*1 The “Clyde” Billard Parlors is the place to spend your leisure moments. All kinds of soft drinks and fine cigars. C H ij T ic v a li The Msndalay's First Trip. OUR NtW bUNK The new steamer Mandalay put A Convcnionce we Have not En|oyed the Big Fire- in her uppenrnuce nt the mouth of the Coquille last Wednesday and PUBLISHED EVERY TUESDAY was hailed with delight by the The Coquille Valley Bank m a n y p e o p le o f th is vulley. T h is 'completed its banking house D. F. Dean, Editor and Proprietor. is a th in g th a t o u r p e o p le Im ve w ill be re a d y fo r b u siu e s b y th e Since T U E SD A Y , SOY. 27, t900. has nud , first lo o k ed fo rw a rd to fo r it. a n y y e a rs. | D te e m b e r. T h is is a n in s titu - Lie» jteil to the material and aocial op , aaiidiniTof p a rtic u la rly ' Ite g u la r s le a n ie r c o m m u n ic a tio n 1101101 " ^ ' h th e p e o p le o f th e Co- ixilding of Vi««Coqifie theCoqoiiie Valley particularly md of Cone County generally. ccnerally. and (’«os Comity ^ , rt' bptw ppn th is riv e r find Sfin E n iu - Yiilluy iiud th o se of C oijuillu Subaoription. per year, in advance, $ 1.00 i cisco will do more to develop the City in particular, may well fee] rr i||e p i pin; u kept on me at e o ntHE's dormant resources of of this this valley valley jl proud. 1 n l o I 11 r.lt Advertí». 11« Agency, « yml « M e rc h a n t» ' E i c h a m t » , San F r a n eU c u, CalKu rnU, w h e r e oo ut ra cte for a j v e r t i e i u y c au lie m ad e fur It. They have a splendid build- ii _ | oail ¡1 l,n t | , p p v l p n Í D g titled U p w i t h tile V ery b e s t l l l t t o a i l } I I l I D g 1P S 8 I I OB l i l e e x i e n - o 1 J * . . . .. ’ ....................................... interior, modern conveniences necessary for eion of our railroad to t h e ____ on institution and, as a matter of course, steam-1 ' an institution of of this kind. The The Text Comm'ssioners, era wou Id be n ueccessary adjunct vault is of the latest design being ! in connection with railroads. T h e ' steel lined thoroughout, with dead Salem, Nov. 14.—The appoint­ Mandalay is as large a vessell as | air spaces to withstand the heat in ! ment of live text book commis- we cau hope to support nt the pres- case of fire, assuring perfect safety \ siorners, to serve for a term of ent time and something of w hich to papers or anything which may be thereia for safe keeping, four years, will be made by Gov­ we should feel proud. She is cap«- ■« up-to-date burglar- ernor Geer in January. As the lile of carrying 300 tons on a draft i wLll° the time for the selection of this board of ton and one-half feet of water, Proof "V l ,lol,1;l e *•“ « °*:k' the has passenger accommodations f o r |vcr* ^ st to had. which insures approaches, interest is greatly in­ 30 passengers, is supplied with | !tH P^rons against loss by hre or creased. The imoortance of this electric lights and is capable of b,lrKIftr'i' A glance at the personnel 1 No. 7, heavy all-silk ribbon, 5c a yd. Ladies leathar belts, 10c, commission is generally acknowl­ making good speed, having made cf the hank is a sufticient guarantee Infants’ Mitts 15c. Kites, 5c each. Patent spring h o o k s S l eyes, 2 card* ! Starch, 3 for 25c. ! Envelopes, 2 packages for 6c. edged. It will determine the text the run from San Francisco to the of the honest and faithful couduct Toy Brooms’, 10c. of its affairs. The board of direct­ Doll Carriage, 25, for 5c’ Nutmeg graters, 2 for 5e. Dress lining, 2 yards for 15c. in this | Coquille in forty-one hours, except­ books that shall lie used ors is composed of some of the most Fancy Basket, 5c. Fancy glass tumblers, 6 for 25c, Red ink, 5c a bottle. Pink chambray, 10c per yd. state for o period of six years ing for a slight stoppage in the