$0le iteeor«!. 00 00 00 Chamberlin’s Cough Remedy 00 has a remarkable record. It has 00 N O . 9. Some curioiiH facts regarding the CContinued from last week.l Hlii]>ing of the world are presented h t a t io n k k y a n d p r i n t i n g . Oiflco ever Johusun, Deuu & Co 8 by the figures in Lloyd’s Register Bulletin Printing Oo..................... 13 00 been in use for over thirty vears, 72 00 during which time many million market. Coquille, Oregon. Marriage certificates........ $3 50 for the current year The mer­ 82 Oil bottles have been sold and used. Notice taxpayers.............. 3 90 chant marine is something conn ru­ 86 00 It lias long been tbo standard and 7 40 ing which theories nre many and 44 00 Geo. Russell, M. D. C O Drytlen, sundries for Supfc 45 00 main reliauce in the treatment of theorists multitudinous. _ But Bunch .......................................... 46 00 croup in thousands of homes, yet PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON- Lloyd’s deals only in figures. The Sun, letterheads, sheriff...... 46 00 during all this time no case has Ollioo up Htair« in MARTIN BUILDING. Many Americans have coine to be­ Mail Publishing Co................... J - G - P is h & S n s, P ro p s. 36 00 ever been reported to the manufac­ Printing for sheriff............$4 50 Calls promptly answered day or night. lieve that we have no mercantile 41 00 Printing for superint’ nd’ t 30 MANUFACTURERS of Butter Boxes, Cubes, Apple and Fruit Boxes, turers in which it failed to effect a 43 00 speaking about, j Night call will he answered from Mrs. marine worth Cabinets, Tnblos, Counters, Store Fronts, etc. 16 00 cure. When given as soou as the Wickham’ s Boarding Moose. whereas the Register shows that L H Hazard, stamps anil envel­ 20 00 child becomes hoarse or even as Turning Work a Specialty. All Orders given opes for clerk’s office................ we rank second among the nntious 100 72 soou as the croupy cough appears, prompt Attention. T J Thrift, etamps and envelopes G. 0. Holden, of the world in that respect, being 47 00 for assessor’s office..................... 24 00 it will prevent the attack. It is ples- exceeded only by Great Britain and Payott, Uphani Co, stationery Tie__,___ - mC&S&s—.— 8 92 ant to take, many children like it. her dependencies. for clerk^s office......................... X j a -w y s i. It contains no opium or other Irwin-Hodson Co, blank books The red flag of Britain floats 59 40 harmful substance and may be giv­ Justice of the Peace, City Recorder. for clerk’« office......................... 10 50 over nearly one-half the merchant J B Dully, lx>x rent..............$ 50 en as confidently to a baby as to an XT. S . C om m ission er ^tonnage of the world, but we come Postage............................... 3 55 8 75 adult. For sale by R . S. K n o w l t o n . General Insuance Agent. 4 05 next, and nfter us Germany, Nor­ 108 50 ------- - -*•-.«*-* ---- Notary Public. INDIGENT AND INSANE. way, France, and Italy, in the or­ 20 00 The gospel of labor was well ex­ Geo A Robinson, matches for 8 00 Office in Robinson Building. der named. That Norway with her courthouse.................................. 43 10 pounded by President Roosevelt at COQUILLE, OltEOOii. small trade and only about ‘2,000,000 D rJ T McCormac, transportation 18 00 Saratoga yesterday, but long ns his of population, should surpass in and attending C Langdon........ 24 75 9 00 the amount of her merchant ton­ Wm Jenkins & Son....................... 55 00 speech was, and forceful,' there was J. Sherwood, Supplies A C H oyt.......... $12 (X) 7 50 little in it that was new. It was a nage France, with her great trade Supplies Mrs Hudson.... 