ŒjguiîU CUs ^«TJIÏÔ. BOERS WHIP THE BRITISH. IBandon Recorder. I IN THE PHILIPPINES. i Marsh Hold Hun.i C ATAR R ! OF THE STOMACH The G. A. R. of Bandon will R. A. Graham arrived iu New York, Saturday evening, from Lon­ Is e s s e n tia lly a c h r o n ic d ls e s s e . There Is Loss ol Two Regiments and a Mountain Advance Column Living on tho C o u n try - gire their annual ball on Saturday in fla m m a tion o f the in n er c o a t in g or evening, Deo. 23d. It will be a don, and is now on the way to tbo an Crisis In Filipino Cabinet. the s to m a ch . A th ick , ro p y m k u i fo r m s T U E S D A Y . N ü V . 7, 189». Battery. and this c a u s e s tho m ure i^ J n o u n c e d masquerade aud nothing will be coast. BymptouiB. It re- niulns In the Manila, Nov. 3.—10 a. m.— The left nudone to make it a perfect London, October 31.---Tho fol­ P i T b L IS H U D B V E R V T U E S D A Y Don Short returned on the Alli­ A doctor's exa m in a tion s to m a c h nnd d e ­ success. insurgents attempted to ambush c o m p o s e s . T h en o f lowing is the text of General White’s ance from Manila. He is enjoying cou rse d ig e s tio n might show that kidneys, Captain Batson’s scouts between to the war office: c a n n o t be proper­ Last Saturday a party from Hum­ good health and seems to relish S. MCEWEN & CO. dispatch ly p e r fo rm e d . The “ Ladysmith, October 30, 10:45 p. Santiago and Saragossa, but Cap tain boldt county passed through town liver and stomach are normal, his exploits in tho Philippines. llvor a I ho b e c o m e s E d ito rs and P ro p rie to rs. In volved an d in • m.— I have to report a disaster to Batson charged them aud drove on their way to Coquille where but the doctor cannot analyze Wm. Deitz, of Myrtle Point, was w ell m a r k e d cuse them out from their position, killiug th e s y m p to m s aro the column sent by me to take a po­ they will locate. Humboldters in town this week, having come U ex oted t o th e m aterial and s o o n I up- m ost severe. T tis the blood upon which these and wounding several of them. recognize the worth of Coos h s a ttu ld in ff o f the Coqnil'.e Valley particularly sition on a hill to guard the left over with two car-loads of ship rem edy flank of the troops. In these oper­ Gno American officer was killed and dairying country nud inuny of them organs depend. a ad o f C oos C ou n ty generally. n ever fa lls to e f ­ knees which he got out for Captain [ S u b scrip tion , per year, iu advance, fl.fiO fe ct a cu re. H U D - ations today the Royal Irish Fusil­ a private wouuded. are coming here to make their H o o d ’ s S arsa p a rilla nurifipfl, vitalizes H. R. Reed's steamer at Pleasant | Y A N ca n be h s d General Young’s troops aro begin­ a n d e n rich e s the b lo o u . It cu res yo u iers, No. 10 Mountain battery, and homes. of all d r u g g is t s rp IIIv n i p r u n t f p t .m H I .i t K O H\KK H fo r 50c p e r pack * w h en “ a bit o f f ” o r w hen seriously Point. I 1113 I .11 I, ft Ailvt-rtt. nit A .ciicy, M a u d tS the Gloucestershire regiment were ning to live on the country, trying j uge. W hen you The announcement of the en­ a fflicte d . I t n ever d isap p oin ts. Merchants' Exchange, San Francisco, California, The keel was laid this week nt h a ve u sed H U D - inhere cuutract» for aclvertiaing can be wade for It. surrounded in the hills anil, after buffalo meat aud rice partly in lieu ! gagement of Miss Rosalie Pearl YAN tell your D y sp e p s ia My husband had dyspep- the North Bend shipyard for nn- I frie n d s a b o u t Its losing heavily, had to capitulate. of nrmy rations. Mnjory, of Portland, Or., to Mr. Bill a and H ood’ s Sarsaparilla cured him. e ffe c ts . T h e y a ls o The captures at the Talavera ar- j I. C. Clodfelter, of the firm of Our little boy was nervous and the baby other vessel, to he built after the w ish t/) be c u red . S ------------------- The casualties have not yet been tu dy y o u r syrnpr »M ss f» * had ulcerous sores, It c u .