I Rancura Recorder. I First Crop Bulletin. O v e r-W o rk W ea ken s School will open next Monday, | at the Four-mile schoolhi,use, with i W e lied in the United States Y o u r Kidneys. TG ESD A Y .M A Y 1, 1900. Washington, April 24.— General We mentioned briefly last week ÏKIDAY, APKiL 27, 1900. j Audraw Jackson ss principal, this | department o f agriculture climate Otis tins cabled the following ac- the distraction of the A ia g o cream- Court met pursuant to adjourn- baiog his first term in that capacity, and crop bulletin of the W eallitr Unhealthy Kidneys Make Impure Blood. P ÏT IÎLIS H K D E V E R Y T U E S D A Y couut of recent engagements in the ery by tire on Sunday eveuiug, ment at 10 o’clock a. iu., when the Miss Dell Lamont bus been en- Bureau, Oregon section, for All the blood In your body passes through Philippines: A pril 22d, but had very limited following proceedings were bad: gaged to tescli the New Lake scliool week ending Monday, April your kidneys once every three minutes. ‘Muuiln, April 24.— Early on the particulars regarding it, some of The kidneys are your Ordered that the following bills this suuimer, aud Miss Sadio Fahy the follow ing: & morning of the 7th,several hundred, which was faulty. The fact o f the be paid: blood purifiers, they (li­ has Charge o f the Raudolph scliool, Editors and Proprietors. COAST DISTRICT. ter out the waste or I Tagalos and Yisayans attacked a total destruction o f building and Charles Roberts, for ferry­ Rural, Coos eoiiuiy, W. 11. W ig. The BaudoD VVooleu M ills Co. impurities In the blood. Devotad to ttae ronu-rial und scoiai up battalion of the Fortieth lufautry machinery was correct, but we had ..................... . Point man at Myrtle $37 00 Imve beeu coinplimented l»y auother ant--W heat, barley aud oats look If they are sick or out ¡¿ddi f “( ^ hComn»i*lMMU^Par*“ Bl‘ rly a‘ Cagayan, on the north coast of nothing reliable concerning the j J Jacobson^'doTofficeVbai’r rs s 89 55 order for hlsukets for the Oregon fiue. of order, they fall to do Wheat and oats promise a their work. Bobsoriptioo, per year, in advance, fl.tio Minilunao. Our casualties were two origin o f the disaster, and ouly au F A White, tuendiug shoes National Guard; 300 blaukets are good crop this year. Fruit is go. Pains, aches and rheu­ ----- = • killed, 11 wounded; enemv’s I o b s , 53 approximation of the amount o f (lie for prisoner Allen......... iug to be light. Stock looks well lO O jw a u tid this time. matism come from ex­ THIS PAPER killed, 18 wounded and captured iu ' loss nud the supposition tliat the Geo D Ridinger, on acct cess of uric acid In the Mrs. M. Biyan closed her term nud grass is good everywhere. Merchant«’ Exchange, Han Francisco, California, the city, besides other losses su f-; insuiauce was held in the h ire R e­ blood, due to neglected wher «contracta for aJ vertutiu« can be made for ft. Illahep, Curry comity, E. II ",0 utr^|l*)( 0 00 i o f private school in this district kidney trouble. lief Association at M cM innville. Geo D Ridinger, k*'1 fered on retreat. extras on P rice— The weather is fine and ! last Friday, and on Monday ruoru- Kidney trouble causes quick or unsteady “ Young reports from nortbwest- But wo haye since made inquiry People's Union Slate Ticket- -Election above contract................. 98 25 ” i iiig opened up the school iu the everything is growing nicely. Grain heart beats, and makes one feel as though ern Luzon that several hundred na- into the cause of the destruction by Balance duo on snid contract 650 00 June 4, 1 900. they had heart trouble, because the heart is of all kinds growing fast, aud her. Two-mile district. tives, influenced bv Aguinaldos Öre o f the Arugo creamery, aud Ordered that on the delivery of > lies will be nbnuilant if not dam­ over-working In pumping thick, kidney- PreHiilentuil■ Electors—Walter M. Pierce, bishop, Aglipak, attacked his troops have elicited the fol ivviug from re­ seats for the circuit court rcom L | Elbert Dyer, accompanied by bis aged by I h I o frosts. ¡Stock picking j poisoned blood through veins and arteries. It used to be considered that only urinary of Pendleton; Dell htut.rt, of Portland: at several points, and iu turn had liable sources: mother Mrs. Fanny E. Dyer, will Harlockcr make an order directing up rapidly. troubles were to be traced to the kidneys, Ernest Kroner, of Portland; Juliii Wbit- On the afternoon of the fire there the county clerk to draw a warrant leave for a visit to San Francisco been attacked. Their loss iu the taker, o f Benton. but now modern science proves that nearly a I lu a tew days. Mrs. Dyer will visit all constitutional diseases have their begin­ Pouftreiw, 1st Dial.