(TH.’j ?TirraWL T U E SD A Y . FEB. 21, 1899. UPPER - RIVER DEPARTMENT. GREATEST BATTLE OF THE SESSION. DANCER !N CALCIUM CARBIDE. Passage of the Daily Text-Book Bill Places Rules Governing Its Sale >n New York. the Book Trust in Fair Competition Liquified Acetylene Gas Prohibited. With Other Sellers of Books TTpper-Ocq.-u.ille ------ j Superintendent Murray of the PUBLISHED EVE RY TUESDAY üvEjrrtle r=cint and. the and W h a t is G oin g cn T here. Change of Cliniais W. Deyoe ! ¡¡. C. Lrh::uiioHskv, w B re a k s Do w n the Health of an Oregon M a n Salem, Feb 1G.— (Special corres- Bureau of Combustibles has made poudeuce of The Telegram.)—There regulations governing the trims- What a Foiv Cottles o f H ood ’s Sarsaparilla Old far Him , is little question that the greatest pollution, storage and sale of cnl- “ Our home is in Clark count}', W ash­ The new officers of the town are, battle of the session has been be- eiuiu carbide, which the firomea de- Sunday was another of those fine Editors and Proprietors. ington. My little boy was taken with days that can be found in no other for council: B. C. Lelmiauowsky, tween the friends of the Daly text- | chile to be a source of dangor in a asthma when only tw o years old, and A. H. Black, N. G. W. Perkins, it. book bill and the American Book \ burning building, because when laud. Oregon is ahead and Coos i ’ grew worse until ho was flvo, when tho Devoted to the material and fiocini up C. Dement and Charles Adams; for Company, aud the dramatic scenes water reaches it acetylene gas is physician advised u;3 to tu!:e him to a dry baildint; o f the CoquiEo Valley particularly c o u n t y 18 the garden-spot of the recorder, L. A. Roberts; for treas­ enacted in the house yesterday as given off. A number of stores keep climate. I resolved to go to the great and o f Coos County generally. w o r ld . Subscription, per year, in advance, ft*. j ’ Hcre- wheat fields o f Eastern Oregon and work j Our Goods suit tho people. a::, i. j ...- - — ------ — -------- I \\ c 11 sav wo are sorrv but good­ urer, D. A. Huling; nnd for mar­ the struggle botween principle and it for use in biey< le lamps. shal, Edward Carter. the best interests of the public after, in transit or on storage, it in harvest, but I soon found my ow n ! Our prices are within their reach. ness knows we can’t reach ’em, P . F I S H E K , .N E WH I*A I* K 11 A n V I B T I D I N O A O E N T L 21 M erchants’ Exchange, Han Francisco, in ; J. J. Baker and Len Braden re- Lnst Monday Mrs. F. G. Dixon schools on the one hand, and u book must be inclosed iu hermetically health was failing. I could neither eat | THIS IS WHY THE KL’SII •tir authorized ¿ g e n t . T h is p a p e r la kept on fila i and daughter, Myrl, nnd Mrs. Sybil trust that 1ms been charged, eithtr sealed iron receptacles marked nor drink without getting sick. 1 w m Is too early fur you to avoid it, but I turned from their Salem tour last Not blind and dizzy. I procured a bottle o f our clerks are efficient and will find Sloan, started for Pasadena, Cal., rightfully or wrongfully, with levy­ “ Dangerous if not kept dry.” Sunday and report a hard trip. H ood’s Sarsaparilla aud began taking it, where they will spend a few years. ing tribute upon the schools on the package nmv contain more than 100 \ and in a few weeks I was well and able to time to wait on you, or fill your FREE, TO CASH SU B S C R IB E R S . Arrived in this city, at the borne As they are pioneers cf this valley other. This tribute, according pounds. It must be stored in iso-1 work every day. My little boy is now order for anything found in an up- of S. E. Johnson, February 1G, 1899, nnd highly respected people, they to the allegations of those who have luted buildings that are fireproof In order to get our delinquent H ood’s Sarsaparilla with good to-date general merchandise store. a fashionable young lady who Sam leave hosts of friends who are pained been in the thickest of the fight in and waterproof. No artificial fight taking results.” I). P a it e e , Wasco, Oregon. subscribers to pay up aud in advance says is all push and can entertain to lose thoir associations, yet wish opposition to the continuance of or heat will bo permitted iu the we will i ~ , 3 a rc a - admiringly, nnd will doubtless be a them a safe and pleasant journey. the book trust influence, has been building where it is stored. Not make them a present § pDriila good saleslady, as slio disposed of May their new home lie surrounded j piedicated both upou the excessive more than twenty rounds, iu bulk MYRTLE POINT, OREGON. of a year’s subscription more cigars in one day than he had by kind friends, who appreciate prices charged for the school books or in cartridges, may be kept iu Is the best—In fact tho One True Blood Purifier. to tlio Sold by all druggists. $1; six for #5. sold in a month. and tho poor quality of the books any store or factory, and this must — Notice. their true worth. do not purge, pain or NORTHWEST PACIFIC FARMER, On last Sunday we noticed a num­ Wedding bells were ringing in themselves. Now that tho back of be in a fireproof safe or vault above Hood’s Pills gripe. Druggists. 