' . im .«o * VOL ,t -------------- li). COQUILLE CITY, OREGON, TUESDAY, AUGUST 13, 1901. ____________ ____________ NO. 6 --------------- ---------- ----------- — J. W. STRANGE, OREGON'S COAL FIELDS- T D a n t is t , The Coos Bay District is Oregon’s Banner Section. Pony slough, has not been traced under the direction of W. S. Chau- the lignite. so continuously as around the dler. Since the re| ort on the Coos ily ign ites with a match, y ield iu g southern end and eastern side o f , bay coal fields the basin. C o q u ille C it y , O r . N orth o f the E astport openings published, the whs nortl east mine the N ew p o rt be I outcrops at mash have The geo gical 6iirvey w ill shortly I t is brittle, and rend- been of odor like that o f Caulfield extended. some-times passes COQUILLE V ALLEY BANK . directly Wit visit Bnndon llrst six days of Janu­ ary. March, May. July, beptemher and Nov- com plete a special report on the ! the head o f G allow ay gulch and slope is down 400 feet from the adit, through portions o f the coal bed. C . A . 3 P I T Â Î L , ember. rind Myrtle Point the first six days C ooh bay quadrangle o f southwest | swings around to the South Marsh- with gangways o f 240 feet, and the Iu chemical composition, ns w ell as of February. April. Juno, August, October C O Q ’ I j T and December. ern Oregon, in which the topography field mine, which is at an elevation j mine w ill eviden tly eoon !>« in con-1 in its other properties, it appears t(\ features o f about 2tf0 feet nbove tide and ; will be fully described in. text aud scarcely a m ile from Marshfield. by a series of maps, based upon in­ | The mine was operated fo r some vestigation made lust summer. One tim e to supply local demand. g eo lo g y A J. Sherwood, I , x—» A tto rn e y - at - L a w , CoguiLLK C it y , C ooh C ounty , O rkuon . — , fields. On this subject the forthcom ing rep ort says iu part: lohn F. H all, ____ o f the most noteworthy tilings des­ eoal “ i l i a Coos bay field is the only I ptW ^l"'tive coal field yet discovered ____ A t t 3 I H 9 y . a/t - X j 3 L "W . in Oregon. Its best deposits are MAKSHFlHLp, OREGON. i fuu:1 J in the N ew port basin, named Dealer in IU a T es ^ of all kinds. | from il principal udne, the N ew - ------------------ port, a t Libby. The length north /-lOGUILLE (1OUN0IL. NO..K 1 H OF THE i and south from Ynukam hill to the V Fraternal Aid Association meets the | , , , , . 2d Tuesday evunin« of eacl, month. ! nelgubornootl o f Marshfield, IS about Mus, E dith B alch , i ,, ■ ,. ,, . , Mrs. Alice Tuttle. Sec. thre0 ,11lles- E xcep tin g the trace of ---------------------- ------------ -------------- coal at N orth Bernl, no coal lias been Lmeets^eviM-y Tnetd,^evening at^nsonTo found north o f the revine contain- Hall. Brothers in good standing in sister - inje the M arshfield waterworks, al- todees are cordiallv invited to visit ns. . . . . . . . . V. K. WILSON, C. C. | though it is probable that the New p ort basin extends somewhat farther K. H. MAST. K. of It. AS. in that direction. The average M Tof th." H e ^ H a jS ! j breadth is about a mile, and the 1st and 3d Batnrdny nielita of mouth basin occupies the greater part of J. W. L knfvu , Consul. sections 4 nnd 9, township 26, as J. G. Simmons. Clerk. well as section 33, township 25, be­ 17VENÌNG TIDE ClHCbE, NO. 214, V j W. of W.. meets ill llersey’ s Hall on sides small portions o f several ad­ 2d and 4tli Saturday niahtain esuli month. jo in in g sections, so that the total OH AX. MAE BY. Guardian Neighbor. area is nearly three