c iii] a deceptive ill sesie— | 181b«. dry granulated su“ Ma- ducted at the home of Mr. aud Mrs. druggists * " - sizes. *— hod ic nail last Saturday n ig h t---- in fifty — ‘ * and * dollar __ _ cent WAS Manufacturers of The H erald is prepared to do jo b : R E G U L A R T R A I N 'S J . L. Roy on the river above town. 8»mpie bottU b j' mall free, aleu Liamphlet a pleasant affair, but hardly as well And Dealers in printing in the best oiyle. j you how to find out if you 1 o n d a y s , W e d n e sd a y s an d v b i H A RN ES«. There wire 50 to tiO invited guests, ney trouble. *°° Uow ‘° and °ctif »out»ve kid- patronized as it should have been, Address, days will run as follows: Nine pounds good roast Coffee Dr. Kilmer A Go., Binghamton, N. Y. owing to the audience entertained frieuds of the families of ttie bride Leave I Arrive be c o m p e t in g w it h oata - , . . , , . * 8.00 a. m. I Marshfield 12.30|i. in. ■ fm $1 at George Robinson’s. loans linns and make the following ! and (¡r o o m , to witness the pleastug ou the street by tbe Quaker Medi­ Arrive “ | Leave „ _ reposition: Bend in catalogue | event, ‘----------- o._, --------- -------------- The bride, Miss Hulda O. cine Co. minstrels. However, the Death of “ W ash" Hermann. Gns Hauscom arrived last week description or goods desired, with name of 9 .3 0 “ I COQU1LLE C ITY 11.00a.m . 10.00 4‘ I Myrtle Point 10.80 “ literary program was pleasing, and Do you get up with a from the sound country in Wash- firm—NO EXCEPTIO N —and we will dup­ Roy, was beautifully and appropri­ licate both goods and prices (less freight) ately attired, and never looked head ache? then followed strawberries and Word came by telegraph to tbe j ington. aud a good many times beat this. Ia there a had taste in ANNOUNCEMENTS. Our stock is complete. Nothing in the more charming; and the groom is family and friends of W. P. Her­ cream and cake. your m outh? 18 tbs. of Western Refinery Dry HARNESS OK LEA T H ER LIN E but n favorite in ibis Valley, and ap­ mann at Myrtle Poiut last Thurs­ The program was short, and as Then you have a poor wo handle, or cun manufacture on peared every way worthy of the Tb» service anil program under | Granulated Sugar for $1, at Geo. what, appetite and a weak digea- day, informing them of tbe ac­ follows: Opeuiug soug, “Blest be slior! not loe. * tlon. You are frequently the nuspices of the Imliea of tlie : ( A. Robinson's store. Would call special attention to oaf line of hand and heart of the lovely young cident which had befallen Mr. H. the tie tbat binds;” recitation, “Are dizzy, always feel dull and lady whom he had won. Rev. C. at Flagstnfl, Arizona, ou tbe 27th, You an Odd Fellow”—Lilly Way; Presbyterian cliuroli will take place j Sick headache, fulness in stom­ SADDLES. S H E L F GOODS, drowsy. You have cold BUGGY and DRAFT HARNESS, A. Stiue of this city officiated. occasioning his death. Mr. Her­ recitation, “ The Wedding Fee”— at the Cbristinu church next Suu- ach, pain iu bowels. Hudyau cures. handa and feet. You get COLLARS, LINES, WHIPS, etc. day evening at (piarler to 7 o'clock All druggists, 50 cents. but little benefit from your MAIL ORDERS receive the same atten­ There were many handsome pres­ mann was supervisor of the Grand Mrs. F ry ; recitation, “A Contrast” food. You have no ambition A delicious dinner — having been postponed from last tion as though th e ‘ purchaser was present. ents bestowed. For sale—Or exchange for grow­ Repair work sent on boat or train promptly was served under the grove, where Canyon forest reserve, with office — Emma Sherwood; recitation, to work and the sharp pains Sunday evening. at Flagstaff, and a telegram repre “Jacky’s Fieee”— Mary Hall; reci­ of neuralgia dart through ing cattle or milk cows—a good, attended to aud returned. QUARTERLY MEETINGS. your body. Handle BICYCLES, and can also the ceremony was enacted, and sented that he had been fatally tation by Grace Skeeh; dialogue, geutle and sound Biugle driving the whole affair was more like a give you best bargains going What is the cause of all burned by tbe explosion of a lamp “The Rival Orators”— B a il Steele Presiding Elder H. S. Shangle, horse; R. D. Hanford, Coqnille, in the whoel line. this trouble? fairy scene than an