Coquille Cittj limitò 21 . VOL COQUILLE CITY, OREGON, TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER i, 1903. NO. 7. shipped from the California gold these two features there will be and were erected at a cost of more fields. Coal deposits underlie the found in the outdoor agricultural than $1,000,000. They are all two section of the grounds where the exhibit at St. Louis tho giant cluck stories high, of the Tudor-Gothic Twice as Large as the Columbian miniug site is situated and shafts with its dial 100 feet across, nnd style of architecture nud are com­ Exposition. Office ever Johnson, Dean At Co’s will be sunk and the black diamonds hands 50 feet long, constructed, ap­ plete in every detuil They are market. Coquille, Oregon. mined bv the latest approved meth­ parently, entirely of flowers. There built of Missouri pink granito nnd St. Louis Aug. 26.— It is only by ods. . Oil derricks will tower above are splendid exhibit« of evergreens* Beford college group, alone consist­ comparing the Louisiana Purchase the gulch and mining exhibits that shrubbery, aquatic and arid plants, ing $250,000. is used as the Admin­ Exposition with other great inter­ would be impracticable under the fiowers of all kinds, and a model istration Building. Some of the PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON- national expositions that one may roofs of the Mines and Metallurgy strawberry farm two acres in extent, others are used ns the Woman’s Offloe up .taint in MARTIN BUILDING. gain anything like n corroct idea of Palace will be found here. aud containing 40o varieties of Building, the Hall of Congresses, J- 6 ^xsh & S n s , P r o p s - Calls promptly answered day or ni((lit. the immensity of the World's Fair the Physical Culture Building the In the Live Stock Department at plunts iu bearing. Night call will lie answered from 'D r. that will open its gates at St. Louis MANUFAC l UREKS o! Butter Boxes, Cubes, .Cpple and Fruit Boxes, Chicago 27 acres were given over to The United Stntes Government Service Building, and tho head­ Wickham's Hoarding House. on April 30, 1904. Cabinets, Tables, Counters, Store Fronts, etc. the live stock interests. At S t Louis Agricultural Colleges nnd experi­ quarters for the Jefferson Guards. lnrniuf. Work a Specialty. All Orders given The Columbia Exposition at 37 a c r e s 'o f beautifully wooded, ment Stations will make au exhibit Comparison with the Chicago promp* Attention. » Chicago ten years ago more nearly gently sloping lapd have been al- showing by actual demonstraction, Fair Indicates that any fears that L , _. - - upproaches’ the Worlds fair at St. loted to F. D. Coburn, chief of the and by charts uod literature, the the World’s Fair will not be com­ — L a w y e r . Viewed the advancement made in plant pleted in lime for the opening on Louis than an v of the others of the Live Stock Department. Justice of the Peace, City Recorder. past. Until the present undertak­ from a financial stanpoiut tho 1904 breeding, plant pathology, the treat­ April 30, 1904, ui£ unfounded. At X J . S . C o m m i s s i o n e r ing assumed shape the Chicago fair Exposition has even uioro decided ment of disease in plant life, seed this writing, early in July, the Lib­ dwarfed all Jcamparisons. Now in advantages. At Chicago the total production animal production and eral Arts, Varied Industries, Educa­ GenerV tnsu.ance Agept. turn the Louisiana Purchase Expo­ sum of $132,000 was |>uid in pre­ management, and the most approved tion, Electricity and Machinery Pal­ Notary Public. sition outstrips what has "heretofore miums. Tbe cash prizos offered ut methods of dairying, sugar making, aces are practically complete. Office in Robinson Building. been the world’s greatest effort. St. Louis iu the department reach etc. Manufactures and Mines and Me­ C o q u ill e , O regon . The Pan-American Exposition at the handsome sum of $250,000. a This exhibit will occupy space in tallurgy are nearing completion. Buffalo, the Trans-Mississippi at greater sum than was given at all the Agriculture Palace, in the Transportation is half finished and Omaha and the Paris Exposition previous international expositions. grounds