li ern ia VO L. C O Q U IL L E C IT Y , O R E G O N , T U E S D A Y , 18. all of them, get disgusted from one cause or another before the senson SURGEON ANI) PHYSICIAN. E d . H kii . u . d : In an editoral under | is half over. The next year they C O Q U IL L E C I T Y , O R E G O N . the caption of “ All ¡sb a Cream­ send a little longer, nnd generally ery,” in the Baiulou Reoorderof tho | is the third year they begin attend­ I L L promptly tespoud to nil calls, j l ‘2ih iust., Mr. Green did me tho ing to the wants of their cows and d lT O f BÌKAI. ________________ honor of saying that “ I was the I settle down to business. This is fJIU E COM M LUCI AL only man on the lower river antag­ one of tho factors that anyone put­ onistic to a creamery." Ho must ting up a creamery on tho lower T h e m ost modern arranged B A H HER ; have a very poor opiuion of tho river would have to take noto of. WHOP in Coquille C ity. again, where is it to he? Of M. M. M cDonald, P ro p rie to r. ■ business capacity of the rest of tiro Then, course Mr. Green says Lampey residents. But let us exainino tho facts as creek, nnd others say Parkersburg or Bandon. Now, remember, Mr. staled by Editor Green: Well, first, T would like to know Green says “ it would greatly ben­ A t t o r n e y an d what iutorest farmers in Fishtrap efit the ranchers by reducing the C o u n s e lo r at L a w can have in a creamery in tho neigh­ freight.” I can’t, see it. If a steamer C O Q U IL L E C IT Y . O UB UO N . borhood of Lampey creek? (for I took the milk aud brought hack take it by the whole language of cans you would have to pay about H eal Fatate and Colinoti ,¡IK : i BpoetoU j. liis editorial that is where Mr. Green us much as wo do now, and the ship­ intends tho creamery to be). If I ping of butter, lugs, etc., would know anything of the geography of cost considerable nioi-o, ns there tho river, the Fishtrap folks belong would be the steamers to Coquille ^ . t t o r n s y . a t - _ i _ i 3 /w , to the upper river, that Green says and the transfer to the cars over M A K S H F IE L T ), O R E G O N . it is “ segregated” from us, besides what the Coquille creamery pays ---------------------------- having two or threo creameries al­ now. Now, I ask nothing unrea- Dealer ill U imi . K statb o f nil kinds. But let nil those who ready in this immediato neighbor­ s.iuohle. Y R T iii: C A M P , N O . 197, W O O D M E N hood to send their milk to. As for have promised to get cows and sup­ o f the W orld, m. < ts at M asonic Hull 1st and 3d M onday niuhts of each month. the “ farmers below Bandon,” who port a creamery do so, and milk for A . J . K hhbwoc Consul. are so anxious for a creamery on some creamery already iu operation G eorge T . M oulton, Clerk. the lower river, it would cost them until their novitiate is over and O U R T C O Q U IL L E , N O . 18, F O R E S T - no more to send their milk to Co­ the milk supply will justify, and era of Aiu«rica, m eets every second and fourth Thursday evening, at M asonic Hull quille than it would to Lampey then it will be in order to talk of a creek, and apropos, these same farm­ creamery and where it is to be. C oquille C ity, O regon. ,, G uo. O . L kacit , C. It. Mr. Green tries to put in a plea ers—listen to this: Coming up on H. N. L obbnz , It. S the Fawn, Mr. Craddock and my­ against concentration, and a very H A U W K 3 K L O D G E , N O . < 8 , A. F. self were talking of this creamery ignorant, lame one it is. Hnd he and A. M ., m e e t, on Bfttnrdny oveninR on or before onch fu ll m oon. V isiting breth- proposition, when a Mr. Marshall, taken the trouble to inform himself ren oorilmlly invited. from below Bandon, broke in on our he would have found that the Co­ H abbx K bibs , W . M . conversation. “ D—n creameries,’ quille creamery is under the direc­ O . W . W hite, 