act of real life. the night preceding. It was sup­ and Julius Jacobson; recitation, of the M. E , south, will conduct Oregou. Constipated bowels. f-iTSend for prices and catalogue. The H erald joins the host of posed he w^Dt to sleep and left the "Columbia Crum”—Lena Fairman; quarterly meetings iu Coos county The Quaker Medicine Co. orator friends in well wishes. lamp burning, and it exploded, set­ recitation, ‘‘Kentucky Philosophy” as follows: and a negro character deliuentoi The Herald is hurried out this — Nellie Fairman. ting fire to the beddiug. Fish trap, July 6. (Bandon Recorder. I gave open air entertainments sev­ “ Wash” Hermann, ns he was Then followed refreshments nnd North Fork, July 8 and 9. issue to giue all hands at Dyer Leneve, formerly in the familiarly known to us, was a prom­ a social time. The Misses Fair- Myrtle Point (at night), July 9. eral aveuiugs past to large audi­ drug busiuess at Port Orford and least part of the holidag. ences. inent and popular upper-river citi­ man were new to ns, and their Fire-Crackers at the Berlin who moved to Eugene last spring, zen, a brother of Hon. B. Her­ recitations out of the usual line, Mrs. Ilersey has just received a EOCAL IT E M S. has returned to Port Orford. * mann, commissioner of the general but exceedingly well given and large assortment of Sailors, which, Sto«e. Revs. Holt, of Portland, Gillespie, land office at Washington, D. C., and well received. owing to delay, she will sell at a Additional locals on 2d page. 20 lbs. Rice for $1 at Geo. of Marshfield, and Ennis of Bandon whs holding tho position of super­ discount. Also Children’s ready- Robinson's. departed for Wedderburn last Tues­ visor of the U. S forest reserve in Corvallis Flour $3.50 per hbl. at A friend nt Marshfield baa called trimmed Hats at cost. [ -t* Mrs. Johu Johnson, of the North day. They will organize a Presby­ Arizona at the time of the accident. as to task for the criticism of a the Fair Store. * Dan Bnrklow, of Myrtle Point, Fork, visited friends here Inst Sat­ terian church. Deceased was born at Cumberland, remark in a late issue of the Sun, Just received, a new line of gents’ Steamboat Inspectors Edwards Md., Dec. 2, 1848, and arrived in wherein tbe musical fraternity of ladies’ and children’s Tanned Shoes has associated himself with Mar­ urday. Dr. Moore, of the Coqnille Phar­ and Fuller have sent word tbat Coos county, Or., June 1, 1859— other towns in tho connty were at Geo. A. Robinson’s store. * tin & McLeod in the hack line from this place to Roseburg and they will be here July 6th or 7th ono of the pioneers of this valley dubbed “lop-ears,” aod the H erald will give you prompt relief Lyons’ mill shut down last F r i­ return. No trouble will be experi­ macy, left last Friday for San and will go to Rogue River after and served against the Indians in laid tbe responsibility of tho fling and certain cu re. Francisco. He took his pet deer day at noon to give all hands n enced on this line now. at tbe door of Jesse Luse, the completing their business on this tbe early struggles of tbe settle­ with him. N ot * ra w Maad f t n . whack at the Glorious 4th. ment of this valley. His home editor. Our friend writes: “I river. • If you have neglected your W. C. Chase, son-in-law of our A cook stove, a heating stove, case a long tim e, you had Heartburn, coated tongue, bad Mr. anil Mrs. W. Rich, is exppeted The schooner Mizpah Bailed into is on the South Fork of Coquiile had to say something with refer­ both nearly new, and other furni­ better take river, near Myrtle Point, where his ence to that quotation Hbout ‘lop- brcr.tb, coustipatiou. Hudyau home tomorrow from Ann Arbor, ture for sale— inquire at H erald the river from San Francisco last family is now—tho widow and her bars’ that originated with that ftqcr’s sam turllU cares. All druggists, 50 ceuts. Monday. Sho was not sold Mich., where bo has spent three office. was anticipated this trlj), aud it is children bereft of one who was pragmatical skuuk, Tom Barrv. Miss Minnie Morria, now of Pros­ years at the law school. Mrs. Chase also. It will remove all F ob R e n t — A n ea t 2-acre home understood that she will be tied up their stay and protec'ioh, so ruth­ Certainly you are well aware of the