^ i both.” M rs . moulds of the schooner Admiral, j c a r e fu lly fro m this ch a rt. E a ch n nui___ u m b er Beual include 13 small brass howit­ Ames& Harris, of Portland, Or., is E m m a H e b e , Portage, Pa. ascertained. No Other Paper rep resen ts a s y m p to m or a grou p ot nud will be 170 feet keel, 141 feet sy m p to m s . Y ou h a v e tho s y m p to m s . U «o “ A man of the Fusiliers, employed zers and 800 one-pound projectiles. hereby announced. In d ige stio n I could not eat for some , - . . . om f . . The wedding m onths Gives the clubbing offers Hint you 11U D Y A N am i t h e y w ill d isa p p ea r. D o n 't urd on account of distress and indiges- d e p t h o f h o l d , oofy l e o t A crisis in the Fillipiuo cabinet is will take place iu December, Miss k n it any lon n g ger. er. C a n cer o f tne s t o m a c 't can get with the H erald . N o v it is as a hospital orderly, came in under tlon. H ood's Sarsapnrilla cured me so that ; « il l h a v e a c a r r y i n g c a p a c i t y o f o fte n has Its b eg in n in g In u s e v e r e case ot 5 in i a fiag of truce with a letter from predicted, as a result of the resig- ! Majory was formerly of this city. I can eat and sleep w e l l . ” Mas. G . A . C h i n t z , I , , , , , , t c a ta r r h o f tho h o s to m a ch . the T aylor and Walnut Sts., W ilm ington, Pel. JUU.UUU t e e t tit IlH O lier. the survivors of the column, who nation of l ’uteruo and Beuncnmino, I The woolen mills are turning O R E G O N IA N George IV. Norris, only son of asked for assistance to bury the two Fillipino leaders, who have lost j out au enormous amount of work THE SYMPTOMS ARE: John Norris, formerly a resident of •which we will give for 1 year as a dead. I fear there is no doubt of the confidence of the rabid revolu­ 1. B IL IO U S H E A D A C H E —This le m ors nud are constantly receiving orders, j the bay, aud who left boro some tionists. »renounced In the m orn in g , th o u g h usual- premium to H erald subscribers. the truth of the report.” Last week orders amouutiug to y o c c u r r in g nt fre q u e n t In terv a ls th ro u g h ----------------> s«> « ... time since with Ins father foi Pay up arrears and send iu #2 for Further news mutt be awaited tho day. H U D Y A N w ill r e liev e th e head­ 510,000 Lad to be turned away as H o o d ’a P llln c u r e Itvor t i l * ; t h e n o n I rrita t in g a n d Alaska, died on October 11, 1899, a ch e. Boers Continue Their Attack. 1 year in advance to the Coquille before it is attempted to fix the | the mills were so rushed with work j o n l y c a t h a r t ic t o t a k u w ith H o o d ’a S a raaparilU u at Douglas Island, Alaska. De­ 2-3. R E D A N D W A T E R Y E Y E S — l lU D ­ City H erald and we will send you blame where it belongs. Y A N w ill c a u s e the red n ess to d is a p p e a r London, Nov. 3—Special dis­ aud iiaye so many orders ubead it j ceased wai 23 years, G months and an d m ak e th o ey es ansum o th e ir n orm a l While minor reserves were not th o W eekly Oregonian f o r 1 year h ea lth y a p p ea ra n ce. was impossible to do the work. 28 days of agp. wholly unexpected, nothing like the patches from Ladysmith, dated No­ Recently a shipment of blauketsj 4. C O A T E D T O N G U E A N D F O E T I D as a premium, fully paid up. B R E A T H A N D H A D T A S T E IN T U B vember 2, give further details re­ The new dectric light plant at M m w m * * n W * » « n * * **. « * * * staggering blow General Joubert O U T H —K I 'D Y A N w ill c le a r th e tongue, was made to Boise, Idaho. Besides The the North Bend mill was started m ak e the b r e a th pure nnd sweet a n d delivered to General White's forces ! garding the bombardment. the regular city trade the mills are c a u s e the bad ta s te to disappear. Boers, having reoccupied their old up this week for tlie first time aud yesterday was anticipated. The! 5. P A IN A N D T E N D E R N E S S IN T H B Some Points for Teachsrs- receiving many orders from differ­ O M A C H —This is due to indigestion. worked to perfection. The plant ST full extent of tho disaster is not yet positions, remounted big guns. ent points on the coast. H U D Y A N w ill ca u se the fo o d t o b c c o m s Their firing was accurate, but al­ is of the Edison make aud has a e r fo c t ly d le e s t e d and the pain and teo-‘ At the April examination for acknowledged, if it is known at the most harmless. Some of