G iiju iU i Fleets and Squadrons. A Joint Inspection cl Swamp Lands. (TH ij « ||||% n lv J f in 3 O T A M£ E T T h o u s a n d s have boon I V i l o I A R E . cu re d pro m p tly of RHEUMATISM. NEURALGIA. CATARRH. ASTHMA. HEADACHE a n d their m a rv e lo u s cu re . S cience o f the 19th Century The terms fleet, flotilla and squad­ Ocorge (}. Brown, of the state look* on with amazement at the uiOMt remarkable rec­ land office, was designated by the ron seem to be* regarded as ¡dellti- ¡ ord o f cures ever know n In the W orld’ s history. gur»rnor yesterday, as the rtpre- eal by the average iuvman. Church Directory. A fleet is composed of twelve - utative of the state of Oregon to Hundreds of thousands of Sufferers cured without a single failure jointly inspect a body of land in battleships. /- 'U p t l S T I A '« CH U BC’ H . C > q n ii;« C ity by “ FIVE DROPS.” A mosquito fleet is composed of ^ southern O r e g o n , with Special V_y Preaohing 1 « and 3d L o rd ’ s day« in •aoh m onth. at 11 o*cl‘>ol£ a. m. and 7^i0 I T h ou gh so universally uned and tested did you ever hear anyono Agent Edward Bender, of the gen­ twelve or more small boats. p. ib . Sunday-school every Sunday at 10 ! speak ill o f thi* great rem edy? N o,y ou never did and never will, fuc From the It i.eb 'ira U -view , June !7th. A squadrou is composed of less eral laud office at Washington, to it taken a« directed and in the proper Quantity -a D rop»’ ’ cannot fall o ’ clock a. in. Pray* r-m eetin g every W ed­ to cure any o f the «Unease* for w hich It is reepmmended. What FROM BANDON BEACH. nesday evening. 0 . A. S t in k . M in is te r . thuu twelve battleships, and is often determine whether said lnnds are to it has already done to relieve the suffering is told iu thousands o f Fairview, Tune 28.— Miss Alma letters o f grateful piaise. 1 be comprehended as swamp lands a part of a fleet, such ns the van,! Johnsou and Mira Belle Hulleubeak, A Bandonlan Discusses the Coos Bay Rail- anj overflow lands under the state’s center, or rear squadrou. L O C A L ITEMS. M r. J. P. I.imebumer , widely known fo r tnany years as the sfectaJ representative of who have been spending the sum­ road Situation. A flotilla is composed of twelve claim. the Populists and tr e e Silver Press of the United Stales, has kmdly forwarded the Old papers for sale at tins otlice mer on Coos river, are home on a following letter for publication: Jjm ^ 1Htf7 Mr. Brown goes south on to­ or moro men-of-wnr, some of which Now that our political excitement night’s California express as far as may be battleships. H. R >ot of Com county has moved visit. D b ab S ir » —I am an xiou s tor the «Ake o f the suffering and out o f gratitude to y o u t o give my personal endorsem ent o f your w onderfu l remedy. O n the wth or «January, iw t , We noticed quite a number of has very considerably subsided— lias Hoseburg, staging it from there to to Ashland to reside. Hence the United States has no I w h s in W ashington and was suddenly seized with an aggravated, case o f inflam m atory Coquillers at church last Sunday. in fact almost reached zero— we Myrtle Point, where he will meet fleet; neither has Spain. rheum atism ; so severe and painful was the attack that within W hours mv left arm was Wood, coal and brick delivered paralyzed and I was only able to dress with assistance. I secured a hottle or ft We understand that word has beeu will tell you something about our Mr. Bender and proceed on the Admiral Dewey commands a and took a dose that night, rubbing som e on externally m f on short