per, came up last Tbnrsday aud will join him on the bay und return Impurities that have been lessly toru from their lore. fact that I was quoting the Mail. in Coquiile. New house, fruit and accumulating in your blood as she is too small to make it pay then took the train for the bay to with him. The body of deceased is expected Far be it from me to intentionally and will greatly strengthen shrubbery, and chance for garden if carrying lumber such a distance Visit. your n erves. * Mr. Adams, late of Portland, but taken at once- Capt Geo. Leneve moved his at once.faDd will be buried at the reflect ou worthy citizens.” The Miss Irma Lukens, teacher of now stopping on the lower river, MM* tho M a r . family burying gronud on tbe H erald is well aware tbat very Thero mar b-j something abnot family to Coquiile the foreptt of D. C. Raudleman, of Parkers­ the Fairview school, returned home left a Mauser rifle with Mr. Rich a your cat« you 4 o not qaite nnderw - a few citizens of Marshfield held banks of the loved Coquiile. stand. Writ« th« doctor freely: tell• J Saturday for a few days’ vacation few flays for inspection by the burg, visited the county seat on this week, where they will reside in sueh opinions of tbeir neighbors him how you are suffering. Tow business yesterday. Mr. R. is one thefuture. Cupt.Lenevo is now mas will promptly receive the oyer the holiday season. Death of Mrs- Tacy E. James at Sumner- and believed that the Sun editor medloàl advice. Address, curious. It is one of four captured of Coos county’s best citizens. ter of the Antelope and the boat j £ ISr. J. C. Ayer, Lowell, Mast. clothed the|expression injquotations Mrs. Mauley liarklow, of Myrtle from the Filipinos aud sent to will hereafter run between hero and Ed. H e r a l d : Mrs. Tacy E. C l o s in g S a l e s —To close this for one of two reasons, as our cor­ Poiut, is reported to ho dangerously Portland by soldier friends. season’s Millinery, the Berlin Coquiile, leaving Coquiile every James, wife of C. B. James, died at respondent thought ol us—either ill, and her baby, born lust Thurs­ Capt. VV. C. Harris, of Sumner, Store will offer all the Ladies’ morning nnd departing every day Sumner, at the home of her son, from ignorance or vicionsncss. treasurers Notice. day, died the same hour. came over on business yesterday, Trimmed Hats at reduced prices. * from Bnudon at 1 o’clock p. m. Capt. W. C. - Harris, Wednesday, Our friend is aware that strictly Foil R ent — House and four lots ; his first visit iu two years. He was A few months since, when June 28, 1899, of heart failure. tbe expression is a quotation nt otic is is hereby given t h a t The steamers Fulton, from Port­ freight rates via Coos bay to N ' comity warrant No. 611), for if500. anil near Christiau church. Two good j pleased at the improvements that Deceased’s maiden name was Tacy any rate, sod ns there was no refer­ endorsed November 16. 1898, nnd comity land, and Empire, from San Frau- garden lot« in bottom, and small or­ showed upon nil sides. He is also Coquiile were cut to $2.50 per ton, E . Saltzraan, and she was born ence to th e'U ail, from which the wnrraiit No. C63, .'or $250, and endorsed chard of good fruits ou bench lots. a fixture at Sumner, in running cisco, brought large quantities of it was generally expressed here Oct. 3, 1830; was married to Wm. general public can expect anything, December 7, 1898, will be pnid on presenta­ nt my otHce ia Coquiile City, Coos Apply at this office. * his steamer to and from Marshfield merchandise and mixed freight that tho move would appeal to Harris iu 1849, who died Nov. 4, we did not know but that it was a tion conntv, Oregon. No interest will be allowed for this section last week. after Juno 26,1899. W. W. HAYE8. the purses of shippers and have the 1887. In 1894 she was married to common expression in local Blum The Methodist (south) parson­ and extensive dairying interests. County Trea«urerof Coos county. T h a n k s . — The undersigned de­ effect of driving the Hernster from C. B. James, who survives her. circles against the Coqnille vnlley age has been much improved the We learn that the old school past few days iu tho way of ad­ properties have been sold, or are at sire to return sincere thanks