Coquille City herald. (Coquille City, Or.) 188?-1904, March 19, 1901, Image 2

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    The “Clyde” Billard Parlors is the place to spend your leisure moments.
£ut)'uUt City Jerald.
All kinds of soft drinks and fine cigars.
Mr. Jesse Clinton is having au
addition built to hie barn.
0. F. Dean, Editor and Proprietor.
Burgess of Ibtrkersbui g
visited his danghter Mrs. Finly
County Official Paper.
Schroeder, Saturday.
------1 Mi. and Mrs. 8. J. McOloskey
ii.voti-U to th e m aterial anil »octal up vitaiVfwl l l . u l r « , n P « n t
6 milling of the CoqniKu Valley part.otilurly , " , , ’ P. r .B° n
ami .>( Ooos Comity generally •
Myrtle Point last week.
Subscription, per year, in advance. *1.1»
Mrs. G. 8. Davis spent several
------------------- days of last week in Coquille with
THIS PlI'Fli AaVrrr u r w V » » y ? » f^ !? 2 her sister, Mrs. Win. Kistuar.
Man-hum,' I ». In.ik. am Pianola«:». I'allfonijn,
M r8 . A s n MvOrS n u d M r s . A. H .
wher «cuutrnca for advcrtiaina can be made for it. C1
- ,
• *.
.... ........ .. ..... .
Snyder spent a few days in Bandon
visiting the families of A. M. and j
Levi Huyder.
Mr. Johnny Buckiuglinm of Bau­
Er>. H e r a l d : The wave o f pros­
perity is rolling over the mud flat) dot] was in Norway over Sunday.
The farmers liaye hardly time to
at the uorth end o f the city of
now, they are so
Mr. Jake Nelson, a, say “ Howdy’do,”
local confectioner and a distin-
their spring crops,
gaished and efficient member of . Mrs. Minnie Armstrong, who has
the town board, is having piles
i.lmosttwo years, wtU
driven preparatory to the erection !
*°? bpr boraP lu California
o f a foundry.
Rumor indicates I Wednesday. Minnie
has made
the building of a warehouse and 'Oaay friends here whoso well
wharf for the Standard Oil Com-
her't llp r departure
pany, also warehouse and wharf in 18 hastened by the illness of her
the same vicinity for the Oregon mother Mrs. Andy Hoover, a former
Coal and Navigation Company.
i ,V8ll,lp,!t of. “ ’i 8 conDfy ‘»«‘ »t t>res-
The north end of the city is now 1 «ut living in i ru.tyale California.
receiving attention, ami a boom in I
Llzzle M>'Prs, ?,nd ^ lla
mud lots may now he anticipated.' <- 1»u'on having sucdessfully taken
AVith tint construction o f a f ,.w the eighth grade examination, were
sewers that will allow the stagnant Bunted diplomas by Supt. AA. H.
water o f tlie locality to escape Bunch. IIlits is very i neon raging
through the bulkhead, that part of “ r P8!’ 1'8 **» tbo coontrV schools,
the town will advance rapidly in i for »»der the new course of study
the estimation of those who mav those in the rural districts have the
be seeking business locations. One | same chauce to graduate from the
good result will he the removal of common school studies as those of
obstacles to traffic now restiug on our town schools. May our teachers
the street. The street is iu anom­ be more active in this work.
T r ix ie T r ic e .
alous condition and needs a drastic
Kivertn Pick-Ups.
Messrs.George and Tibbetts have
opeued their store in the Odd
Fellows’ building lately vacated by
Henry Pullen aud family have
Mr. AVilliam Nasburg, and are now moved itvto the Lowe house.
ready for business. G eoige is a
A. Da hut) and family moved in­
rustler and Tibbetts a stayer; con­ to the Airs. Dunlap house.
sequently, with those qualifications
Frank Stillwell and wife moved
welded in tiie same venture, there into the Sebroeder house.
is hut little doubt of their success.
Elbert Dyer, of fiandou, made
. The Copper Queen, a gasoline our town a business call last week.
boat, sloop rigged, and now lying
Grandma McCue, of the lower
at Odd Fellows’ wharf, is under­ river, was visiting friends and rela­
going i. change. Site will be rigged tives iu our town and vaciuity last
bs a schooner.