—Dr. Bernard Duly of attack on l ’atoe, the 15th inst., was w is a number of the neighborhood iu favor of J L F ,, . ,, . _ Circuit Court Docket. liskeview. ., _ , . New W liatcom, \\ ashiugton, before ning In kidney trouble, Kill killed, and during tbo entire young men visiting nt Arago, and and for such further thcr amount ot the . “ ’ lfyou are sick you can make no mistake Supreme Judge— W. M. Ramsey, o f Salem. fighting from the loth to the 17th, they were given privilege to us» returning. The following additional cases j by first doctoring your kidneys. The mild freight from San Francisco to Co­ Food and Dairy Commissioner—W. Sclinl- the upper hall (G ran ge H a ll) in The battleship Iow a passed up 333 killed. Our loss duriug the have been filed with County Clerk and the extraordinary effect ot Dr. Kilmer's quille will amount to. uierich, ot Washington county. S w a m p -R o o t, the great kidney remedy la period was two killed aud four ¡the creamery, with the uuderstnud- Following bids for building a the coast yesterday morning, pnsa- Hazard since last week: D lSTU tCT NOMINATIONS. wounded. Young lias plenty of ing that theie was to be no smok­ bridge across the North Fork of the iug but about a Imlf mile outside 1945 W B Piper et ul vs Beaver soon realized. It stands the highest for Its wonderful cures of the most distressing cases ¡td Judicial Dist —ProsecutiiiR Attorney. troops, aud will have little further ing in the building. Some o f the Coquille river at W O Cooper’s i the buoy. From some cause or Coal Co et al —suit to foreclose lien. | and is sold on i is merits fr-\ rr“ S. II. HAZAKD, other she failed to salute, but it boys had skates and used them. I place, were filed: opposition. 1946 l)eui is Donovan et al vs by all druggists In fifty-a o f Coos county. may be that she split her whistle in Beater Coal Co et al— suit to fore­ cent and one-dollsr siz-| “ Affairs at Luzon poiuts are im­ They left the bnll nbout 4:30 o’clock. G D Ridinger, Smith truss, Joint Senntor, 7tii Dist.—Coos nud Cuiry. es. You may have a A fter they left a nuuiKer of per­ proving. Local presidents and in­ pier, plan N o 1 ............. $2487 00 saluting Port Orford aud wasafrsid close lien. HON. THOS. BUCKMAN, bottle by mail nomo or smunpWoot. to recognize Bandon for fear of Judge G D Ridinger, Smith truss, ( Recommended subject to endorsement of habitants of towns are giving infor­ sons passed (be building. 1947 Morris Brown vs P L Phe­ 1 sample free, also pamphlet telling you how to find Cuary-coonty.) mation and rendering assistance Scbroeder wns at or near the build­ lan— action at law. pier, plan No 2 ............. 2000 00 another accident. l out if you have kidney or bladder trouble. Joint Representative, filh Dist.-Coos aud and the troops are now taking pos­ ing at 6:30 o’clock. Messrs. Hart­ G D Ridinger, Pratt combi­ 1948 F N McLean vs C B, I { A Mention this paper when writing Dr. Kilmer Auother effort is being made to Curry. & Co., Binghamton, N. Y. ley aud Massey occupy a house session of inner small islands.” nation, plan No. 1 ......... 2800 00 secure steamer transportation be­ E R II A N C o —action at law. J AMES S. A V E IIIL L , about 100 feet from the creamery, G D Ridinger, Howe truss, o f Curry county. 1949 W E Baines vs C B, R A tween this place and San Fran­ and none of them noticed smoke Old Fellows' Celebration. plan No 1 ........................ 2670 00 cisco and business men here have E R R A N Co— action nt law. P E O P L E ’S P A R T Y CO U NTY TIC K E T . Agent to Investigate—Japanese May Be or other indications that the build­ G D Ridinger, Howe truss, 1950 Blue Ridge Railway A agreed to patrouize a venture of Representative,t Atli Dist.