to the this run, and then freight rates Mrs. Jamps had been for many people iu unrticular, aud might lie ditions, repairs and finishing. Rev. least about to be, at private sale. many friends and neighbors who would immediately advance. As years a consistent member of the bandied with equal propriety by A ny person or Mr. Fitch can drive a nail himself. Until reliably informed ws will so kindly ministered during tho these opinions are now realized, Christian church, nnd died in tho Barry or Jess. We know, too, our there are many who are truthfully faith of tbe gospel. She leaves friend did not personally moke any persons cutting on or remou- sickness and death of Mrs. Tacy E. Mr. and Mrs. T. J . Downing, who make no further statement as to Jam es at our home at Sumuer. saying “I told you so.” four sons ami three daughters such application, for it is not his ing Chittim Bark from the were visiting at J . J . Stanley's at price realized or party purchasing. behind tier, who were her children disposition toward people merely C . B. J a m e s , this place from Gold Hill, Jackson The hoard has disposed of the bell, Johnson Bro’s Creditors have by Mr. Harris, besides many grand­ ‘‘not of our set;’’ nnd it seems Jesse Southern Oregon Company's W. C. H a r r i s , too, we understand, nt Gravel county, for several days, returned .forced them to close tbeir books children also, who mourn her loss did not use the expression, for he land, without being duly au­ aud Family. homei^rd yesterday. The son, Ford. There are many good desks against all creditors. But don’t to them. She was a kind wifeaDd swiuging around the circle'' B a n d o n R e c o r d e r : W e e r e in ­ and seats yet to bo disposed of. yon forget It, they are In the mar­ tnflrtier, and a ijrn nit mother very at the time abet off the tripod, W e thorized, will be prosecuted Joe, wq| remain. formed on gcod authority that in ket for cash. * dear to the little ones who were excase yoa, Jess. according to law. Rev. Enuis will preach at the Several neat posters were put n recent personal interview with Christaiu church next Sunday—his out the past few days for celebra­ Spreckels, of San Francisco, an in­ F o r S a l e —In Bandon, one of made mourners by Death's rude regular appointment. The hour tion and ball purposes. The fluential liusii ess man of Marshfield tbe choicest locations, a pleasant summons. Her presence will be It rests with you whether you continue ‘ ***_ — ■■ Any person furnishing suffi­ tobacco habit, « O - T O - I J f H M preceding the night service will friends at Haudolph quickly con­ was told that iu case Spreckels home, now, uuique in style, and greatly missed here in this life, but D*rve-kllling remove» the d-sire for loluco, cient evidence for the recovery out nervous dial roes ex pels U hihA I I be occupied with a nice program cluded to celebrate and arranged a .came in full control of the Graham with a splended view of the town she will occupy a place in many tine, purifies tbo blood, I k u of hark so taken will bo given •tores lost m&nhood, .^rfral ■ B boxes of service and song. All ere in­ good program, with a basket din- rty lle would undoubtedly be- and ocean. Sheltered from the minds and loving hearts for long In makes you atrong I ■ | AWj^flold «00 000 one-half of tho bark recov­ health, nerve^qflflTW jj cureiL buy nCI*. At niyllt fl pJlflDQ Lall was to j j gin „ 5 ,^ wnrjr nn the xailroad rnilrrmrl to fn Rose­ ’Rruao- north winds. For particulars, ap­ yenrs to come. vited. and pocket^*fT\aSk',i T O U AC from ered. work on i^ y o u r own druggist, who The funeral services were con­ clcse the day’s proceedings. The, burg. Spreckels also stated that the ply to tbe H e r a l d . [tf M m G fT^«^wlIl vouch for us. Tuke It with * will,patiently, peralstcntly Ono Hotel Coquiile is full-fledged H erald leads in the printing line. ducted by the writer of this, using t>ox.*l. usually euros; 3 boxos. •? 60, SOUTHERN OREGON COMPANY. coast terminus of that road would, «mar«nrcod to euro, or wo refund money. 