îie fu lô . VOL W. DENTIST COQUILLE CITY, OREGON, TUESDAY, JUNE 9, 1903. NO 48 v is ■" I S On a Mountain Trail. here," and becomes a pleasant re­ member of the Tip Top Club,” Council Proceedings ality as well, in the wild woods of with an unusual amount of hand B y R o b o t R oland . Oregon. clapping. (Regular Session) Regular monthly session of the ‘‘Oh Uncle Robert, the furies When order was restored, Billy Office over Johnson, Dean A Co’« rContinued from last week.] In the morning the Tip Top-ers have been here too,’’ exclaimed Billings, being already on his feet Common Council was held at their market. Coquille, Oregon. and Eben said- rooms in Robinson’s building ou j were early on the move, all more Maudie Merrigold, than anxious for another mountain Evergay “ reckoned” that that snme “Mr. Presidenti now we are or-, the ist inst. “ old Unk,” was the biggest fairy climb, and thus it was but little af­ ganized, and are a real live club, Present, Councilmen ltarlocker, i ter eight o’clock when they “ hit in all the wilderness, to which - -a Tip Top Club, I ’m awful glad Johnson, Lorenz and Stanley, His there was not a dissenting voice, it didn’t die a bornin’.” the trail,” for a nine mile tramp to X j a w e r , J - G - F is h A Son s, P ro p s- Honor the Mayor, the City Recorder oux- next bivouac on the east side of while Oliver, and Harry, and John­ Justice ot the Peace, City Recorder. the second range. “You are out of order sir. and Marshal. nie, aud James, and Edgar, and Also Councilmen MANUFACTURERS of Butter Boxes, Cubes, Apple and Fruit Boxes, Richard, and Alonzo, and Marion, There's no question before the— the U, C o m m is s io n e r , Cabinets, Tables, Counters, Store Fronts, etc. Now as Oregon mountain climb­ and Roger, and Ray, with matches camp fire, and Uncle Robert has Burns and Leach responded to roll- General Insurance A gent. Turning Work a Specialty. All Grders given ing, like Brete Hai ti’s GhgiueerB “to match” made a rush to start the the— the solid earth to finish his call as members of the new council. prompt Attention. Notary Public. “is pretty inuch alike,” we are go­ camp fire, while myself and some report ou Constitution and By Minutes of last meeting, read and Office in Robinson Building. ing over this range much quicker of the others started a fire in the Laws.” approved. C oouille , O bkoon . than the first one, only saying that “shack,” and interviewed the barn. The monthly report of the City Whereupon the aforesaid commit­ the ascent was more gradual, and Everything was in ft, “get-there- easy; a long swooping grade for aUd-enjoy-yourselves,” condition, tee continuing it’s report said; “ Mr. Recorder, Treasurer and Marshal, nearly five mile, with the ascending and as it was only mid-afternoon, President, as I was saying some were read refered to Finance Com­ pathway visable in many places far after the fires were started and the time ago, when Sammy Snooks mittee. Also the annual report of ahead, und our long line in going party rested up a bit, President sniped in and interrupted me, we City Treasurer Knowlton, was read Attorney - at Law-. round the “nose” of a canyon, be Harry Happyland called the club can only make a verbal report now, u ' juii . l e C it y , C o $ b C ounty , O kbuon . and referred to same Committee. ing oftentimes on bofli sides of it to order, about the big fire out­ which is to this effect; to wit: Notary ir oblio. This report shows a healthful C onstitution . at once— our rifle-men in advance, side, and said the report of the balance of the general funds, and far above those who brought up committee on Constitution any By- Article L the rear. Then we would send Laws, would now be in order, and S ec . i . This Club shall be known will be published in full, later on. greetings, and cheers back and asked if they were ready to re­ and hailed, as the Tip Top Club. GOLDEN B U IL D IN G , COQUILLE CITY E. G. D. Holden City Recorder, forth, as the happy line swept on, port S ec . ii . It shall hold it’s regu­ elect for the current year, furn­ ICeep consantly on Hand E’xesli Meat, and up, and still on and still up.. a t t o r n e y . a t - i_ ,a -w . “ They are Mr. President,” said lar stated meetings, when and ished kis bond in the sum of $1000, It did not begin to be the hard MAHSHFIËLD, OKEGON. of-A-ll 2 Cind.s climb of our first day out. The Uncle Robert, with that dignity where it pleases, when ever out on