Coquille City herald. (Coquille City, Or.) 188?-1904, February 17, 1903, Image 4

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    CöQuflfc City Retail
■i t 1 .
Tragic Death of E- W. Dean.
Dean, who was a passenger
T I 1 SI )AY, FEBKURY 17, 19Ö& on E. the W. Areata
from San Francisco,
Church Directory.
C u b i s t iam C h u b o h . — Pleaching every
Hunday at 11 a. iu . and 7:30 p. m. Sunday
school at 10 a. in. Christian Endeavor at
6:30 p. m. Prayer meeting every Wednss-
pay evening at 7:30. All cordially invited.
Episcopal Church.—Episcopal services
will be held at 8t. James church, (Vjquille
City the third Sunday in each month.
Sunday sohool at 10 a. m. each Sunday.
Win. Horsefall, Pastor.
M E. Church, South: Preaching each
and every Sundays at 11 a. m. and 7:30 p.
m. Sunday-school every Sanday at 10
o’clock. Senior Epworth League at 6:30, p.
m. Junior League at ------
3:30,p.m. “ Prayerraeet
* i at 7:80.
. C. Allen, pastor.
M bthodiht E piscopal ' C huboh .—Services
every Sunday at 11 a. m. and 7:30 p. m.
Sunday School at 10 o’clook a, m. Junior
League 3:30 p. in. Prayer meeting Thurs­
day evening at 7:30 p. m. A special invita­
tion is extehded to the public to attend all
W. H. M yhbf , Pastor.
disappeared while she was lying off
the bar yesterday morning, and the
only explanation is that be went
No one witnessed the
tragedy and the circumstance can
only be surmised.
Mr. Dean occu­
pied a stateroom with C. Dillman,
bis brother-in-law.
He had been
confined to his berth except a short
time spent on dock Monday after­
Mr. Dillman had been awake
nearly all night, and about 5 a. m.
he dropped asleep for a short time.
When ho awoke, Mr. Doan was
Search was at once insti­
tuted but without avail, and there
is no question but the unfortunate
man met his death as indicated.—
Passed Over the River.
P sissbytkuian C hubch .— Preaching cer­
vices 2nd and 4th Sundays, morning ard
evening,* Sunday School every Sanday nt
10 a. m. Christian Endeavor services every
Died at Bandon, February. 10
Sunday at 6:30 p. m., Miss Winnie Half, 1903, B. J. Bretherton, aged about
President. Ladies’ Aid and Missionary
Society moots overy two weeks on Thurs­ 45 years.
days at 2 p .m . A cordial welcome is ex­
Deceased was a native of North
tended to the pnblio to attend all onr ser-
came to this country
A d o l p h H a b s b l y , Pastor
The W. C. T. U. meets every 1st and 3rd
Friday at 3 p.m . at the Christian church.
Preaching eacl* 2nd and 4th Sabboth at
11 a. ra. and 7:30 p. m. You are cordialy
Samuel S. White, Pastor.
Services by the First Baptist Church of
Coouille, at the M. E. Church the second
and fourth Suhdnys in eaoh month at 11 a.
ra. and 7:30 p. ra,
C. D. P biob ,
L O C A L IT E M S .
T h e Emporium ia headquarters
for ladies and gents underwear.
T. W. Clark,
of Bandon, re­
turned from a business trip to the
bay on Thursday.
Mr. and Mrs. Nonda Anderson,
o f the lower river, spent several
days in town last week.
early in life, and has been in the
employ of the government for
several years, having served in dif­
ferent capacities at diffeient times,
the last being assistant keeper of tbe
light station here.
Death was the result of a compli­
cation of ailments.
Tbe funeral
took place yesterday, Rev. Wm.
Horsfall delivering the discourse.
Interment was made in the Bandon
Mr. Bretherton had acquired a
knowledge of ornithology so that
ho was considered an authority on
Oregon birds and insects.
'H e leaves a wife and threo chil­
dren who have the sympathy o f the
community in their hour of sorrow.
— Recorder.
--------------- » ■»©»■*---------------
S. C Rogers has lost quitea num­
ber of Angora goats by a disease
T. J. Parkins, of Parkersburg,
which baffles the local experts.— had business in town Thursday.
