/ Coquille iitu Metftlà VOL. 17. C O Q U IL L E 2JU. J. BURT MOORE, S p a in makes tjEit l a s t k ic k i have been almost overwhelmed with reply, covering all the points of the HUROEON ANO PHYSICIAN. C O Q U IL L E W C IT Y . OUEOON. I I j L p rom ptly respond to all calls, day or night. Accepts the Consequences, But Very Ill-Naturedly. £UGENE PANNENBEKG, ATTORNEY .Viturj at LAW j Treaty C O Q U IL L E C IT Y , O R E G O N . Office in Herald B uildin g, C oqu ille C ity, Or. ip ilH COMMERCIAL *— C IT Y , O R E G O N , T U E S D A Y , Provides that America Pay All Ex peases ot Repatriation— Spain Will Retain All Arms. offer« o f dinners in England, pro­ coinage laws. In it he quoted the moted by the desire of prominent1 coinage law passed by congress ! Englishmen to emphasize the Anglo-j February 12, 1873, providing that American entente, hut they will re- the standard gold dollar “ should be mniu in Paris until the day before the unit of value.” On this basis he sailing for the United States. They argued he was not being puid the will make formal calls upon Presi­ full value of the mortgage, as a sil­ dent Enure and high officials here j ver dollar’s market value was but to thank them for official hospitali­ 38^ cents. Judge Smith’s decision was that ties. Unofficial hespilitulity to the! United States commissioners has 1 the tender of the silver iu payment been ostentatiously lacking in Paris. for tho mortgage was good, and accordingly ordered the mortgage discharged as paid. Cunning Politics Employed In California. The case will be appealed to the supremo court of Michigin. and San Francisco, Dec. 10.— A tre­ from there it is expected it will go mendous sensatiou has been caused ) to the supreme court of the United iu political circles here by the publication of statements by John States. Madrid, Dec. 11.—The govern­ ment entirely approves the memor­ TJie i s o .t m odern arranged B A H B E ll andum of protest against the action S H O P in C oqnille C ity . M. I/l. McDonald, Proprietor. of the United States commissioners, filed by Seuor Montero ltios, at Paris. The memorandum protosts agaiuBt D. Spreckles, proprietor of the San the refusal of the Americans tosur Francisco Call, and M I L DeYoung, A tto rn e y and render the securities deposited in proprietor of the Chronicle, to the C o u n s e lo r at L a w the treasuries of Cuba and Porto effect tbnt W. F. Herrin, chief coun­ C O Q U IL L E C IT Y . O R E G O N . Rico by private Spaniards, remark­ sel anil political manager of the ing that ‘‘ never has a civilized nation Southern Pacific Railroad Company, R eal E state and C ollections a S pecialty. committed such an act of violence.” made to each of them a proposition Secondly, it protests against the that he could name any candidate ultimutnm demanding the Philip­ for United States senator he chose pines. and he (Herrin) would guarantee 0 3 Thirdly, it protests against the the election of the candidate so MARSHFIELD, OUEOON. position-in which those Spaniards chosen, providing that the candi­ are placed who desire to remain in date was in full sympathy with the Dealer in R eal E state o f all kinds. Cuba. railroad company. Fourthly, it protests against the Said Mr. DeYoung; “ Herrin O Q U IL L E OrantTe N o. 290. P atrons o f H usbandry m eet on the 1st Saturday reference to the destruction of the came to mo and told me that he had o f eaali m onth at 10 o ’ clo ck a. m. Maine in President McKinley’s mes­ been requested by Goorge Crocker, N. L orenz , Master. sage to congress. On this point the vice-president of the Southern Pa­ E. P a n n en berg, Soo. memorandum says: cific Compnuy, to tell me that I jp iO Q U lL L E W. C. T . U. m eets each 2d •‘Spain has proposed arbitration, would be permitted to name the V y and 4th Friday at 2:30 p m. but the United States has refused to next United Stntes senator from M rs . G aoe , Pros. M rs. W . R ich . B o o r o t a r y . ___________ give her the right which is granted California. I thanked Mr. Herrin YBTLB OAMP, BO. 197, WOODMEN to a