adjoining it, in the Live the Agriculture Palace will be finish­ are also completely outclassed when flies. The Devoted to the Fine Arts at the Stock Department and in the Palace ed by the times snow the dimension and features of the Louisiana Purchase Exposition will of Education. It is of vital import- Palace of Horticulture and Forestry, GOLDEN BUILDING, COQUILLE CITY Attorney - at Law-. enterprise at St. Louis are compar­ be a central art gallery 348x160 feet; a n o to the Agriculturist and of ex­ Fish and Game arc to be complet­ C oqu ille C it y , C oos C oun ty , O regon . ed. ed about the same time. Work on K esP consaiatly on H and FresH 3vEea,t, aud two separate pavilions, each ceptional interest to the layman. Notnry lu b lio. on them has begun and the con­ The W orld’s Fair at St. Louis 204x422 feet, giving a total area of The decorative electric display at tractors have given bond to the Ex­ of 23Iind.s. In Chicago the injrin occupies twice as large an area as 5.2 acres. Chicago, considered marvelous ten the most oxteusive of all former structure was 320x500 feet and the years ago, will be overshadowed at position management that thoy will C a n n e d B e e f a n d P ic k le d Porlx. world's fairs, and covers almost as annex 120x200 feet, making an area the Exposition in St. Louis. In the be finished on time, As late as the Attorney - a-t - i_,aw much ground as combined areas of of 4.3 acres. These figures, through decade intervening since the hold­ middle of August, in tho year pre­ the expositions at Chicago, Omaha, thoy demonstrate a difference in ing of the Columbian Exposition ceding at the Columbian Exposition, MARSHFIELD, OREGON. the contracts had not even been let size in favor of St. Louis, convey an Buffalo and Paris. the growth and development of for tho Festival Hall, the Anthro­ inadequate idea of the difference in Dealer in R kal E stati o f all kinds. electricity has been full of surpris­ pological and Service Buildings. It The World’s Fair site at St. Louis the structures themselves. In ; J . E. HAYNES. comprises 1,240 acres. ¿HAD HUDSON, ; The total Chicago all the art buildings were ing wonders and attainments and all will be remembered that Chicago acreage of the four larger exposi­ of wood oovered with staff. In St. will be revealed in the universal was visited by a tornado in April T h e la t e s t in tions in this country— Philadelphia, Louis the central art structure is electric display at St. Louis. The the year before the opening of the Chicago, Omaha and Buffalo— was built of solid granite and the two illuminatiou of the buildings, gard­ Exposition, and the walls of tho lin in g and Real Estate Agents 1,319 acres. At Chicago the expo, wings are of brick, decorated with ens, cascades and fountains will be Manufactures and Liberal Arts sitiou grounds were contained in staff. The central structure is per­ one of the great sights of the Expo­ Building were leveled. This was Eckley, Carry Coauty, Oregon. sition. There was nothing at Chi­ Chicago’s largest building and was at M r s , C. L . b o o n ’s AVE valuable M-nea, Farms, Htook 033 acres, a fraction more than half manent The art buildings aro in Hunches and Timber Lands for sale. the size of the grounds at St. Louis. cago to be compared with what not nearly so far advanced in the themselves works of the architect’s In St. Louis the principal exhibit art, and their cost exceeds $1,000,000 will be seen at St.' Louis. You will find the latest in spring and summer M illinerg July preceding the fair as is either House and fi aores o f land rell improved Or., Wilbnr, Don «las oounfcy, v ' . C for ‘ d " sale. " " í palaces cover an area of 138 acres. At this early date, July, *1903, the the Transportation or Agriculture at my store. For properly displaying the man­ exchange for property in Myrtle ro m t In Chicago the exhibit buildings expositiou management has realized ufactured products of the world, the Palaces in St. Louis, tho most back­ Dress Trimming and Fancy Goods in General. Stamp­ devoted to the same purposes cov­ that the space in the art building is Louisiana Purchase Exposition has ward of the big buildings here, and ered an