26 c. published at Portland, Oregon. r p iI E 8 0 0 KH M.DliKS OF THE AltAGO ber of children promenading on the Garden Grange on last Sunday, this hydra-headed octopus has been the street grade and it must lie kept 1 Creamery Company are hereby notified The Farmer is now in its 30th year, top-rail of the fence around the where 5G guests had gathered to broken, u more successful future for six inches above the floor. that there will he a special meeting o f the stockholders held at tho Arago Creamery, The manufacture, transportation, and is authority on all subjects per­ public square. This is dangerous wituess the tying of the golden the educational work of the state is at Arago, Coos county, Oregon, on The American Book storage, sale or use of liquified ace­ taining to farm work and conditions amusemeut aud should bo prohib­ knot which blends two lives into predicted. Late Leterary News. Tuesday, the 21st day o f February, 1899, much tylene is absolutely prohibited of the northwest. ited. at 10 o’ clock a. m. one. The ceremony was performed i Compaoy, against which so ring, has been said, is still m the Tho question of handling the within the limits of this city—N. Y. As the regular price of that paper Among other bus:ness which may be con­ George W. Fcmbroke returned by Rev. Thomas Barklow, who, ex­ «ires anil gas, water ami tlrainnge sidered, the meeting is called especially to is $1 per year, it is easy to see what from the mines on Johnson and actly 30 minutes past 11 o'clock a. but only in competition with other Sun. ---------------- and accept propositions to sell or pipes in great cities, ami even in consider a valuable premium we are willing Salmon creeks last Sunday. He re­ m., passed tho life sentence upou publishing houses. It is now a free- lease tho Arago Creamery plant, liy order of tho directors. to give to our paid-in-advance sub­ ports tine prospects, with life and two of our most promising young for-all fight for preference and tho Swiss Government Purchase ot Railroads- towns, is becoming with each year W. L. HAYTER, one of greater importance. A prize scribers. This applies to all new nctivity among the miners. people, who sail forth upon life’s books that may in the future he President, The election to settle the long and j was offered to tli6 engineers of tho adopted will have to win on their Attest: J. Henry Bchroeder, Secretary. subscribers, aud all who will pay seas as a trim ship before a gentle bitterly discussed question of the i The band treated the town to some tfebU) United States by the Cosmopolitan merits. thair delinquencies anil a year in fine music from the band-stand, on breeze. The wedding feast lasted There is no denying the fact that purchase of the five main railroad I magazine for the ablest article sug­ advance before March 1, 1899. about two and one-half hours. The lines of Switzerland by tho govern-1 the public square, Sunday. Thus gesting n scientific, economical solu­ A d m in is t r a to r ’s N o tice - the American Book Company has -----» . » >a ...................... a good band can have their presence tables, which were loaded with del­ done its utmost to defeat the Daly ment was held Sunday,Feb, 20,1898, tion of tbis problem. The paper of 'otice is hereby given, that the under­ For Oregon Rivers. signed was, on the 1st day of July, appreciated by showing a good icacies aud artistically decorated, bill, and this fact perhaps, coupled and by 8:30 o’clock in the evening Henry F. Bryant has been selected 1898, duly appointed as administrator o f reminded one of coildhood’s dreams tho general result was known in spirit, which we believe our band estate of Charles Harner, deceased, where the fairies lent a hand and with its cheap and useless lobby, every town and city in the republic, by the committee as tho ouo most tho Washington, Feb. 17.