C o q u ille VOL 18. C it o M e n ili NO. 43 COQUILLE CITY, OREGON, TUESDAY. APRIL iso" 1901. J. W. STRANGE, D e n tis t, C o q u i l l e C it y , O r. A PROMISING O'L FIELD. H.s Been Located Oil Company I ( imiit|('ourt Docket. JeST ST *! Floyd— *»■ Suit for partition. ___ mortgage. 1999. Hugh L Whipple Emma M Lyons et als.— Suit foreclose mortgage. 2000. Eliza A Clinton vs Coos County— Appeal from award of damages of county court. 2001. James Wall vs Wm H Gordon et als— Suit to foreclose mortgage. 2002. J T Sneed vs Mary C Sneed— Suit for divorce. 2003. F W Kronenberg vs Price Bros & Co— Action at law. I HE NEW YORK WORLD J. J. LAMB, Pres. L. HARL0CKER, Vice.Prcs. G. W. W HITE Cashior. Thrtce-a-Week-Edition.-Almost a Daily at the Price of a Weekly. COQUILLE VALLEY BAN^. The presidential campaign is over The outlook foi the discovery of «241. Rosa Gray vs Coos Bay but the world goes on just the same oil in paving quantities in Doug- j Land Co— Action at law. and it is full of news. To learn this . . . . $ 5 0 .0 0 0 las county is atendily growing I3°9- Assignment of J W Cox news, just as it is— promptly and im­ C A P I T A L brighter. The Umpqua Valley Oil ■ to J F Hall. partially— all that you have to do is C O Q U I L L E , O E E G -O U . a n K fi:« B W » iiflH iM a i to look in the columns of The Tbrice- 1421. Assignment of David : Co., in addition to bouding proinis- a-Week Edition of The New York Morse to Isaiah Hacker. ing lands and registering sales of Does a general banking business. Has money to loan on approved World which comes to the subscri­ herwood 1479. W H S Hyde vs John P stock, which are matters of dai y personal and real estate security, buys couuty, town and school district ber 156 times a year. occurrence, is doing some systematic Maxton et als— Suit for partition. The Thrice-a-Week World’s dili­ warrants, draws notes, mortgages, deeds and all kinds of legal instru- 1523. Assignment of Katherine gence as a publisher of first news I nionts— Notarial work. jjj ! work of investigation. Each new Issues fire insurance at lowest rates in following companies: Wlfl Europe Unite to Crush United States- has given it circulation wherever the » development teuds to streugtbeu West to A D Morse. .Etna, .Springfield, Connecticut, Orient and Magdeburg. Coquille City, Oregon. English language ia spoken— and 1647. E B Dean vs J S Coke jr, g I the belief that in Douglas county Loudon, April 20.— The Spectator you want it. f n r r w t n m l lies one of the coming famous oil \ administrator for the estate of D. rB O ^ IR ID O P 1 D I E E C T O K S . discusses the "Continent of Ameri­ The Thrice-a-Week. World’s regu­ ISAIAH HACKER, J. J LAMB, Wilcox deceased— Suit for dissolm ca,’’ taking as a text a portion of lar subscription price is only $1.00 A. J. SHERWOOD, H c I i I h of the Pacific coast. L. HXRLOCKEB, and G. W. WHITE. tion of partnership. The geological" purvey made a an interview with Admiradle Count per year. We offer this unequaled 1708. Assignment of Tenbrook Caneraro a* Toulon, which the newspaper and H krald together abort time ain.-e eatablished the one year for $2.00 - A . t t 0 r n . e 3 r . a t - I j a r r r , fact that in one portion of the Bros to James T Hall. Spectator believes has now attracted The regular subscription price of Thrice-a-Week Edition- M AR SH FIELD , OREGON. 