area of 82.2 acres. The insufficient and n special building erected three exhibit palaces. One yet the big Chicago building was ing done to order. Pan-American Exposition at Buffalo for sculpture, 100x150 feet in size, sufficed at Chicago. There the Man­ ready for the opening. In Chicago covered 300 acres, aud the combin­ hae been contracted for, to cost ufactures and Liberal Arts Buildings the rigors of winter delayed oper- y o o ti ed exhibit buildings were contained $40,000. housed the exhibits of Liberal Arts, ation’for several months, while in St. Sanderson Building near the Wharf. in an area of 15.1 acres. The TraDs- In no one theme will the W orld’s Education and Manufactures. In Louis, with its milder climate, tho Mississippi Exposition at Omaha work may progress practically all St. Louis the classification is such was built on a 150-acre tract, and Fair at St. Louis excel the exposition that tho Manufactures, Varied In­ through the winter mouths. the exhibit buildings covered an of ten years ago more than in the dustries. Education and the Liberal The advintage Chicago derived decorative sculpture. At Chicago, area of 9.3 acres. aside from the works of Mac. Mon- Art Palaces were deemed necessary from her frontage on Lake Michigan The builders of the 1904 exposi­ nies, French ■'nd two or three to a complete exposition. Official is more thau equaled by the de­ tion at St. Louis have profited by others, few of the sculptural designs figures show that within the period lightful shade that is everywhere experience gained in the construc­ possed great aristic merit. A con­ from 1890 to 1900 the value o f man­ on the Louisiana Purchase (Exposi­ Let’s W ade Right into tion of former expositions. Thus siderable number of remarkably ufactured products has incrersed 50 tion grounds. On three »ides the it has been possible to construct talented and skillful young sculptors per cent. The combined displays City of Knowledge is bounded by the Subject- more buildiugs, with greater dimen­ have developed during the last ten in the four buildings at St. Louis virgin forests and large trees cover The 1903 season will be the great­ sions, of more approved design, at years and the Universal Expositiou avo much larger than those in the many sections of the grounds. Even est bicycle season ever known. The a less cost and in a quicker time affords them an opportunity to dem­ one building at Chicago. The in the “ main picture” in the eastern finest equipped act! most up to-date than was done in Chicago. As an onstrate their ability. The mechan­ colioction at St. Louis, while out­ portion of the ground where the wheels that Coquille riders ever laid instance ot the benefits derived by ical improvements have kept paoe stripping Chicago iu magnitude, will forest trees wertf removed to make their eves on will be kept in stock St. Louis from the Chicago experi­ with the art. The pointing machine, not depend on mere size alone. way for the Exposition palaces, the at right prices, and if you want one ence may be cited the work of the invented by Robert T. Paine, in­ With the factories ot the United landscape architect has supplied de­ This school, which has been in successful operation during oight months say so. draughtsmen. In Chicago 70 ar­ States producing 50 per cent more lightful shade. Stretching along of tho past school yeas* will open its Second Annnal We want your trade, and we are chitectural draughtsmen and 15 sures great exactness and reduces o f manufactured products than they the main boulevards rows of silver Session Monday, October 5, nnd continue for Eight entitled to it, because we have crnstrnction engineers were employ­ materially the cost of the work. did ten years ago, and an important maple trees, from one foot to eight­ Months. good goods, right prices, and can ed. In St. Louis a considerable The cement that has replaced the increase shown iu other countries, a een inches in diameter have been serve you well. You don’t'expect groater work wan done by 39 archi­ plaster used at Chicago is a vast im­ closer discrimination it ay be used The Following Courses are Offered: set. They provide much shade, and any more, but you want