the troops e m eu s w ill d isa p p ea r. Logging on Bear creek is very capacity of 300 incandescent lights, The loss in effective 6 E N L A R G E M E N T O F T H E L IV E R teachers’ certificates candidates for war office. were slightly injured by splinters. active just now and several lively ALMOST A D A IL Y -A T THE PRICE all of which are utilized in the A N D A F E E L I N G O F H E A V 1 N E 8 # 3d grade, 2d grade and 1st grade men must be appalling to a general A N D W E I G H T —H U D Y A N w ill lessen ths camps are in operation. The fine OF A WEEKLY. The Boers acknowledge having mill and residences of the Bend. c o n g e s tio n , es ta b lis h a fre e and perfect county certificates will bo examined who is practically surrounded. Two suffered heavy losses in men and weather makes the luggers happy bile an d r od u ce th e e n la r g e d liver A Lumber of arc lamps, which will flow o f norrnnl size. in tho following brandies: Orthog­ of the finest British regiments and horses in (he previous battle. and they are taking advantage of Tho most widely circulated “ week­ j bp used in street lighting, are ex- to H Its U D Y A N w ill relieve y o u o f the sbov s a mule battery deducted from the raphy, reading, writing, mental it and doing good work. N. E. ly” newspaper in America is the ! pected on the next steamer from s y m p to m s an d m a k e y o u w ell. Do not General Jan Kock, who was second d elay. arithmetic, written arithmetic, ge­ Ladysmith garrison weakens it in command of the Transvaal forces Barklow has already put in about Thrice-a-Week edition of The New Y ou w ill find fu ll an d e x p licit dtrectlovui ography, English grammar, U. H. nbout a fifth of its total strength and who was wounded in the battle SCO logs and has 400 more to put York World, and with the presiden­ Sau Francisco. w ra p p ed w ith ea ch p a c k a g e o f H U D Y A N . --------------- - ----------------- C o io y o u r d r u g g is t at o n c e an d p r o c u r e and alters the whole situation very history, physiology and hygiene, (M yrtle P oin t E nterprise.) u p a c k a g e o f H U D Y A N f o r 50c, or 8 fo g of Elands Laagto, died in hospital in. Jason Randlemnn has nbout tial campaign now at hand you can- $2 50 Tf y o u r d r u g g is t d o e s not keen It. civil government, including consti­ materially in favor of the Boers, at Ladysmith Monday uight. fiuisbed with his camp and Ims his! tlot do without it Here are some F. C. Kiunicutt has opened up a •end d ir e ct to tlie H U D Y A N R E M B l ^ tution of Oregon and of the U. S., who have again shown themselvos C O M P A N Y . Pan F r a n c is c o or L o s AXf- Frank Ham is of the reasons why it is easily the store aud meat market in the Wil­ feeloa, Little light is thrown on the ac­ logs about all in. C a l., und th ey wtN send It to yo«L Oregon school lows and theory aud stern fighters and military strate­ tual eituatiou by the news at hand busy and will have a good drive leader iu a dollar a year journalism: son building. Y ou ca n co n s u lt the greut HUDYAN gists of no mean order. The disas­ DOCTORS F R E E D o not forget th a t practice of teaching. It is issued every other day, and today. Tho magnitude of Monday’s ready when the water rises. There Call and see th em If y o u wish. You m *y L. M. Strong closed a six mouth’s ter cost the British from 1500 to The following are the per cents call and see th em or write, as you desire, fight, however, is more than ever are oilier camps running there and is to all purposes a daily. term of school in the Rackleff A d dress required for the vnrious certificates: 2000 men and six seven-pound evident. Virtually three actions all ¡.re doing well and there will he Every week each subscriber re­ district below town today. A pro­ Td grade, m inimum in any stndy, f»f>, avr. 70 screw guns, and ns the Boer artil­ were raging siraultaneorsty; but it many logs taken from Bear creek ceives 18 pages and often during the fitable term was taught. HUDYAN REMEDY COMPANY, 2d “ 1 “ “ CO “ HO lery is already stronger than imag­ “ busy” season 24 pages each week. 1st 44 44 41 “ 70 14 »0 ined, the capture of these guns will is obvious that the intention to roll