with two securties, which said bond ------- m ? -------- D e a le t in K k a l E s tâ t « o f a ll kin d s. scenery was much the same, and which so well becomes him, and is a vacation, or at the call of the Pres­ was duly approved by the Council ident. so natural, when be is about to ad­ the Club knowing more now about C a n n e d B e e f a n d P i c k l e d P o rk . aud filed with His Honor the J. E. HAYNES SHAD HUDSON, what was before them, swept along dress an ‘assembled multitude,’ S ec . iii . Any Kid, or Kidess, up grade, with a determination, but owing to the absence of writ­ who can climb a mountain, and Mayor, which at every step seemed to say, ing material, and of time (or such sleep in a “shack,” or on the Councilman Burns was appointed “This is’nt the Alps! but if it was, I important duties, as well as the ground, is eligible to member­ on the street committee, in the study of a great— groat— great— big Mining and Real Estate Agents would conquer it/” Nothing wiil Grandfather cedar, and the fire- ship. place of retiring Councilman Lorenz. make heroes, and heroines of child­ S eo . iv . Nothing goes here unless Said committee now consisting of Eckley, Curry County, Oregon. ing of many log heaps; they have ren as quickly as mount climb­ AVE valuable Mines, Farms, Stook All candidates who T h e l a t e s t in not elaborated said Constitution unanimous. Councilmen, Harlocker, Burns and Ranches and Timber Lands for sale. ing. and By Laws quite as much as cannot pass a clear ballot, will Johnson. There’s so much to prompt their they will endure. In a word Mr. have to go over the trail alone. House and 6 acres o f land well improved Wilbur, Dongles county, Or., for sale, A petition was received, nutaef- energies; something different at President, we can only make a S ec . v. We are all good fellows. exchange for property in Myrtle Point every turn ot the trail, to absorb verbal report now, promising later ously signed by ^property owners, B y L aws . a t M s . C . L . M o o n 's attention; call forth admiration, on to put everything in cold for the gradiug and planking (or Article I. and make them forget weariness. type.” S ec . i . No person under ten finishing with everything just as And then— it’s such a school for You will find the latest in spring and summer Millinery Then Sammy Snooks wanted to years of age, or over eighteen good) of Second street, between B lessons in perseverance; so much to shall be eligible to membership. know “ who’s the Club anyway”— at my store. or Main aud C streets. Reiered win by keeping, “everlastingly at S ec . ii . No member shall make a to committee on street. The follow­ it.”— No great flights; no tobog­ and Kate Kromer answered— “why Dress Trimming and Fancy Goods in General. S tam p ­ gan slides, but one step at a time, all of us goosey, and Uncle Rob­ motion or speak on a question with-’ ing bills were allowed, the Recorder ing done to order. ert’s our big— honorary mem­ out taking off his hat, and respect­ does the business. decided to draw his warrants in pay­ ber.” fully addressing the chair. When wo reached the crest, we S ec . hi . The foregoing section ment of same. “I guess not Miss Kate— until halted, and rested, nnd lunched. Sanderson Building near the Wharf. We also took in the picturesque we’re organized,” put in Charlie does not apply to the girls, as to D, Tiller, I240 feet piling for wharf 5, cts per foot..$ 62 00 scene before us, where were other Crane, and Richard Richland hats, but they must address the mountain waves of everlasting thought we were organized, “as we chair, the same as “any other man.” Geo. H. Collier, hauling S ec . iv Any member, who does green; saw other patches of snow have elected a President and Secre­ Councilmen to RinkCreek 3 00 L et's Wade Right into on distant not subside when called to order, peaks, while far away tary.” Lee Goodman, Marshal’s the Subject to the right, a gap in the mount­ “ But nobody’s joined yet”— sang shall forfit their Membership, and 9 0 3 salary, May, 1903............ 40 00 1 The 1903 season will be the great­ ain fastness, revealed to us the 10- out Ray Royal, “and I guess a Pres­ be put upon the returning trail at E. G. D. Holden, Sundry est bicycle season ever kuown. The cation of “Jones River,’’ and re- ident and a secretary don’t make on ce. finest equipped and most up-to-date vived in our mind the story we a Club,— even for baseball!” Recorders fees month of S ec v. Every member shall sign wheels that Coquille riders ever laid had heard of the grand gorge, aud this Constitution and By Laws, and May 1903, and cash ex­ “Ob you get out” shouted Will­ take a solemn pledge never to do their eyes on will be kept in stock Jones River Falls.” We also be­ pended.............................. 