VOL COQUILLE CITY, OREGON, TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 24, 1901. ID. J . W . STRANGE, Colorado No Break Visible In the Hanks of Strikers- Queriss- THE HOME GOLD CURE. May Mtan a Large sawmill- N O . 12 I J. LAMB, Pres L. HARLOCKER, Vice.Pres. G. W WHITE Cashier. Aberdeen, Wash., Sept. 11.—The assertions mnde with ap- An Ingenious Treatment by which Drunkards IDexitist, report circulated for some time that Ed. Hoard's Hnar.l-s D d r v n „ n _ t t » v , 'n 0 confidcuce by men prominent are Being Cured Dally InSprte of Dairyman—Having: Themselves. Coquille City, Or. the Weyerhauser syndicate would in the Employers' Association that 1 received valuable information on W il visit B nndon fiw t six d a y s o f Jnitu- ____________ _ r pro- ._ this week will SCO a break in the No Noxjou, Do«,. ~ n 7 Weakening of the build a largo sawmill on Gray’s Har­ CAPITAL - - - . $50,000 many subjects, through your arv. M arch, May. Julv. heptum ber nml N ov­ bor is apparently verified by the em ber, and M yrtle Point the first. six days gressire paper, may I trouble you to rankH of ‘ be strikers, are not b orn * Nerves- A Pleasant and Positive Cure o f F ebruary, A pril, June, August, O ctob er purchase of a 60-acre tract west of C O Q U I L L E , OIBIEO-COST. lor the Liquor Habit. express nn opinion on the following out by the facts of the situation. ¡ and D ecem ber. Gray’s Harbor City, u boom town are no indications that any of j questions, which are peculiar to our There „ . , It is now generally known and under- Does a general bnnking business. Hns money to loan on approved tlifc union men will return to work stood that Drunkenness is a disease and 10 years ago, which had been aban­ personal and real estate security, buys county, town and school district locality; todav. The men are quite as firm 110 weakness. A hotly filled with poison, doned until the Northern Pacific warrnnts, draws notes, mortgages, deeds and all kinds of legal instru­ 1. The average price of alfalfa ,* . and nerves completely shattered by peri- Railway Company built its extention ments—Notarial work. hay for the last ten years, paid our tis they were four wfeks ago, at the odical or constant use of intoxicating A t t o r n e y - at - L a w . Issues fire insurance at lowest rates in following companies: Dämmung. It has been pretended liquors, require* an antidote capable of lust month. A portion of the town farmers, will uot exceed $3 per ton; ----» 1 . . . . . t ! neutralizing and eradicating this poison, iF.tnn, Springfield, Connecticut, Orient and Magdeburg. C o q u il l e C i t y , C o os C o u n t y , O r e g o n . corn chop from $15 to $*20 per ton; by 10 emPloyerH tlmt 1 • expected an(j destroying the craving for intoxi- is now occupied. It is certain that i to see two or three hundred of the 1 i : i r r l i o « * o . C. tv. PATER SOM. Prop. LATEST establish a proper environment and |snch a>8 G on orrh ea - nothiug but water, it becomes very BE ST G l e e t , H i r : c t n re, Cash with Crrter and Coupon CHEAPEST association abroad before they pass “ Some years ago I was ono of a M anufacturer o f M arble Monum ents. Hea 1- evident that the nutritive value of S y p h ilis , in a ll it ston os. Tablets, e tc. 1 o n u s . S kin Dim uses. Shipped to rnnyone. Sup- party that iiitemled making a long roots is very low, hut in the absence our immigrant inspectors. auywheir, on 1() N c r v o u R D e b ility . oem eterv lo ts enclosed with ston e coping bicycle trip,” says F. L. Taylor, of days’ free trial, . . • * . . . . . . r ....... ;..i. ..,1 4 o r cu rb in g . Iron railings furnished to o r ­ of silage or other succulent, food plmenting tiiis, there should be New Albituy, Bradford counts, Pa. Li p o te n c y , o e n u n a l W eakness nnd L oss c f in y o u r o w n M anhood, the con sequ en ce o f self-abuse d er. Correspondence solicited from parties h o m e , without under proper safeguards the power “ I was taken suddenly with diar­ and excesses producing the fo llo w in g gyinpa n .kiug out cent iv iu g in th e cou n try or oth er tow ns who they have a very hygienic effect. tom s: S allow co u n te n a n ce , dark s p o ts un­ lu advance. m ay wish anyth in g in my lino o f business. 