J. H. Lamb, of Fishtrap, had
Foil R e n t .— A fiist-claes dairy business on the lower river one
ranch, three miles North o f town. day last week.
There is a good team o f horses
Mrs. R. E, L . Bedillion, ot the
and wagon, and nine cows go with
the place. Appl to S. S. McAdams, Tupper Houso, Bandon, visited
this place one day last week.
at this place.
Sidney James accompanied by
his sister, Miss Oertrude, went to
the bay last Thursday to take the
H om er for San Francisco.
go to Merced, California, for per­
manent residence.
C . V. Allen, o f S a d Francisco,
arrived by the last Areata and pro­
ceeded to the lower river whero he
has interests.
W . H. Hayes, o f Etelka, made
our office a pleasant call on W ed.
nesdav o f last week. H e took ad­
vantage of our duhiDg rates with
the Oregonian and Examiner to lay
In his year’s supply of reading
Mrs. Nannio Follows, o f Marsh-
hold, brought her little daughter,
Imogene, over to this place W ed­
nesday, the little one having re-
covDredjfrom a spell o f whooping
cough, as well as severe sores on
her limbs.
o f the week from a visit o f several
days with his parents and numer­
ous friends at M yrtle Point.
F ifty dollars reward will be paid
to the person who will enuse the
arrest and conviction of anyone
sawing up or in any way using or
appropriating any saw log branded
“ J . C ."
W . C l in t o n .
Elder C. E. Crumley and Rev.
J. B. Crooks are arranging to meet
in joint discussion upon the merits
of the Book of Mormon nnd tho re­
spective churches they represent.
The discussion is to take place in
Bandon, and to begin February 25,
if arrangements are completed.—
J. L. Knight, the «took man, re­
turned by train Thursday from
Mnrslifirld where he had been to
deliver a band o f cattle, sending
his horses by other parties, he be­
ing somewhat tired out.
Mr. K.
has been doing quito n good busi­
ness this winter.
It seems likely at this time that
the next vessel to be built at tbe
Kruse shipyard will be a fine pas­
senger and freight steamer to ply
between this port and San Fran­
It is proposed that the boat
shall be built by San Franoisco and
Coos Bay capital, a good proportion
of tbe stock to be owned on tbe
I t is now stated on the
authority o f Capb Colstrup that ar­
rangements are practically com­
pleted, and the steamer will be con­
structed and placed on the route.
She will have a carrying capacity of
about 300,000 feet of lumber, be­
sides miscellaneous freight.
will also have accommodations for
about thirty first class passengers.
Thero w ill be plenty of business
for a boat of this kind, and in the
line of passenger travel she is bad­
ly needed.
That she is to be con­
structed on the Bay is a matter of
congratulation and will give the
people here a feeling of interest in
her.— Mail.
The Commoner, Mr. Bryan’s pa­
per, will be especially interesting
and instructive duriDg the present
session of congress.
The action of
this congress will probably deter­
mine the ¡Bene upon which the next
presidential campaig will be fought.
The Commoner proposes to carry
on a campaign of education and or­
ganization to the end that Demo­
cratic principles may triumph.
In addition to the editorial de­
partment, which receives Mr. Bry­
an’s personal attention, The Com­
moner contains a Current Topic de­
partment, wherein a non-partisan
discussion of topics of timely inter­
est and other valuable information
w ill be found. The Home Depart­
ment is conducted by an experienced
woman who is widely known as a
writer of household topics and who
is an authority on the art of cooking
in all that the term implies. This
department alone is worth the sub­
scription price. The other depart­
ments of the paper are all interest­
ing and ably conducted, among
which is a summary of the world's
news told in narrative style, and
Mr Maupin’s department— Whether
Common or N ot—contains original
anecdotcr nnd wit, moral lessons in
homely phrase nnd verse,nnd appeals
to old and young alike.
a N t 'lc u llllr D lw o r e r r .
Kodol does for tho stomach that
which it is unable to do for* itself,
evon when but slightly disordered
or over-loaded. Kodol supplies the
natural juices of digestion aud does
the work of the stomach, relaxing
the nervous tension, while the in
flamed muscles of that organ nre al­
lowed to rest and heal.