notice by m orning I was surprisefPto And m yself Immensely relieved, and con tin u in g treatment received from Verner and Clyde unfortunate railway mid our Beaver squadron. joint mission. w oke the second m orning cured. My arm was absolutely freo from paui, and ull sw elling * À O. WllEFLER Barker, who left here for eastern Hill coal mines, both of Scinch have and stiffness had disappeared. The quickness and com pleteness o f my J J J J ' r* Almirante Montojo also com­ If the lands turn out to he such markable. I have know n fo r over a year o f the great curative properttea o f your m edicine J. Fred Holnoeder shipped some Oregon about the 1st of June, that been jointly owned by Messrs. Ora- as the state claims, they will be duly mands a squadron. and have several friends w ho havo been cured by it o f Neeralgla. Catarrh W ishing you every success and trusting that those similarly afflicted w lll at ieast lings to S-in Francisco on the last they have secured employment near ham A: Sprockets. Messrs. Spreck- ! listed under the indemnity act.— Acting Admiral San pson com­ give t i i V rem edy > trial. Sincerely j o u r . J. V I. M ERCRNKR, els have applied for a receiver over Salem Statesman. trip of the Fulton. | Comlon at good wages. Bureau o f Rotulist and Reform Raters. Old Sloeh Exchange Building, Chicago, HI. mands a flotilla. Herbert and Will Johnson started ! the C. B. .V 11. railroad, uml Mr. C U R E S T H E IN C U R A B LE . ------ , . --------- Almirante Cervera and Almirante Elder S B. HolimibeaU of Fair- ItraflnrS... utoppvd In 20 minutes by Dl D ear S u n ;—I w ould like to thank you for your greet remedy, “ B DROPS,“ lind tell Camara each command a squadron. view was in last Wednesday with to eastern Oregon Monday last, i Graham for one over the Beaveri Miles' 1' ain F ills . " 0 the inflamed air-passages o f the head, t hr oat and lungs Witch Hazel Suive. It heals promp­ kuow how they happened to gpt to be completed aud in the hands ADJUSTMENT, lopcrly a thoroughly disinfect d *»ud prop tly and cures eczema and all skin here; but they are here, sure of the publishers in about a week. UNIVERSAL m edicated air to soothe • i curt them. t' T H E ONLY KNOW N M iiA N S FOR diseases. It gives iuimediute relief. enough, and are increasing and KEYBOARD, LON G-CONTINU ED IN H A LA T IO N . A lady and her husbaud from It has cured thousands o f stubborn and nil furniture nrpi 'nmry for the hclinot- R. S. Kuowlton. multiplying at a wonderful rate. Vancouver are now here. They cases after all other rem edies had Failed. rooin. Kve-v rli nk o f tlii« com pnny’ s man- fiend for free descriptive pam phlet and ------Most Satisfactory------ u fa cta re ia w n m m tta . Mrs. Buskirk, the dvessmnker, Some boys playing “ shinny” on have come to permanently reside. testim on ials; aud k in d ly be sure to m en­ tion this paper. is now centrally located,with accom­ A street, yesterday, caused J. A. They liuve done well in this world a n " part that breom ea broken or nnfit for use (lurin'? that tim o will be d up licated PILLOW-INHALER CO., modations and well lighted room, Norton's team to run away. ILey and intend to stay in it as they can without oiiarpo. 81 C orcn rn n B u ild in g , W a s h in g to n , I t i M aoinbination o f n ." " «f :.-atnr-a ot the other atan.hird m achines. I f von aud is better prepared than ever to c o llid e d with a telegraph p ole, near by enjoying our pure ocean breeze W rite Icir circulars and prices to . I>. o r 1409 C h e s tn u t S treet, want «u nbsidntclv a .I d a d i ry w rilin c mach mu « im a h m ld try thm one. All oth er M ltS . NOHA A. MoEW’ HN, P h ila d e lp h ia , F a . do dressmaking and sewing of nil , the steam laundry, damaging the which comes m here over an ocean o f tviwwritera ranted and sold. Expert rep a in t.