--Coos County. Contract Laborers- ing was on tire until the latter- The Odd Fellows nnd Rebekaha It. D. SANFOItD, of Coquille City. plan No 2 ...................... 2220 00 that kind offering reasonable rates. Navigation Co vs Vorginiu aud named persons discovered the roof J D A Walter Beuuett, of this city celebrated the 81st an­ There are two or three parties look­ Wm W ard—action at law. Sheriff—H. W. DUNHAM, of Bnudon. Washington, April 24.— The treas­ Comity Clerk—OEOKOE ROSS,of Marsh­ ury department lias ordered a spe­ o f the creamery to be ou fire next 1951 C F Miller vs S H Hazard niversary of that order last Thurs­ Howe truss, concrete pier 2600 00 ing Coquille.ward now anu it is field. to the house they occupy, at about j D A W alter Bennett, day and Thursday night in the af­ — action at law. very probable that a steamer will Comity Treasurer—D A N IE L GILES, of cial agent to proceed to the Pacific 6:50 or 7 o’clock. Tire general ira- ‘ ternoon by a precession and nt Ma­ , Howe truss, wood pier.. 2200 00 be secured. Myrtle Point. coast to examine into the largo influx pression of thoso who were at the sonic hall a thanksgiving and liter­ J. A. Laughpad 1ms purchased D A W alter Bennett, Aaaossor—M. J. KItANTZ, of Gravel Ford. of Japanese coolies to this country fire is that the fire was caused by a ary program. The line o f inarch, the'property here owued by James School Superintendent—K. II. HANSEN, within the last few months. Howe truss, yellow fir The O r C h lorosis d erives its n am e fro m the of Gravel Ford. spark from the flue of the building tim ber............................. 2000 00 Cartwright, nnd Mr. Cartwright fa c t that the skin assum es a greenish comprising a very full turn out of immigration of Japanese to the Surveyor— ....................... occupied by H artley, which was iu the members of Coquille Lodge, No. It is ra th e r a com m on disease and Ordered that the bid of Geo D aud wife and’ Frauk Townsend uud tint. United States bos become so heavy m et w ith a m o n g st yo u n g wom en. It !• Coroner— ........................ direct line of the strong wind blow­ Ridinger for $2000 be accepted, nud | fam ily will leave in a few days for is caused from an im p overish ed condition o f 53, Coquille Encampment, No. 25, Comity Commissioner—J. II. M ATHENY. as to excite suspicions that they uro ing at the time and the spot where 1.1- . a V . the blood. B e in g a blood disease a _-. a ; i » •_ i iur. * nru.,......:n — ------*. and Mamie Kebekah Lodge, No. 20, that he enter into an undertaking the east. They will go as far east Chlorosis can be cu red by HUD- ot Myrtle Point. coming here ns contract luborers. the fire was first discovreed. The in the sum of $1000 for the faithful ns S t . Louis ami possibly to Colum­ Y A N , the g r e a t v e g e ta b le rem ed y fo r with a number of guests from blood and nerves. DENIED LANDING TO TWENTY-ONE. p e o p l e ’ s party county com building was unoccupied and had performance of the contract. H U D Y A N w ill en ­ other lodges, was through several' bus, Ohio. Mi l l EE. rich the blood and of the mniu streets, counter-inarch­ San Francisco, April 24.— Immi­ not been used as a skating riuk, ns F ollow in g bids for building g iv e it back Its J. A . Rupert left last Friday for h ea lth y, red color. ing from the courthouse to Masonic G. G. Swan, Chairman, Gravel Ford; S. gration Commissioner North today some o f the local papers have Btated. bridges ou the county rond between Cape Nom e which he will visit first H U D Y A N w ill re­ E. Johnson, Secretary. Myrtle Point; J. P denied landiug to 21 of the Japan­ The Arago creamery was the pi­ K in g ’s landing aud Coal Bauk lie v e a il the sy m p ­ hall, where the literary exercises and then go to Dawson, near which Goodman. Coquille City. T. J. Stillwell, of tom s I f its use Is were enacted. Bandon, Thos. Ruckmaii, o f Marshfield, ese who arrived here on the steamer oneer plaut in Coos county aud slough were filed: continued. T h e place Iris son Frank is at work on Nippon Maru two weeks ago, ou was built by Judge J . Henry A. Daliuff, o f Riverton. sy m p t o m s