Kodol di­
gests what you eat and enables the
stomach and digestive organs to
transform all food into rich, red
blood. R. S. Knowlton.
The Commoner as a whole is clean,
entertaining nnd instructive, and its
rapid increase in circulation— now
amounting to 140,000 -is proof of
the paper’s strength and influence.
Arrangements have been made
with Mr.
Bryan where by The
Commoner can be supplied at a
very low rate with the I I r b a l d both
papers for one year for $2.15. This
offer applies to both ne-.v and
renowal subscriptions, and should
be taken advantage of without de­
lay. A ll orders should be sent to
the H erald office, Coquille, Or.
------------- « U » « ------
Mr. Merchant Returns-
C. H. Merchant returned on the
Areata, after several months absence
during which he and Mrs. Mer
chant took a trip to the Hawaiian
The trip has done him a
world of good and his friends are
greatly pleased to seo him looking
so well.
He says that he enjoyed
his trip to the Islands but would
not care to stay there any great
longth of time, in fact has seen a
good many places that ho didn’t
liko as well as Coos Bay.
He will
stay here threo or four weeks and
then rejoin Mrs. Merchant in San
Francisco.— Mail.
Are you suffering from rheuma­
tism, Weak Back, Nervous trouble
or Generally run-down system?
Use Electric Belts and Batteries.
Far men and women.
Insoles keep the feet warm, and
prevent catching cold. For booklet
and circulars, address,
E l e c t r ic
A p p l ia n c e
C o .,
Medford, Oregon.
-----. . . ---------—♦ © - - « -------------------
So par So Good.
W e don’t sell Klondike gold mines
Mr. Rockefeller is about to give
$7,000,000 toward tho discovery of nor Standard Oil stock but bo far
ns we go, every­
serums for stubborn diseases, such
thing we sell is
as tuberculosis.
just as desirble
should be made as rare as smallpox
in its way. Our
and we expect to live to see it
Gloves, Neck wear,
Hats, C o l l a r s ,
The oyster-typhoid scare in Eng­
Cuffs, Umbrellas,
land is reducing tho sales at B ill­
Canes, Etc., all
ingsgate many thousand pounds.
bear the imprint
Perhaps if our legislators would
o f quality and the
contract the scare their Billings­ impress o f style. W e never fail to
gate output might be reduced.
follow the fashions.
An expert electrician predicts
that wireless telegraphy will be
used by future Articjexpeditions to
communicate with civilization and
that before long trans-Atlantic tel­
ephony will be an accomplished
Leaves Coquillo City for Myrtle
Point at 7:30 a. m.
Leaves M yrtle Point for Coquille
City at 1 :30 p. m.
United States Land Office,
Hoseburg, Oregon, Deo. 23,1902,
Notice ia hereby given that in compliance
with the provisions of the act o f Congress
o f June 3,1878, entitled “ An act for tho sale
of timber lands m the States of California.
Oregon,Nevada and Washington Territory,”
as extended to all the P .blic Land States
by act o f August 4, i 892,
f Fairview. county of Coos. State of
Oregon, has this day tiled in this office her
sworn statement No.4182. for the purchase
o f the NW^C of N W *>4 o f Section No.
21 in Township No. 26 S., Range No.
11 W., and will offer proof to show that the
land sought is more valuable for its timber
or stono than for agricultural purposes, nnd
is lorgeiy in tho hands of profess- to establish her claim to said land before
L. H. Hazard. County Clerk of Coos Co.
onal “ gassers" who work in gangs. Oregon at Coquille on Thursday, tho 5th
day of March, 1903. She names as witness
es: Loe Neely, F. It. Taylor, H, L. Under­
N I o |» n Ilio C o u k I i a n il w o r k N o fflin e wood, of Fairview, Oregon, and Willis
Neely, o f CoquillOf Oregon,
C o lli.
Any and all persons claiming adversely
Lavativo Bromo-Qainin© Tablots Care a
ibove-d escribed lands are requested to
colti in ono day. No onto uo pay. Prioe
their claims in this office on or before
25 conta.
said 5th day of MarchJ1903.