Her home port is week.
Gold Beach, Cnrrv county.
Miss Leta Barrows came down
As announced iu the last issue from Coquille last Friday and has
of the H e r a l d that Mr. Long is bean a quest the Riverton Hotel
about to retire fiom the harness since.
busiuess and “ release the leases,”
Rev. Owens held religious ser­
we infer that you were referring to vices here Saturday evening Sun­
Marshfield. You also stated that day aud Sunday evening.
the room would be used as a saloon.
Wni. Steward and wife have
In that case the long chain of moved to Beaver Hill, where AA’illie
saloons on the west side o f Front is employed in a logging camp.
Street will receive another link,
Ed. Rose declares that he is hoo­
aud the town’s treasury an addi­ dooed. Our famous fortune teller
tional deposit While prosperity predicted a misfortune for him in
is on the wave, and expansion ad­ the mines and sure enough lie has
vancing with giant strides, both been disabled twice by falling coal.
beer and whiskey will seek recog­ Now we advise any persons wish­
nition. There is gall in the cop; ing rheir future portrayed to them,
nud its promoters aud advocates to call on our far famed fortune
are not lacking in assurance; never­ teller, A. AVilkius.
theless, what the law legalizes is
D ona A n a .
free to expand. Shipbuilding is
progressing favorably in this yiem
ít e m i I f'O R SALK—H7 Acres o f LanJ, H mile
ity, and at some future date, I m a i' F from Norway, Coos comity. Ri nown
ns theMoOlary yluce. For pationlars, call
try aud give you details. Personal on
Norway, Oregon.
investigation is essential in report­ junL'oU
ing improvements. At Bay City,
AA’e understand that there is a
Mr. Hans Reed is putting forth
every effort to complete his new big deal on the tnpest through
vessel on time. He ¡ b struggling which the extensive sawmill busi­
for, ami deserves, success. May | ness of Adam l’ershbnker, of Pros­
he win out, and succeed in estab­ per, is to go into the hands of a
California company, the members
lishing a permaueut shipyard.
of which we have not nsyetloarned,
S tar K ey .
but. have good reason to beliove are
The change of F. Long & 8on men of unlimited means, and who
above mentioned, referred to the means business and will rash the
firm of Coquille.
E d . H erald .
business to largo proportions at
Mrs. C. E. ATan Ileuseu, of Ivil- once, installing box, sash, door nud
bourn, AYis., was afflicted with blind machinery, making it a first-
stomach trouble ami constipation class lumbering iustitution.
C oqu ille Oity O regon.
every respect; courteous treatment.
ular Boarding aud Lodging.
lransient and reg­
of Falsehood
Great Clubbing Offers.
DO NOT BE MISLED into believing that our low prices have
any effect on the quality of goods we handle
AA’hen we say it publicly it’s just so. If not, we will make
it so, or your money back.
Dried Prunes, fine quality, 2 pounds 1 AA’ hite agate shirt buttons, 5 cents a
for 5 cents. Try a sample and
buy more.
Mush bowls, 5 cents each.
'‘Kanematz’s Special Value” Laun- \
dry Savons are 7 one-pound bars Leather AVTatch chain, 5 cents.
for 25 cents.
Big Cut! Imported French Macar­ Sleeve holders, 2 pairs for 5 cents.
oni which we have been offering China Nest Eggs, 2 for 5 cents.
at 7 and J cents per package is
10c coat collar spring, 5 cents.
down to 5 cents this week.
The H eiiald has made arrangements with the managements of the fol­
lowing-named publications for clubbing purposes on the terms given be-
The Commoner (AV. J. Bryans paper) and the H ebald , in advance..*2 00
Tho AA’eekly Examiner and H e r a l d ........................... ......................................... 2 50
The Weekly Oregonian and H e r a l d ....................................................... 2 00
The Oregon Agriculturist aud Rural North W est............ .................... 1 75
Western Poultry News (Lincoln, Neb.) and H e r a l d ............................ 1 50
P a cific H o m e ste a d
an d H e r a l d ............