3. When alfalfa liny can be had lodged somewhere to expel known rhoea, anil was about to givo up the der th e eyes, pain in the h e a d , rin g in g in M axsitfivt c O re o - the ears, loss o f co n fid e n ce , d iffid en ce in trip, when Editor Ward, of the enemies of our laws and country. for 83 per ton it is a pretty di fficult 10 y e a r s ’ w rlttÄi Lacey villa Messenger, suggested ap p roaching strangers, p a lp itation o f the warranty w t f n question to determine what is the Legislation should also be adopted that I take a dose of Chamberlain’s heart, w eakness o f th e lim b s and b a ck , loss each machine. o f m em ory, p im p les on th e f a c e , cou ghs- that, will take attempts upon the best way of handling a corn crop in j Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Rem­ oonsum ntion e t c . A fitrictiy high-grade Sew­ GENERAL DR. G IB B O N has p ra ctise d in San Fran ing M a c h i n e , fin is h e d the absence of a silo. Perhaps as j life of the President which fall out edy I purchased a bottle and took cisco o ve r 37y ea rsa n J th ose trou b led should throughout in the best pos­ sible »mie manner. ultimili, It ii possesses poiwuuMi all •••• good a way would be to cut the corn i of tho c*te« ory <)f n,t,re BH8auUs aD'1 two doses, oue before starting and not fa il to con su lt him and receiv e,th e b n- modern improvements, ami it» efit o f his great s k ill and e x p e r ie n ce . T he mechanical > construction luccnmiu-ai . uuiiiiiiui w.. I» •» with a corn binder, gather the bun- j ,,,ake such ‘••riuu’8 » ‘»equately pun- one on the route 1 made the trip d o cto r c o r s when oth ers f a il . T ry him . such that in it are combined successfully and never felt any ill C E R E S G U A R A N T E E D . P ersons cured | ished. simplicity with great strength, HorsPshosing a Specialty. dies into stooks and when cured, effect. Again last summer I vas at hom e. C h a rges rea son a ble Call or thus insuring case o f ruuningr, D R . J. F . G IB B O N , durability, and m aking it im ­ N. W. Cor. Second nnd Hall Sts , almost completely run down with write. possible for the machine to be haul to a husker or shredder, which Washington Anarchist Colony. 625 Kearnev street. San F ra n cia co C .d. C oquille City, Oregou. put out of order. It sews fast an attack of dysentery. I bought a I and makes a perfect stitch will separate the corn from the bottle of this same remedy and this ; with alt kinds o f thread and Tacoma, Wash., Sept. 11.— Much Coupon,ft all « lasses of material. Alw ay» T H E stalks, save the grain by itself and excitement exists ovor the diselos- time one dose cured me.” Sold by: I ready for use and unrivalled tent C. 0.0. L for speed, durability aod quab R. S. Knowlton. or on t 'lnt 1 itv o f work. Notice the fol­ eut or ahred the stalks, allowing the : ures made by a visit to the anarchist Issued Weekly, low ing point» of superiorly* ARLINGTON." For Sale- cows to pick them over a little and I colony at a place called Home, in on patent socket hinges, , firmly firmly heM ru down by • thurafr T h e H e a d o f th e " A r l i n g t o n ” sw •Inga i select the choice hits, and use the ^ ^ ierce county, about ¿6 miles from ' **y ornamented iu goto, I icre vv A first-class Estey Oregon, In- . S tro n g , s u b s t a n tia l, n e a t a n d 1 handsome in design, and beautifully ush with top of table. i Ttteotna. When asked how they s inlaid or countersunk, m aking it flu Editor and Publisher, balance for bedding.--Hoard’s Dairy­ quire of (J. A. Stine. Will sell inches I m W l o loug. ug This th w s aches "high high ’and and 9 inches ------ will - - admit s A. Wm. Gallier, Proprietor, reading—Absolutely no holes to put thread through | viewed the attempted murder of|y|1HH[) U N fo iY • • • \ i:m s K i. except eye o f needle. Shuttle iscylindcr, open on end, entirely self-threading, empr to Pu* ® r man. HAftDW0HE' tak e ou t; bobbin holds a large amount o f thread. 5titch Regulator la on th « bed o f the machine, President McKinley, a reporter of | T erm s -H e r a l d and C o m m o n er — beneath the bobbin winder, and has a scale showing the number o f stitche« to the inch, and can P a y a b l e in A d v a n c e . I the Evening News was told by one be changed from H t o * i stitches to the inch. Feed is double ami extend» on both sides or needle, Wilier Curr top f lirmilr CoitMI■»:«- never fails to take «roods through; never stops ... at _____ scam s; . m ovement is posutye: hQ^sjirtags^to ____ stops O n e Y « - a r .............................................. $ 2 0 0 AGfITE WARE, Bobbin lio n . - of the leaders that there is as much raised at will. break and get out ot order; «.sn be im id ism and lowere«! n*. « . . . . Automatic i------— — W inder— . Po. ;dmg the _ ----- the t thread Machine a » * » ^ Six Months................................ 