P^Aú ¿ ¿ ^ ¿L- ì . Coquille HeMà* COQUILLE CITY, OREGON, TUESDAY, JANUARY 17 , 1899 . VOL. 17. ] ) U . J. B U R T M OO RE, CONVENED AT SALEM. Capital Journal "X-Rays." COUNTY COURT PROCEEDINGS. ; CIRCUIT COURT KXPtNHKH OCTOBER, 1898, NO. 2f). • w - "Arlington" Sewing Mine A $ 65.09 Machine New Hiijh-Arm $t8M TERM. SU R G E O N AND P H Y S IC IA N .! Threading Grand jurors— Oregon's Legislature at Salem is in Regular ' The virtuoun legislator should Expenses in Vacation After the September, S K Hatcher......................... $14 00 NEW not be rare as a purple c o w .. . .Is LATE3T Session. 1898. Term. HOME BCST C T Robison........................ 13 40 Harvey Scott getting ready to fuso STYLE CHEAPEST LTj promptly lespom l to «11 calls, ■ J V Shuck............................. 14 00 with the Democratic p a rty ?..., Salem, Jan. 9.— The legislative diiv or nian t. Shipped to auyutie. 19 20 assembly convened nt 10 a. in. today, Jones nsks us, what are the two Rouds and bridges..........$3137 00 C W Sauford...................... anywhere, on 1(1 £UGENE PANNENBEKG, days’ free trial, 9(170 55 Thos Drane.......................... 10 20 American institutions? Courthouse.. . , tlie senate iiuuidiutely udjourning greatest i n y o u r .* »v r n 4*ne, without Free schools aud a free j rest. . . . j Telephoning....................... until 2 p. in. asking one cent ATTORNEY a t LAW The house retains all the officers Will the house or tlio senate of this Indigent.............................. 392 50 F E Schofield....................... 15 00 in advance. ftolair, I’ liMir. Trial jurors— of the special session except A. D. Oregon legislature prove the reform Circuit court...................... 110 30 10 y e a r s ’ written C O Q U IL L E C IT Y , O R E O O N . 7 20 Griffiu, the colored sergeant at hotly? It won’t be the third house, Salary.................................. 1330 00 M P Pendergrass............... warrauty w i t h Levi Smith........................... 8 20 each m achine. arms. The Republican members gentlemen... .The state educational I EXPENSES JANUARY, 1899, TEltM. Office in Hernial H nildina. Coquille City, Or. G F Green.......................... 24 20 concussed at 10:90 a. m. to till I his institution employe who comes to ‘ A strictly high-grade Sew­ Justice court expenses—State vs j Iuuis Rose............................ 21 80 office and Ben S. Warslev, a Port­ tlio legislature lobbying for the text- ! m H £ C O M M E R C IA L h — ing M a c h i n e , f i n i s h e d Geoige Herron: throughout iu the best pos­ hook trust ought to bo removed | Samuel Johnson.................. 25 30 land newspaper man, was chosen. | sible manner. It possesses nil Tlio m ost modern arranard IIAltH E lt 20 80 m odern improvements, and its Dr. Josephi, the new senator from this earth’s payrolls. . . . Let I W H H Hyde, justice feeB.. ..$8 (!5 | T B Prewett........................ mechanical construction is S H O P in Coquille C ity. 20 40 from 51 ultuouiah, was not piesent: the Republican party make a do-1 \\ U Douglas, depty dist attv 5 00 Duul Ititzmau...................... such that in it are com bined si mplicity with great strength, M. M. McDonald, Proprietor. at the morning session. cent record in this legislature. If J W Carter, constable f e e s ... 5 50 John Johnson...................... 0 40 thus insu rin geaseof running, E W Dean, juror fees........ 1 00 durability, and m aking it ira- Governor-elect Geer will lie iu- ! the war had not broken out the i P J Peterson...................... 10 00 p o ^ ib le for tlie mnchine-4o be V I’ Horton, “ ” ........ l 00 \ C M Hermann.................... 20 80 augurated tomorrow, are I the other Union party would hnvo won hands i put ouf o f order. It sew s fast C. L. M O O N , AN O “ ......... 