8. F. Chronicle: Mrs. Margaret fora text Mntt. 5th chapter and 8th now in the hands of its new pro­ Sterling Remedy to., Ckleage, ■oalrwaJ, New fort. prietor, John Curren, and has a Our baby has been continually for various reasons, be located at Bolger lias sued the Blanchard com­ verse, and we laid her body to rest good paironnge. Within a few troubled with colic and cholera some poiut ou the Shy below Era* pany for 20,000 damages for the in the Sumner cemetery, her spirit death of her husband, William going to God, who gave it. days newffurnitnre will he received infantum since his birth, and all | pire. v-^W —------ • ■<»»■<----------- Bolger, who was a seaman on the and ploced, and the public served that wo could do for him did not C. A. S tin e . Edncxito Your Bowel* With CascnretB. as never before. seem to give moro than temporary Candy Cathartic, euro constipation forever. steamship Alice Blanchard. On Manufacturera of relief, until we tried Chamberlain's 10c, 25c. If C. C. C. fail, druggist« refund money. May 12, 1899, while tbe crew were LUE WANT to trade 220 acres good G. A. Blomfield, of Silver, Colic, ----- -- -*♦*•----------- setting the foresail, an iron band Cholera aud Diarrhoea fanning land in the best loca­ First- Okouagon couuty, Washington, ar­ Remedy. Siyeo giving that remedy (Myrtle Point Enterprise.) fell from the foremast nnd struck tion as to school and market in Ne­ rived last Friday, via Portland and ho has not been troubled. Wo The work of fencing the city him on the head, fracturing hiB braska, cither for a farm, town prop­ Class Marshfield. Mr. B. is prospecting want to give vou this testimonial as cemetery has been completed. skull. He died ou the same day. erty or stock of goods in Coos county. A r a g o , O re g o n . TH E this locality for a location for him­ an evidence of our gratitude, not ------------ »«*»>■« *--------- ------------- n # » «------------- F . Long, proprietor of the Co­ self and brother, and will likely that you need it to advertise your quiile City harness shop, was in T o C a r e C o n s t ip a t io n F o r e v e r * Program for Sunday Evening, July 9th. fake Cascarcts Candv Cathartic. 10c or 25o. Am ivtb * i ®eo* Robinson, Coqnille City; work here during tbo summer to meritorious remedy.—G. M. Law, If C. C. C. fail to cure, druggists refund money. A o u N T S . | Milt Lee, Bandon. Myrtle Point Wednesday making Dimension Shinples, $2.15 At mill; Com­ become acquainted with the con­ Keokuk, Iowa. For sale by R. S arrangements preparatory to open­ At Christian church, at 6:45 p. m.: mon Hhingles, $1.40. Only one grade of ditions of this sootion before per Knowlton. M A I H U F .n . Music. Shingles made. ing a branch store at this place. I S REM O VED B back - F lickinoeh —At Albany. Or., by Rev. maneutly locating. W .J.F e n to n , Juno 25, 1899,rau iel Brack, R. L. Wagner has purchased the Scripturo reading...........R. E. Buck Charles Berdan, mother and TO THE Prayer. of Cooa county, and Miss Ada FI ioki ucer, Bob Dean’s little daughter, Etta, city meat market business of E. E. Notice of Final Settlement. of Albany. * Music. NEW and COMMODIOUS came near getting badly hurt last daughter, from Oceanside, Cal., Sherwood, nnd will hereafter con­ -R oy —At the home of the bride's Recitation.......................... Tillie Long E llingson O TICE is hereby pivon that the nnder Friday. While trying a horseback nrrived in Coqnille City by yester­ duct the same. parents, Mr. and Mrs. J . L. Roy, near signed, the executor of the estate of Reading of references. Coquille City, July 2, 1889, by Rev. 0 . A. ride in the yard, the animal passpd day’s train to locate. Mr. B. will Jr.mes McNanghton (deceasedj, lifts filed RED FRONT. Max Dixon, who has been attend­ Stine, Arthur El!inf.sou and Miss Uulda Mdsic. t under a clothesline, while the latter seek employment, either in steam- his final account in the county coart of the O. Roy. ing the Drain Normal School for boating or lumbering, both of Paper...................................... Mr. Mast state of Oregon for Coos county. stretched aud caught the child That on the 2d day of June, 1899, said DORN. nbout the thront and sawed through which callings lie is experienced the past eight months, roturned to Recitation............................ Cora Burns coart mnde and entered an order fixing Solo.....................................Tillie Long M c G offin —In Coqnille City, Jnne 30, 1899, Wednesday the 5th day of July at 10o'clock the skiD, besides bruising the flesh in. He bad a letter of introduction this place Monday. to Mr. and Mrs. Jam es McGoffin, n son. in tho forenoon of said day, at the oounty Jas. Buell and family left Wed­ Recitation........... Nellie Fairman considerably. She waB rescued from Alva Nosier, son of our Elder H unt —At Myrtle Point, June 27, 1899, to judge’s office in the conrthonse at Coqnille W. H. Nosier, with whom he is Music. nesday by private conveyance for Mr. and Mrs. W. Hunt, a son. City, Coos conntyf Oregoiij ns the time and and saved from more serious injury. well acquainted—and tho H erald the state of Washington, where place for the bearing of said final ncoonnt, Benediction, and the settlement of said estate and the n il-:» . Rev. C. A. Stine performed a frequently fell into bis hands and they will probably make their objections thereto, if any J amka —At Stunner, Jnne 28. 189!), at the DR. DARRIN**0F PORTLAND. marriage ceremony Sunday near favorably impressed him with pros­ future home. Dated this 2d day of Jnne, 1899. AND NOW FO R residence of her Son, Onpt. W .G. Harris, F . M ns FOBD. noon at Mr. Roy’s—that of Arthur pects here. Mrs. Tnoj E. James, wife of O. II. Jurace, Execu torof the estate Joins Died, at Imusdale, Cal., June 22, of Jam es McNangh- «ceil 68 veer«, 6 months nnd 25 days, Ellingson and Miss Hnlda O. Roy ton ( deceased.) I ! B A R G A I N S 11 Jap Yoaknm, manager of the 1699, Dr. H. ^ Flentge, aged 65 One of the Well-Known Drs. Darrin to H bbmanm —At Flegataff, Arizona, Jnne 27, — and then took tho steamer Dis­ Visit Coquille, Oregon. years. Dr. Flentge, was well nnd 1899, W. P. Hermann, of Myrtle Point, Porter mill on the bay, yesterday patch for RivertoD, where be con­ Or., aged 50 yoare, 5 months nnd 25 days. favorably known at Myrtle Point, ducted the baptism by immersion brought over a snrveving crew, having been n practicing physician | Through the request of many in Funeroa—At Imnadaie, Cal., Jan e 22, 1899, with L. A. Whereat of the C. B.-R. ST A T E Dr. H. Flentue, aged 65 years. of J o I id F. Leggett, a young con­ here from 1887 to 1891, and waa 1 this vicinity, one o f th| 'Celebrated vert, and then preached at night. railroad in charge, to lay ont a | the father of Mrs. N. G. VV. Per­ ! Drs Darrin havo bçen prevailed W anted — Middle-aged woman, without j upon to visit Coquille', "Ut, and will children, to take charge of a bonne on a Next Sunday Rev. Stine will occupy road from the mouth of Conning- kins of this place. | lmve his office at the Hptel Coquille, ranch for wages. Fonr to cook for, till the Presbyterian church at Marsh­ ham creek, connecting with the Arrivals by the Fulton Ja n e *29 July 5th to 20th. Thoso wishing to fall: then only two. Address, ___ n field, by invitation, morning and railroad and liver at this point, to G bouok F arrier , the heavy timber section four or from Portland: G A Bonfield, M t b . consult the doctor will find it fo night Denmark, Carry county, Oregon. five miles up that stream and tow. Cooley, J A Hotton, Mis. Stephen- their advantage to call oh him while Supervisor Hudson assures us ard Sumner. Track will he laid son, D II Hai risen, Miss Harrison, here. Oregon Coal & navigation Company '•pKAININO SCHOOL FOK TEACHKKH. that the road at Bollock mountain, at once aod one or more logging Mrs. Harrington, H G Wright, 8 1 NEW BUILDINGS, Dr. Darrin has made an enviable Agenty. NEW DEPAUTMENTB, sc long a source of just complaint, camps opened. Right-of-way was C Johnson, L H Arnesoo, Albert record for cures of long-standing t ------------ UNOHADKD COUNTRY SCHOOL WORK. and yet so peculiarly located aa finally secured I a it week. Ja p is a Johnson, I Chandler, Wm Cband- disease. E mpire C itt , Oregon, June 22,1899. hardly to be bettered with present well known rustler, hence we re- ier, J P Blunt and N M Singleton. a r 6 u 3 .via.tee B e o u r e O o o d F o s l t l o n a . h e f o l l o w in g d e s c r ib e d un - The doctor makes ft specialty of claimed freight, having been in pos­ Strong courses, well-equipped Training Department. Normal Coarse quickest and b«Et facilities, is cow in good condition, port progress. The relatives of Wm. Page, J . treating diseases by electricity, by