ïtm ü a VOL 21. COQUILLE CITY, OREGON, TUESDAY. SEPTEMBER 8, 1903. O R E G O N ’S BIG TR E E . D E N T IS T J ..C u rtis S n k, D . D . S . Its Lumber Will Be Used in the Office ever Johnson, iDean fi Co’s World’ s Fair Building Salmon market. Coqnille, Oregon. Fisheries Exhibit Full of Interest. G eo. R u s s e ll, M . D. PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. Offioe up stair, in M AllTIN BUlLDlNiV. Calls promptly answered day or night. Niaht call will be answered from Wickham’ s Boarding House. airs. G . D . H o ld e n , The largest fir tree in the world wiy supply a portion of the lumber I (or the construction ot Oregon's State building at the World's Fail* at St, Louis. The Oregon building will occupy a site immediately north of the L a -w y a r. jstice ol the Peace, City Recorder. New York Stale building. The J S. C o m m i s s i o n e r eneral Insuance Agent. Nolary Public. Office in Robinson Building. C o q U IL L E , O ltE O O V . \ l • J. S h erw o od, ^ s -^ c ^ ra -' attorney - a* Law-. o o u il l h C it y , C oob C o d k t v , O iieoon . Notary bublio. j oh n F. H a ll, State Legislature has made an appro­ priation of $50.000 far the World's Fair, but a rt’tcll greater sum will be available. Five hundred thous­ and dollars have been appropriated by Oregon for the Lewis and Clark Exposition, to be held in Portland, in 1905. The same Commissioners will handle the exhibits for both lairs. Many valuable exhibits prepared for the Portland Exposition will be first displayed at the World’s Fair at St. Louis. In fish and forestry, Oregon’s flLttorney . at - L.a'W, exhibits will be especially rich. The YIAK3II FIELD, O U EOON. Columbia River salmon fisheries, the richest in the world, will furnish The pro­ IIAU HUDSON, 5 J . E . HAYNES. an unrivalled exhibit. cesses of catching the salmoll, and how thev are handled, will be shown H ud son & H a y n e s , in detail The average size of the lining and Real Estate Agents salmon of Oregon commerce is from Eokley, Carry County, Oregon. 15 to 20 pounds, and they sometimes AVE vnlnahle Mines, Farms, Stock Ranches and Timber Lands for sale. reach the enormous weight of 60 The fish Come in House and H aores of land well improved and 75 pounds. Wilbur, Douglas county, O r., for sale, from the Pacific Ocean, and ascend exchange for property in Myrtle Point the Columbia River tospawn. When the eggs batch, the little salmon go out to sea, and remain until they attain full size. Then instinct leads them back to their natural waters. The fish are caught in traps. Oreat sliutes have been built leading from the fish traps to the canning factories. Tiie salmon virtually catch themselves, and once in the toils there is no escape. Thev Let’s W ade Right into can only follow the flumes, and end their careers in the tin can» which the Subject the Oregonian fish dealers provide The 1903 season will be the great­ for their reception. est bicycle season ever known. The The sturgeon and flounder are finest equipped and most up to-date wheels that Coquillo riders ever laid also caught in large quantities, and their eyes on will be kept in stock the black bass, fostered by tli at right prices, and if you want one United States Government Fish say so. Commission, is gaining in impor­ \Ve want your trade, and we are entitled to it, because we have tance each year. good goods, right prices, and can Splendid timber grows abundan­ serve you well. You don’t expect tly all over Oregon, but it is the anv more, but you waut that much, Douglas fir that is known the world don’t you. over. The largest specimen of this To be brief, try us and our goods, timber in Oregon was felled at Aber­ and our way of treating you, and if you like us try us again. We want deen in May for exhibit at the W orld's Fair. The ttee was 300 your business. Enough said. feet high, and 40 feet in circumfer­ Leep & F is h . ence at the base. It was t i 8 feet Coos B a y from the ground to the first limb. The age o f this giant of the Oregon pineries is estimated to be over 400 years. More ships carry masts of C. W. PATERSON, Prop. Oregon Douglas lir than any other Mfiuufftoturer of Marble Monument«. Hea \- timber. The largest and best flag stonos, Tablets, ofcc. cemetery lots enclosed with stone coping staffs are supplied by trees from the or curbing. Iron railings furnished to or­ der. Correspondence solicited from parties same forests. Other timbers and iving in the country or other towns who may wish anything in my line of business lumber will be