miles. Jesse C. Simmons, Clerk. “ The N ew p o rt basin is w ell de­ | ~ 1 H A U W !0 K LO D G E. NO. «A , A. F. fined, and in it the outcrop o f coal A. I sud A. M.. meets nn Saturday evenin’ on or before each fall moon. Visitina breth­ has been traced more cniefully than ren oordially invited. in any other portion o f the field. C. Ut MAXUHB, W. M. J. J. Lamb. Sec. I t is the most conveniently situated JJUEbAH CHAPTER. NO. (i, O. E. 8. niRBt-i Friday «venirz on or. before jacL............. each full moon . at H o - c lo c k from A . p r il lflt itobcr 3Ut, thereaftei n, to Ootoher ;iut. and anil thereafter at 7:110: and ?aoli Friday afternoon two weeks there after at 2 o’clock. Misr E mma Loans-/.. W. M. Mrs. Jennie L. Bose, Sec. with reference to coal shipment, of j ft|j ,jle productive nortions o f til 1 . , | coal field, and the attitude o f the | strata is such as to greatly facilitate m ining. T h e basin is shallow, with geu tle dips on both sides. I t lies in /XOIJClLTiE LODGE. NO. 53. I.O . O. F „ a ridge so nigh above local drainage VJ meets every Saturday evening. Visit- n,r brethren in good standing cordially that the workings not only drain invited. E. L. F i t c h , N. G. themselves, but the coal is readily J . S. Lawrence, It. S. brought out by gravity. Three a m i e h e b e k a u l o d g e , n o . 20 . L O. O. F., meets every 2d and 4th mines have been worked in this Wednesdays in each month, at Odd bel­ basin, but only one, the N ew port, is ow»’ hail. IBMI L ukkt - s . N. G. Anna McDonald. Sec. now in operation. The Eastport M r x O Q D I L L E E N C A M P M E N T , N O . 2 5 ,1 . I J O . O . F „ m e e t » e v e r y tir s t a n d t h ir d I’haradays in eaoti month at Odd l* allows nail. Cordial invitation extended tonllvis- iting patriarchs iu good standing. It. F. L awuksck C. F. J. J. Stanley, Scribe. (SHAD HUDSON, J. E HAYNES. .* was closed some years ago. The most com plete section o f the strata involved in the N ew p o rt basin is fur­ nished by the borings made at L ib ­ by iu prospecting fo r coal near the mouth o f the N ew port mine. One o f the borings penetrated 800 feet. Hudson & Haynes, Mining and Real Estate Agents “ The N ew port basin has on ly one bed o f worked; coal that is extensively it is generally known E e k le y , C u rry C ounty, O regon. throughout the AVE vnlnabU- Mans. Farms, Stock Bunches and Timber Lands for sale. port bed, and fe et o f coal, in House and ft acres of land well improved in Wilbur, Douclas county. Or., for sale, in g tive feet o f or exohango for property in Myrtle roint. H region as the N ew ­ contains about six three benches, y ie ld ­ workable coal. ROOF GENERALLY SANDSTONE. C O O S B A Y “ The r o o f is generally sandstone, Marble awl Slone Worts c. U. PATERSON, Prop. Manufacturer of Marble Monuments. Hea I- stones. Tablet.», etc. cemetery lota enclosed with atene coping or curbing. Iron railings famished t° « ' der. Correspondence solicited from parties ivins in the country or other towns who mn^ wisli anything in my line of business aSHFISMt but locally shale, and requires little tim bering. vety \\ here shale oc­ curs in the ro o f it is often blackish w a te r fossils. fu ll of The top The m iddle bench within mines at Riverton, pud the Beaver H ill and “ Coal is exposed at several locali­ several others further northeast, are ties iu the South slough basiu near y et active, while the G lasgow, South- Em pire, as w ell as farth er south­ port, H en ryville nnd U tter mines west, in sections 8, 17 and 18, town­ GENERAL BlacKsii