ixro The program consisted o f the- J B Fox, $1.40 per liueal foot. a claim. Thornton W illiam s, who m arked. T h e blood the ground that they are contract Scbroeder in 1892, at a cost of b ein g in a poor reading of an historical sketch re­ A G Balch A Thos Krewsou, $1.20 was connected with Geo. VV. W il­ cond ition , none o f citing the origin o f the order, the NO POPULIST FOR STATE SENATOR. laborers. about 88300. I t commenced to re­ per lineal foot. th e o rga n s o f the liams iu the mercantile business b o d y a re properly necessity for it, and tiie mimes o f ceive milk may 9th o f that year. SIX HUNDRED MORE JAPANESE. D Grant Beale, $1.09 per lineal here some five years ago, has a nourished. HUD­ Hon. Thos. Buckman Declines, and Defers to This was followed The greatest daily receipt for 1892 foot. YAN w ill cause its founders. Victoria, April 24.— The Empress claim ouly n few yards from Frank’s the blood to be­ by a prayer from Chaplain Lam b the Action of Curry Counly. com e pure. H U D - o f Ghina has arrived iu port with was 7000 lbs. o f milk; in '93,11,000 Contract awarded to D. Grant claim and will clear some $30,000 Y A N w ill restore aud a hymn. Then followed sev­ GOO Japanese on board. She is lbs.; in ’94, 16,000 lbs. In ’94 the Beale for building said bridges at out o f it. the o rga n s to a M a iis h f ik l d , O r, A p ril 20, 1900. eral papers, reciting the virtues in­ creamery distributed about 817,000 $1.09 per lineal foot. h ea lth y condition held in quarantine. One thousand A smash-up at the rock quarry To the Editor of the Coquille City II U D Y A N w ill culcated by the order, its educa­ among its patrons. In 1895 the b rin g back the Whereupon court adjourned for Inst Friday has delayed work some­ H er ald : I still see my tinme ns a nud fifty have been landed from the bloom to the checks nnd cause the green tional and charitable labors, and creamery plant was sold to the the term. what on the jetty. W hile letting tin g e to disappear, i f you h ave the sy m p ­ candidate for state senator, subject Braemer, 144 of them bound for the order since its tom s. ta k e H U D Y A N n ow , and th e y w ill sinusites of Arago Creamery Co., incorporated, State of Oregon. down two loaded cars the cable lea ve you. to concurrence of Curry county, and Portland, and the remainder for foundation in 1819, at Baltimore, who run it four years. County of Coos, Tacoma, Vancouver and Seattle. broke and a run-a- way ensued. The as far as I can learn, Curry county Last year it was sold to VV. M. inE PRINCIPAL SYMPTOMS ARE: Md. Miss Grace Skeels gave n I, L H Hazard, county clerk of two loaded earr and the two that has concurred iu the action of the recitation — “ The Orphan” — and Bnigess and YVm. H. Scbroeder, Coos county, stnto of Oregon, aud were being drawn up to receive 1. C O N S T A N T H E A D A C H E -D u e to state convention, which endorsed Clvl War Veterans' Offer to Kruger. who run it I rs I year again. im p aired q u a lity o f blood th a t reaches Kenuett Lawrence another, ou an ex-officio clerk of the couuty court loads reached the switch in theii the the Democratic nominee. I feel the brain. H U D Y A N w ill m ake the blood appropriate topic. J udge Schroeder holds a mort­ of the state of Oregou, in nnd for wild race down Ihe track, at the pure anti n u tritiou s and the h eadache w ill that I am out of tbo race. W ere I disappear. New York, April 24.— The Sixty- gage agaiust the property amount­ AN E NrELTAINM ENT AND BANQUET the county of Coos, hereby certify same time colliding with a force ; to be made aware of the fact that ninth Regiment Volunteers’ Club H ing t o about $2390. It was insured that the foregoing schedule of ex­ that not only demolished the cars G i R G E E R N E C G O N M I P S L E I f X I O O N R . H Y U 'F D L Y L A O N W IS Were given at night, the former w ill the Populists of Curry county gen­ celebrated the 39th anniversary of in the Low er Columbia Fire R e ­ penditures of Coos county, Oregon, but the track nnd timbers also. lm ikc the com p lexio n red and ro sy, by re­ o f the literary and musical order, sto rin g the blood to a h ea lth y condition. erally acknowledge