* and parla and platans for ell A rent for C oos com ity, makes kinds. She solicits the patronage ivngon, and then started a cross the expanse of four thousand miles, aud "iogaiilo C ity. Oregon. m achines. ’ T y p o w r ; . v . d «i'üoo sn»»iflit»s nml sp« < Dili.«- f . Don 6 fail tu try n W ebster S t a r ’ K ibbou for you r m achino ai.d tho M ulti Kopy C arbon. Yt n to tis. other advantages which arc very of the public. Call at the Wilkins loDg bridge, w here they were rarely to be fouud anywhere else. photograph gallery. * headed off and captured. COAST A G E N C Y C O M P A N Y . T E C Í3 A B andoman . 200 STARK STREET, - PORTLAND, OREGON Cbaa. II. Fisber, of the Rose­ Prof. Claude Nosler’s baautlful home lias beeu put in first-class burg Review, was iu town last week. 3J ZFEZ-áZSX: finish by »«-pairs, improvements Mr. Fisher is taking a little recrea- v a p & -2 zi3 is¡B ¡sx» •‘w s a a e s 5 and painting during his absence, tiou; enjoying the bracing air of in rendiness to receive him and his the coast, as a change from the cli­ In reply to many inquiries, ask­ They banish pain (H E R A L D B U I L D IN G ) He says we ing when the hog law, yoted on last bride for permanent residence. mate of the interior. would have hundreds of visitors The painting Is very nrnt, the han­ election in this county, goes iuto and prolonglife^ J ^ EF. diwork of Mr. N’s father, N. W. from the valley, during the sum- effect, we publish the following Leoeve and T. A. Walker in their mer months, if there was au easier from Session Laws of 1893, page means of reaching here than by 89: “ I f a majority of ollthevutes best vein. B uys and S ells your R eal E state nml anytbiu« else you wish to It’s a tiresome shall be against stock running at r A N T E D — A O E N T 8 FO U " O I ,A D - the mountiriu road. . . store, Ills Life and Public nervines,” by journey, even for men, aud would dispr.se of. large, the comity clerk shall give Thos. W. Haudford. A wonderful story o f a glori­ M akes L oans and I nvestments for yon. ous career. Over MO large, radiant pages. 100 lie doubly so for women ami chil­ notice by publication in some news­ superb, rare engravings. Richest, biggest, beet R ents or L eases your farm or city property. and only endorsed “ Gladstone book” published. dren. paper for three consecutive weeks, Only $1.6(1. Oommlssiou, 50 per cent. Credit Writs us if yon want r.n A oent ii this county and attire county scat- M rs. Fred Noah was thrown from that in Bixty days from the date of given. Freight paid. Outfit free. Drop nil trash and clear $RU> n month with the only true aud good “ Gladstone hook.” Address T he D o m i n i o n a horse, near her residence on the snid notice it shall be unlawful for C o m p a n y , Dept. 38, 362-360 Dearborn street, Oht- Enst Fork o f North Coos river, stock to run at large, under pen­ 100 acres for F«le at a go. 1 junl4tsepl6 Offers Sunday, resulting in serious injur­ alty o f ten dollars for tho first this price; im provem ents are The gasoline schooner, Barbara ies to tier right wrist. worth $1000, to be given aw ay. Her right Heruater, arrivctl at Bamlnn Tues­ leg was also injured, and her face offense, nod twenty dollars for each j o q k Buys two lots in Coquille and every subsequent offense."