Goquillt City Strata. Coos Bar News. An Oklahoma Letter. Theodore Swanton, brother of PUBUSHED EVERY TUESDAY Bennett and Robt. Swanton, ar­ The following is an extract from rived from Ireland, Thursday last, a letter written to W. T. Burton, of TUESDAY. MARCH 3 ,1 9 0 3 ^ with the intention of residing here this city, from his father-in-law, permanently. who resides at Highland, Garfield J. W. Bennett and R- E. Shine Church Directory. county, Oklahoma The writer is have purchased 60 acres of land at It is an ideal place well known to mauy of our towns­ C h b ih t ia n C h u r c h . - - Pieaohins every Cape Arago. Sunday at 11 a. in. and 7:30 p. m. Sunday for a Summer outing, ‘‘down by men as he visited Cuquille about a aohool. at 10 a. in. Christian Endeavor at 6:30 p. m. Prayer meeting every Wedn9<9- the sounding sea,” and no doubt year and a half ago. The accom­ pay evening at 7:30. All cordially invited. several cottages will be built there. panying letter will prove interest­ Episcopal Chnroh.—Episcopal services Mrs. R obt Herron is at the Lane ing: will be held at St. James cbnrch, Coquille City the third Sunday in each month. hospital at San Francisco, and tbe The surface of Oklahoma is that Sunday school at 10 a. m. each S u n d ay. Win. Horsetail, Pastor. physicians consider that the chances of a plain, undulating and furrowed are favorable for her recovery. M .E . Church, South: Preaching each and ever/ Sundays at 11 a. m. and 7:30 p . Her relatives and friends here have by numerous streams, along most m. Sunday-school every Sunday at 10 been cheered by tbe good news. o f which extend broad bottom o ’clock. Senior Epworth League at 6:30, p. lands which gradually rise into m. Junior League at 3:30,p .m . Prayermeet­ Capt. Bob Jones’ dredger was ing Thursday evening at 7:30. given a trial last week, and is all high rolling prairies. H. O. Allen, pastor. Most o f the soil is of great rich­ M b t b o d is t E p is c o p a l C h u b c k .— Servioes ready to commence work at Porter every Sunday at 11 a. ra. and 7:30 p. m. when the bulkhead being built ness. It varies in different sections Sunday School at 10 o ’olock a, m. Junior We are League 3:30 p. m. Prayer meeting Thurs­ there ia completed. but in nearly all parts there is an day evening at 7:30 p . m. A special inyita- pleased to learn that the dredger ia admixture of sand which makes tion is extended to the pnblio to attend all a deeided success. services. W. H. M ykbf , Pastor. the soil easy to cultivate. In the Some eicitment was caused at P xksbttkbiam C h u b c h . — Preaching eer* vices 2nd and 4th Sundays, morning and Eugene on the 18tb when a man river and creek Bottoms it is a dark evening, Sunday School every Sunday at 10 a. m. Christian Endeavor servioes every was brought in from Elmira under sandy loam o f great depth and fer­ Sunday at 6:80 p. m., Miss Winnie Hall, arrest on suspicion of being Landis, tility. On the up-lands it is gen­ President. Ladies’ Aid and Missionary the Coos county murderer. The erally a red sandy loam varying in Society meets every two weeks on Thurs­ days at 2 p. m. A cordial welcome is ex­ man gave his name as Carr, and tended to the pnblio to attend all our ser- said he was traveling over the depth from one to six feet. nioes. A d o l p h H a b e b l y , Pastor The climnte of Oklahoma is country. He resembles Landis, The W. C. T. U. meets every 1st and 3rd Friday at 2 p. m. at the Christian chnroh. but parties in Eugene who know healthful. The winters are short Servioes by the First Baptist 'Church o f Landis were called upon to identi­ and mild and the summers long. Coauille, at the M. E. Church the second fy the prisoner and assured the The days in mid-summer are very and fourth Suhdays in each month at 11 a. officers they had the wrong man, m. and 7:30 p. m, C. D. P bicb , warm, but the nights are generally and he was released. Pastor. cool.' The average winter temper­ ature is 39 degrees; the average Two Vessel* Collide In Heavy Fog- L O C A L ITEM S. summer