■vw- Myrtle Point Knterpneo. North Fork Homs. Mrs. S. B. Herman is seriously ill PUBLISHED E V E R Y TUESDAY at the home of Dr. K. L. Miller, in Good roads is in the air these Never comes to the customers buying their goods at days. A good roads club was or­ Roseburg. ganized at Dora on the 11th, and D. F. Dean. Editor and Proprietor Wm Corbin has gone to Port Orford where be haH employment in a log­ quite an interest was manifested. W. H. Bunch was elected president, ging camp. Count viOfflcialfPaper. G. G. Swan, vice president; J. O. Mr. James Gurney and Miss Josie Stemlcr, Secretary and Geo. Folsom D evoted to «b e m aterial and aocial a For every dollas you tender the house you get ita equiu- oailding o f the Coqaille Valley particularly Davis were married at the home of treasurer. The sentiment seemed and o f Oooa Comity generally. the bride’s parent«, Mr. and Mrs. to be to relocate the present roads lent in ualae. 'iobaoription, per year, in advance. fl.fiO H. S. Davis, at Remote, March 11, on an even grade, and then if we The business we do has been built on these principles, 1903, Rev. Thos. Barklow pronounc­ can get Congress to dispense with Black Warrior. Another Telephone Meeting. and it is on these principles we stand. ing "the marriage ceremony. The one of its battleships and appropri­ Thoioughbred Cleue- land Bay. groom is a son of G. Y. Gurney ate the cost of the eame to Coos Another call for meeting was and is an honest, sober, industrious county, we will then set back in our _ y © ( 9 \ - s Salesman, No. 417 made to be held in this office on youug man, while the bride is a wagon nnd get ’em go Galliger. Dry Goods. Scampton Monarch, No. 543 Grocenes. Boots and Shoes. Flourland most highly respected young lady. Sire Wednesday evening and the mer­ M. J. Krantz and Fred Minard d Cymble, 8. B. Feed Stock in all Departments complete- chants and business men were well The ExTtiti'WSE joins their friends made a short run with their fine lot in wishing them a pleasant journey of logs. M. J. run most of his logs represented. throught life together. TEM PEST- over the dam at the Minard mill. D. D. Pierce was again chosen The G. A. R. is making arrange­ E. S. DEAN, D. H. JOHNSON, E. F. DAVENPORT, J. L. Crosby has a nice lots of B Bay Chief, No. 469 chamnan and M .O . Hawkins acted ments for the big’masquerado which President. Vice President. Secretary. logs in the river. I. M. Weekly Dam I Babo Robins, No. 1021 they will give May 1st. StaufTs as secretary. and Daniel Miller also have a quan­ [ d Mayflower, No. 327 After considerable discussion it orchestra has been secured to fur­ tity of logs in boom at Lee Weekly’s nish music for the occasion, which was determined that a telephone is a guarantee that the music will be place. This Thoroughbred Stallion and Jack will make the season of 1903 line on the proposed route would the best Geo. Folsom has the logging at Myrtle Point after the 15th of March, both on the same term«, which Midnight supper will be team palling stumps with block and will be $15.00 to insure. Will be at Coquille till March 15th. amount to a distance pf 14 miles. served at the Myrtle Point Hotel. (Successors to Johnson, Dean A Co.) John Felsber, of San Francisco, fall. They roll them out on quick A subscription paper was then Capital $ 1 0 ,0 0 0 . notice. Gv a n t H a r r y , M g r . arrived here this week and will circulated among those present and Principal place of business A man from Indiana passed down spend a few days visiting and look­ a liberal subscription wns raised to ing after his property interests at the road the other day and stopped NOTICE OF FINAL SETTLEMENT. aid the project. this place. Mr. Felsher has been in all night at J. Devault’s. He was o t i c e is h e r e b y g i v e n t h a t the undersigned has filed his finnl The following delegates were charge of a large tchooner sailing well pleased and had $2500 with account as administrator with tho will an- chosen to attend a meeting at D. out of the San Francisco port, and which to buy a small ranch. neued,of the estate of Magnolia Morrison, A general packing business carried on. Tho best meats I suppose you have heard of the deceased, and the County Court of Coos -IN - the country can produce nlways on baud. Highest cash Morgan’s place on Thursday, March on bis return he will take his vessel County, State of Oregon, has set Wednes­ to Cape Nome. He is always pleased prodigal son who came home the day, the 8th day of April, 1903, being the price paid for beef, pork, mutton, chickens, etc. 