tc> the mills. No. 816 South Broadwajr, Each train day large amounts of ----------------------------------------- The price is only $1 per year. back the Orange Free state troops The 3d grado certificate is good be a great help to the Boers. cheese, butter, apples and other Los Angeles, Cal. Meeting ot School Board. It is virtually a daily at the price for one year; 2d grade for two years Rumors are current that a big was not achieved. provisions are shipped from this C or. S to c ïtto n , M ark et an d E llls S IW , of a weekly. and the 1st for three years. RUMORS OF BOER VICTORIES. row is on in the war office. Mili­ ts. 1 *» F ra n cisc o . C al The school board met last Sat­ Its news covers every known part place to the Sau Francisco market. Third nud 2d grades are valid in tary men are said to be severe in Paris, Nov. 2.— The Havas agency urday nnd had a prolonged session, of tho world. No weekly newspaper \Ve doubt it there is another town county wherein issued only. First their denunciations of the alleged this evening publishes tho following but it resulted quite satisfactorily. could stand aloue and furnish such in Oregon its size that does as large grade transferable by endorsement slowness of the civil heads in send­ extraordinary dispatch, which the a shipping business. J. A. Collier and attorney, Hon. W. service. of county superintendent where ing troops to the Transvaal; also agency says was received through V i s i t O R . J O R D A N 'S j Sinclair, met with the board aud The Thrice-a-Week World has at F. Bortt this week presented this candidate desires to teach, and on over the appointment to positions its correspondent at Brussels: made a finul settlement of all its disposal all of the resources of office with a bunch of fine, large red M useum o f A n a to m y 11 payment of $1. iu the field of incompetent officers. “ Cape Town, Nov. 2.—News of claims by the contractor and build­ the greatest newspaper in existence raspberries, growu on bis lots in ,1QG1 MA221ET ST. hot. 6th 4 7th, 0. T. C*L I 1 Age and experience required for So harsh have been the criticisms the Boers two victories around Lady­ The Largest o f its kind in «be World. | | ers o f the new school buildiug. — the wonder of modern journalism town. Our mild and equable cli­ Ws aro continually ad.linq now ■pcclmen«. various certificates aro as follows: that it is reported tied Lord Lauds- smith has created considerable ex­ Mr. Collier’s additional claim of — “ America’s Greatest Newspaper,” mate is well adapted to this class of Jomeau'l learn how wonderfully you are made j I aud how to Avoid sickness and disease. If you For 3d grade, 17 years of ago, no dowuo threatens to resign. citement among Afrikanders, who nearly $400 was adjusted at $255 as it has been justly termed—The fruit, aud they will bear almost suffer from nnv of the Ills of men, com« U» tho | u oldest SimcialUt on tho Faciflo Coast, ' experience; for 2d grade, 18 years of do not conceal their joy. Sir Alfred and allowed. LOSSES WERE OREAT. throughout the entire year. New York World. n i t j i M i n t x p n i v A T E d i m » :* * * :« , I age and 3 months’ experience meet­ CouMilt'itlon tr-e and so iotlv private. Treatment person- Milner, British high commissioner, The board now figures the whole Its political news is absolutely ally ,.r by letter. M T P I I I i.l N thoroughly eradicated | London, Nov. 1.—A careful cal­ is perturbed at their attitude. ing approval of hoard or county su­ Mrs. W. II. Brown received the front tie srvi in without using M e r c u r y . I cost of pur new school buildiug to impartial. This fact will he of i.V F iiV s i v « applying to us will reccivo onr , culation of tho British losses in all perintendent or both; for 1st grade, news Thursday evening of General White, iu these two engage­ the district, completed to its pres­ especial value iti the Presidential sad AonMf opinion o f his complaint. ( > It’s ,rltl tlucrantes a POSITIVE CVR E in tv tr y c u s over 18 years of age, and 12 mouths’ the engagements since the outbreak ments, lost about 350 men killed, ent condition, after allowing these the death of her father, G. T. Rus­ take., or forf. it ( I n n T h n u s a s d ( » o l l n r u . . | campaign coming on. Book— I * l t & I n s o p h y o f M a r r i a g e , ' Wrl m for * iiki of hostilities, excludiug the casual­ wounded and prisoners. experience. sell, at his home in Oakland, Ore­ I * Write * ra x t A valuable hook for men.) i extra claims, furnishing and ce­ Tho best of current fiction is D R . J O U I H N A C O . . 