—The river will always do. and that I have qualified as such adminis­ nothing ivns overlooked. Two enkes, has operated in the success of tho Tho news was given to the people ably meeting tho conditions. It ap­ trator and enterod upon my duties. All and harbor bill was reported from pears iu tbe February Cosmopolitan. persons having claims against the said J. C. Brown, who served our town bill. The paid agents of the hook . , .,, , ,, i , i i each containing one bean, were cut the senate committee and contains , by the government absolutely free long and faithfully as marshal, has . , ... „„ “ Some Flays and Their Actors.— estate, aro hereby required to present the- ° . . ... v U. into 50 nieces and divided among company have had little influence of charge, which demonstrates the several items which were put in proporly verified, to me, at the law Without Prejudice,” is a new de­ same, accepted a position with E. (j. rian- 1 on the members of the house and office of Albert E. Seaman, in Empire City, the guests, the bean from the first through the efforts of Senator Mc­ agan, of Marshfield, and is now out falling to Mrs. D. Giles, and that the bill might perhaps have been fact that Switzerland lias one of the partment in the Cosmopolitan. The Coos county, Oregon, within six month» Bride. Among the important local the date hereof. rustling fat beef for the latter’s from the second to Mrs. Oscar Reed, much more easily defeated had they finest telephone sy stems iu tin |world. names of the contributors nre not from Dated this 27th day o f December, 1898. changes are: It is owned by the government and given, but in tho staff aro embraced WILLIAM TUKPEN. market. kept .out of the fight. As one mem­ Ooos bay. Oregon, cash sppropria- they thereby winning the privilege, operated in the interest of all the the majority of tho leading critics of Administrator of the Estate o f Charlea tion inserted.............................. $100,000 J. T. Dunlap, who 1ms been run­ accordingly presented the bride and ber remarked yestordny, “ Such a Hamer, deceased. L 3®» 26- people. Tho total number of votes Ooos river, added to house provis­ tho country, including David Belasco. a.ooo ning on tho schooner Mizpab, was groom each with a neat present, lobby of itself is sufficient to defeat cast wag 500,892; each citizen above ion , which oompletes the work.. It is interesting to note that in these any bill.” in town Friday and Saturday of last the snino to be ever preserved in Month o f Coqnilie river (increased from $15,000)................................ 40,000 week. Had this fight culminated earlier the age of 21 having the right ot days of competition in the magazine He reports a very rough honor of the occasion, l’he happy a,ooo Upper Coquillo (increased $0000).. suffrage. Of this number of votes field the editions of the Cosmopol­ voyage on tho first trip to the city, couple were W. M. Carver aud iti the session sensational develop­ 381,382 were in favor of, 175,511 itan have gone from three hundred $150,000 fob coos m y passed senate . and says it was hard exjierience for ments no doubt would have followed Lydia A. Otto, both of this place. HOLBROOK, M ERRILL against the purchase, making a ma­ thousand in February, 1898, to three the charges of bribery and corrup­ H. Sengstacken, secretary of the a land-lubber. ft ST E T SO N ............ We join their many friends in wish­ jority in favor of government owner­ hundred and fifty thousand iu Feb­ Coos Bay Chamber of Commerce, tion yesterday made by Flagg and A meeting of tho stockholders of ing them a long aud happy married ship of 207,871. Tho roads to he j Also BRIDGE e allowed*ufter December 25 --------- • ---------------------- Or any and everything 1898. text-book hill caused a fiery debate and the number opposed was 200,- I). Giles (or rather the girls) have should be good like your uncle. This 17th day of December, 1898. curried in a Enterprise: A typical old fash­ W . W. H . Treasurer. Hnrve Johnson is said to l>e the in the house this forenoon. The 000; the majority against the pur­ ioned, clamity howling argument set out a fine lot of strawberry plants First-class Hardware Store. chase being 1(50,500. Tlius it will bill had previously been defeated most accommodating boy iu town. \Ve appeared in InstTuesday’sCoquille on his residence lota in town. be seen that there has been since H ehald It has been so longsiuce aro watching their growth quite Well, we always knew he had a but was up for consideration. Cur- is, Whalley apd Hu arson made hot 1891 n Krent chaneu in the minds of Why pay rent altray*, when you can t great big heart like us. patiently, nnd promise to bo on we have read that kind of clat-trap buy a place of your own, part on We are promised a sensational speeches against the bill, aud Stew­ the people of Switzerland concern­ f Successors to J. J. Lamb, f that the article, which hailed from hand at picking time. time, nnd pay rent to yourself. law-suit to open the week’s business. art, Stillman and Moody supported ing the government ownership of Merlin, appeared as somewhat of a railroads, and this change has been 80 acres, near Coquillo; 15 acres Mrs. F. P. Hermann, who has been it. Whalley declared that Editor curiosity. Lelimnnowsky fc Deyoo say | Hofer, of the Salem Journal, had brought about by a thorough dis­ rich dry creek bottom, fine spring at her husband’s bedside during his That “ slat-trap” was from the lato illness, returned to Bnudon they sold a wagonload of shoes in I branch; house and barn; 5 acres tried to intimidate members to vote cussion of the subject in the press pen of one of the best citizens of last week. one day last week, and now have a | for the bill, aud Hofer, who was aud on tho platform. Never before cleared. Only $10 per acre—just Headquarters southwest Oregon, one of the earli­ think of it! See Herald Land A It was thought for a while on last carload in stock and a schooner- present, retorted by calling Whalley iu tho history of the republic lias for est of its pioneers, a vetorauof the load n-eoming. such a bitter contest been waged, Loan Co. cr It. D Sanford. a liar. The house thereupon passed Suuday evening that the Filipinos lndiau wars, intelligent, sober, Our best girl has gone hack on us a resolution censuring Hofer. l'lagg and never before lias tlie govern­ hail exchanged their bows and industrious, patriotic aud popular, ONLY $50 0 0 - F or a short time arrows for old tin-pans, cow-bells, again. Our head is in a whirl, con­ and Httwson waxed Avrathy and ment received such a large majority. but it seems that gray hairs, honor­ 9 only, Tho Herald Land Co. The amounts estimated as being sequently we aro not responsible j made charges nnd counter charges, horse-fiddles, etc., and come to take able life —civi 1 aud military-experi­ wants a buyer with $5000 to pur­ Garden Grange. However, the for all our wanderings this week. | During tho progress of tho debate the cost, of construction and equip­ CYRU S NOBLE, ence, sincerity, integrity, nothing chase at a sacrifice one of the best ment of tho five main lines are as excitement soon died away when it AV. P. Hermann left this place to-1'1. was atiscrtel1 witbout bein£ ilc' follows: Jura Simplon, $54,494,- O LD H E RM ITA G E , counts to that jabbering cticcoo. improved small farms in Coos was learned to bo only a few boys day for Arizona. He is supervisor U‘C(1 money had been used to B U R K E ’S SCOTCH M A LT, Still, we nre sure that our corres­ county. Finely situated, choice and girls serenading tho newly of the timber reserve near Flag- j Hefcnt the Dill. The house dill not 000; Swiss Northeast, $14,250,000; A M P K C l.il/T Y . pondent had the right to discuss an land, good fences, plenty of fruit Swiss Central, $28,200,000; United staff. adjourn until 12:10, having finnlly economic question a right of in­ married couple. nnd shrubbery, running water. Swiss, $15,255,000; Gotthard, $48,- avt i • , i i ■> ■, passed tho bill 33 to 2(5, 1 absent. Tho nowly-elccted city officers heritance and earned by good citi­ AVnat is good to take when vour L, , ’ Owner has other business that The now only awaits the 794,000; total, $190,998,000. zenship and faithful service— with­ now hold sway and everything is gal don’t like you? If some • one I The measure , . . r . claims his attention total length i« 1700 miles, and the CLUB B00LIS IN CONNECTION doesn’t answer quick, we are liable 8ov« ™ * « signature to become a amount that tho government will out being called to account so dis­ serene. law. It provides for a commission to take something and TVell, well; who ever heard of the respect ful I v. take it of five, appointed by the governor, have to pay for these roads is esti­ straight. The following parties left for like, aud still n-coming! mated at about $200,000,000. The| to select jmblic school text books. San Francisco on last Alliance: ,1 total receipts in 1897 were $20,722,- THE NEW SCHOOL LAW. W Leneve, Mrs Leueve and child, G00. An average of 5 per cent div- \ Senate Coes on Record Against Annexation- Harmon Registration Bill Pasied senate. ulends has been declared during Dr and Mrs Leneve, Mrs Whit­ Washington, Feb. 14.