IB aodon Recorder. I houd» and their heeler» and hireling» And Now the People Begin to Take an Interes •Marshfield S on.) Dave Carey passed through town 4i A Fair Outside Is about it. We could have had all ft. E. Shine and R. C. Lee gave M t s t l s P o ixt , Oct. 24, 1HJ9. Tuesday on hie nay from Carry this profit and gain and no trouble a banquet Inst evening at the Ma­ la purely a nervous disorder and all iha sym ptom * are o f nervous origin Many Mu. E d it o r : Please allow me county to Coqnille. at all, it we had listened to Satan T O LS D A Y , OCT. 31. 18081 nila restaurant to the Royal Arch women a Poor Substitute afflicted with hysteria continue to gutter bccuu.su they think that there la no saying “ I will give thee all these, spare in your valuable paper to usk Henry Hermaun, the yonug man Masons. curu fo r them. a f e w questions. There are a few who had one of his legs amputated PUBLISH EU EVERY TUESDAY only fall dowu and worship me." H ysteria can ba For Imvard W orth .” Tho schooners John A, Jennie p erfectly and per­ Mr. Gage say» further: “ As to things going on in our county some time ago, is able to sit up m anently cured, Thelan, Daisy Rowe aud Western no m atter how far supporting me in 1898 nffuirs that I would like to under­ and will soon be around. G ood health, inwardly, o f J. & M °E W E N C O . McEwen'a advanced It m ay Home are loading lumber at tbe stand a little better than I do at campaign, there is nothing to it. I be. H U D Y A S Tbe broomhandle factory is get­ the kidneys, liver and bow els, Bay City mill. Editors and Proprietors. will euro hysteria. defy him to show oue article in my present I ll'D Y A N will re­ ting out 50,000 pieces of moulding F. M. Friedberg, the electrician, F ir s t, the county advertising w a s lieve you o f every fuvor published iu his paper. I aud 5000 cornice poles for Sanborn, is sure to com e if H ood’s Sar­ ; has taken a contract to put in nu sym ptom . Tho re­ D ev oted to tlie material and eueml up- a w a r d e d to the Coquille City H e h a i . d lief Is not only b i d d i n g o f the OoqntKe Valley partionlnrly know of my own personal knowl­ Vail A Co., of Sau Francisco. saparilla is promptly used. tem porary — It fa [ electric light plant nt Porter for a n d o f C o o . C o o iilv geueridly. e d g e that he did everything in his a t the January term of our county p e r m a n e n t . H17D- Tbe schooner Albion arrived Habftcriptiop, per year, iu advunee, S l.n o This secures a fair outside, and a both arc aud incandescent lighting. V an w ill restoro ■ power to defeat me- * * * The court Has that contract been com- eakened th o w ------------------------- here Monday, haviug made a very consequent vigor In the frame, with the Joseph Ferry, who was iujured n e r v e s to a h e a l­ P I P I 1 U to fcefft *n t ie at K C D A K F .’ H Bulletiu printed columns to a n y plied with on the part of the county th y c o n d itio n an d quick trip to the city. On her up . . glow of health on the cheek, good I n i n r i t i r i l i Advertí*!'!« A d v e r tí* :'!« A| « e n e y, ., ft* and R5 other papers line iu my favor,” etc. (officials? I understand not. I have by an accident at Riverton some the s y m p t o m s w ill Merchant*’ Exchange, ßan Franc------, Francisco, ____ California, __________ ______ *H«e, Ean - that the the" C Coquille a heavy north- d is a p p e a r . HUD- Xrherd contracts for a Uve rite in# cau bo made for It W e have files of thelHERALD, and ; been informed that o q u i l l e , triP - ste enoouutered’ . . . . , .. appetite, perfect digestion, pure blood. weeks since, is improving nicely Y A N Is th e re m ­ easier aud her to------ * — 1 — *’ — - Catarrh — - “ 1 I *— have - had no return o - f the ed y you w an t. " I he being the nominee of the Union ' Bulletin published the delinquent * 8ler aur _ber top“ 1“ ! ancl Bal1 nnd is able to be around with tbe II0 DYAN Is fo r catarrh which troubled me for yearn, since were carried away. i