8 0 0 . _________ said be; “ I don’t want to bear any­ tion and management tri n president U E L A 1I C H A P T E H .N O . G, O . E. 8 .. meet* Friday evrnir r on nr before more about them; they came very aud board of directors (all promi­ each full moon at 8 o ’ clock from April 1st near taking my ranch.” nent aud practical dairymen), and to Ootober S lit , and there,aft r at 7 :" I : ntm What was the trouble? I asked. that the “ one operator” who works »noh fifteen d a y . thereafter nt 9 o'clock in “ Oh!” lie answered. “ The far­ so against the patrons’ interests, is the afternoon. . „ ,,, . . M b , . N oba A . M o E w k n , W . M . mers below Bandon put up a small under contract to manufacture a M u . J knnis K " sb , M,: o . creamery; I was one of them, and first-class article of butter (supply­ IO Q U IL L E L O D G E , NO. * 8 . 1 .O .O .F ., very soon after we started operat­ ing everything) and put it up iu J m e e t, every Saturday evenin«. v is it­ One packages ready lor shipment for ing! brethren in Hood btandiuR t'“ " 1*“ " * ing they started quarreling. wasn’t satisfied with this, nor the 2 cents per pound, and there his " J . A. S e e d , N . Q . J . S. L wvrknou , H. S. other with that, and they drew out work censes. He has nothing what­ /C O Q U I L L E E N C A M P M E N T, N O . 25. 1. one by one nnd left the whole bur­ ever to do with the selling, and iu V_^ O . O . F ., m eets every first and third den on the shoulders of one or two the spring aud fall he is working nt Thursdays in each m onth at Odd Fellows’ h a ll. Cordial invitation extended to all vis­ of ns, and it came near breaking a loss, for when tho milk supply it in g patriarchs in good stan d in g. me up.” gets below 8000 lbs per day it can’t It. E. B u c k , C. P. So much for the farmers below be manufactured for 2 cents, as I 3 . F . B outet . l , Scribe. Bandon and human nature. know full well, having seen it tried. a m ie r eb e k a h l o d g e , n o . 20 , I saw by the personals of the But then— I. 0 . 0 . F ., m eets every 2J and 4th W ednesdays in each m on th , at O dd Fal­ same paper that Editor Green had Editor G . is a dri-fTul smart man; lows’ hall. M rs . J u l it h C o l l ie r , N . G . H e’ s worked in all sorts o’places for pelf; interviewed one of the Bear creek J. s. L a w iw c t , s . Bnt consistency still was part o f his p la n -- loggers, “ who was enthusiastically Ho was true to one party—an’ that was /C O Q U I L L E C O U N C IL . NO.998 O F T H E his s elf; Fraternal Aid Association m oots the in lavor cf ‘a creamery on the lower So Editor G. 2d Tuesday evening o f each month. river.’ ” So also I was talking to Zfti h a y s, waya lie, M rs . E lla P annenmkho , Pres. another logger nt Parkersburg Lam pey creek is the place for a creamerie. D . F . D » aw . S e c .______ ______________ about a week ago and be was also W all, it’ s a roarer we’ ve got folks to tell ns “ enthusiastic for a creamery,” and The rights and the wrongs o* these m at­ ters. I vow; got quite excited over “ the way tho God send country editors, an’ other wise poor dairymen were being robbed.” M anufacturers of fellows T o drive the world’ s team when it gets in A correspondent of mine in Canada a slough. first-* is also in favor of the proposition; For Ed itor G . Th inks, thinksos he. not that any of them can do a Class The creamery'll go. if I just holler gee. creamery much practical good, but ! L owell, with a slight twist.J A ra g o , O reg on . it is as uico to have their “ enthusi­ W . H. W . astic support,” don’t you know! I J. J. L a m b , Coquille C ity; There have been poultry books Mr. Green tries to make it out SNT8:'( M ilt Lee, B andon. • im ension Shingles, $2.25 at m ill; Com- the “ I used inuendo to Rpite my printed costing fifteen dollars and n Shingles, O nly one grade o f