............................................................ 2 25
New York AVorld (Thrice-a-week) and H e b a l d ...................................... 2 15
AVe have again secured the Mrs. Hooks and Eyes, 3 cards of G dozs
Mill’s Prize Baking Powder, and
for 5 cents.
urge our patrons to grasp the op­
2 for 5 cents.
portunities at onop.
Au elegant
Geneva ware, worth 50c, goes with Brass pins, 5 cents a paper.
each can. Both for 50 cents.
Misses’ round combs, 5 cents.
Special in Rio roast coffee, 2 pounds
for 35 cent.
Pants buttons, 5 dozens for 5 cents.
KStt » ./ 14 -J« > S
White L abor.
First street—enst end o f bridge.
F . S. S la g le ,
Coquille, Oregon.
1 Cleaning and Repairing neatly |
9 oz blue denim overalls, copper
riveted, felled seams, cut in full,
not the skimpy
goods. We
guarnutee this to be equal or bet­
ter than any 60 cents overalls
made. Money back if you want Glass sauce sets, consisting of one
it! Price 50 cents.
largo dish 6 small saucers, beau­
tiful design, like cut, 25 cts a set.
Tumblers, clear American glass
tumblers of exquisite designs.
Fully worth 10 cents each, 6
for 25 cents.
Men’s latest spring style crash, and E ‘
silk hats—new arrivals, from 25c j!
Domet, Sateen and drill working |
shirts— 30, 35 and 40 cents.
50c Men’s “ Natural AVoot” cotton | All Glass Dairy Thermoneter, 10c.
undershirts aud drawers, fresh J
from San Fraucisco, not the “ sell-| If your hens do not lay, try some
ing out” stock.
Money back if| ground bones, 2 cents
you want it! 40 cents each.
| pound.
Hawkins w ill receive by return
“Mandalay” a new line of Dress
Goods, Trimmings, R eady­
made Skirts Everything
in D ry Goods.
F R 3 2 5 S M
G R Ö G 3 E R I3 3 S
A lS m
F E E D .
______________________________________ I
our new
Table Set, of plain glass, consists
of 1 covered Butter dish, L
covered sugar bowl, 1 cream
pitcher and a spoon holder. All
for 3 cents.
J. S. Kanematz’s
Odd Fellows jUuilding
Marshall McDonald, Proprietor.
Cleanliness is our Watchword.
Largest and most modern !y equipped parlors in the county.
gh ifA full lino of Barber’s supplies.
for a long time. She says, “ I have
Coos May New».
t —
tried many preparation« hut. none
The width of the channel across
Estray Notice.
have done me the good that Cham­
the Coos bay bar is 1500 feet, with
berlain's Stoumeli and Liver Tablets
g ra y ed from my piece near
have.” These Tablets for sale at it. a depth of 24 feet at low water.
a bald-faced 2-year-o!d
C. A. Johnson took his pile Arago,
8. Knowlton's drug store. Price,
driver up Istliunis slough yester­ hiffer. Had a label on her left
25 cents. Samples free.
day to drive piles for a bunker for j ear with my name stamped on it.
A suitable reward will be given for
Country In Mourning tor General Harrison. [ Wall Bros.
Howard leaves on the! information leadingto her recovery.
A lex S tad ff .
March 14.—Tlie Homer, en route to Houlnlu, wlim e I
National Capital is in mourning lie lias secured a position iu a!
today for Former President. Flags large jewelry store.
Saddle Horses of best quality always on hand. Good Rigs in readi­
Counterfeits of DeWilts’s AVitch
are at half-mast upon nil public
ness for special trips. In fact, a general Stage aud Livery business.
AA’ork will be commenced at the Hazel Salve are liable to cause blood
buildings, the hotels stores and depot car shops, about the end of poisoning. Leave them alone. The
Accommodations for Traveling men a speciality.
u »u y of the private residences. Tl|e'
t months, on ten fiat cars tobs original has the name DeAVitt’s upen
net of JSM.i innuoitg the draping of built for bauliug lumber. The the box and wrapper. It is a harm­
public buildings in black,
i cars to ho equipped witli Westing- less nnd healing salve for skin dis­
T. J. K kewson
tho custom formerly upon the death house air brakes ind automatic eases. Uneaquenlcd. R. S. Kuowl- AA'. A. G oodman .
of a former President. President c o u p le rs .