substantial men of tho county from Crepe payer, 15c. 2 oz. extract of vanilla, 10c. Imported tissue papers, 5c dozen. Embroidery hoops, 5c. tn, , i , ., , . ... i shelter of Cape Blauco for the tide The action taken by the board will ((J b(J wj,en she flrrivei, tliere. a financial standpoint as well as Flowered Crepe paper, 25c. Embroidery silk, 6 for 5c. 20c toy brooms, 10c. Milk pail, 25c. Fancy rolled oatH, 3 lbs for 10c. ■ Nickel safety pins, 3 cards for 10c. 25c Dover egg beaters, 10c. not only be of great moment to the ; S |10 brought up 120 tons of frcigLt moral integrity, all being old set-! Serai» Pictures, lc. 25c Cuticle soap, 10c. 50c Ladies union suits. 35c, Celluloid collars, 5c. people of the state from a fiuan- for our people, got her cargo of •bj'"'at|d citizens of the county and Mrs. Pott’s Toy Sad Iron, 15c. Dress shields, 2 pairs for 15c. Mincing kuife, 5c. j Brass Pins, 5c a card, cial standpoint, but will be of coal at Riverton Thursday and 1 Tui .known to our people. Mr. Toy Garden set, 25c. ' . . !BBllo,t l.’,;,l„u with n ,.f „hwni >'bite has beeu with us ouly a short Button hooks, 5c a dozen. t i 15c Dress canvass. 10c yard. Coin purses, 3 for 10c. vital interest to the cause of com- j Hailed *’''■% "'lb a list of about, time, but comes well recommended Infants’ Booties, 15e. Fascinator, 25c. Shoe buttons, 5c a gross, 25c Novel aud detective stories, 5c. Root beer 10c per bottle. , , , 20 passengers and a good lot of Fire shovels, 5c. i Silver teaspoons, 25c a dozen. White china shirt buttons, 5c. a gross mon school education. | wlxed freigbt from many points on by thoso who have known hwn per­ Fancy Shaving Mug, 25c. sonally for a number of years. We Berry sets fro.u 25c per set. Court plaster, 2 pac ks for 5c. Loose bottom jelly plate, 3 for 25c. Velvet Hhirt binding, 2 yards for 5c. In an interview on tho subject m ie river, j 50c “President” suspendrs, 25c, Thimbles, 2 for 5c. Small dinner bucket, 10c. of the composition of the commis- ! It is the opinion cf parties who feel that we can safely and with all Velvet slippers $1,00 Sheet iron bread pan. 10c. I Good roast coffee, 2 lbs for 35c. sion, Governor Geer has said that j have bean observing very closely propriety bespeak for this institution Work boxes, Toilet cases, Albums, Assorted steel pens, 25c a gross. the full aud complete confidence of Candy, Dry Goods nud Notions Carpet tacks, 3 packs ior 5c. 2x2 inch butt hinges, 5c. Sardines, 5c per can. be will endeavor to appoint tb e i11^ [a,®> that the Coquille bar will Tack hammer, 5c. of alt kinds. Every item a bar- Good Japan Rice, 6c per lb. I Tin pans. 3 for 10c , . . . . . , be fully capable of accommodating our people and recommend that it best men ia tho state to perform , hja Teg8p, Qm, , hftt Ler pn,0,P8t recieve as liberal a patronage as the g»in. Hatchet, 25c. Hair Pins, 3 bunches for 5c. Misses' round combs, 5c. 25c Barometer, or wheather gunge Good toilet soap, 3 for 5c. 25c celluloid cuffs, for 15c. the duties of that body. He will difficulty will be in reaching the surrounding circumstances will per­ Tissue pnper, 5c doz. 15c. Kites, 5c each. Bleached muslin, 5c per yard. make no announcement of names ' upper river on uccount of a couple mit. It is absolutely- impossibly for Mush Bowls, 5c each. Nickeled tweezers, 5e. China mugs, 5c. Pants buttons, lc per dozen. prior to the official appointment, of shoal places between here and the volume of busiuess conducted Glass Tumblers, 6 for 25c. by the people of this valley to be Arm bands, 2 pairs fnr 5n. Kid body dolls, sleeping eyes, Dress stays, 5c per biiDch. Large Glycerine soap, 5c. He said that be appreciated sug-i 1?R"dllu- . T.b i®- course can be Corset steel, 5c a pair. from 25c up. Corset Hteels, 5c a pair. . . 