temperature is 77 degrees; The Emporium is headquarters The four-masted schooner Caro­ the mean annual temperature is for ladies and gents underwear. line, bound for the Umpqua col­ 58 degrees. Standard-bred White Plymouth lided in the fog on the afternoon Agriculture is the" leading em­ Rocks (Hazelwood strain.) Eggs of the 19th with the four-masted barkentine, T. P. Emigh bound ployment as the soil and climate $1.00 per dozen. F. M. Gevrez. The Caro­ furnish favorable conditions for The Aaseu Bros., of Arago, south, lumber-laden. are preparing to do a big season's line’s bowsprit was torn out and such pursuits. The staple pro­ logging on the South Fork, in the lost, but tbe jibboom and other rig­ ductions are wheat, corn, cotton, ging was saved. The other vessel oats, rye, kaffir corn, barley, Irish neighborhood o f Etelka. was also damaged considerably in and sweet potatoes, peanuts, M arried : In Empire City, Feb. her spars and rigging. 24, 1903, Herman D. Jarrit and The Caroline arrived in the Ump­ melons. All garden vegetables are Miss Edna Magee, Rev. W. Hors­ qua Friday, and Captain Wester- very productive. The hay crop of fall, o f Marshfield, officiating. dale camo down to the bay yester­ native and cultivated grasses is Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Hunt, o f this day after ship carpenters to repair large and valuable. Stock raising plaoe, paid a visit to the parents of the damages.— Mail. is an important branch of agri­ Mrs. Hunt. Mr. and Mrs. Riohard culture. Oklahoma is well adapted Houghton, o f Norway, last week. Oregon- to fruit growing. Apples, peaches, Dr. K . A. Leep, of Myrtle Point, pears, plums, cherries, apricots, Names like rocks are sometimes made onr city a short visit on Fri­ day. He, of coarse, ran in to see metamorphosed until little of tbe quinces, grapes and small fruits ns and square np for the H erald orignal definition remains to the ob­ have been extensively planted and ject bearing it. Oregon, a few produce abundantly. The finest while in town. yesrs ago to people moat familiar We learn that the item in lest with that state, its people and re­ of all is the wheat pasture in the week’s H erald concerning the sources, was generally accepted as winter. We have to feed but slaughter o f deer iq Camas valley wheat a slow going conservative common, very little. The green daring the late storm, was consid­ wealth, with its staid business is the finest feed for milch cows. erable magnified. bouses, sheep ranges, fogs, timber Write to C. A. Snow & Co., op­ aud fish. Today people, when they This makes it the best dairy coun­ posite the U. S. Patent Office, hear the word spoken are reminded try I ever saw. We have some Washington, D. C., for anything of its rapidly developing mineral fine creameries here. They say you want to know about patents, resources. It is perfectly safe to this is the place for that busiuess. trade marks and copyrights. say that of all the Pacific North­ We ship butcher stuff right from F or R ent .— A fitst-claes dairy west states more mining machinery the wheat fields to the market, as ranch, three miles North of town. has been during the past two or There is a good team of horses three years and is now being íd . fat as you ever saw cattle on tame and wagon, aDd nine cows go with stalled in the mines of Oregon than grass. It is equally Our roads aro good and our the place. Appl to S. S. McAdams, in any other state. true that there are more gold mines schools and churches are good. at this place. WANTED 5 YOUNG MEN from in activo operation, more stamp Prices of land vary owing to the mills doing service and a wider Coos county at once to prepare for range of healthy looking gold pros­ location. It ranges from $2Q.to $50 positions in the Government ser­ pects in Oregon than are to be per acre. The high priced land is vice— Railway Mail Clerks, Letter found in any neighboring state ex­ well improved, close to town and Carriers, Custom Houso and De­ partmental Clerks, etc. Apply to cept California. Tbe word Oregon smooth and tillnhle. has become so changed in its full inter-State Corres. Inst., Cedar This is as neat the correct des­ meaning as to have lost its orignal Rapids, Iowa. cription as I can give. I ain not definition entirely.