—-The Me- low nnd child, Mrs Isaacs, Miss G The Bill Governing School Elections as the past five years. The number o f ! Enery resolution was adopted iu the S. B. G, by Ilarmon, registration jicrsons employed is about 25,000. | Wilkins, Miss L Howard, Mrs Wil­ Passed at the Late Special Session. senato today by a vote of 2G to 22.! L1"’- a^ 01’ Senator Ilarmon s exposi-1 ,p|ie l.csl,n „f the election is being I son, Mrs Westman, Mrs Hnnser, The text of the resolution follow s:; Kou of the bill, Mitchell moved le- celebrated with great enthusiasm and C o a s t John Wilson, J M Wildero, Wm As great uncertaintyexists among “ l ’hat by tho ratification of the ! commitment, but was opposed by throughout the country. Erdice, Ed Bender, Chris Chism, o '. s p e c ia l Thos Twohig, Joe Levy, Mr Collier, the voters ns to the present school treaty of pence with Spain it is n o t1 R ilb' °I Lake aud I- niton, ns it had The fares are about one cent a s e r v ic e election law, we publish the law as I intended to incorporate the iuhabi- i been twice before the judiciary eom- mile. Mr McAdams, Mrs M Tower and Selling two children, W W Ueese, Mrs it applies to districts under 2000 I tants of the Philippines into citizen-! atu^ reported favorably. A pass good for every day in the Brunuell, Bret ('lark, Mrs .T Chap­ school population. Various attor­ ship of the United States, nor is it sP(,ko “ ifniust recommitment, and year for one year costs $18. man and 2 children, Miss Etta neys have expressed opinions on | intended to permanently annex said nffmnst the Hill bill,which he claimed J ames T. DcBois, Elrod, l)r Brandon, Frank 8o- the law, nnd mnuy aro o f the islands ns an integral part of tho to l,e a » ‘ensure suszeptiblo of ma- Consul-General. Eueninq Telegram and Herald, both 6 mos., only - $2.10 opinion Hint tho law is unconsti­ torritory of tho United States, but » ‘l>»lation by political managers, wash, W Nnsburg, Harry Adler. St. Gall, Feb. 31, 1898. tutional ns it requires a voter to bo lit is tlio intention of the United ! Dufm' aml Haines also spoke against “ “ “ both I year, only - - 4.15 Horrible agony is caused by Piles, assessed at the last preceding States to establish on said islands a | recommitment and favored the Har- Burns aud Skin Diseases. These assessment, whereas a man might government suitable to the wants bion bill. Motion to recommit lost, All the Congressional and State Leglslatlue News Mormons in Session at Baker City. are immediately relieved and quickly acquire a legal residence in the come full and complete dally, and your Best and conditions of the inhabitants of | The bill passed unanimously, cured by DeWitt’s Witch Hazel district after the assessment, or the Baker City, Or., Feb. 14.— On Weehly Local Paper fo r only the price o f one. the said islauds, to prepare them for Salvo. Beware of worthless imita­ assessor might fail to assess him and Sunday in the South Baker meeting- j local self government, and in due A Colony for Dallas. tions. It. S. Knowlton. house of the church of Latter-Day : the voter he otherwise qualified to time to mnke such disposition of Nettie Jenkins, young grand­ vote, yet the law would prevent said islands as will best promote the Dallas, Feb. 14.— It is reported Saints, there were held day nnd i A. C. WILSON. j . c . W ILSON . daughter o f Mr. and Mrs. W. W. him fiom voting. The law is as I interests of tho citizens of the United tlint a colony of 40 or 50 families evening sessions of the conference Blacksmith amt Wagonmaker Practical Machinist. of the Oregon Mormon mission. follows: H ay’ s, had a serious sick spell States nnd the inhabitants of said will soon arrive here from tho east. Sec. 1. In all school districts in islands.” lasting through most o f Inst week, Six thousand eight hundred acres Tho convention, which was bright- ---- s s ■ * ------ ■■ bnt is better now and seems to be this state now created or that may have been bonded near town for j ened by tho high-class music for President Fanre of Franco died hereafter be created, any citizen of getting well. the colony aud negotiations are ! w,11licb] thf ®“int* fl' ract,1’ was suddenly last Friday from apoplexy. pe for the sale of 2000 acres I at tmU'’1 b-v the ,10 el,,er? wbo “ re Marshall Way lias received and this state, male or female, married Much excitement existed on tho an­ pending laboring’ in various parts of this M A C H I N I S T S , opened a portion o f his new stock !or uu,na"'ioJi shall be entitled to nouncement, and revolution nnd of timber west of town to eastern state, several prominent church offi- W a g o n m a k e rS :, of groceries, which you will find i vo*° ,at any 8Ch°ol election or disorder wero prophesied, particu­ lumbermen. ! cers from Salt Lake City, Montana fresh, first-class and low-priced nt 8C,' ° o1 meeting, who is twenty-one H orsesh oers, larly on the meeting of tho national ' and Idaho, besides a large number his “ People’s Store,” opposite de­ years o f age, and has resided in assembly to choose a successor. Chinese Fiends Drown Several Hundred I of tho 275 Mormon residents of a n d B la c k s m it h s . the district thirty days immediately Children. pot ' Baker City and vicinity; also not a preceding tho meeting or election, Nothing of the kind happened, how­ To insure a happy new year, keep Among Baker City’s Machine work of nil kinds, built new or repaired; iron nnd wood turning; and who has property iu the dis­ ever, nnd M. Emile Loubet was cho­ Vancouver. B. C., Feb. 9.