VOL. 1G. COQUILLE CITY, OREGON, TUESDAY, AUGUST 17, 1897 The Calf Path. NO. 3. WORK ON THE COAST. F. L. Johnson, of Piineville, while driving a band of horses What is Being Done Under Captain F is k 's | near the Pine Creek reserve, last RESIDENT DENTIST. Direction. week, bent ovgr to drink out of a But made a trail all bent askew, O o c j-u ille C i t y . O r e g stream in the ravine, his revolver A crooked trail, as all calvea do. FFICE ut residence, and door sooth Work on the various river aod foil out of Ins pocket, and, explod­ Odd Fellows’ H all. 4Nothing bat drst- Since then two hundred years have fled, harbor improvements a lo n g -th e ! ing, killed him instantly. And, I infer, the calf is dead. c I hm work. Oregon coast, in charge of Captain Charges reasonable. ▼ Ion 10 But still he left behind his tri-.il. Roseburg Review: Go ask BY ELLA WHEELER WILCOX. Fisk, United States engineers, is And thereby hangs my mortal tale. Roseburg music dealers how the progressing favorably. J. BURT. MOORE, The trail was taken up next day At the mouth of the Coquille, I new tariff effects the price of their By a lone dog that passed that way. SURGEON AND PHYSICIAN. There is much that makes me sorry as I journey down life's way. D. Kern is building a jetty to ini- I goods. After you find out you will And I seem to see more pathos in poor human lives each day. And then a wise bell-wether sheep prove the entrnnee. The rock for never say again that the foreigner Pursued the trail o’ er vale and steep, T IL L promptly respond to »11 culls, I am sorry for the strong, bravo men who shield the weak from harm, this work is heiug taken from one I pays the tariff tax. But who, in their own troubled hours, liud uo protectiug arm. J dav or ui«lit. And drew the flock behind him, too, of the immense huuldersof quartz, j The city of Philadelphia has COQUILLE CITY. OREGON. As good bell-wethers al a ays do. I am sorry for the victors who have reached success to stand or something of the kind, which j 3349 teachers employed in its pub­ GOOD FOR EVER YBO D Y £U G EN E PANNENBERG, And from that day, o’er hill and glade. As targets for the arrows shot by envious failure’s hand. contain seams o f pyrites. They lic schools and their salary list for Almost everybody takes some laxative Through those old woods a path was m ale; I am sorry for the generous lioarts who freely shared their wine are totally different from Buy rock | the next year aggregates 82,436,- medicine to cleanse the system and keep the And many men wound in and out, ATTORNEY at l a w but drink alone the gall of tearH iu fortune’s drear decltue. blood pure. T hose w h o take SIMMONS deposits in that region, and, as [ 400. And dodged and turned und bent about, nothing of the same kind is found | \ \ T ANTED — FAI III FUL MEN OR LIVER REGULATOR (liquid or powder) C O Q U IL L E C I T Y . O R E G O N . 1 am sorry for the souls who build their own frame's funeral pyre, all the benefits of a mild and pleasant And uttered words o f righteous wrath, nearer than Montana, it has been j Y V women to travel for responsible estab­ get laxative and tonic that purifies tne blood Because ’twas such a crooked path; Office in Coqnille City, OreRon. __ Derided by the scornful throng, like ice deriding fire. concluded that, notwithstanding lished U ouhd i n Oregon. Salary $780 and » id strengthens the whole system. And Position permanent. Koferetuse. I am sorry for the conquering ones who know n it sin’s defeat. But still they followed—do not laugh— they are each larger than a good- expenses. Enclose self-addressed stamped envelope. ' , more than this: SIMMONS LIVER REGU- The first migrations o f that calf, F. DEAN, But daily tread down tierco desire 'neath scorched and bleeding feet. sized church, they were brought The National, Star Insurance B.'dpr., Chi­ 1 LATOR regulates the Liver, keeps it active I and healthy, and when the Liver is in And through this windii g wood-wav stalked from Montana in the ice age. The cago . I am sorry for the anguished hearts that break with passion’s