C o q u i VOL ‘¿I. Office ever Johnson, Dean & Co’s market. Coquille, Oregon. V G. D. Holden, - — C o q c ii . i . k C itv , C o o s C ounty , O regon . Notary Lablio. John F. H all, 3 r . a t - i_ ,a .-w , M ARSHFIELD, OREGON. Doalor in R uai , E stais o f nil kind». ,T. E. HAYNES. SHAD HUDSON, Hudson & Haynes, 1 lining and Real Estate Agents E ckley, Curry Couuty, Oregon. AVE valuable Muies. Farms. »took Ranches and Timber Lands for sale. H Honse and <> acres o f land well improved Wilbur, Don?'...e c o u n ty , Or., for sale exchange for property in Myrtle roiu t 1903 SEASON. L e t’s W a d e R ig h t into th o S u b je c t ------ The 1903 season will bo tho great­ est bicycle season ever known. The finest equipped and most up-to-date wheels that Coquille riders ever laid their eyes ou will be kept in stock at right prices, and if vou want one say so. W e want your trade, and we are entitled to it, because we have good gooils, right prices, and cau servo you well. You don’t expect anym ore, but you want that much, don't you. To be brief, try us and our goods, and our way of treating you, and if you liko us try us again. W e want your business. Enough said. Leep & Fish. c o o s b a y l a » Ml Slone fforSs G. W. PATERSON, Prop. Manufacturer o f Marble Monument«, Ilea l- atonea. Tablets, eto. cemetery lots enclosed with stone coping or curbing. Iron railings furnished to or­ der. Correspondence solicited frqm parties iving .in the country or other towns who may wish anything in my line o f business vnfitri o O bwp T o tu e T J rLiorru.rL=Lte Dr. Gibbon T his old reliable ana most su ccessful spec- | ialist in San Frarcis- ' c o, still continues fo kcnre all S e in e 1 , and Sem inal Diseases, lunch as Gonorrhe«- |G l e c t, 8 t r , o t n re, IS y p h ilis. in all it sform s, Hkin Diseases. i N e r v o u s Debility. Iinj>otency, Seminal Weakness and Loss c f Manhood, the consequence o f self-abnse and excesses prodneing the following sympa toms: Sallow countenance, dark spots un­ der t.he eyes, pain iii the head, ring'ng in the ears, loss o f oonfld ence, diffidence, in approaching strangers, palpatation o f the heart, weakness o f the limbs and hack, loss o f memory, pimples on the face, conghs- consum otion et W W V A W W W »> tAM r t t guidence of Uncle Robert Itolaud, out for a vacation. It is a time when wo are not expected to study, and though we hope to learn mauy things not found in hooks, before wo return, we are ill prepared to discuss a question which our en­ thusiasm has sprung upon the club, and whicli has been as promptly mot by our able apponeuts, of the negative, but as is usual in such eases, ttie weight o f argument must prevail, and the affirmative is very hopeful of gethering in the “porsiom- mons.” (faint applause am m g the hunters,) "N ow as hunting” he continued, “ was among the first employments of man, (Caleb now began to tube notes,) it follows that it was a very necessary and import­ ant business. Man had to hunt in order that he might oat; and 1 sur­ mise most people, even now, one way and another are engaged in the same business, though they may not be wood-rangers. The oldest legends are of hunters Before there was a pen, or ability to re­ cord their deeds, there were hunt­ ers, The world has been full of hunters from the first creation to the present time, and from the late exploits of some members of this distinguished Club, I think you must all agree with me, that the great race of hunters is not yet ex­ tinct,. (loud and generous ap­ plause) The hunter sir, goes forth at dawn! He is a tireless man. He worfot at it. He roams the woods. H e has traps set in sly places. He has a gun, and 1 fear sometimes an empty stomach, (laughter) but he hunt*. His traps may not do their duty, and his gun may miss fire, but he hunt*. He mny be belated and camp in the woods with nothing better to soothe his appetite, than the rec- collection of a good dinner he has had some other day, but he hunt*, and when at last snccess has crown­ ed his efforts, what a proud man is lie! How he revels in tho square meal he is about to have. How loviugly he thinks of the dear ones, in his cabin, whom he now can feed and who of us hunters did not feel an exultant thrill when we plugged that buck, whose juicy steak now fills a long felt want (applause by the hunters.) And there is another thing Mr. Chair­ man. To the hunter the great book of nature is an open book. He is filled with great things ( “and goes hungry,” put in Caleb, who was promptly called to order,) and the grandeur of nature expands— expands his— his— ( “stomach’ prompted Roger,) *oul sir, if you please, until h e —until he forgets all else, except the glory of his — calling, and the vast— the vast— amount of game ho is about to swipe. (applause) Ho climbs mountains until the inspiration of his calling fits him like a summer cloud. He fears nothing. Mount­ ain bear and the roaring lion are alike to him.