604*1*11* City Smalti. PU B LISH E D E V E R Y TU E SD A Y D. F. D e an . E d it o r a n d P ro p rie to r County,. OfflciaÜPaper. Devoted to ih e m aterial and aoeial a oaildintf of the Coquille Valley partionlarly and of Oooa County generally. Subscription, per year, in advance, $1.50 President to Lay Corner Stone. President Roosevelt has signified his willingness to take part in the ceremony of laying the cornerstone of the Memorial Building to Lewis and Clark. Tbif) information is con­ tained in a telegram to the Exposi­ tion Board of Directors received this afternoon. Mr. Roosevalt also states that he will gladly participate in the testimonial to be given A d ­ miral Clark, formerly of the battle­ ship Oregon. Admiral Clark will be a member of the President’s party. The dispatch referred to is as follows: “ Washington, D. C., March 19.— To Henry E. Reed, Secretary Lewis and Clarke Centeunial.— The Presi­ dent has, by letter to Senator Ful ton and myself, stated that some time ago he received through you an invitation to participate in the exercises incident to the laying of the cornerstone of the Lewis and Clark Centennial Exposition, while on his prospective tour, and he now says, if it is possible to arrange for these exercises while he is in Port­ land, he will be very happy to par­ ticipate. The President also says that while at Portland he will be glad to take part if possible, in the testimonal reception to Admiral Clark, who will be a member of his party on this tour. “ Have this program arranged im­ mediately and wire us without de­ lay as to precisely what the pro­ gram will be in each case, and where and at what hours on May 21 will be devoted to these exercises, re­ spectively. Wo mailed Mayor W il­ liams day before yesterday a letter requesting him to wire us as to the program looking to reception of tne President and party. )Signed.) J ohn H. M it c h e l l .” The antagonism of labor to machinery in Oreat Britain has never yielded an inch except upon the strongest compulsion and is still strong and powerful. In proof of this statement Mr. Alfred Moseley relates that a British manufacturer who some months ago bought one of the latest American tool machines on being asked recently by the maker how it worked, replied: “ I cannot tell you; the union has not allowed me to use the machine for an hour.” In sharp contrast to this is tho statement by the same indus­ trial and social investigator in his observations upon the use of machinery in tho United States. He says: “ As the American manu­ facturer works his men harder and pays them more liberally, so he is merciless with his machinery and renews it whenever the slightest in­ crease in efficiency can be gained by so doing. So rapid is the change in appliance that one manufacturer explained his willingness to show the English delegates the secrets of bis machines, saying that before we would have time to copy them in Eirglaud he would have discarded them iu favor of now machinery. He adds that the American work­ man takes to these changes naturally and mentioned ns further illustra tion of American indorsement of labor-saving machinery that one American workman will mind two, three, four, or even eight machine tools, while his British brother will not allow one to be tested in bis shop. Of course, nil of this must result disastrously |to British man­ ufactures and trade, and fiud re­ flection in low wnges and the slow output of products. The Americnu system of “ hustling” may be pre­ judicial to longevity or even of long-continued effectiveness in the ordinary routine of industrial pur­ suits; the pace at which Americans nro going must, perhaps, sooner or later, be slackened. But at present the industrial onergy, inventive genius and mechanical skill of Arner ican is the wonder of the world, and tho despair of English manufactur­ ers.— Oregonian. —♦ • * • * • Salem, Ore., March 10.— Tax pay­ ers in Orogon will pay taxes twice iu 190-1. They will pay the tuxos levied upon the tax roll of 1904. This is due to a chango in the law by which taxes are paid in the fall of the samo year the assessment is made. In order to effect this change it was necessary to make the taxes payable three months earlier fo r nine months later. The collection o f taxes is already three mouths later than it should be, so tho legislature docided to make the taxes payable in the preceding fall rather than in the succeeding fall. Under the now arraugemeuts the counties will have funds earlier and will save some in­ terest on warrants. Taxpayers will feel that they aro bearing a double burden tlie first year, but