strains, ood condition you find yourself free from 2 S T o ta ,r y S P u /b li c , Because he wabbled when he walked. The product of Whatcom county, material is excellent for jetty work, lalaria, Biliousness, Indigestion, Sick- I am sorrier for the poor, starved souls that never knew love’s pains, This forest path became a lane, Washington, salmon canneries this Headache and Constipation, and rid of and il would have been a great con­ llcniltl Ofliw, Coquillc Citv, Oregon. Who hunger on through barren years not tasting joys they crave, 'That bent and turned and turned again; venience and a great saving to the year, it is estimated, will be nearly that worn out and debilitated feeling. For sadder far is such a lot thau weeping o ’er a grave. These are all caused b y a sluggish Liver. This crocked lane became a road. government if more such boulders 400,000 M m Good digestion and freedom from stomach T H E PEO PLE’S.::: Where many a poor horse, with his load, I am Borry for the souls that conio unwelcomed into birth; bad been dropped at places along troubles will only be had when the liver “ I never knew that man to give Is properly at work. If troubled with any Toiled on beneath the burning sun, the coast where jetties are required. ....BARBER SHOP I am sorry for the unloved old who cumber up the earth; And traveled some three miles in oue. I am sorry for the suffering poor in life’s maelstrom hurled; Some dike work and snagging aie a correct summary of any subject of these complaints, try SIMMONS LIVER . . • .O . . . • He REGULATOR. The King of Liver Medl- And thus a century aud a half also being d o D e for the improve­ in which he was interested. flM I E BEST. NEATEST AND MOST In truth, I am sorry for them all who make this acbiug world. :lnes, and Better than Pills. They trod the footsteps o f that calf. won’t tell the exact truth.” “ And 1 np-to-date in the citv. ment of the upper Coquille, be­ ^ T E V E R Y P A C K A G E -® * But underneath whate’or seems sad and is not understood, yet the ranks as a statesman.” “ He The years passed on in swiftness fleet, tween Cequille City aud Myrtle Hot and Cold Baths—Reasonable I know there lies hid from our sight a mighty gorm of good. The road became a village street, isn’t one, though. He’s a mis- Has th e 54 S ta m p in re d o n w r a p p e n Poiut. OhnrRes. Courteous Treatment. C> J . H . Z c llln & C o .. P h ila .. P a. And this belief stands firm by me, my sermon, motto, text— And this, before the men were ware, At Coos bay, Messrs. Wakefield stntesraan.” COQCILLE CITY, OltEGON. The sorriest things iu this life will seem grandest in the next. A city’s crowded thoroughfare, Front street, op p osite^ . « . D e g o ^ & Jacobsou have a contract for in­ A $05.00 Machine creasing the height of the jetty. And soon the central street was this s l Z s a "flriliiQ toir A Vision of the Night. “ What do you goody people do ? Of a renowned metropolis. They Bre getting along very well IJIHE COMMERCIAL s---- Ihra.dln, f e W l ^ with the job, puttiug in about 15,. I You get up nearly as many tickets And men two centuries aud a half For S I S . 5 0 NEW LA TEST From the Denver "Filets.” as you number men and women, nnd Trod in the footsteps o f that calf. 000 tons of rock per day. The The most modern arraniied BAltllEIt NOME BEST SHOP in Coquille City. jetty has proved very efficient, S TYLE CHEAPEST In my dream I thought I was in tight aud fuss as heartily as the Each day a hundred thousand rout maintaining a depth of abont 22 M. M. McDonald. Proprietor. one of the large churches of your devil could, wish you to, and get Followed the zig-zag calf about; Shipped to anyone, anywhere, on 10 feet on the bar. Captain Fisk has Hot end Cold Paths at all hours. Popular city. The usual evening service was defeated. If you were at all wise And o’ er his crooked journey went days’ free trial, The traffic o f a continent. prices. Headquarters for Commercial bad a snagging plant placed on a you would vote for your homes, and i n y o u r ow n in progress and the time for the Meu. Next door Jonaon Bro’a rnnrkea. h o m e , without scow, and started her up the river commencement of the sermon had all they contain that is near and A hundred thousand men were led asking one cent By one calf near three centuries dead. in advance. to do some dredging above Marsh­ arrived. The minister arose, stepped d;nr to you, elect men and women 0 . I* . M O O N , field.