12: D. F. Dean, Geo. A. Robin­ to make a visit to Coos county and the third day of the 1903 April term of naid other day, and about dad killing the son, Z. C. Strang, J. F. Wyatt, D. thinks there is no place equal to it. fatted rooster; but the rejoicing fell court, at 10 o’ clock in tbo forenoon, as the R E A L ESTATE. BOARD OF DIRECTORS: time for bearing objections to said final ao- H. Lewellen received word last to the ground when the dog stole oount, if any there be, and the settlement H . Johnson and M. H. Hsrsey. said estate. W . C. CHASE, On motion duly made and car­ Saturday of the death of bis daugh­ the fat looBter and hied away and of Administrator WM. SLINGSBY, E. S. DEAN. A. DAVENPORT, with tho will annexed of ter, Mrs. Chas. Dominic, which oc­ partook of the feast. the estate o f Magnolia Morrison, deceased. D. H. JOHNSON, E. E. DAVENPORT. ried the following committee was curred at Chico, California. Friday, We learn of quite a number of appointed to confer with the Star March 6th, consumption being the ASSIGNEE’S SALE OF P R O PE R T Y . $2800 ______ 160 acre farm neRr Dorl1' f,° A0r6S head of^stock dying in different ■■■1 i bottom in cultivation,balance tim ­ Comedy Co., to arrange for a play causo of death. The deceased was In the Circuit Court of the State of Ore- j ber and pasture, good house, barn, parts of the county on account of gon, in and for the County of Toos: orchard, an excellent bargain. for the benefit of the proposed line: formerly a resident of this place, cold weather and short range. In the Matter of the Assignment of David j Morse, Jr., Insolvent Debtor for bene- j $2400 320 acres good timber land near J. A. Lamb, R. S. Knowlton and having gone to California about six The Pleasant Hill Sunday School Sumner. Look ; this up. of all his creditors: —— months ago in the hopes of the E. C. Holland. J, J. Lamb volun­ Notice is hereby given that urub . and io | $ 05Q New 4-room cottage and 4 lots, change being beneficial to her has continued all winter with good pursuance of the power and authority vest- j - near business. A good buy. G. C. D. teered to make arrangements for health. She wns a native of Ohio attendance. H A VE THE VERY LATEST IN ed in me, the duly appointed, qualified and # o r iV l acting assignee in tne above entitled mat- j $ZOUU 40 acre dairy farm near Prosper. the use o f the Masonic hall for the and was 53 years of agr. For many NOTIOE FOU PUBLICATION. ter, and in pursurnoe of the order of the mmm~ m 30 acres bottom mostly cleared, years she was a resident of this good 6-room house, good barn, same purpose. Judge of the above entitled Court in said \ some porsonnllproperty; easy terms United States Land Office, Matter, I will sell at pablio auction, to the county and all will be sorry to learn There being no further business Roseburg, Oregon, March 12,1903. highest nnd best bidder, for cash, on Fri­ Neat cottage nnd 2 lots near Acad­ of her demise. day, the 10th day of April, 1903, at ten the meeting adjourned until Thurs­ emy. Cheap at this price. o t i c e is h e k e b y g i v e n t h a t in compliance with the provisions of o ’clock in the forenoon of said day at the Fair bouse and barn 3 lots, 2 in day evening at 8 p. m. Place of I f we can not suit you with what we Lav in stucz we can make any the act of Congress o f Jane 3, 1878, entitled Court House door at Coquille City. Coos Great Central Building Grade. bottom, bearing frnit trees. "A n act for the sale o f timber lands in the County, Oregon, all of the right, title and kiod to your order. meeting B u l l e t i n office. state o f California, Oregon, Nevada and interest which the sai t David Morse, Jr., 2 2-3 acres benoh land, edge of There is n force of 30 men at Washington territory” as exteadod to nil assignor, had on the 4th day o f May, 1894, Fishtrap, March 12.— Pursuant town, fair bonse. spring water, U t • the date of the assignment, and which 1 •ublio land states by the act of An^ust 4, nice. have since acquired by virtue o f his as­ to call a large number of the lead­ present employed in grading the 892, K block, good location. Best ba r­ signment to me horein, in and to all of the ANDKEW M. 8IVEHTON. ing citizens o f the A iago and Fish- the “ Belt Line” of the ¡Great Cen gain in lots ever offered In C o ­ described real property, situated tral, one and one-half miles of of Crookston, ooonty |of Pohl, state of following in said Coos County, Oregon, to-wit: qaille. trap sections met at the residence embankment having already been Minnesota, has this day filed in this office Lot l, blk 15; lots 5, 6 nnd 7, blk 67; lots 2 3 fine corner lots, flue view, best o f D. Morgan for the purpose of prepared for tracking along the hid sworn statement No, 1603 for the pur­ and 7, blk 69; lot 1 in blk 124; lot 6 in blk building site for sale in this oity. chase o f the SEK o f seotion 8 in township T h e la t e s t in effecting a permanent organization. shores of Coos bay. Major Kinney 28 south, rang» 11 west, and will offer 125; lot 4 in blk 126; lots 2, 3. 