— Mining. W ill Oddy, of Camas Valley, who an agent for this country, but a was down-this way last week in farmer. Yours truly, Deadlock on Alaska Hill. the interest of the Co-ro-na medi- J ohn M oure k oator and those afflicted with ca- Washington, Feb. 24.—With the tarrah, made the bay a visit, re­ House and Senate deadlocked on Myoptic philosophers are pro­ turning Thursday He reports the Alaska homestead bill and no having done a good business. That signs of compromise yet in sight, claiming the decay of agriculture his device and remedy are a suc­ there is some fear that the measure ami the crowding of cities. As a matter of fact, no country ever ap­ cess is an assured fact. may fall. The Senate conferees proached the agricultaral develop- The steamer “J. Warren” will aro personally willing to accede to mant of the United States and the make regular trips between Grave. the claims of the House, but tbe growth of our agriculture is far Ford and Myrtle Point on Wednes­ Senate public lands committee em­ from complete. Today, we lead the day of each week, leaving at 8:30 a phatically instructed thorn not to world in wheat, corn, cotton and a m. and arriving at Myrtle PoiDt at agree to a commucation law, or a few other staples and we are reach­ 11 a. m. Leaving Myrtle Point at law authorizing tbe entry of lands ing out to further control the nmak- 1 p. m. aud arriving at Gravel Ford under sol lier’s additional rights. ets of the world. at 3:30 p. in. C adt . J. M. B right , The Houso conferees contend The Cubans consume upwards of Manager. that everything possible should lie 200,000 boxes of Hoap per annum. J. A. Davenport, o f this city, done to induce settlement in Alaska They at least cannot be referred to wont to the bay Friday to catch and, as tbe two provision tend in as ‘‘the great unwashed” should be the Alliance for Enreka, California. that direction, they The House of Representatives re­ He goes back to his old home in adopted. They point out that Humboldt county to look after large numbers of settlers are now pudiated its Sunday legislation. business interests and to make his going into British Columbia by father who was 92 years of age on reason of the attractive inducements Manager Wanted. the 21st iu st, a visit The old held out to settlers, much more gentleman has been very ill o f late. than would be offered in Alaska. Trustworthy .either sox, by whole­ J. W. Ivey today called on the sale merchandise company of solid Miss Delpba Sears, a neice of Uncle Jack Sears, of Myrtle Point, President to urge him to exert what financial standing, to manage local camo down Friday to take the influence he could with the con­ representativos who will organize train for tbe bay to c - 'ih the Al- ferees in order to insure the final clubs among consumers. 40 per liauce for San Frauoisco. She re­ passago of this bill before adjourn­ cent saved for oar customers. Busi­ ment. turns to her old home in Pennsyl­ ness no experiment but a proven vania after spendiug several Tbe Senate public lands com­ success. Salary $18 per week, ex­ months in Coos county with her mittee today reported without penses advanced. Experience un­ uncle. While she likes Coos conu- amendment tho bill recently passed necessary. Address D. B. Clarkson, ty very mnch, and is particularly by tbe House authorizing the entry Mgr., 334 Dearborn St., Chicago, iavorably impressed with our cli­ of unsurveyed coal lands in AlaakA. 111 . mate, there are ties which draw Its passage seems assured. ------ - her homeward. She leaves many How s 1 his. W e ll I n i n . friends mnde while here. V© offer One Hundred Dollars Kewnrd for any case o f Catarrh that cannot be The many friends of John Blount I enred Mrs. S. E. Wilkins came up by Hall’s Catarrh Cure. F. J. CHENEY Jt CO. Proprietors. frera Bandon Tuesday where she will be pleased to learn of his re-1 Toledo. O. had spent several weeks with her covery from his attack of rheuma­ Wo tho nndenritjned Imye known F. J. Chamberlain's Pain Balm j Cheney for the last If» years, and believe daughter, Mrs. Geo. Topping. tism. him perfectly honorable in all bnsi:..