my nomination, their departure for the war with a lief Association (G ran ge Associa­ for the term endiqg pu April 30, There was no one hurt aud the dam- S. P U L S A T I O N IN T H E N E C K . T h is including a comical and well-ren­ and will proceed to have my name dinner nt the Sturtevant House last is due to the w a te ry cond ition o f the dered fa rce—a mock initiation—nt tion— aud uot iu the Oregou, of 1900, and audited and allowed by age was repaired by Monday. upon the ticket, of course I will night. Just before the close o f the blood, and w ill d isapp ear sh o rtly a ft e r the M cM ionyille, as B t a t e d by us last the county court of the state of Odd Fellows hall, and the service Donald Charleson met with a use o f H U D Y A N is com m enced. consent to run; but ns I do not festivities, Sergeant John Gleason, week) fur $2000. EAKNESS AND P A L P IT A T IO N o f a delicious supper ut Masonic Oregon, for the county of Coos, is a serious mishap yesterday morning O K 4. W T H know that there is any move of that who line been iu the regiment for E HEART. H U D Y A N w ill Judge Scbroeder tells ns he true and correct extract from the bull. gth en the h ea rt and m ake the beats while ou bis way to take his turn stren kind being made, I think it best for 40 years, offered n resolution offer­ fu ll, stro n g and regu lar. comes out n loser in this venture proceedings of said court at said The attendance at night was se­ as patrol at the lookout. There me to gracefully bow myself out of ing the services of the regiment to H U D Y A N Is the rem ed y th a t you w ant. to tbo amount o f about $3500. lect, being only fo r the member» term. H a v e y o u r blood purified. Y o u r friends was a severe storm raging and when the contest. Paul Kruger. Before introducing w ill soon tell you you a re lookin g Witness my hand nnd the seal of near the bluff the wind blew out m ore h ea lth y. T h e c o lo r w ill retu rn to of the order and their families. Respectfully yours, the resolution, Sergeunt Gleason Ohio Republicans- «• « * » ♦ yo u r cheeks. Y o u r h eadache w ill the couuty court this 30th day of his lauteiD nnd 13ft him in the pear and you w ill no lo n g er ap p ea r disap­ T homas B uckman . w eak said: E d u c a te Y o n r IS ow els W ill* Cascarets. m iserable. H U D Y A N w ill restore the L. H. H azard . dark. In trying to reach the look­ and Candy Cathartic, care constipation forever. Columbus, Ohio, ¿April 24.— The April, 1900. “ I am willing and prepared to go fu n ction s o f nature. A ft e r you h a v e used [Seal.] County Clerk. out he fell over the bluff, fractur­ H U D Y A N tell o th er sufTerors w h a t it ha3 10c. 25c. If C. C. C. fa il, druggists refund money. Supreme Court on Our Railroad Subsidy Case. to the front with Paul Kruger now, state Republican convention made - * « • done fo r you. R em em b er th a t H U D Y A N --------- — * — a-» - ing the left leg nt the ankle joint. Is fo r men and w om en. Go to yo u r d r u g ­ although I have not shouldered a a great administration demonstra­ H o w A r c T o u r K ld n r jr i f pOP. S A L E A T A B A R G A IN .— gist and g e t H U D Y A N and fo llo w the di The ac?ident occurred about four rection s as g iv e n in the circu lar. 11UL>- Monday of last week our state gun for 40 years.” tion here today. Usually there is Dr Hobbs' Spariurns Pill* cure all kidney tils. Sara« Land at Cedar Point, with boom pie free. Add. Sterling Ucniedj Co , Chicago or N. Y. o’clock in the morning and it wns Y A N Is sold at 50c per pa cka ge, o r 6 p a ck ­ supreme court, at Salem, ruled as only one keynote speech, that of the The resolution was adopted with a ges fo r $2.50. I f you r d ru g gist does not -- . — ------------ Also, over about thirty minutes Inter when keep it, send d irect to the H U D Y A N and boom privileges. follows in tbeuppcnl of Judge J. H. tremendous cheering. temporary chairman, but there were R E .M E D Y C O M P A N Y , San K ran eisco or I 250 acres o f 3>TC. 1 bo tom land, Pica (or Memorial D ay. help came in the person o f Fred Nosier against the judgment of our L or A n g elo s, C al. R em em b er th a t you two today, and the one that