! VOL 19. — V G. D. Holden, l - i i — . - —-.ty.rRw - Hand Separators- » - Marvelous capabilities of the New Holland Submarine Torpedo Boat. The subject of hand separators The following from Rear Admiral 1 formed the text of ail i n t e r e s t i n g ad­ TJ. S. Commissioner, dress belivered at a recent meeting Lowe, retired, appeared iu a special i to the Examiner: G eneral In s u ran c e Agent, of the Canadian Dairymen's Asscoi- New York, Nov. 24.— We went Notary Public. utiou by Professor H. H. Dean, oue 'down at 7:30, and after adjusting Office iu Robinson Building. of the officials of the Ontario Agri­ : the vessel so as to have an easy C o q U IL L E , Dunoon. cultural College at Guelph. After j berth on the bottom, a watch of two ! explaining the principles upon [ men was set and all the others pro­ ceeded to occupy themseives in va- which the machine works, Professor j rious ways. At about 8:30, Laving Doan went on to deal with the ad­ nothing else to do, most of us turu- ^Dentist, It was the most comfort- vantages of the separator and in | ed iu. this connection said: “Oue of the | able thing we could do. At intervals Captain Cable and Wil visit Hnndon first six days of J a n u ­ chief benefits of a hand separator in mvHelf got up to observe the situ­ ary, March, May, Ju ly, beptember anti Nov­ the private dairy is that it is a clean­ ember, and Myrtle Poiut the first mix days ation aud see if everything was all of February, April. Ju n e, Aagaui, October ser of milk. I f you take what is right. After satisfying ourselves in and December. supposed to be clean milk and run all regards we turned in again, and it through a separator, you will be repeated this several times duriug the night. amazed at what will come out of the We observed during the uight • - * milk. This is an important factor tlmt the vessel, resting upon her A ttorn ey - a4 - L aw , iu favor of the use of separators, as bilge upon the bottom, lowered a C o q u il l e C it y , C oob C ounty , O regon . clean pure cream means better but­ trilie and buried herself into the mud, saying, perhaps, one foot. Notary Tublic. ter. From this we argued that it was A second advantage is that it en­ blowing, which, however, was the ables the private dairyman to get only indication that there was auy more of this better class of cream, weather at all. -A .t t 3 r n .e 3 r . a t - X ja -w , Observations upon the diving aud thus make more and better but­ M A U S U F IE L I). UK EGON. gauges showed to some extent the ter. A third gain to the farmer is '— —=crc=—‘:------ rise and fall of the tide, but after a Dealer in R eal E htatk of all kinds. that it gives him n better quality of ! very .comfortable night, during skim milk. I want to pause here j which all hands had sufficient and and emphasize this matter of skim- refreshing sltep, we awoke in the milk. In our own particular local­ morning, having nothing else to do but awuit the termination of the ity, we have a number of farmers period of our stay. Front St., who make a speciality of stock rais­ The air iu which we lived, so far O c q .-u .ille . - O r e g -c n . ing. These men always want to as I could tell -and I was very crit­ Doe» a general barberiug anil hair know if we can return them good ical about i t —was perfectly pure dressing business. OleanlinesB, neatness and dispatch is our motto. skimmilk. We say that we can re­ aud wholesome, and so continued. At ten o’clock, the time having turn good skimmilk if they will furn­ elapsed, and for no qther reason, /'T EN E R A L L Y T L E POST. NO. 27, ish us with clean, sweet whole milk, \~X Dept o f Oregon G. A. R ., meets iu the vessel was brought to the sur­ Hersey hall the first Monday evening in each month. Oornrades arecordialy invited but that if they send us sour whole face, when we found that a severe to meet v ith us. milk we