19 49 135 12 simple rehearsal of the old story GOLDEN BUILDING, COQUILLE CITY and 4,000,000 of inhabitants, or 31 73 62 that has been varied by thousands A tto r n e y - a 1 L a w -. even Italy, with her aggregate of AV If Schroeder, supplies J R 35 87 2 C e e p c o n s a a t l y c n H a n d H’ r e s la . IM Ieat, The C oouillk Crrv, Coos C ounty , O heoon . imports and exports vast as com­ Stillwell........................................ 46 25 of upright, strenuous lives. 7 rewards of honest, painstaking, A J Barger, conveying R S 'Wil­ 59 99 pared with the Scandinavian coun­ Notary tublio. , insane, to Coquille............ 2 118 67 self-sustaining labor aro not always o f - A - ll IC ix id - S . try and with thirty-odd millions of C son A Johnson, coffin and burying 20 00 apparent in the accumulations of inhabitants, is a truiy remarkable Fred Weaver............................... 20 48 10 F. Hall, C a n n e d B e e f a n d P ic h le d P ork . fact, and shows the influence of J II Radabaugh, assistance and 121 90 the toiler. Men differ more in their supplies quarantined patients.. 30 136 77 ability to save and manage their heredity in this branch of the hardy A Robinson, supplies for 152 00 earning capacity. Rut there is on e a t t o r n e y . a . t - l , 3 . w , Norse race. Ole Olesou finds his George poor farm.................................rn 28 25 26 inheritance that all industrious, self- M ARSHFIELD, OREGON. home as naturally today in the fore­ N. Lorenz, supplies for poor farm 75 49 50 castle of the peaceful Fram as his K S Knowlton, drugs “ “ 76 87 sustaining men and women have in 23 Dealer in R eap E btatk o f all kind». 105 89 common—the inheritance of self- viking ancestor, Olaf, of the Red J A Lamb & Co, haidware for poor fa rm ..................................... 17 36 87 respect, that follows industry. HUDSON, .' '• J* E- HAYNES. Hand, found his beneath the rock­ C II Frv, salary as superintend­ 50 00 Labor is honored throughout the T h e la t e s t in ing bulwarks of the Long Dragon a ent, July 1 to August 31............ 08 74 40 years ago. A compari­ Maggie Hodson, support of self 8 25 land as never before, remunerated H dson & Haynes, thousand and fa m ily................................... 12 20 62 as never before, diversified as never son of the shipping of Norway with J A Gee, support of self and fam­ 11 25 before. May the time speedily lin in g and Real Estate Agents that of Franco and of Italy shows ily .................................................. 12 116 70 come when it can bo added that that after all it is the maritime 27 40 Eckley, Curry County, Oregon. ROADS AND BRIDGES. at M r s , C. L . M o o n ’s 163 50 the laboring classes, fully realizing AVE valuable Mines, Farms, Stock spirit of a nation nnd not govern­ 6 00 their opportvnities and cheerfully Rauches and Timber Lauds for sale. ment subsidies which most success­ 15 F Adams...... Labor R D No. ).. 190 C F M c C u llo m ..................... 3.. 405 13 80 making the most of them, arc better You will find the latest in spring and summer Millinery Mouse and (! aores o f land w ell improved fully creates a great merchant ma­ Simpson Lumber Co, lumber R 6 08 contented than ever before.— Ore­ Wilbur, Douglas county, Or., for sale, rine. D No.3 .......................................... 35 25 at mg store. 23 50. exchange for property in Myrtle Point gonian. Bear, lab r and materials Of our own tonnage 3,011,530 John Dress Trimming and Fancg Goods in General. Stamp­ R D No. 4..................................... 102 23 90 tons, only 873,000 tons are regis­ E O’Connell, hardware R D No. 4 28 ing done to order. tered for foreign commerce. But F P Norton, labor and supervi­ • Dissolution Notice. 22 00 sion K 1) No. 4............................. 03 this will bo remedid when Ameri­ E I! Dean A Co, lumber It I> No. 8 00 cans return to the element which Notice is hereby given that by 6.............................................. 16 they forsook for a timo to people August Holliny, labor and salary Sanderson Building near the Wharf. 