jjfaton Wort H orsesh oein g a Sp ecialty. N. W. Cor. Seoond and Hall Sts., Coquille City, Oregon. section 1, township 27 south, Only the low er portion 14 west. contains X x I HARDWARE STORE, W m. Gather, Proprietor, consideration. and externls west, theh northwest, These crop out close to the border cropping out nt several points, and It is now generally known and under­ stood that Drunkenness is u desense ami no weakness. A body tilled wiih poison, o f the basin, or further within the j reaches the coast near the mouth of and nerves completely shattered try peri­ basin where brought to the surface j B ig creek. This basin extends south odical or constant use of intoxicating by an upward bend o f the strata, j to Hatchet slough, where it swings liquors, requires an antidote capable of neutralizing and eradicating this poison, T h e coal-benriug series o f the j across th j end o f the W estpoint and destroying the craving for intoxi­ cants. Sufferers may now cure them­ B eaver slough basin is nearly 600 1 arch and joins B eaver slough basin selves at hom without publicity or loss fe et in thickness and contains about j “ In section 2, township 27 south, of time from business by this wonder­ six beds o f coal. One of the best j range 14 west, near South slough, ful "H om e Gold Cure,” which has been perfected after many years of close study sections is in section 9, township 27 I the principal coal is eviden tly the and treatment of inebriates. The faith­ south, range 13 west. Th e position’ N ew port bed. I t is well developed, ful use according to directions of this wonderful discovery is positively guaran­ association, composition, structure nnd crops out with gen tle dip un- teed to cure the most ' bstinate case, no a n d s iz ’j o f t h e low er coal beds o f ! der conditions favorable fo r mining, matter how hard a drinker. Our records show the marvelous transformation of this section tend to show it is the ! Iu the surrounding territory, how- thousands of Drunkards into sober, in­ N ew p o rt bed. I f so, the bed of | ever, the rocks are highly tilted, dustrious and upwright men. •Wives Cure Your Husbands! Child­ coal mined at B eaver H ill and I aud it is probnble that the area ren cure your fathers! This remedy is Beaverton is the same as that mined prom ising tlijj most favorable con­ in no sense a nostrum but is a specific for this disease only, and is ho skillfully at N ew port. A t this point a coal ditions for m ining is less than a devised and prepared that it is thorough­ ly soluble and pleasant to the taste, so bed o f considerable size appears be­ square mile in extent. The same that it can he given in a cup of tea or neath the N ew port. The N ew port coal occurs father south, and in that coffee without the knowledge of the per­ bed has not been traced with cer­ part of the basin there is a larger son taking it. Thousands of Drunkards have cured themselves with this price­ tainty ninrli farther southwest than bed low er in the section, which has less remedy, and as many more have Beaverton, nor farther northeast beeu traced northwest and southeast been cured and made temperate men by having the “ Cure” administer,, 1 hv lov than the viem itv o f H enryville. A fo r about six miles. P art o f tin Lng friends and rel lives without tin I knowledge in roffee or tea, and lielieve eoal bed resem bling it to a consider- j coal nt this latter oed is of hIM><1 i Usitiy that they discontinued drinking of able extent occurs near the western quality, but, like the associated | *u- theirown