Dairy Ranch for Sale-
25 acres choice bottom land on
tho Coquille river 34 miles from
Coquille City, J mile from Jobu-
son b mill. Good bearing orchard,
improvpmeuts all new. Six room
house, good out-houses well built,
convenient barn 42x32- Good well
at the door. F or terms apply at !
the premises or by mail-
J. C- J a m e s ,
Coquille, Ore.
Catarrh Cannot be Cured
With LOCAL APPLIC ATIO N S , ns thoy
cannot reach tho seat o f tho disease. Ca­
tarrh is a blood or constitutional disease,
and in order to cure it you must take inter­
nal remedies. Hall’s Catarrh Cure is taken
internally, and act« directly on the blood
nnd mucus surfaces. Hall s Catarrh Cure
is uot a quack medicine. It was prescribed
by one of the bo«t physioians in this oonn- |
try for years, and is a regular prescription.!
It is oorop<>sed of the best tonics known,
combined with the best blood purifiers, act- i
ing directly on the mucoffB surfaoea. The
rfect combination of tho two ingredients
what produces such wonderful results in
morta« li____
____ Send
... for testimonials free.
F. J. ORKNEY A CO., Prr- , Teitdc, O.
Sold by d rn «gists. pri
>rice, 75e.
H all« Family Filia are the betrt.
TH E bl-.fc l /.*• : . .
tleman or lady in oaoh county to manage
business for an old established house o f
solid financial standing. A straight, bona
fide weekly salary of $18:00 paid by oheok
each Wednesday with all expenses direct
from headquarters. Money advanoed for
expanses. Manager, 340Oaxton Bldg., Chi­
T w o P a p e r s fto r
T ir e P r ic e o f O n e
The loading ytfung people’s paper in
Amerioa.oontaining caohweek from eight to
twelve pages of four broad cola nine oaoh.
all beautifully illustrated with original and
artistic half-tone eugtavings, in black and
Y oung F koplr ’ s W eekly has reached its
marvelous success and attained a circula­
tion of oyer 210.000 copies a woek, because
its contents interest young readers. Its
popularity extends to thoughtful parents
who reoegnize m it ono of the best aids in
keeping young folks in healthy touch with
tho active world, giving them a taste for
dean, vigorous reading, nnd presenting
truths in their most attractive form.
Its fiotion is wbolesomo, its comment on
current events is helpful to young people,
its editorials are inspiring. AH its depart­
ments are conducted m a way that has
proved most helpful to their readers.
All its writers are skilled in interesting
and devoted to uplifting young people.
Y ouno P eople ’ s W eekly is also a paper
'if)r the family, and interests old and young
alike. It is the largest, handsomest and
best paper of its class published.
Arrangements have been perfected be­
tween the publishers of Y oung P eople ’ s
W eekly and H erald which snable us to
offer both papers at the price of tho last
named alone. Send us $1.50 for one year’ s
subscription to the H erald and both it and
Y oung P eople ’ s W keklv will be mailed to
vou regularly for 52 consecutive weeks.
This offer applies to both new subscribers
and present subscribers who renew their
subscriptions before February 1 ,1903, pay­
ing for same a full year iu advance at reg­
ular rutes.
m vw iv
P. E. Drone
B le e p e c o n e t a a t y o n H a n d
2 Cln.dJS.
F rseb
M eat,
Corned B e e f an d P ic k le d P o r k
Cash Paid for Hides to any Quanty.
a H - A - itT
Who tied the cow's tail to his leg in the process of milk­
ing; said she had not dragged him over two miles before
he realized he had made a mistake.
H o - w IvCvicla. r a r t b e r
Must you bo dragged before you realize you are making a
in not using Electric Lights.
m is
* » * » » * » » * '* * * : # » * * * * .» :# * * * JÜ MS**
J- A . l a m b & CO
R. S. Kn owlton
D esigns
C o p y r ig h t s O c .
Anyone nondlng a sketch and description may
iuickly ascertain our opinion free whether an
nvontlon is probably patentable. Communica­
tions strictly confidential. Handbook on Patent«
Bent free. Oldest agency for securing patents.