caused Melil, who heard Donald’s calls for can consult -«the H U D Y A N D O C T O R S within 2 miles of Coquille City, in circuit court in his subsidy subscrip­ more comment than any other con­ F R E E . C a ll and see the doctors. You m ay quantities to suit purchasers. En­ The following circular letter has Quay is Rejected- aid and came to his relief from the ca ll and see them o r w rite, as you desire. tion to the C. B., R. A E. R. A N. Co., vention speech in the history of A dd ress quire of W. S IN C L A IR , been sent out’ “ Headquarters D e­ lookout. ■upon which will hang the fate of Ohio Republicans, was by Senator - — ------ - ----------- * t f] Coquille City, Oregon . Washington, April 24.— The vote partment of Oregon, Grand Army many other subscriptions. The Hanna. It was very much of ai Gov. Geer has appointed the fol­ Statesman gives the following state­ on the Quay case was taken promptly Hauna day without disseution or a of the Republic, Portland, Oregou, lowing gentlemen members of the No. 316 South Broadway, at 4 o’clock. The resolution which April 14, 1900. ment of it: discordant note. board of commissioners of the Sec­ declared Mr. Quay "n ot" entitled to Circular letter No 1. -- — - -*-■ Los Angeles, Cat. The Coos Bay, Reselling A East- R < * *t » o r tli«* B o w r l w , “ To Comrades of the Grand Army ond Southern Oregon District A gri­ ‘ ern Ruilwily A Navigation Com- his seat, was fii-Ht laid before the Cor. S to c y *o n , M arket and E ll!» S t»., cultural Society: J. C. Aiken nnd senate. Mr. Chandler moved to No matter what ails you, hendache of the Republic, Department of Ore­ San Frnn cisco. Cal, ■ pnny, respondents, vs. J. H. Nosier, P. B. Beckley, Douglas county; Schil­ Cut this out and rcetirn with $1 (money .appellant; appeal from Coos county, strike out the word “ not,” and on to a cancer, you will never get well gon: At the meeting of the Coun­ order or currency) mid we will order the ler B Hermann, Coos county; Delos Hon. J. C. Fullerton judge; reversed that the vote wns taken. Quay lost. until your bowels are put right. cil of Administration of this depart­ following •‘ Family Como;nation'’ sent pre­ C'ascarcts help nature, cure you ment, held nt Grand Army Hall, Woodruff, Curry county. There is paid: • and remanded. Opinion by Associ­ The vote was 32 to 33. talk of holding the fair iu Coos Portland,Oregon, February 20,1900, without a gripe or pain, produce CLARK W IL L RESIGN. ate Justice I I S. Bean. San Francisco Weekly Post 1 yr county this year. This was an action upon a subsidy C O Q U IL L E C IT Y , OR. Washington, April 24.— I t is easy uatural movements, costs you ' the following resolution wns offered The Gentlewoman 1 yr. agreement inado by the defendant known that Sonator Clark has come just 111 cents to start getting your by Department Chaplain C. E. Cline The H e r a l d ia p r e p a r e d t o d o j o b National ¡¡lust. Magazine y r health back. Cascarets Candy C.v and was unanimously adopted: in June, 1890, by which he agreed to the conclusion that the most d ig­ p r i n t i n g in t h e b e s t s t y le . House, Sign aud Carriage Amer. Poultry Aduocate 1 yr Resolved, That the Council of tc pay to plaintiff $1000 in consider­ nified course for him to pursue is to thurtic, the genuine, put u p ia metal Paiuter. Happy Hours Pam. Mag. 1 yr ation of its building a railroad from withdraw gracefully and go before boxes, every tablet has C. C. C. the Administration of the Depart­ Paper Hanging, Marshfield to Myrtle Point before the people of his state with a request stomped on it. Beware of imitations. ment of Oregon, G. A. Ii., respect­ Vermont Farm Journal 1 yr Iu terior Decorating fully request nil civic aud fraternal Jautiary 1, 1891, and to Roseburg by that they give him a vote of confi­ Our Price $1; and The Thirteenth Annual Conven­ organizations in this state to give, December 31, 1891, payments to be dence and again send him to Wash- R egular (Jost $4- Graining. tion of Oregon Christian Enileavor- unmolested, to the Grand Army of This combination'tills a family need. Wo made in iustnlliueuta ns the Work ington. He will, therefore, resign as ers will be belli in Albany, May 