neighbors,” but such is not the more, but there never lias been one ngles made_________________________________ at any price with more beautiful fact. If Mr. Green knew anything about colored reproductions of poultry, dairying, he would know that it is than those.found in Biggie Poultry not evoryono who keeps cows that Book, an announcement of which are dairymen—very far from it. appears in another column. The A dairyman is a man who studies paintings were made direct from both his individual cows nnd their best birds of the different breeds, Curran & Gass, P ro p rie to rs . individual needs; and also takes aud the coloring nnd characteristic care that his cows have an abundant shape of each breed are perfect. aving b o u g h t o u t t h e c v . n - As for the text, thero never was a trnl Mi nt Market,, we will be able to supply of succulent milk-producing furnish all kinds o f M eat— Beef. Mutton food. One who will not milk(V) book printed containing more prac­ and Pork, and will pay the highest cash 20 cows on a 10-cow ranch, and who tical, level-headed informatit n. Its price for beef, h oes, sheep, etc. is not of afraid the work necccssary chapters include, “Ecrgs for Hatch­ CUK11AN ,t GABS. to give them food of the right kind ing," “ Hatching the Eggs,” “ Care of 'J’h e L o n s Stas? Chicks with Hens nnd Brooders,” at the right time. Here is one instance of a so-called “ The Successful Care o f Incuba­ O. O. GILKEY, PROPRIETOR, Some time ago a rancher tors,” “ The Farmer’s Flock,” “ The C o q u i lle City, Or.— Opposite Depot. dairyman. r.aid to me: “ So you grow corn and Village Hennery;” chapters on K eeps only Pure W in es and Liquors and roots for your cows; that means lots “ Breeds,” on “ Fattening and Mar­ Fine Cigars. I don’t grow keting” and “ Diseases nod Reme­ T h o Am ericas Club W hisky is one o f the of work, doesu’t it? specialties served in thesa Clubrooms. anything; my cows have lots of dies,” with the old and new school methods of treatment. One man grass.” Best Billiard Table in Sonlliern Oregon Now, a dairyman knows that grass wrote the publishers ihat, “The in July-August is too dry to keep mottoes alone at each chapter head­ cows up iu their full tlow of milk, ing were worth the cost of the no matter how abundant, aud in the book.” Twenty thousand copies of SKILLED fall it is too weak and watery, very this admirable work have been deficient in sugar and album enoids, printed. See advertisement of The aud needs to be supplemented by Biggie Books in this week’s issue corn and roots—so you will not be of the H e r a l d . The price is 50 surprised wlien I tell you tho mau cents, free by mail; address the quoted above is one of the kickers. publishers, W’ ilmer Atkinson Co., l l - r o u n d h o r s e s h o e in g , m a n I know one man wbo is getting Philadelphia. nfacturing and repairing o f W agons >«•*-« and Farm Im plem ents, and M achinery of nearly as much milk from four cows all kinds. , r r A N T E D -S E V E K A L B R I G H T AN D as another that was milking four­ Shop— late W . D iane’ s, rear o f M essers H onest persons to represent us ns Livery Stable and opposite Coquille Phar­ teen, nnd more than half as much M anagers in this and close by counties. m acy. L. C. T H UR M A N . as another who was milking over Hoi ary $900 a year and expenses. Straight, no m ore, no less salary. Posi­ twenty, but they bad spleudid feed bona-tide, C O O S B A Y tion permanent. Our references, any bank at tho time. It’s not the number in any town. It is m ainly office work con­ of cows that a man milks that ducted at home. Reference. Enclose self- addressed stamped envelope. T he D omin ­ makes a dairyman; it is whether he ion C ompany , L e p t. 3, Chica jo. C. W. PATERSON, Prop. knows hiH cows, needs and supplies them, and it has got to be learned Capital Journal: Contractor Her M anufacturer o f M arble M onum ents, Ile a l* ami don’t you forget it. man Snook hns returned from Rose- atones. Tablets, etc. Now I would say right here that burg, where he lias completed the cem etery lota enclosed w ith atone oopinflE or curbing. Iron railings furnished to or- I am as much in favor of a cream­ Douglas county courthouse. It has d «r. Correspondence solicited from parties ery on the lower river as auyone— been accepted by the county court liv in g in the conntrv or other tow ns who Mr. tnav wish an ything in my lin e o f business. when we have enough milk to run I ns iu every way satisfactory. M abshpivvo _■________ _________ O beq one successfully! But, as I said iu Snook is well pleased w ith the treat­ H l P l ) ? S 3 : ’J , e l seer, res V I T A L I T Y my notes, that is not at present. I ment received from tho authorities Is k A L O S T V IG O R don’t thiuk the milk supply of the | and his faithful service hns not euf- IH fla lll V i a P m and M AN H O O C lower river at present would aver­ ! fered. The plans nnd specifications Cures Impottncy, Niffht Emissions ?.nd age 4000 pounds per day the season i were strictly adhered to and he wasting diseases, all effects o£ self- abuse, or excess and indis­ through, and that amount would | highly compliments the architect, cretion. A nerve tonic and have to be trebled before it would Chas. Burggraf, of this city. He W ood builder. Brings the justify anyone to put up a cream­ ! says that on the whole work he was only able to run u bill for $105 out­ pink glow to pale cheeks and ery. restores the Are of jouth ! Then, again, Mr: Green is ignor­ side of the specifications as made, [ By mail SOc per box; O boxes ant of the fnct that dairying for n and he considers it about as close for w i t h a written giiaran- creamery requires an apprentice­ an economic figuring ss can be ronde tao to euro o r refund the money, i ship. I have known only two eases by any architect. Mr. Snook snys where ranchers who have started he has made fair wages and allowed NERVITA M EDICAL C O . Clinton A Jackson Sis., CHICAGO, !LL. milking for a creamery kept right none but honest work to be done on along; most of them, in fact nearly 1 the entire job. F or sale by C oquille Pharmacy J. BURT MOORE, ■‘That Creamery Proposition- ' W C. L . M O O N , John F. Hall, M C C M HAMMACK k JAMBS, lea Cedar Slinles, Central M eat Market H LB. BLACKSMITH sEW AG O NM AKElt A U Harms n i Works - - O CTO BER NO. 14 31, 1899. Letter From Calllornia—’Irip a-Wheel and 13th, where I made arrangements to locate inv family for awhile at Sights on the Way. Morgan Hill. Br.mU.BT, Oal., Got. 18, 1899. This section abounds in orchards ; E d . H eiiald : A s I have been and vineyards. Morgan Hill is a looking around this country some of small pluce, but growing; rents are lute I thought I would give you a reasonable and full cheap, but little account of my trip. houses are scarce. I rented the Oct. 7th I crossed over to San last oue to bo had. Dr. Leneve ac­ Francisco, and after some little companied me on this trip by rail. preparation I took the Tiburon \Xa returned to Sau Jose at 3 p. m. ferrv nnd in due time was handed and in 59 minutes took a train for over to the North Pacific Coast It. It. Palo Alto aud Sau Francisco. J. It is 9 miles to San Rafael, running W. Leneve and G. A, Robinson met through three tunnels of some us ou the way nud we proceeded length. I arrived here about 6 p. together. Made a llymg trip out tn. After supper nt the Tamalpais to Stanford University. It rained hotel, I went out in search of our some meantime. 