-----------” and thus Harry wont on soaring, until some of us began to wonder where he would light. They Imitate American Crooks. Coquille purqiture (laughter) Now before' we go any further at sea, I will read the question, that'¡we may see where we are at. ‘‘ Resolved that hunting in a better i port than fishing." Tlmt the question we have up to talk about, Mr. Chairman. It all hiuges on the word ‘sport,’ and if tho able leader of tho affirmative said n word about 'spot-',’ I din’nt hear it, and what is more sir, nobody else heard it, because he never got near enough to the earth to tell us what ‘sport’ is. Now I looked into a dictionary not two hours ago, and found this definition put down for tho word: S poht : diversion; to play; to mak e merry; uud if there is any of that sort, of thiug about hunting, I wish be would tell us where it comes in. On their first trip out with Uapt Sol they ‘played’ aud ‘made merry,’ but did'nt get any venisou. The next trip, after Captaiu S o l’s scold­ ing and orders, they worked at it, and brought home a deer! Now I think that does up Cousin Harry’s high fallutin, and that thus far, as he has not got in a single argument the question is ours.” (applause by all the fishing party, aud many others.) “ Now Mr. Chairman, what about the ‘Sport’ of fishing? D id ’nt Billy Billings tumble into the river the first timo out, and was’nt that ‘sjxirf for the rest of us? (laugh ter and applause.) And the next trip in order to show Billy how sil­ ly it was to get a ducking in that wav, did not Caleb Careful from the same log, in the same spot, go and do likewise? (loud laughter and prolonged applause aud assum­ ing a very comic illoek ) was’nt that ‘sport’ for everybody but poor Billy and me? ( more laughter aud ap­ plause, with a stir and giggle and it was a full minute bofore the speak­ er went on.) “Yes, I was 'in it’ Mr. Chairman, and if Eilly and I did’nt think that part of our fishing was ‘ Sport’ the otLars did, and this is a country where the majority rules! (applause.) N O . 2. French swindlers, about whoso Cain killed his brother? Sad his­ tory'. And at the beginning of our methods a good deal has been writ­ era was it not fishermen who, at the ten of late, are for the most part Tho command of the roaster, followed copiers oT American crooks. trick of following a woman into n him to become ‘fishers of men.’ Fish ing as a trade or calling, is hard store, and jost us she goes to make and dnngerous work; tho’ there’s a purchase in assuming the role of undoubtedly a lot of sport, even in an indignant husband, faking her capturing a whale. I can’t speak money away from hor and getting from experience. I never captured away before she h:is a chance to re- M ANU FAO TUR ERS of Butter Boxes, Cubes, Apple and Fruit Boxes, a wlmle, hut I have ns much right cover from her surprise, was work­ Cabinets, Tables, Counters, Store Fronts, etc. It to use my imagination as my op­ ed for some time in the west. Turning Work a Specialty. All Orders given ponent has When he thinks about wasn't successful long hero because prompt Attention. the vast amount of game he is about American women are narder headed to swipe. (Laughter) Suppose than their French sisters, and un­ I talk about the ‘sport’ I am about like the latter, do not assist the to have in swiping a vast amount of crooks by promptly going into whale*. (Prolonged laughter.) You hysterica or fainting when robbed. laugh, and you have a right to laugh, A simple little swindle that was suc­ because such gammon is not argu­ cessful. in this city for years was The ment. It proves nothing. It Is worked by a man and a boy. only hot air, rhetoric, and very boy would walk up the street swing­ ing a pitcher around bis head. The poor rhetoric nt that. Now, Mr. Chairman: Having, as man standing on an opposite cor­ I contend, m.ore than answered the ner, Would call attention to the alleged arguments (?) of my oppo­ boy’s recklessness and offer to bet GOLDEN B U IL D IN G , COQUILLE CITY nent, I may as well take my seat; $5 or some larger amount that the but before doing so I would like to boy would break the pitcher before H a n d IF’r e s l i X v X e a t , The crook X S Z e e p c 0 n . s a - 0 . t l 3 r o n know how much time I have left, he reached the corner. Of and whether I am to be allowed to rarely failed to hook a victim. o f - A J .1 3 C i n d . s . use it later on, or donate It to some course Just as the boy reached the corner he would break the pitcher other speaker on the negative.” “ You have three minutes left" and the crook would win the bet.