1750. Assignment of J B Hunt country thero ia a tract of land aev- the attention it deserves. Admiral the two papers is $2.50. ----— —= 315*-------- l*E8T PAPER 7 I ÎL to Geo P Topping. crul miles long, nnd over one mile Dealer in K kal E state of all kind*. Count Canevaro, in concluding hi* LO W EST PR ICE DEf Í 156 Papers a Year for One Dollar I 1757. Lawrence Johnson vs W utterances regardiug the triple and P O Q U IL L B C O U N C I L . W OJM OF TH E in width, which is composed of al­ "Last winter I was confined to The '] hrice-a-Week World is as good an a Dnilv V y Fraternal Aid Association meets the ternating atrntn of aaudatone, coal F Elrod et als— Suit to foreclose dual alliance having giveu Europe my bed with a very bad cold on the at the price of a weekly, and with yonr largest lid Tuosdny evening of each month. and best local paper, giving all yoar County lungs. Nothiug gave me relief. Mas. E dith B alch , and a alight atratum of ehnle. It is mortgage. 30 years of peace, said: nnd State news, is equal to a daily and weekly Mrs. Alice Tuttle, See. Finally my wife bought a bottle of at only the price of a weekly— 2.25. 1758. Assignment of T J Still­ stated that experts have positive "This fact would perhaps lead One Minute Cough Cure that The World prints the news of nil the w o rld , hay­ L-jtneeU every Tuesday evening at Masonic knowledge that between this forma­ well to A D Morse ing special o -rreepondenoe from all im p o rtan t European Nations to consider the effected a speedy cure. I cannot H all. Brothers in Rood standing in sister news points on Uie globe. It haa b rillia n t 1878. James O'Neal vs Felice possibility and necessity of uniting speak too highly of that excellent tion it tin immense base of crude lodges are cordially iuvited to visit ns. illustrations, stories by great author«, a ca p ita l A. G. BALCH, C. C. humor png#*, complete markets, d ep a rtm en ts petroleum. It has been kuown for and Pietro Menegat— Action at against American, Africa and Asia remedy.” Mr. T. K. Houseman, K. H . M AST, K. of U . ft S. for the household and women’s w ork and o th er Manatawney, Pa. R. 8. Knowlton. years past to people living in the law, special departments of unusual interest. OUttT COQUILLE, NO. 18, FOREST as the future of civilization will re­ J o ' r* of America, meots every ry second and vicinity of the land that seepagea 1775. Bertha Caldwell to D M quire them to do ao.” The regular subscription price of both papers is $3; we will send fourth Thursday evening, nt Masonic Hall foui both cue year for only 42 25— or nt the rnte of about Oregon. of oil were numerous aud consider­ Caldwell— Suit for divorce. Coquille City, , Oregon The Spectator does not consider G ko . O . T j v a o r , C. R. 1 cent each, postage prepaid. 1892. Wann Nosier vs C B R & able iu quantity. This company H. N .J jorh > lz , B . 8 _________ this the rash outburst of the ‘ man COQUILLE CITY, OR. E R R— Action for damages. has bonded 4000 acres of *he tract \ f Y RTLK CAMP, NO. 107, WOODMEN in the street,” for Admiral Canevaro ifJL of the World, meets at Hersey Hall, T o t l i e "O X L i o r f a . n a t e 1893. Perna Nosier vs C B R & has been Italian Miuister of Foreign 1 st and 3d Saturday nights of ennh month. and negotiations urp about com-, J. W . L enktx , Consnl. pleted for the whole of it. The E R R — Action for damages. Affairs. House, Sign and Carriage V is it D R. JORDAN’S firm* V J. G. Simmons, Clerk. Painter. “ His utterance*,” the Spectator 1902. Elbctt Dyer vs W H Cor­ tract is favorably located for pros­ EVENING T ID E CIRCLE, NO. 214. Museum of Anatomy will say, “correspond {exactly with Paper Hanging, j W . of W„ meets in Horsey’ « Hall on pecting nnd development, as the bett and wife— Action at law. T h is o ld r e lia b le nnd 10C1 basest ST . b«‘„ VetbATtL.a Cth A 7 th, s. r. cu. I 1 T.tw Interior Decorating 2d and 4th Saturday nights in each month. m o st s u c c e s s fu l sp e c­ T h o L a r g a t i o f Its k in d i a U * W orld . 