Annual District School Meeting. tie n ili* c i lg &UtnUw Vs F.'ílkK T fï^ District Clerk G. F. Boutell last Saturday posted notices for the annual school meeting far District No. 8, to be held at the schoolhouse to begin at 2 o’clock p. in. on the 1st Monday of Mnrch, being Hie 6th day o f snid month, A. D. 1899. The meetiug is called for the pur­ pose o f electing one director for tho term of 3 years, nnd a clerk for term of 1 year, nnd to vote on the proposition of placing the old school property on the market tor sale. t T U E S D A Y . FEB. 91, 1890. R E G U L A R TRAINS J ^ £ O N D A Y S . W E D N E S D A Y S AND FUI . days will run us foliow s Arrive 12.30 y. in. 8.00 a. m. Marshfield Leave A rrivo “ | ».:«) “ I COOtULEE CITY 11.00 a. ui. 10.30 ** 10.00 “ I Jdvrtlu Point i L O C A L ITEM S. ANNO UN CEM ENTS. W. Horsfall will com!net services nt St. James church next Snmlny inorniuj; nml eveniug, at the usual hour. Tlie Rebekahs will «¡yo an en­ tertainment about the I«t of March, proceeds to go the Orphaus’ Homo. Look oat for further auuouncu- m ents.______ R pv . Additional locals on 2d pago. Toilet articles at the Pharmacy.* Have you seen the Jewett type­ writer? Mr. and Mrs. John Curran wore in Coqnille from Beaver Hill by last Friday’s train. Miss Lilly Way, after u serious tussle with the measles of over three weeks, resumed attendance at school yesterday. Now please dou’t delay any longer to settle hills due and over due. Bills must be paid up before the 1st of March. After that date col­ lections will bo enforced. J o h n s o n Br.o’s. The Episcopal church nt this place received u new organ via the bay last Friday morning. It was addressed to Rev. W. Horsfall, the minister, and was from The Wavue Organ Co., Fort Wayne, Indiana. F or S a l e — In Baudon, one of the choicest locations, a pleasant Lome, new, unique in style, and with a spleuded view o f the town and ocean. Sheltered from the north winds. For particulars, np- ply to the H e r a l d . [tf. Rev. Horsfall duly sent us a no­ tice of his appointment for serv­ ices nt this place for last Tuesday’s H e r a l d , hut it, with many other messages through the mail from Marshfield, was returned Thursday as having been “ misseut” to Rose- burg. By accident our compositor over­ looked two names in the list of those who passed at the late teach­ ers’ examination at this place. The name of Miss Gtnce Newhiud ap­ peared, but those of Miss Belle and Miss May Newlaud were nniuteu tionally dropped. There was a total of 22 passed, and two for state papers. • What docs your mirror say? Docs it tell you of some little streaks of gray? Are you pleased? Do your friends of tiie same age show this loss of pov'er also? Just remember that pray hair never becomes darker without help, while dark hair rapidly becomes gray when ---- The H erald today publishes a resume on “ The Coquille Valley— Location, Peculiarities and Advan­ ta g es Which Surround Coquille City, the New County Seat of Coos County, Now Claiming the Atten­ tion of the “Hompseeker nnd In­ vestor.” This will also bo included in the pamphlet containing the statistics nnd resources o f Coos county as published recently in the H erald . This nrticle on the Coquille valley is preuared by one of our most, intelligent, practical, experienced nnd public spirited citizens, nnd is truthful and inter esting. We have also, as in former instances, issued several quires of extras of the H erald containing this article, which can bo had on application at this office. Our ejtrss of the former edition have been exhausted. will bring back to your hair the color of youth. It never fails. It is just as sure as that heat melts snow, or that water quenches Hre. It cleanses the scalp also and prevents the formation of dandruff. It feeds and nour­ ishes the bulbs of the hair making them produce a luxu­ riant growth. It stops the hair from falling out and gives a fine soft finish to the hair as well. Mrs. VV. Sinclair entertained at a whist party Tuesday night