30 75 ing Williams, “I guess we are all At right prices, aud if you want one gan to note evidences of pioneer anything, that is’nt, “Tip Top.” L. Hatcher, teaming, Sun- life, since in valleys miles away, in it, but to settle the whole thing stay so. S ec . vi Any member, who refuses Mr. President, I move, a motion, drys................................... 2 to open fields were to be seen, with We want your trade, and we are that we all vote ourselves members, on neglects, to fill any place on a entitled to it, because we have occasional buildings scattered here, and go on conquorin’ and to con­ program, for which they may be Lyons Estate, lumber Dec. 1 9 0 4 These openings re­ good goods, right prices, and can and there. 22, 1902 to May 1 1903, quer. If auy one’s nfraid, let ’em seleoted, shall be debarred, from at­ tending the two succeding meet­ serve you well. You don't expect minded me of a view on the Alle- take the back trail, for home.” inc..................................... 33 58 This school, which has been in successful operation during eight months ings, and be sent to bed. anymore, but you want that much, ghany-Baltimore & Ohio R. R., of the past school yoar, will open its Seoond Annual Geo. A. Robinson, rent for “Support the move,” and “ sup­ where far away across a great val­ don’t you. S ec vii No person shall be elect­ Session Monday, October 5, and continue for Eight May 1903............ ,............ 2 00 ley, was an opening in the woods, port the motioD,” came from a score To be brief, try us and our goods, about as big os a ¡ejstage stamp, of lips; UDcle Robert meanwhile ed an honorary member of this Frank Dulley y days work Months." • club, except by unanimous vote, of nnd our way of treating you, and if which the car porter told me was looking smilingly on. The Following Courses are Offered: on water works................. 1 50 all the members, you like us try us again. We want a forty acre wheat Seld. He seem­ “I don’t think the motions in COMMON SCHOOL, NORMAL, S ec . viii No persons shall be elec­ J. T. Little three trips with your business. Enough said. ed to think that an astonisher, but order,” said the President, “I think HIGH SCHOOL, ACADEMIC, ted an honerary Member, who is team to Rink Creek........ 7 50 I was from a country, where a to become members, we ought to less than one years of age, or over A. COMMERCIAL, MUSIC, Leach, services as field of that acreage would be sign something, and swear to sup­ one hundred counted a garden patch. I made port the Constitution of the United special police.................... 2 00 Tuition per Term of Twelve Weeks, Payable in advance: S ec , ix . Jefferson’s Manual and 0 0 0 8 B A Y no comment, but kept my eye on States— give more of those rascally Common School Course, Grades 1 to 4 ............................... • 6 0 B R. S, Knowlton, Sundry for <* •• « “ 5 to 7 ............................... 7 50 the spot as long as possible, rather Philipinos the water cure, and let Cushing’s Manual, and Robert’s Recorders office and elec­ 11 « a a 8 ............................... 8 00 expecting to see it slide into the colored men vote way down in Rules of Order, shall be the parlia­ tion purpose..................... 5 80 Normal Course ................................................................. $8 00 to 10 00 mentary guide boards of this club, valley. Alabama.” R. S. Knowlton salary as C. W. PATERSON, Prop. High School Course, Grade 9 to 11 ........................................... 860 “Hear— hear—them’s my senti- pointing the trail to fame. Near the foot of the second Sec. x This constitution and by-* menti,” shouted Johnnie Jameson, City Treasury past year... 50 00 Academic Course, Grados 12 to 13 ........................................ 9 W range, we came upon the largest M/mufaotarer o f Marble Monument*. Hea 1- stream we had seen, since we left “Hurrah for old glory, and the laws arc only subject to amendment Total............. 240 18 Commercial Course, Elementary .................................................... 