aid of crutches. » * * « 4 « * * *'«4: * ! ticket, his name was at the head 0f tax list at the May term for the m en an d w om en , | H ood 's Sarsaparilla cured m e.” M rs . J ox a s no ba d e ta b le rem ed y an an d d h h as h e r Paper P a per ¡the column devoted to that interestj small sum(?) of 25 cents per line! "• A. Doak, o f Bear creek, has M a st tx , Washington St., Ogdensbur*. N. Y. Two-hundred and fifty case« of e It ffe Is c t a on v e g the Vo Other sy stem . S tu d y y o u r sym p­ o m s s 'c c a a r r e e fu lly . W h e n y o u h a v e d o n e so. Wives the cluIdling offers that you among the others and be fared the j Well, that was hardly'enough when g o t o Cape, D y s p e p s i a - “ Com plicated with liver salmon were put op at the Marsh­ t tom use H U D Y A N and then tell you r friends kidney trouble, I suffered lor year» ......- . Now it is same as they. Our advocacy was t h o C. C. H erald wanted to c h a r g e Aoine, Alaska, in the spring. Mr. j and fa n g e l with the H erald with dyspepsia, with severe pains. H ood's field cauuery one day this week. w h at It hus d on e f o r you. for the whole ticket— Mr. Gage took 1 the enormous sum of one ceut per Doak may accent and try his luck Sarsaparilla made me strong and hearty ” This is the largest day’s run of the the HERE ARE YOUR SYMPTOMS: J. 11. E mkrto . i , Main Street, Auburn. Me. his defenses and special pleas to the each notice, which would have made 1 once more at “ * mining season. «.I p r U T T E R I N G O P T H E E Y E L I D « O R E G O N IA N The schooner Mizpah arrived other paper and paid for them like | this delinquent tax list cost the James A. Kelly, general mana­ AN t> A T I N G L I N G S E N S A T IO N A B O V £ H E EVES H U D Y A N w ill r o ll« v » th is Tuesday from Portland with sev­ ■which we will give for 1 year as a a little man, never furnishing us a j county about $5. ger of the White River Mining Co., a T lm o s t Im m ed ia tely . . premium to H erald subscribers. line. Besides the special defense he ! We could not stand that all— too eral tons of flour and other freight T R E M B L I N G OK T H E I ,I t 'S -T h la o f Burnett, Wash., is in Marshfield la 3-J due to tha a lta ctlo n o f tb e f a c ia l narvaa. Pay up arrears and send in $2 for made was against the late attacks | much, you bet it is; but we can for different points on the river. looking over several coal proper­ H U D Y A N w ill re s to re th e n e r v e s to a 1 year in advance to the Coquille made by the Sun, almost too late• stand $377.82 just as well as not, She will load with lumber and Hood'» Pill* care liver lilt; tho non Irritating and ties tu the interest of outside cap­ h ea lth y c o n d itio n , a n d th e trem b U n * w ill disa p p ea r. only cathartic t o ja k e with Hood’* SarsVpanTlIa. about 1500 cases of canned salmon City H erald and we will semi you for reply through the H e r a l d , ] when our pet does the work. S. L U M P IN TH E T H R O A T -T h la italists. s y m p to m u su a lly p re ce d e s n c r y in g spell. Now, look here, how long are the for San Francisco. the W eekly Oregonian f o r 1 yea r which we did not believe, but knew T h e fe e lin g la as th o u g h th ere w a s a b a il Rev. Gillespie, pAstor of the In the th roa t. T h is a ls o Is a n e r v o u a ns a premium, fully paid up. nothing as to their truth; and his tax-payers going to stand this kind A scow load o f hardwood was ‘Keeping Cows for P ro'll” — A Treatise on m p to m w h ic h H U D Y A N w ill c a u s e t o Presbvterian church in Marshfield « « M W . * « « * »'-*■* « * * ■ * • « majesty gave us no data. But we o f monkey business? Somebody is brought dowp from Myrtle Point Up to-Date Dairying. sappeu r. for several years past, will take his 4. r A L P 1 T A T I O N O F T H E H E A R T — voted for him all the same, and to blame for this state of affairs, Monday for the broomhandle fac­ b e c o m e s w ea k en ed a s tha departure shortly for