«ss She passed on up to Halls oreek cured him after tho best doctors in transactions and financially able to carry on Wednesday where she will tbe town(Monon, Ind.)had failed to oat any obligations made by their firm. West A Trnax, Wholesale Druggists, give relief. The prompt relief from make her home with another Toledo, O.. Walding, Klnnan A Marvin, daughter, Mrs. Nelson Smith, for pain which the liniment affords is Wholesale Druggists, Toledo, Ohio. Hall’s Catarrh Care is taken internally, the present. She is somewhat alone worth many timea it cost. aoting directly opon the blood and raaoous under the weather at preaeut, but For sale by R. S. Knowlton. surfaces o f the system. Price, 75c. per hopes to be stronger in a short bottle. Sol 1 by all Druggists. Testimon­ The beef trust is about prepared ials fro© time. When she left Mr. Topping’s Hall’ » Family lilla are the beat. thoir little daughter Ethel was to consummate its great merger, eo - ■ ■ -m**- - ■ ----- suffering from typhoid and was as to circumvent the anti-trust law T s C a n t t . M In O n r D a r . thought to be very low. Miss and any adverse decisions that have Laxative Bromo qnintno Tablet" Bertha accompanied her mother been rendered. Tbe trusts will get all Take draRRiata refund the money if it failato hut has returned to assist ia nnrs- around and ahead of Congress and : onr» K .W Grove'a sisnatnrr ia on rn-h package. tbe oourts somehow. iog her little neioe. in :A it i t t i i r u H i ii Mr- Bryan’s Paper. The Palace Barber Shop, } ’ T w o u l.l M|iull T I i i N «lo ry 1« T r l l II lu H i« I l l 'l l i l l l i i r « . The Commoner, Mr. Bryan’s pa­ To use at eighteenth century per, will be especially interesting M M c D o q a ld P r o p r ie to r and instructive during tbe present j phrase, this is an “o ’er true tale.” session of congress. The action of Having happened in a small Vir­ this congress will probably deter­ ginia town in tbe winter of 1902, mine the isene upon which the next it is a story very much of tbe pres­ ~¡P & Best Equipped Shop in Coos County.fèfÇ Up to a short time ago Mrs. presidential campaig will be fought. ent. The Commoner proposes to carry Jobu E. Harmon, of Melfa Station Hot and Cold Baths. Only First-Class Work. on a campaign of education and or­ V a , had no personal knowledge O Q U I L L E - - - O B E G O IT of the rare curative properties of ganization to the end that Demo­ Chamberlain's cough remedy. “ Last cratic principles may triumph. In addition to tbe editorial de­ January,” she says, "my baby took partment, which receives Mr. Bry­ a dreadful cold and at one time I an’s personal attention, The Com­ feared she would have pneumonia moner contains a Current Topic de­ but one of my neighbors told me partment, wherein a non-partisan how this remedy bad cured her discussion of topics of timely inter­ little boy and I began giving it to est and other valuable information tbe baby at once and it soon cured I heartily thank tbe manu­ will be found. The Home Depart­ her. ment is conducted by an experienced facturers of Chamberlain's cough woman who is widely known as a remedy for placing so great u cure I cannot recom­ writer of household topics and who within my reach. GOLDEN BUILDING, COQUILLB OITT is an authority on the art of cooking mend it to highly or say to much in its favor. I hope all who read K e e p e c 0 n .s t a a a .t 3 r o n H a n d . F r a s h 2 * X e * ,t, in all that the term implies. This department alone is worth the sub­ this will try it and be convinced as o i A l l K in d s . For sale by R. S. scription price. Tho other depart­ I was.” Knowlton. ments of the paper are all interest­ * -*♦*• -* ing and ably