25, the Republic, May 30th, as Memerial will substitute the Chicago Weekly Inter progressed. Subsequently the con- a senator from Montaua. Estimates furnished on all classes Ocean, Kansas City WeeHy Siar. New York A single m icrobe contains 26 and 27, 1900. All arrangements Day, aud that the press of the state tract wits modified, extending the Weekly Tribune. D d ivtr Weekly times, are nearing completion for a large be requested to aid in keeping the germ o f the m ost malig- of Work. Satisfaction guaranteed. Toledo Weekly Blat’ o, Twice-a-week Louis­ time of building the road to Myrtle ville Courier- Journal, or Montreal We ekly “ I f I live to be 75 years old I and enthusiastic convention. The sacred this day, devoted to the Na-1 Boint to May 1, 1891, nnd to Rose­ nani maladies. Gazette in place of San Francisco Weekly principal speaker will be the re­ (ion's intend to continue learning useful honored dead.” in n u on oreu uenu. i t 1 • < » < Post if desired, but no other changes aie burg one year later. Only a part allowed. Clubbing list, for a stamp. “ H. V. Gfttes, IV part ment Coro- means by Zvhtch VXiCTOOCS o(< the money was paid, nnd the and helpful things.’’ So suid a per­ nowned temperance orator, JohuG. O. H. J O N E S , Room 1, Wooley. Another attractive fea­ We mender. Official,”?. l£ Mayo, A. A . ; are sent on their deadly mis- oompauy-sued for $826.10, the bal- son in our hoariug lately. Cir. Mcr. Vermo-t Farm Jourral. ture of the couventiou will be the I General, wondered, will any of these things i&fice due. At the trial a judgment 191 W ILM IN G T O N . V Kit M ONT. ston. Small at first, the mi- «was reuilered'for the plaintiff f,” r i Pf riain to moral and spiritual mat­ popular evening meetings. One of these will be given up to a stereop- _ _ _ _ _ ters? Do you want to learn to do crobe soon becom es a giant. The ancients believed that rheu- Curran & Gass, Proprietors. $600, nnd the defendant appealed.! VI«Jt DR. JORDAN’S G reat # The.defense alleged nonperformance Christian work in the most success­ tieon entertainment in which the j matism wns the work of a demon H o o d ’s Sarsaparilla is the famous pictures by James Tussot within a man. Anyone who hns had AVING BOUGHT OUT THE CEN- •«LAlie coulraot» within the time ful way? Then dou't fail to get the 11 tra! Meat Market, we will he able to illustrating the L ife of Christ, will an attack of sciatic or inflamatory arch enemy o f all germs o f “ Life of Moody.” Do you want .specified; the plaintiff attempted to 1051 ¡.’Asm 31. fcrt. 6ti* 7ti, S. r. Cxi. , , . T. , , furnish all kinds o f Meat—Beef. Mutton bo reproduced. Reduced rates will rheumatism will agree that the in- •Whatever nature. Its small • m l l ’ ork. and wilt pay the highest cash something to iuspire ambition in Tb« Largest of Its kin d in U w W *rl4. ¡prove that delays were caused b y ! . price for beef, hogs, eh een, ete. I We are eontimiaMy aJHmg new tpeelmen*. •inclement weather, aud the defense | ’ ,e ,u,,u‘ ,lut‘ heart o f the voung. be secured on the railroads for those flamntion is demoniac enough to doses master these microbes OMMMi Irani how wnnd'Tfiilly you are mada i CUKltAN A GASS. and how to avoid atckMM anff discat*. Ifjow warrant the belief. It has never /brought testimony to show uegli ambition to succeed even when ear- desiring to attend, suffer from any of the ills of mm. com« to tb« I Kcnl _joldtst Specialist on the Paclffe Coast. I ' and hindered „ by the ‘’laimed that Chamberlain's by dissolving and passing them ir t i.ili.l.ir u ir l,’. s*!.- »1 -geuc o un the part of the plaintiff. r rounded Exchange: Gossi ip has made , "u _ most D R M Y R n tS r l, R I T A T P . D I N R A « E S | | h. Gossip has »’ «in Balm would cast out demons,1 o f f as refuse o f the system. •«■»per«/. The case was tried on this issue * ‘?v,er*e ‘’■roumstances? Do you many a hell on earth, Cantottstioo fr>*e ci,i| yietlT nrivai . Treatment o*r«on- ' alty nr hy U-ttor. 8TPHII.IS thomughly eradicated . , , l„ if ir 11 on ..» , 1 , ....... .m i _______ I . . . < t v H E E c n i i N v T rv tlliT n N T TH COI Y r-n COURT OF T H E I from 'ho without uslo* Mrrrnry, | ‘ The uppellato court holds