criminal; namely, the right of for the honor conferred upon roe o f tilt* W orld, m eets at M asonic Hall defending herself. The Spanish aud said that I had not yet made up 1st and 3d M onday nightfl o f each m onth. commissioners leave the care of fix­ ray mind as to who in my opinion A. J. S iibrwoc Consul. ing the responsibility for the ex­ would be the best man for the place. G eorge T . M oulton, Clerk. plosion to the entire world, which “ This reply did not prove satis­ tO U R T C O Q U IL L E , N O . I*. F O R E S T - will say whether those are respon­ factory. Mr. Herrin continued the /c*rs o f America, m p etseverv second and fourth Thursday evening, at M asonic H all sible who desire the truth, or thoso conversation and very broadly in­ C onnilie C ity. O regon. refnsiug to seek it.” timated that if I would name a man II. N. L orenz , C. R . The newspapers generally express friendly to tho interests of the G eo . O . L eacii . It. N relief nt the signing of the treaty. Southern Pacific Company the houor / a K\. LYTLE PORT, NO. 27, O. V. it. Thu independent organs, most of of doing so would be given to me, V X m e e ts everv first M onday n ig h t o f j each m on th . V isitin g com rades in good the provincial papers and the Carl- and he eveu ivent so far as to say stand ing cordially in v ited to attend. ist and republican journals attack in so many words that if I named 15. H. H askin , P ost Com. both political parties, conservative such a man the company would ue- J. Q u ic k , Adjutant. and liberal,reproaching them equally cure his election, and that the sen­ 'I EN. L Y T L E . W. It. C .. N O. 9. M E E TS with having brought the couutry to ator so elected would be my tool. ( , X in C oqu ille C ity on the first and third the present pass. I continued to decline tbo proffered W ednesday afternoon in each m onth. M rs . W. H it e . Pres. El Imparcinl alone publishes the privilege and the interview closed. M rs . Id a I I aubiwoton . B oo . contents of tho treaty, which pro­ “ I was at a loss to understand the duces a less unfavorable impression real purpose of Mr. Herrin’s visit, /N H A D W I O K L O D G E . NO. «*. A. F. ! am \ M .. m e e t, on B stim lny oven i-is than hud been expected, owing to but I was not left long in the dark. on or Itefore enoh full m oon. V isitin g breth­ tho commercial and other conces­ Mr. Herrin went immediately to ren oordinlly invi tod . sions to Spain. two friends of mine and sought to N . IiOKENZ. W. M. El Liberal says: “The Paris ne­ induce them to use their influence C . W . W h i t e . S ec. gotiations offer a far sadder Rpetaele with me to have mo name Dan U E b A H C H A P T E U . N O. (!. O. E. 8 .. After having m eets F riday even ing on or b efore than the ships which are to bring j Burns for senator. each fa il m oon at S o 'c lo c k from \;iril 1st back our repatriated soldiers,deplor­ clone this he again came to me nnd to O ctob er :11st. and thereafter at 7:80: and proposition lie had saoh fifteen days thereafter at 3 o’ c lo c k in able as the condition of the latter is.” repeated tho Tho cabinet, it is said, will meet previously I be a ftern oon . made. Being then M as. J ennie U osb , W . M , the cortes intact. Seuor Sagasta | advised of his leal iutentions, I Mas. N ous A. X o K w M , S ac. will ask an indemnity hill for the gave Mr. Herrin a fiat refusal. The i-J Q U IL L E L 'ID G E , NO. B». I .O . (). F.. cession of tho Philippines. “ About this time I learned from J meets every S stn r.itv even in g. V isit­ cabinet will then declare, ns it finds John D. Spreekels that Herrin had in g brethren in good standing cordially : itself at a crisis, that it cannot ad­ made a similar proposition to him. i “ Tited' J . A. S eed . N .O . mit an 7 debate, and will, therefore, After consultation, we decided to J . S. L vwrencu . R. S. demand the immediate adoption of uurnaak the railroad attorney and ¿ " lO Q U I L l.E E N O A M P M E N l'. N O . ‘Jo. T. , the bill, after which Senor Sagasta thus learn his real intentions. Ac­ V