— said the chairman, “ but as to the New York Sun. other question, I think you must use it now or lose it, unless the A new Station. Club decide otherwise. The Club’s orders are supreme,,’ The Southern Pacific Company Harry was on his feet in an in­ has built a large and commodious stant, station, is very uoat and attrative, “ Mr. Chairman: I move that Mr. and fills a long-felt want. The Careful be allowed to use the bal­ management of the state fair feels ance of lm time whenever he sees particularly pleased over the station fit, or donate it to any disputant on and they say that it is a good at­ the negative.” traction for the fair Harry was a generous fellow, and __ --- -------- ► -«•*-«------------- his motion being numerously sec­ You will find the latest in spring and summer Millinery A W o m l c r l u l Inventi on. onded was carried without a dis­ at my store. senting voice, It is interesting to note that for­ “ Thank you,” said Caleb, resum­ Dress Trimming and Fancy Goods in General. Stamp­ tunes are frequently made by the ing his seat, amid an applause as invention of articles of minor im ­ ing done to order. much meant for Harry as for him­ portance. Many of the most pop­ self, a fact well understood by the ular devices are those designed to leaders of the negative, whose ready benefit the people nud meet pop­ Sanderson Building near the Wharf. speech had astonished us all. ular conditions, aud one of the N ote . The debate continued most interesting of these that has with increased interest until a late ever been invented is the Dr. W hite hour, but as our allotted space is Electric Comb, patented J n n .l,’ 91). already onerflowidg, we are com­ These wonderful combs positivly pelled to ask our readers to look curedandrnff, hair falling out, sick out for its continuation next week, aud nervous headaches, and when merely remarking that there used in connection with Dr. W hite’s proved to be more than one aston- Electric Hair Brush are positively isber in the great and only “ T. T. guaranteed to make straight hair Club.” cuily in 25 days’ time. Thousands ---* <#►« — — of these electric combs hayo been sold in the various cities oE the Worriers of Radium. UnioD, and the demand is con­ New York, July 18.— At Char­ stantly increasing. Our agents are ing Cross Hospital, n cancer has rapidly becoming rich selling tbeso been successfully treated by means combs. They positivly sell on This school, which has boon in successful operation during eight months of radium, cables the London cor­ eight. Send for sample. Men’s size of the past school year, will open its Second Annnal 35c. ladies’ 50c— half price while espondent of the Herald. Session Monday, October 5, and continue for Eight Dr. Davidson, who is carrying on we are introducing them. See want Months. Column of this paper. The Dr. the treatment, says: W hite Electric Comb Co., Decatur, The Following Courses are Offered: I am experimenting and I am CO M M O N SC H O OL, NORM AL, III. hopeful that radium has proved . -*•*--«— H IO H SCHOOL, AC AD EM IC , effective with a superficial cancer. Coll«*, ClioD'i*:« iiim I COM M ERCIAL, ~ MUSIC, As to deep tumors, I cannot speak, D fnrrli«»«'» R e n i n l i . Tuition per Term of Twelvo Weeks, Payable in advance: aud I should be very sorry to see Is everywhere recognized as the Common School Course, Grades 1 to 4 false hopes raised. The whole mat­ .....................................$ 6 00 ter is new and ns to deeper cancer odg remedy that can always bo de­ “ - “ « 5 to 7 ..................................... 7 50 .< . « 8 ..................................... 8 00 cases, it would be premature to say pended upon itnd that is pleasant to take. It is especially valuable for Normal Course ............................................................................. $8 00 to 10 00 anything, “Tho Charing Cross case was one summer diarrhoea in children and is High School Course, Grade 9 to 11 ................................................... 