will. Do Not Wait. Do .... i------ * free ................................... J strata, it is gen erally soft d in ed at a high angle. Q U E E N S W A K E. coal was regarded as the probabl. equivalent o f the N ew port eoal but throughout the N ew port basin, nnd even a consul, able distacce beyond, fo r it is possible to recognize the N ew port bed over a wider area than any other one iD the Coos bay coni mile from the reservoir. OREGON 0. K. J B . Cross m & Ore, Son, Prop. C hief resort o f BanJon h r the sea. I t has been recently prospected again by James later investigt.tions tend to -bow j that it lie« far below the N ew port | »Special advice by akille*l phynicians when I pros- ! ^ p rto f o ^ | ceipt of One Dollar. Afldress Dept. E84D ! a*,” Market 's u e e t f f'iil'lTfioiphia?3**U i Allcorrespomlence strictly confidential This coal is surposed to "T h e C oquille Imsin embraces the t»'r” ,n " r n-r“,>ns*> - v taring ms.n said ^ ’” ” ’’ ’ ” nrenus » s * w th-mi th<» our oonstait «id be sab * “ w —' a ” " ’" i prt-inis coal ^ extoB,,inK ,rom *he town ^ ^ „ NlID^ o f C oquille southward, paat H a t-1 ------------------------------ 1.----------------- i locker h ill, to the upper portion o f j ^ ^ ^ ^ NOTICE rO RPC BLICATIO N . things considered, the outlook ap- pr(1Bpeptefi gt C oquille nnd Har- p#*arn m "»re prom ising for successful »locker hill, near the river, but they v r , 1 the beaver h il l m i !« es . South Marshfield mine. the eoal about A gents fo r the celebrated S ilver Bar (K en tu ck y) Whisky. the northern end o f the N ew port Sealed Bibs, Notioo i* hereby vive,! to all whom it may loncein not to euter nj-oti or treepa«*« in any ujMnm*r npon th<* lai d.4 o f the under «igned. Bitiiate io nr Riv, rt»>n: Oregon, for the pnrp*;H<4 o f berryma or otherwiae. Any . _ . rninin^ than in any other portion o f have not y et proved of sufllcicnt » | . a i „-rtrLrwl overlie the N ew p o rt coal, and to the basin, cxceptinpr, perhaps, R iver- 1 Vrt,ue lo oe worKeu* | „ p . '* FIT M have been dropped by a fault in the ton, where the coals are o f sim ilar _ A. , . ^ . . . “ In the mine at N ew port and in strata between the reservoir and the size. Flanagan. “ T h e outcrop o f Ô D c x i’t I M i i s s T ï i e m . . p n " d\Tne D.dLm“ llms phichig'wdthd reach of everytssly a treatment inon H esled l i i , Is w i l l be received by the record er o f the C ity o f C o q u i l l e Tim on o f prom ising coal west o f jt ¡s go far below the N ew p o rt bed until July 31, at 12 m , Tor 814.000 Lam p ey creek. aud widely developed, it may under­ 4 per ceijt sem isununl interest, 20 “ T h e Beaver slough basin joius lie the whole o f the W estport arch. year water works bonds, payable at the South slough basin a short dis­ It has not been definitely recognized the C ity T rea su rer’s office. Issued in denom inations to suit purchaser. tance south o f Riverton, where tho in any other part of the coal fields Bonds dated August 15, 1901. coals sw ing around and strike north­ beyond that already noted, although j , west. Many prospects have been ; it is probable that it may y et he N O T IC E . ! opened in the Beaver slough basin. . pogitively identified further south. able size found in the N ow port basin THE — A t first this ! ease at once and for all time. The “ Home coal field. The bottom bench is re­ ton, but o f this correlation there is mile apart, and each has a dip o f 80 garded as the best coal at Newport, yet no com pletely satisfactory evi- j degrees east. On this bais, if the although