1 00 [ filling the bobbin automatically and perfectly smooth without holding not run while winding bobbin. Light Running—Machine is easy to run, ru n , does not fatigue theoper- Take two cups of hot water h»lf : justification in Cznlgosz attempting ■ on both Three VIuntil»........................... 75 QUEENS WAHE, ator, makes l-ttle m-i e and • v , rapidly. Stitch is adouide loo. stitch, the same^on DOtB sides. Tension is a flat spring ten- nn hour before each meal and just to kill McKinley ns in the American win net 1 1 V" 1. « 11.1 ran he cliane. « without .1 Timur tlu nut •--- - - - t - .Ion mill will a .!lin t U r. .d fro m H to I .» « > * .: .o tto a without changing. N m er ¡r«t, out o f ordjr. TIN WflHE. before going to bed, also a drink of soldiers killing Filipinos. The tak- |% • TIi* Nt cilia < .1 rti-.lkiit, self - uinir needle, ft.il on otic «id >rd cannot he put ill w ron* rteeOM BO Y E A R S ' A lfa lfa Huy, Corn Pitas*- Boot«. ! The COQUILLE VO LLEY BANK- A J. Sherwood, n F. Hall, Auctioi) Conjnjission House. L MOST ANY KIND OF FARM PRODUCE TAKEN IN EXCHANGE. M J. B. Fox, Prop. Butchers, B Cash Paid for Fat Hogs in Shipping Quantities. ORGANS Hudson u Haynes, H Allen & G ilb e rt Co. Dr Gibbon IV T»™ **flrllnaton’* Sewing paetiins $18.§o W. F. KENNEDY. I M s i l § W a p Work TH E CO M M O NER , I. X . L . iiliillll .1. limili HARDWARE STORE, ........ .....* “»■'"••»¿a-»»- D y s p e p s ia L u r e Call and exam ine goods and investigate prices. th e d oor : OREGON 0. K. SALOON, Bandou, - - Ora. J B. Gross & Son, Prop. Chief resort of Ban.Ion bv the sea Agents for the celebrated Silver Bar (Kentucky) Whisky. U © 2 3 .’t 2 v £ I s s T A e m . eierrase w alk, rid e, erri-e. -» ’.nee* m u .q .ft.i.a b le . Make a regular habit of 'his and in many cases chronic constipation may be cnivil w itbojt the use of any nieitiriue. When a purgative is re­ quired take snniethine inibì nml gentle like Chamberlain's Stomach anti Liver Tablets. Eor sale by R. S. Knowlton. p ENTRAD LY TLE POST. NO 27. Y « Dept o f Orppon ft. A. R.. n v e t i in Heraoy hn 11 the first Viondav evening in each immth. e nists are avowed anarchists and fr«e lovefs. There are among them u good many spiritulists, some agnos- tics, infidels, one Methodist and one o ..i , , Seventh Day Adventist . One of their stenru launches always flies the red flag of anart-hy when it comes to Tacoma. F or hrick- said. baker, H ale — A lot of Cslifornin g-u.diines— t 813 per (lion Inquire of Adam Bereb- i'losper, Or. B a r i , round nt.ideol ha. tuned at.-. I with oil cuu at the V a t.,m to prevent nil fnmi rettin s . II the good - A d ln ila b l. B e a r l m 111 lie n r iD « are case-hardened steel and « j j t t j with a t-eri-w driver All • motion r ,n t o taken up, aud the machine w W laa, s R J g R ss A lt a h n v -n t* — t:.irh in i.::e is .'iirnudu I wtih i -cer . rpt jo l.a n d « i c r w o n » , and in a d d ltlo n w t r, r-ii.1i 11 ntK! : i o f »n .iciim en t. in a velvet lined n ut d h oi. free o f c h a e r e M W lo w s One Ii, , ind gatherer, on - I •..■'••.one d o r, I plate, one s< t of four hemmera. In , , f nr Inch, one n ■ '. ■ nr under hr; .let. one ahorl or stt.-.chnient foot cut’ ' W oodw ork o f fine t fiu.V.ity oak or walnut, gothic cover nml drawers, nickel-plnted ring» to «ir.Vv. ■ ps , dre • guard» to wheel, and device for replacing b elt E X P E R IE N C E * ‘ you eat. Digests what - - This preparation contains all of th« digestants and digests all kinds of food. It gives instant relief and never falls to cure. It allows you to eat aU the food you want. The most sensitive tomae hs can take it. By Its use many of dyspeptics have beeb tured after everything else failed. It revents formation or gas on thestom- ach. relieving all distress after eat ing. Dieting unnecessary. Pleasant to take. I t c a n 't help b ut do you go o d Prepared only by F. C. P*W iTT. for tID.fiO with n r iv ib g r o f tw enty days tri t S S k S T iisrc .r,ën yar«;h «; •soont. Rer>i ^ Mkt mm order iliriinali Ilio Herald, willioat oilra foil