session of this company for over three <3) way to State Certificate. Expense for sear from $120 to $160. Board, $2.50 to $3 per There never was a better spot in H. Giles and Geo. Mnllen, of tl this which tunny cases of long standing months, will be sold for freight and storage week. Tuition. $6.25 per term of 10 weeks. Fsli terra begins September 19th. Sum­ which to test road-making with our | The Bandon Recorder has been place, received letterB from them have been relievod and permanently charges according toJaw, by public auction, mer term, June 27-Sept. 1. For catalogue, addreae, P. L . C A M PB ELL, President. on the wharf of the Southern Oregon Com­ timber materials for road-bed and pressed to make some pretty hard Thursday, the first they have had cured. pany, Empire City, Oregon, on the comments regarding the wavering, clearing out aod drainage. But since last fall when tbe Miziwh, 20th Day of July, 1899, Consultation ia free, and should n u r*H « h le su p p o rt piven to steam- we need a “^ortableTnw m U i for The ers at tbe hour of one o'clock p. ra. from H ad Prancwco to this the little ecbooDer on which they there be a case tant is incurable, the Goods are marked as follows work river by those in this valley who went north, returned. They are at patient will be told immediately, A. B. Culver, Empire City, Oregon. Cinnook river, * about 100 miles thus saving any further expenditure And coneistfl of the follewing: H. Adnms, of Portland, returned shnnld patronize them; whose inter­ to this place last Thursday from a ests would, soon at least, be pro­ south of Behring strait, The let - 1 of time nnd money. 1 portable uew Bnckeyc Sawmill, complete. , All chronic diseases treated suc­ standard size, including visit to and inspection of the upper moted aod servtd to advantage, ters were dated Jnnnary 12th, and pins Watches, Jewslry, Silverware, Gold 1 15-horse power fire-box tubular boiler, on South Fork and Sixes river country. while nt present they are playing reported all in good health and cessfully. Any amount of refer­ wheels, with brake, tongue, doable and Pens, Opticai Goods. that they had good prospects of ences at his office. single trees: His special visit was to the coal fast and loose to their own injury. 1 12-inch smoke-stack, etc., etc.: taking out a good pay aa soon aa The doctor may be found nt liia 48 feet carriage-track saw frame; propositiun, and while he observed The criticism is merited to some Watch Repairing and Engraving. the “broken” condition ot the conn- degree. Either we should not ask tbe season opened, as there bad office from 9 a m. to 5 p, m. ; from 7 2 patent head-blocks, shaft, pulley, wh'stle, peavey, etc.; try, with hardly a possibility of the general government to keep our been rich clean-ops from other to 8 evenings; and on Sundays, 10 1 lubricator, 8x10 14-horse power horizontal engine , tact to bed-rock, quartz, porphyry river navigable, and waste its efforts claims in that immediate vicinity. a. m. to 3 p. ra. | detached, mnde- by Enterprise Mnnnfac- Sewing-Machine Needles and The poor treated free, except med­ | taring Company, Columbiana, Ohio. or coal, yet be says the coal vein with ns,or we shonld be consistent They don't intend to return until Hhaft connected direct with saw arbor, Musical Instruments. they made a stake. icine. beats anything he ever saw. nnd and show onr gratitude by aiding j Terms of sale—One half cash at time of The doctor will be as Bandon on ( purchase; balance when property is re- promises equally well ns far ss nnd encouraging it. There is a J C o -T o -Ila c f o r F i f t y C e n t« . TVs solicit your patronage. W*- can please y o u . July 20th to August 10th, stopping moved. prospected. A 100 foot vein nigger iu the wood-pile, and you I Guaranteed OREGON COAL A NAVIGATION CO.. tobacco habit cure, makes weak t . t> ... u A i Ccq.VLlll© C it y , O regon . : : ' will soon see liis head, if you watch. men strong, Uood pure. 60c, II. All UrugguU. I th e JrftClDC H o te l. By H outhern O regon Co., Agents. 1 breaks all records. (jtofBin* F. LONG & SON, M A We Also PILLS Notice.—/ M E .R .I ALBEE & HAHMACK, WINS! M Cellar ¡¡M itte Fair Store N ff6 Got Tiere, NORMAL SCHOOL Monmouth, Oregon. T Wilsoi) Jewelry Co. m r I