4, 5. 6 and 7 3 flue corner lots in Academy Ad­ in blk 129; all in Erapiro City. proof to show that the land sought is moro dition. Installment plan, Just Jndge J. H- Scbroeder was called has assumed personal charge of the valuable for its timber or stone than for Lots 3 and 4 and NEK of SW K Sec. 18, think of it. 25 8, R 13 west of Will. Mer.; also SWK to the chair and F. W. Wright to work, and announces his intention agricultural purposes, and to establish his T Nice house and 2 lots. Not far claim to said land before E. A. Dodge, U.S. of NWW of SW ‘i 8eo 18, T 26 8. R 13 west, to push it as rapidly as possible. out. the secretary’s ebair. Commissioner for Oregon at Myrtle Point, and :NE >4 of SEK o f Hoc 13, T 26 8. R 14 The above information wns Oregon, on Tuesday, the 2nd day o f Juno, west Will, Mer. $ 5 5 0 0 ° ° d 6-room house and 1 lot near The report o f the committee ap­ at witnesses: Carl F, Also NK of S W ^ o f Sec 19, T 26 8, R )3 _ _ brought to Portland by L. J. Simp­ 1903. He names Academy. A nice homo. of Grafton, North Dakota; West of Will Mer., and NEK of 8E K and pointed at the meeting held at Mr. son manager for the Simpson Lum­ HendrioKsen, at M r s , C . M o o n ’s Webb Mast, of Lee, Oregon; W, H. Rogers, lot 5, and 8W K of NEK of Sec 24, T 26 8. $ 1 0 0 0 Beautiful residence and 2 lots on corner near Court House. Tyrrell’s the day previous wns sub­ ber Company, n Coos Bay corpora, and E. N. Smith, both of Myrtle Point B 14 West o f vtill. Mer. Also NEK Of Seo 4, T 28 B, R 14 west of $ 2 2 5 126x200 feet near Academy, clenr- tion. Mr. Simpson already has two Oregon. mitted as follows: Any and all persons olaiming adversely Will. Mer. ■ ■ ed, lays nioe. You w ill find the latest in Fall and Winter Millinery at large sawmills in operation in the the above-described lands are requested to Also lot 4 Seo 2 t>, T 18 8, R 12 west or 1. That the organization shall It is impossible to describe my list in this splendid timber belt that surrounds file thoir claims in this office on or before Will. Mer. in Lane county. Oregon, less my store. column. If you are b>oking for a good incorporate at once under the style said 2nd day of June, 1903. one acre sold in southwest corner, 30 acres. the bay, nnd his present visit hero J. T. BRIDGES, Register. Also lots situated in Morse’s addition to piece of property at a reasonable price, I of the Coquille and Formers’ Tele- is for the purposo of purchasing Dress Trimming and Fancy Goods in General. Stamp­ the town of Florenoe, Lane county, Ore can certainly suit you. System. machinery for a shingle mill, which gon, to-wit: Kemeiubet, I rent houses and fnrrns and ing done to order. • Lot 11 in blk 4; lots 1, 9 and 10 in blk 7: do all kinds o f agenoy business. Come in 2. The purpose of this organ­ is to be set up at North Bend. A lots 1, 2. 5 and 6 in blk 8 and lots 7,11 and and see me before buying. I can save you ization is to obtain telephone com ­ woolen mill is also just beginning 12 in blk 9. at that place. DOLLARS. Also lots in Morse’s second addition to munication for the farmers o f the the town o f Florence, Lane oonnty, Ore­ “ We think very highly of the P o u ltr y F a r m , Sanderson Building near the Wharf. gon, to-wit: NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Coquille valley with Coquille City. Great Central down our way,” said Lots 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, in Uoited States Land Office. 3. The capital o f the corpora­ Mr. Simpson in conversation with a blk 2, and lots 1, 2. 3, 4, 5; 11, 12,13, 14,16, Prop Roseburg, Oregon, Feb. 13, 1903. 16,.17, 18, 19, 20, and 21 in block .3. Notice is hereby given that in compliance tion shall be $1000 and the num­ reporter for The Journal. “ Major Dated at Coos County, Oregon, this 4th with the provision* o f the act of Congress ARAGO, OREGON. ber o f shares 200 o f the par value Kinney has never nsked us for a of June 3, 1878, entitled '* An act for the sale day o f March, 1903. of timber lands in the States o f California. cent, nnd his promises seem fair. Throughbred cockerels from $1 up, ISAIAH HACKER, Assignee. of $5 each. C regon, Nevada.ami Washington Territorv’ He is on tho grounds and has tea ns extended to all the Publio Land States and eggs $1 per setting. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. 4. Parties must subscribe for teams working on the grade now. by act of August 4, 1892, not less than two shares of stock to Just at this time of the year it is Also Scotch-Collies pups of the very Department o f the Interior, Land Office at ARTHUR MORGAN, O n l y ¡£ 5 a. m o n t h Roseburg, Oregon. February 26, 1903. have a phone on bis premises. finest strain on sale. hard to work, the ground being soft o t i c e i s h e r e b y g i v e n t h i t o f Marshfield, cor.nty of Coon, State of o n th © i n s t a l l m e n t Section five, defining the route of and sticky, but Major Kinney an­ the following-named settler has filed Oregon, has this day filed in this offloe his p la n . iworn statement No. 4447. for tLe purchase notice of his intention to make final proof line was tabled for farther nnd nounces thnt with the opening of in support of his claim, and thnt said proof o f the N.w. K . Of N E K o f J fee. No. more definite information. — o — spring the grading force will be in­ 32 in Township No. 27 S. R.'»nge No. 11 W. will be made before L. H. Hazard, County Clerk, at Coquille, Oregon, on April nnd will offer proof to show thnt the land The officers of the permanent creased. There is really no need for 13,1903,viz: Wallace M. Hninmnck on H. E. sought is more valunble for ita timber or organization aie Alex Stauff, F. W. more men to be put on until later, No. 8672. for lots 2 anil 3 and SEK NWK* stone thnn for agricultural purposes and to ( Htablish his claim to said land before NEK SW K . Sec. 4, T . 29 8., R. 13 W. Wright, D- Morgan, C. T. Robison, as it will be next to impossible for He names the following witnesses to W. U. Douglas, U. 8. Commiaaioner for and R. 8. Tyrrell, board of trus­ them to accomplish anything.’’ prove his continuous residence upon and Oregon nt Marshfield, Oregon, on Friday, tee, who elected A. Slauff, presi­ W i l l O e t Y o u . -A. cultivstion o f said land, viz: John Rowan, the Iat day of May. 1903. He names as Mr. Simpson says every resident of Coquille City. < »reguii, Will Albee, G .T . witnoHSes: W. H. Morgan, Jesse Smith. dent; F. W. Wright, secretary, and of the Coos bay district wants to see P ia n o - John Thornthwaite. of Marshfield, Oregon, Robinson, Sam’ l Rowan, of Arago, Oregon. D. Morgan, treasurer. F. R. Taylor, o f Fairvie-v. Oregon. a railroad opened to Portland, and J. T. BRIDGES, Register. Any and all persons claiming adversely Parties put their names down that they will do everything in their You can save this amount if you will and make yourl dear ones the nbove-desoril»ed land * are requested to pledging to subscribe for 62 shares power to secure completion of the F or S ale .- One new heavy wagon file their claims in this office on or before happy. No homo complete without a piano or an organ F|you are of stock. m J V Q fM Great Central line. — 3 | — nnd two good horses. In ­ said 1st day o f Max. looking for best values Register. The board was instructed to pro­ "A t tho present time we are com­ Let us Wade Right into quire at the H erald office. ceed at once with tbo erection o f pelled to ship everything we pro­ the Subject the poles. duce to Han Francisco," he said. The 1903 season will be the great­ A committee on by-laws was ap­ The reason for this is plain. Coast­ est biryclo season over known. The ing sehooners ply between 'Frisco pointed to be ready to report at a We are prepared to interest you and make the assertion that we finest equipped ard most up-to-date d e p riv e s you ot meeting of the subscribers o f stock and Coos bay, loading timber for wheels that Coquille ridera ever laid can do MORE for you than any other Piano or Organ House in the at the same place on Thursday, the California. These boats -come up their eyca on will be kept in stock y o u r d ea r ones. country. I f yon are interested write at once. the coast without cargo nnd are glad 19th. at right prices, and if you want one Show your love for tho one who to carry all kinds of freight that we • «• ** THE BIG SIX: KIMBALL, CHICKFRING, WEBER, MILTON, say so. ship in for almost nothing. But is gont by providing a monument James W. Wlmer Killed. V0SF,HiNZF. with the giant WHITNEY is a combination o f I want your trade, and I am en­ when