— Oregoninn, 9tli inst. to his place in the pulpit and to offices and exterminate us Every They followed still his crooked way, 10 y e a r s ’ written --------------- ► -«<»»■«--------------- announced that instead of the usual woman whose shame is a living in­ And lost one hundred years a day; warranty w i t h each machine. dictment of so-called respectable For thus such reverence is lent sermon a well-known gambler, Mr. MUST PAY THE BILL. COQUILLE CITY. OltEGON. To well-established precedent. l i —, would deliver a lecture on men in Denver is some mother’s A strictly high-grade Sew­ daughter. Every gambler, thug nnd A moral lesson this must teach, ing M a c h i n e , f in is h e d A cent for the North America Insurance Co. “ Why I Am Not a Christian.” Secretary of State Compelled to Audit Ac­ throughout iu the best pos­ of Philadelphia, and the London, Liv­ dive-keeper is some father’s son. Were I ordained and called to preach, A murmur of disapproval rose counts and Draw Warrants Due. sible manner. It pobkcskcs all erpool & Globe. modern improvements, audita from the congregation, but when Bo you not think that at the last For men are prone to go it blind mechanical construction is Along the calf-points o f the mind, such that in it are combined the lecturer was introduced it sub­ dap- your sons and daughters will Salem, Aug. 9.— The supreme simplicity w ith great strength, John F. Hall, sided from very amazement at such rise up and denounce you?” court today rendered decisions in thus insuring case o f rr »inug, durability, and muking it im­ Here the speaker’s hard smote To do what other men have done. an unheard of occurance. The lec­ the three mandamus suit« brought possible for the machine lo be the bible on the pulpit a resound­ put out of order. It sews fast a t t o r n e y . a t - L a w , turer was a good type of his class. They follow in the bea+en track, to compel the secretary of state to and makes a perfect stitch And out and in, and forth and back, ing whack, and I awoke. And some­ The cold, merciless eye, thiu lips, audit claims anil diaw warrants in with all kinds o f thread and M ARSHFIELD, OREGON. all classes of material. Always high cheeks, cheap jewelry — all how I eai't help asking myself “ are And still their devious conr;,e pursue, payment thereof. ready for use aud unrivalled for speed, durability aud qual­ were present, but with them an the people of Denver fools— or To keep the path that others do. In each case representing three Dealer in Ile o . E st » tb of all hind». ity o f work. Notice the fol­ What say you, But how the wise old wood-gods laugh, appearance of general intelligence philosophers?” classes of claims, the lower court lowing points of superiority: J ohn W ib t . Who saw that first primeval calf! considerably beyond the average of gentle reader ? is reversed aud tho secretary of his class. stale is required by mandate to And many things this tale might teach— The Head o f the “ Arlington” swings on ¿latent socket hinges, firmly held down by a thumb But 1 am not ordained to pri »ply pnrljf »Kzx <*lu i WHHttuw • HSGflaiV: “ Ladies and gentlemen,” said he, Ihifiu-Bt Arm—Space under tJic is oi£ iuchefi high aud D inches long, l h i s y i l l admit the Our attention has been called by tu payment thereof. “you are surprised to see me iu this —S am W. F oss , in “ Woman’ s Tribune.’ * la :. • 1 1 ! ..a n I ; V r. iii't - f t fv 5 . f f thrcfliU irir— A b v «u le /y n o h o l « i to p u t t h r e a d th r o u g h eye o f needle. Sn-jttfc is cylinder, opeurm cud, entirely self-tnr One suit was instituted by E. D. except --------------► «»► a------------- sacred place, no doubt. Yet ycu a Dago to “ The current reviews by . take _ i. . out; . . . T i bobbin i i :.. u .! „ i - . .............. ‘ ___ . . o f . thread. i . . ... . l c 5titch »u . holds a large amount Regulator is on the Bed of^thc machine, Rosebnrg. Oregon. Slmttuck, for his salnry ns circuit beneath the bobbin need not be. In addition to my Dun and Bradstreets,” which, he winder, and has a scale showing the number o f stitches to the inch, aud can The New York correspondent of be changed from 8 to 82 stitches to the inch. Feed is double aud extends on both sides o f needle; — gambling rooms I run a saloon and says, “ unite in reporting a 25 per Ibe Baltimore Sun sends his paper judge of tlie fourth judicial district. never fails to take goods through; never stops at scams; movement is positive; no springs to Another was brought by A. B. break and get out o f order; can be raised ami lowered at will. Automatic Bobbin Winder—For Snocial attention to mattora before the lious® of ill-fame, and your "hus­ ceut gain in business the pmst week.” an interesting account of a note­ filling the bobbin automatically and perfectly smooth without holding the thread. Machine does Roseburc land office, the commissioner Croasman, for supplies furnished We have been familiar with these not run while winding bobbin. Light Running—Machine is easy to run, does not fatigue the oper­ bands, wives,sons, daughters, fathers o f the general land office and secre- worthy event in New York church makes little noise and sews rapidly. Stitch is a double lock stitch, the same on both sides, and mothers are all among my commercial publications for more circles. From dawn until nightfall the state penitentiary at the in­ ator, tary o f interior at Washington. __ s>__ without __________ T e n sio the n is machine, a flat s p r in g ten- will not ravel, andean be changed stopping read f from ........... 8 to 150 spool cotton without changing. Never gets out o f order. stance of the snperinteudent, and sion, and will admit thread patrons, hence I fee! quite at home years than he is old, and are well The Needle is a straight, self-setting needle, flat on one side, and cannot be put in wrong. Needle . | y r t LE CAMP, NO. 197, WOODMEN among you. Indeed, I make my on to their service in the cause of one day last week a great throng tojtlie amount of 820 in value. The Bur is round, made of casr-hardeued steel, with oil cup at the bottom to prevent oil from getting of worshipers filled the Church of of the World, meets at Masonic Hall on the good*. Adjustable Beatings—All bearings arc case-hardened steel and easily adjusted 1 st und 3d Monday ni«hls o f each mouth. money chiefly out of your families truth, prosperity and patriotism. We St. Jean Baptiste, venerating the third was by the Irwiu-Hodson with a screw driver. All lost motion can be taken up, and the machine will last a lifetime. Attachments—Kach machine is furnished with necessary tool sand accessories, and in addition we A. J. Smut wood , Consul. Compnuy to compel the nuditing admit that prosperity has struck and others similar all over the city. relic of St. Anne exposed on the nud payment of a clnim of 8221.50 funush an extra set of attachments in a velvet lined metal box, free o f charge, as follows: One George T. Moulton, Clerk. We admit also that rufiler and gatherer, one binder, oue shirring plate, one set o f four hemmers, different widths up If the ranks of the drunkards, some of us. altar during the novena, or nine to m . of an inch, one tucker, one under braider, one short or attachment foot, and one thread / IOURT COQUILLE. NO. 18, FORF.ST- prostitutes and others upon whom I the tariff has given our farmers days of prayer, ending with the for ruling nnd binding tho assess­ cultt r. Woodwork o f finest quality oak or walnut, gothic cover and drawers, nickel-plated riugs to drawers, dress guards to wheel, and device for replacing belt. ment nnd tnx-rolls, at the instance t / e r s of America, meets every second and depend for suppoit 'were not re­ superb crops of grain, hay, etc., and feast of