10 00 stonen. Tablets, eto. by a three forths majority, after “ “ Advanced ........................................................ 12 00 oemetery lots enolosed with stcue copinR the liitle steamer. Like all streams American Eagle.” Councilman Stanley and ex-coun- or curbing. Iron railings furnished to or­ in or about the mountains, it was Vocol and Instrumental Music 25 cents to 50 cents per Lesson. “ Question— question —q u e s tion two days notice in writing, at a cilman Lorenz who consented to do der. Correspondence solicited from parties ifin g in the ooaiitrv or other town« whd “in a rush,” hurrying to find it’s — came from all sides of the camp regular meeting. A reasonable reduction will bo made to students desiriDg to take may wish anything in my line o f business level somewhere, but rarely ever fire. S ec , xi . We are all "Tip Top" alittle more good work in order to M iR S H risT o - O h io a mixed Course. fully earn his salary were appointed good fellows. to do it, until it reaches the ocean. “Now youv’e had your little spirt Spec, inducements will bo given to a limited number of teachers On the other shore our trail ffiiw all round,” said Caleb Careful— “ Mr President; I move the 'dop- a special committee to designate To tlie "O mortunate led through an exteftiive slash­ “Let us hear what Uncle Robert tion of report oi the Commit­ proper locations for new telephone bearing Certificates and taking the Normal Course. tee,” promptly put in Henry Hope­ poles. ing. A large tree felled across the has to say about it.” Circulars with full Courses of Study issued soon. For furthe Council adjourned until stream, assists us in passing without “Uncle Robert has the floor al­ ful, and the motion, being second­ Monday June 22 inst at 8 o’clock p. particulars call on or address inccident, and we are soon climb­ ready remarked the President, “nnd ed by a dozen voices from all sides, .A. H ZM TTX j TCEY, Superintendent. m. subject however to call of His T his o ld reliable and ing over the smaller U>gs and go­ if you had imt interrupted his re­ was put, aDd carried amid uproaro- most suooessful speo- Coquille, Oregon. Honor the Mayor, in case a meeting us, applause, after which on motioD ing round the big ones, followine l inlist in San Fraceis- port, I g u ff! he'd had it all f oo, still continues to the snake-like trail, until on straight before this time. Now of Frankie Faithful the club ad­ should be necessary before that Xe all Sexual and the margin of a dense wood, we time. you’ll keep in order, or I ’ll ad­ journed until after supper. al Diseases, ff Gonorrhes- find ourselves up against a gate. journ the Club.” Thus full or great expectations, t l e e t , 8 t r i o t n re, We bad not seen a fence, for the for the evening, having fully filled H i * I.N «t H in | ir K e n l i z c i l . I S y p h ilis . in all it “ Ain’t no club yet.”— (lie space allotted me,— will nsk gform s, Skin DiseaHes, very good reason there was none, “ Can’t adjourn ’thout a motion.” my readers, to consider this, semi- [F , om the Sentinel, Gebo, Mont. J » N e r v o u s Debility. but there were some trees felled ill Im potonoy, Seminal Weakness and Loss c f “ Where’ll you git for when you adventurous tale, adjourned un­ lu the first opening of Oklahoma Manhood, the consequence o f self-abuse a row; brush piled upon them, tmd TMI STANDARD PENS EVERYWHERE I 50 Stylet and excesses producing the following sympa in places topped out with ’journ,” and several other kindred til next week. to setlers in 1889, the editor of this toms: Sallow countenance, dark spots un­ poles, all after the fushon of pion­ remaiks came from sundry future paper was among the many seekers ». i. ESTERBROOK STEEL PEN C O . ^ M «>., in , v « r . der the eyes, pain in the head, ringing in statesmen, when Susie Sensible after fortune who made the big the ears, loss o f oonfldenee, diffidence in eer fencing, since time began. Wilkes Booth Lived spproaobing strangers, palpitation o f the race one fine day in April. During But this gate does not halt our raised her hand and said: “ Boys heart, weakness o f the limbs and back, loss of memory, pimples on the faoe, oougbs- gait long, and we nre soon in the you ought to be ashamed of your­ Enid, O. T., June 2— Junius Bru­ his traveling about and afterwards Haven’t you any re­ tus Booth, actor and newhow of his camping upon his claim, he en­ consnmotion eto. wild wood ngnin following a level selves. DR. G