it comes to shipping out our worthy tho inemorv of thnt one. ^ titled to it, because I have good soundness, strength, beauty and tone unequalled anywhere. products thero is a difference. A large monument or a small ; goods, right prices, and can serve James W. Wimer of Crook coun­ Twenty.eight other makes we handle. Wo are too far from our market, marker, whichever yon choose nt j you well. You don’t expect any ty, formerly a resident of this coun­ and the freight rate out is high. We also have in stock a fine line of Violins, Banjos, Gnilars and ty, was killed on Friday near his more, but you want that much, don’t Ilia place, will show the heat judg- ! When we ship out to Portland it Mandolius atlprices from $5 upward. A full assortment of string?. homo in Crook county by a falling ment of firat-claaa designers and | costs us $3 a ton, and the same you. Steel strings 5 cents each. New mnsic received weekly- troo Only meagre details of the To bo brief, try us and our goods, prico holds on fieight sent in here. workmen. accident have as yet been received You can see our position. What we and our way of treating you, nnd if | by his relatives in this county. you like us try us again. I want j want is a close market and moderate Judge Booth of Crook county vour business. Enough said. freight charges." caused a message to be sent Immed­ Mr. Simpson spoke in glowing iately to his brothers, Geo. W. and I O O- F- HALL W. J. Wimer of Waldo, but it was terms of the future of Coos bay and the country tributary to it. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. not received in time to make it O oqi ' illk , O rzóos . CŒ BIE j - H \ Æ _  _ IE S S IE 3 I_ t 'H I E L —i I D , Department o f the Interior. “ The products of the Coos bay possible fur them to attend the Land office, Roaebnrtr, Oregon. Feb. 1 1 ,1 funeral, which was held on Satur­ district are many and very valu­ 1008 . I ________ ______________ - ------------------------------- able,” he said. “The woolen mills day at Prineville. Notioe ia hereby Riven that the following j — __ _ „ „ ,, u...r ,,.T l - m l - k t named aettler naa filed notice of hie inten I NOTICE OF FINAL 8E T 1L L M ENT. will have all they can handle nnd James W. Wimer was formerly a tion to make final proof in support o f hia j _ t q T IC E jg HEREBY GIVEN THAT we'l known resident of Josephine dairying is an industry that is claim, and that «aid proof will be made be fV |h nndrr,i gned haa this day filed hie Of i fore L. H. Hazard, Chanty Cierk. at Co R00onnt in th„ matter of the admini»- county and lived on the Bunch assuming large proportions. quill# City. Oregon, on Maron, 28. 1SW3, v z « a|ionof tho ostate o f S. L. Leneve, de­ place near the Murphy bridgo on coureo, the main tiling at the pres­ ll. K. Nt». 9W5, of John F. Bull a ok for the QpAMHj nnj tjint the County Court has set Applegate. He wns a member of ent time is the timber. This enn- W W t h e S W Ki Bco. 21, lp . -7, 8., U. Wednesday the ISth day of March, 1903. West. tha1 being the 17th d sy of the regular 1:»03 the order of Odd Fellows nnd be­ not be put to use until railroads are 12 He nnnflM the following witness's to March term o f the Probate County C ourt longed to the Roseburg lodge.— built into the country. What little prove his continuous residence noon and for Coos county, Oregon, as the day for lumber is now being cut and ship­ cultivation of SAid land, viz: G. W, Stev- hearing objections to said final account Rogue River Courier. settlem ent o f said estate. ped out by way of San Francisco is enson, G. W. Harry, J. B. Dye and F. R. i Hn(j Dated this 16th day February, 1903. It will be remembered by many nothing is coroparsion with the pos­ Bnllack, all of Coquille City. Oregon. J. T . BRIDGES. J. W. LENENE. o f our citizens that Mr. Wimer sibilities that are within plain sight Register. Administrator. lived in this county for several of anyone who cares to look for ] years, being an enterprising and them. well-to-do dairyman and cheese “ And everything will oome to maker of the Arago section. He Portland if the way is opened. All | was a brother of Adam nnd O. W. who lived in the Fishtrap section, we ask is a chance to bring thorn the fornipr deceased and the latter here." The “ Bell Line" spoken of as be­ I now living at Wnldo. this state, lin­ ing an undo o f O. W. Wimer at ing graded is a road planned to present of the Fishtrap country circle the bay anil act as a feed for L Y O N S ’ M IL L . I the maiu lino of the Great Central. aud E A. of this place. CoquilU