J O . O . F.. m eets every lira', and third will submit tho question of confi­ cordingly, a telephone mossnge was Thn rsdays in each m onth at Odd Fellow s' hall. C ordial invitation extended to all vis- dence to the quoen regent. sent to Herrin requesting him to i tin g patriarchs in good sta n d in g . El Hera]do says the government meet Mr. Spreekels in his office nt * F K . E. B uck , C. P . believes that iu the present cir­ Third nnd Market streets, no iuti- G . F. B o o t h .I* Scribe. cumstances the holders of the Phil­ infttion having been given that I was a m ie iie b b k a h l o d g e , n o . 20 , ippines debt will accept the arrange­ to be present. Herrin complied I. (). O. F.. meets every 'JJ and 4th W ednesdays in each m on th , a t O l d F el­ ment arrived at, and considers the immediately with the request, nnd lows’ halt. Mas. J u l i t i i CoLt.teu, N. G . Cuban bondholders should demand was ushered into the room where J. 8. L awbunue 8 . of the future government of Cuba we were. Be wna,no surprised and AUM ONV C O U N C IL. NO.IVU O F T H E a fulfillment of tho contract by taken back that ho leaned against Fraternal Aid A ssociation m eets the 2d and M hTnesdav evening o f each m onth. claiming a mortgage on the cus­ tho wall for support until he could 8 . J. M il l e u , Fres. toms, which guarantee the debt. recover himself. D . F . D ean . S ec. _____ “ I asked Herrin how it war that DETAILS OF THE TREATY. Paris, Dec. 11.— The United he had made practically the same States peace commissioners rested proposition to Mr. Spreekels and today after the long strain of daily myself. He hemmed and halved, sessions with the Spaniards, the in­ pulled out a cigar and stuck tho C O Q U IL L E C ITY . tensity of which they hardly real­ wrong end of it in his month, and I O pposite C ity W h a rf.1 ized until it'was over. Warm per­ fiually stammered out something eeps on hand and m akes to sonal friendships and mutual regard about tho delay that had been order first-olass have arisen between the two com­ made in making a reply to his prop­ I then asked him point missions ns tho result of their ex­ osition. tended controversy’ at close quarters blank ‘ Who is the railroad’s candi­ M anu factu red from best hard w ood. 7. B. F O X . P rop rietor. Today several members of both date for United States seuator?’ “ His reply was, ‘Colonel Dan commissions exchanged calls. The American commissioners unoffici­ Burns is the railroad's candidate.' ” Mr. Spreekels’ statement is simi­ ally informed the Spaniards they tr1 would bo glad to have tho two com­ lar to Mr. DeYoung’s. These developments are of the missions dine together. The reply, KEEPS CONSTANTLY ON HAND which, like the invitation, was con­ utmost importance, apart from the A FULL LINE OF veyed diplomatically through a third scuutorsbip, ns the alienation of party, was that the Spaniards would Spreekels and DeYoung leaves the be most pleased, but feared it would Southerern Pacific Railroad Com­ be inadvisable because it might bo pany and the Huntington interests misconstrued nt Madrid, where without conspicuous newspaper sup­ already much feeling exists against port on the coast. the Spanish commissioners. Several members of the United Sliver Dollars Are a Legal Tender— A Orders left, with R. S. K nowlton , States commission were inclined at Michigan Court so Decides. C oquille C ity , will rece've prompt first to publish the text of the treaty attenton. ______________ __ but Senator Frye made a Btrong Pontiac, Mich., Dec. 13.