that much, tectural draughtsmen and 5 con­ provement. It is of an agreeable iu awarding space, and some articles NORMAL, with the forest trees will assist in COMMON SCHOOL, stone color, eliminates tho rough­ don’t you. struction engineers. that were reckoned worthy of space HIGH SCHOOL, ACADEMIC, maintaining a temperature several ness that ehdracterized the plaster To be brief, try us and our goods, The enormous propostions of the and will last for several years. The in Chicago will bo rejected now and degrees lower than that prevailing COMMERCIAL, MUSIC, nnd our way of treating you, and if Louisiana Purchase Exposition may exposition is expending $500,000 their places filled with choicer arti­ in the city. In Chicago there was Tuition per Term of Twelve Weeks, Payable in advance: yo*i like us try us again. Wo want be in a measure appreciated when for sculpture, and tbe grounds will cles at St. Louis. practically no Bhade save that af­ Common School Course, Grades 1 to 4 ................................$ 6 00 your business. Enough said. the official statement is given that bo more richly embelished than any Thus in the Varied Industries forded by small trees on tho W ood­ “ •• “ “ 5 to 7 ................................ 7 .50 Palacos articles possessing artistic ed Island. 38.000 liorse-power is required to other W orld’s Fair. “ * “ «' 8 .................................. 8 00 Visitors will find tho amusement drive the machinery. At Chicago In the Agricultural and Horticul­ value, such as jewelry, clocks and Normnl Course ................................................................... $8 00 to 10 00 12.000 horse-power was all that was tural Departments the exhibit at watches, productions in marble, boulevard at tbe World’s Fair at St. Coos B ay High School Course, Grade 9 to 11 ............................................ 8 50 Louis of much easier access than it utilized. bornzo, fine leather articles, decora­ Chicago do not begin to compare Academic Course, Grades 12 to 13 .......................................... 9 00 was at Chicago. There tho Midway tions, stained glass, art potteries, Thesi figures, eloquent in them­ with those of the exposition at St. Commercial Course, Elementary .......................................................10 00 Plaisance was a strip of ground ap­ cut glass and art glass will be shown, selves, do not begin to reveal the Louis. At Chicago the Agricul­ •' “ Advanced .......................................................... 12 00 W. PATERSON, Prop. magnitude of the Exposition at St. ture Building covered an area of while in the Manufactures Palace proximately a mile long running Vocal and Instrumental Music 25 cents to 50 cents per Lesson. northwest from the west sido of tho will be shown all others manufac­ Louis as compared with all previous 9.2 acres, exactly half the size of the Mannfaoturor o f Marble Monument*, Head­ A reasonable reduction will be made to students desiring to take fairs. It is in the exhibits whore building devoted to that purpose in tured products save those that are expositiou grounds. On entering stone*. Tablets, etc. cemetery lot* enclosed with stone coping the most marked advancement is S t Louis. Tho Horticulture Build­ edible or belong to special depart­ the Midway from the ovposition a mixed Courso. or curbing. Iron railings furnished to o r­ shown. In spite of the coloasal ing at Chicago was 5.7 acres. At ments. The food products aro class­ grounds proper, and travlrsiug its Special inducements will bo given to a limited number of teachers der. Correspondence solicited from parties iving in th e o o u n try or other towns who size of the great exhibit structures, St Louis tho Palace of Agricultnra ified for the Agriculture Palace. In entire length, the visithr at the end bearing Certificates and taking the Normal Course. may wish anything in my line o f business there will be a greater display on covers 18.4 acres and the of Horti­ the Liberal Arts Palaces will be found himeolf a railo distant from Vfi«ntr?t*»D * O bfo the other buildings, and no mode of shown tho scientific arts such as ty­ Circulars with full Courses of Study issued soon. For furthor