1051 M a r k e t H L S . F . < ' gon, which occurred that day at 11 Any certificate is renewable on ties among non-commissioned offic­ The second victory was won by ment flooring iu the basement to found in its columns. ers and men in Monday’s disaster examination at a regular public ex­ o’clock a. m. Free-Staters, commanded by Lucas be close to «7000. These are only some of tho rea­ amination, provided tho holder has at Ladysmith, which are thus far Meyer, who seized Colenso, thus cut­ sons; there are others. Read it not been fortunate enough, during unknown here, gives a total of 916, ting off the retreat of General White, Evening Telegram: H. B. Miller, aud see them all. tho life of his former certificate, to to which probably 1200 will bo added who is wounded. The investment president of the state board of hor­ We offer this unequaled news­ teach the number of months re­ when the details regarding the of Ladysmith is complete, and the ticulture, told a story lately that paper and the Coquille City H e r a l d quired for tho next higher grade. Ladysmith reverses are received. Boers are masters of the Pietermar­ demonstrates the profit there is in together one year for «1.90. A primary certificate is provided TliiH total is made up as follows: itzburg & Durban railway. a favorably located and properly The regular subscription price of for tho convenience of thoso who Gfficers, 233; eighteen killed, sixty- ----------------, « « » ♦ ---------------- managed orchard. Allison Every has the two papers is «2.50. shall teach as assistants in the first one wounded and fifty-three cap­ The Great Presidential Campaign of 15 acres in peaches on Rogue River, three grades of graded schools. tured. Men, 783; 137 being killed, four miles from Merlin, the trees 1900. The candidates for this certificate 494 wounded, and 154 captured. plnuted only 16 feet apart. Tho $ 1 0 0 , 0 0 0 in prizes -----------------------» * « » - - * — - - must make an average of 82% in The policies of the great political soil is loose loam, fully 30 feet deep, to subscription agents. T o Cure Ccmatipati’on Forever, the following subjects: Heading, T ake Casuarets Candy Cathartic. 10c o r 2 5 c. parties are now being formed and Mr. Miller says, and lies on a grav­ How to win a prize: d r u g g e ts refuud money. writing, orthography, theory anil If C. C. C. fail to - cure, elly subsoil. The trees, which are the candidates discussed. Every » ---------------- practice of teaching, method nud citizen must study the great ques­ now about seven years old, began Profitable work for odd minutes. Robber Holds Up Six People on the Streets the art of questioning. tions that are to come before the bearing at three years. Mr. Every A chance for everybody, great and of Pendleton. The law does not stnto tho mini­ people. This can only be done has never missed a crop. His trees small. mum per cent allowed in any branch An easy way to make from «10 to Fendletou (Or.), Oct. 31.— A lone through tho medium o f a great being protected by fog, are never nor the length of time a teacher, highwayman performed a bold piece newspaper. Now is the time, there­ damaged by frost. When Mr. Mil­ «2500. Address, with 2-ceut stamp holding such certificate, may teach of work within the city limits of fore. for every voter to subscribe ler visited this orchard, on a tour of for return postagp, under it, nor to what territory re­ Pendleton, this evening, when lie for the host mid most reliable news­ inspection recently, Mr. Every had D e m u r e s t ’ - F a m il y M a g a z in e , stricted. The fee for examination 110 Fifth Avenue, New York. held up and robbed four men and paper obtainable. The Semi-Weekly just received his returns on three for any of the above certificates is . two women. He had three vehicles Republic, of St. Louis, covers the and a