cannot return good skim- gale was blowing, of which below B. H. H a s k in s , P . C. J . Q u i c k , Adjutant. milk. This year we adopted the we had no knowledge. I would not hesitate for a min­ following plan: ute to send her down to the bottom E E LO D G E. NO. ID. I.O . O. L . M E E T S l We pasteurized all the whole milk to get out of the way of such a gale j at Lee, the second Saturday evening of j each m onth. W. ri. M ast , Pres. before puttiug it through the sep­ rather than anchor and ride it out F ay Hervey, Sec. arator—-i. e., we heated the milk to upon the surface. /“tO Q U IL L E COUNCIL. NO.JfitH O F T H E We took four flasks of air, ap­ V ) F ratern a l Aid Association meets the I temperatures from 1G0 to 200 de­ proximately half full, making 2nd and Itti M ad lys i'l e ac a month. grees,. and after the skim milk M bs . E dith B alcu , I twenty-nine cubic feet altogether, M rs. Alice T u ttle. Sec. came through the separator, we ran none of which, however, was used, YOURGTH LO D G E, N o . 72. K. of P. directly over a Lister cooler, con­ saying a small quantity that leaked meets every Tuesday evening at Odd Fel­ nected with our waterworks, and from one of the tanks. low s' H all. Brothers in good standing in sister lodges arc cordially invited to visit ns cooled it to 60 degrees. By 'this ■ We could stay under water indef- V. It. W ILSON , C. G. method we were able to return a iutelv so far as wo could ascertain from the trial; anyhow, much more R . H . M AST, K. of R . * 8 . good quality of skim milk oven in time over that which we did stay. the hottest weather, when the whole The time wo could stay down is V f Y H T L E CAMP, NO. 197, WOODMEN j J l of the World, m eets a t Hersey Hall, milk came to us iu s.veet condition. really a matter of food supply a 1 s t and fid Saturday nights of each mouth. We found that this skim milk could more thau of air. J . W. L e n it e , Consul. J . G. Simmons, Clerk. I t was an experiment in which I be kept sweet from 21 to 43 hours, IT'V E N IN O T ID E r it lC L E . NO. 214. by placing the cans of skimmilk in consider myself priviledged to have I , VV. of W., mont» in Iloraey’s Hall on partaken it was marvellous. I be­ 2U and 4th Saturday nights in ennh month. cold water. You may adopt this lieve we could stay down for six OKAX. MAURY. plan, or, if you perfer, heat the skim months—leastways in definitely. G uardian Ntdghbor. Joase 0 . Sim m ons, Cleri:. milk to ICO degrees, and then cool it I t is only a matter of mathematical to 00 degrees, and you will be al­ calculations as to food, fuel and air /"1HADWIOK LO D G E, NO. CS. A. F . V ; and A. M ., m en s on Satnrdny evening most sure to get good, sweet skim­ supply. ou or hefore eanh full moon. V isiting breth­ Test has a great value besides milk. ren cordially invited. proving that the Holland bout can C. Hi m a n jj BB, W. M. A great many who use baud sep­ J . ,T, L am b, Sec. stay under water indefinitely. It arators take the warm cream from also proved that the vessel can rest T JU E L A H C H A P T E R . NO. «. O. E. 8 ., i j meets Friday evening on or before the separator and put it in with the on the bottom with perfect safety. enoh full moon at K o'cloel-: from_April 1st cream that has been skimmed in the Captain Cable has always been to O ctober :11st, and thereafter at 7:tW; and 3 aoh Frid ay aftern oon two weeks there morning or the previous day. That afraid before that the boat might be damaged by resting on the bot­ a fte r at 2 o’clock. practice will result in a poor quality M iss E mma L oukn z . W . M. tom. It has been proved that it is M rs. Je n n ie L. Rose, Sec. of butter every time. Cream from not. / lO Q U I L I jE LO D G E. NO. 53. I .O . <>■ F.. the separator should always be Should one of these destroyers V -/m eets every Saturday evening. Visit- ng breth ren in good standing