shown, including, M u m h f i « to O h io especially, maple, oak and ash. Dealer in URAL E st \ t * of all kinds. i 1903 SEASON. Visits Coos and Curry “ No two counties in the state will have a better exhibit at the Lewis & Clark Fair than Coos and Curry,” says Jefferson Myers, presi­ dent of the state commission, who return yesterday from a three weeks trip through Southern Oregon and Northern California. The business men of the isolated sections visited by Mr. Myers are most enthusiastic on the subject of the fuir, and very anxious to have their part of their couuty represented by an exhibit worthy of theis great resources From the CLetco River district will come a collection of skins, bear, lion, and panther, to show the spoitsineu of America whore big game is best fouud. The Beaver Hill coal mine will have a solid block of coal a ton in weight. The dairy,' fishing, mining, nnd timber resources of Coos and Curry counties will be fully represented and Mr. Myers is confident that no other two countries in OregolT will have better exhibits at the Fair. Enthusiastic as arc the people of these counties and of Northern Cal­ ifornia over the richfcss of their country, they are hardly more so than Mr. Myers. “ There is no doubt now,” said he, “ that Oregon can lay claim to redwood as well ns California. On the Chetco River there is at least 50,000,000 feet of excellent timber, and there could be no better opportunity for capital tuau the erection of a sawmiil at the mouth of the stream. The people are anxious to assist in every way, and if assured that there was sufficent capital behind an enter­ prise they would see that plenty of lumber was forthcoming. Some fine Oregon redwood timbers will be exhibited at St. Louis and at the Lewis and Clark Fair. The Beaver Hill coal mine alono has 5,000,000 tons uncovered and ready to lie tak­ en ont. It is now down 1975 feet with a 15-foot ledge open the whole way. “ The people everywhere are very enthusiastic over the Lewis and Clark Fair, uot only in this state bnt accross the California line, where I was shown every courtesy, and was assured that a good exhibit would be made. Business men in Coos and Curry County are nuxions to be well represented »1 tfie Fair, aud they are strongly in favor of closer buBiuess reatious with Port­ land. If a steamer of 500 or GOO tons were put on the coast run, many accounts would be boldly transferred to this city. At pres­ ent the sole communication with Portland is through Marshfield, by the steamer Alliance. “ I addressed the Marshfield Board of Trade on tb& Fair, and found the body to be composed of up-to-dats and energetic business men, who were ready to help the enterprise in every way, recognizing also its val­ ue to the county. At Bandon I ad­ dressed the Teachers' Instate, and the teaehers will do much to adver­ tise the Fair. RELIANCE 1 AKE3 THE RACE EASILY 1 HI HD The Fraterrai Brotherhood. A few leaol'S why you g'lould Gains Steadily Over Thirty Mile join this order: Course ana Sweeps Home an Because it 's the best older in Easy Victor. the world—yes, the whole world. ( S pecial to the M a il ) Highlands, Sept. 3.— After wait- lug until almost the last minute granted by the rules, Reliance and Shamrock started today in their race. Tho racers went to the starting line at the usual hour, the wind then blowing two knots. As the day wore on tho wind increased very slowly. Shortly before start­ ing, it had taken ^velocity of about six knots nnd the yachts hurriedly got on the thrash- The course was laid out 15 miles windward and return. A haze hung over the boats when the starting gun was fired. The official lime of the start was Reliance 8:01:20, and Shamrock 1: 0 0 : 20 . The wind freshened nlthuugh it was a bit unsteady, Reliance con­ tinued to draw away from Sham­ rock and n half hour after the start was nearly an eighth of a mile in the lead. She managed sail not only to the windward but she foiereaclied the English yacht and as in previous races, held her head higher nnd slipped along faster than the Challenger. At 2 o’clock the wind is blowing eight knots. 