6 p.m. all aboard old neighbors, the Huanowells. I for the city, and got home in Berke­ soon found the houre, hut only ley some little after 9 o’clock. found 'Willie, now a man grown of H. I. Clinton and Mel Nichols 27 years, who is married aud hns paid me a flying visit today, while I two baby gills of 9 months and 2 was busy packiug tools to go south. years respectively. I spent tho I see old faces every now and then. evening here very plens.autly nnd Oue day looking out on a busy promising to breakfast with them street I saw Bill Hughes, an old retired to my quarters. Sunday, Coquiller; had a chat with him; an­ 8th, I diued, breakfasted aud took other day Jerry Wilson smiled on diuner at friend Hunnewell’s. The me. father, George and wife are at Val­ Now, ns it is bed time, I will say ley Fcrd, 40 miles northwest of Sail good night. Give n.y best wishes Rafael, where George is working at to all enquiring friends. This is a his trade. San Rafael is a very great country, and Oregon is all pleasant little town, lying in a nar­ right, too. Yours, as over, row valley just off of the bay. Will G. F. B oiteli - -------------- *•-*««*.-e _ and I took our wheels and spent the B e a u t y I s lt to o d D e e p . forenoon in riding around the place Clean blood means a clean skin. N o aud seeing the sights. At i p. m. beauty w ithout it. Cascarets, Candy Cathar­ wo rode out on the Petaluma road. tic clean your blood and keep it clean, by stirring up the lazy liver and driving all im ­ Will kept mo company for about purities from the body. Begin to-day to 5 miles, when lie returned and I banish pimples, boils, blotches, blackheads, that sickly bilious complexion by taking rode ou to Petaluma. The weather and Cascarets,— beauty for ten cents. A ll drug­ proved to be excessively hot, being gists, satisfaction guaranteed, 10c, 25c, 50c. ---------------- ------------------------- the warmest iu several years. It Oregon Cels a Share. was 104 degrees in Petaluma, 105 in Santa Rosa, 115 in Sonoma and Washington, Oct. 21.—Tho an­ 105 in Napa. Well, I took 3 hours to cover 18 miles by wheel, and I nual report of the chief of engin­ will give you my word it was all I eers of the army, Brigadier-General wanted. I spent the night here and John M. Wilson, just made public, until 9 next morning. I found submits estimates for river aud har­ friend Gilroy here. . He has a brand bor works already authorized bj new plumbing at d tinning estab­ congress, but not provided by con- lishment. He has been here 7 years. tiuuing contracts, amounting to Wo spent the evenifg until 11 p. m. $26,906,821. Iu addition he asks out under the hotel porch talking for $15,582,626 to carry on works already contracted for. and trying to get eool. Turning to the subject of rivers Monday, 9th, f proceeded on my wav. Petaluma is a town of about and harbors, the chief of engineers 7 ■ I, ,3 expresses satisfaction at the work­ ing of the contract system gener­ I • : ally. A summary of tho detailed m i(v estimate recommended for river and •if: A harbor work shows the following snvikt item«: Coquille river, O regon.........................$ 75,000 t Miss Frankie Hathaway, Sixteenth Street, Holland, Mich., says; One Girl Who Was Saved SPECIAL COCR8ES. chards. Some rain had fallen near Bookkeeping, Ellis system—Ele­ Niles during the night. After lo­ cating myself for the night and get­ mentary, $7.50; Intermediate, $10; ting a good supper, I went out and Advanced, $15. Short-hand, $20. Loisette Memory Training, $7. found our old townsman H. II. Nichols’ family and spent a very (This will be given as a premium on pleasant evetiug. Rain fell during certain conditions, which will be 1 the night, nnd more or less on the made known.) 