St. Anne. To such hoigbt fourth Thursday evening, at Masonic Hall, m W T D A Y h ig h B R IC ES rC R R | | V d ir e c t l y o f m a n u f a c t u r e r s a n d cruited, in due proportion, from made a rich strike on the Klondyke. on the altar had grown the pile of of the secretary of state. UU i T I I M l SEWING MACHINES D U l SAVE AGENT’S AND DEALER S PROFITS Coquille City. Oregon. ^ LonaNz, 0 . B. ------ - a « » * - . -------- Those are all palpable enough. It O U R G R E A T O F F E R . $ 2 3 .0 0 Is our f peclal Wholesale Price, but your kindred I would soon have to crutches and braces for maimed In order to introduce this high-grade sewing machine, we make a special cou- Gso. O. L nicn, K. S . __________________ change my profession. has also raised the incomes of p>u offer, giving every readier o f this paper a chance to get a first-class ma­ Spanish Premier Assassinated by an Italian- limbs aod crippled backs, discarded chine nl the lowest Price ever offered. On receipt o f $ 18.50 cash and coupon “ During the past month or two a Havemeyer, Hanua, Bockafcller, etc., there by the people who had found Anarchist. C A EN. L Y T L E POST, NO. 27, G. A. R., I T meets everv first Wednesday night of grand jury has been sitting in our aud started the mines in the east; new power from the relic, that they each month. Viaitina comrades in good city, and on the last day of June it the G8 cts. per ton duty on coal is were removed. Mndrid, Aug. 8.— Senor Canovas standing cordially invited to attend. The church had reev ipt o f J5.00 ns a guarantee o f good faith and charges. I f you prefer thirty distributed pro rata among the 11. H. N ichols , Poat Com. reported among other things that del Castillo, the prime minister of days’* trial before paying, send for our large illustrated catalogue with testl- been crowded every day since the W. H. N ost . kii , Adjutant. ________ “ Scores of witnesses have been miners, while the consumers of the noveua began, hundreds traveling Spain, was assassinated today at ir.onial-’ , explaining fully how we ship sewing machines anywhere to any­ one nt the lowest manufacturer’s prices without asking one cent in advance. S h d I b Agupda b y an anarchist. ~r> EN. LYTLE. W. It. C., NO. 9. MEETS before the jury, aud upon exnrnin- protected products are supplied at The best plan is to send all cash with order, ns you then save the $1.00 dis­ l x in Coqnille City on the first and third alion. have failed to disclose any­ greatly reduced rates. The railroads, from other cities to visit the shrine. The murderer fired three shots, count. Remember the coupon must be sent with order. It is estimated that 30,000 have Wednesday afternoon in each month. Or mako your oriler direct through the H natu, as agent, without thing that would enable the jury to too, have raised the rates on grain visited the relic of St. Anne since two of which struck the premier M rs . V iola E llio tt , Pres. __ ___ locate the principals. The lack of to an amount equal to the rise in Mas. Ida HARumoToH, Seo. the first day of the uovena, and of in tho head and the other in the extrn aharge. The wounded man lingered /•'1HADWICK LODGE, NO. G9, A. F. memory on the part of witnesses is prices, all to the advantage of the this number fully one-third ven­ chest. I am! A. M.. meets on Satnrday evening appalling, they being determined at j farmers and consumers. Our local erated the relic every day. A little unconscious for two hours, aud T o t H e T T n . i o r t u n . a t e on or before onoh f nil moon. Visiting breth­ Daily Capital Journal all hazzards to shield the guilty enterprises, also, feel the effects of boy who had beeD lame for several died at 3 o’clock this afternoon. ren cordially invited. restoration of confidence and since weeks left bis crutch at the altar His wife was but a short distance J. P . G oolman , W. M. parties.’ O F SA L E M . C. W . W h it e , Sec. Dr Gibbon “ That grand jury was called to the passage of the Dinglev bill are and walked away unaided. A little away when he fell. Subscribe for the people’ s daily— 13 a This old reliable and Santa Agneda is noted for it« UELAH CHAPTER, NO. S, O. E. S „ investigate election frauds, and they voluntarily raising the wages of Brooklyn girl limped with crutches most successful spec­ year; weekly. .$ 1 a year. Same rates by the meets Friday evening on or before really reported that the disreputable their employes—notably the mines at her mother’s side to the altar baths. The place is between San ialist in San Frar cis­ month. each fall moon at 8 o'clock from April 1st Sebastian, Ibe summer residence of co, htill continues to to Ootober 31st, and thereafter at 7:30: and people of your city have a cinch on at Libby aud the mill at this place. and knelt. When they arose the cure all Sexual and Tho Daily Capital Journal, 1 year.. ..$ 3 00 each fifteen days thereafter at 2 o clock in the moral, Chnstinu element of this However, we had rather quote from the Spanish court, and Vittoria, the child handed the crutches to her Seminal Diseases, the afternoon. w city. Oue great reason that I am Dun and Bradstreets than their little mother. She declared she needed capital ot the province of Alava, such as Gonorrhea, The H hiuld 1 year................................. 2 00 Mas. A lice T uttle , W. M. G l e e t , 8 t r < o t u re, country lickspittals who, like the M bs . N ora G ood , Sac.____________________ not a Christian is that you outnum­ The two w orth...................................$f> 00 them no longer and wulked alone. abont 30 miles south of Billio. Syphilis, in all its The premier went there Inst ber us three, yes six, to one and yet little snarling fice, keep up such a Others professed to have been - forms, Skin Diseases, Both given for one year for. .$4 20 C IOQUILLE LODGE, NO. 53, I. O . O. F., allow us to openly ruin your sons barking and whining that the people u* < > $ ? & Ne r v o u s Debility, I meets every Saturday evening. 1 isit- cured o f spinal troubles, St. Vitus’ Thursday to take a three weeks’ Impotency, Seminal Weakness and Loss of The Weekly Capital Journal, 1 y e n r ..f l 00 ing brethren in good standing oordially and daughters, to commit every are not yet settled to the fact that dance, rheumatism, insomnia, course of the baths, after which he Manhood.' tho consequence of self-abase The H kbald ............................................. 2 00 invited. . _ w n expected to return to San Sebastian and excesses producing* the following sym p­ crime against decency, morality and prosperity is on. Carnegie and the asthma, paralysis and cancer. C. A. H abbinoton , N .G . to see UuitedStatesMinister W ood­ toms: Sallow countennnoe, dnrk spots un­ The two worth................................. $3 00 J . 8. L awbbncb , It. 8 . _________ God that our rum-sonked and besot­ Bethlehemsteel works have patriotic­ eyes, pain in the head, ringing in ally offered to furnish Uncle Sam ford, when that gentleman should der the ears, loss o f confidence, diffidence in Both 1 year fo r .......................$2 40 /S o Q U I L L E ENCAMPMENT, NO. 25, I ted imaginations can conceive. La­ A Georgia farmer employed the be officially received by the queen- the appronching strangers, palpitation of tho * 7 0 . O. F., meets every first and third dies and gentlemen, you are nicely plates for her navy at $390 a ton, heart, w akness of the limbs and back, loss Thursdays ia each month at Odd Fellows’ dressed and perfumed, but I have which they are furnishing to Russia poet o f the village to write some regent. of memory, pimples on the face, coughs, hall. Cordial invitation extended to all vis­ obituary verses on the death of his at $185 per ton. The tariff also W ALTER DRANE, The assassin was immediately more respect for oue of my class, consumption, etc. iting patriarchs in good standing. brother. He gave the poet all the arrested. He is a Neopolitan, and DU. GIBBON has practised in San Fran­ ^ K. E. B uck , C. P. crime - stained, whisky-soaked aud knocked the hop-lice out, and they points at his command aod the lat­ gives the name of Rinialdi, but it cisco