1 made all right by removing the carried ou without the intervention Men’s fine black socks, 5c a pair. gestions from persons .uterested | snaK„ ftcd proppr)y |ookjIlt, aftPr of tho banking system, and the Pie Tins, 3 for 10c. 1 in. cotton lace P2 yds for 15c. No. 40, all silk sash ribbon, 20c.ayd. Hooks and eyes, 3 cards for 5 c. nearer you are placed to the bank, ! 3-eornero 1 saw files. 3 for 10c. (1 inch vnlenchinl lace. 10c per yd. Good mixed candy, 10c per pound Bone collar buttons, 5c dozen. in the educational affairs of the the channel at these points, and, the more intimate acquaintance j Good over shirts, 25c up. Silk dress trimmings, 3 yds for 10c. Hungarian shoo nails, 3 pks for 10c. Wire egg beaters, 2 for 5c. state, and desired to encourage with its operators you have the, 200 yds spool linen thread, 5c. Good cigars, 2 for 5c. Extra Fancy, rolled oats, 4c per lb. | China mush bowls, 5c. Boy. Burned to Death- recommendations of persous qual­ privilege of acquiring, the more you 1 10c Leather watch chain, 5c. Ladies’ vests’ 20c. Good Toilet soaps, 4 for 5e. i 75c Corset for 60u. ified for the positions. With five Mens marino under shirts, 35c. 50c “ “ 35c. Sugar and Flour nt the lowest Now Whatcom, Wash., Nov. 21. will appreciate tho conveniences nud Asbestos stove mats, 3 for 10c. positions to be filpd, there have —At Forest Grove yesterday after­ accommodations rendered. Beside Fruit jar funnel, 5c. Men’s merino drawers 25c pr. | Side combs, 5c a pair. market. been thus far but six recommen­ noon F. W. Prouty’s 5-year-old son these advantages ive have desirable dations. Those whose names have went into his barn, and is supposed accessions to the society of our been suggested to tLe Governor to have engaged himeeit in the town and community in tho family of Mr. White of whom we may also! with recommendation for their I pastime of striking matches. The j barn caught fire and bruned fo the feel proud who will take part in the | iMarshtielu Han.i appointment are as follows: Oregon Children's Home Society. ground. The boy was burned to social and educational upbuilding Mrs. Byler, of Portland, arrived George II. Durham, of Portland; I as wc o five bend of horses of our section so will the bauk in ou the Alliance on a visit to her The I'oqnille boarJ is composed VV. Wright, principal of the public, and 50 tons of hay. Other farm the material development nud up­ son, C. M. Byler, postmaster nt of Mrs. T. G. Eckles, M. E. church, schools of Cauyonville, aud form­ belongings were consumed, caus­ building of industrial enterprises Empire City. (»res.; Mrs. L. P. Maury, Christian, of the whole valley. Our business erly of the Douglas and Jackson ing a financial loss of $2500. .J. H. Yonknm made the record vice-pres,; Mrs. R. S. Kuowlton, DIET: 1ST O T T -R I K IE lÑ r , men will hail the opening of this Couuty schools; C. A. Hitchcock, Proprietor Biggie Berry Book, No. 2 of The valuable addition to our already of “high boat” in fishing for the Baptist, tre»i8.; Mrs. L. A. Whereat, principal of the public schools nt Biggie Books, is all about berries. long list of business institutions Marshfield cannery. He caught Episcopal, sec.; Mrs. E . M. Lyons, M. E.South; Mrs. Jesse Hall, Pres­ Ashland; F. D, Iliimliu, twice sup­ A w hole encyclopedia of berry lore, with entliusinsm, and do all in their 1589 salmon. New Management; K. V. Kruse, who has accepted byterian. erintendent of tliP Douglas Couuty boiled down after the manner of j power to make it the huccoss it New Furnishings Throughout; The object of this society is to merits the position of master builder in schools; W. H. Stalker, principal FARM JO U R N AL. Tells about Commodious Sample-Rooms Attached. the North Beud shipyard, nrrived provide homes for orphan children varieties, about