that the wish liear'-refrcsliing food and in­ parted many husbnnds and wives. but it will cure rheumatism, and j Female Weakness — ha^vt had 1. State of Oregon for Coos County. M ’t n v n t t ipplii-j to ns will receive »or konft «frf-rin., of tHS combinin'. | 1 .trial court was in error in ruling spiration from the battle of life? Gossip has blackened and sullied hundreds bear testimony to the fem ale weakness a ll my life and suffered In the mnt^r o f the Estate of ) Iff W r 7 l Or*ranlr* a POSITIVK m tF in rrery < -*«• One ap -; day and night from headache, l ha, for we have male AU drnf;m«tfl refund the money i f it fnilsto edy I know o f fo r that trouble.*' H . W . at private sale all the following-described i WLstimf di.-cascr, all eflecta o f self- he inay, notwithstanding delays ing, the only ones haviug access to gossippers, ami n s a rule they are cure. E. W. Grove’s signature ia on each Hutchinson. New ark Valley. N . Y. real property of said estate, to-wit: I ie abuse, or exccsg and indis­ from HDy cause, for he might have his personal library, letters and ten times as venomous as a female. box. &c. N e u r a lg ia -"/ took Hood*s Sarsapa- undivided one-third interest in the SW }4 cretion. A n erve tonic am* -----------» «a» - ------— of S W t4 section 10, the E }■{ of SW >4 and provided against them in his con­ family portraits. A good healthy gossi per is about as rdla fo r neuralgia and in less than one blood b u ild e r . Brings the NW of NW »4 section 15. all in township ---« « • « « ---- Treasurer’s Notice. mean and low ami dangerous as the tract, and therefore the plaintiff was pink glow to pale cheeks and month I w a s perfectly cured.** Annie M . 2S, sonth of range 13. west of »he Willam­ J AN T1D —8 K V R K A L R itlO H T AND ette meridian, and all the NW of the restorrs the fire o f youth, bound to complete the road, ns meanest thing on earth. Luck. Benfer. Pa. p^raon» to represent rs ns NE >4 and NW >4 of the SE ’4 of section 18, J ’ t »TICK i« hereby given that all County rty mailfiOcper box: O boxes - «• »« . stipulated. The judgment is, MniiRgcrs in this and close by counties. township li8, south o f range 1. 1 , w si o f the Warrants endorsed prior to July 1. Don’ t Y d h iffo S|»it anti Smokr T oar l ife Away. 18î»r>. will be paid on presentation nt my therefore, reversed, and the esse re­ Solnry i900 n year and expenses. Straight, WiUnrcette meridian, and also the undi­ fo r $ U ..> 0 ; with a w r i t t e n g u a r a n ­ bona lido, no more, no less »«alary. Posi­ T o qu it tobacco enstly and forever, be mag office in Coquille City,C\ m > s county.Oregon. vided one-sixth interest in the land aud t e e t o c u r e o r refund t l i o m o n e y . manded for a new trial. f u t i l e C ity Insurgents List 333 in Killed In Two Days The Fire at Arago The Pioneer Creamery Counly Court Procoedlngi—April, in Coos County Burned- in Northwestern Luzon. Adjourned Term. § ? ta lk J . S. M CE W E N 1900, CO. GREEN SICKNESS HUDYAN REMEDY COMPANY, A Big Bargain T. G. ECKLES, / Great Oaks From Little Acorns Grow, S ' iiü i.“ Central Meat f ‘ Mussunt of Anafom y ,,epn U T «* C a r «» €'*•••»tIp tati'oti l o r p r f f , Tnke C.uscureU Uuuü.v Uullmrtic. loc or 25c. If C C. C. fail Ul cure, UruggiNts refuuü money. tion perms'tent. Pur references, nnv hank in nnv town. It is mainly office work con­ ducted at home. Reference. Enclose self- addressed stamped envelope. Tna D o m i n ­ ion C ompany , I ept. ii. Chica to. i N setlc. lu ll o f life , nerve and vigor, take No-To* No interest will he allowed after May IJae. the w on d er worker, that m ake* weak men 1. I » » . strong. Al* druggists, WX? or 91. Cure guaran­ This 22d day o f April, 1900. Deed'« m i* ear» Hvcr 111 « : the non-tm u tlpg and teed Booklet atiil sam ple free Address ^ W W. HAYES. , W l y cathartic te take wit»* hoo.l’» SarsapártTla. Sterling Remedy Co , Chicago or N e w York - County Treasurer. ostate c f James MeCne. deceased. Coquille. Oregon. April 10. li*vi. E IT A HUTCHINSON. Administratrix of the estate of Wm. Hutch­ . inson. deceased. N E r i V IT A M E D I C A L C O . Clinton A Jackson S ts . C H ICACO , IL L . Fo sale b.v Coquille Pharmacy