1916. Sarah Costella vs Harry that of Count Goluchow»ki(Austro- land runs up to the limits of a O K AX. MAURY, » ia list in S an F ra t cis ­ and W a ara co n tin u aiIjr ad c s s * ( \ , *lnit'->l« book fo r m a n .) and excesses producing the fo llo w in g sym pa viction that competition with Amer­ meets Friday evenirg on or before I D R ..H > U á > A * «Sr r»..IO.M MiirkctHt. 8 . F. On nnotber body of land hounded mortgage. tom s: S allow cou n ten a n ce, dark sp o ts un­ each full moon at 8 o'clock from April 1st ica is nearly impossible, her wealth der the eyes, pain in the head, rin g in g in 1952. Flanagan & Bennett Bank to October Slut, and thereafter at 7:30; and by the Umpqua Valley Oil Com­ the ears, loss o f co n fid e n ce , diffiden ce in )aoh Friday afternoon two weeks there nppronching strangers, p a lp itation o f the pany, is a well-defined vein of coal vs R A Graham et als— Suit to and eusrgy being too grei t. Both after at 2 o'clock. heart, w eakness o f th e lim bs and b ack , loss are employed, the continent thinks, Miss E m m a L obknz . W . M . foreclose chattel mortgage. averaging five feet iu thickuess. o f m em ory, pim ples o n tL e fa c e , coughs- ♦♦ Mrs. Jennie L. Rose. Sec. Men an Coos County— Action at law— Ap­ Wm. Gather, Proprietor, inudbookon Patents ; U. C. Dement, o f Myrtle Point, to tier h i lin in g and Real Estate Agents abroad our population would be peal from award of damages of the Philippines they are not will­ agency for aoruriPK patent*. j n ii file to rtcommend it as a splemlid tain __________ through Mona & Co. receive multiplied and industries of all n o tic e , without chitrge, in tho Eckley, Curry County, Oregon. ¡ily medicine. Among others v ho heuyily ing to secure nny but natives pow­ IW D W M E . this county court. I recommend it are Darin* Gant. J Hayes, AVE vnloiible M'urs. Farms. Stock kinds would flourish. That ; O M Hermann and J W Otto. ers in control of the richest countries Rauches and Timber Lauda for sate. 1977. Henry Sengstackcn vs A O flTE W AH E, latent wealth lies beneath the soil Get a copy ot Our Native Almanac from A handtomoly lllnutrated weekly. Largest cir­ culation o f a n y scientific Jourmtl. Terms, t 'i a ' the agent, or send to him for one at Myrul» House and fi acre« of land well improved of the Umpqua vnlley is the ex­ Oregon Pine Lumber Co— Action of Asia.” year; fo n rm o n tb s.il. Sold by all newsdealers. Q U E E N S W AIfE, ! Point, and try these incomparable medi- in Willmr, Donalas oonnty. Or., for Hale, The third rens.m is America’s at law. 3 6 1 Broadway, I i cines. Ijr tf or exchange for propertvjn Myrtle Fuiut . pressed opinion of men of experience C ol 3® ’ Branch Ófflco. kto/Stt F St.. W a ’ibh'iifcn, ü . Ï 1978. J R Benson vs R L Wag­ attitude iu South America. She TIN WME. in the noted oil fields of the world. coods and investíante The managers of (he above ner and Matt Nystrom— Action at will neither takes it nor let any­ Call and examine nrioen. nnl body els*, law. named company are giving their A $65.00 Machine "The total rcsul is a bitter dis- 1779. J R Benson vs Matt Nv- time and energy to the development 'IS H T R A P SH IN G L E -M IL L W »L L They are draw- strora and F C Kinnicutt— Action iike of America, mixed with dread. For $ 1 8 . § 0 fam ish first-class