—Judge plea yesterday for tho observance of j Smith rendered his decision in the courtesy toward the United States I case of Stephel) A. Baldwin vs Fred seiiffur Route. senate, and liis arguments prevailed. A. Baker, in favor of the former. The circumstances leading up to Further details, however, have y E O KG E MAK'ITN. o f this place, has J eatnidished established a weekly ron ronnd nd-trip t n p p: pas- been learned as to the wording of the suit were these: s e n g e r e n d freigh t line from C oqn ille City the treaty, which provides that Cuba Baldwin owns a farm in Blootn- • Roeehnrg. — - “ Passenger ----------*— to fare. with SO at $3000, and upon lb s. o f bagage. F reight ca refu lly handled is to be relinquished and that Porto ; field valued and rates reasonable. d m * Rico and the Philippines are to be which Baker holds a mortgage w hich ceded. The Americans are to pay was obtained by assignment from 0 0 0 3 B A Y for the repatriation of tho Spanish its original holders, December 13, troops from all the colonies. The 1807, and there was due of interest Spaniards are to return all prisoners nnd principal upon the mortgage held by them. They are to retail) $304. In payment Baldwin tend, possession of all military stores and ered Baker 304 silver dollars, which C. W. PATERSON. Prop. Baker at munitions of war in the Philippines, { he refused to accept. M anufacturer o f M arblo M onam ents, Hen I- ! and o f such ships as have not been once began steps to foreclose the ston es. T a b lets, e tc . captuicJ. The commercial treaties mortgage. Baldwin filed a bill in oem etery lo ts enclosed w ith ston e cop ing between the two nations, which tho chancery, asking that the mortgage cr ca rb in e . Iron railin gs fa m is h e d to o r ­ d er. C orrespondence s olicited from parties war ruptured, arc to be renewed at be discharged, inasmuch as he had liv in g in the eoantrv o r oth er tow ns who the convenience of the two nations. tendered payment to Baker. tnsv wish a nythin g in m y lin o o f bnsiness. 1 Baker filed a lengthy answer in Tho United States commissioners U u a u r lv t • - U beo “ C. L. M O O N ~ John F. Hall, _A.tt rn.e r . at - C M C B C M U Chair Factory^ K R A W H ID E : C H A IR S. pETER LOGGIE,. BANDON. O R , Burial _A.T C askets Lowest Cash Prices. Ros!“bur"-Ot|iiillc froiplit ami I’a.s- C ml Sion Works Protests Against Acquiring the Philippines. Washington, Dec. 12.—Iu the senate today Hoar and Hale pre­ sented a resolution of citizens of their several state» remonstrat­ ing against the extension of Ameri­ can soverignty over the Philippine islands and against the acquisition of foreign territory without the consent of the people of such ter­ ritory. Pettigrew introduced a bill authorizing M. Bartlett to raise the battleship Maine. Hoar introduced the following renolutiou: “ That the committee on military affairs be instructed to inquire and report whether some policy may not be established by law, by which soldiers of the regular army who have families or pareuts depending on them for support, or whose edu­ cation or opportunities for business will be seriously intefereil with by continuance in service, nnd who en- listed for the war under assurances they would be held while the war lasted, may be promptly discharged and their places ns far ns necessary bo filled with new recruit«.” DECEM BER 20 , 1898 . William Jennings Bryan Resigns. Washington, Dec. 12.— All doubts respecting Conlonel William Jen­ nings Bryan are now removed by tho receipt by the war department of a telegram from him stating ho has mailed his resignation, approved by the division and corps command­ ers. ---------- - NO. 21. A $65.00 M achine gal "flrllfiQtoir Threading For £ / f i . 5 0 Sewing M in e NEW HOME STYLE Cash with Ordir and Coupon l a t e st • CST CHEAPEST Shipped to anyone, anywhere, on 10 dnyi* free trial, in your own h o m e , with.ut asking one cent iu advance. Military Governor of Uuba. Washington, Dec. 13.— Major- General Brooke arrived in Wash­ ington today, and was closeted for more than nu hour with Alger. He then proceeded to tho White House, and when he returned to the war department it was formnlly an­ nounced that the president had des­ ignated him to be military governor of Cuba. Each of the six provinces will have its own military governor, and all will receive instructions directly from Brooke. Our New Possessions. Our newly-acquired islands num­ ber more than 2000— they have j never been counted, aud still less , accurately survoyed. But the best statistics available yield the follow­ ing results as to areas in square ; miles: Cuba......................................... 43,000 I Porto R ico............................ 3,550 Hawniiau groupe.................. 