McKinley directed that the doors of
M.iuager Chandler is nbout to
the Exocuiive Mansion he closed to
Card ol Thanks.
visitors, nnd denied himself to call­ place au order with a Philadelphia
ers except those who had business
Wo desire to tender our heartfelt
o f urgent importance, lie will at­ struction o f a first-class passenger thanks to our mnny kind frieuds
tend the funeral. Airs. McKinley coach, capable o f sPHting5t! people. und neighbors of Coquille City who
Housemovers, Builders, Contractors and general carpenters.
probably will accompany him as far The coach will be built in the car so williugly showed their kindmss
Estimates on all work furnished free on short notice.
as Canton, where ho may atop over
and sympathy during an hour of AA'e will be able to take contacts on brick work and furnish brick as early
one day.
sickness, ami many kind favors in a
as the weather will admit their being burned.
been appearing before crowded
time of need.
It is very hard to stand idlv by houses both in tiio enst and on this
M b . and M bs . A. V annoy ..
nnd see our dear ones suffer while const, lias been secured by the A .
awaiting tho arrival of the doctor. M C. A. to giv » two entertainment»
An Albany (N. A.) dairyman railed in Marshfield. Mr. Plumhstend
at a drug store there for a doctor to receives very complimentary press
coine and see his child, then very notices, and no doubt a treat is in
sick with croup. Not finding the store f.,r the Marshfield people,
dochirin.hc left word forlorn to RemeAihcr the dates--A pril 12tli
Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Walker, Proprietors. *-*
come at once on his return. Ho and 13th.
•»••¡•FRONT STREET** .
also bought a bottlo of Chnmberlain’s
] i r \ M. Evans, late o f Marsh-
Cough Remedy, which he hoped fi,,|d, WH„ brutally beaten by two
Digests what you eat-
would give Hom e relief until the soldiers in San Francisco, on the
It artificially digest« the food and aid*
doctor should arrive. In a few morning o f the 7«h. The doctor Nature In strengthening and recon­
hours be returned, saying the doctor w as returnin'.’ from a visit to a structing the exhausted digestive or­
L atest
need not come, as the child was p - t t w h e n he met the soldiers gan«. It lith e latestdiscovereddigest-
much better. The druggist, Mr. »nd a women, all of whom were ant and tonic. No other preparation
approach It In efficiency. It In­
Otto Schof*. says the family has trunk, and without provocation cao
stantly relieves and permanently cures
since recommended Chamberlain's attacked him, beating him ao se Dyspepsia, indigestion, Heartburn,
Cough Hi mrdv to their n. ighbors verelv that lie became unconscious, Flatulence, Sour Stomach, Nausea,
Sick Headache. Ga3tralgla.Crampsand
and friends until he has a constant and was taken to tho hospital.
all other results of imperfect digestion.
demand for it from that part o f the
PMcvlOc. and 11. LartealiecoBtalattH times
far® t'oH«nf»!iffr-i ForpTfft
For s de by R S Knowl- V;iK To I iM
ttirt* L’ ltniv 1 utli truc. I0C Ol 256. •m a lla lt* B o o h » li » b o u td ,s p e p s i » n n u .« li r » s
Prvoortd ay C. C. DsWITT S C O . Chicago.
It r
c. luii locu rc. Urttguuia refund muuef
c- °-
Dyspepsia Cure
Coquille City, Oregon.
and finest styles of finish.
All Work Guaranteed.
Rambler aid Ideal Wheels al F.L om 4 See’s.
P r o p r ie t o r .^ !
r ts r
Keeps only pure W ines and Liquors
and Fine Cigars.
The Americus Club W h isk y is one I
of the specialties served in these
Ä v i.s /r
in c o r p o r a t e d
r I
O c to b er 11 , 1S99.
Co-Operative Investn)ei)t Compoijy |j
st Established Branches
|. Number o f Subscribed Shares -
| Full paid shares, Dec. 31, 1900
^ Assets, Dec. 31, 1900
$ 38,000.00
There are no admission, withdrawal or transfer fees, fines or ex­
pense deductions.
Shares may be paid for in full at the par value of $25.00 or
Ü j