half acres of Early Crawfords, $2, and no money is refunded in . rounded up in the street at one whole field of political news. While which he had sold in Portland at 38 ease a candidate fails to secure a time, and all the occupants had their it is Democratic, it publishes the cents a box. Mr. Every was paid certificate. The fee is required news in regard to all political par­ «2110, an average of over $000 an bauds up. for the examination and not for the Its tele­ acre, aud the prospects were that Our lee returned if w e fail, A n y on e sending A dairyman named Cheuoy and ties without prejudice. _____ ____________ r ______ y invention w ill sketch and description o f ____ any certificate. his son were on the way homo when graphic and cable news service is the remaining 12 J acres of late ; prom ptly receive our opinion free concernin g Central Oregon State Normal School, Drain, Oregon Candidates for state certificates, o f same. “ H ow to Obtain a stopped at tho point of a pistol by superior to that of any other paper, peaches would net him proportion­ 1 the patentability IL L O P E N IT S D U O K S F O R T H E N E W S C H O O L Y E A R ON S E P T E M B E R ■ " sent upon request. secured good for 5 years in any county iu Mnt- up° a for sale nt Patents us advertised our expense. 11, 18JH). T he buildings having been thorou ghly renovated and im proved, new a man who wore a white handker­ j and its special features are the best ately as much as the 3$ acres of the the state, anil for state diplomas, Patents taken out through us receive special a p p a ra tu s a d d e d , nn d o t h e r im p r o v e m e n ts m a d e to r th e c o m fo r t an d c o n v e n ie n c e o f the Attention is also called to the Re- early variety. Probably Mr. Every chief over his face. Both were or­ n illustrated H ? i i ™ t ^ t andr^ "lv circulated journal, 8 tu d cn ,R - « » " J « " » r . l i n a am ! D orm itory advantages nt th e l o w e d ponaible ra te « . good for life, will lie examined at dered to throw up their hands. | public's Sunday Magazine. Its half­ received fully $10,000 for his crop " an and w ’ld idely consulted by Manufacturers and Investors. the various county seats iu connec­ Uniform State .formal School Course— Complete Training Selmol Send for sam ple copy F R E E . Address, The highwayman then went through tone illustrations are alone worth the of peaches this year. As his soil tion with the county examination. their pockets, securing only $3 in subscription price. It is made up has natural drainage aud needs but In connection with Norm al, where seniors are p rofessionally trained under tho super­ V IC T O R J . E V A N S A C O . vision o f a C ritic 'le e c h e t, w ho will give b is entire tim e to this w ork. Graduates o f (Patent A t t o r n e y s , ) Candidates for either of these pa­ j of special articles by the best lite- little cultivation, and as bis princi­ cash. E v a n s B u ild in g , W A SH IN G T O N . D. C. this school are given a credit o f 6J m onths' teaching experience, which enables them to pers must be 21 years of ago, or j vary talent, embracing a variety of pal expenses are for picking and reach the L ife D iplom a in tho q uickest and m ost satisfactory m anner. Send your Just then a teamster iu tho em­ address fo r Complete catalogue tc JO H N B. W A L K E R , A. M ., more, must submit evidence of good ploy of G. W. Rugg drove along. I subjects of current interest. News packing tho fruit and trimming the President o f Faculty. character, must have, for state cer­ Notice tor Street Improvements. The robber stopped him and the j features of absorbing interest aro trees, it is not difficult to figure that tificate, 30 months’ tenehing expe­ man made a light, attempting to illustrated and enlarged upon. For his net profits are enormous. ----------- <«>« ------ ---- rience with approved success, t> of ) Y ORDER OF TH E BOARD OF | wrest the pistol from the highway­ I tho benefit of the ladies the latest T i n - U e » t I 'l i i N l i -r . a which must have been in this state; man. The latter struck him a heavy j fashions are handsomely illustrated. 