12th and a good deal on the 13tb. Some of these prices may be ! The Lencves returned from the changed on nrrival of the principal; const on the 12tb, as there was too until then, address, much rain, so I did not go further, J. L. FUTRELL. Coquille City. except to go 20 miles south on the Ottawa Times, Holland, Mich. Dr. W illiam s' Pink Pills for Pule People contain, in a eomit'iisisl form, all the ile- ment.s neceesarv to liv e new life ami rich­ ness to the blond and restore shattered nerves. They are on unfailing specific for such disease, as locomotor auixia, pound paralysis, St. Vitus’ dunce, sciatica, neural­ gia, rheumutism, nervous heuduehe, the after-elf-cts of the grip, palpitation of the heart, pule aud sallow complexions, and all forms of weakness either in male or female. Or Williams’ Pink Pill« lor Pale People are new fold by the doien or hundred, but always In pack­ ages. »1 all druggists, or direct trom the Dr. Wil­ liams Medicine Compsny, Schenectady, N. t „ B0 cants per boa, U hosts $2.60. B1GGLE BOOKS , A Farm Library of unequalled value—Practical, Up-to-date, Concise and Comprehensive—Hand­ somely Printed and Beautifully Illustrated. B y J A C O B B IG G L B No. l- B K M L E HORSE BOOK All about Horses—a Common-Sense Treatise, with over 74 illustrations a standard work. Price, 50 Cents. No. 2 —RIGOLE BERRY BOOK All about (growing Small Fruits—read and learn how ; contains 43 colored life-like reproductions of all leading varieties and 100 other illustrations. Price, 50 Cents. No. 3 —BIGG LE POULTRY BOOK All about Poultry ; the best Poultry Book in existence ; tells everything ; with 23 colored life-like reproductions o f all the principal breeds; with 103 other iilustra’.iona. Trice, 50 Cents. No. 4 —BIGGLB COW BOOK All about Cows and the Dairy Business ; having a great sale; contains 8 colored life-like reproductions ofeach breed, with 132 other illustrations. Price, 50 Cents. Siuslaw riv«r. O regon........................... 50,0(0 Columbia river at the C ascades___ 150,000 Columbia and Lower W illlam ette rivers below P ortland........................ 322,464 W aterway, Puget sound to Lakes Union and W ash in gton .................... 200.000 San Diego harbor, C alifo rn ia ............ 119,400 Sau Luis Obispo harbor, C alifornia 150,000 valley, nns level and nice streets with plenty of shade, nnd is of con­ siderable size. My road into town lay through a large grain section. The courthouse is n fine structure. In addition to tho foregoing the At 2 p. m. I took the train south to following estimates are made under El Verano, 2J miles from Sonoma, the continuing contract system: on the west. The railroad to this C o l............................................... $ 180,000 point lies through a rich vineyard Oakland, San Francisco H arbor............................ 170.000 section. I saw grapes by the car­ San Pedro, C a l.......................................... 200,000 Harbor, W a sh ............................ 845.000 load and several cars at the time, Gray’s Everrett harbor. W a sh ........................... 150,000 and saw acres enough to make quite Sacramento river,C al........ t .................. 60,090 a county. I rode over to the old These sums are estimated for the town of Sonoma; rode around the Coquille and Coos rivers, inland, to plaza; found the town very dull, but improve aud protect navigation: roads very good. My stay was Coquille river, between C oquille City and M yrtle P o in t......................$ 19,960 short, as I had 184 miles to cover 1,500 from the road to Napa. The day Coos riyer..................................................... * - . . -— .— was quite warm, but I managed to ■ I n , , i d P r e v e n t C r o u p . rule fast enough to make n circu­ Wo have two children who are lation of air sufficient for my needs. subject to attacks of croup. When­ This part of tho road is somewhat ever an attack is coining on my wife hilly and heavy. gives them Chamberlain’s Cough I find Napa a busy place. There | Remedy aud it always prevents the are several industries here, the attek. It is a household necessity grape figuring in a large scale. in this country and no matter what This place also has nice streets and else we run out of, it would not do abundance of shade, and if anyone to be without Chamberlain’s Cough doubts there being aud wheels used Remedy. More of it is sold here in tlieso towns just come and see. than of all other cough menicines I left, here on the 10th, and after combined.