it contains a little bony dence. This is especially true since j beds are not faulted, about 5000 If coal at the base. T h e different the reported discovery o f Mr. J. H. feet, o f strata lie between them. the eastern borders of the basin T l . i,» » , nest T i n h e best as far north as the waterworks west contain much sediment. T IN W 0KE- boal o f this basin is near the west- o f Marshfield is the one elose to the Call and examine goods and investigate ern side, espec.allv in the B eaverton prices. anl pipe line where it descends the , rocky bluff abuot a quarter o f a and B eaver H ill regton, w here, all S A LO O N . and in- ! ¡ £ ture o f the field it is found to be o f Individual beds cannot be traced for : This basin was extensively anv considerable distance. T hey p e e b d in 1897, much importance. “ The oo ly coal bed o f consider­ change rapidly, and gen erally near THE COql ltXF. BASIN. A O 0 T E W A K E. Bandoli, I d section 2 the coal turus “ The structure, size and general bed. These two large beds occur section 10, N ew port bed, and is used by some relations o f the Urquhart coal at { nearest togeth er in as a means o f tndentifying tile N ew ­ Riverton suggest that it corresponds j township 27 south, range 14 west, port bed in various portions o f the to the New port eoal miutle at Beaver- where their outcrops are about a field, and in w orking out the struc- K AKD W ^KE, No Noxious Doses- No Weakening of the Nerves A fleasant and Positive Cure lor the Liquor Habit. range streak that is ■ hat actecist'c o f the but the triple arrangement extends _ , 1C to o n n the Old F erry mine at R iverton , , , , . . i‘ „ ‘ " V 13 UWi. V J iiT iC ’E is HEREBY OfVKN THAY followin 'naumd hhui *r hn-HI»* . notice of liis mlentioii to innk»* Knnl proof i «npoort- of hi*» c'^im. ami hat khu I proo» , will be ma r before L. H. H cjmm Coar ty qniiir City, Orecon % ur *« t HI inoi Vir: Hob r. p *« , n Mt i m .. #*ntry No sr/.i for th»* NE‘< a H He S i l p rove fh«7 foil• >w!n? witnese^ii to h i« c o n fir m a * « reaid*nfM » ap*»n ant» ‘*Ou Decem ber lo , lJUU, H eaver dark brown,coal substance, com-» r iifivaii *n of land, viz: r . i D^m. .. j a i . , , . . . FH McAdams. D F. Dean. H. H. McAdama ton was practically closed but de- monly known in that region as all of Coqaille Cay, Oregon basin especially upon the slope o f velopraent continue»-4 (in an Museum of Anatomy ‘ iicsi KAREEI3T. sot-CtXS 7tk, 8. T. CaL 0 Salary Ife a r ly . 2 8 ( 'l i u t T l i P i l l » » . N «*u C om o. The Largest nf it «k I off in the World. A Wo are continually adding new epeelmena. \ 'iimaand learn how womierlully you are mad, / 1 1 /¿«mi how to avoid »b knos and ¿Is*'»*’’ It you \ H suffer from any of the ilia ol iiitm. coiuv* lo thu A [¡joldest Specialist on the l’aeiQc Coast, v | n i l J C U I D A ‘ M ' R I V I T E B I i t K A « r » * Coii -uiiailoi’ fr-n: aud ft’ '«tdv prince- TreuiuH-ni per.-,“ ■ ally or hv * -tier. S’# h'Mll-1** thorotiphly eradicate.) \ from *h" f -'- in wLUout uslnt; Mercary, ( » vi « » applying to us will reccl»« our » ip'u in n of lira coruplnini. C* “n il i ; uaran.fr* a P O S I T I V E C V R fU n trery e*:>* ’ k tuS UHiIrflal r., 0< (•> ’ '( <>«*•• Ihntisand ■»»llu rs. V Write for i i K - P i i i h i a a p h y o f M a r r i n g o , 1 \ ’MiNin w « f A valuable book for ntm. t j 1 D R . J ttiC O A Nf & C O .. 1061 M arketB t. 8 . F. C* 1 »'« THE COM M ONER, Issued WeeKly, T o tîis WiSiiiUii J. Silvan, "O n i o r f L i n a . t '3 coal beds worthy’ o f a Lib ert y (F e r r e y ) mine are operating upon this beil. brunches vary somewhat in thickness T H E 0 . 