cordially cooled at once to a temperature of expend all her torpedoes and fail Inv itad . E . L . F itch , N. G. (¡((degrees, or lower, otherwise it to sink a ship or a fleet, she can J . S . Lawrence, U. S. will be worse for butter-making than drop to the bottom anil remain there VVtIE ltE B E K A H L O D G E . NO. 20. that obtained in the old way vvith- for days, if necessary. f , o . O. F .. meets every 2 d and 4th Wednesdays in each m onth, at Odd Fel- separators. Neglecting to wash the AMERIC4N TERRITORY- ows' h all. 1 bm \ L u k in s . N. G. machine properly, and neglecting to tnuu McDonald. Sec. cool the cream properly, are the Cannot Imncse Duly on Imports l-rom the O O Q U I L L E ENCAM PM ENT, NO. 25,1. P hilippines. V , ) . O . F ., meets every tirst and third two great evils to guard against in Thursdays in each month a t Odd Fellows the use of the hand separator. If n a il. Cordial invitation extended to all vis- Washington, Dec. 2.— The United itin g p atriarchs in good standing. these two points nre carefully ob­ States Supreme Court today render­ B. F . L awbkkck C. P. served, we shall have a better qual­ J . J . Stanley, Scribe. ed a decision in the case of Emil J. ity of cream, but not otherwise.— Pepke vs. the United States. This 50 Y EA RS’ E X P E R IE N C E Hoard’s Dairyman. is the case known as the “Fourteen L a w y e r : J . VV. STRANGE, Uoquille City, Or. A J. Sherwood, John F. Hall, RCte H. E , H o sie r’s, SHAVING PARLOR. I L M Big Meeting of Labor- T rade M ark « D e s ig n s C o p v r io m t s A c . Anyone «endïnir . eketeli end deecrlpflon m .y Anyuie • »»w-" ~ . . wiiuiu* . «■« quickly M certaia oar enlnlnn opinion_ ffM fraa Wild w hdner an invention 1« probably patentable. Mona itilc tly confidential. Handbook cm Patent* eent free. Oldeet agency for eeruriniIP111 Patents taken through Mann A Co. receive ipeeiat notice, without charge. In the Scitnfflic American. . . . . . . . . . a ____ L l . A . handsomely Uluatrated weekly. T -< H T.K t r d f .....l h A C Q ^ ’^ ’N e w Y o r k Office. 825 r St.. Washington, D. U Branoh < 0 0 0 8 B A Y lamie and Stole Worts C. W. PATERSON. Prop. MAnafaoturer o f M arble Monuments. He« t- stonea. Tablets, e tc. 6 einetery lo ts enclosed with stone coping • l onrbtiid. Iron rsiliniM fnenished to o r­ d e r. Correspon tence soticiind from r«rl»ee tvinst in th e conntrv or other towns «n o mnv wisli n nrth inti in in f i.io- of bnymess- (la to MsnsorieTu i - Treasurers Notice. ‘4>TICE is hereby riven th s t fttt Connts W srrsn is endorsed prior to Oct. 1st. 1S9 9 . will b e paid on presentstion At my office in Coqnille City, Coos county. Oregon. No interest will be allowed a fte r Sept. 30. 1201. T h is 23d day o f Sept. 1901. J . B. D C LL F.Y . Countv Treasurer. N Scranton, Pa. Dec. 2.—The exe­ cutive committee of the American | Federation of Labor met here today j to prepare the schedule of work that is to engaged the attention to the : 27th annual convention of the or­ ganization, which meets in this city I on Thursday next. In addition to i over 300 nolegates trom all parts j of the United States there will be i present delegates representing or­ ganized labor from England, B el­ gium, France and other pnits of Continental Europe and from Porto Rico and the Philippines. The com- I ing convention is regarded in labor circles as the roost important that I has yet been held. Topics of the 1 greatest interest to organized labor will be discussed. The deliberations will be secret. o r B r n t - f l l 1» Y » » . NO. ¿3 COQUILLE CITY, OREGON, TUESDAY, DECEMBER 10 , 1901 . Dimond Rings” case, involves the constitutionality of the imposition of customs duties upon merchandise brought into the United States from the Philippine Islands after the ex­ change of the peace treaty with Spain The opinion was hai ded down by Chief Justice Fuller and