Port Orford, n T e h r e v e » h ea a rt r e and b ea ts Ir re g u la rly a n d “ Keeping Cows for Profit” is the np>y to Sheriff Cage- -He Must Have Been knew nothing of the correctness of and it looks very much like our tory. Tbe hardwood will be used where he takes chatge of a congre­ w ea k ly . H U D Y A N w ill s tr e n g th e n th a commissioners are mixed up in some tho S uh ’ b fearful charges till after Keeping Bad Company. for broomhandles and straps for well chosen title of the newest work gation. h ea rt m u s c le an d c a u se the b e a ts to b e ­ Rev. G. during his so­ co m e s tr o n g an d regu la r. on practical dairying to come tinder the election, since which time sev­ way. Now will they please get up trunks. b. « I N K I N G K E E L I N G IN T H E P I T journ in Marshfield has made many O F T H E S T O M A C H —T h la o c c u r s o f t e n Sheriff Gage occupied the tripod eral prominent Podulists and per­ and stand on their bind foet and ex­ our notice. We understand that a The rains of last week were a friends, who sincerely regret his an d is v e ry a n n o y in g . It Is d u e to th o o f the Bulletin last week and in­ sonal friends of Mr. Gage have as­ plain? blessing to the fishermen. As large issue of this little publication departure. He takes with him the a c tio n o f th e w e a k e n e d n e r v e s o f th e s to m a c h . H U D Y A N w ill s tr e n g th e n th o Will our Populist member, Mr. soon as fresh water began to flow is being gratuitously circulated with dicted a tirade against the editor of sured us of their truth. The facts n erv es, an d the s in k in g fe e lin g w ill n o t best wishes of all. this paper by name and in defense were known to them at the time but Weekly, please speak right out in ont tbe fish came in in large num­ the compliments of The De Laval fe cu r. W o m e n , th is is f o r y o u . Rem em ber of his official conduct in the matter they said nothing to injure his tbe meeting and tell us all about it? bers aud tbe boys have taken ad­ Separator Co., 74 Cortlandt street, th a t H U D Y A N c u r e s m en and w om en . It I M yrtle P o in t Enterprise.] w ill r e liev e y o u o f all the a b o v e s y m p t o m * A few more grabs like this will vantage by fishing duy and night. New York, which concern offers to of county advertising, of which the cbnnces of re-election. W. L. Hood, the Etelka sheep an d y o u ca n be c u red . D o c t o r s n a v e u f- r d e d y o u s om e r e lie f, bu t th ey h a v e n ot H e r a l d had made mention that tbe We had hoped our statements leave a hole in the teasurer's sack A few nights the average was 100 send a copy to every reader of the man, left today for California fo c u red . H U D Y A N w ill e ffe c t a p erm a n en t county authorities had violated a would have gone unchallenged and as large as that in the pants of a to the boat. Coquille City H e r a l d upon request. where he will spend the winter. cu re. T a k e H U D Y A N n ow . Y ou ca n g e t H U D Y A N o f y o u r d r u g g is t fo r 50 c e n t s pes contract with the H erald and gave wo would not have had to make county editor. Cumtux? The book treats of dairying ns a g e o r 6 p a c k a g e s fo r 12.50. If your Last Monday G. W. Peek, of Robt. and Ben Harrison, the S a ru c k g g a ls t d o e s n ot k eep It, sen d d ir e c t ip A S eeker for K nowledoe . out advertising at excessive cost to reply to substantiate them, but we manufacturing business and dis­ the HUDYAN REM EDY COM PANY, the broom handle factory, sent Sixes miners, returned to their the county to a pet organ. How­ haye ever found it thus, in days F r a n c is c o o r L o s A n g e ls s . C a lifo rn ia , a sample o f white cedar broomhan- cusses its problems from the stand­ mines Tuesday after resting a week an ou ca n c o n s u lt the d o c t o r s o f th e H U D - Town Council Proceedings. ever, the Bulletin of the week before gone by and at the present, that . AN R E M E D Y C O M P A N Y F R E E . C all dles to Scotland. Last week be re- point that every dairy farmer is just or so from labor. on the d o o to r s . I f you c a n n o t c a ll, y o u placed the responsibility on the guilt does not attach till found out, as much a business man as though m a y w rite and a d v ic e w ill b o g iv e n frea . Coquille City, October 28.