1 00 Jno D Barklow.................. 23 00 and m akes a perfect Stitcli new state officers will assume their j down. Reform the clerkship abuse; | H S Bonebrakc,“ with nil kinds o f thread and Coupon, if ........ 1 00 M Hollerau, all classes o f material. Always A tto rn e y and It D Sauford.............. ; . . . 20 20 put the state treasury in order; duties. tent C. 0. C. ready for use and unrivalled ..... 1 00 J W Tibbets, “ - -m q ► - — — B F Hill.............................. 20 20 trim tlio whiskers off the sinecures for speed, durability and qual­ C o u n s e lo r at L a w ..... 1 00 Steve Johnson.................... 30 80 or on triai A F Cook, “ ity o f work. Notice tlie fol­ TH IRTY T H O U SA N D and political grafts; give us better C O Q U IL L E C I T Y . O U E O O N . low ing points o f aupe-tori’ y* Mrs II J White, wit and mil 1 70 Chas R cdin.......................... 30 40 STYLE No. 55. “ ARLINGTON.” i road and school laws; iu other “ “ 1 70 Paid lor Three Senatorial Votes in Montana, j words become Populists.. . .The A Ward, Ronl Estaite nnd Collections a Specialty. Called jurors— T h e Head o f the “ A rlington” swings on patent socket hinges, firm ly held down by a thum b «• “ 1 70 Ben Smith.......................... people who ask a state bounty of$50,- Alvio Westgate, $ 2 00 »crew . Strong, substantial, neat aud handsome in design, and beautifully ornam ented iu gold. Bed plate has rounded corners nnd is inlaid or countersunk, m aking it flush with top o f table, Claude Suapp, “ “ 1 70 Helena, Juu. 10.—Thu legislature (100 to encourage the sugar beet iu- Wm H ow ell...................... 2 00 h ig h est A rm —Space under the arm is 0 % inches high and 9 inches long. This will admit the John F. Hall, “ “ 1 70 J F Fouts.......................... yesterday appointed a committee to dusty ought to bo able to show that Harry Nusburg, skirts, nnd even quilts. It Is Self-Threading—Absolutely n o holes to pul thread through 4 00 largest except eye o f needle. Shuttle iscylinder, open 011 end, entirely self-threading, easy to put in or “ “ 1 70 W II Nosier...................... investigate alleged attempts at j the flax industry aud the prune in­ A Sengstncken, 2 00 take out; bobbin holds a large am ount o f thread. S titch Regulator is on the bed o f the machine, - A .t t o r n . 3 3 r . a t - L a .'W , beneath the bobbin w inder, and has a scale show ing the num ber o f stitches to the inch, and can “ “ 1 70 A W r ig h t ......................... bribery of members in the interest dustry and the wheat industry and Myron Maguire, 4 00 be changed from 8 to 32 stitches to the inch. Feed is double aud extends ou both sides o f needle; M A R S H F IE L D , O R E G O N . “ “ 1 70 J S Edmonds.................... of senatorial candidates. Today the other industries are not quite as Jessie Palmer, fails to take ooods through; never stops at seams; m ovem ent is positive; no spring» to 4 00 never break and get out 01 order; can be raised and low ered at will. Autom atic Bobbin W inder— Fo: senate and house met in joint ses­ State vs C Soderman: Denier in U bai , 1'D t a t s o f nil kinds. much entitled to a bounty. They J W Laird......................... 2 00 filling the bobbin automatically and perfectly sm ooth without holding the thread. M achine does run w hile w inding bobbin. Light R unning—M achine is easy to run, docs not fatigue tlieopcr- sion to hear the report of the com- will probably be prepared to show W H S Hyde, justice fe e s ..$7 30 George Steward................ 8 00 not ator, m ake» little n oiio and sews rapidly. Stitch is a double lock stitch, the same on both sides, 3 Q U I L L S Oran >0 No. 3M . Patrons o f | mittee w ill not ravel, and can be changed without stopping tlwe m achine. T«?nston is a flat spring ten­ The committee pro­ J W Carter, constable “ 4 00 that the $50,000 will not go directly H J Peterson.................... 