2:25: Reliance has the windward position and is half a mile in the lead, out footing and outpointing Shamrock. Reliance turned the outter mark at 3:01, Shamrock two minutes lat­ er. 3:34— Reliance is fast increasing her,lead. 3:50— Reliance is now flying home with all sails set about a mile and a half in the lead. 4:04— Reliance is still outfooting Shamrock and is nearly two miles in the lead. 4:26— Reliance is spinning along at a good clip about seven miles from the finish. .5:28— Reliunco is two miles from the finish. Reliance eruaaetl tlio lino at 30. Unofficial time. A P u r g a t iv e P le a s u r e . NO. 8. Because you owe it to your fam­ ily nnd to yourself to carry some protection for your loved ones in case of your death. Because it admits men and worn, en on equal terms. Because it gives Life Insurance and Accident Insurance in the same policy— two policies in one. Because you and your family should have that protection, as­ sistance and aid, financially, social­ ly nnd intellectually, which The Fraternal Brotherhood provides — none better. Life Insurance and Accident In­ surance helps at the right time—in time of need, and what can be Iret- ter then, than a certificate in Tho Fraternal Brotherhood? In case of your death it keeps up the fire on the hearth- on a cold winter night, pays off the mortgage on the home, pays the rent, and clothes and educates the children. Why should not your family have this help when you are taken from them? It is for you to sav whether, they shall or shall not. Join The Fraternal Brotherhood. Do not wait—it iB dangerous. It is as much your duty to pro­ vide social entertainments for your­ self and family as it is to provide food and clothing and a home. Socially the Fraternal Brother­ hood is a leader. Do you desiro to create an estate? If so, join The Fraternal Brother­ hood; then you havo a protection in case of accident of $5.00, $10.00 or $15,00 per week and an estate of $1,000, 82,000 or $3,000 in case of total disability, old age or death, which is exempted from taxes and debt by law. Portland Lodge No. 209 held its first meeting just six months ago and now has n membership of over 200 . No order or company is more particular in the selection of its membership, both socially and physically, and the best people of the community are to be found in itn pax lert n. Tho monthly rate per $1,000 at tho age of 20, is GO cents; age 25, is G5 cents; age 30, is 70 cents; age 35, is 80 cents; age 40, is $1; agi 45, is $1.25; age 50, is $1.70; age 54, is $3. The order is a member of the National Fraternal Congress and stands “ at the head” in tho prompt payment of claims and general management. You will make no mistake if you join this order. ------- «©► ----- ----- Coquille purqiture and BOX FACTORY J- €»- fis h t£ S n s , P r o p s - MANUFACTUREltS o; Butter Boxes, Cubes, Apple and Fruit Boxes, Cabinets, Tables, Counters, Store Fronts, etc. Purniir Work u Specialty. All Orders given prompt Attention. — P. E. Drone Butcher, GOLDEN B U ILD IN G , COQUILLE CITY Keep cozisan/tly on Hand Fresli Meat, of -A J..L HCind-s. C a n n e d B e e f a n d P ic k le d P o rk Cash Paid for Hides in any Quantity T h e la te s t in MILLINERY at M rSi C. L , ^ lo o n ’s _ S » G S - _____ You w ill find the latest in spring and sum nor M illinery at mg store. Dress Trimming and Fancy Goods in General, Stamp­ ing done to order. IV Irs . C : M o o n Sanderson Building near the Wharf. 1903 0OOS 0OUNTY ✓ ^CADEMY If you ever took DeWitt’s Little Early Risers for biliousness or con­ stipation you know what a purga­ tive pleasure is. These famous lit­ tle pills eleunse the liver and rid This school, which has been in successful operation during eight mouths the system of all bile without pro­ of the past school year, will open its Second Animal ducing unpleasant effects. They Session Monday, October 5, and continuo for Eight do not gripe, sicken or weaken, but Months. give tone and streugtli to the tis­ The Following Courses are Offered: sues and organs involved. W. H. Howell, of Houston, Tex., says, COMMON SCHOOL, , NORMAL, “ No better pill can be used than HIGH SCHOOL, ' ACADEMIC, Ruin As a Purifier. Little Early Risers for constipation COMMERCIAL, MUSIC, sick headache, etc.” Sold by R. S. The health department has often Tuition per Term of Twolve Weeks, Payable in advance: Knowlton, called the attention of the public to Common School Course, Grades 1 to 4 ............................... $ G 00 the fact that rain is a great purifier, 11 i. *< •< 5 to 7 ................................ 7 50 The Southern Oregon State Nor­ a 1 11 *1 8 ................................ 8 00 Demosthenes, speaking of the mal School begins this year's work and there is some highly interesting corruption of Grece, said, What is September iGtli. A large working testimony to the same effect in a re­ Normal Course ................................................................... $8 00 td 10 00 it that has ruined Greece? Envy, library has been added; the physi­ cent number of the London Lancet, High School Course, Grade 9 to 11 ............................................ 