0,040 The Philippines................... 114,000 The Stilus.............................. 1,000 The Carolines...................... 1,000 Guam iu the Ladrones........ 500 10 y e a r « ’ written warranty w i t h each machine. A strictly high-grade Sew­ ing M a c h i n e , fin is lie a throughout iu the best pos­ sible manner. It possesses all modern improvements,audits mechanical construction is such that in it are combined simplicity with great strength, thus insuring ease o f naming, durability, au&inukiug it im­ possible lor the machine to be put out of order. It sews fa-t ami makes a perfect stitch with all kinds o f thread and all classes of material. Always ready for use aud unrivalled for speed, durability ai d qual­ ity o f work- Notice the fol- w lowing points ot superiorly: Coupon, if •ent C. 0.0. or on trial Th« Head o f the “ Arlington” swings on patent rocket hinges, firmly held down by e thumb «crewr. Strong, substantial, neat and handsome in design, and beautifully ornamented in gold Bed plate has rounded corners and is inlaid or countersunk, making it flush with top of table. inches high nnd 9 inches long. This will admit the H igh e st Arm—Space under the arm is largest skirts, and eveu quilts. It Is Self-Threading— Absolutely no holes to put thread through except eye o f needle. Shuttle is cylinder, open on end, entirely self-threading, easy to put in or take out; bobbin holds a large amount o f thread. S titc h Regulator is on the bed o f the machine, beneath the bobbin winder, and has a scale showing the number o f stitches to the inch, and cm be changed from 8 to 82 stitches to the inch. Feed is double and extends ou both sides o f needle; never fails to take goods through; never stops at seams; movement is positive; no springs to break and get out ot order; can be raised and lowered at will. Automatic Bobbin Winder— Fo; filling the bobbin automatically and perfectly smooth without holding the thread, Machi uc does not run while winding L ig h t Runninf «, bobbin. _________ in g — Machine is easy to run, does not fatigue the oper­ ator, makes little noise aud sews rapidly. S titc h is a double lock stitchr llic same on both siiL***, will not ravel, and can be changed without stopping the machine. Tension is a flat spring t»-n- •ion, and will admit thread from 8 to 150 spool cotton without changing. Never gets out o f or. The Needle is a straight, self-setting needle, flat on one side, ami cuunot be put in wrong. N ' l - c ' e B a r is round, made of case-hardened steel, with oil cup at the bottom to prevent oil from gt ttinc on the goods. Adjustable Be arin gs— All bearings are case-hardened steel and easily adjusted with a screw driver. All lost motion can be taken up, and the machine will la.«t a lift time; A t t a c h m e n t s — Each machine is furnished with necessary toolsand accessories, and in addition we furnish an extra set o f attachments in a velvet lined metal box. free o f chnrge, as foil«»«*: One ruffler and gatherer, one binder, one shirring plate, one set o f four hemmers, different widths up to o f au inch, one tucker, one under braider, one short or attachment foot, ami one thread cutter. W oodwork o f finest quality oak or walnut, gothic cover and drawers, uickel-platcd rings to drawers, drese guards to wheel, and device for replacing belt. * \ n n y » T P A Y h , g h p r i c e s f o r P H Y d ir e c t l y o f m a n u f a c t u r e r s a n d N JUG I r H I SEWINQ MACHINES D U l SAVE A G EN l’S AND D EA LER'S PROFITS C U R G R E A T O F f E R . $ 2 3 .6 0 1» SpKlul W hdowJe P r l « , but O T > € > e ~ . S’ .' • in order to introduce this high-grade sewing machine, we make n special cou­ pon ofler, giving every reader o f this paper a chance to get a first-class nin- Coup n Total...................................171,GEO chine at the lowest nnce ever offered. On