Shingles at Coquille of those products. LATEST Our object is ouly to awaken the for $1.75 per M. • 1S T iug no salaries and all funds derived at law. C H E A P E ST Dimension shingles fnrnised on special 1980. Lizzie Lester vs Samuel Ainericaus from nn illusion to in­ Issued Weekly, from sales of treasury stock, which orders. Shipped to anyone, duce them to increase their fleet au yw h cie, on 1C is the only kind now being offered A Lester— Suit for divorce. -------- AGEVNTH--------- days' free trial, and to persuade them to think 1981. Chas F Dow vs A D C. M. Skeela - - - - - Coqnille C ity. are to be used only for development in y o u r o w n h o m e , without 8 . E. J o h n s o n ...................... Myrtle Point Morse et als— Suit to foreclose mort­ steadily out what they are doing. asking one ccn f work. The large amount of lands Capt. W . T . McCloakry - - - Norway- in advance. They may rely upon it that the gage. Editor and Publisher, Liberal discount for hanling. if purchased being bonded will he held for the continent will lose nothing by want 1982. John Snyder vs F Gignac at the Mill. W A LT ER COLVIN. benefit of the stockholders, nml nil 10 y tftra ’ written LINCOLN, • • • REBIiSU. warranty w i t h of planning, and that when wheu each machine. C O O 3 B A Y reports that the company will, if — Action at law. T erm s — H e r a ld aud C om m o n er — the alliance against America of 1983 J W Bennett vs Isaiah oil is found, sell out to the Stan­ P a y a b l e in A dvance . A strictly htgh-xrsde Sew- which Admiral Oanevero talks is in g M a c h i n e , fin is h « a dard Oil, or ano outside corpora­ Hacker— Action at law. Ons Y*ar...................................$2.00 throughout in the best pos­ transmitted into fact* it will lie full 1984. Phoebe Fuller vs F F sible manuer. U pomw»*e* at! C. W. PATERSON, Prop. tion, are declared to be without Six Months..................... 1.00 m od em rmprovemewts, wml Ue grown and full armed.” Fuller— Suit for divorce. mechanical construction fat foundation. Ilanafaotnrer of Marble Monuments. Hea I- Thrro Months.......................... 75 such that in it are combined 1985 S H Hazard vs C W si mpticJty with great strength, atones. Tablets, etc. President M. McCoy or Secretary thus insuring o f running, c e m e te ry Iota enclosed with «tone ooping , , ___ , ....... , , , ................. ... Tower et als— Suit in equity. durability, and m akin g It Im- We have made arrangments by o r carbine. Iron railings famished to or- H . L . Mnrsters, of Roseburg, will potwible for the machine to be 1986. Rachel Rutlege vs John which we inn offer the king of dairy put out o f order. It aews fat.1 der. C o r r e sp o n d e n c e solicited fr o m l'*r‘ ie“ g|adly furnish nny information to and make* a perfect stitch Ilian in the c o u n tr y or o t h e r towns who j r, J papers, Hoard's Dairyman, and the with all kfnd* o f tin rad and may wish anything iu m y liuo o f basilicas. investors or others regarding the W Rutledge— Suit for divorce. allclaaacaof material. A lw ays M.isarivro Osxo- 1987. L L Simpson vs Geo F H erald for $2. No up-to-date dairy­ ready for uae and unrivalled affairs nnd prospects of the com­ man can afford to be without this for »peed, durability and qual­ Schroeder and C C Cuyler— Action paper. ity o f work. Notice the fol­ pany.