was adverse to the claim- of the government on the ground that the Philippine Islands were, at the time the rings were brought in. Ameri­ can territory. THE One-Man Power I. J. LAMB, Pre* L. HARLOCKER, Vice.Pres. G. W. W HITE Cashier. Iu the long run th * people get An Ingenious Treatment by which Drunkards their will. Everybody understands ! are Being Cured Daily tn Spite of that except the Populists. Y *t j Themselves, sometimes the process is exaepera- ' Hg Nox|o|)S Doses. No Wea|(anlnj #f !he CAPITAL - $50,000 tingiy delayed. Few, for example, j Nerves- A Pleasant and Positive Cure would oppose removal of the duty j tor the Liquor Habit, on irou and steel, if left to vote; but It is now generally known and under­ Does a general hanking business. Has money to loan on aj proved as it is the thing is practically stood that Drunkenness is a desease and , . , , „„ , . , personal and real estate securitv, buVs county, town and school d i s t r i c t , . , , , . blocked by one man. Mr. Aldrich, no weakness. A body tilled with poison, . 01 , T . , i and nerves completely shattered bv peri ¡_ warrants, draws notes, mortgages, deeds and all kinds of legal i n s t r u ­ of iihoiie Island who represent».! odical or constant use of intoxicating ments—Notarial work. Issues fire insurance at lowest rates in following companies: about au many people as does Sena­ liqu ors, requ ires an antidote cap ab le of n eu tra lisin g and eradicating th is poison, | tor Turner, of Washington, doesn’t and d estroying th e craving for in toxi- j -Etna, Springfield, Connecticut, Orient and Magdeburg. think well of tariff reform. So the cu n ts. Su fferers m ay now cure them- f BOARD O B ’ ID ID eiE C T O IR S - selves at hom w ithout p u blicity or loss j ISAIAH HACKER, J. J L A M B House may pass a bill, but it will be of tim e from business by th is wonder- 1 A . J . SHERW OOD, L. HARLOCKER, and G. W. W H ITE. referred to the Sennte finance com- ful “ H om e G old C u re,” w hich has been j COQUILLE VOLLEY BflN^. COQXJIILILE, OEEG-OIT . .. m itte e , . . . w h ic h , . , ARE YOU DEAF? , perfected a fte r m any years of close stnd y Aldrich dominates, and trea tm en t of ineb riates. T he faith - ; and there it will Bleep. Nobody can , ful u?e acem-ding to directions of this wonderful discovery is positively g u aran ­ get it out. teed b> cure th e m ost > bstim ite case, no m a tte r how hard a drink er. O ur records The peeple may arise in their show th e m arvelous transform ation of might, declare so-and-so in stentor­ thousands o f D runkards in to sob er, in ­ ian tones, but what they will get dustrious and u p w rizh t m en. W ives Cure Y our H u sband s! Child-1 they don’t kuow till they have heard ren cu re your f a t h e r s ! T h is rem edy is i from Chairman Aldrich and Speaker in no sense a n ostru m b u t is a specific for th is disease only, and is so sk illfu lly Henderson. In the Republican devised and prepared th a t it is th orou gh ­ A L L CASES O F caucus Saturday, Hepburn offered a ly soluble and p leasan t to th e ta ste, so th a t it can be given in a cup of tea or protest against the difficulty iu the coffee w ithout th e knowledge of th e p er­ House. In the last Congress he son tak in g it. Thousands of D runkards have cured th em selv es w ith th is price­ by our new invention. Only those born deaf are incurable. had heard a call frqm the people less rem edy, and as m any more h ave for the Nicaragua Canal. But Can- CU™J a»,'1 made temperate men by ° I having the “Cure” administered hv lov- uon had the floor, aud with Hopkins ing friends and rel fives without their F . A . WERNVAN, O F B A L T IM O R E , S A Y S : B altimore , M<1., March 30 , 1901 . in the chair they cut him out. He I kn?wlc!'