of last week, the following l eing present: Mr. and Mrs. Sinclair, Mr. and Mrs. W. S. Perry, Mr. nnd Mrs. Louis Hnznrd, Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Rose, Mr. and Mrs. George Robinson, Mr. and Mrs. Cnpt. T. W. White, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Krihs, Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Sherwood, Mr. L o­ renz, Henry Lorenz, Miss Emrnn W o have a b ook on the ITnir and Scalp w hich you m ay obtain free Lorenz, Miss Floy Little, Miss Ada upon request. If you do not ohtnln all the benefits L. Collison, Mrs. E. Raekleff, Stew- von ex p ected from tho use o f the V igor, w rite the D octor about It. art Lyons. A. J. Sherwood got a first prize and Mrs. Sherwood n booby prize; and Stewart Lyons got a first prize and Mrs. Perry a booby prize. The evening passed Very iuteiestiug meetings have very enjoyably. been held at the Southern Meth­ Compare the figures of the dai­ odist church for a fortuight past, rying business in Coos county with conducted by the pastor. Rev. E. L. Fitch, aud a number o f profes­ those of the oldest and leading in­ sions have been made. The inter­ dustries ran by capitalism, as given est has increased, however, instead in Judge Scbroeder’s compilation of abating, and the pastor, though o f Coos county’s resources, and quile ex misted by the labor of two see how that infant industry, nour­ services a day for that time, is still ished by UDgloved hands and ear­ loth to discontinue the meeting. nest hearts has crept up on the But tonight will close the meetings. lumbering business in the race. Think of it, too, that the first cream­ Paul Perry, of Columbus, Ga., ery was only built as fnr hack as suffered agony for thirty years, and 1892, and only enough success has then cured his Piles by using De- been revealed to show that it is an W i t t ’ s W i t e l i lluzel Salve. It heals infant giant, not having been born injuries and skin diseases like magic. full grown, nor yet manipulated by If. S. Knowlton. tho agents of capitalism. Parsnip Complexion. City Ownership of Water Works. A majority of the ills aftlicliug people today can bo tiaced *.o kid­ ney' trouble. It pervades all classes of society, in ull climates, regard­ less of age, sex or condition. The sallow, colorless-looking peo­ ple you often meet are afflicted with “ kidney complexion.” Their kidneys are turning to a parsnip color, so is their complexion. They nmy suffer from indigestion, bloat­ ing, sleeplessness, uric acid, gravel, dropsy, rheumatism, catarrh of the bladder, or irregular heart. You may depend upon it, the cause is weak unhealthy kidneys. Women as well as men are made miserable with kidney and bladder troubles aud both need tho same remedy. Dr. Kilmer’s Swamp-Root, the great kidney, liver aud bladder remedy, will build up and strengthen weak aud unhealthy Kidneys, purfy the diseased, kidney-poisoned blood, clear the complexion and soon help the sufferer to better health. Tho mild and extraordinary effect of Swamp-Root is soon realized. It stands tho highest for its wonder­ ful cures of the most distressing eases, such ns weak kidneys, catarrh of the bladder, gravel, rheumatism and Bright’s Disease, which is tho worst form of kidney trouble. At druggists, tiftv-cent aud dollar sizes. Y’ou may have a sample bot­ tle by mail free, also pamphlet tell­ ing nil about it. Address Dr. Kil­ mer & Co., Binghamton,N. Y. When writiug please mentiou this paper. The water service question is he- ginning to agitate the people, for there is complaint nt the excessive charges aud poor service afforded by tin* water company, which has been gaining force these several years pnst. However, now the agi­ tation is organized, or at least mov­ ing in the matter, with a prospect of success. City Recorder W. E. McDuffee last Thursday acted on the demands of tho people for a better and more satisfactory ser­ vice, aud after consultation with the town authorities, receiving their endorsement of the proposition, immediately