the grounds surrounding some of cultural is 7.1 acres in extent. In To tlxe T D r L l c r f u . n a . t 9 them than will bo Bbown within the Chicago the Agriculture Building pography, photograph, musical in­ getting back other than walking. At particulars call on or address actual walls. in the southeast corner of the expo­ struments, medical nnd surgical ap­ St. Louis The Pike is a strip of -A.. lEX Iv iC T J X jIC E rsr, S u p e r i n t e n d e n t . sition grounds. The Horticulture pliances, theatrical equipment, civil ground 600 feet wide, one mile The verity of this statement is Coquille, Oregon. long, and stretches along tho north­ and military engineering, architec­ seen when, as an instance, the min­ Building was away from it in the ern side of the main group of build­ tural engineering etc. At northest section. The plan of the T his old reliable and ing exhibits are compared. most sncoessfnl apec- Chicago the Mines Building was exposition did not permit of exten­ Thero is a uniformity about the ings. At all time visitors to The | ialist in San Frsteis- sive outdoor planting iu the ground* ground of buildings forming the Pike arc within a few rods of some 350x700 feet, having an area of 5.0 I co, still oontinnes to PENS surrounding the buildings. In St. { enre all S e x o e ! and acres. main picture” at the Louisiana Pur­ of the large exhibit palaces. A fur­ The Mines Buildings at ther convenience is uoted ill the fact Sem inal Diseases, Louis there are 60 acres of ground chase Exposition that was wanting Omaha and Buffalo combined cover­ Isnch as Gonorrhes- While at St. Louis the that the intramural railway skirts l O l e e t , S t r . o t n re. ed less tnan au acre and a half. adjoining the Palaces of Agriculture in Chicago. ■SyphH ls, in all it Taus the Mines and Metallurgy and Horticulture devoted to out­ buildings are, taken collectively, the The Pike on its southern boundary i*dlum an d aforras, Skin Disease*. 153 Style? ! UrB P oin ts. its entire length. THE STANDARD PENS EVERYWHERE. ^ N e r v o u s D ebility, Palace at tho exposition at Louis, door exhibits of surpassing intnrost. most colossal nnd stately ever con­ Ji»!J a, Ail Stationers. The World’s Fair at St. L o u i s a l upotency, Seminal Weakness and Loss o f with its dimension of 525x750 feet, 1 Û ' ihn C . New York. In Chicago outdoor panting was ceived, they all conform to a gener­ ESTERBR00K S TEt- World , Clmdwi, N, I. M anhood, the consequence o f self-abuse j SMSC z ’ • • bounds with mngnificcnt architec­ and excesses producing tbe following sympa is larger than the combined build­ confined to the Wooded Island, and al plan and no one building, by toms: Sallow countenance, dark spots un­ ings devoted to the mining indus­ there a tract of approximately 10 mere size alone overshadows any tural, landscape and electrial fea­ der the eyes, pain in the heAd, ringing in other in the group. The rectangular tures, the cascades and cascade gar­ the ears, loss o f confidence, riffldenoe, in tries at the three expositions named. acres was used for outdoor agricul­ Approaching strangers, palpnt tion nf the Comparison is only begun at this tural exhibits. This was quite re­ plan of exposition building was de- dens being perhaps the most beau, heart, weakness o f th e limbs nnd back, loss point, however. At the Columbian mote from the Agriculture Building | parted from in the construction of I tiful ever designed by man. The T H E of m emory, pimples on the fnce, oonghs- Exposition there was no outdoor and was across a wide lagoon from : this City of Knowledge, and tho water features are unsurpassed. The consnm otion e tc. mining exhibit At S t Louis, in the Horticulture Building and dif- I main group assumes tho shape of a waterways over a miie in length, DU. GIBBON has practised in San Fran ornate | cisco over 3 years an \ those trcqjdcd should addition to the 9.1 acres covered by ficult of access. In St. Louis the j lady’ s fan opened the apex bfltng crossed by massive and not fail to consult him and rec« tve the ben­ at the Festival Hall, a triumph in bridges, are plied by quaint and j efit o f his great sk ill and exponents. The the Mines and Metallurgy