5 Trustees o f tlio Town o f Coquille City, A piece of flannel dampened with com ity o f Coos, state o f O regon: and for state diploma (¡0 months' blow on the forehead, cutting an | The Republic Sunday Magazine is Chamberlain's Pain Balm and hound N otice is hereby given that at a m eeting experience witli approved success, ugly gash and rendering him un­ 1 always interesting to every member o f the Board o f Trustees o f the Town o f on the affected parts is superior to C oquille C ity. C oos county, state o f Oregon, 15 of which must have been iu this conscious. He had only 25 cents of the family. held on th e6 th day o f N ovem ber, A .D . 1899, any plaster. When troubled with stato. The subscription price of the it wnn ordered that B street, from the rail­ for the robber. Next caine Win. B u t a G o od L in e o f Tho foe for examination for state Bowman, with Mrs. Bowman and a Semi-Weekly Republic is $1 per a pain-in the chest orside, or a lame road track on First street to the center o f the crossin g on Second street, all in the back, give it a trial. You are cer­ certificate is $4, and for state diploma daughter. Bowman yielded up $17 year; the Republic Sunday Maga­ original plat, o f C oqu ille C ity, b e put to id. For stato diploma the candi­ and Mrs. Bowman her gold watch. zine, «1.25 per year. Both papers tain to hi more than pleased with grade and planked twenty-four feet wide date must pass iu all the branches The robber then, with the pistol arc now being offered at the very the prompt relief which it nffords. in the cen ter, w ith not less than three-inch I planking well laid and spiked on stringers named for a county certificate, and 1 held in the Indies’ faces vilely in­ low prico of «1.50 for one year. To Paiu Balm is also a certain cure for not less than four by eight inches, said rheumatism. For sale by R. S. stringers to be placed n ot m ore than four in addition, tho following, viz: Al­ A T TH E sulted them. Ho kept all three ve­ secure this low rate both must he feet apart: and that the sidew alks on both gebra, bookkeeping, composition, hicles standing iu the street until ordered and paid for at tho same Knowltou. sides o f said street be put to grade, towit: physical geography, physics and | through with the hold-up, aud then time. Address all orders to Not to exceed twelve inches above the S tr e e ts w ith r o n w h e t h e r y o n c o n tin u e the^ planking. . , psychology, and for a state diploma, j sent their drivers on and disap­ t o b a c c o h a b it . N O -T O '* * *** THE REPUBLIC, All persons interested or affected by the ile«iru f o r tob sxc o n t a « r T o n i d istre ss, e x p e l* n iu addition to the foregoing, botany, peared. Gfficers are scouring the foregoin g ord er w ill take due notice and St. Louis, Mo. lin o , p a r ifle i th e b lo o d , RStTboxe« I govern them selves accordin gly. ---------- > »♦*«------- ■ to re « lo s t luA iihoud. plane geometry, general history ami country for the robber. rnfckoa ? o ii «tron ir I. « 00.000 W itness my hand, this 7th day o f Noyem- In h e a lth , n e rve “ _____ c u r e i _ ___ , English language. Justice w ai Swift In Kansas. . * —— • n d~ " * ^ . . O T O - B A - C — fr o U m J her. A. D. 1899. 44 Every Well Man Hath His III Day.” J. r New York World (Thrice-a-Week Edition) S PATENTS GUARANTEED w 1 Not fill ¡^nowi), DRUGS and MEDICINES COQUILLE" PHARMACY. Epworth League Program, Friday, Nov. 12. Music, No. 182; reading,Psalm fi3, verses 1-10; prayer by four leaguers; roll-call, answer by pledge; minutes of last meeting; music. No. 50; read­ ing. "Comfort for Workers,” by Hol­ lis Hkeels; “ Work Where Yon Can,” Emma Sherwood; “ Learn to Give Now." Hav Dean; “Giving by Chin­ ese Children." Lydia Simmons; "In the Right Place,” lone Hnnsrom; “ The Shirks,” Irene Lamb; musio. No. ti; reading. "The Dentil of Miss Mary Richardson,” Ethel Johnson; "Book Renews," Esther Johnsun; music. No. 10; close with Apostolic Creed. l o u r H a x m o x , 1st V.-P. LuU Harrows. 1’iendeut. Prom llcnjatm n Franklin. “ W hen von are aick. what yon like best ia to tie chosen for a modioine in the first l»lacc: what ex peri m ce toils you ia liost. to be 1-hoscn in the second place: what reason (,. e.. Theory) says is host is to he chosen in the last place. lint if yon can get l>h. I n ci .is avion , D h . E x rn m N cK and I)n. ltix - aoN to hold a consult at ion together, they will give yon the beat advice that can be taken.” Weir City, Kan., Oct. 31.