wrote out—filing a copy with the countv clerk aud posting one on the water franchise claimed—the following notice, iu substance: N otice —T o all whom it may concern: Kuoiv ye, that we, the undersigned, members o f the town council of tho incorporated town of Coquille City, Coos county, Or., have this day located nnd claim ull the water coming down the Bonlh fork of Cuuniugiinm creek, in be­ half of the said town, for domestic uses, manufacturing purposes and protection agaiust fire. Dated this 17th day of February, 1896. ¡Signed: W. 8. Perry, Chm’n, W. Rich, J. H. Cecil, 8. P. C. Johnson, J. T. Nosier, Board of Trustees of the Town of Coquille City. The iocntion and water supply were duly viewed and this action taken uuder the right of eminent domain, precluding any probable purchase or granting of the fran­ chise to other parties. In the meantime it is proposed to hold a meeting of citizens soon and secure the unity nnd co-operation of the community. Mr. Green, o f'th e Bsnelon Re­ corder, criticises unfairly Judge Schroeder’s compilation of tho sta­ tistics ol Coos county nnd intimates that mistakes were made ns to Bandon. However, Mr. Green is quoting what is in existence now at that plnce in the way of stores, saloons, churches, etc., instead of what were thert nt the close of 1897. .fudge Schroeder’s figures wero secured as fully, completely and reliably as could be had from the best sources in the locality, having been compiled by intelli­ gent, qualified and interested citi­ zens living right there. Now, there might have been a typograph­ ical error occasionally, but hardly that, for wo read copy in correcting the proofs. The officers of the Salvation Army are conducting interesting and successful meetings at thair hall iu this place. There was a disposition on the part of some of tho boys first to be funny and disturb the meetings, but many of our better citizens nnd church members became interested nnd took part iu the exercises, and this has elicited the attention and bet­ ter behavior of all who attend. ---------- ----------------- Iu a recent letter from Washing­ ton, D. C., to an old friend, Major G. A. Studer, for twenty yearsUnited States consul nt Singapore, says: “ While in Dcs Moines I became ac­ quainted with a liuament known as Chamberlain’s Pain Balm, which I found excellent against rheuma­ tism as well as against soreness of tho throat and chest (giviug much easier breathing). I had a touch of pneumonia early this week, aud two applications freely applied to the throat and chest relieved me of it at once. I would not bo without it for anything.’’ For sale by R. S. Knowlton. ltfn nd on R ecord er. I Elbert Dyer had quite a force of men nt work this week laying the w ater pipes through the streets. Capt. Jas. Moora has men nt work on the steamer Bismurk nnd she will be thoroughly overhauled und remedied. Peter Nelson has taken down his blacksmith shop building and will replace it with n substantial two-story one. T. J. Thrift anil C. 8. Goodnough are doing the work. A report is cunent that J. IT. Timou, of Riverton, nnd a Mr. Wall, have secured a lease to the Southport coal land on Coos bay nud will shortly begin operations. The Baudon public school for this *erm will close next Friday, Feh. 21th, and on Saturday eveu- tng, the 25th, public closing exer­ cises will he held in Mnnck’s hall. Mrs. Harper, o f Buudou, and daughter, Miss Genie, ure visiting in tow u. There will be no school tomor­ row, "Washington Day,” observed us n public holiday. ('apt. Ed Bender left for Hum­ boldt county, Cal., last week on official land busiuess. E. Puunetiberg, esq., referee in bankruptcy, went to Marshfield yesterday on official business. Miss l’ hebe Lamb is visitiug from the upper river at the borne of her nude nuj aunt, Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Lamb, iu this pluce. We understand the stockholders of the schooner Mizpali will hold a meeting iu this city today, to decide some matters o f future action. Representative Topping nudRep- reeectativo Platts both voted against the Daly text-book bill, as Riverton, Feb. 20.