— The ceival word from a firm that aftjr engaged in any other manufacturing Ed Bender returned Thursday A d d ress sheriff alone, and now tho latter, and then the penalty hurts. inspecting a sample of his bandies (own council met in called session. from Redding, Cal., where he has with his pen dipped in gall gives us We will just add that there are if they were satisfactory the firm or commercial undertaking. It is HUDYAN REMEDY COMPANY, a lecture on the text that “ Mr. Mc- other matters that are not perfectly Members present, J. H. Cecil, chair­ would place an order of 300,000 compiled in terse, practical manner, been the past summer as special No. 816 South Broadway, Ewen tells a deliberate falsehood,” clear, and in course of time the man; Trustees Seed, Strang, Nos­ handles. is easily readable, and can hardly land commissioner. fail to be interesting and instructive proceeding to recite the circum­ people may dare to be told about ier and Batch; Marshal Goodman, Miss Elsie Tillman, of Gravel Los Angeles, CaL In tbeir eagerness to catch as to every one in any way concerned Ford, closed a term of school stances attending the business in them—lint not through newspapers Recorder McDuffee. C or. S t o c k t o n , M arket a n d E iiis S ts ., many salmon ns possible some of Minutes o f O ct 10th read and in dairying. It is splendidly printed, on Coos river this week. Miss these words: organized, backed aud supported by San P r«n c'.»co* C.U, tbe fishermen take chances nnd handsomely illustrated, and alto­ Tillman came up on Friday’s train “ When it camo time to place the a gong; it will Lave to be by a free approved. get dangerously Dear the bar. Two On motion it was ordered that gether pleasing. The front cover en route to her home. printing I went to the county court and independent press. of the boats have bad uarrow es- shows a lithographed milking scene, aad informed that body that while Fellow-citizens can see the files of D. P. Strang act as agent of the Miss Fannie Endicott who has If they are and the back cover a cut of the Jer­ the law gave me tho light to pro­ the H erald during the last campaign town to negotiate with Ben Agee cipes the past week. spent the past year in Portland re­ Dot a little more careful the life­ I V i s i t DR. JORDAN’ S for rigid of way tor B street, in sey cow, Ida Marigold, which re­ turned to this place Monday, ac­ ceed in the matter the same as in aud see who has told “ a falsehood.” ¡M u s e u m u l A n a ltM y Nosler’s addition, to Coquille City, saving crew will be fishing for dead ceived 1st prize at the Chicago expo­ companied by her sister, Miss an execution sale, if the H erald fishermen some of these days. ¡1062 UASSST 31. bit. Ctb4 7th, O.T.ClL across said Agee's land. sition. would print the notico under ccn- Della, who had beeD on a visit to Tha L a rg est o f i u k in d in th e W orld . ------------ — ------ --- ---- British Troops Hard Pressed by Boers- The petition of David Carey for tract for 1 cent, their bid, I would Sen a postal card for a copy of the ber elder sister. They will re­ W o aro contin ually adding new ■poclmom. The Great Presidential Gampaiqn of fCome aud learn bow wouderfUIlT you are made license to sell spirituous, malt and above and mention thi» paper. give it to that paper. The court ad­ main at this place. and how to avoid sickueas aud disease. I f you New York, Oct. 24,— A dispatch 1900. suiter from auy o f tbe ills o f men. come U> the ----------------------------------------------------------- vised me to see the H erald . I did. to the World from London says: vinous liquors iu said town in ddest Specialist o n the Faclfle Coast, quantities less than one gallon, for D K . J o l» n A W -P R I V A T E D IS E A S E * Mr. Pannenberg politely informed The ministers anil their supporters Lakoj county claims three head of The policies of tho great political Consultation fr.