8 50 when a man gels a bribe; laughter, cal and chemical laboratory has which is fortified by references to a Academic Course, Grades 12 to 13 ......................................... 9,00 Commercial Course, Elomentary ......................................................10 00 it he confesses it; mercy, to the con­ been fully equipped; a new gym- recent examination and analysis. • • “ Advanced ..........................................................12 00 victed; hatred, of those who de- nasiarn building is being erected, Beginning with June 13 th London uunce the crime.” These words and a large and handsome school Vocal and Instrumental Music 25 cents to 50 cents per Lesson. seem to describe the attitude of building is nearing completion. had a continuous rainfall for five A reasonable reduction will bo made to students desiring to tnke muDy newspapers when Congress­ The school grounds are boantiful days, the total precipitation being n mixed Course. man Baker returned the pass sent and picturesque. The health condi­ estimated at 38 inches. On the Special inducements will bo given to a limited number of teachers him by a railroad. tions are of the host; the social en­ third day of the period a supply of bearing Certificates and taking tho Normal Course. Mr. George W. Crouse of Akron vironment is pure and stimulating; Ohio, recently declared himself the course of study has been raindrops was secured for an in­ Circulars with full Courses of Study issued soon. For further bankrupt Ho owed $1,900,000 strengthened and made more prac­ vestigation, and it was found that particulars call on or address tical. The faculty has been in­ the solid matter contained therein Oregon’s display of agricultural nnd his assets were $200,000. The To tYie TJ niortunate .A.. 3yETTX_iK:E-5 r, S\aperin.ten.d.en.t. court was conducting tine usual creased in number aud the school amounted to 9.1 grains per gallon. and horticultural products will be bankruptcy proceedings when the is now equipped to do work of the Coquillo, Oregon. Among the constituents noted large. The prune industry o f that time arrived for Mr. Crouce’s an­ highest order. This school belongs D r. G ibbon State is exceedingly important, the nual vacatiou trip to Europe. His to Southern Oregon. It desires were common salt, ammonium sulp­ T his old reliable and hate. organic, ammonia, soot and paost successful spec­ crop in 1902 being valued at more lawyers applied for a postponement and merits the patrouage of the i a l i s t in San Frarcis- of the case until October and tho people o f this great section. For suspended matters and nitrates. T F .E L PEN S I co, still continues to than $3 ,000,000. The Oregon fruit catalogue address, The Lancet assures us that tin- { cure all Sexual and compares favorably with the famous court grauted it. B enjamin F M ulkey , President, Sem inal Diseases, William James, the distinguished quantity of ammonia sulphate, .652 Ksuoh as Gonorrhes- French product. Small fruits also Ashlaud, Oregon. Tedium and psychologist of Harvard, says, l O le e t , 8 t ri o t u re, grains, was remarkable, and that cf P o in t * . thrive in the State In agriculture, Lynching is a profound social de- ¡¿ g g f THE STANDARD PENS EVERTUEES ■ S y p h ilis, in all it ;ii SUl’ onert. its chief origiu is the combustion of ■ form s,Skin Diseases. The report that the Postmaster the exhibit will be largely based on s^ase spreading like forest fire aud *ohn : New York. S N e r v o u s Debility. Salt contributed 8 grains and I rwna . ch ^ . n . i . E8TERBROOK STcf I ’«potency, Seminal Weakness and Loss cf wheat, oats, barley, and the grasses. certain to become permantly en­ | General has issued an order making doal. Manhood, the oonseqnence of self-abuse all trains mail trains by swearing in soot aud suspended matters 5 grains demic in every corner of our coun­ and excesses producing the following syinpa try, North aud South, unless heroic the baggage-masters as mail clerks With this analysis and an esti toms: Sallow countenance, dark spots un­ 1 1 C «‘ «11 a r k iil> I a Rc<*or«l. der the eyes, pain in the head, ring'ng in remedies are swiftly adopted to is an error. All that has been done mate of 6,437.229,860 gallons for the ears, loss of confidence, diffidence, in is to make the baggagement mail check it. approaching strangers, palpnt > tiort of the Chamberlin’s Cough Remedy clerks on those trains which now the total rainfall over the London T H E heart, weakness o f the lmibsnnd back, loss British boards of education com­ carry mails, so that they can dis­ country area as the basis of the of memory, pimples on the face, oonghs- has a remarkable record. It has oonsumotion etc. been in use for over thirty years, plain that their school teachers tribute newspapers at the stations calculation, it is figured that the D R . G IB B O N has practised in San Frau during which time’ many million work but an average of eleven without their having to go to the enormous downpour ‘ ‘ represents the cisco over .Tyeacsan I those troubled should years and then marry. But the postoffice. , not fail to oonsult him and receive th« beu- bottles have been sold and used. washing out of no less than 3738 would elit of his great skill and experien is. I’he It has long been the standard and American "school marm” This is an age of brave and stren­ tons of solid impurities, of which 330 doctor our'-s when others fail. Trv him. main reliance id the treatment of think it poor business not to marry CU R ES GUAR VNTEED . Persons cured uous women Mrs. Julia Ward Howe tons consisted of common salt, 267 at home. Charges reasonable. Call or croup in thousands of homes, yet in half that time. has undertaken to “ intellectualize’ ’ Write, Ur. J. F. GIBBON, during all this time no case has The Pennsylvania Railway Com­ tons of sulphate ammonia and 2000 25 Kearney street, San Francisco, Newport. ever been reported to the manufac­ pany’s new bridge at 'Trenton write. I) R. I F. GIBBON, tons ol soot and suspended matters.” turers in which it failed to effect a brings Philadelphia many miles 625 K *srne/ street. 3 m Francisco I l l s M b M.ivr l h / till inti* o r - Another interesting computation cure. When given ae goon as the nearer New York, “and New York­ I a in ’ s C o lic , C h o le r a , ■»> ONE-THIRD EASIER- a n il n i a r r h o e n is given as follows. ‘‘ Regarding f V .« prumptiy obtain U. 8 . ami Foreign child becomes hoarse or even as ers are already claiming that the R em edy. ONE-THIRD FASTER. bood as the croopy cough Appears, Quaker City will be a suburb of the the combustion of one ton of coal “ B. L. Ryer, a well known coop­ to produce 20 pounds of ammonium it will prevent the attack. It is ples- metropolis.” nnt to take, many children like it. Ever since Senator Quay said er of this town, saj’s he believes sulphate (a very fair average) the The only Sewing Machine that It contains do opium or other that Pennvpacker was his natural Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and quantity of coal represented by the oes n it f lil i 1 an / p lint. harmful substance end may be giv­ successor, the Governor has been Di arrhoe Remedy saved his life last storm would be 29,904 tons.” , sketch or photo of invention for The tightest run ROTARY MOTION AND BALL BEARIN G? [ free report on itabtlity._ For free book, en as confidently to a bshy as to an searching his new libel law for a summer. He had beeD sick for a - sihch alaiiit one day in three niDg machine in the world. RAPI D The Lancet adds that besides the month with something the doctors adult. For sale by R. S. K n ’OWLTON provision that fits the case. sewing that ranch faster than any vibrating shnttl sewing machine rail bilious dysentery, and Could I purification which is shown by the Mine timo is snvi il, iiiii ''' 111 nej csriird. ..... A We wonder what the graduates of g e t nothing to do him any good analysis there is a bacteriological mi is t nnd T o t ’liri* * t <»l«l fti| iPia«* D .tj . Quiet »nddurable. f lie rotary motion doc aw the College of Journalism will do until he tried this remedy. It gate 1 purification also, which of course Is wear caused by the for'yard aujt bnckwarc mnvenui s I > lit tip. Take Laxative Bromo (Juiniu« l;»M is, i with the politician who says it aud a very important factor in the .All drnani«t« refund the money if it fails to j then denies if tybon be if*-* it in him immediate relief,” says B. T. l«eitcficent ?yor)i of ¡'.10 r-iin. ) F riUlUhCM General office fqp (be Pnuifii) t!-»ii»t at 9-13 Murk«' com. K. W. Grov«*« lipnMnrF U on earl« i Little, merchant, Hancock, Md. r<>Ul type Cllifoinjfl \V, H. SHORT, Agent, MjipphiUld. tyx. '¿ft WASHINGTON, D._0., 1 For ««'« by H « Ki9w|tq|} B ' w v v s ----------------- ' . T e - . i 1904 M e aid Stone Worts ¿STERBROBi; Wheeler Three Times the Value of Aijy Ottjer... ‘ /pumffl