8 50 9 00 of rodent cancer of the nose, super­ undoubtedly the means of saving Academic Course, Grades 12 to 1 3 ...................... .................. ficial cancer, that is to say. After the lives of a great many children Commercial Course, Elementary ..............................................................10 00 “ “ Advanced .................................................................. 12 00 unsuccessful treatment with the X - each year. For sale by R. S . Knowl- . rays, the cancer was exposed for a ton. Vocal and Instrumental Music 25 cents to 50 cents per Lesson. « « short time to radium. Four ex­ A reasonable reduction will be mado to students desiring to take posures taking about an hour al­ At Hawkins’. a mixed Course. together were given at intervals of Special inducements will bo given to a limited number of teachers a few days. In three weeks the Juby Trimmings, 35 et. grade, diseased surface was healing satis­ now...............................................IS .20 bearing Certificates and taking tho Normal Course. factorily and within six weeks, with Fine Brussel Curtain Netting, 3 Circulars with full Courses of Study issued soon. For further two further exposers, the growth yards fo r ...................................... 1 00 particulars call ou or address was quite gone. You could not tell Curtain Swiss, 15 ct grade 10 .A.. XX. M U L K E T , S-o.perinterLd.ent. on which side of the nose the can­ Lace Cnrtains, $1.50 grade 1 2 5 Coquille, Oregon. cer had been, there is nothing left.” Ladies’ Chimisetts, 25ct grade now................................................. 15 Fine Handkerchief LineD, re­ Live Stock Sale. duced to 50 and 60 cents, Bntchpr’s Linen reduced to 30 The Breeder’s Combination and 40 ceuts. auction sale of live stock to be held Tape Girdle Corsets reduced at the Oregon state fair this j to...................................................... 65 fall will he ouo of the gro test sales T H I STANDARD PENS EVERYWHERE. 1 5 0 Styl6S ^Tfr’oïS P o ! n t * r d Girdle Corsets, pink, W hite, ever held on the Pacific coast. All and Blue............................. 95 work«, cwd«,. n . ». E8TEBBR00K STEEL PEN C p / ' T i l T of tho large breeders, such as Chas. W hite, Cream and Black all F, Ladd, W. O. Minor, C. B. Wade, over Laco, from 20 cents to f2 .0 0 Alex, Clialmnrs, I). H. Looney, Chas. | Cleveland, P .A . Frakes, Hazelwood j Company, W . J. Towuley, J. M a tty ,! 1 wo for the fries ol One. J. B. Stump, Atkinson Bros , are | sending some of the bert stock on We have made arrangements their respective farms to this sale, j with the publishers of the A M E R ­ which will give the farmer and small I breeder an opporunity of baying IC A N F A R M E R by which we are and BOX FACTORY. J- 6 - F is h A S on s, P rop s- Drane & l?ay; Butchers, C a n n e d B e e f an d P ic k le d P o r k Cash Paid for Hides in any Quantity T h e la te s t in MILLINERY at M r s . G. L . M o o n ’s M r s . O . JV lo o n “ But Mr. Chairman, falling in the river for the ‘sport’ of others, is not all there is of this business One of the definitions of ‘sport’ is ‘diversion’ and what does that mean? If wc look into the diction­ ary again, we find this: ‘D ive rsion : turning aside; amusement; sport’ and thus we come back to the one prominent word in our question. Now Billy and Caleb fell in the river, That was a ‘turning aside,’ not flown in the program, and hence a ‘diveruion’ and being a ‘divefsiou’ hence ‘sport,’ so that after all I ’m not sure but that those two chaps performed a very important duty by taking their duckings cheerfully, thus proving that falling in the riv­ er is a prominent feature in the ‘sport’ ot fishing! (applause aud laughter) and fishing a greater ‘sport’ than hunting, which my worthy opponent says one must ‘ work at’ in order to be successful, aud ns ‘work’ is very far from being ‘sport’ according to oqr definition, Í take it the negative are several sled-lengths ahead of our oppon­ ents on the question nt this date. But this is not all, Mr. Chair­ man. Is lugging a heavy gun through the brush, and over logs, and up, and down pathless mount­ ains, a ‘sport’ to be compared with the slender rod and line of the angler? My worthy opponent truly says of the hunter, ‘ he works at