-e and strictly private. Treatm ent person- me that it was none of my business; are now realizing that they plunged a period of six months, to-wit: in­ all v or t»v letter. S T f H I L i a thoroughly eradicated horses, 10 of cattle and 35Jof sheep parties are now being formed and from the avst.-ra w ithout using M e r c u r y . M A M ap p lyin g to u s w ill receive our the county court and they would into the war with reckless haste, cluding April 29, 1900, was pre­ for every man, woman and child in the candidates discussed. Every h on cit opinion o f his com plain t. sented, and it appearing that he B e will Ouarantta a PO S IT T V R C V R K ” and “ dreadful loss of life,” people. This can only be done T a k e C ascarets Cand v Cathartic. 10c or 25c. thereupon directed a letter to the indicate with a plainness which she no remonstrance against said pf- through the medium of a great ALMOST A D A IL Y -A T THE PRICE If C. C. C. fall to euro, druggists refund money. OF A WEEKLY. H erald , asking whether or not they has never before permitted herself tition, on motion saul petition was newspaper. Now is the time, there­ would print the notice under their to indulgo in, under like circum­ granted by tbe following vote: fore, for every Voter to subscribe The most widely circulated “ week­ bid. Their written reply was to stances, her disapproval of the war. A yes—Nosier, Batch and Chair­ for tho best and most reliable news­ man; noes— Seed and Strang. ly ” newspaper in America is the the effect that they had not found Tho British forces in Natal Moved and seconded that J. T. paper obtainable. The Semi-Weekly Thrice-a-Week edition of The New it necessary to place any construc­ have already lost iu killed or Republic, of St. Louis, covers the tion on their bid. They would wounded nearly 500 men in throe Nosier be appointed to fix the slip whole field of political news. While York World, and with the presiden­ give no direct answer. To fair- days’ fighting. Tho Gordon High­ nt wharf and employ a mechanic it is Democratic, it publishes the tial campaign now at hand you can­ minded ]>eople this would look un­ landers lost only one officer and five to build tbe snree. Motion carried. news in regard to all political par­ not do without it. Here are some On motion, it was ordered that of the reasons why it is easily the businesslike, nnd carry with it sus­ men killed in their fnmous attack on Its tele­ leader in a dollar a year journalism: the recorder be instructed to adver­ ties without prejudice. picion.” Dnrgai Heights in the African cam­ tise for bids for the purchase of graphic and cable news service is It is issued every other day, and Mr. Pannenberg is a lawyer and paign, whilo at Eland’s Laagto they superior to that of any other paper, only gave Attorney Gage(?) free ad­ had four officers killed and nine bonds of the town for municipal and its special features are the best is to all purposes a daily. Every week each subscriber re­ vice from a legal standpoint as he wounded, 20 men killed and 33 water-works. Attention is also called to the Re­ ceives 18 pages and often during the The following bills were allowed: volunteered to give it to the county wounded. J. H. Cecil, making deeds for lots public’s Sunday Magazine. Its half­ “ busy” season 24 pages each week. court from an illegal standpoint. The Boers distinguish nnd shoot tone illustrations are alone worth the The price is only $1 per year. Sheriff Gage is not a lawyer and the officers by reason of their carry­ sold, etc., $8.80; W. Rich, oil and subscription price. It is made up lamp burners, $1.30; Lee Goodman, It is virtually a daily at the price had no right to practice in