Patents taken through Munn & Co. receive
special notice, without charge, in the
Best Goods Lowest Prices
Scientific American.
A handsomely illustrated weekly. Largest cir­
culation o f any scientific journal. Terms. $8 a
year; four month«, fL Sold by aU newsdealers.
ly Branch
iUNN Oflloo.
&Co 625
'“ »’New York
F St« Washington, D. C.
Standard American Annnal.
T u ttle
T e m p e ra n c e
H ouse.
O o q.T j.ill© O i t y , O r e g o n .
First Class in every respect Courteos treatment, Transient
and Regular Boarding and Lodging.
A Statistical Volume of
Facts aod Figures Containing Over
600 Pages.
1 ,O O O T O PIC S
Condensed Information for the
Office, the Store and the Home.
Only First-Class Work.
Prepared only b y E. O. D a W i t t * Oo.. U hleasa
T b o t l. bou reea titiiIa 8 2 K tlm e .tb e i0 c .s lx e .
Big Commisiioft«. Handioms Premiums
Hot and Gold Baths.
hardware, Stoves,
Tin ai)d Agate ware
Doors and Windows,
Lim e and Cement,
It can’t help
but do you good
Agricultural Impements,
Paigts and oils,
P a t e n t s GLASS.
Only Fifty Cents a Year
Tt contains in each issue
Carleton’s I.itcst Poems
and Stories and the Best
of additional Literature.
-*^$>Best Equipped Shop in Coos County.
Digests what you eat.
Review of the Coal Strike; the Trusts In
the United States; i; Full BlectJon Return« and
Platforms of Political
Parties of 1902; Of­
ficers ol the National
Committees; fVdsyal,
State arvl Labor Le&!s-
Utiosi Our In sa h f
Canal Laws Civil Gov­
ernment for tb e Philip-
i n e s ; CuaHficoflouo
o r V o t i n g In Ail
S t o t o s ; Automobile
Statistics. Fraternal,
Military and Patriotic
Societies; Information
on Foreign Countries,
Their RwMtOiOd Gov­
ernments ; P o la r Bu-
oration ; Review at
c I e n 11 fl c Achieve­
ments; The Seismic _
I ____
VOI (Hont
PH **'.
«fra ctio n of the C ity o f N ew York.
M McDonald Proprietor
This preparation contains all of the
dlgestants and digests all kinds of
food. I t gives ingtant relief and never
falls to cure. It allows you to eat all
the food you want. The most sensitive
’tomaebs can take it. By its use many
iiousands of dyspeptics have been
lured after everything else failed. I t
prevents formation of gas on the stom­
ach, relieving all distress after eating.
Dieting unnecessary. Pleasant to take.
A M ) T H A T IS
The Palace,Barber Shop,
Dyspepsia Cure
v.iiU lChM
K n c o iiiiiir m lu t io ii.
1 have
Cough Remedy for a number of
years and have uo hesitancy in say­
ing that it is the best remedy for
coughs, colds nnd croup I ever
used in my family.
I have not
words to express my confidence in
this remody.— Mrs. J. A. Moore,
North Star, Mich. Fur sale by R. S.
‘W e l c o m e ’
The revolt in Morocco is crushed
and the cables will have fewer odd
The Supremo Court has decided
that “ The ballet is as legitimate a
names tc carry,
subject for illustration
as any
Baron Speck von Sternberg, tho
When tho old
now German Ambassador talks very other."
pcacible like.
Diplomacy has, maids in trousers learn ol this the
Supreme Court will learn some­
since Bismnrk, been nearly mouthed.
thing to Its advantage.
An exchange says: “The short­
Health officer Mingus reports
age iu tho feather supply has forced
down up.” . Yes, and the shortage two cases of smallpox in town.
of tho money supply has forced U. These nre probably the result of the
caso that was not discovered aud
P.(Union Pacific) down.
isolated in time.
All precautions
John Hay has not done much havo boon taken, and thero will
“ loafing round the throne" Bince he probablv be no more trouble—
has had charge of affairs of state.