it,” and as I have said before, ‘ work is not sport,’ and novel- was but the angler as he trips along the brook side, why even tho poet has been smitten with the charm of of this elegant amusement, and As our stenographer was absent, breaks out' in the rhapsody of 1 cannot pretend to a complete re­ port o f tliis speech, or the many song: others made on this occasion. ( appla use) Hh how I d> wish Harry filled his time in good shape That I was a fish and concluded by saving: “ The true hunter is a man with a large To bo cun a lit by my sweet Kitty Clyde. And so the girls went fishing iu soul, a brave man seeking his game in dangerous places. Ho the long ago, just as they do now, shows his hand. He don’t go like aud that is another reason why the angler prowling nlong the river ‘fishing’ is a better Nport than hunt­ hank with a horilt and line, seek­ ing. Whoever heard of a girl’s go­ ing to begile harmless fish with ing a hunting for ‘amusement,' and nothing better than worms or grass­ very few indeed of woman-kind hoppers to offer in exchange for ever taking to the "woods with a But a girl the life he tokes, and-------” time be­ gun, for any purpose. ing called, Harry sat down amid doarly loves to pull out trout, be­ great applause from the hunter side cause that is sport, and when a girl cant tell the difference between of the house. ‘sport’ and ‘hard work,’ you neod- W e were now all eagar to see ’nt look any further. (applause) some choice stock right at home. able to offer this great farm paper and the H e r a l d for the price of how Caleb would do, with grave I Gertie Green caught the biggest doubts as to his being able to fill fish of any one in our party, and I the H e r a l d aloue— $1.50, for tho Hogs Wanted. his time, hut the ‘careful bov had guess she can tell you what sport next 30 days. Who will be the been taking notes, and we were not it was. ( “Hurrah for Gertie.) | Messrs. L. N. Barnes & C o., of first to take advantage o f tbis op­ long left in doubt. He began at “ Now Mr. Chairman, having the Bandon Packing Honse, wants portunity? This is a great offer once. knocked my worthy opponent’s fat hogs for which they pay the ONE-THIRD EASIER- for our farmers and dairymen. "Mr. Chairman: Ihave been a j alleged argument (?) into smither­ highest market price, spot cash. ONE-THIRD FASTER. «-»•► « whole lot intcresfed in the tall talk eens, I would be justified in taking I'ltn lrr n ■ n ln n t iim . of my able and elequent opponent. my seat, but I must add that when R-I.r-A.N-S Tabnles The only Sewing Machine that This has long been regarded as It was flowery and great, but sir, | ‘hunting’ is set up as the first im­ Doctors fiod | oes 11 it fail in any point. if you, or any one uf the audience ! portant employment of mac, my one of the most dangerous nnd fa­ A good prescription R O T A R Y M O TIO N A N D B A L L B E A R I N G S . The lightest run can tell what he said about the ! able(?) opponent shows his lack of tal diseases to which infants are sub- j For mankind. ning machine in the world. R A P I D — saves about one day in three ‘uporf of hunting. I ’d like to have i Bible reading. Can he tell us when ject. It can be cured, however, j The 5-cent packet is enough for n«nal oc- sewing that much faster than any vibrating shuttle sowing machine Was when properly treated. you do it. He made out, if he Adam ever went ‘hunting?’ All that is (MHion*. The family bottle (6Q cental con­ Mine time is savfd, more m ney earned. tain« a «apply for h year. All droggintt made out anything, that there was . not the first employment of the first necessary is to give Chamberlain’s Quiet anddurahlo. The rotary motion doe away with noise and «ell them. lots o f hard work' about it, all of j man, according to Bible history, Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Reme­ -«•* • wear caused hv tho forward and hack warn movement of the shuttle. whicli the negative is willing to that of an agriculturist? Wasn't be dy and castor oil. aa directed with General office for. Ih« t'ecific Coast at 9;)3 Market S t , San Francisco pur butter Boxes and Gubefi, go concede, hat that is'nt the ques­ a gardener? (Applause.) Didn't he cacti buttle, and a cure it certain, 1903 Q o o s Q ounty A cademy 1904 STEEL PENS THE W h e e le r & W ilso n Three Times the Value of Aqy Otljer.... tion My point is, th«( he and all hi» family live qq the fruits fu r Sain hv It S, Knoiyltofp to J- (!■ PW», CUpiillf