that ing no rifles, their uniform being of specinl articles by the btst lite­ marshal's fees, $1.50; J. 8. Kane- of a weekly. case before tho county court; the tbe same as that o f the men. raatz, ball rent, $4; J. S. Kanematz, rary talent, embracing a variety of Its news covers every known part court was supposed to know its own The squadron of Hussars and the subjects of current interest. News business, having acted in the mat­ section of mounted infantry which surveying and platting grade, $1.50; features of absorbing interest are of the world. No weekly newspaper VV. Buskirk, dirt in fill near wharf, could stand alone nnd furnish such ter last January; and the H erald pursued the Boers after the first ¡ $9,12. illustrated and enlarged upon. For service. knew its business and rights as the tight at Glencoe, last Friday, are the benefit of tho ladies the latest The resignation o f J. H. Cecil as The Thricb-a-Week World has at official advertising paper for “ pub­ still missing. a member of tho board wne pre­ fashions are handsomely illustrated. its disposal all of the resources of lishing tnx, treasurer’s, bridge nnd Prolongation of the war beyond The Republic Sunday Magazine is other notices, and matter ordered British expectation is now regarded sented and on motion was accepted. always interesting to every member the greatest newspaper iu existence The board being without a chair­ — the wonder of modern journalism by the county court and other ojji- ns certnin. man, it was moved and seconded of the family. — “ America’s Greatest Newspaper,” cers o f Coos county, Oregon, chary- The subscription price of the ns it has been justly termed—The C e n t r a l O r e g o n S ta te N o r m a l S c h o o l , D r a in , O r e g o n that J. A. Seed he appointed as able to Coos county,” etc. There ;s I L L O P E N IT S D O O R S F O R T H E N E W S C H O O L Y E A R ON S E P T E M B E R chairman o f this board. The re­ Semi-Weekly Republic is $1 per New York World. Gov. Lord's Appointment. 11, 1899. T ho bail(linK8 b a v in « been thorou ghly renovated nnd im proved, new a great difference between tbe year; the Republic Sunday Maga­ corder put the motion, and it was apparatus added, and other im provem ents m ade for the com fort and con venience of the Its political news is absolutely sheriff’s privilege to dispense adver­ nfnrionts. (lo n o tl Rnnrriinn and nm? Dnrniit.nrv vn It t.fineR a tlie lo w e s t possible DOBSible r rates. a te s . Btudents. G o d Bonrding D orm itory nr! advantages at t the lowest zine, $1.25 per year. Both papers Salem, Oct. 24.—The nppoint- declared carried, unanimously. impartial. This fact will be of tisements in civil caseB through tbe are now being offered at the very especial value in the Presidential mout of Ex- Governor W. P. Lord No further business appearing, Uniform State Normal Seliool Course— Complete Training Sehool._ __ circuit court as he pleuses (by grace low price of $1.50 for one year. To campaign coming on. In con n ection with N orm al, where Heniors are profesaionally traineiTunder the super­ of the court and uttoinoyH in the to be envoy extraordinary and min- the board adjourned. o f a C ritic T eacher, who will g iv e b is entire tim e to this work. Graduates o f aecure this low rate both must be W. E. M c D u f f e e , The best of current fiction is vision ease), or tlmt of orders of the county iutor plenipotentiary to Argentina this sch ool are «iven a credit o f 30 m onths’ tea ch in g experience, which enables them to Anditor and Clerk. ordered and paid for at the same found in its columns. reach the L ife D iplom a iu the qu ick est and m ost satisfa ctory m anner. Send your court nnd affecting the county's meets with unanimous approval in time. Address all orders to ............................ JOH N B. W A L K E K , A. M .. catalogue tc Tbese are only some of the rea- address for com p lete finances and appropriations. Why, Salem. While tho citizens of Salem President o f Faculty. At the last session of the legisla­ THE REPUBLIC, will bo sorry to lose for a time the sons; there are others. Read it *ir, you couldn't advertise delin­ ture a road law was enacted making St. Louis, Mo. association aud assistance of Gov. and see them all. quent tax sales till the court ordered the following provisions: The We offer this unequaled news­ it; nor could you pay the account— Lord and his family, they appreci­ county court "must” divide the Roseburg Review; B. F . Hill the court passes on tlmt. Ami ns ate the honor conferred upon the county into districts, according to and wife, of Bridge, Coos connty, paper and the Coquille City H erald late os tho sitting of tho county state nnd its citizen nnd congratulate its discretion, nnd at the general arrived in this city last Friday, ac­ together one year for $1.90. The regular subscription price of court between advertising the first tho recipient of the appointment. state eloction of 1900, and annu­ companied by their son-in-law, A. tbe two papers is $2.50. and second installments, tho com­ ally thereafter, a supervisor must be O. Hooton, and purchased tickets Canada and Alaska. missioners inquired as to the reason elected by tho voters of each district. for Kansas, where the old couple B u t a G o o d L in e o f Treasurer's Notice. for advertising in the Bulletin in­ One provision of the law is that no will spend tb8 winter with relatives Loudon, Oct. 24.—The Associated stead of the official paper, and ad­ voting precinct may be partly in BDd friends. Mr. Hooton returned O T IC E i . hereby given that all Cnanty vised that the balauco should go Press is enabled to give, authorita­ one diatrict and partly in another. to his Coos county home Saturday. W arrants endorsed p rior to May 1, 1838, will be paid o n presentation at my into the official paper— the H erald tively, Canada’s final proposition for Another provision of the law is that offioe in C oqnille C ity, Or. N o interest — as per contract. But it didu't. the permanent settlement of the when a candidate ia elected to the T h r e e ftw e tn r* I u C n n n n t l i s l l o n . will be allow ed a fter O cto b e r 1, 1899. From Benjam in Franklin. The sheriff is bigger than the court. Alaskan dispute. It is very differ­ position of road supervisor, and re­ W . W. H A YE S, AT THE h e n you are sick, what yon like beat ia C onnty Treasurer. We will now answer briefly his ent from her former demands. fuses to serve it that capacity, he to "W b e chosen for a m edicine in the first Canada gives up much of the dis­ ether statements. He savs wo once shall be fined $25 by the justice plaoe; what experience tells yon ia beat, to ¡'O K S A L E -1 4 7 Acres o f L a n d , X m ile charged "at the rate of 30 cents per I puted gold country in roturn for a court in his district, the fine money be etaoaon in the aeoonil plaoe; what reason ’ from Norway, C oos oonn ty. Known (I. e ., T h eory) aaya ia beat ia to be chosen inch for work, while for similar j seaport, but stipulates that ahe must going into the funds for the rnain- in the last place. But if you can get Dh. as.the M oC lary p lace. F o r patienlars. call work I never returned to them over i the latter beforo she agrees to ' tenance of the roads of that locality. IttcLiNATtoN, Da. E x p k sish c i and P u. R ia o n HENKY GKADY, now to hold c o n s u lta tio n to _ u e th e r , t h e y I . o ,,,, 25 cento ” We have no recollection i arbitrate tho boundary line. N orw ay. Oregon, j Svino that that, can can b e ; J n- will R iv e you the beat best advioe ICE Hume—w ith im m ediate posaensinn tak en.” of any such bill; aud even if there “ “ — for $1400.—S B « ñores inalile city lim ­ When you have a bad cold Dr. had been an over charge it would) France and Rustia May Save the Transvaal, its; Hnorea bottom laud, hnlnvce level bench, have been all right to correct it or > G ood house, larce wisalhonae, etiiokenheuae. Inclination would recommend Cham- New Y’ork, Oct. 24.