Coquille Citi) limitò. VOL 20. D E N T I S T J. Curtis Snook, D. D. S. COQUILLE CITY, OREGON, TUESDAY, JULY 7, 1903. On a Mountain I rail. B y R obert R o la n d . len, Bessie Beadle, Frankie Faith­ ful, Mildred Mindful, AnDa Ash. land, Maudie Merrigold, Amanda Angel, Eliza Epsom, Minty Marvel, Ethel Engle, Fannie Friendly, Mary Mirthful, Florence Finish, Kate Kroroer, Alice Artless, Sarah Saygood, Winnie Winkle, Clara Coleman, Cynthia Cyrcal, Ruth Rankin, Gertrude Green, Dorothy Darliug, Arabel Arlington, and Na­ omi Nutting. Office ever Johnson, Dean & Co’* The huntsmen of the T. T. C., were: Charley Crane, Richard Rich­ market. Coquille, Oregon. land, Harry Happyland, Marion Morrison, Johnnie Jameson, and Isaac Immen They were a sturdy g G. D. Holden, six, aixteen and seventeen years of age. all the junior of “ Sol” in X ja -w r 3 r © r . years, though singly and alone Justice of the Peace, City Recorder. each one would out weigh him in The minutes ot the last meeting X J . S . Commissioner avoirdupois. were then read and approved, and General Insu ance Agent. They were a hearty lot- I did under the 4th order of business, Notary Public. not know how they could shoot, the eleetion of new members being Office in Robinson Building. but I did not ihink any of th em taken up, Joans«, Romulus and C o q u il l e , O beoow . would run away from danger or Eliza Workman were elected, nnd leave a comrade in the lurch. “ Sol" signed the Constitution, and I knew to be a good shot, and he Rnlph’s baby, little “ cherub” Ready, had a pair of legs that woald never and Solomon Shiftless were made A J. Sherwood, stand by and aee hia body abused. honorary members amid great ap­ I had faith in “Sol,” while his am­ plause. A t t o r n e y - a1 L a w -. munition held out, but soon there­ There being no miscellaneous C o q u il l e C it y , C oos C o u n t y , O rboon . after, I should expect to see him business for the evening, the pro­ vanishing through the brush like Notary tublio. gram was taken up, and disposed one who stood “ net on the order of on schedule time. The new of his going," but “ went! But he Schoolmistress gave a reading, and had a winchester, and it’s maga­ Joanna Workman celebrated her F. Hall, zine was always full, which was a coming into the Club by a very pa­ good point in favor ot bis bravery. thetic rendering of Burns’ cele­ John A-ttorney . at - L aw . With “ Sol” for Captain of the squad, I had no fear of their get­ ting lost, and there was little dang­ Denim in R kal E state o f »II kinds. er of anything else, unless— by ac­ J. E. HAYNF.8. cident they should shoot one an­ SHAD HUDSON, other. I gave them abuodant cau­ tion on that score, and saw them Hudson & Haynes, “ put for the woods" the next morn­ ing full of life, and determined to lin in g and Real Estate Agents bring in some game. lii'.kley, Carry Connty, Oregon. Th.tse of us who remained broke 1 I W E vnlaable Mmes. F sim s, Stock I 1 itniichea and Timber Lands for sale. up into different parties, one of which went out for fish; as merry Mouse and fi «ores of l»nd well improved lot of boys and girls were ns ever Wilbnr, Douglas oountjr, O r., for sale, exchange for propertv in M jrtle Fouit out for a vacation. Another squad went up to Ralph's ranch to see “ that baby" and gather wild flowers, while stiil a good quota was left with me to interview the school house, and decorate it, and prepare fuel for our evening ses­ sion. This “ temple of education” was built of logs, and was quite large and roomy. It had a “shake” roof, held in place by prfles laid across them on the outside, the body logs below being well “ chinked” and the room ceiled up inside with split L e t ’s W a d e R i g h t in to fir lumber. The floor nnd desks and seats, nnd Teacher’s table nnd th e S u b je c t door were made of the same ma­ The 1903 season will be the great­ terial. There was no ceiling, except est bicyclo season ever known. The the roof, whose reasoDnble heighth finest equipped nrd most up-to-date and sloping sides gave it’s inward wheels that Coquille riders ever laid finish, quite an architectural goth­ their eyes ou will be kept in slock ic (?) appearance. From the top at right prices, and if you want one logs under the eaves, sundry poles, say so. clean and white, bereft of their IVe want your trade, and we are bark, spanned the room over head entitled to it, because we hav« to “ tie the house together,” and good goods, right prices, and enn capital things to hang garlands on, servo you well. You don't expect and wreath with evergreens. For any more, but you want that much, that school house there was noth­ don’t you. ing about it or it’s furniture, not tak­ To be brief, try us and our goods, en rough from the woods, except and our way of treating you, and if the nails and hardware, the teach, you like us try us again. We want er's chair, a water pail and