8 00 H usbandry meat on the 1st Saturday sion, and w ill admit thread from 8 to 150 spool cotton without changing. Never gets out o f order. duced and exhibited $.'10,000 in into the pockets of the trust that W U Douglas, dist attorney.. 5 00 G T R ob ison .................... 2 00 The Needle is a straight, self-setting needle, flat on one side, and cannot be put iu w rong. Needle o f eaeli m onth at It) o’ clock a. in. B a r is round, made o f case-haidencd steel, with oil cup at the bottom to prevent oil from gettiug one thousand dollar bills, which C L Humphrey, wit and m il.. 1 70 N . I.'iliiiNZ, Master. J B F o x ........................... 2 00 ou fixes the price of sugar, aud that the good*. Adjustable Bearings—All bearings are case-hardened steel and easily adjusted a screw driver. All lost m otion can be taken up, aud the m achine will last a lifetime. Senator Whiteside claimed lias been the price of sugar will be reduced Wm Noble. E . Pannenhcrg. Sec. “ “ . . 1 70 J P Beyers........................ 8 00 with Attachm ents—liach m achine is furnished with necessary tools and accessories, and iu addition we “ . . 1 70 J P Tupper....................... 2 00 furnish an extra set o f attachments in a velvet lined metal box, free o f charge, as follow s: One • O O Q U I L L E \V. C. T . U . meets each 2d paid to him nnd liis two colleagues in proportion to the increased tuxes Chas Kronholm, “ ruffler and gatherer, on e biuder, one shirring plate, one set o f four hemmers, different widths up to vote for W. A. Clark, of Butte, for the property of the state will have C W Tower, V v nnd 4th Fridny at 2:1)0 p m. “ “ . . 1 70 J Y Groshong.................. 2 00 to Ji (»fan inch, on e tucker, one under braider, one short or attachm ent foot, and one thread M bs . G , Proa. cutler. W ood w ork o f finest quality oak or walnut, gothic cover and drawers, nickel-plated ring» United States senator. The money to bear. David Baker..................... 2 00 State vs Geo Byrd: M rs. W . R ich. Secretary. to drawers, dress guards to wheel, and device for replacing belt. was deposited with the state treas­ •— ---------- —— 2 00 Orvil Dodge, justice f e e s .... 5 55 Glenn Collier.................... n O N ’T P A Y HIGH PRICES FOR D I| Y DIRECTLY OF MANUFACTURERS AND Y R T ,E C A M P , N O . 107. W O O D M E N UUn I I M l SEWING MACHINES D u l SAVE AGENTS AND D E A L E R S PROFITS urer, subject to the order of the K,:t b r i j q n : S m - r i - s s i u l I r T r e a t e d . J C Brown, act constable fees 5 35 J H Shields....................... 8 00 o f t in W orld, m eets nt M asonic Hall O ’ J R G R E A T O F F E R . $ 2 3 . 5 0 Is our ¿»pecial W holesale Price, but • t T ^ C ^ O T > • legislature. 1st nnd ill M onday niulits o f ennh m onth. B McDuffee.................. 2 00 L A Roberts, pros attorney.. 5 00 in order to introduce this high-grade sew ing m achine, w eniake a special cou­ “ I have just recovered from the ■ -.« .* — A. J. Siiupwof ..C on su l, offer, givin g every reader o f this paper a chance to get a first-class ma­ 2 00 pon J E Clinton, witness afcd mil 3 10 J E Withers...................... o .o r ^ u T . M oulton, Clerk. „ second attack of la grippe this year,” chine at the low est price ever offered. On receipt o f $ 18 .5 0 cash and coupon, T i l tin* |, ||I»II<-. J C Laird.......................... 2 00 w e will ship the above-described m achine anyw here securely packed and says Mr. Jas. A. Jones, publisher of State vs Guy Bickford: crated, nndguar'tuteesafe delivery. A ten years’ written warranty sent with We are authorized to guarantee 4 00 each machine. M oney refunded if not as represented after thirty days’ test 1 0 U R T C O Q U IL L E , N O . 