— < J > 0 0 c i t y ; Koo d situation. Acre in Coquille City, uew day of last week, but was disabled bruised. She was brought to town Coos Bay News. 1 k 2 2 story hon»o o f 7 rooiDR; closets in some manner as not to come to Sunday eveuiug on the Alert, for ------- TT\vo good residence lots, sightly and porches; barn, ohiokonhonsc, garden, this place at once, and so shipped medical treatment, and is under goo.l spring close to house, yountf orchard “ I think DeWitt’s Witch Hazel | A location. flflO for both. the merchandise and otlipr freight care of Dr. McCormac. and mall fru it; pi Salve is tho finest preparation on here per rivpr stenmer F hwii , to lie f Coquille ny" C ity ; this piece can clear- il and fenced. the market for piles.” So writes delivered Tue idny evening. But Now Postal Changes. 1 Q Acres—3^ miles from Co­ John C. Dunn, of Wheeling, W. Va. b o d iv id e d . the Fawn failed to arrive at the nn in e C ity, o on n Cnnninaham q n ille Try it and you will think the same. I Rauch in California creek, small house and barn, sparkling appointed time, owing to the pre- Postmaster Oeneral Smith has It nleo cures eczema and ail skiu fp r a ranch on C oquille spring branches, aud l.r> acres o f rich loam ▼ailing high wind on the lower put in operation several changes in diseases . 1L H. Kuowlton river. F or particulars call at the H erald bottom land; balance saw tim ber on hill Land it L oa n C o’s office. land, and fine pasture land when tim ber is river. She reached our wharf early the postal regulations. It has removed. T im ber is worth m ore than we Yellow fever is said to have next morning, however, nml dis- been stated that the postal card was Choice BtiKincss Lot, near R. ask for the place. Price $1380; part cash, They charged a large amount of merehnn-' to be discontinued, but the regnln- broken out iu Mississippi. depot, river landing and in business j or ill sell 80 acres with im provem ent for $900; samo terms. d iseforo u r merchants and general tion« regarding the new mulling probably cHiight it from the New center o f C oquille City. P rice $1000. 1 Ev Acrpfi—One mile from r»il- freight. The boat made a good | cards recently authorized by con- York dailies. have the best laud, best ” i road depot and steam er la nd ing in j trip and will no doubt have a good gress show this to be a mistake, loca tio n , and b est improved * I Coquille C ity; bottom and bench land; «mall farm in tho Coquille valley, is in­ tiade to aud from this river. i Hereafter, while the postal card j | spring b ra n ch ; fenced, but no buildings; i side property, in one o f the n icest tow ns in di':- • ------- | will continue to be sold, it will be cn oice loca tion ; fo r sale low . Cot'S cou n ty. I f von want the very bes* prices am', term s that are an o b je ct and How s This. l a w f u l to u s e c a r d s w it h a o n e - c e n t Acres — Half level bench;! at have $3000 to $«¡000 to invest in a home, T U E 81M Y, J U L Y 5. 185«. NEURALGIA Fairview Items. DROPS The Riverton Hotel I 1DNEY chool Furniture Co BWAMÖGM RHEUMATIC CURE C O ., t'ff Dearbt.ru St., Chlcaio.lU. Lend § Loan Go. The Hoj Law. Coquille City, Oregon. S450 $600 three nere» in $3000 We We offer One Hundred D ollars U-ward s t a m p a f f ix e d f o r fo r any case o f ca ta rrh that oa n n ot he , , cured b y Hall s Catarrh C ure. 1 L'n rd » m u s t F. J. C H EN E Y A CO. Proprietors, ; o f t h e s a m e s iz e , th e sam e pu rp ose, , . . b e a p p r o x im a te ly sh a p e and c o lo r We Hie undersigned have k u oirn °F ^ *J . ‘ I10 l ,iw i ’*! c n , d - ‘.llis Cheney for the last If. years, en d believe m a i l i n g c a r d Is s e n t t o f o r e i g n him perfeotly h on orable in ell business Cl„ i u t r i t, !