— We are able did also Senator llurmon of this to report that J. V. Foster and F. E. senatorial district. Hull are now convalescing. Mr. The city fathers ennetod two new Foster went down to the posloffice ordinances, Nos. 39 und 40, at their last Sunday. meetiug last Monday night, which Sirs. McCormnc went to Coquille appear officially iu the H earld Inst Tuesday on shopping busiuess. today, on 4th pnge. David Drew, of Pntkersburg, L o s t — A plain cold band ring, came np on Tuesday last. D. Johnson insde our town a somewhere between Coquille Phar­ macy ami Johnson Bro’s market call last Sunday. T. W . Akers, one o f onr mer­ and grocery store. A fair reward chants, made u hnisness trip to will he paid on reluming it to this office for the owner. Myrtle Point last Wednesday. John Caldwell wns in our town The James brothers (Charley last Tuesday talking H e r a l d to and Harvey) have secured the lit­ our citizens. tle steamer Maria and will carry Emerson F elry nud Win Sharp milk from the lower-liver patrons left for Tesla, California, last Wed­ to tho Coquillo creamery during nesday. the ensuing season. Guy Drew came np from Parkers­ burg last Snturdny. He says lie A u c t io n S a l e — O f household received enough valentines to paper goods, u?xl Monday at 1 o’clock p. any ordinary kitchen. m,. next door to Johnsou Bro's One case of measles in onr town meat market. Usual, byd-room W ill Copley, jr., wus takcu down sets, carpets, chairs, kitchen farni- last week. He is now doiug well. tura, etc., etc. W i l l i a m W a r d . Miss Lolu Slater returned to her Prof. S. S. Darnell, of Myrtle home nt her sister’s, Mrs. A. B. Fozer’s. She was occompauicd by j Point, left last week for eastern Oregon. Mrs. D. is visitiug her Mrs. Collins of this place. parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ferry, at D onna A na . Rivertou for the time, and later J. W. Leueve and fnmily, nnd I will join her husband at their new Dr. and Mrs. Loneve, took the home. train for the bay last Wednesday, The H e r a l d j o b o f f i c e is pushed and the steamer thence for San Francisco, on their way to Hono­ with work, nud has lately delivered lulu. It was quite a sad parting some very neat cauls, bill-hends, with these long-time citizens, monthly statements, blanks, post­ neighbors nnd friends, nud a large ers und book society by-laws— vvoik. Some of these wore fancy crowd was with thorn at the station till the train pulled out. David work, but all done in neat and first, Collier also took the traiu for Visa­ class style at very satisfactory lia, Cal., Ed McAdams for Califor­ prices. Riverton Pick-Ups. Several penons look occasion of tiie presencejof the crowd in tqwn nia, and Brette Clark for San last Saturday evening and indulged Francisco. too freely, causiug City Marshal M A I » I U F .I I . Buck to laud snveinl o f them in the C a h v m - O tto — At M yrtlo P oint, F.l>. 10, cooler for the night. In the morn­ 1899, by R ev. Thos. Itarklow, W. M, Car- ver and Misa Lydia A. O tto. ing they were released on payment o ca -U o o K —At tho résidence o f Alias to the city recorder of fines and P ie H ainby, Empire C ity, Fob, là, 1S99. by costs for tb'ftir fuu. The tumble is, Justioe Turpeu, Frank Pierco and Rira. M . M oon . that most of the parties are minors, and the parents and many citizens K kllv - U a m u ï —At rame tirae and place by aame otliciul, Frank Kelly rug Alias Juta a>-e aroused to the point of inter­ H a u ib y. est that the case may yet go before m iitri. the graud jury. J o h n s o n — At M yrtle P oint, Feb. II», 1899, to i Mr. nnd Mrs. S. E. Johnson, n daughter. Mr. S. A. Fnckler, editor of the Micanopy (Fla.) Hustler, with liis B u n c h - In this city, Feb. 10,1899, to Mr. nnd j M rs. F. S. Bunch, n daughter. wife and children, suffered terribly from La Grippe. One Minute Cough I> IE D . Cure was the only remedy that D avis —At San F