1«. F O R E S T - the Leader, Mexin, Texas. “ In the J H Cecil, justice fees............ 4 80 M H Hersey...................... /ors o f America. meets every second nnd every bottle of Chamberlain’s Cough trial. W e wi ship C. O. D. for $19.50 with privilege o f twenty days’ trial on R Winningham................ 2 00 receipt o f $5.00 as a guarantee o f good faith and charges. I f you prefer thirty fourth Thursday even inn, ut M asonic Hall Remedy to be ns represented and if latter case I ‘ used Chamberlain’s W W Gage, act constable fees 9 10 J L F ou ts......................... days’ trial before paying, send for our large illustrated catalogue w ith testi­ 2 00 Con tulle City, Oregon. “ “ 4 80 m onials, explaining fully how we ship sew in g m achines anyw here to any. not satisfactory after two-thirds of Cough Remedy, and I think with J W Nosier, “ II. N. L o a n « , C . It. R O K irkpatrick... 4 00 one at the lowest m anufacturer's prices w ithout asking one cent in advance, G ao. O . Listen. It. S the contents have been used, will considerable success, only being in Frank Pearce, wit and mil. 3 50 Francis Simon........ best plan is to seud all cash with order, ns you then save the $1.00 dis­ 2 00 The bed a little over two days against Jno Offleld, “ “ . 3 00 count. Rem em ber the coupon must be sent w ith ord»*-. | refund the money to the purchaser. 2 U0 E McDuffee.............. / 1 E N . L Y T L E P O S T , N O. 27. G . A. It. ten days for the former attack. Jennie Cotton, “ “ . 3 50 vT iiiH ots event tirst .M.mdnv n ich t o f There is no better medicine made 2 00 - 3 fc- 0 r m George Schroeder... ake your order through (he Herald, wilhoot extra eosl.-^r each m onth . Visititi..' oomrades iu Rood for la grippe, colds mid whooping The second nttack I am satisfied Miss Georgia Hollenbeck, wit­ 4 00 M H Hersey............ itaudiu o cordially invited to attend. would have been equally as had as ness and milenge fees........ 3 50 cough. —Price 25 and 50c per bottle. I). H . H a sk in , Post Com. 2 00 Chas F Mcknight. the first hut for the use of this rem­ State vs Isaac Bush: J. Q uick , Adjutant. Try it, R. S. Knowlton. 8 00 edy, ns I had to go to bed in about Win Turpen, justice fees........ 0 90 Samuel H uff............. 2 00 Charles Hall........... f ' l E N . L Y T L E , W . it. C ., N O . 9. M E E T S six hours after being ‘struck’ with J A Letuian, constable, fees.. 5 00 Doings in Congress- \ T in C oqm llc City on the tirst nnd third 2 00 it, while in the first case I was to J T Hall, prosecuting attorney 5 00 W E McDuffee . . . . Wednesday aftern ton in each m outh. J W McConnell___ 2 OO M as. W . H in t, Pres. Washington, Jan. 9.— At the open­ attend to business about two days A Tenbrooke, sr, wit nnd mil. 1 70 4 00 M bs . Ida H a b m s o t o s . See. Anders'm L a m b .... ‘ down.’ ” For C B Kelley, ing of the house after a little par- bsforo getting “ “ . 1 70 2 00 T J Little................ sale by R. S. Knowlton. C M Byler, “ •• . 1 70 /• 't H t D W I O K L O D G E , N O . Its. A. F. lying the regular order was de­ 2 00 Louis S im m on s.... Ve' nail A. M ., m eets on H itim lnv evani-iR manded, and tlio house proceeded Thos Nicliols, “ -u. u . - wua —. _______ a ail on or tiefore e-nUi ran moon, visitin o hr tit* to vote upon an amendment to the In man Dob, v Tho School Fund. reu oordially in vited . , 8 00 J C S h ields... legislative, executive ami judicial N . L obbn z . W . M . Herman Mattson, “ 1 50 2 00 W T Warner. C. W . W h it e . Sec. appropriation bill, which strikes out If this legislature could do some­ State vs Tom Drew and E J White: George Collier 2 00 i U E L A H C H A P T E R . N O . 