# t h e o r d i n a r y le tte r p o s t- trannnotioim and liim ncinliy «M e to curry . , •'« , .1 out nny ol»Iigntions u 'ie t'irjflrm m ii n t h e n tliX O G . A D O t n e r • o ils in I tilt* in ity iiy th iiit'ir lin n . ’ -fS '’ West A T'ranx. «*. Wholesale Dmgitists. change in the regulations prohibits T oledo, ()., Wtil* fKi's,sC Æ nô*(n ,h i.ynrTm’ tl>” retm-n or forwarding o f sec- WholcNale D n iog istH ,______ _______ H all's Catarrh ('u ro is taken internally, »Du, third aud fourth-clafis matter acting directly upon the b lood and m aeons unless additional postage has been surfaces o f the system . P rice, 7/ m *. per When it is obvious, how­ bottle. Sold by all D nifyiists. T estim on ­ affixed. ials free. ever, that valuables H i e contained » «»• • An interesting pamphlet line just been issued by the department of statu. It gives the following ns the col mini possessions o f Euro­ pean (odious; Great Britain lois Iti,(»62,073 square miles of colon­ ies, with a total population of 322.- 000,000; France, 2.505,000 square miles with 44,200,000 population; Germany. 1,615,576 square miles, with7,450,000 population; Portugal, 809,914 square miles, with 10,215, 000 population; Holland, 783,090 square miles, with 34,210,000 ,sq>- illation; Spain (at the opening of the present war), 405.458 square miles, with 9,800,000 population; Italy. 242,420 square miles, with J95,000 population ; Driinmrk82. * - ? 23 balance ch oice bottom Innd cleared; i spring branch for water fo r stock; small bonne. % m ile from incorporate lim its o f ! C oquille C ity; hr s fine view o f town and valley, also steamer and cars. THE TELEGRAM, P ortland. Orwpnn. 50 YEARS’ E X P E R IE N C E PATENTS D esigns C o s y s ig h t s A c. AnTon* reniUas • .Xsti-h «nil drerrfpOon m.T qulrltl? tiRoertaln our opinion fr»»e wnetner tin Invention n prohuhly patent able, rontmunlra- iloni strloUr cnnflilmltatl. Handbook on rntenta Rent free, oldest nirener for wwurtoir patents. Pntents taken through Mttnti «.% t o . receive tpeeiai notice, without ch«ive. in the S cie ntific A m e rica n . A hnnrlRonielT I1tn»trsted weeklv btfiwl etr m ia 'um o f *nv ?cl«rtntl>’ loyrn»». Terre». M % Id by nil four month*. uh«. $1. |l. Sold - newidenler«». 3 ! 6 r 1 New York su 'V aa I upüoü d . c . * V .situated in the grain section o f Don pi an cou nty, O regon, which we w ould ; exchange fo r a flood farm o r No. I inside property u C oqu ille C ity. Par fa ll g a r- j ticulars call on K. I). Hanford o r this office. 200 A C R E S — Tho host Dairy O Q f ) A C R E S —Ou an arm of ffifiOO. land; nil high land; 1 tuilc river fron t, elos«» to town: acr®* orchard, fine frn it: l()i* T p O R S A L E — or trade for deair- ncrei open land, ready f«ir cu ltivation. able in s id e pr»»pcr*v in C oquille City. • fenced and cross-fencet*; a new i?-story ' A H otel b u ild in g, main portion 24xfi0 feet, house, nml new 2-story barn. 2 sto-ies high; L to aasn*», 24zf»0; all fur­ nished com plete, well supplied with the i T o T uadb —For a farm re.ar Coquille CilK : best o f water, and dues the entire business A house and lot in F loresville, T exas, worth for the G overnm ent S tone Ouarry every $12U0. o r 240 acres o f l a n d - -40 ncres ¡ra- year which m eans from 30 to o() regular pToved, house insured f«>; $4T<0; all fen ced : Uoardt-ra; g>H*d steam boat facilities; (ilao (¡0 miles from Han A n to n io . Texas. Or 180 only about 300 feet from d ep ot. In connec­ ncr