after that there will be no difference in the amount, pnid in any one year. To the People ot Oregon- Myrtle Point Enterprise. P E R R Y ’S STORE. "Commodore” "Tempest" Coquille Valley Packing Company G i ant Harry, Mgr. Sanford’s Bargains Myrtle Point, N REAL Oregon ESTATE. LYO N S ’ M ILLINERY Ladies, Misses & Childrens Hats. N Lyons’ Millinery Store. The latest in M IL L IN E R Y at Mrs. G. Moon’s Bull Ply mouth Rock O. 1VIoon Poultry Farm, J, R. Stillwell, prop $5 will by an Organ C. 1903 We will bo glad to meet persons from every county iu tho State. Our rooms are located at the Union Depot. Our business, the collection of information at our own expense, and the distribution of tbe same free. All letters of inquiry addressed to tbe Oregon Information Bureau will receive prompt reply, and all information furnished will be used to tho best possible advantage of Oregon. A ll packages and exhibits should be addressed plainly, “ Oregon In­ formation Bureau,” Portland, Ore­ gon, nnd delivered to your nearest railroad station or steamboat land­ ing; free transportation has been provided. C h a 8. E. L ad d , Pres, of Trustees. Secretary. F rank V. D rake , SEASON. ----- .----- --- ■ H I - - ------------ NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. \ J. T. BRIDGES. Hogittnr. . $10 a lloiitli W i l l G e t P ia n o - - - - - - Coauille, Ore. Death’s Harvest -A . For Spot Cash or on Time Payments deprives you of your dear ones. • y o n You can save thiB amount if you will and make yonrjdenr ones happy. No home complete without a piano or an organ. Ifjy o u are looking for beet values I also do all kinds o f repairing in this line at a reasonable figure. Let us W ade Right into Front street, the Subject- W. T. BURTON. Superintendent. LEEP, A ll Kinds ofLeather Goods found in a. Harness Shop». The 1903 season will be the great­ est bicycle season ever known. The finest equippod ned most up.to-dato wheels that Coquille riders ever laid their eyes on will bo kept in stock at right prices, and if you want oue say so. I want your trade, and I am en­ titled to it, because I have good goods, right prices, and can serve you well. You don't expect any more, but you waut that much, don’t you. To be brief, try us and our goods, | and our way of treating you, and if I you like us try us ngain. I want your business. Enough said. W. M. K ill I noswobtii , B. Harness and Saddles NOTICE FOR PU B LIC ATIO N . Department of the Interior, Land office, Uoseburg, Oregon, Feb. 11, United Mtut.« Land Office, 1008. Hone barn, Oregon, March 12, 190.1, Notice in hereby Riven that in compliance Notice is hereby given that the following with the proviaiona of the act of Congress H— d settlor nas filed notice of his inten­ of June 3,1378, entitled "An act for the sale tion to make final proof in support of his of timber lands iu the States of California. claim, and that said proof will be made be­ Oregon.Nevada anil Washington Territory,“ fore L. H. Hazard, County Clerk, at Co- ns extended to all the Pjblto Land Staten qnillc City. Oregon, on March 28, 1903, viz: by aot of August 4, 1892, H. K. No. *.*08A, of John F. Bnllack for the W W of the SW K, Bee. 21. Tp. 27. 8.. R. CAUL F. HENDRICKSON, 12 West. of Orafton, county of Walsh, state of North He names the following witness»« to Dakota, hnn this day filed in this otfioe bis prove his continuous residence npon and sworn statement No. 4002, for the purchase cult vation of said laud, viz: G, W. Stev­ of the Sonthwest of Section No. enson. G. W. Harry. J. B. Dye and F. U. Township No. 28 S., Range No Bnllack. all of uoqnille City, Oregon. II W., and will offer proof to show that the i J. T . B U D O 0 . land sought is mors \atnnble for its timber Register. or stone Ihsn for ngr cultural purposes, and to establish his claim to said land before j E. A. Dodge. U. H. Commissioner for Ore­ gon, at Myrtle Point, Oregon on Tuesdny. the 2nd day of Jane, 1 <3. He names ss wilncanes Andrew M. Siverton, o f Crooks- • • ton. Minn.; Webb Msst; of Lee, Oregon; ! Since Eastern Oregon is nsking W. W Itogera and E. N. Smith, both of j tne reftienduin on the 9105.000 Myrtle Point, Oregon. and all persons elsiming adversely portage law, the people will be in­ the Anv above described lands are requested to clined to argue that the expense of file their claims in this office on or before tho portage should be paid by the said 2nd day o f Jun« 1900. general government. Disappointment Mrs. W. H. Walker returner! Citizens of Portland are maintain­ home Monday from a visit with rel­ ing, at their own expense, a atives in Polk county. Never comes to the customers buying their goods at Bureau of Information, and with it A baby boy arrived to gladcu the an exhibit of the State’s resources, tho object of which is the collection home of Mr. nnd Mrs. Noah Bone- of such facts as will enable them to witz, March 18, loftfi. ........ Dr. T. C. Green nnd son, G. E. | intelligently gu>do the immigrant Green, of Dairyville, were In town | home-seeker and investor. For every dollas you tender the house you get ita equlu­ There are hundreds of such Wednesday en route tc Portland for le nt in value. people landing in Portland every a month’s stay. The business we do has been built on these principles, day without any knowledge of the Roy Shull, a son of B. C. Shull of Black Warrior. country, its resources or opportun­ the South Fork, cut his right foot Thoioug'hbred Cleve­ and it is on these principles we stand. land Bay. ities. badly last Saturday while slashing Dr. White dressed the Heretofore there has been no brush. V G )© S _ 8 Salesman, No. 417 definite plan of action to encourage, wound and reports the injury get­ Scampton Monarch, No. 543 D ry Goods, Groceries, Boots and Shoes. Flourland Sire advise ,or assist such to become ting along nicely. d Cymble, S. B. permanent settlers, and as a conse­ Feed Stock in all Departments complete- John Bartell, Jr, returned to this quence, many who could by such place Wednesday after an absence TEM PEST treatment be secured to the State, of about five years. He is com­ are returning to the East with dis­ E. 8. D EAN, D. H. JOHNSON, E. F. D AVEN PO RT, pelled to go about on crutches as b Bay Chief, No. 459 couraging reports, or drifting to the result of falling off a building President. Vice President. Secretary. 1021 Dam Babe Robios, No. other parts of the West, «'here a at Gray’s Harbor and breaking hi« ! d Mayflower, No. 327 better reception is accorded them. left leg. The Oregon Information Bureau, This Thoroughbred Stallion and Jack will make the season o f 1903 Cooi county is to have another while it is a Portland institution, A meeting was held at at M yrtle Point after the 15th of March, both on the same terms, which aims to cover the entire State, be­ creamery. lieving t^rnt in building up any part Dora last Saturday and a joint will be $15,00 to insure. W ill be a* Coquille till March 15th. (.Successors to Johnson, Demi ,k Co.) of the State, the whole will be ben­ stock company was organized to build and operate a creamery at C a p ita l $ 1 0 ,0 0 0 . efited. Smith creek near Dora. The Principal place of L usìdu * h What the State most needs today creamery will prove a good thing NOTICE OF F IN A L SETTLEM ENT. is development, and this can only be for that community. o t ic e is h e r e b y g iv e n t h a t accomplished by securing and fos­ the undersigned has filed his final tering immigration, and for this aooount as administrator with tho will an- nened,of the estate of Magnolia Morrison, purpose the Bureau was organized. NOTICE FOR PU BLIC ATION. A general packing business carried on. Tho best meats - IN - and the County Court of Coos The State is being thoroughly ad­ Department of the Interior, Land Office at deceased, the country can produce always on baud. Highest cash County, Ktate of Oregon, has set Wednes­ Roseburg, Oregon, Febraary 26, 1903. vertised through the efforts of the day, tne 8th day of April, 1903, being the price paid for beef, pork, mutton, chickens, etc. the third day of tho 1903 April term of said 'V fO T IC E IS HEREBY G IV E N T B I T Harriman System and the Lewis 1.1 the following-named settler has tiled court, at 10 o'clock in the forenoon, as the BOARD OF UlRECTORS: nud Clark-Centennial Fair in 1905. notice of his intention to make final proof time for bearing objections to said final ac­ The people are coming. Our object in support of his claim, and that said proof count, if any thero be, and the settlement of said estate. W. C. CHASE, will be made before L. H. Hazard, Coanty therefore will be to provide such Clerk, at Coquille, Oregon, on April A. D A V E N P O R T , WM. S L IN G 8 B Y , E. S. D E A N ,' Administrator with the will annexed of information as will be best suitedto 13,1903,viz: Wallace M. Hrmmaok on H. E. the estate of Magnolia Morrison, deceased. D. H. JOHNSON, E. E. D A V E N PO R T. No. 8672, for lots 2 and 3 and S EK N W ^ , *2 8 0 0 iso acre farm near Dora, 60 acres their needs, and be most effectivein NE K SWK, Sec. 4, T. 29 S., R. 13 W. ■■■■■ bottom in cultivation.balance tim­ securing results that will be of last­ He names the following witnesses to ber and pasture, good house, barn, ASSIGNEE’S