—J. M. N iokle , of Nickle an 18-mile spin I brought up in Bros., merchants, Nicklovillc, l ’a. Valejo. Hnd not been off inv wheel For sale by It. S. Knowlton. — *•► - 00 seconds, when who should come H ow A r e Y o u r K idney» t nlong but E. Pannenberg. “ No” Ur. Hobbs’ Sparagns Pills euro nil kidney Ills. Sam­ would not be taken for an answer, ple free. Add. Sterllu« Remedy Co., ChicaKO or N. Y. so I took dinner with the family, and hud a nice visit, but short, ns I was crowded for time. After say­ ing good-bye, I lmd a visit to the UjE have succeeded in inducing a navy yard, on Mare Island, and ** Normal Teacher to assume prin- viewed the improvements. There cipalship of the Institute. So there is a drydock under wav, designed will be a for tho largo croft of the navy. At NORMAL DEPARTMENT, 4:25 p. m. I got away on tho ferry, Enabling all desiring to prepare and as it was too late to wheel to Berkeley I took the train at Valejo themselves for teachers to do so Junction and rodo into Oakland at without the extra expense of going G p. m., when I rode home, uearly away, also of supporting homo insti­ 7 miles, in a regular gale of wind tutions and helping to build up their which was tho forerunner of our own part of the country. The Primary anil Intermediate rain. On the 11th, nt 11 :15 b . m., started Departments correspond exactly with for San Jose, S. L. and J. W. Leneve the public school grades, using same having left at 8 in company with I studies, but we hope for them to G. A. Robinson They were to go j make batter advancement, to Santa Cruz, I to follow later. A j Then there is the four years’ Col- run of 69 miles in 4 hours aud 50 i lege Course. Expenses— Tuition, about $3.25 to minutes brought me into Sau Jose by wheel. My road was along large 1 89 per term. Board, about $2.50 to grain fields and vineyards, also or­ $3 per week. “ I am twenty-one years old, at sixteen I \»as pale and weak. By the time I was nineteen years old I was so weak I could not walk across the floor. I was ter­ ribly emaciated and my skin had lost all color. The doctor pro­ nounced the disease ameruia. Being advised to try Dr.Williams’ Pink Pills for Pale People, I bought a box, and before I had taken all o f the pills found that they were doing me good. Appe­ tite increased and the healthy color began to show in my cheeks and lips. I continued to use the pills until I found myself perma­ nently cured. Since then I have had no return o f my old trouble. I know that Dr. Williams’ Pink Pills for Pale People saved my life and I believe that no other med­ icine could have done it.” — From No. 6 —BIQQLB SW INE BOOK Just out. All about Hogs—Breeding, Feeding. Butch­ ery, Diseases, etc. Contains over 80 beautiful half­ tones and other engravings. Price. 50 Cents. TheBIGGLE BOOKS are unique,original,useful—you never saw anything like them—so practical, so sensible. They ore having an enormous sale—Bast. West, North and South. Every one who keeps a Horse, Cow, Hog or Chicken, or grows Small Fruits, ought to send right away for the BIGGLB BOOKS. The FARM JOURNAL Is vour paper, made for you and not a misfit. It is 22 years old, it is the great boiled-down, hit-the-nail-on-the-head,— quit-after-you-bave-said-it, Farm and Household paper in the world—the biggest paper o f its size in the United States o f America—having over a million and a-half regular readers. Any ONE o f the BIGGLE BOOKS, and the FARM JOURNAL l YEARS (remainder o f 1 S 99 1000 1901 , 1902 and 1903 ) will be sent by mail o any address for A DOLLAR BILL. Sample of FARM JOURNAL and circular describing BIGGLE BOOKS free. i WILMER ATKINSON. CUAS. F. JENKINS. A $65.00 M ach in e For Address. IF A R M JO U RN AL PHILADELPHIA Tho improved Mew Hiflb-Ar.'n J ftrlip.Gton” Ihreafir-B 3 8 ^ 9 Cash will) Order and Coupon with nil kind* of thread and allclsTsjtsof n deriiil. Always ready for me and unrivalled •ual- ‘ peed, dm ability ; the fol- lowing pi iuta ot super.on'jr* i patent socket hinges, firmly heliUdown by o thumb ic “ Arlington’ ’ se ,.mc in dcsiffu. end beautifully ornamented tn gold. Lmtantial, nent mi ,,r countersunk, making it flush wish top ul lahle. d o d c - m e n nnd bed pUttf lias round i :,y. i-icliCT high and y inches long. This wilt admit tl-4 k e under the arisi rüghv&t Arm—^ • tj’.iiMs. It Ifi •1! threading -Ab hit» Iv no h< • s to put thierd through Urpcst Lkiit i, ami even c Shuttle i < • 1 |rr noetton end, entirely relf-thi ending, easy to put in or except r y -i o f needb of thV* 1. 5tllch Regulator Is on the bed o f the machine •ak e i l t ; 1> A .bin h Is a k»rge arum scale allowing the number of stitches to the inch, and can tndcr, and ha beneath the bobbi be chVnged'from 8 to :j 2 stitches to the inch. Feed is double and extends on ‘ ‘ s S' uever fails to U ke qoods thiough never atom at seams; » » y « ? * » * A » J ¿LEM !!!?V* bieak ami get out 01 order; ran ' • mi ed andlowered at will. Antnmatk Bobbin Wind«r Fo. tilling the o lbbin automaticil'y nnd perfectly smooth without holding the thread. M achine^doe* not run while winding hoi »bin. Light Running-Machine is easy i .f t i n t . ator. «lakes m ile noi.r ami , ;.MIy. Klllch is . ock stitch. Ihr •rill not rav J nnd • m be change 1 without slopping the machine. T ension is a flat spring ten­ don. and w.ft admit thread from < to IM .po ,1 cotton with »«it changing Never gets out of order. t he Needle is a strai-bt. s b- ti ;.' need!»-, fl-.t on one side, ami cruuiot put in wrong. Needle Sur is tonud, made -.1 < me bmd» ned • uH , with o.l cup at the bottom to y i e v e n t *‘ " 3 ,n the *o< Is. Adlus'M !* r rin g - ’ !1 l -amiga ate rr».- hardened steel and easily »si motion enn be tatceu up. and the machine will last a lifetime with n screw driver. A 1 i l< hirnis’i» i w ith jiect v .uy loolsand access»>rios, and in addition we Attachment*— Lat. Ii jv.*r lined tuftal !»’ '< . frt’< ? of charge, as foil»m : One cliine?il3 in a vc tur” i -Ii ,vi extra , sei ' I » ■rr.lTte oi,*- *; t of I omi hcimtu *s, different, widths tip •lííb-r id Y nnil-r f-ii.M-r >h, ,l ,-r ntlnrhn.«.;l fiiM. i , tu 1 lhr,.,d tvoiikct W ifnnt, y -In» » < r and drawers nickel pla’. td rings o d w o 'k ' f fi wUPIUPW h H , and device for replacing licit, ftr.i'jjT n * v MICH FP.lf.C3 FOR F ’ l Y WRFCTLY PF MWUFACTU^Ers JN0 D'wK * lA I itWIN.O MACHINES U J I SAVE AGENT'S AND Dt'-LCR o PR0TITS 5 2 3 . 5 0 Is our S fid ili Wholesale Price, but • o o t r > r > * C f ! G R E A T OTFF R. ••rniir\.-.g machine, we make a special cm* in order to bit reduce thii h • 1. Coupon J i ma- r.oii off' r, giving « very render of this paper a chance to get a lit U-c No 2 0 7 0 A np< cipt o f $ 18 .5 0 c**h t r offered nt the J'nntl icV v tibed in wc will «dir a y*are’ written warranty sent w Ith s /(“presented after thirty days’ test each machine. I-loi i ll nrivilegeof tw*n».v days’ trial cn \ If vtlt v -'ll order A ttia! V. c wi Mdp id c lia r f*. If yon prefer thirty -I fail receipt o f f'l.OO es a • fo r A ilin flto .i x iflustrat 1 catalogue with tr»t(* • ria «lay*’ b<-f :e p-< f Seeing*■ach”” * w hip s* whig m; chines anywhere to any* moni -.h, cxpb.i-ih rices without a* king one c^nt in advance. no . 5 ?. n j Otic at the l'W “ 1 >11 then save the $1.00 dim* rash i ' Th? 1». st p an - «»• on mu st be >ent with con"». He tcm'->er ””$5.110 5