IBBON has p ractised in San Fran spect for Uncle Robert?” John Wilkes Booth the assassin of countered much bad water, which, oiseo over 37yearsan3 those troubled should trail, which after an hours steady “ Wbat’s the matter with Uncle President Lincoln, identified the together with the severe heat, gave T H E not fa il to oonsult him and reoeive the ben- progress, brought us to another flt o f bis great skill and experience. The opening in the forest; a fair sized, Robert? He’s all right.' Hurrah man who committed suicide here him a very severe diarrhoea which octor cures when others fa il. Try him. chorused a Jaiiusr>14 as his uncle, the assassin. it seemed almost impossibleto check, CLUES G U U tA N T E E l). Persons eared one story “shack;” a comfortable for Uncle Robert,” “We The man lived as David George and along in June the case became st hom e. Charges reasonable. Call ov barn, with a lot of hay therein; a dozen strong voiced lad. write. D R . J . F. GIBBON, spring near by; a lot of fuel ar­ only want to make Harry earn his and, on bis death, K. L. Bates, an so bad he exp^ted to die. One *25 Kearney street. San Francinco ranged for n camp fire, at a safe salary.” attorney in Memphis, came here and day one of his neighbors brought divtnnifiRf ro . • f t * rancher’s “ shack,” Then Uncle Robert put up his fully identified the body and then him one small bottle of Chamber­ 50 YEA R8 and m/iody at home. Inside, was hand, and there was a great went East, and has obtained positive lain’s Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea EXP ERIEN CE the usual big fire place, and plenty calm. identification from the nephew and Remedy as a last hope. A big ddSo was given him while he was rolling of fuel, and provisions. “ Mr. President, the motioD, also of Joseph Jefferson, Clara Now it is the custom of the which has been made, was one the Morris and n score of others. about oWlie ground in great agony, ONE-THIRD EASIER- have been a and in a few minutes the dose was country, under such circumstances committee would have suggested. Bates claims to ONE-THIRD FASTER. for the wayfarer an 1 the pilgrim, The organization may be informal confidential agent of Booth, the repeated. The good effect of the TRADE (VIARnS to enter in, ami make himself at at first, and under the cireumstan. assassin, for years. Bates says the medicine was soon noticed and with­ in an hour the patient was taking D is io n s ’ home, but ns I happened to know cos, it’s the best we can do. The only Sowing Machine that Let man supposed to have been killed C o p y r ig h t » A c . the yoang bachelor homesteader, the question that* everyone pres­ in place of the assassin was Ruddy his first sound sleep for a fortnight. 1 m n >t f nl in noy point. Anyone sending a sketch and deecrlpUon may quickly ascertain onr opinion free whether an who was soon to '(.rove up” on hi- ent, except me, become members, Booth, who settled in Glenrose That one little bottle worked a com­ Invention la probably patentable. Communies- ROTARY MOTION AND H ALL BEA R IN G S. The lightest run ttona atrlotly confidential. Handbook on Patents ! claim, »ul who knew of my pro- and afterwards you can make a Mills, Tex., and conducted a store plete cure, and he cannot help but ning machine in th« world. R A P ID — saves about on* day in three sent free. Oldest agency for seen ring patents. Patents taken throegh Mnnn ft Co. receive feel grateful. The season for bowel posed raid in t h e w i l d e r n e s s , had sort of fifth wheel— honorary work­ nere as John St. Helen. aptrial notice, without charge. In the disorders being at hand euggests sewing that much faster then any vibrating shuttle sewing »»*•,* ’ given m-1 carte hirin' he, to tm-sr ss ing member of me^f you choose," *«•»*------ ------ this item. For sale by R. 8. Knowl- ! Mote time is savril, nv> • • no ney esrned. th- premise ; t ■ s in.' as th >ng i ami so said, so done, it was car­ Qnlot nnddurable The rotary motion doe awny T o A r t * it « o l d in tin«* r>nj . A hJinA.om,!, IllnatnUel ’ •kl,. I k r m t rlr- Ion. mlatinn o f Mif ■Sonlflc tournai. T e n n « f i * in, own. "Tom's iln* tru so i h ried niiiid great applame, and then wear caused by the forward nnd bankwire movement < ♦ - — — Take L ax tliv.* Br«»rno ty iin in * T a b l. tfl. Tno ; toar rocín.»«, IL Soi» by all n.w *a«toro. o n bospi alitr, which am c i- o i motion of Florence Finish, Un­ A il Jrn ;i