0 has S T U F O K D are among those which have ceased ship 26 south, range 13 west, and o f the Coaledo form ation 5 Q ^ Z E O -O Z tS F . — Men a»’ represent us, some to travel sippointing agents, others for local work looking after our interests. 3 9 0 0 salary guar­ anteed yearly; extra commissions and expenses, rapid advancement, old es­ THE HOME GOLD CURE tablished house. Grand chance for earn­ est man or woman to secure pleasant, permanent position, liberal income and An Ingenious treatm ent by which Drunkards future. New, brilliant lines. W rite at are Being Cured Daily In Spile of once. Themselves. T H E SO U TH SLO U G H B A S IN . few inches of its top contaiue a red W. F. KENNEDY. tigations tends to show that it “ I ' T lle « " u“ ,P0, t « » 1 was | currence o f petroleum, too little is opened at several prom ising points known o f the facts to warrant any which lies near the m iddle of the in section 22, and if the coal is predictions.” most im portant portion o f the basin. found where d rillin g was g o in g on, I t has a length o f over 20 miles, Medford lo Port Orlord- as expected, this portion o f the coal exten din g from the neighborhood field w ill be opeued up. M edford, Or., July 27. — A project o f R iverton northeast between “ Near Coos City, W . A. M axwell is on fo o t by which a railway will Isthmus and Catching sloughs to was sinking a prospecting shaft, probably be built front M edford the northern lim it ol Coos bay. Its which was down about 200 feet. | through Jacksonville and K e rb v , widest part is in the C oquille valley, 1 thence along the Illin ois river to its uud it was expected that the H enry where it is about five miles across. junction with the R ogue river, cross­ vilie coals w ould be reached. in g R ogu e riv e r and fo llo w in g a T o the north it uarrows as it ap­ “ A prom ising prospect has been j natural pass 30 m iles lon g to P o r t proaches Coos bay. A short dis recently opened along the eastern ! Orlord. This w ill be o f great value tance beyond Glasgow it joins the border o f the Beaver slough basin, ^l> couutry traversed, as it con- South slough basin. ____ *1 i ■ »¡«ts mainly o f m ining, timber, fru it near the mouth o f Coos river, in , , J ’ unit farm ing lunu. “ B eaver slough basin, although section 4, township 26 south, range j The W. A llow u y Tru st Company many tim es ns large as the N ew p o rt 12 west, T hree beds are exposed | L td ., o f L on d on , Euglaud. which basin nnd containing much more but the m iddle one is o f most in i- ' bonded, 45.0U0 acton o f R ogue coal, has not y et y ield ed »0 great portance. I t is known as the L il- ' !’*ver 'j ^ ^ c r land, is behind hepro- an output, fo r the reason that it is ,- . ,, ,, : ject. T i.e tim ber cut from this land bait. Coal from this mine is well . ... . . , will be taken to a null to be elected not so conveniently located fo r spoken of by local users iu Marsh- | Ht M edford, aud the finished lumber economical mining. T h e basin is field. I t is supposed to be the same seut thence by rail to Port Orford. deep, exten din g far below sea level, coal as that at N orton ’s, which cokes, j Lhis railway w ill g ive southern so that the removal of the coal to “ The coals in these three benches | O regon a good seaport, open up the surface, as well as the drainage the outire country between here and upon careful analysis, show from 43 the coast, and enable farmers aud and ventilatiou o f the mine, is in