6 00 mutual consn t the co-partnership a continent and build a nation. K I) No. 8.................................... 103 existing between W. H. Young and How steam still goes on crowding J E Clinton, labor and salary R 4 00 Will Albee, is dissolved, and all B No. 17........................................ 29 out sail as a motive power is shown Lizzie persons knowing themselves to bo Johnson, cedar timber R 4 00 by the fact that three fifths of the indebted to the firm are requested D No. 17........................................ vessels of the world today are John Bell........ Labor R D No. 17- 2 00 to come forward ouu settle at once. “ “ 17™ steamers and while in the last year Geo Morehouse “ The business manufacturing Clias Morehouse “ “ “ 17.. 4 00 shingles will be continued by Mr. the total tonnage of the world in­ John Shuck.... “ “ " 17- 10 00 creased 204,3G8 tons, not enough Minard A Folsom, lumber R D 18 00 Albee. L e t ’s W a d e R i g h t in to wind-blown ships being built to No. 17............................................ 0 85 36 00 compensate for the loss by wreck- Alfred Johnson, lumber R D No. , the S u b je c t Canada wants to buy and annex 17................................................... 31 50 uge and decay. The figures also Fred Moser, nails R 1) No. 17...... the state of Maine. The northern The 1903 H enson will bo the great­ show that while Great Britain and Alfred Johnson, lumber R D No, projection of the states cuts off the est bicycle season ever known. The her dependencies have less than III...................................................... finest equipped anil most up-to-date half the total tonuage of the world, J T Nosier, team and self The, Columbian Senate has wisely most direct route to the sea of Can­ adian transcontinental railroads. wheels that Coquille riders ever laid they fly the red flag over 1,000,000 R D No. 16.................$176 00 consented to thing it oyer. ■ Onc.ontract.................... 22 50 their eyes on will be kept in stock more tons propelled by Hteam than What does it matter whether the It is entirely proper that Prof. 108 at right prices, and if you-want ouo all the other nations of the world Langley should make his aeredrome promise to obey is included or This school, which has been in successful operation during eight months C H Banning...Labor R D No. 16 26 say so. omitted from the marriage service? experiments in fly-time. put together. 8 H Dicks.......... “ “ “ 16 45 of the past school year, will open its Second Annnal We want your trade, atfd we are A E Simpson..... “ “ “ 16 33 • »*•*• - ------ What will Emperor William feel No man could bo found who could Session Monday, October 5, and continue for Eight E W eekly.......... “ “ “ 16 39 entitled to it, because we have The State Fair. like after reading the account of enforce it in this licentiously free Months. H C H ughes..... “ “ “ 16 5 good goods, right prices, and can country. the naval review at Oyster Bay? T H Mehl, nails and powder R D The Following Courses nre Offered: sorve you well. You don’t expect No time in the history of the No. ill......................... t ................. 31 The country may enjoy a feeling COMMON SCHOOL, NORMAL, any more, but you want that much, Oregon state fair has there been B E N osier...... I.abor R D No. 16 38 A l ’ urtfiitivc lMen.ure. of security a little longer. Con­ don’t you. W m Fierce........ “ “ “ 18 HIGH SCHOOL, ACADEMIC, 18 such a good feeling among the If you ever took DeWitt’s Little gress will not assemble in October. Thos Knight..... “ “ “ 18 8 COMMERCIAL, MUSIC, Early Kisers for biliousness or con­ To be brief, try us and our goods, agricultural classes towards the A Wilson ............ “ “ “ 18 16 General Miles has been turned and our way of treating you, and if success of the fair as exists at the Dan Cribbing... “ “ “ 18 7 down hard enough without running stipation yon know what a purga­ Tuition per Term of Twelve Weeks, Payable in advance: “ ■! 18 21 These famous lit­ Common School Course, Grades 1 to 4 you like us try us again. We want present time. Every section of the Jesse Loslibaugh “ him for governor of Massachusetts tive pleasure is. # 6 00 " “ 18 16 state seems to be taking an interest Joe Thomas...... “ tle pills oloanso the liver and rid vour buHiness. Enough said. .< « “ 5 to 7 7 50 on the democratic ticket. J H Wadman ... ..................18 15 in the fair and promises to give it the system of all bile without pro­ « * “ “ 8 ................................ 8 00 T J W a y n .......... “ “ “ 18 14 Leep & Fish. Of course no one bellieves in ducing unpleasant effects. their hearty support. Eastern T S Evernden. labor with team They Normal Course ................................................................... $8 00 to 10 00 race suicide but that does not pre­ do not gripe, sicken or weaken, but Oregon for the first lime has prom­ R D No. 18.................................. 80 Coos B a y vent landlords from prohibiting give tone and strength to the tis­ High School Course, Grade 9 to 11 ............................................ S 50 ised one or two county exhibits, W It Murray-Lumber R P No. 18 39 Academic Courso, Grades 12 to 13 ...................................... 9 00 chiidreu in their flats. R H Rosa...... “ “ “ 19 6 consisting of agricultural products, sues and organs involved. W. II. Commercial Course, Elementary ....................... 10 00 “ “ 19 78 while ttxxoutkern portion of the F M Wandling “ Howoll, of Houston, Tex., save, Postmaster General Payne’s con­ • * “ Advanced ..........................................................12 00 John Reese...... Labor “ “ 21 12 state will also bo represented by a “ No better pill can be used than tinued poor health makes it evident C C H ughes..... “ “ “ 21 10 C. W. PATERSON, Prop. Vocal nnd Instrumental Music 25 cents to 50 cents per Lesson. comprehensive exhibit of its agri­ A M Simmons- “ “ “ 21 16 that he will remain in the Cabinet Little Early liiserH for constipation 62 W H Williams- “ “ “ 21 A reasonable reduction will be made to students desiring to take Mfuiufaotorer o f Marble Monument«. Hen.U cultural products. Live stock from sick headache, etc.” Sold by R. S. only until the current investigation stones. Tablets, etc. all over the state is being prepared Florence Williams, l>oard of road Knowlton. a mixed Course. is concluded. bands R D No. 2 1 . . . ................ 60 cemetery lots enclosed with steno coping - - — ■- - --------------- or curbing. Iron railings furnished to o r­ for this year’s fair. Ed McAdams...Latxrr R D No. 21 50 Special inducements will bo givon to a limited number of teachers Great Britain has a small assort­ der. Correspondence solicited from parties “ “ 21 10 There are reasons for this awaken­ J V Foster........ “ ment of Boer prisoners in Bermuda The Southern Oregon State Nor­ bearing Certificates and taking tho Normnl Course. iving in the country or other towns who Geo Sell............ “ “ “ 21 16 may wish anything in my line o f business ing of the people to the support of R D Hughes..... “ who refuse to take the oath of al­ mal School hegins this year’s work “ “ 21 49 Circulars with full Courses of Study issued soon. For further IVivusnKiwTu O be o the fair. One is, the management Peter Neadeau- “ legiance and refuse to work. Any September ifltb. A large working “ “ 21 59 has worked hard and faithfully to John Reese...... “ particulars call on or address “ “ 21 57 one looking for colonists can have library has been added; tbo physi­ T o th e "ZD n i o r t u n a t e make the fair as broad as the state Carl Hughes 15 ................... 