—Mail fe.v Gentiles. the liver clear and the body vigor­ trict of tho value o f at least $100, sen by a vote of 483, against 270 advices say the steamer Kinshiu : leading Mormons nre: David Eccles, blacksmithinjg and wagon-making iu all branches. ous by using DoWitt’s Little Early ns shown by the last preceding for M. Mcline. Marti from Seattle lost six men over­ C. W. Nibley nnd Joseph Barton, Risers, the famous little pills for The canteen aboard ship county assessment upou which board on their trip across. Licu- who, together, hold controlling in- M ACH IN E, WAGON AND FAR M W ORK A R E S F E C IA L T IE constipation mid liver troubles. R. It never oh- tenant Hobson passed through Kobe terests in the Oregon Lumber Cum­ he or she is required to pay a tax; thing of tho past, S. Knowlton. provided, that m districts of less tnined a stronghold in the service on his way to Manila. Ho addressed pany's mills, in this city, the Sump- J. Quick and daughter, Miss than oue thousand inhabitants, of late, the only vessels in the navy young people's society connected h'r ^ alley railroad, and the $500,- Mary, moved from the ranch to women who nre widows, and male permitting the sale of even beer with various Christian missions. 000 beet Sugar factory at La Graude. town yesterday. I hey will mnke citizens oyer twenty-one years of aboard being tho New York and The Chinese rebels recently raided Coqnilie their home tor the present age who have childien in the dis- Indiana. But sales of beer liavo Kucifu. Several bundled children General Gomez Nearing Havana. /it least. (rlcj 0f school age, and who shnll been stopped, by an order issued by who were under the care of the A . B . D ean , P ro p rie to r.; New York. Feb. 14.— A dispatch Shoes—All k iod sof shoes cheap have resided in the district thirty Secretary Long. Roiunu Catholics were seized and S u cce sso r to N osier Pro's, to tho Tribune from lituana snys: but good. G o and see them at days, as aforesaid, shall be entitled and a . ( >. v heele Evening Telegram: Admiral drowned. Ornerai Oomcz, it is now stateli, Geo. Robinson's store. A big lot to vote at any school meeting for Dewcv now is bis title, by tbe grace just arrivs'l the election of school directors or of the United States senate; and Coughing injures and inffames will renili Hnvnnn Wcdnesdav or General Graying and Hauling a Specialty. His reception in the One Minute Cough Thursday. F or K ent .- -Tenn Robison offers school clerk. long may he live to enjoy it unit its sore lungs. Commercial Men Promptly and Safely Cure loosens the cold, allays cough- country is lisrouraging his oppo- The other section npplies to dis­ attending honors. bis place on Fishtinp, 91 acres, 30 Deliuered at Any Point. nntngonize the nccept o f bottom land, for rent. Apply at tricts having a school population At Amity, Feb. 1 Ith, Charles ing nnd luals quickly. The Imst nents, who o f over 2000. cough cure for children. R- S. anc f $3.ouo.mK> from the United Good Rigs, Spanking Teams. Reasonable Rates. the place. T enn R obison . Clancy sold three horses to a Wash­ — O--------- ‘ Stat«3. Dick Robinson will go to Cons ington buyer for Jl*o. Several Knowlton. c o q u il l e ; c it y , o r e g o n . river tomorrow aud take a job at La ml lot d Ed Gallier, of Kaution others have been disposed of for The number of life-timers iu tin School supplies at the l ’ har- ♦ t First Street............................................... Near Odd Fellows’ Hull. good tiguri s. tbe Rogers place. came up yesterday on business. state penitentiary is now 31. inney. Í . P » n iu 'n h e r * : • EVERYDAY SALES Are W hat Count J . » . McEwen J. S. M°EWEN & CO. Liteeowslty k Beycs, N CALL FOR::: Doors, Windows N Building Material, a t e s Denholm & Co., CHOICE LIQUORS. 24 to 36 Hours LL the w of the World iberni of ill dors. V a g i 2 Daily Bieiiiaa Telepam, t „ u , 40 ds WILSON a WILSON DEAN'S LIVERY. FEED SALE STABLE