to 46 per cent o f volatile matter, fru it shippers to m arket their pro­ general considerably more expensive and from 37 to 42 per cent o f fixed ducts a great deal cheaper than they than at N ew port. Many mines have have beeu able to do heretofore. carbon. been started in that basiu. The operation. I $ Iu ves-i Beaver Beaver slough slough I Tinton and L ib e rty (F e r r e y ) . D oes a general banking Lusineqa. Has m oney to loan ort approved 1 personal and real estate security, buys county, town and school lis ti! v ? o f B eaver H ill, in section 20, to w n - ! been derived from petroleum. warrants, draws notes, m ortgages, deeds and nil kinds o f le ga l insrt” ship 20 south, range 13 west, a d rill W h ile the presence o f “ pitch c o a l” meuts— N otarial work. Issues lire insurance at lowest ndcs iu fo llo w in g companies: hole was sunk 550 feet showing n , in O regon oilers interesting sttg- .Etna, Sprin gfield , Connecticut, < h tent and M agdeb u rg. « » « ‘ " b e d condition o f the rock and j gestiona with reference t o the oc- T H E BEAVER SLOUGH COAL BASIN. kes its takes its name name from from | be asphalt rather tfian coal. I “ M r. C handler reports that north “ The B eaver slough coal bench is usually left with the upper ed ge o, section 19. township 27 . The eoal P artin g to form the roof I t oc- south, range 13 west. ! cnsion idlv con tain s small te itis o i minde at Riverton is called the Ti.non | *_ , Roth the Tinion and the [ pitch coal which intersect the other b,. i , i t **li U ’ ^kin Dia“¡iseH. '* S e v v o u a Debility, j In' potency. Mtini mil Weakness and LoRsof < Manhood, the consequence *>t' «elf-abuse • and excesses producing the following sympa toms: Sallow countenance, dark spots un­ Offiiiiil Organ of (he Socialist Pariv der the eyes, pain in tin* liead. rim»im; in j of Oregon. the ear«, loss of oonficUno*’ . diilider.ee in 1 approaching strangers, palpitation of the A fearless exponent, o f seientilh’- heart, weakness of the limb« and back, loss of memory, pimples on ti.e face, eoughs- I {fovernm ent, ns taught by the most conHiimntion etc. DR. GIBBON lias practised in San Fran advanced thinkers nnd philosophets cisco over yearsan 1 those troubled should j o f this age. not fail \ > nonsuit him ami receive the ben­ ch t, of ilia great skiil and experience. The Y ou can get a sample copy free if doctor onr s when oilier« fail. Try him. CURES GUARANTEED. Persons cured you mention this paper. at home. Charges reasonable. Call or A. D. H A L E , E d ito r, write. Dli. J . F. (HURON. A lb an y, Ore. ‘»2." K**amov street. San Francisco Cal. The Peoples Press. n T ä z : "ftrlln G to ir fedina SîWlRO íflaciüRe A $65.00 Machine $18M Cash with Order and Coupon ,0" Y . j Î - A - T ----- ---------- T T ’ S S Î ' Â . . v v' N CW HOME G T Y LC _ 7 ° " I ATE3T B tC T CKCAPEST S ld p iK d to n n y o n e __ «n y w h c ie , o u 11 » da y i»’ fre e trial, is U t r ’J W H i i n o y y o o u u r r o o\v w q M gJ h o m e , w ith ou t a aHlcing ouw ccut iu advance. S H S g fflia 10 y e a r * ’ w ritte n w a rra n ty w i t h eacli m achine. A s trictly h igh -grad e Sew- in g M a c h i n e , liu is lie q th rou gli«.iit in tiie best pos- jiililc m an tier. It poshe*scs a ll m od ern im p ro vem fn t!»,a u d ita m echanical constru ction ia »uc!i that in it a re com bined s im p lic ity w ith g re a t stren gth , thus in su rin g case o f run n in g, d u ra b ility, an d ta n k in g it im ­ possible fo r th e m ach in e l o b e put out o f order. I t s e w » fast and m akes a p