21 them at a bargain. .A .. H . S v ip e r in -t e n d L e n t . cal and chemical laboratory has 120 Ai Flanders...... “ “ “ 21 itself. The transportation compa­ been fully equipped; a uow gym- Coquille, Oregon. Joe Collier........ “ “ “ 21 52 Tbo price of silver has risen to nasiam building is being erected, nies have come to their assistance Roy Flanders... 8 “ “ “ 21 Dr. Gibbon and 584 cents per ounce. Should the and a large and handsome school made very liberal rates on haul­ T H Mehl & Co, powder, etc, R D This old reliable and No. 18............................................ 11 00 price touch 66 cents an ounce the Another building is nearing completion. most su ccessful speo- ing exhibits of all kinds. Lyons Estate, lumber, R D No. new Philippine pesos would be The school grounds are boantifu! 1 ialist in San Frarcis- is, the people nre beginning to re­ '22................................................... 144 f co, still continues to alize that it is time to let the outside worth more than their face value as and picturesque. The health condi­ STEEL J P Bright, labor R D No. 22...... 7 ^ cure all Sexual and bullion and would rapidly Snd their tions nre of the best; the social en­ world know of the wonderful re­ Coquille Mill A Tug Co, lumber Sem inal Diseases, Isnch as Gonorrhes- sources of our state, and believe R l) No. 22................................... 108 88 way to the smelting pot. vironment is pure and stimulating; IG le e t, S t r , c tn re, W H Schroeder, nails and rope — ■ — - - i , i t i - l n o Fine, Medium ami General Miles thanks the time the course of study has been S S yph ilis. in all it. that the state fair is the proper place R D No. 22................................... THE 8UNDAH0 PENS EVERYWHERE. iD U O ty lB S Broad Point*. ¡gforms, Skin Diseases, to meet the better class of home- Andw Smalley..Labor R D No. 22 has come to supplant the cavalry strengthened anil made more prac­ Slid by III Stationer». . N e r v o u s D ebility, seekers. This will make the fair W F Kaller...... " “ “ 22 horse with the automobile but the tical. The faculty lias been in­ i i m *k t. ca.nden, h . i. ESTERBROOK STEEL PE!< CO. ?« lohn si- n » w tm ». Im poteucy, Sbminal Weakness and Loss of '• “ 22 It will give those Will Smith...... ” M anhood, the consequence o f self-abuse double value. General couldn’t hnve ridden that creased in number and the school Bert Dyle.......... “ “ " 22 and excesses producing the following sympa who are looting for homes on the nint.v miles in an auto. The road is uow eqmppetl to do work of the H C D orris...... “ " “ 22 toms: Sallow countenance, dark spots un­ was impassable, ‘twrs scarcely jock- highest order. This school belongs der the eyes, pain in the bond, rinp:ng in Pacific const an opportunity to see J C Stillwell..... ................... 22 the ears, loss o f confidence, diffidence, in inn body whntouivetato can produce R W Helm, team R D No. It desires assable. Before yon could travel it. to Southern Oregon. approaching strangers, palpatntionof the and where it is produced, without 22.................................... $1« 00 and merits the patronage of the 'Twas necessary to gravol it. heart, weakness o f th e limbs nnd back, loss S elf.................................... 10 62 o f memory, pim ples on the face, conghs- traveling all over the state at great people of this great section. For T H E 94 62 oonsum ntion etc. Tbo Berlin International Confer­ catalogue address, expense. It will also give the ex­ R J Helm, team R D No. ence has decided that there shall he DU. GIBBON has practised in San Fran hibitor the best possible opportunity 22...............