m noisco, Feb. 10,1899, Mrs. ¡ f. N. Davis, tif ( ’cos river, aged 72 years. helped them. It acted quickly. Thousands of others use this rem­ edy ns a specific for La Grippe and its exhausting after effects. It. S. Knowlton. BO Y E A R S ’ E X P E R IE N C E The Douglas county court is ad­ Frank Sherwood was down town vertising for bids for the constrne- T rade M a rk s j tion of their new courthouse. The today for the first time since his tus­ D e s ig n s sle with cholera morbus He cays C o py r ig h t s A c . ■ design is one of Architect llur- B a k in g Anvono sending n sketch nnd description may he drove thirty miles after lie was quickly ascertain our opinion free whether an ¡gvaff’s, which is illustrated in a Invention is probably patentable. Communlca* ¿tons strictly confidential. Handbook on Patent* Into issue of the Review nnd de­ taken, aud never came so near dy­ sent free. Oldest ngcncy for securtngpatenta. scribed as “ much more attractive ing iu his life. After this when he Patents taken through Munn A Co. reoety« Special notice, without charge, In the goes out in the country lie will take A ì s s c ìi D m l v 'P u r l j than the old one nnd conveniently arranged iuside.” The cost is esti- a bottle of Chamberlain’s Colic, Makes the food more delicious and wholesome A handsomely Illustrated weekly. I.nrgest cir­ : mnted at not more that 812,000, of Cholera and Dlarrhoma Remedy culation o f any scientific Journal. Terms, ft a boy . l p,m*,QPQ'vD.n co., year; Sold by all newsdealers. which sum 89362.50 will be realized with him.—Missouri Valley (Iowa) from the insurance. '1 ho eoanty Times. For sale by R. H. Knowlton. For B0 Days Mrs. Moon will give Urauch Ofllcu7o25 F 8t.. Washington, D. C. The Wall Paper nt the Pharmacy. * will not bo out over 83000. Old Brother Hatch, a long-time rare bargains both in dressmaking design is very nttrnctive nnd gives citizeu and still a property owner J. W. McConnell, who Inst year and millinery. * much satisfaction to the people. here, wiites us from Santa Cruz, came lroni Washington and bought City Attorney J. S. Coke, of 32 acres from Mr. Sanford, last La Urippo is again epidemic. California, thntjhe expects to start Marshfield, came to Coqnille City week bought 10 acies adjoining on Every precaution should be taken out on a trip with Mrs. H. this LARGEST ASSORTMENT OF on legal business yesterday. the south from the Koon tract. to avoid it. Its specific euro is One summer to Mendocino county, and J. W. Caldwell returned lo this The courtesies of the senate were Mr. Mo lins secured the foundation Minute Cough Cure. A. J. Slicp- later continue iu this direction nnd place yesterday from his visit to extended to Judge James Hamil­ for a splendid home. erd, Publisher Agricultural Journal visit Coquille City iu tho fall. Bandon. H e makes a good report ton, circuit judge of the second The Statesman of last Wednes­ and Advertiser, Eldon, Mo., says: These old folks are in reasonably nnd was kindly received by per­ judicial district, Tuesday evening day says: “ None will be disappointed in us­ good health, hut have a longing to J sonal friends nnd friends o f the of last week. At the close of the joint conven- ing One Minute Cough Cure for La revisit friends and familiar scenes | H erald on the lower river. At a fire alarm given by Janitor tiou last Saturday, “ Admission Grippe.” Pleasant to take, quick to here. E. J. Davidson, of Baudon, made E r R O T J ’Gril-SC'T' T O Suggnt the school house Inst Thurs­ Day,” and ns soon ns the house was act. R. S. Knowlton. Wo are indebted to Finest A. a visit to the new connty seat yes­ day, the 200 pupils from the four called to order, in the eyeniug, Mr. Tho mnsquernile given by the Stauff, of Arago, for a handsome terday, his first since the comple­ rooms vacated the building in an Topping, of Coos county, presented I band at their hull last Saturday cabinet p h o t o of the new court­ tion of the now courthouse. to Speaker Carter, for the use of night was largely