— Roseburg Review. low ing points o# aaperioH *^ ARLINGTON." at law. 1988. J F Houser vs Laura HOLBROOK, MERRILL Th e I1c*d o f the “ A rlin gton ” awing* on patent aockat hinges, firmly held down by ■ thnm h A marvelous story comes from B a n d o n , - - O re. rjrevr. Th t Oregonian. M rong, auhatantlal, neat aud handsome in design, ana beautifully ornam ented iu gold. Belle Houser— Suit for divorce fled plate has rounded cornent ter* and ia inlaid or countersunk, m aking it flush with top o f table. & S T E T S O N ............ Heal tie. Several years sgo L. 8. r— g | g r ~ — *-----*-* m* long. T h i* will adm it thw 1989 Chas Morris vs Chas 4. B . Gross ft Son, P rop . _ j hole» to put thread through Takes the market news of San Also BRIDGE A BEACH G. Hunt left that city owing many self-threading, easy to put In or Bingham— Suit in equity to quiet Fraucisco by wire prints it duilv C t k l resort of Bsn3on hr the sss. ____ |______— ____- ____ ______________________ on (he Bed or the machine, thousand dollars, a bankrupt after STOVES -u n til the bobbin winder, and haa a scale showing the number of atitche« to the Inch, and can and distributes it in Coos comity title, etc. Agents for the relebr*te<1 Stiver U? changed from H to 32 stitches to the inch. Feed la double and eatenda on both aides o f u e e d le ; n rtftrc U f in r ln u / c " Chr*‘er there as editor of never fail* to take goods through; never stops at seam»; m ovem ent is positive; no springs fco- 1990. Burt Gant vs W H Gor­ 24 boars ahead of tins Bay City Bar (Kentucky) Whisky. ................................... atic r Bobbin W la d sr - Po. * can ................... ■“ A — utom — itk orenk and get out - ot order; he raised and lowered * at • will. D O U l S , |V H lQ U W d j the Post Intelligencer and Politi­ pa fiera. It also serves the arrival holding M achine doea lining the bobbin automatically and perfectly smooth without 1--------- w the — thread. -------- cian. The accounts against him don et als. Suit to foreclose mort- aud departure of vessel« at all t i n e eth tfc t -,.. r>t run while winding txjhfetn. Ligh t P un nin g—Machine i* easy to run. does not 'i fttigu eop er D e n t T v fltB ts T l i o m . . and any other rfor, m akes Mile tu*ii*e and sews rapidly. Stitch is a double lock stitch, the sem e on both able», sides, would b*"«* been Bold for any nom- ’ gage will not ravel, and can l>e changed without stopping the machine. Tension is a flat spring Pacific c iaat ports. For this part of sloe. A'i>o»ea- The Ns I n c Noedlu I V . - V U i . i*n w . . i straight, s u n n i i H , aelf-selting s r u - p r u i n g needle, l i c c u r , flat i m i on u n one u u t able, » « r e , and cannot be put in wrong. „ money making career' iu Corea, & E R R— Action at law. THE • a r 1* round, made of case hai dened steel, with oil cup at the bottom to prevent oil front getting tic and Foreign ports." ia the heal -------- * .................. are case-hardened steel Adlustabla “ Bearings— All h e a r in g s ------------------------------- — and easily adjust eft -vil t ne go»»»ls. hfhHtehfi— Or any and everything among the mines of that couutry, ” * _ •—* a A lt _---- lost _------------- motion _-----_ can — be _-------------- taken up, and -— the ------------ machine will last i lifetime. with n screw driver. L— r , ------ . „ 1992. James Wall vs Rufus A shipping gaule. Beside* giving A tta c h m e n t*- Each m achinéis furnished with necessary tools and accessories, and In addition we he haa returned a millionaire, and Horton —Suit to foreclose moct- the uBovemeuls of stessa vessel* ¡ carried in a Air:d«h ¡in extra set o f attachm ents in a velvet lined metal b o*, free o f charge, as follow s: One* although the old accounts were r»* »1« r ; hk ! gatherer, one