receipt o f $ 18 .5 0 carh ami coupon, No V070 will ship the noove-described machine anywhere securely packed and Cuba is about the size of New wc crated, and guar-’-ntcesafe delivery. A ten years’ written warranty scut with each machine. Jloney refunded if not ns represented after thirty da vs’ test York, Ohio or Alabama. trial. Wc wi't ship C. O. D. for $19.50 with privilege o f twenty days’ trial i n Porto Rico is a little smaller than receipt o f $5.00 as a guarantee o f good faith and charges. I f you prefer thirty ' If sent with culrt A ; loi- Arlir'j*»n ” days’ trial before paying, send for our large illustrated catalogue with testi­ Connecticut. monials, explaining lully how we ship sewing machines anywhere to any I StwIngKacF’'« w The Hawaiian islands are a little one at the lowest manufacturer’s prices without asking one cent iu advance. No. 63 N *1 The best plan is to send nil cash with order, as you then save the $1.00 dis­ smaller than New Jersey, the larg­ count. Remember the coupon must be sent with ordur. T w o 1‘ o i n l c f l « ( I l e s l l o u s a n s w e r e d . est island, Hawaii, is about the size -$ £ - 0 i’ make your order through the Herald, without extra e o st.-^ ’ AVhat is the use of making a bet­ of Delaware. Tho Philippines cover a land ter article than your competitor if you can not get a better price for it? space about the size of New York Ans.— As there is no diffe-en^e and the New England states to­ in the price the public will buy gether. Luzon, on which Manila T o k eep o u r p re a t fa cto ry only the better, so that while our is situated, is not much smaller b u s y , a n d in t r o d u c e e a r l y o u r s p le n - ^ than New York. profits may be smaller on a single d id ’98 m o d e ls w e h a v e c o n c lu d e d t o All the new dependencies to­ sale they will be much greater iu m a k e a m a r v e lo u s o f f e r d ir e c t t o th e rid e r. gether are about equal iu area to aggregate. F o r 3 o d a y s w e w ill s e ll s a m p le s o f o u r the New England states, New York, How cau you get the public to s w e ll ’ 93 b i c y c le s a t n e t c o s t t o m a n u fa c ­ Pennsylvania and New Jersey. know your make is the best? t u r e a n d w ill s h ip , C . O . D . o n a p p r o v a l In annexing lands we annex pop­ If both articles are brought t o a n y a d d r e s s o n r e c e ip t o f th e n o m in a l ulation also. Those are as follows: prominently before the public both a u m o f $ i . o o ( i f w e s t o f D e n v e r , $5). T h is ^ Cuba — 1,500,000; 05 per cent are certain to be tried and the deposit ia merely to show good faith on purchaM*’* public will verv quickly pass white. p a r t ; i f y o u d o n ’ t w a n t t o send money in advance, send Porto Rico— 1,000,000; 00 per judgment on them aud nso only ti e y o u r e x p r e s s a g e n t ’s g u a r a n t y f o r charges one way and cent white. better one. w e w ill p a y t h e m t h e o t h e r i f y o u d o n ’ t want the wheel* cent Hawaii— 90,000; per This explains the lnrge snle on white. Chamberlain’s Cough Remedy. ^ f (2 f f B f Highest grade, embodying every late improve» mostly Philippines—-8,000,000; _ ment o f value, lhi inch imported tnbing, flash Tho people have been using it for joints, improvod two-piece cranks, arch crown, large detachable years and have found that it can al­ Orientals. sprockets, handsomest finish and decorations, Morgan A Wright, Sulus, Carolines aud Ladrones— ways be depended upon. They may qnick repair tires, single or doable tube, high grade equip. Mainly barbarous. occasionally take up with some fash- ment. Special price on samplo............................................................................................. A rough estiinato would place tbe ionble novelty put forth with ex­ .j* A splendid machine, equal to any for service and oney running. Best I K lneh aggerated claims, but are certaiu total population of all the Islands ^ softinloas tubing, two piece cranks, arch crown, detachable sprockets, finely to return to the one remedy that at about 10,000,000. finished and decorated, Morgan & Wright, quick repair tiree, singlo or double tube, There are hundreds of islands in they know to be reliable, aud for high grade equipment. Ourspocial sample price.............. ........................................ coughs, colds and croup there is the great Caroline Archipelago, Beet medium grade for 1698. 1% inch tubing, striprd and decorated, arch nothing equal to Chamberlain's scattered over fifteen hundred miles _______________crown, dust-proof bearings, boll retainers, beet Indiana or New Cough Remedy. For sale by R. S. of the middle Pacific east of the Brunswick tires, standard equipment. Special price on sample.............. ................... Philippines and south of the La- Knowlton. N O T E . Choice of Color, S t y l e , H e ig h t of F r a m e , G e a r , e t c . Fully Guaranteed. droues. They have a total popula­ ---------------*--*•«-«--------------- Yon will bo ourprised nt the appearance and quality o f tlieso wheels. Don’t wait,_order tion of 500,000 and are fertile. ces will bo much higher soou. You enn make B ig Money now while this offer is open. Prices W ILL ENFORCE FOOD LAW. The climate is pleasant nnd the ________ _ t, p< iling __ for us, We giro our ugents choico of cash, tho tree use of a sampkl on cur A jcn wheel, or gift of a v. heel, accoriliug to work dono. small hills nro said to abound with Commlss'oner Baker to Prosecute Swindl­ precious metals. ing Dealers. The natives, chiefly of the Malay Y/. have nun i> tp c f and 1897 ruodol wheels o f various makes nnd nn i . aa stylos, some a littlo shop-worn, but all new.......................... ................. lO $ 1 0 .UU* In speaking of the sale of adult­ race, are fishermen nmt sailors. The towns and cities are ancient, erated foods yesterday, \V. W. Baber, dairy and food commissionei, said: and nearly all tho principal build­ “ I am pleased to noto an active ings nro convents nnd churches. C sr businesfi nnd reputation nro known thronghout the country. References, any o t th t Aside from these no building aspires express companies, or any bank in Chicago. Art Catalogue tree. Secure agency at onoe. growing sentiment iu favor of yre- to more than one story. venting the sale of unwholesome and The Sulu islands— numbering adulterated foods, and I believe that The Oregonian is entitled to 150, but very small—stretch for 200 the credit of stimulating this senti­ miles southwesterly from Mindnuo Don't Tobacco Spit aud SmcKc Your Mfe Awny. i to Borneo. ment. To quit tobacco eusily and forever. l»c mag They formerly were noted as re­ “ Our state law reads: notic, full of life, nerve and vigor, take No-To* “ Section 1. It shall be unlawful treats for pirates, where, owing to Bnc. tho wrnder-workcr, that makes weak men innumerable chnnuelB, tho pirates strong. All druggists, 60c or 91. Cure guaran­ for any person or persons to sell or teed Booklet and sample free. Address Thin oltl reliable And exchange any unwholesome, un­ could eludo pursuit. Sterling Remedy C a, Cblcagc or New York. m ost RiiccpflHfal ftpee- Tho Archipelago was ruled by a iftliot in San F ra to i»- clean, tainted or diseased foods of despotic Sultan until 1878, when oo, still continues to any kind whatever.” cure all S exual and Indianapolis News: Tho plain Defiuing that which shall con­ Spain annexod it by conquest. S em inal D iseases, truth is that tho pension bureau Tho population is estimated at such as G on orrh ea , stitute an adulteration, our law Las been worked ns a great politi •, G l e e t, S t r ; o tn re, (paragraphs 4 and 5) reads, “ If it 75,000, of whom fully 00,000 are S y p h ilis, in all its cal machine. l ’ens:ons have been ¡ form s, Skin Diseases, is an imitation or is sold uuder the savnges. allowed for the purpose of holding There are three groupes of these r* • N e r v o u s Dobility, name of auother nrticle; if it is the soldier vote. Corrupt and ras­ Iunpotency, Sem inal W eakness nnd Loss c f colored%coated, polished or pow­ islands, named nfter tho