erfect stitch w ith all k in d s o r t h i r o d n n j nil classes o f m a te ria l. A lw a y s rea d y fo r use a n d u n rivalled for speed, d u ra b ility am i qu al­ ity o f w o rk . N o tic e ti e fol- 1 .h yin g p oin ts o f s u p e r io r ly . t a k e ____ .ilc sh ow in g th e iiiim lie r o f stitch es to th e inch, and cap beneath th e bobbin w in d er, and hat o f n eed le j b e ch a n ged from 8 to 32 stitches to Ih t inch, f e e d is double and ex te n d s on both n e v e r fa ils to ta k e "nods th rou gh ; nt •ver sl*»p» at scanii’.; m o v e m e n t in p o silive: no s p rin g s tq break an d g et out oi ord er; can he : u»e!>in .uitoniDti- il!y am ! p e rfe c tly sm ooth w ith ou t h old in g th e thready M ach in e does •V h h't tv’unnir.»— M.ictiii-.c is rasy to ran, doesnot fatittnethcoper n o t ra n w h ile w in d h ig bobbin. I .'g t H u n n ir ...... stor, m akes M tlc noise and sews ra p id “ ly . ..................... S titc h is . oubte lo ck stitch, th e sam e o il both sides, w ill U'jt ravel, am i can I k * ch a n ged w ith ou t «to p p in g th e m achine. T e n s io n i* a flat s p rin g ten o il with*»«.. w ith o u t ch a n g in g . N ----- e v e - r r g - ets out o f order. s io n , And w ill adm it tlitm d f . - n M . I * ) - * ] .It 4 ton __ 11 * <11 . n d o n o n e :-idc. and can n ot b e p u t m w ro n g . Needle night. If-- T h e N eed le i* a < d tee! w ith o il cup at the b ottom to p re v e n t o il from g e ttin g B a r is rotimi, m ade oj c ; w ■ rin gs arc c iM e h a rd m e U steel and easily adjusted on th e gotxls. Adlustah!*.» I 4 .«rin gs— A ll lx ... taken up, am i th e m a ch in e w ill last a lifetim e. w ith a screw driver. A ll 1 A tta c h m e n ts - E a c h nu< ’»i ■ ’ ¡-s f'lru isli' 1 w ith neccasatv t*. tre t * f c h a rin ’, « » f o l i o » « : o n . .1 : ..n t %hi: lin g pla te, o n e set o f four he turn era, «w ffcrent w id th s up ru* i ndjrftthe ,< r brvlrter, o n e sh ort ot a tta ch m en t f»»ol, and one thread *,o V » « f . g o th ic c o v e r and draw ers, p ick el-p la ted tinga cutter. W o o d w o r k r finest on d fty d e v ic e fo r repta« i b « it. rds.to w in to « n r . a ' i D A V m e n p s i o t j F en n iiv d ir e c t l y o f s a n u m c t u r e ; » » n o U t ) “ I r A 4 » l WINU MACHINES b U l S 4 vr AGENT S AND 0 f * l E R » P l t o f l l * G »J H G R E A T O F ? E R . $ S . s . 5 0 l* o u r 3 Special ’A hole sale F r ie r , but In o n : -r to U tr . «hire th is b ig ? .-rr.de - c w u ig mat ciiiu e. w c m a k e a sp ecial coti- Coupon ¿ pon oner, g i v i -.i < every ir . u n r.f th i« jt.iiH r a cl tiatice to g<- t a firsi-claxa ina- NO 2070 o ffered , o n receip .t o f 91 B .50 cash m id coupon, chi 11 c ; t th e h>w<; ■where secu rely packed anil . ’ bed m a c h in e any w«* w ill h ip 1 lie vc rv. A i e i v i am w ritten w a rra n ty sent w ith crated, a m ign ."..t each m ar bin»- * fom y refu r« U G f t '- . t ns fepre- Tented a fte r th irty d a ys’ test O. I ) " f o r “ «in V> w ith p r W l f g e o f tw e n ty «la y s ’ irin l cn ) trial. W iran tee o f g o o d faith ».ml charges. I f you p re fe r th irty . t o in t oi t i r »rtiMjtan ; • s f ’d (<>r our la rr Uu:'4rated catalogue with testl* *!n y ’< r • ! i I ;iv 1 m w v c sh ip vo w in g m ach in es a n y w h e re t o a n y m o p iiib . » nir ■jfacturer s p r ie v - v it h o u t asl in g o n e cen t in advance, on e nt th e 1 >w.«t No. 05 id a ll cash w ith orr!*r, as v«>u ib e n save the $ 1.00 dis- Th.’ best plan 1 “ 1 . iiUO H* m ust be sep t w ith order. -oynt.