planting, growing, of the Baker City High School; | mulching, cultivating, picking and Any one having children they Inst week from San Francisco. Artoiher Blaze in Coquille City. wish adopted or given a home, or W . H. Barry, ox-president of the ^ marketing. It gives practical Ta1 le service the equal of any in southern Oregon. AH wnite help Dr. W. A. Toye left yesterday As we were closing up our forms morniug for Wallace, Idaho, in any one wishing to sdopt or give a New Bar attached; : : Large anil comfortable Office and Rending Room Multnomah Typographical Union j pointers from the pens of scores of child a home should communicate and chairman of tho legislative! leading berry growers from all this, Tuesday evening, bung a response to a telegram summoning with any member of the board little late, the alarm of fire was him to the bedside of his eick parts of the country who have con­ committee of the Federated Trades either by mail or in person. tributed to its columns. It lias sounded in the section of town be­ father. Assembly, of Portland. By order of the pres. colored representations of berries tween the courthouse and scbocl- A J. Black, who has resided in M rh , L. A. W h e r e a t , Sec. The law under which the appoint­ Due to size nud color, thirty-three liouse. The people soon found Marshfield for several months past, . -•> * ments are to be made was passed portraits of practical berrymen, that it was in Charley W hite house returned to Myrtle Point last week, I » i ll I n I t r i t t i s h S u l i l i i T M i n . t l r i r n . I by tire Legislative Assembly in and thirty-five other lllnstiatious, j occupied by Rev. Robert Funis, wlipre ho lias ncceqted his old pos­ aud all efforts were made to save Capt. C. G. Dennison is well 1899. It provides that in the handsomely bound in cloth. The the house as well ns its contents, ition in A. A. Blnck & son’s general Office—Up-Staiva, near Pontoffioe. price is 50 cents, by mail; address known all over Africa ns comman­ month of January, 1901, and every the publishers, Wilmor Atkinson hut it was too far advanced before merchandise store. der of the forces that captuie I the A football team has been organ­ four years thereafter, the governor Co,, Philadelphia. it was discovered. The tire orig­ C O Q U ILLE CITY, OREGON. famous rebel Galiehe. Under date inated in a lied loom up stnirs, ized iu Marshfield. At n meeting \ of Nov. 4, 18117, from Vryburg, shall appoint,from different sections last week E. Mingus was elected When you feci that life is hardly and is supposed to have been manager; Clms. MeKuignt, assist­ Bechunnnlnnd, he writes: “Before | of the state,a state board of five text take a dose of I caused by a lamp, there being no book commissioners, who' shall i worth tire candi ant manager; Archie Kruse, cap­ starting on the last campaign 1 ' Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver one in tho room at the time. bought a quantity of Chamberlain’s hold their oilices untill their suc­ Tablets. They will dense your This is quite a loss to the Lyous tain; Billy Smith, treasurer; and ' Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Item- Watson Short, secretary. A chal­ estate ns well as Mr. Enuis, cessors are elected and qualified, stomach, tone up your liver and ! edv, which I used myself when all the clothing of lenge has been issued to play the troubled with bowel complaint, and vacancies to be filed by the Gov­ regulate your bowels making you quite Coquille City tenm. feel like a new man. For sale by the family as well us valuable ernor. To meet the demnnds of the lmd given to my men, nud in every pa pels, library and articles of ease it proved most beneficial.” In tho mouth of February, 1901, R. S. Kuowlton. value and highly prized as accu­ increasing passenger traffic of the j For sale by R. S. Kuowlton. —• railroad. Manager Chandler Las and every six years thereafter, the mulations of many years of Mr. Dili the Prophets Foretell ( hrlst. ■ ■■■ »«O** —---- Makes Collections.