hinder, on e shirring plate, one set o f four hetnmers, diflhrent widths u ^ First-class Hardware Store. between San Francisco* Coqnille : gage. ■> f i • f an inch, one tucker, one under braider, one abort or attachm ent foot, and one thread Am $ page Family pa­ outlawed, he h»n paid ever» cent utter. W u'idw ork o f finest quality oak or walnut, gothic cover and drawers, nickel plated ring*, 1993. Abraham Cutlip vs S B river, Coos Bay and Portland, it ! m drawers, drena guarda to wneel, and device for replacing belt. witli interest, and proposes to start Cutlip et als— Suit to foreclose I notes the arrival sad departure of ¡ per. 3 wide coliuiiue a big daily which shall make thing* mortgage. to each page. C»»- ai ili mm schooneis at and for their ! One man who held hi* ni ls f Successors to J. J. Lamb. | bain O 'J R O R t A T O r r t R . t > 4 . S 0 >«m0, who had become poor, Jewell —Suit for divorce. pon offer, gi ving every rearier c tf this paper a chance to get a_first-elaas_ma- 1 M >rning Daily coming iu hate wert stories, poems, »0- « b ile at the lowest price ever offered. On receipt o f f »«.g o cash and coupon. W . F. K E N N E D Y . had bia breath taken away by re Which advertise* C00« County ; *995- J W Mael vs Minnie “ W i l l »hip the a. Hive-described machine anyw here securely packed and ecdotes, notes 00 sci­ ceiying about $60.00»>, thp full Mael— Suit for divorce. d. an l guarsnteesafe delivery A ten years’ written warranty sent with abroad. The Weekly Oregonian; machine. Jctoney refunded tf not as represented after thirty days’ te*t ence. in ven two, na­ amount and interest. Moral, don't oEN ER A L en ty d a y s trial ____ on W e wi' ship C. O. I>. for f!9 TO with privilege o f twenty days 1996. A M Simpson vs Wm gives all Iho eawa ol oor state 1 ml ' — prefer thirty cot demr. an editor because he IS Ward— Action at law ture. etc. Illustrated. Ö4 collima of general telegraphic » with testi­ pone. He may quit pahllaliiog 1997. Lars Cleaimenoen vs John news of the world each week. It P M B M p % l l l f *r Ym ______________ hout ask ing one cent in advance. na. l i 5 long enough to make a stake an did will he sent iu eonnertmii with the Th e beat plan ia to send all cash with order, as you then save the $1.00 d i» J Kronhotm— Action at law. Soecial Offer. 3 months tor 10 cents. aount Remember the coupon must be sen t w ith t ó r n o . Mr. Hunt, and pav up hi« grx'ery tfZRAL» for oolv $2 per year Horseshoeing a Specialty. 1998. Elijah Smith vs Harriett Here is your chance for Cooutv»i Address, YenrtftAmor:can. T6? ÎÎ. W. Cor Second aud Hall S ta , bill aud other accounts.— Plain- dr nuke your »nlrr Ihrough ihr llrnM, siim-ia * \ir« r xl’ dealer. J Nichols et als— Suit to foreclose State and National Newa. Seeeftf W .N ifla n d , Oregon. Cuqmlle City, Oregon. Wil visit Bnnoon firat six days of Janu­ ary, Ma/oh, May, July, beptemher aud Nov­ ember, aud Myrtle Point the first aix days of February, April. June, August, October and December. I A .J.^S , ! ATTORNEY AT LAW ANO NOTARY PUBLIC. John F. Hall, NEW YORK WOLRD, The C T. G. ECK ELS, Dr Gibbon F m a Guaranteed $900 Salary Toaply. ^ “Out* M i t M X Hudson & Haynes, X I P atents HARDW ARE STO R E , Scientific Hmerkan. H O lin le s l MgW. THE COMMONER, I **flrlInQtorf i&ufc, Sewing piacnine William J. Bryan, aifl Slone Works CALL FOR ::: Building OREGON 0. K. SALO O N , A I l_ . . - • _ J J . a . _.A « I I . 1. ,. . I Material, Young American J. A. Lamb & Co., B l a c M h W apa Wort V* SOFT PAY s(wm?MACNiN(* BUY B m iP .'m a P M R u