Palace Agriculture and Horticulture Pal- I craft Tho doctor oures when others fail. Try him. there is an outdoor exhibit 1^ acres aces are adjoining,on a largo tract j architecture, circular in form, 200 beautiful small craft CURES G U A R A N TE E D . Persons cured in extent A natural ravine in the of land in the center ofdhe western feet in diameter, and crowned with pumping capacity is so great that at home. Charges reasonable. Call or eastern portion of the Forest Park section of the exposition grounds the greatest dome ever constructed. the equivalent of tho entire volume j Write, Dr. J. F. GIBBON, 2.» Ream ey street, San Francisco, section is used for this. The dis­ Directly in front of the eastern en­ The plan of grouping the buildings of water is forced through the | write. D R . J . F . GIBBON, play here possible will be of keener trance to the Agriculture* Building creates long vistas and has made pumps every five hours, a sufficient I R21 K'artiev street. S in Francisco interest than that shown in the is growing a rose garden six acres possible the construction of a main amount to in igato 150 square mileH building itself. The ravine is con­ in extent, the largest rose garden in transverse avenue, more than a mile of farms. There are thirty.five milos We prompt»/ u Lumi U. a. anti foreign ONE-THIRD EASIER- verted into a mining gulch, that the world, containing 60,000 rose long, embellished and beautiful of road-way in tbe exposition, all of ONE-THIRD FASTER. which has been generously trcited teems with life and industry. A trees of the choicest varieties. In a rows of trees | typical California mining camp of section to the northeast is a map of Tho figures given above contain no by the landscape gardener. the early days will be reproduced the United States worked out in intimation of one great advantage The Louisiana Purchase Exposi­ The only Sewiug Machine that W in tbe gulch. In tbe camp will be ^plants, the States being represooted t io n s the greatest spectaclo ever lie» n it f lil i i auy print. possessed t>y the World's Fair at send model, sketch cr photo ol invention for R O T A R Y MOTION AND B A L L B E A R IN G S. The litI.test r.n. ttentabUity. For free book, rebuilt from the original timber the in growing crops characteristic of St. Louis over any other similar en­ planned by man. To produce it will ning machine in tbe world. R A P ID — s u e s about one day in three 'J ? cabin that was occupied by John the State shown. Cider walkes terprise. Tho Expocition authori- require an outlay of approximately sowing that much faster than any vibrating shuttle sewing inncliipp \V. Mackey, tho Bonanza King, seperate the States. This rasp is here were peculiarly fortunate in ob-1 $50,000,000. The total cost of the when he was digging gold and lav­ six acres in extent, and with the tnining the use of the magnificent 1 Columbian Evposition was $27,250,-, Mine time is saved, more money earned. Quiet anddnrable. f ho rotary motion doe away with noise and ing the foundation for bis colossal rose garden comprises a space lar­ group of Washington University j 000. • - ------------— wear canacd by the forward and backware movement of the sliuttle. ; fotune. A placer mine will be in ger than that devoted to the total Buildings and the grounds stir- ; operation, and tbe gold will be o f outdoor planting at the Ooluuib Oeneral office for the I’orills Coast at 933 Market St., San Francisco ' Opposite U. S. Patent Office rounding them. The structures arc ilne Minute Cough Cure j washed fr^ u pal dirt that is to b ejia n Exposition. Iu addition to of the moat permanent ehariwUir 1 F o r cou gh *, C o ld * a n d C ro u p . » W A S H IN G T O N , D. C. California W. H, SHORTi AR**ttt, Marshfield. i-v- ---- - ------ D E N T I S T WORLD’ S FAIR, 1904. J. Curtis Snook, D. D. S. Geo. Russell, M. D. Nie puri)iture and BOX FACTORY V G. D. Holden, P. E. Drone J. Sherwood, Butcher, F. H all, Cash Paid for Hides in any Quantity Hudson & Haynes, MILLINERY H 1903 SEASON. C . T T 1903 Qoos Q ounty A cademy 1904 Leep & Fish. ail Stoae Wortes Dr. Gibbon TEEL. Wheeler & Wilson Three Times the Value of Aqy Otijer... PATENTS RADE-MARKS m