—A dispatch fa ir barn. 200 frn it trees, m ostly hearing ] berlain’s Cough Remedy because it reject it. If it had been a county and first-class frn it: email fruit, also. ', . . bill tbe county court would have to the Herald from Berlin says: P len ty o f water th o year round. pleasant and safe to take. Dr. HOLBROOK, MERRILL M A C Y <£ M O O R E . Telegrams from Brussels announce sel2 lm " W M. O A L L IE K. Experience would recommend it be- | done b o , a» it often dors of bill» & S T E T S O N ............ that in the Transvnal legation cir­ cause it never fails to effect a speedy ! presented. J A N T E D —SKV E K A L B R IG H T AND A. a W IL S O N - J. C. W ILSO N . Dr. Reason Also BRIDGE A BEACH He su.ys: “Tho H erald would cles it is stated that France and H onest persona to represent c s as and permanent cure. B lacksm ith and W agonm nker P ractical M achinist. state no uhargrs.” The fact is, if Russia will not permit the annex­ M anagers in this and close by connties. would recommend it because it is S T O V E S ' — ---------- Hillary $900 a year and expenses. Straight, be couldn’t interpret the court's ation of the Transvaal and Orange bon a -fid e, n o m ore, n o less salary. P osi­ prepared on scientific principles, ’ tion iierm anent. Our reference«, any bank aud on nature's plan iu relieving the orders, tbs eourt could have en­ Free State to England. in any tow n. It ia m ainly office work co n ­ ----------------- «8 » »------ -— - lungs, opening the secretions and lightened him upon tho asking. ducted at hom e. R eference. E nclose aelf- The combined roillitary anil naval nildressed stam ped envelope. 1 ' hb D omin ­ restoring the system to a natural Wo do hear it stated that “ the law­ and any other Chica pi. M A C H IN IS T S , and healthy condition. For sale yers” any he did and had the right forces o f the United Statea iu the ion 1’ oxtrANT, E ep t. . 8, ■ V- • Philippiiips, when alt the troops by R. 8. Knowlton. to so act; so also did many of the T h e n a t i o n « ! I . s a i l 1.1*1, W agon m akers, lawyers here and at Portland say and stliigx* unw under orilera reach I t r e s t « w it h v o n w h o t k r r y o n e o n t ln o e t b « H o rsesh oers, Or any and everything their destination, will aggregate T he on ly genuine real estate paper pnb- n * r w e - k l! H n g t o b a c c o h e h l t . N O > T C --------- the county judge had the right to e ir e f o r t o b t c o o w i t isheil in A m erica. It circu lates in every r o e u m t n o e v r e v * o t u h s o . l «lo l s t r e s s e xi carried in a “swipe” $400 a year more than the more than 70,000 men and 45 war state a n d B la c k s m i t h s . in the U nion. Parties interested in t i n e , p u n f l e * t h e b l o J J I $ m nahooU salary provided by law, and tbe vessels. The last of these forces b a jh u f, satttM or Ciofcmining land m er­ ■ t o r e * ------------- First-class Hardware Store. "io«d «0.000 an d ise or oth er property w ill find what »• cu red Buy Machine work of all kinds, built new or repaired; iron and wood turning,- H erald being the only paper in the will arrive lrt Manila eaily in De­ ch J R A C fro m they want in T H E N A T IO N A L LAND ow n d rn ««l* l w ho hlncksmithing and wagon-making in all branches. county to contest and defeat it, lias cember L I S I ’. It is ja m full o f special bargains ---- vonch for n*. T»ke It with i offers o f exch a n ge Single copies by * w in . p a t i e n t l y . p o r * l a t e n t l y O n e brought down upou it tbe spite- There are 317 lawyers iu Tort- am »*. • » , u w a n lly e a r * « . S b o x e e . t S 5*. mail 10 cents. Address Tha N ational Land '• r n n t e e d t o r a r e , o r w e r e f u n d m a n r j . work anil enuiitv of the official land. [Successor» to J. J. Lamb. I v MACHINE, WAGON AND FARM VU)RK ARE SPECIALTIES L ist P ublish in g C o.,G reen B ulge, M issouri. I Cw.. tfcto a f* . Mew l a r v . Cogitili* Citjj gutaiiù HYSTERIA