cup, and the blackboard; which latter was your business. Enough said. a “ board” only by courtesy, beiDg Leep & Fish. a “ slice” from a ship-wrecked schooner,s sail, about four by eight feet square, securely fastened to b a y the wall, and painted black. As there was a split board wall behind it, and the canvas thick aD J solid, it filled it's purpose well. C. W. PATERSON. Prop. Now as we are liable to have quite an evening program, let roe hasten .Vtannfaotarer of Marble Monument*. Hea 1- nnd say, the new school mis­ utonefi. Tablets, eto. The school cemetery lota enclosed with stone ooping tress came at noon. or curbing. Iron railings furnished to or­ house was decorated, the hunters der. Correspondence solicited from parties iving in the oountry or other towns who came in with some small game— may wish anything in my line of business phesants aud squirrels—and were M v m ip n **» O bso sure of a deer next trip, the fisher boys and girls had better luck than yesterday, and nobody fell in the To tYie "U nlortunate river, and those who went up to Ralph's, reported a grand time, those who remained at home Dr. Gibbon while with me, were all so busy, it was T his old reliable nna most successful spec­ evening before we know it,—yet ialist in San Francis­ when the time came for President co, still continues to Harry to call the Club to order, care all 8exnp! and we were as ready for business as Sem inal Diseases, isncb ns Gonorrhes- though we had “ worked at it a G l e e t . S t r . o t n re, We had oven provided the S y p h ilis, in nil it. week.” ____forms. Skin Diseases. President with a home made gavel, t N e r v o u s Debility, and when it fell for the first time In.potency. Seminal Weakness and Loss cf Manhood j the consequence of self-abuse that evening, that school house was ami excesses producing the following sympa packed as it had never been packed t o m s : Sallow counUnanoe, dark spots un­ der the eyes, pain in the head, r i t f ng in before, or never would be again af­ the ears, loss of oonBdenoe, ^ithiDmc ter we left. approaciflkig strangers, RJ*!I *i *^2Lii For the first time the President heart, weakness of the li^ b s in« of memory, pimples on fcho * i now had an “ Order of business” on consumotion etc. bis table, and the second order DK. GIBBON has prac* in * I _ being “ Roll call of officers and oisco over 3 7 yearsan 3 thos^^k»i' members,” was soon completed as to not fail to consult him and recqi flit of his great skill and expm officers, and ns but few members doctor oures when others faik. bad signed the Constitution and CLU ES G U A K A N T E E D . Peftqfi at home. Charges reasonable, Bv Law, a recess was declared for write. DK.J.F.OIB the purpose of getting all the club- G25 Kearnev strict. S i;i Fr.iucssio itea mimes on the legal list, which when completed was aa follows: B oys : Harr7 Happyland, Janies IVeprmnptly obtain U. 8. and Foreign Jameson, Billy BillingB, E lgar En­ glewood, Charlie Crane, Roger Rumple, Sammy Snooks, Richard Richland, Ray Royal, Willing Wil- ilams, Alonzo Argyle, Henry Hope­ f 3end model, sketch or photo of invention for r free report on patentability. For free book, ful, Oliver Optic, Marion Morrison, r Howto Secure'TD A n C I I A D I f C write ’ Psten * “ I Caleb Careful, Clarence Clearaigbt, ' James Jakeway, Eben Evargny. Daniel Danfortb, George Oaylrrd, Everett Earnest, Robert Rainfall, Isaac Immen, Newton Nubkma, ] O pposite U. S. Patent Office and Philander Phillips. > W A S H IN G T O N . D. Q 1 G irls : Susie Sensible, Ada At 1 ^ - v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v a A A *' M AR SH FIELD, OREGON. 1903 SEASON. ooe M e and Stone Worts PATENTS brated poem: “ Man wan Made to Mourn." Caled Careful, Vice-Pres­ ident, gave “ Hamlet’s Soliloquy." Naomi Nutting also recited a beau­ tiful poem by nobody knows who, entitled “ The Isle of St Brandon,” located, nobody knows where. A number of stirring patriotic songs, gave interesting variety to the pro­ gram, which had now leached Un­ cle Robert’s promised hunting story for which there were loud calls from various parts of the house. a short story . "It was a long time ago, my dears,” said “ old Unk,” getting upon his feet like a spritely youth of sixteen; “ way back in the lost centnry; ami I must be brief as possible, not to keep these good people with us too late. I was a sturdy youth ot eghteen, about to leave the old farm, for the city high school, and the wide, wide world beyond. It was a September raid-afternoon, and I, the ouly man about the place, it being Saturday, and father aud my older brother having gone to the city that morning, nnd I having attended a quilting frolic the night beforo, was having ‘a day off,’ to sleep and rest up; but it so happened that my dog, Gelert, and I were out for a walk through the fields at the time mentioned, and were returning, when not far from the