conducted, among President lioosovelt threatens to which is a summary of the world’s make Dr. Crnm a recess ^appoint­ news told in narrative style, and ment. Mr Maupin’s department— Whether Common or Not—contains original W A N T E D :-A TBUbTW OBTHY GEN- anecdoter and wit, moral lessons in tleman or Indy in ouch oounty to manage business for an old established house o f homely phrase and verse,and appeals solid financial standing. A straight, bona to old and young alike. fide weekly salary of $1H:00 paid by check P. E. Drone Butcher, C orned B e e f and P iok led Pork. Cash Paid for Hides in any Quanty. each Wednesday with all expenses direct The Commoner as a whole is clean, from headquarters. Money advanced for entertaining and instructive, and its expanses. Manager, 340Caxton Bldg., Chi­ cago, rapid increase in circulation— now amounting to 140,000—is proof of the paper’s strength and influence. T H E ZMI-A-UST Who tied the cow’s tail to bis leg in the process of milk­ ing; said she had not dragged him over two miles before he realized he had made a mistake. SPECIAL OFFER Arrangements have been made with Mr. Bryan where by Tbe T w o P a p e r s ftor Commoner can be supplied at a T h e F r io © o f O n e very low rate with the H erai . d both papers for one year for $2.15. This offer applies to both cow and renewal subscriptions, and should be taken advantage of without de­ The leading young people’s paper in lay. All orders should be sent to Amerioa.containing eaohweek from eight to the H erald office, Coquille, Or. twelve pages o f four broad columns each, H ow 2v£-u .c n E a r t b - e r Must you be dragged before you realize you are making a mistake in not using Electric Lights. YoungPeopIe’sWeekly ELEC TR IC ITY . Are you suffering from rheuma­ tism. Weak Back, Nervous trouble or Generally run-down system? Use Electric Belts and Batteries. Far men and women. Electric Insoles keep tbe feet warm, and prevent catching cold. For booklet and circulars, address, E lectric A ppliance Co., Medford, Oregon. So Far So Good. W e don’t sell Klondike gold mines nor Standard Oil stock but so far as we go, every­ thing we sell is just as desirble in its way. Our Gloves, Neck wear, Hats, C o l l a r s , Cuffs, Umbrollas, Canes, Etc., all bear the imprint of quality and the impress of style. We never fail to follow the fashions. all beautifully illustrated with original and artistic half-tone engiavings, in blaok and colors. Y ou n g F e o p l b ’ s W b b k l y has reached its marvelous Euooess and attained a circula­ tion o f oyer 210,000 copies n week, because its contents interest young readers. Its popularity extends to thoughtful parents who recognize in it one of the best aids in keeping young folks in healthy touch with the active world, giviog them a taste for dean, vigorous reading, and presenting truths in their most attiactive form. Its fiotioa is wholesomo, its comment on current events is helpful to young people, its editorials are inspiring. All its depart­ ments are conducted in a way that has proved most helpful to their readors. All its writers are gkillod in interesting and devoted to uplifting young people. Y oung P boplk ’ s W ebkly is also a paper for the family, and interestsold and young alike. It is the largest, handsomest and best paper o f its class published. OUK SPECIAL OFFEK. Arrangements have been perfected be­ tween the uublishers of Y oung P e o p l e ’ s W e e k ly and H e b a l d which 3nable u s to offer both papers a t the prioe o f the last named alone. Send us f 1.50 for one year’s subscription to the H e r a l d and both it and Y oung P e o p l e ’ s W e e k l y will be mailed to you regularly for 52 consecutive weeks. This offer applies to both new subscribers and present subscribers who renew their subscriptions before February 1 ,1903, pay­ ing for same a full year in advance at reg­ ular rates. J . A . L A M B & CO hardware, Stoves, Tin aqd Agate ware Doors and Windows, L im e a n d C e m e n t, A gricultural Impements, 60 YEA R S EXP ERIEN CE Paigts and oils, FRED SLAGLE. Tailor. P STEAMER ‘W e lc o m e ’ Leaves Coquille City tor Myrtle Point at 7:30 a. m. Leaves Myrtle Point for Coquille City nt 1:30 p. m. HARVEY JAMES, Captain. NOTICE FOB PUBLICATION. United States Land Office, Hose burg, Oregon, Deo. 23,1902, Notice is hereby given that in compliance with tho provisions of the act of Congress o f June 3,1878, entitled "An act for the sale o f timber lands in the States of California. Oregon,Nevada and Washington Territory,” as extended to all the I* iblic Land States by act of August. 