sin western N ebraska, «d join m g (Irani, tion is good Feed Stable and all ontbuild- county seat o f Perkins cou nty. Consuler- inus, with three good lots. .’»Cx 100 feet. This ! able im prt'verocnta on this p lace; a well • s a grand location for s o m e one. Price, thf t coat $7)00. For further inform ation . $3500. G ood property taken, same as cash i ^ ('H S A L K — 297 acre« o f land; .r>0 acres ’ J i o 3 5 1 - - A fil)P Fftrm o f 8 3 acrP S , ^ iiottem . m ostly all cleared and in ca lti- only 1 m ile from business centre, railroad ra tion , well fenced: balanc.* bench land; depot and boat lauding at C oquille City, 40 eeri v pasture: 33^ fo n t trees o f fir*t-cla«« j nsf outside corporate limit-», yet in the fru it: 1 acre sm all f ' ait; 7-room house, m , tou n school d istrict, with neariv level road. good co n d itio n : plenty o f water handy; | Well im proved. U rge house aud barn, flood lsr •»* barn and stable with wa«t>nsh»d: . fencin g. Three and one half acres orchard, workshop, wootlhouse. dairyhotlse. sm oke- | also small fruits, good varieties. T hirty- hoiise Mid other o'ltbuild in gs. >r(*ck and eight acres o f ch oice beaver dem bottom fa n n in g ntenttils also for sale. Situated on land, well drained, and divided into m any nuun road, near publio river landing; h a n d y fields. Several living stream « furnish water for all, spring water piped t o the house. to school. Natural clov er and other gr*gs lands and •;nited for vegetables, fruit and grain. ice bottom land, nndflbean- Forty-five acres o f hill land, one slashed lifu l high and drv buildin g lots in C oquille and seeded for pasture. Cneap. considering quality and location . C itv. onlv 4 bl cks from the ;H'stoiaoe; long Price $.-*300. - tm ie ou part pavaioDt if desired. 1 S f t f i O Buv8 ^ (121oU)mll No matter what the matter is, one will do y o u good, and you can get ten for five cents. A nriv ptvle pocket ooTitetnlntr ret nzr \ w r in n p«r“'r rRrton (*■ lt-hont frla«R)jfl now for art® «t. Rome drill? atort -s—roR ri ve crkts . Tiil^ low-priced Ren t in intendod for the poor and th o e co n o m i­ cal O il * "ozou of tho five cen t curi- na G8W Utbuloj) can ho had by mill by seeding forty cljfh t eon t« to tuo R i n s a C h s x ic a L C o m pan y , N o . U Spruoo Stro«;:. New York—or a mnpio carton (TIM — LLM) v\ i.l ho for flvo emta. Bast medicine ever made since t o o w orld w as created. t Marl anú Slsiia fforts The Egg Season COOS BAY C. IV. PA TERSO iJ. Prop. IS OVCf. M anufacturer o f M arble M lam ents, Ilta 1 j JÏ I T T i n VF. STOCK FOH SALE­ ston es. T ablets, «-to. IS F M K V A IU E T IE ». Cemetery lots ene! > ed with stone coping or cu rbin g. Iron railings furnished to o r ­ der. Correspondence solicited from parties j livin g in the ctiuntry or other tow ns « h o i may wish anything in my lit: o f business. S I Z E S , M aushfipt n - - - - - - O bzo j All I AGES, j PRICES, WALTER DRANE, | W rit« fo r what yon want. J f ! Blacksmith and Wagonmaker. \ Few fularnl China fi?s for Sale Yet C O Q U IL L E W TY, OREGON 4 L L kinds o f farm work sol ¡c it e d . Hars- «h.wint: « a d ( low work a «pcotaltT 8 n p u lir e f»r lo^ vtna w ork, wi-rtif . d o ««. rin «».cn n t-h o ..k « «n d .r e ry th iiiB nted in I v a i n « nnrnpa k - p t o n hn nd. Satrefaction «a »ra n t«»d Shop .n v o m i t n o rth o f F ;o- Add retta L. A. M A R 8 T E R 9 . C leveland, O regon. O n ch n u n : Rt-v. Dr. Kellogg is in error whan he inelmleil Whittier among "college nren. ” Whittier was agrmltinleof theehoemnkei'»bench aud the coion.on kvhool