*® ln coffee or tea, and believe G entlem en : — B eing e n tirely cured o f deafness, th an k s to j our treatm ent, I trill u o # g ire you today th at th ey discontinued d rink in g of a fu ll h istory o f m y cas^, to be used at your discretion. got mad aud called Cannon a liar, th e ir own fr e e w ill. Do-Not W ait. Do A bout five years ago m y rig h t e a r began to siug, and thia k e p t on gettin g worse, u ntil I lo*t m y h e arin g in th is e a r e n tirely. or vice versa, but they shut him out. n o t be deluded by ap p aren t and m islead­ I underw ent a treatm en t for c a ta rrh for three m onths, uuderv._________________________ J j , ________________ _ w .. ithout _,___ any success, consulted n num- ing “ im p rovem en t.” D rive out th e dis­ b e r o f physicians, am ong others, th e most em inent ear sp ecialist of th is city, who told m e th a t The people wanted the canal, but ease at once and for all tim e. T he “ H om e that thu head ucnscs would o n ly a n operation could help me, an d even th a t only terai> th e n cease, but th e h earing in th e affected ear would be lost fo re v e r G old C u re” is sold a t th e ex trem ely Ion Hopkins didn’t. And only forty-one jirii-e I then saw your advertisem ent accidentally in a New Y o rk paper, and ordered your tre at­ of One D ollar, tin ts placing w ithin m ent. A fte r I had used it only a few days according to your directions, the noises ceased, and Representatives voted in the caucus reach of everybody a treatm en t m ore to-day, a f te r five w eeks, m y h earin g in the d iseased car haa been e n tire ly restored. I th a n k you h e a rtily an d beg to rem ain V ery truly yours, effectu al th an oth ers costing 425 to 450. to circumscribe the power of the F u ll d irections accom pan y each package. F. A. W ER M A N , 730 S. Broadway, Baltim ore, Md. O ur treatm ent does not in terfere with y o u r usual occupation. presiding officer. Sp ecial advice by skilled physicians when The rivers und harbors of the requested w ithou t e x tra ch arge. S e n t prepaid to an y p art of th e world on re ­ INTERNATIONAL AURAL CLINIC, 5 9 6 LA SALLE AVE., CHICAGO, IL L country need improvement, aud ceip t of One D ollar. Address D ept. F.840 they would have had it from the E D W IN B . G I L E S & Com pany, 2330and 2332 M ark et S tre e t, P h ilad elp h ia. last Congress, but for the fact that A ll correspondence s trictly confid ential Darter of Montana orposed it, Here T lx s C o m m o n e r . in this latest decision of the Sup­ ( M u B r y a n ’ s P a p e r ) iB E itT r E ie iL iy r , reme Court on the dependencies one The Commoner 1ms attained P r o p : ie t c r . man has done the business. The within six months from dale of thu same old umpire, Justice Brown, first issue a circulation of 100,000 has settled the tariff status of the copies, a record probably never Philippines, and upon his single equa'ed in the history of American choice depends the disposition of periodical liteiatnre. The unparal­ leled growth of tliia paper demon­ millions of money and the future strates that there is room in tiie of millions of people. newspaper field for a national pa- Ono-man power is all right if it is per devoted to the discussion of on your side. Otherwise it is a political, economic, and social prob­ dangerous menace to several pal­ lems. To Die columns of The Commoner Mr. Bryan contributes C o ciu ille C ity , C o o s C o ., O r. ladiums of our liberties.