attended and house. orderly manucr in 57 seconds. He took negatives some 8tenmer Barbara Ilernster is due tho house, in a neat speech, a bean- W a nfpri —To exchange, good city tiftil gavel, made of black myrtle, , a financial success. A large num­ few weeks since, and was very suc­ here today. The steamer and a FIRM, - - - NEW GOODS, ” a il le u propertv in Angelos ber of persons came Trom Beaver cessful in getting fine pictures schooner were sighted outside N EW a most handsome aud durable cab- Hill, nnd lower nnd upper-river from vantage poiuts. He has two n e w i » 3R i c ; E : e 5. county, California, for property in early yesterday morning. i ¡net wood grown in Oregon only, Coquillo City, or vicinity. Lot aud peculiar to Coos county, the points, and look part in tin» pleas­ sizes, which lie sells at 30 uud 35 D. R. Toy, o f Myrtlo Point, i s ! cents each. 50x120, new, modern 5-room house, handle being made of yew, another ures o f the occasion. reported to be very low, o f con-1 with nil conveniences for small fam­ wood that grows to its greatest per- Charles Meyer, father of Mrs. Choice up-to-dute strain of S. C. ily. A fine chance, open for n short ; fectioD in tlie Const range moun- Brown Leghorn nnd B. Plymouth Blumenrother and Mrs. Figer at j sumption, at (bat place. time only. j t tins. The gavel is the handiwork Rocks are just what you need, and Bandon, who bid brick work at | J. D. Bennett, the builder, was! H e r a l d L a n d & L oan Co. Also White Pekin the new school building, nnd after- j down from the North Fork y e s -f of Peter Loggie, o f Bnndon, who II have them. I ' \ . .y-v Peter Loggie, the Bnndou con- I is an expert in the working o f this j ducks. Eggs now ready fiom ench ward took seriously sick and lay n t: terday. George Mai tin’s, came ud from | Call at MrB. Chas. Moon's for | R. D. S anford , tractor and builder, was in Coqnille j wood, aud shows line mechanical at 50c for 13. Coquille, Oregon. Bandon last Friday. He is qnite choice winter millinery. a brief spell last Friday, having ; skill. Speaker Carter thanked Mr. ' « * » « « * C. H. 11. BUTLElt, P H O P R I E T O B . been to the bay and returned this Topping on behalf of the bouse, Geo. Robinsou has just received recovered. Watches, Clocks and Jewelry at Mrs. Fouts had a new sidewalk far on his way home. A hand- and expressed the hop9 that his a large lot of the best shoes that The Pharmacy. * some myrtle gavel, of his haudi- [ successor would not be compelled ever came to the county. Just go laid Inst week, regulation width, in I V W I N O L E A S E D T H IS N E W . C O M M O D IO U S AND M O D E RN H O S T L E R T work, was presented to the speaker j to pound it to pieces as he had | aud sea them and usk for prices. * j frout of her residence property. I am now prepared to entertain the traveling public in first-class This is quite enterprising and will o f the house of represeutn'ives nt ; done with the one now in hand. sty le, with tho very best o f a ccom m od ation s nnd at m ost reason­ A large new storage and drying able rates. T a b les supplied with the best tho m arket affords. urge others in that neighborhood Salem by Representative Topping Mrs. J. T. Nosier had a double S A M P L E R O O M S fo r Com m ercial men, last Tuesday evening. We men­ j celebration of her birthday anni­ shed has been placed at the lumber to improve similarly. room y and cen trally loca ted . S P E C IA L A C C O M M O D A T IO N S and T erm s fo r F am ilies and T heatrical Troupes. tion the presentation occasion else­ versary (we won’t say what her yard at Lyons’ mill. Oar young friend Chnrley Skeels R ates—$1 to f 1.50 per day. where in today’s H erald . is going about without crutches, ago is —we have no authority to do There is no merit in bc- which he discarded last Thursday. P. H. Russell, wife and daugh­ so, and perhaps we are safer not to) recovery from snch an injury ter (Mrs. Will Marshall), visited Saturday night, 11th inst. Her F o r R e n t, T h e L on e S ta r v ^ iner the virtues His o iernorantof o has been very rapid and gratifying. Coquille City from their home nt ! intention on her own part nt first A V IN G d ecid ed t o retire from the C. O. O I L K E Y , P R O P R I E T O R , oi Schilling s Best Langlois, Curry county, for several w f . s to have her sister, Sirs. M. yyE WANT to trade 220 acres good . b otch er business, l offer fo r rent iny C o q u il l e C it y , O r .