9. O . E. S .. of that Dill the appropriation for thing to bring order and decent J H Cecil, justice fe e s.. . . . $ H 80 4 00 T M Johnson. > moets Friday evenin'! on or before maiutenauco of the civil service business methods into tho manage­ D II Johnson, constable fees 11 00 ouch full m oon at 9 o’ cl in., from April 1st Witnesses before grand jury— ti This amendment was ment of the school funds of Oregon K E Buck, constable to O o to h T IHst. and th -rin ft "■ nt, 7: Ms and commission. 9 70 J W Carter........................ $(> 40 ?aoh flftoen days thereafter nt 3 o’clock in adopted in committee of the whole they would bless posterity. Several XV Sinclair, dep dist attv i t 5 00 Susie Crawford.................. 3 40 the afternoon. millions nro loaned out helter- Calvin Cavett, wit and mil 3 in by a vote of 07 to (II. M b s . J e n . v ib lies::. W . M . Rev R C L ee..................... G 40 if Moody (R ■■>., Mass.) demanded skelter on recommendation of local Frank Nosier, M rs . N oto A. M cE w u s, Sac. « 4 GO D McIntosh.......................... 7 00 it (f the nves ai d noos, aud amid uproar­ attorneys, often to themselves aud Chas Green, 8 90 Mrs Byron Bailey.............. l S Q U I L L E L O D G E . NO W . I. O . O . E . 9 40 It tt j meets every S itar I :v «v im in i. V mit­ ious demands from both friends more often to their friends aud to C A Gage, 1 50 ¡Mrs Mary Scott................. 9 20 ili!! brethren in £ 0 >*l standiui! cordially : and opponents the clerk called the politicians on property tliut wou’t ti 3 10 John Randolph................ C A Peterson, 3 40 invited. . . . . » ,0 it sell for the loan. In lending R Cavett, ft roll. J. A . S e e d , N . o . 3 10 Dr J T McCortnac............ G 40 J . S. L i w u s x c k . It. S. tf The vote resulted in the reversal money the state competes with the J X Eoster, “ 3 10 W L Walker...................... 7 50 It banter and the private money ti of I ho decision of the couniiitteo of 4 GO Byron Builey..................... D L Powers, IO Q U IL L E E N C A M P M E N T . N O . 29 .1 . 9 40 ft tt The appropriation for lender and when ho has a Imtl loan O A Kelly, I O . O . F ., m eets every tirst nnd third the whole. 4 GO Florence Irwin.................. 9 40 Thursdays in each monili at O ld Feilo'v, tt ft support of the commission was re­ on his hands ho works it off on the M Carlson, 4 GO Mrs John Rogers............... hall. Cordial invitation extended tonllvis- 3 20 tt stored, the motion to strike out the state. Tho state has to tako what N Anderson, ititi!! patriarchs in Kood standinq. “ 4 60 Jno Rogers........................ 3 20 U . E. B u c k , C . P . (( appropriation being defeated by a the money lenders don’t want, and Geo Boon, “ 4 GO S H Crouch....................... 10 40 G . F . BottTM-r,. Scribe. «« with the fees and costs of all the H Lorenz, voto of 95 to 119. « 1 50 H W Sanford.................... 10 80 ft The legislative bill was then attorneys and the losses mid fore­ E l Lorenz, a m ie u k h e k a u l o d g e , n o . 20 . « 1 50 Israel Laudo...................... 6 40 I. ( ) . ( ) . P „ meets every 2d and 4th passed without division, and under closures, the whole job puts tho i t 1 50 Mrs Mary Smith. . . . . . . . M McDonald, il W edn esdays in oaoh m onth , at O dd F el­ 4 90 (( (f a continuing order tlio house re­ slate at a disadvantage, ami makes Will Darby, 1 50 Thomas Nichols................. lows’ h ill. Mas. Jm.iTH C o e l ie u , N . O . 7 60 tt ft sumed consideration of the bill for what should be tho most sacred XV XV Gage, J . S. L awuksck . S. 1 50 Martin Randleman............ 8 40 (f treasure of the peoplo the easy codification of the laws of Alaska. 4 Gil Hurry M Baxter................ A U M O N Y C O U N C IL . NO.IW) O F T H E F E Hull, 8 40 Fraternal Aid Association meets the prey of the shiftless and rapacious. MissM Flanders,“ IN THE SENATE. “ 1 70 W V Ashburn................... 4 80 2d aud UhTuosday evenin'! o f each month. t i tf Under Governor Lord’s adminis­ A Flanders, Washington, Jan. 9.— Iu the sen­ 1 70 Mollie R ose........................ 8 . J. M i i x e b , Pres. 9 40 ate, Mitchell reported from the mil­ tration the political pull has been I‘ M : Sanderlin, D . F . D ean , Sen. “ 4 60 Hturv A shburn................. 2 80 tt itary affairs committee a bill provid­ somewhat broken up and not nearly Wm Copoly, “ 4 60 Ida N ed.............................. No matter what the matter is, one will do you 9 40 it ing that all honorably discharged so many bad loans have been made Clark Hull, “ 4 GO B L Powers....................... 5 80 good, and you can get ten for five cents. tt (( as formerly. Interest lias been col­ soldiers and sailors who served in 3 10 Thos Heatou...................... Abe L Nosier, 2 00 A now B ty ln p n c k o t contalnini? ten kip a nr rAMtn.'-: * In a paper carton ( w it h o u t k I ar .«) is now f o r ___ It tf the war of the rebellion, and volun­ lected up more closely aud on the Roy Drew, 3 10 XV Oldland......................... n t R o m oilru ir >r»v n r r . c t w i T h i n lo w or i -f-.j c u r t I n U m d cil f o r t h o p o o r e n d t h o e c o n o m i ­ G 80 j c a l. O u > i l o w u o f th o fiv e c e n t c a r t o n » (i'M tahu l*-«) o a .i I h .<1 b y m a j L>. si u ilim r f o r t y « lirh t c e n t » C O Q U IL L E C ITY . teer sailors of the war of 1812 ami whole the condition of the funds is XVr XXr Gage, acting constable 8 00 f o th «’ K CnRHICAI, C , N . 13 S p u n - s ir w n , N ow Y o r k —o r a s in g le c m t o n ( George Sanford................ 10 40 j JIXH. ) w ill b e s e n t f o r f iv e eeiitrt. B u st i c o d i c - u o e v e r m a d e b in e « t h o w o r ld w t u c r e ù t ë d . ' I Opposite City W h a r f.1 General Odell's of the Mexican war, and of the war more favorable. Drawing jury list for justices Mrs S C S an ford .............. 10 80 1 with Spain, who may be disabled in report will show this aud his recom­ districts: L I Calvin Cavett...................... 5 80 e eps o n h a n d a n d m a k e s t o any way, shall be admitted into tlio mendations will lead to still greater S D Barrows, NoG , ..........$.3 00 T M Dimmick................... order first-class G GO home of volunteer soldiers. The improvements. At eight per cent | J B Marshall, . 2 00 John Norton...................... G ... Profanity is forbidden by both 4 80 R A W H ID E : CH AIRS. bill passed: T 3 tHe O n î o r t u n a t e but few loans can be made and L C Gibson, G ... ........ 2 00 George Schroeder............ 10 00 the army and navy regulations. M anu factured from best hard wood. Honr then called up the resolu­ those not the best. The whole sys­ Wm Turpen, . 3 00 1 ... Z. R . F O X . Proprietor. Willie Howell.................... 10 00 Any soldier or sailor who does not tion introduced by Vest, and ad­ tem is wrong, has been abandoned ' David Morse, 1 . . . ........ 2 00 Jesse T odd............... Dr Gibbon 8 40 j like to be sworn at has a right to dressed the senate. His speech was j by other states anu ought to be j John Flanagar 1 .. . . a . - 2 00 Fannie Frazier.................. Thin old reliable nnd 9 40 ) make a complaint, nnd the offend­ n strong argument against tlio i Kubsitutod here in Oregon with J H Cecil, 3 . . . . . : . 3 00 Fred Ashburn............... m ost Kuccefmful spec­ 2 80 ing officer is subject to trial by ial ir*t in Han Frur.cis­ Ui itod States assuming the govern- 1 something not quite so dead easy J H Jumes, 3 ^ Susan Ned.......................... 9 40 court-martial. co. still continues to game for tho sharper class. It is J J Lamb, ment of the Philippines. 