Professor Frederick Bedell, of
In California, tree-infesting in­
Cornell University, announces that sects are destroyed by the appli­
alternating and direct
currents cation of prussic aoid gas.
may be transmitted at one time trees are covered by tents anil the
over a single wire.
This is a dis­ gas generated under those oovers.
covery in aid of economy.
The operation is done at night nnd
The scratch of a pin may cause
the loss of a limb or even death
when blood poisoning results from
the injury. All danger o f this may
be avoided, however, by promptly
applying Chamberlain's Pain Balm.
I t is an antiseptic and quick heal­
The People’s Press published at
ing liniment for cuts, bruises and Albany, this stntc, and for some
For sale by R. S. Knowl- time state official organ of the
Socialist party of Oregon, has lately
W ilbur Hayter, well known in been consolidated with “ The Liber­
this vicinity, returned from Cali­ ator,” a new paper just started at
fornia last Wednesday. H e has Portland, from which tho publica­
spent the year just past in that tion will issuo in the futuro. Those
state, for the most purt at Oakland. who have been receiving the Press
H e enjoyed good health up to in the past will now get the Liber­
within a month ago, when he be­ ator. W o have received a copy of
gan to feel badly and found it 7th inst, Vol. 1, No. 5 of tho now
necessary to take a last, and of paper, and judging from this issue
course, returned |home to have a it is well worth rending. It will be
its aim and object to present the
vacation nnd to recuperate.
socialistic side of our national econ­
The U. S. Civil Service Commis­ omy in an honest, upright nnd com­
sion reports that for the year end­ prehensive manner, and should be
ing June 30, 1002, there were 14,983 read by all parties that it may be
persons appointed from its regist- [ thoroughly understood.
ers. This was 4,C92 more than was
During a sudden and terrible at­
ever before appointed in a single
year. Anyone wishing information tack o f croup, our little girl was un­
about these positions can secure it conscious from strangulation, says
free by writing for the Civil Horvice A. L . Spafford, postmaster, Chester
announcement of the Columbian Mich., and a dose o f Ono Minute
Correspondence College, Washing­ Cough Cure wns administered and
I t reduced the
ton, D. C. The Commission will repeated often.
hold examinations to secure young swelling and inflammation, rut the
men ami women for these places mucus and soon the child was rest­
during March and April, at Pendle­ ing easy and speedily recovered. It
ton and Portland. Many people do cures coughs, colds, Ingrippc, and
not know that these appointments all throat and lung troubles.
are made without political influence Minute Cough Cure lingers in the
and that a largo share o f them are throat and chest and enables the
filled by those having only a com­ lungs to contribute pure, health­
R. S
mon school education, but such is giving oxygen to the blood.
now the case.
A ¡H o t lie r 's
Mr. Bryan's Paper.
T o C u re a C o ld In O n e Day.
Take Laxative Uronio Quiatno Tablets
Ed Kackloff, the popular Dairy- all drueeiate refund tbe money if it failato
onre E . W Grove’ s signatare is on eaob
ville merchant, returned the last paokage.
Prof. C. II. Nosier, at present
o f M yrtle Point, who is in attend­
ance here as a member o f the
board of examiners at the teaohers’
examination, is accompanied by
The ground hog's shadow is the
Mrs. Nosier, who is enjoying a
stuffed sausage.
visit with Mrs. Aaron Wilson.
W A N T E D 5 YO U N G M E N from
Coos county at once to prepare for
positions in the Government ser­
vice— Railway Mail Clerks, Letter
Carriers, Custom House and De­
partmental Clerks, etc. Apply to
intor-State Corros. Inst.,
Rapids, Iowa.
Another Steamer For Coes Bay.
- -
First Street— East End o f Bridge.
Saddle Horses of best quality always on hand. Good R igs in read
ness for special trips. In fact, a general Stage and L ivery business.
Accommodations for Traveling men a speciality.
I Qr\ JSrrry
Don’t Have Cold Feet
John Peart’s Coal,
Postpaid to any address, 35c
PulHser Puf Win*
N ew York
Delivered by W. H. Mansell to all porta o f town at $
Large scales in Connection.
per ton
W eighing 10 oents per load.