4, 1892, MBS. ZILPHA NEELY, Widow, f Fairview, county of Coos, State of OJegon, has this day tiled in this office her sworn statement N o.4182, for tho purchase of the of NWI£ of Section No. 21 in Township No. 26 Uange No. 11 W.. and will offor proof to show that the land'songht ia more valuable for its timber or stone than for agricultural purposes, and to establish her olaira to said land before L. H. Hazard, Comity Clerk of Coos Co. Oregon at Coqnillo on Thursday, the 5th day of March, 1903. She names ns witness es: Lee Neelv. F. B. Taylor, H. L. Under­ wood, of Fairview. Oregon, and Willis Neely, of Coquille, Oregon, Any and all persons claiming adversely the above-described lands are requested to file their claims in this office on or before said 5th day of Marohil903. J.T. BRIDGE«. I RADE WILL CARLETOfl’S FAMOUS MAGAZINE EVERY WHERE It contains in each issue Carleton’s Latest Poems and Stories and the Rest o f additional Literature. Only Fifty Cents a Year AGENTS WANTED IN EVERY TOWf. WRITE FOR TERMS Best Goods Lowest Prices I t I A K H I D is io n s ' C opyrights A c . Anyone sending a sketch and description may quickly ascertain our opinion free whether an Invention is probably patentable. Communica­ tions strictly confidential. Handbook on Patents sent free. Oldest agency for securingpatenta. Patents taken through Munn dt Co. receive special notice. * without cnari barge, In the Scientific American.. T uttle Tem perance ^ House. A handsomely Illustrate weekly. I^anreit cir­ culation o f any scientific Journal. T ernis, fo a year; four months, |L Sold by all newsdealers. WIUNN & Co.361Bro,dw-»- New York Branch Office. «25 F 8 t„ Washington. D. C. Standard American Annual O o q u ille O ity , O r e g o n . First Class in euery respect Courteos treatment, Transient and Regular Boarding and Lodging. and ENCYCLOPEDIA A Statistical Volume of Facts and Figures Containing Over 600 Pages. B a g is te r . T H B B K S l l.-v I ; . . . C H O IC E S ’! A N D T H A T IS GLASS. atents NO BAR IN CONNECTION. j - - NO CHINESE LABOR. First Street— East End o f Bridge. l. 000 T 0 P K S| ROSEBURG-MYRTLE POINT- 10 . 000 FA C TS m - STAGE LINE 8PBC1AL FEATURES. R eview o f the Coal Strtke; tb e T ra tte k tbe United 5 ta tet; Full Electkm R e fe r a t Ptetfonna et Poüttcel Parttce of f “Xi 2 Oi- flcere of tbe National Com m ittee*; Federal, State and Labor Lagte- latton; Owr In solar P e s e t a * ™ » ; lathseien Canul Law; Civil flrv * era m ent tor the Pblflp- l n e e ; Ouallflcatione o r V o t t n g i n Al l d t e t e e ; Autom obil* S tatistk s. Frateraal. M ilitary and P a tr io t* Socfettes; Information oa Foreign CountrIr*. Tbetr Rufers and O ov- im n w n ti; Pwlar Ex­ ploration ; R ev iew of I c i e n 11 fl c Achteve- nrnta. T be Aeismtc _ D lsturbences e f 1002 (Hont Pelee); «truction of tb e C ity o f N ew Y ork. B. FENTON, PROPRIETOR Saddle Horses of beet quality always on hand. Good Rig* in read ness for special trips. In fact, a general Stage and Livery buiinete. Accommodations for Traveling men a speciality. r Don’t Have Cold Feet ---------BUT BURN--------- John Peart’s Coal, Condensed Information for thi Office, the Store and the Hom< Big CommMiioni. Hand, o h m Pmnimni Price Addru* EVERY WHERE PUB CO inmota VN n . V. I Postpaid to any address Í 25c., On R v pry l THF W0PLD, P a n m Hulldlna H ew Ti Delivered by W. H Mansell to all part* of town at $ Large scales in connection. per ton Weighing KTeenU per load. ,