—Ous McArdle, a bartender in Barney Jaues’ “ joint,” was killed Inst night, and in less than two hours his sup- J posed murderer, Geo. Wells, a ne- 1 gro miner, was swinging to a tele­ graph pole. ---- When you have a had cold Dr. Ex-Spanish Cruisers. ___ _ Inclination would recommend Cham­ San Francisco, Nov 2.— A few berlain's Cough Remedy because it is pleasant and safe to take. Dr. days before the steamship China Experience would recommend it be­ left Hong Kong the announcement muse it never fails fo effect a speedy was made that the three ex-cruisers and permanent cure. Dr. Reason of the Spanish navy nt Manila— would recommend it liecnuse it i* Isla dn Cuba, Isln de Luzon and prepared on scientific principles, Don Juan de Austria- were ready and on nature's plan in relieving the to proceed to Manila and join Ad­ lungs, opening the secretions and miral Watson’s squadron. The re­ restoring the system to a natural construction of the vessels has been and healthy condition. For sale under the supervision of Lieutcnaut by R. S. Kuowlton. 1 Hobson. W. E. M cDUFFEE* R ecorder fo r C oqu ille City, Oregon. y o i r o w n d r u g g is t , w h o ___ T o u c h f o r a ». T»k<* It w ith „ J ,p w t lc n t ly , p e r s is te n tly O ne u o x . §1. u s u a lly c u r e « ; S h o x e «. f t 50, gu ftrivn teed t o c u r e , o r w e re fu n d m n n e j. BtrrUaft B « t s ^ / U . , (U i»| * , Moatr**!, B«w I T h r e e l l i i e l o r i i In C o a iA iiliittln u . D ow A rt T o u r ftid a r p * I>r Hobbs’ Bparasua Pilla care all kidney 111« Hank- pi« (ret) Add. sterling Remedy Co., Chicago or N. Y ♦ «• » - Notice for Street Improvement- fllso SCHOOL SUPPLIES AND STATIONERY. M A C Y & M OORE. r X ) R SALE—147 Acres o f L and, W m ile I -T from Norway, C oos con uty. Known Y O R D E R O F T H E B O A RD O F ns theM cC lary place, For paticulars, call T rustees o f the Town o f C oquille Citv, | countv o f C oos and state o f Oregon: HENRY GRADY, on A. C. W ILSO N . J. C. WILSON. N otice is hereby given that nt a m eeting B lacksm ith and W a g o n m a k e T N orway. Oregon. Practical M achinist. jn n ‘J0t4 o f tin* Board o f T rustees o f the Town o f C oquille C ity . Coos cou n ty, state o f Oregon, I C E Home—With im m ediate possession held on the 6th day o f November, A. D. —for *1100. — acres inside city lim ­ 1899, it was ordered that First, street, from its; S acres bottom land, balance level oench. C street east to the bridge, all in the origi- 1 G ood house, large wood house, cbickenhouse, nal plat »»f C oqu ille C ity, be replanked with fair burn 2»0 fru it trees, m ostly bearing not less than three-inch p lan king and well and tint-class fru it: small fru it, also. spiked to stringers not less than four by P lenty < f water the year round, eight inches, said stringers to bo laid not sell» Ira* WM. G A L L 1 I B . m ore than fou r feet apart, ami said plank­ ing to be fro m sidew alk to sidew alk. Also the sidew alk on said street to bo put I U ANTED—S E V E R A L B R IG H T AND f y H o n e s t p e r s o n s t o represent us as down to grade, to-w it: Not to exceed twelv? Managers in in is nnd close b y counties. inches above the planking. All persons interested or affected by the Solar? ’fiif'0 a year and expenses. Straight. Itona-Ade, n o m ore, n o less salary. P »«i foregoin g order will take notice and g o v ­ Machino work of all kin.la. built new or repaired; iron an.l wood turning: tiou perman »nt. Our references, anv bank ern them selves a ccordin gly. blaekamitliing and wagon-making iu ail branches. W itness tnv hand, this 7th day o f N ovem ­ in any town. It is m ainly office work con ­ ducted at hom e. R eference. E nclose self- ber. A . D . 1899. ' | addressed a am ped envelop»'. T his D omin - Recorder for Coijuiiie Ciiv, urraSu. 'M ACHINF, WAGON AND F ABM WORK ARE SPECIALTIES l ion CostrASY, I ept. 3, C bica :u. B N WILSON & WILSON M A C H IN IS T S , W a g o n m a lie r s , H orsesh oers, a n d B la c k s m it h s .