SALE OF P R O P E R T Y . ing benefit to the State. To do this prove his continuous residence npon nnd orchard, an excellent bargain. cultivation of said land, viz: John Rowan, In the Circuit Court of the State of Ore­ effectually will require a complete of Coquille City. Oregon, W ill Albee, G. T. $2400 330 acres i good timber land near gon, in and for the County of 'loos: Sumner. Look this np. inventory of the resources of the Robinson, Samrl Rowan, of Arago, Oregon. In the Matter of the Assignment of David J. T. BRIDGES, Register. $ 650 New 4-room oottage and 4 lots, State, whether in its crude state or Morse, Jr.. Insolvent Debtor i'or bene- — near business. A good buy. o fa ll his creditors: in its developed condition. It will HAVE TH E VERY LATEST JN *2500 40 acre dairy farm near Prosper, require a long time and much work Notice is hereby given that under and in ■■in NOTICE FOR PU BLIC ATIO N. 30 acres bottom mostly cleared, pursuance of the power and authority vest­ to compile such facts, and it cannot good 6-room house, good barn, ed in me, the duly appointed, qualified and United States Land Office, some person a Improperly; easy terms be completed in time for the work acting assignee in the above entitled mat­ Roseburg, Oregon, March 12,1903. ter. and in pursurnce of the order of the $ 400 Neat cottage and 2 lots near Acad- now upon us. We, therefore, desire O TIC E IS HEREBY G IVE N T H A T Judge of the above entitled Court in said — _ emy. Cheap at this price. for immediate use, such information iu compliance with the provisions of Matter, I will sell at public auction, to the as can be gained only through the the act of Congress of June 3, 1878, entitled highest and best bidder, for cash- on Fri­ $ 500 Fft*r house and barn. 3 lots, 2 in bottom, bearing fruit trees. “ An act for the sale of timber lands in the I f we can not suit you with what we Lax ic stocic we can make a n y the 10th day of April, 1903; at ten — co-operation of every one interested state of California, Oregon, Nevada and day, o’clock in the forenoon of said day at the $ 400 2 2-5 acres bench land, edge of kind to your order. in the welfare of the State. We Washington territory” as extended to all Court House door at Coquille City. Coos in ■ town, fair house, spring water, la» s land states by the act of August 4, County, Oregon, all of the right, title and should like to have as accurate a public nice. 1892, interest which the sail David Morse, Jr., list as possible cf all available lands ANDREW M SIVERTO N, assignor, had on tbe 4th day of May, 1894, $ 500 M block, good location. Best bar- gain in lots ever offered in Co in each county, either open to settle­ of Crookston, county [o f Pohl, state of the date of the assignment, and whioh I _ _ qoille. have since acquired by virtue of his as­ ment, or that can be purchased, to­ Minnesota, has this day filed in this office signment to me herein, in and to all of tho his sworn statement No, 4603 for the pur­ $ 350 3 fine corner lots, fine view, best gether with a description of such chase of the 8EK of seotion 8 in township following described real property, situated — building site for sale in this city. lauds, the purpose for which it is 28 south, rang*» 11 west, and will offer in said Coos County, Oregon, to wit: $ 100 3 fine corner Jots in Academy Ad- proof to show that the land sought is more Lot l, blk 15; lots 5, 6 and 7, blk 67; lots 2 .i.■■■— dition. Installment plan, Just best fitted, the price at which it can valuable for its timber or stone than for and 7. blk 69; lot 1 in blk 124; lot 6 in blk think of it. be had, and the name of some one agricultural purposes, and to establish his 125; lot 4 in blk 126; lots 2, 3. 4, ft, 6 and 7 to said land before E. A. Dodge, U.S. in blk 129; all in Empire City. $ 700 Nice house and 2 lots. Not far at the nearest railroad station to claim Commissioner for Oregon at Myrtle Point, M X » out. Lots 3 and 4 and NE K of S W K Sec. 18, whom we can refer strangers and Oregon, on Tuesday, the 2nd day of June, T 25 8. It 13 west of Will. Mer.; also SW K 550 G°°d 6-room bouse and 1 lot near feel assured that they will be assist­ 1903. He names at witnesses: Carl F, of N W K of SW K Sec 18, T 26 8. It 13 west, $ * Academy. A nice home. HendricKsen, of Grafton, North Dakota; ed in securing a location adapted to Webb Mast, of Lee, Oregon; W, H. Rogers, and .NEK of SEK of Sec 13, T 26 S. R 14 $1000 Beautiful residence and 2 lots on their wants, with the least possible and E. N. Smith, both of Myrtle Point west Will, Mcr. corner near Court House. Also N K of SW K o f Sec 19, T 26 