3 . . . ........ 2 00 E ld ie N e il.......... ............... BANDON. O R , cure all Sexual and 9 40 Sem inal Diseases, Gallinger today offered an amend- j almost impossible for the state to La Grippe is ngaiu epidemic. I State vs Geo Brandt: Henry Allen....................... 3 90 KEEPS CONSTANTLY ON HAND ^ such as Gonorrhea, ment to the naval appropriation bill compete with the private money­ S D Barrows, justice f e e s .... 2 25 Every procaution should be taken ' M r l e e t, S t n c tu re, Stanley Oldland................ G 80 A FULL LINE OF appropriating $2,000,000 to pay offi­ lender, when every loan is made i» «11 l“» State vs John Doe and Richard Mrs XV Oldland................ 8 80 to avoid it. Its specific cure is One -* i v ; form s, Skin Diseases, cers and men of the navy and ma- under political pressure. And the Minute Cough Cure. A. J. Shcp- Roe: ' N e r v o u s D ebility, State vs Chas Hywood — i rine corps bounty or other allow­ state ought to go out of this S D Barrows, justic# f e e s . . . . $2 10 Irr.putency, Sem inal W eakness and L o m c f F Frazier............ 2 00 eril, Publisher Agricultural Journal M anhood, tho consequence o f self-abuse ances due them, under section 4035 special variety of paternalism orelse W H Brown, sea'ch'g for tame 5 40 George C linton..... ............ 8 20 and Advertiser, Eldon, Mo., says: and excesses producing the follow ing sy m p ­ A .T of the revised statutes, for the cap­ conduct in the sole interest of E M Blackerby, *................. “ None will be disappointed in us­ tom s: Hallow countenance, dark spots un- 0 50 William C ox....................... 2001 ture or the destruction of ships or tho people.—Capital Journal. Acr the eyes, pain in the head, ringing in A W Kime, “ “ « 1 00 S P C Johnson................ 5 0C ing One Minute Cough Cure for La the ears, loss o f confidence, diffidence in vessels of wnr during the war with Orvil Dodge, justice fees, L John Foulkcs.................... 5 40 j Grippe.” Pleasant to take, quick to approaching strangers, palpitation o f tho Ererynorty »ays so« Spain. heart, w aknesH o f the lim bs and back, loss L Billings ys Ed Wilkey .$11 75 Mollie R ose........................ 2 00 act. It. S. Knowlton. Orders left with R. S. K xowi . ton , Casctirets Candy Cathartic, tlie mo*t won­ ---- - of m em ory, pim ples on the face, »oughs- A E Seaman, depdist atty fees derful medical discovery o f the ape. p.cas- c o n s iiin p t io n . e tc . A W right............................ 2 00 C oquillk C ity , w ill rece ve prompt That. L am e ItacJc can he cured, with ant and refreshing to the taste, act gently An exchange speaks of a man \ D U . G IB B O N has practised in Han Fran­ state ys W D Reedy.......... 5 00 M H Hersey...................... Dr. Miles* NEUYE PLASTER. OnLr 25c. 4 00 attenton. and positively on kidneys, liver and bowels, cisco over :J0 years an J those troubled should cleansing the entire system , dispel colds, J B Hassett....................... 2 20 who it is said always pays for his not fail to consult him and receive the ben­ State vs A A Jamieson: local paper iu ndvanre. As a result efit o f his great skill and experience. The cure headache, fever, habitual constipation Matatfa Is King; of Samoa. Rosebiirg-Cnqnillf Freight anti 1’as- State vs Chas Taylor— and biliousness. Piraso buy and try a box J II Cecil, justice fees.......... $ 3 40 doctor cores when others fa il. T r v h im . of C . C . C. to-dav; 10, 2ft. :»0 cents. Hold and R E Buck, constable fees.. . 13 50 H Rohuer........................... 10 00 he has never been sick a day in his C l ’ KEH O U A U A N T K K D . Person* cured NGisrr Route. life, never had any corns on his toes, New York, Jan. 10.