— 13 Years' Experience and a Grouting Ennis. Tlieie ivhb no insurance. decided to add another passenger State Superintendent is required Edwin O. Wood, of Michigan, coach to tlie list of rolliug stock, ► -»•- Tho above is the theme that will Business Are Our Be3t “Ad." to mail to all tho lending school Don’t Tobacco Spit an<| Smoko Your 1.11V? AwHy. and is negotiating for the fitting Secretary of the Tamworth Swine book publishers in the United lie discussed by the minister of the T o q u it to b acco e a sily and fo rev er, b e m ag for the same from the east. The Breeders’ Association, knows a Christian church nt next Sunday’s SAMPLE PROPERTIES O FFERED, good thing when lie sees it. Writ­ full of life, n erv e a n d v ig o r, ta k e No-To- StnteH a circular stating tho names service. lu this discourse three B fletic. ac , th e w onder-w orker, th a t m a k e s w eak m en conch will he constructed nt the ing the other day of the Biggie Several thousand acres Timber Land st from $6 to $15 per sere. and residences of the commission­ very interesting important proposi­ s tro n g . A h d ru g g is ts , 50c o r ffl. C u re g u a ra n ­ railroad’s car shops in this city. Swine Book, the latest ndditon to 24(1 « ■it's stock or dairy farm, some improvements, te ed B o o k le t an d s a m p le free. A d d ress $ 3,000 ers, tho time and place of their tion will be considered: (1) Tho S te rlin g K ernedy Co., C h icag o o r N ew Y o rk improved, 4.000 Quite a little snow fell in this The Biggie Books, he says: “ With­ 235 -------- »-■»*»» * meeting, the general form of hid, i Old ~ lestnment Scriptures were out exaggeration or fulsome praise part improved, 1,500 Great concern is being felt in the valley the middle of last week, it is the best book which has come 320 • r t ¡written several centuries hpfore the general form of contrack to he .,, . .... , , ,, 2.000 163 Humholdt which our earliest settlers claim is . . . . . , , , , ¡Christ; (2 ) 1 heir pophecies of the Smith river valley, “ stock ranch, hill land,

of M> rtl« Point will ning Riverton for some time, returning In kidney trouble. 2 finely located residence lots $ 500 ■»bserve the moventii'nN t.f Dr. linkers. the latter being required It you ate sick you can make no mistake yesterday with Miss Center, of 2 lots near business part of Sinnige, th* dentist. H“ wt'l be by first doctoring your kidneys. The mild Oiala, who will live at Baudou for to give salisfartory bonds for the town 300 and the extraordinary effect cf Dr. Kilmer's the (»resent. will heal the inflammation of the at that I the first six days in performance of their contracts 2 inside lots, near courthouse 200 S w am p -R o o t, the great kidney remedy is throat and lungs and nourish and »er. [lece ml The State Superintendent will, soon realized. It stands the highest (or its “ 225 A terrible storm raged through 2 A well improved, cheam for cosh. 2 corner lots, ** strengthen the body so that it can B q ) 1 worth of goO. L at the wenderfaleares of lire most distressing cases s e v tr ilo f the southern states the 5-room house and barn, 2 corner Pan el near Academy, 400x348 in August, 1901. and every six throw off the disease. f Y' K'lueinntl’s and be entitled to a and is sold on its merits years thereafter auncunce the text lots. $ 450 feet 700 first of last week, resulting in the We have thousands of testi- guess on the pumpkin seed» - and by all druggists in fifty- books that Imve been adopted, amt j ) monials where people claim they 6 lots, house, barn, garden, 6 choice oval re»