8, R J3 Oregon. delay and expense. We wish our Mer. and * NEK of SEK ' nod $ 225 126x200 feet near Academy, clenr- zj __ ill Mer.. Any and all persons olaiming adversely West ' of Will K o SWK of f NEK of Sec 24, T 26 8, information to be accurate, as any the above-described lands are requested to lot 5. and SW - ed, lays nice. R 14 West of Will. Mer. misrepresentations will only retard file their claims in this office on or before You will find the latest in Fall and Winter Millinery at It is impossible to describejny Hat in this Also NE K «J H«*o 4, T 28 8. R 14 west of our object and reflect on the sin­ said 2nd day of June, 1903. column. I f you are looking for a good my store. Will. Mer. J. T. BRIDGES, Register. cerity of our motives. Also lot 4 Sec 26. T 18 8, R 12 west of piece of property at a reasonable prioo, I Will. Mer, in Lane county. Oregon, less can certainly sait you. Dress Trimming and Fancy Goods in General, Stamp­ W e wish every county to take the oue acre sold in southwest corner, 30 acres. Remember, I rent houses and farms and matter up in earnest nnd see that it Also lots situated in Morse's addition to do all kinds o f agency business. Come in ing done to order. the town o f Florence, Lane county, Ore is the duty of some one to furnish and see me before baying. I can save you gon, to-wit: the Bureau with information. Lot 11 in blk 4; lots 1, 9 and 10 in blk 7; DOLLARS. — „ .. — . -------- W e shall be glad to receive for lots 1, 2. 5 and 6 in blk 8 and lots 7. 11 and 12 in blk 9. distribution, any printed matter or A Grand Opportunity for a Ranch- Sanderson Building near the Wharf. Also lots in Morse's second addition to circulars setting forth the advan­ tho town o f Florence, Lane county, Ore­ tages of the various sections of the gon, to-wit: A ranch o f 219 acres, one o f the ARAG0, OREGON. Lots 1, 2, 3, 4. 5, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, in best on the upper Coquille. at a State. These, however, must be ac­ 2, and lots 1, 2. 3. 4, 5: 11, 12,13, 14. 15, companied by the indorsement of Throughbred cockerels from $1 up, blk bargain. Oue-half down and bal­ 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, and 21 in block 3. county officials, Boards of Trade, Dated at Coos County, Oregon, this 4th ance on long lime. Enquire at and eggs $1 per setting. day o f March, 1903. Chambers of Commerce, or some ♦ he H er ald office or the M yrtle ISAIAH HACKER. Assignee. one interested or iudentified with Also Scotch-Collies pups of the very Point ex or*«*» office. tho settlement and development of finest strain on sale. O n l y sB 5 a m o n t h the county. W e earnestly request o n t h e in s t a l l m e n t such individuals or organizations to p la n . uame some one to wnom we can — O — refer persons wishing to visit their ----- D E A L E R I N ------ county, and who will co-operate with us in our endeavor to satis- factorily locate settlers and invest­ ors. i Wo are prepared to interest you and make the assertion that we cau do M O R E for yon than any other I’ iauo or Organ House in the country. I f you are interested write at once. is g ' r by"proviibng a m m lm u t THE BIG S IX : KIMBALL. worthy the memorv of that oue V0SEJHNZE, with the y ant a large monument or « sm all! soundness, strength, beauty CHICKFRING, WEBER. MILTON WHITNEY IS a comb' irtion of and tone unequalled anywhere. Twenty.eight other makes we handle. marker, whichever you choose at his place, will show the best judg­ W e also have in stock a flue line o f Violins, Banjos, Guitars and A full assortment o f stringr. ment of first-class tesiguers and ! Maudolins atiprices from #5 upward. Steel strings 5 cents each. New music received weekly. workmen. Coos County Marble and Granite Works. CoQCILLK, O r KOOU. Tex Robison went to Bandon | last week and purchased twenty- two head o f calves, returning with them on Saturday by 'the Dispatch. H e look them to his up-river ranch from where he will torn them off fine beef inside o f a year. Mr. Robison bought np a lot last year nud by simply giving them the privileges of bis excellent range for some less than a year, they sold for *13.50 per head more than they cost him. \ If you are thinking of build­ ing let us figure with you on all kinds of lumber, and mouldings. L Y O N S ’ M IL L . CHAS. GRISSEN MUSIC CO. I O O F- H A L L MAESHFIEI j D, - O IE Œ L Strang’s Emporium. Glassware and Dishes, Wood and Willow- ware. Umbrellas, Leggings and hightop Loggers shoe?. Outing Flannels,Mackintoshes,Rubber goods Blankets, Ladies' and Gents’ Underwear. «. Z . C. STRANG, Prop., - > Coouille, Oregon. I