- .................. $ 4 00 B e n j a m i n F M u l k e y , President, cisco over tt yearsan J those troubled should monopoly of wireless telegraphy. S elf..................................... 5 00 Ashland, Oregon. not fail to consult him and receive the ben­ of showing his products whether it — 9 00 Wireless telegraphy companies efit o f his great sk ill and experionoo. The be grains, grasses, fruits vegetables ----- * «• » ♦ G W Wimer, team R D No doctor cures when others fail. Try him. or live stock. must bo regarded ns common carri­ 22....................................$45 00 CURBS G U A R A N T E E D . Persons cured III** 1st** N » v . | l i r (J h iiiilift r ers and compelled to receive from S elf.................................... 71 00 at hom e. Charges reasonable. Call or l a i n * C o lic , C h o lr r a . It N h veil Ills I.rtf. any source and transmit to their Write, Dr. J. F. GIBBON. 116 un«l U l u r r h o ' ii 25 Kearnoy street, San Francisco, !(* ’ in r (I v . P. A. Danfortli, of LaGrange, Smith A Page, lumber R D No 22 00 destination any message offered write. D R . J . F . GIBBON, Ga., suffered for six months with a T Meld A Co, nails anil shovel It them. “ B. L. Rver, a well known coop­ D No 22. .. .................................... Kearney street. San Frunc».3ao frightful running sore on his leg; Steamers Favorite and Dispatch, As the Dewes Commission the De­ er of this! town, says he belioves ONE-THIRD EASIER- but writes that Bucklcn’s Arnica freight, etc, R D Nos 21-22...... We promptly obtain U. 8. and Foreign partment of Justice-and the Depart­ Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Salve wholly cured it in five days. J A Lamb A Co, hardware, etc, ONE-THIRD FASTER. Diarrhoe Remedy saved his life last ment o f the Interior are all involv­ R D Nos 1«. 17, 21, 22 and four For Ulcers, Wounds, Piles, it’s the scrapers 230 85 ed in the Indian Territory scandal. summer. He had been sick for a best salve in the world. Cure H A Johnson.... Labor R D No 23 20 00 month with something the doctors The only Hewing Machine that II “ 23 16 00 The President will necessarily have i guaranteed. Only 25 cts Sold by P A Storte........ “ call bilious dysentery, and could { oes not fail in any point. to appoint a commisioner to conduct «1 “ 23 -25 00 R. S. KnowltoD, druggist. Geo M agill...... “ get nothing to do him any good r Send model, sketch or photo oí invention for ROTARY MOTION AND BALL BEARINGS. The lightest run 1 ( “ 23 the investigation. No cabinent offi- j Fr’ nk M'Cracken “ 8 00 • — ------ For free book, P free report on «tentabili! until he tried this remedy. It gave ning machine in the world. II “ 23 35 00 cer RAPID—saves about one day in three write can investigate any depart ; Howto Secure' G F Sypt.ers.... “ According to 4 decision of Co n. II “ 23 10 00 to I Vuienteanil him immediate relief,” says B. T. 1 sewing that ranch fastpr than any vibrating shuttle sewing machine Magill........ “ ment but his own. ptroller of the Treasury Traeewell Geo II P K Ree.)........ “ " 23 20 50 Little, merchant. Hancock. Md. Moio timo is sayrd, «nor.- in neyenrned. all post masters arc responsilde for J W Ulto ......... “ “ “ *23 12 00 Quiet anddurable. The rotary motion doe away with noisa and II '• 23 36 00 To Cure a < ol«l In Onr !>:•). I For wile l*v it. S Knowlton. funds which they pay out illegally A K Darker...... “ II “ 23 ffi< H for th. Pacific Coast at 933 Markot St., San Francisco ttillo Salve ‘ Opposite U. S. Patent Office made by order of the Postmaster J F Steven« “ 23 U (X) CUTO. F,, W, ii»«»* ’ » »a «»» •nah : M Cabfd'ib* W, H, SROlVIi Agent, M*r#bft*)di ( U 't ) t r .i ) f » n p t l i t v f « d a r a | « » f l b i * | h F « r Vito»« B urn», t o r s i . t« 1)0 |#li($nrr A M |^Î9* " J W ASHINGTON. O. C. V John H 1903 SEASON. Coquille purqiture and BOX FACTORY P . E . Drone Butcher, Cash Paid for Hides in any Quantity MILLINERY IV C rs . O . IV E o o n 1903 Qoos Q ounty A cademy 1904 Marble ana Slone Worts PE N S W h e e le r & W ils o n Three Times the Value of Aqy Otljer.... PATENTS M