— Oregon­ bis best efforts; aud bis review of are prepared to Jo all kinds ian, political events as they arise from o f Csmetary work at lowest time to time cau not tail to interest A n E v a n g e l i s t ’ « N to .ij. those who study public questions. prices. The Commoner’s tegular sub­ “I suffered for ye*rs with a us bronchial or lung trouble nud tried scription price is 81 per year. We have arranged wi'h Mr. Bryan various remedies but did not obtain permanent relief until I commenced whereby we can furnish his paper AND using One Minute Cough Cure,” and the H e r a l d together fo r one writes Rev. Jam es Kirkman, evange­ year for $2, The regular subscrip, list of Belle River, 111, “ I have no tion price of the two papers when hesitation in recommending it to all subscribed fo r separately is $2.50. Monuments and headstones erectea sufferers from maladies of this kind.” Coping, cleaning and re-lettering Russia’s Trans-Siberian—one of One Minute Cough Cure affords Asoecialtg. immediate relief for coughs, colds the greatest, railroad undertakings all work guaranteed. and all kinds of throat, and long in tlio world— is now complete. STEWART & WESTS ATE, Props, troubles. F o r croup it is unequall­ The first sod in the work was turn­ b B w i T ï ‘y i i S Ü ed. Absolutely safe. Very pleas­ ed by the Czar, May 19, 1891, mak­ ing the work a record-breaker for ant to take, never fails and is really a favorite with the children. They one of such magnitude. ANY HEAD NOISES? I .'f g 'p DEAFNESS OR HARD HEARING ARE NOW CURABLE HEAD NOISES CEASE IMMEDIATELY. ■’a s M /"4 YOU CAN CURE YOURSELF AT HOME a,™ ua a n d fe e d S T A B L E C oquie C ity, Or. Ger.ei al Droying and Hauling a Specialty, Commercial Mei) Promptly and Safely Delivered at any Point. Good Higs Good Teams, Hctl50nG‘)le Coos Co. Marble! Granite Works. W ? G r a n ite „JA like it. R. S. Keowlton. —H r "O m e r t u n a t e Agaeroent Reached, Copenhagen, Dec. 2. -A full agreement has b en reached be­ tween Denmark and the United States for the sale of the Danish W est Indies. The treaty will prob ably be signed this week at Wash ington. The price fixed is between four and five million dollars. I&Æ G P O H L OPTICIAN All tests solicited - -no charge. Glasses only first-class quality. Prices to suit the times. Calls anywhere on request to do so. Myrtle Point, Or. Iowa introduced a new feature in the bank-robbing business by catching the robbers. For a n'pat little home, garden lots and barn, at bedrock prices, call ou the H erai .D. Gibbon Thifi old re lia b le »in<‘ must su ccessfu l spec iali'Jt in Han F r s i «tie Co. still coritinueH '• cure a ll S e x u s ! him S em in al D iseases, iinch as Gonorrhea G l e e t . 8 1 r i c t n re. jS y p h ilis . i r nil it It'on u s, Skin D iseases 3 S e r v o n s D ebility In potency . .venomt! Weakness and Loss of Manhood, the consequence of self-abnse and excesses producing the following sympji i toms: Sallow countenance, dark spots un­ der the eyes, pmn in the he .id. ritufinu in , the earn, loss of confidence, diffidence in j approaching strangers, palpitation of the j heart, weakness o f tho limbs aud back, loss i I of memory, pimples on tLe face, coughs- i consumption etc. , D R. G l B it ON hns practised in San F rsn | I cisco over 37 yearn an J those troubled should not fail to consult hirn and receive the ben­ efit o f bis great sk ill and experience. The : d'Xitor enr* s when others fo il. T ry hirn CLK K 8 GUAH AN TEKD . l»er»on» en red at homo. Charges reasonable Call ov write. D U. J F . G IB B O N , | ♦52"* lUarnnv street. Han Francisco Oil THE COMMONER, Wiüiiiüi J. Bryan, Issued Weekly, f l c n l l l i : , n r l I S '- i a n t y . A poor complexion is usually the result of a torphl liver or irregular action of the bowels. Unless nature's refuse is carried off it will surely cause impure blood, Pimptes, boils and oth'-r eruptioos follow. This is nature’s method of throwing off the poisons which the bowels faile i to remove. DeW itt’s Little Early Risers are world famous for remedy­ ing this condition. They stimulate the liTer and promote regular and healthy action of the bowels but. never cause griping cramps or dis­ tress. bafe pills. R. 8. Kuowlton. HOME COLD CURE- Editor and Publis her. D y sp e p s ia C u re Digests what you eat. USCOLV • ■ • lEBRlKM. T ehmh — H e r a l d ( ommonkk — A dvance and P a y a b l e in i i - T e a r......................................