principal M anhood, the con sequ en ce o f self-abuse inlands oi each— Sulu, Baseelan and cally pension agents have besieged ¡ and excesses producing the follow in g s y m p ­ dered, whereby damaged is con­ congress with demands for liberal tom s: S allow cou n ten a n ce, dark spots un­ cealed; or if it is made to appear Tawee-Tawce. Sulu, in the middle, the eyes, pain in the head, rin gin g in pension laws, nnd have tempted I der the ears, loss o f con fid en ce, diffiden ce in better or greater value than it really is about twice the size of Staten Is­ many men who had no shadow of approaching strangers, palpitation of the land, New York, Towee-Tawee, on is; provided, however, that salt and weakness o f the lim bs and b ack, lose right to apply for a pension iu o heart, f m em ory, pim ples on tho faoe, cougha- nnnotto, or butter color in which tbe south, is about the same size, order that the agents miqht p e t ! con sum ption. e tc. while Baseelan, at the north is aunotto is the principal ingredient, their fee. It is time that the scandal i DU. G IB B O N has practised in San Fran­ shnll not be considered an adulter­ somewhat larger. cisco over 30 years an 3 those troubled should According to the geographical was stopped. not fa il to con su lt him and receive the ben­ ation when used in dairy products.” efit o f his great skill and exp erien ce. The “ Section 1 forbids the snle of much lines run by the American peace A section of the Philippine d octor cu rrs when others fa il. T ry him . | commissioners, Tawee-Tawee is not fruit now being offered for sale in insurgents called tho guards C U K E S G U A R A N T E E D . P ersons cured at hom e. C harges reasonable. Call or our markets. Paragraphs 4 and 5, included in our demand. of honor, who are opposed to write. D K . J . F. G IB B O N . --—------ 02.r » Koarney street. San Francisco Cal. secth o 7, apply to the working over Aguinaldo, have captured Nan Igno Chamberlain’s Colic, Cholera and iu the province of l ’ agnnsinan, is­ of bulk, tub or firkin butter, and making it into rolls or prints, nnd Diarrhoea Remedy can always be land of Luzon, nt the instance of The thermometer registered 7 branding it in any way other than depenned upon nnd is pleasant nnd the Spanish priests. deg. abovo zero nt Likeview last safe to take. Sold by R. S. Kuowl- to establish its true character. Thursday night. Spain will not cede an island in Growers who sell, and dealers in ton. France has decided to issue a the Caroline group to tho United fruit, as well as butter-makers nnd “ That Harkins will case which States. Germany will probably | new loan of 270,000,000 francs to dealers, may tnko notice that I shall has been in the courts for several buy the islands and Washington build an Indo-Uhineae railway. enforce our state law.” years will soon be settled now,”Hi»id ¡ officials expect that the kaiser will The firm of Colburn. Fuller A Lawyer Habeas. “ Yes.” assented It is said that Saturday has been Lawyer Corpus, “ I understand that Í sell them to the United States. ' Co., Boston, boot and aboe manu­ a fatal day to the royal family of the property is about all gone.” Horace Mnnn: If any man seeks facturers, assigned last week. Lia­ Britain for the last 183 years. for grcaincss let. him forgpt great­ bilities, $300,000. He— Would you consider it a William III. Queen Anne, George ness aud ask for truth, and he will A son of E. Ellis, aged about 13 I, George II, George III, George IV, ! liberty if I offered to kiss you? 1 find both. years, a student nt the Ashland Nor­ the Dutchess of Kent, the Prince 1 She—It would not bo liberty, but mal school, had his ]pg broken Consort, the Duke of Albany, all license. You can procure it at the ........ ' while playing foot-ball Friday. I office of tho county clerk. 1 died on that day. * All d a I d ballistic a i>. Dr. M ile.' P sln P ill* m GRAND OFFER $24.00. KkONQTxe Do You Want Cheap W heels? Wheels Slighliy Used, Modern Types, $8.00 to $12.00. The J. L, M ead Cycle Co., - Chicago. T : tïxe U mortMuate Dr Gibbon