— A dispatch guaranteed to cure by all drupgists. nt home. Charges reasonable. Call or 11 40 j W Sinclair, dept dist atty.. . 2 50 N XX'ilson............................ ----------- --------» -------- — — or the toothache, his potatoes never write. DR. J, F. GIBBON. from Washington E O R G E M A R T IN , o f this place, has \ to the Herald Wm Howell, j r . , ............ 8 40 62o K earney street. Han Francisco C al. Coroner’s inquest F M Jackson: established a weekly round-trip pas- j says: Mataafa has been elected Butcher Weyler Hopes to Co Into Power. 10 00 rot, his oats never rust, the weasel \ senger and freight line from Coqnille City i 0 A Kelly, coroners fees .$5 00 Ida N ed.............................. never kills his chickens, the frost; Passenger fare. f 5 , with f>0 king of Samoa, to succeed Malietoa. to Rose barg, J P Tupper....................... 8 0 0 lbs. o f bagage, Freight carefully handled Mntaafa’s election is highly satis­ Madrid, Jan. 7.— Weyler, the for­ E B Smith, juror................ . 1 00 R XV Bullard.................... 11 40 never kills his beans, bis babies <3m* and rates reasonable. . 1 00 V i s i t D R . J Q R D A S ’ S c ' r r e « n t t W factory, not only to the Washing­ mer captnin-genernl of Cuba, gave Guy Drew, 10 00 never ery nt night nnd his wife never . 1 oo George Schroeder............ Clark Hull, scolds. a banquet yesterday to the generals, ton government, but to the Ger­ C O O S B A Y 10 00 . 1 00 Susau Ned........................... man and British governments, be­ admirals and high officials. Toasts J W Tindell, ¡un MASUT ST. t,‘. cut 74.3 T c l Al Hite............................... 4 20 A county in Illinois comes proudly . 1 oo T M Willard, to the regeneration of the country T b « L a r g tit » f It* kind In I t « W orld. cause of the certnintv that he will B F Smith........................... 11 40 to the front with a grandmother . I oo A Bradshaw, W o * r « continually nddiug new «pcelmcn«. be guided in his actions by the aud reforms in the army and navy uu” nipt brani h..w w.iudvriullr jro« N t mad« ( C on tin o.<1 on 2d oaae.i only 25 years old. She was married id how to avoid ai< kticaa and dUt-aw. If you The guests made John Gnmmill, witness.......... . 1 50 wishes of the consuls in Apia of the were drunk. iff'-r from any o f lb*- ilia o f mvn. come to (be when she was only 11 years old, her C. W. PATERSON, Prop. . 1 50 Jeal SpccialU t o o the Part Be ('oasi. signatory powers to tlie Berlin speeches in which they expressed A L Nosier, . 1 50 These are dangerous times for daughter was married when hut 12 lo m A ii-ra iT A T i d u i %*.» % the hope shortly to see Weyler in James Timon. treaty. M annfaotnrer o f M arble M onamentn, H e a t- ( . 1 50 the health. Croup, colds and throat years of age and is Dow a mother. |Clifford Martin, power. -***■ atones, Tablets, etc. . ru* will r*e«iT« ou DrcTt TGimrro Spit and Pmoke Tear l ife Ansy, . 1 50 troubles lead rapidly to Consump­ A guard will be stationed around U 1 Y '• O ■! t - W A Bean, cemetery l o t . enclosed w ith stone copina To quit tobacco easily and forcrer. be ina0c or f i . Cure guaran­ save $1000 a day for ten days, was .1J Baker searching for Arago time will preserve life, health and a ported that several enterprising ï i > l i n V.T A « O MOM M irketst H. F mav wish an ything in mv lin e o f business. 1 teed Booklet and sample free. Address 1 I yearlings aro mashed on her. $35 50 large amount of money. received with applause. 1 robbers................... MAKanris* c - O reo C O Q U IL L E C IT Y . OUEOON. W C a o s M C I C C M H EB Chair Factory^ for h ki hans ta oxpany o ten es K ptTER LOGGIE,^ Burial Caskets Lowest (M Prices. G Museum Gf Arstomy Marine anil Slone Works bcerling Remedy C o , G llcacc or New York.