$2 OD This preparation contains all of the Six Months................................... 1,00 dlgestants and digests all kinds of 75 food. It gives instant relief and never Three M onth«............................. falls tocure. It allows you to eat a ll the food you want. The nifwt sensitive SHAD HUDSON, 1 F HAYNFS tomachs can take It. By its use many iiousands of dyspeptics have been lured after everything else failed. I t prevents formation or gas on the sfom- »rh. relieving all dl«tressaftereating. lin in g and Real Estate Agents Dieting unnecessary. Pleasant to take. RHlIev, Curry County. Ori yi n D. 8. Mitchell, Fulford. Md.; “During a long illuess I vas troubl­ ed with bed sores, wa« advisee to to try DeW itt’s Witch H zel .Salve and did so with wonderful results It can’t help I was perfectly cured. It is the but do you good best salve on the m arket” Sure i All the congressmen favor reri- P re p a re d rml j by E .C . D i 'V i t t £ C o .,C hi c a g a Tbe SI. botti* contain* 2 * t*------ h m m M • I piocity, but each of them has a cure for piles, sores, burns. B e ­ ware of counterfeits. different meaning for the word. i t 8 . Kuowitoo Hudson & Haynes. f I \ V K v a lu a b le M ti a Faou» 8' r l 1 K n u c b e n arid T im b e r L a u d a fo r »nie H '*u «e » n d R act« a o f la n d w e ll im p ro v e d tn W ilb o r , D >nglae o o n n ty . O r . f -r » n ie , o r e x e b a u g * f o r p r o p o rtv in M y r t le P o i n t . $ 65.00 Machine For $ 1 8 Æ "AriinatoiT sewing piaeHlue LA TEST ■ err Cath with Oidor and Coupon CH EA PEST Shipped to anyone, any whet e, ou 10 d ays’ free tria l, Iu y o u r o w n h o m e , w ithout a sk in g one cen t in advance. 10 y » » r « ’ w ritt^ » w arranty w i t h each m achine. si8.se Mg» ..... . ’ T - u M tc • ^¿v:,i t t i c i STYLE No. 65. * AHLINÛTON.' A strictly high-grade S ew ­ in g M a c h i n e , f i n i a h o d throughout in th e b est p««a- *ib le m anner. It possesses *11 modern im provem ents, a u d it* m echanical construction i* ■udì th at in it are com bined si ni plie* ty with g reat bt re n eth, thus insuring ease o f ru nning. d u rability, and m ak in g it Im - possible for the be * m ach ' * in e * t * * *■ put out o f order. I t aews fa st and m ake» a p erfect a tilc b with all kind » o f thread a n d all clnsacsof m aterial. A lw nv* ready for use or.d u nrivalled for upet.l, U-rAbilily aud q u al­ ity o f w ork. N otice t b e WV low ing poiwta o i «n p erw rl-y. ... . on cud. entirety aelf-threading. ersny to put in o r ,»i needle. S h u ttle is cylind er, • thread. S t it c h Iteg --------- u iato r - i« _ on t> •Lin ho. is a I ft r r e am ount o << f i (•••»«•. —- - th e bed o f , th . e m achine. , , , ,n in . d’r h->wbuT the num ber o f a t it c h « l o t h * Inch, » a d « , ,i fro n s i vl atitche* to th e in ch . Feed is double and e x te n d * ou both »kies ot neeVinder—- r o . md perfectly sm ooth without holding I he thread y M achine doe# ' w inding I k .'.In: ll'.h t Running— Mnchine isesny lo m . doe»not fati*u*thcop«- ' — i..... . • .1. i: v S titc h in a double lock stitch , th e name on both ,|UC, o I tk w ill * i• *t r a v e l . n u d c a n t e e it n u g e d w -tfc m it at ■r,pninti the n a th in c . Tl-nAInn ¡« A !U| Apring ten- r i m i , a m i w ill 1 a d m i t t h r e a d f n m R t o I.V j sp*K r .-„tint, without c b -in z in *. Never g ets out o f o rd er l i oti o tic side*, and cannot be put in w rong Needle T h e N s c d i * i -i a « t r a i l i h t . si If— i t i n e n e e d l e , I! -tie d s tv c l . w n th oil cup at th e bottom to prevent oil from Retting m u d e •/* c í .' d I k l , . r is i - L ' cose hardened »tec! and easily adjusted o n i ie g o -v l ». A d k n u b l - . 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