11 th day ofSepterober, 1903. fom ia. Oregon. Nevada, ami Washington He names as witnesses: Clias. Heller, Territory.” as vWu.ded to all the Public Louis Heller. H. E. Wilcox and E. P. Mast, Land States bv not of August 4. 1892, 1 all of McKinley, Oregon. : Any and all persons claiming adversely M \K Y K. FLINN. j tiie above-described lands are requested to Saddle Horses of best quality nlwny o n hand. Good l!i o f Fairview. county o f Coos. State o f Or- tile their claims in this olfioe on or before ness for special trips. Ill fact, a general Stage and Livery said 11th dnv o f September. 1003. e.jon, Las tbia ilav filed in this office her J. T. BRIDGES. ■wornstatement No. 5fi27, for the purchase Accommodations for Traveling men a speciality. * Reg of flie NK of NK H o f Section No. 7 and N W v, o f N W , o f Section no. 8 , in NOTICE FOK PUBLICATION, Township N o . 2t; S., fiance No. 11 W „ and will offer proof to show that the land D e p a r t m e n t o p t h h I m t k r io r . sonRht is more valnnble for its timber Land Office at R osebnrj, Oregon, j or atone than for aaricnltnral purposes. June 20, 1903. Hint to c-tnftlisli fjer eiaini to said land l>e* fore X-. H. Hazard. County Clerk o f Coos Notice is hereby given that the follow- j Cocntv. Oregon at Coqnille. on Tuesday ing-named settler has filed notice o f his the 3rd dav of Nov , 118«. She names . as intention to make final comntation proof -B U T B U R N - of Marsh Msrsh in support of his claim, and that s tid proof witnesses: W H. Morgan, of fi-ld, Lee Neelv. F. K. I avlor and Sherman l)e maj e before L. H. Hazard. Countv Flinu. nil of Fairview. Oregon. Clerk, at Coqnille c ity , Oregon, on Octo Anv and all person* claiming adversely ber 1.1903. viz: William J. M oon.on home the above-described lands are requested to gtead entry No. 11881. for the 8 . ^ o f S. & file their claim*« in this office on or before o f Hoc. 4. T. 28. 8 . R. 11 West. He names the foil,,wing witnesaea to proTe said 3rd da N o v . 1903. J. T. BRIDO EH. h:*eonlimv>n, residence upon and cultiva­ Register. tion of said land, viz: Arthur L. Brown, of MeKiui v. and F. P. Kintiicntt. Sherman Deliver»' 1 by Wul-.-'i \ X N r lo all puts of town nt $ FT un :• t Edward N Moon, o f Fairview. Oresti— 1 r UKinOKS. M a g ia tq v , L tr , * \,l » i » • » > t : ■ t, m W »til i j I t *uta p *r !,p»d O i g « ,i , w h at you « » L R O S E B U R G -M YR TLE P O IN T - u T A G t l in e B. FEN TON . PRO PRIETO R in road busineM. Don't Have Cold heet John P ea rt’s Coal, Kadol Uyspepsia Cure t per ton