barn I saw coming up through the lane, nnd iDto the field, and right at us, on an easy gallop, an immense buck deer. Both Gelert nod I were astonished at hi» audacity, for he came at us so straight; if I bad not swung my hat and yelled, he might have run over us. At my command the dog stood still, and Mr. Buck sailed -past us not len feet away. He way a splen­ did. beautiful animal, with horns on his head like a rocking chair. Then I told Gelert to “ go for him,” and away they went over an elevation out of sight, aud resuming my way toward the barn, never expected to see that deer again. “ Presently I heard a furious bark- iog over the bill, and went back to see what the matter was, and soon coming in sight saw the deer had turned upon the dog and was giv­ ing him battle. He was in a little swail or swampy place not yet clear­ ed out (for the farm was a new one) between two Urge trees which had fallen across each other making a “V ” shaped pen, with Gelert standing guard at the opening, raising a furious racket- while Mr. Buck was shaking his horns and mak­ ing savage plunges at bis as­ sailant. Aa I ran down the slope I gathered up half a dozen stones as big as my fist—all I could hang on to, for there were plenty there, nnd jumping upon one of the logs, I rushed into the fight. Wbeu Gelert saw me coming to the rescue he sailed in and grnblied the mad­ dened animal by the nose, only lo be to flung into the air, while I — having spent all my ainnuition — every stone bitting the buck some­ where, jumped off the log and seiz­ ed him by the horns, only to be Hent flying after the dog, but we both rushed in again. Uncle Robert say­ ing to himself, "W ell, Old Cnap, if you’re not going to run away, we'll have you.” “ We had a big tuaHe, the dog at hia nose and I at hia horns, and looking out for his trick, he was not able to throw us aside, and we soon bad him down. As there was about six inches of water in the swail, I rooted his nose into it with inteDt to strangle and drown him. Tbon he struggled to his feet and scattered us abroad a secoud time, spouting blood and water like a whale, for Gelert had chewed bis nose up pretty well by this time. I hadn’t even a jack knife in my pocket, or weapon of any kind, only my fists and feet, and main Ktrength in deadly conflict with that mad animal, so I began to lo ok around for a club. I found one of oak about three inches thick at the big end nnd running back on one of those logs standing above, gave him a terrible blow across the shoulders. Then I battered his nose to pieces, but on accouut of his great branching horns, could not get a fair twipe at his head. Finally I thought of his legs, and two good blows broke two of them and we got him down at last, never to rise again. I then straddled his back and plunged his nose into the water again. He still had strength to refuse to he drownd, but made no effort to get up, with two of his beautiful legs broken, nnd as he seemed inclined to give up the con­ test, I laid hiB head across a bog, and standing astride of our victim, at last got in a square solid blow down between those branching horns across his forehead and that settled the business. There was just room for mr club to make this death blow, and as he now lay quiet I gave him enough more to dash out the animal's brains. It was full time, as Gerlc t nndl wero about as near whipped as might be, and both of us, a sight to behold. I went into the fight in my shirt sleeves, having on a vest, pantaloons and boots I came out of it with my clothing in shreds, covered with water, mud and blood, and my faithful dog was perfectly willing to lie down and rest, and quench his thirst with the muddy water of our battle field. The house was a good half mile away, and leaving Gelert on guard, away I rushed to get a butcher knife wherewith to cut the dead deer's throat. I was not gone long, but was in the house long enough to frighten mother out of her wits by shouting, “ Mother! Mother! Where’s the butcher knife! I've killed a deer! I ’ve killed a deer!” And getting my eye on the carver, I grabbed it and ran. I found Gelert with his eye on our quarry, and he had good rea­ son, for it had been our joint fight wherein the mad animal might have killed either of ub , but for the oth­ er,- and alone perhaps neither would have succeeded in captur­ ing the game. He was a monsterous animal. After I hail cut his throat and disemboweled him, I could not get the carcass out of that swail alone, but by this time my brother hav­ ing returned from the city, and be­ ing informed by mother of my ad­ venture, I pood heard his shout, which being amwered, he was not long finding me, whereupon we cut the creature’s ham string, slung the carcass on a pole and lugged it in with Gelert strutting along be­ side the procession with his tail in the nir. I sold that bucks pelt and hind quarters in the city