— O p p o s it e D e p o t . days, returning home Tuesday of McDonald, nnd family, to spend tea b ak in g povvcl.T b uild in g, tools, etc. I will g o oat o f b usi­ farming land in the best loca­ cofTeg flavoring extracts ness F ebruary 15, 1899, nnd this bein g the last week. Their visit was to our tho evening with her, nnd also ex- tion as to school and market in Ne­ o n ly butcher shop in town, would like for K eeps o n ly Pure W ines nnd Liqnors nnd soda ami sp ie s* new townspeople, Mr. and Mrs. tended an invitation to her neigh- Fine Cigars. som e relinble person to co n tin u e the b usi­ braska, cither for a farm, town prop­ ness. T h e A m ericas Club W hisky is one o f the Trice, nnd to Mr. and Mis. J. J. i hors aud friends, Dr. and Mis. when you may try them erty or stock of goods in Coos county. Any one d esirous o f rn nning a b o tch e r specialties served in th e s i Clnbrooroa. Lamb, and families. Mr. Russell Carter, to join with them. This business would d o well to call on or address w It is rumored nt Bandon that tho had been an old neighbor and nc- little party was progressing pleas- ! at our risk. TH U S. A N D ER SO N . e in N oii II îitii Oregon taprlSJ B andon, O regon. Best liilliitrtl T«W woolen mill will start np in full j qnaintance of these good citizens antlv, when lo, at a little Inter hour, blast in a short while, orders toj back in Tennessee during boyhood j a rap at the door revealed a host of that effect having been received and youth, nnd moved to Oregon tho relatives nnd friends with has A tall girl nnmcl Short, long from President Clark. Final Notice to Taxpayers. 26 years ago iu company with Mr. kets o f refreshments and presents, loved a certain Mr. Little, while Lamb and fnmilv. He had not giviug a real surprise. After the Little, little thinking of Short, loved F R E S H G R O C E R IE S <)IT a rc hereby notified to settle y ocr seen his friend Mr. Trice during first (lurry, tiie reunion aud social a little lassie named Lon ft- To I taxes forthw ith, as the C ounty (*oort AT TH E tbpse long years, and since the features settled down into a genu­ make n long story Short, Little pro­ h s s ordered me to make imm ediate oollec« P E O P L E 'S STORE, latter moved so near he hastily re­ ine happy affair. Congratulations posed to I,e even with Little’» shortcoming. begin to levy upon tl «• property o f nil that Iinvo n ot | ititl their tax* s np to the year o f dear friend and family. Mr. Rus­ and the eieniug was most enjoy­ So Short, meeting Long, threatened John Rowan was down from his 1897, inclusive. N are further notified that sell nnd family spent severs! plens- able. Mrs. Gustie Nosier, the host- to marry Little before long, which on borne on Fishtrap last Saturday. and a fter snid date wo will n ot receiy« AT T IIE ant days iu town, nnd the former ess, enjoyed the occasion equal to, C onnty Warrnuts in paym ent o f delinquent caused Little, in »hurt, to marry 1 He has disposed o f his property taxes. W . W. included a call at the HERALD the guests. The H fea LD wishes At the Fair Store, Long. Did Short love Little less on the bill, northeast side of town, Sheriff o f C oos cou nty, O regon , F A I R S T O R E !. localise Little loved sanctum. i her many happy returns. C. M. S hells . i ’cquillc C ily, J tn . INI, IMII. to a Mrs. Wilson. P owder Scientific American. MUNN g New York Toilet C O Q U I L L E C I T Y Bveryllimg Kept in a WfiMpiiiM Drag Store. COQUILLE PHARM ACY, (M acy & M oore.) H J H © Schillings m Best CCFFEE y L j p i! Ceti rar Groceries al Bet- Bod Prices otel COQUILLE,