Monday for a five dollir bill, and so my day after the quitting, proved profitable af­ ter nil. And this my dears and friends, is the only veniton I ever killed, though on and before that time I hud carried a rifle huudreds of miles through the woods, and some times shot at them, but they were always on the move, having seen ms first. “ A true story Uncle Robert, queried the President “ True as you and I are here, ray hoy, and I have a prong of oue of that same deer’s horns with me now in Oregou, though this adventure took place many years ago, 3000 miles from where I tell the story. I made a cane of that stout oak club, and lost it the first time I wore it away from home. Didn’t need a cane last century any more than now.” Within fifteen minutes silence reigned in and about, the dark, de­ serted school house, and as the crowd betook themselves to various trails, I linger long enough to sav to my readers, “ we will see you all agnin next week.” Va\e. ------------------ The beef eaters are in league with the beef trust to raise the price of beef. The fool killer has a better record since the automobile has come in as an ally. The Cunard Steamship Compauy has contracted for two new ships at a cost of $6,250,000, They are to be 780 feel long, and will have a speed of twenty-six knots an hour. The retention of H. H. Rand as "confidential clerk" to the Postmas­ ter General argues a moral obliquity which should be regarced as a dis­ qualification for any Cabinet Office. A Honolulu paper of May 28th has a cablegram announcing that the President's secretary, in an inter­ view, proclaim Roosevelt’s candidacy O, Mr. Loch, how sudden you are! The pay of the United States army is $37,000,000 a year. The Commissary department uses $32, 000,000, The expenditures on rivers, harbors nnd foieit, annuals 1 amount to $16,000,000. The pay of the navy ia $15,000,000 nod the annual coat of vessels if $20,000, 000. Dram Normal. NO 52 Coquille Furniture The thir l commencement of the Normal under the present manage­ ment occurs Thins lay, June 11th. The year has been the most pros­ perous of the three, aud the at­ tendance the best. In February we sent a large daps before the county hoird of examin­ ers, all of whom passed with good margins. One state certificate re­ MANUFACTURERS of Butter Boxes, Cubes, Apple and Fruit Boxes sulted. Cabinets, Tables, Counters, Store Fronts, etc Calls for teachers have been Turning W o rk s Specialty. All Orders given greater than before and have far prompt Attention. exceeded the supply. The review class will be contin­ ued; it has been a boon to many. We have a business course unsur­ passed in the state. It is fasci­ nating, thorough, and practical. Our graduates succeed as teach­ ers. Every department of work is strong, and our students are of the best. Drain is still a state school, sup­ ported by state appropriation, is­ GOLDEN BUILDING. COQUILLE CITY suing diplomas that have a mean­ ing in Oregon. No sham work is 2Ceep con san tly on H a n d 3Pr®sn 2vCear, done. For information address J. H . O r c u t t , of -A_ 1 j . HClndLe. President. and BOX FACTORY J - O - F ish A S o n s, P ro p s- Drone & rçay, Butchers, Canned B e e f nad P ick led Pork. At Hawkins'. Cash Paid for Hides in any Quantity Juby Trimmings, 35 ot. grade, now.........................................$ .20 Fine Brussel Curtain Netting, 3 yards fo r ................................. 1 00 Curtain Swiss, 15 ct grade 10 Lace Curtains, SI.50 grade 1 25 Ladies’ Chimisetts, 25ct grade now........................................... 15 Fine Handkerchief Linen, re­ duced to 50 and 60 cents. Butcher’s Linen reduced to 30 and 40 cents. You will find the latest in spring and summer Millinery Tape Girdle Corsets reduced to............................................... 65 at my store. Girdle Corsets, pink, White, Dress Trimming and Fancy Goods in General. Stamp­ and Blue................................. 95 ing done to order. White, Cream and Black all over Lace, from 20 cents to $2.00 T h e la te st in MILLINERY at M s. G* La. M oon’s Mrs. C. Moon Sanderson Building near the Wharf. Two tor the Price ot One- We have made arrangements with the publishers of the A M E R ­ ICAN F A R M E R by which we are nble to offer this great farm paper and the H erald for the price of the H erald alone— $1.50, for (he next 30 daye. Who will be the first to take advantage of this op­ portunity? This is n great offer for our farmero and dairymen. -------» »>> --------- 1903 . Q oos Q ounty A cademy 1904 We agree with the editor who Hays that this government has a di­ rect interest in the Kischineff situa­ This school, which has been in successful operation during eight months of the past school year, will open its Second Annual tion, for the massacres, coupled Session Monday, October 5, and continue for Eight with the order of the Russian gov­ Months. ernment to