over 30years an J those troubled shoald G. F. B outkll , Scribe. diseased, who is just what he claims will retire shortly and leave a quar­ not fail to consult him and receive the ben­ Blacksmith and ter began as follows: a m i e r e b e k a h l o d g e , n o 20 , to be, than for you pious hypocrites. to r of the crop for the home con­ is believed his real name in Angela efit o f his great skill anil experience. The Ha lived this life of pain an’ strife, doctor cures when others fail. Try him. I. O. O. F., meets every 2nd and 4th Angelo Golli. “ At least three-fourths of the sumption supply. And just as we Paid all that he did owe. CLICKS GUARANTEED. Persons cured Wednesdays in eaoh month, at Odd Fel­ Wagonmaker, go to close this article, we pick up a An" anid one day. “ I jest don’ t stay: The murderer declared lie killed at homo. Charges reasonable. Call or lows' hall. Miss R at C o l l ie s , N. G. people of this city are as honest, write. DK. J. F. GIBBON. I reckon I most no." J . 8. L aw rence . R . 8. C O Q U IL L E C ITY , O R E G O N Canovas in accomplishment of a well-meaning and int3lligent as any daily paper with a telegram dated 625 Kearney street, San Francisco, Cal. “ That’s jest wbat he did say,” “ just vengeance” nnd aa the out­ people the sun shines upon, and yet Chicago, August flth, which gives \ LL kinds o f farm work solicited. Hors- come o f a conspiracy. H o is you allow us, the remaining one- us the gratifying intelligence that commented the farmer; “ go on.” shoeing and plow work a specialty LOGGIE,-» the «kies he sot his eyes— believed to have arrived at Santa P E T E R fourth, to rule you, to direct the not only the farmer has struck it Upon Supplies for logging work, wedges, dogs, The Christian brave an«l bold; rich by his labor, but also the Agneda the same day as the premier, rings,cant-hooks nnd everything used in destinies of your homes, to take An’ then ho took the heavenly prize— COQUILLE CITY. logging camps kept on hand. Satisfaction A crown an’ harp of gold. and was frequently seen lurking in therefrom the fairest, dearest mem­ speculators on the Chicago and New guaranteed. Hhop on corner north o f Pio- I Opposite City Wharf.1 BANDON. OR , “ Stop right tbar, John,’’ ex­ the passage o f the bntbing estab­ bers and sink them so low that the York Boards of Trade, whose toil neei Feed stable. (19 t f. devils in your hell would shudder and hope have given them a harvest claimed the old man; “ stop right lishment in a suspicious manner. KEEPS CONSTANTLY ON HAND J ^ E E P S ON HAND AND MAKES T o ---------- -»<#» • to associate with them when we send The telegram says: “ A combination thar an’ change that. He wuz fer M r s , S h e p p a r d ’s order firat-clafik There has been in session in o f New York speculators, now silver ter the last!” them there. God hates a hypocrite, A FULL LINE OF CHAIRS. RAWHIDE Brussels a congress to consider operating through George R. French and so do I. the Sunday question. Among its Manufactured from best hard wood. “ You, thiee-fourths, could easily, as bullish factors on the Chicago J. B. FOX. Proprietor. Salem Journal: Pendleton Tri- conclusions is one to the pff?ct if you would, elect good men and Board of Trade, have cleared several C O O S B A Y true, who would crush us as your j hundred thousand dollars in the bnne, which has been printing col­ that there are fpw industries in the .A .T forefathers crushed the rattlesnakes wheat pit during the last few weeks umns of prosperity items, nnd country to which the principle of COR. FIRST AND HALL STS. ¡and vipers that crawled in their I °n July and September holdings.” making them by the page, has an Snnday rest cannot lie practically j paths, but you will not do it | Thus, too, the gamblers’ crops are item saying that the town is full of applied. It has,therefore,decided Near K. It. Depot, C. W. PATERSON. Prop. “ We devik in human form have proving that prosperity is at hand, hobos, nnd speaks of them as being that the different administrations, COQUILLE CITY, OBEOON . Order« left with R. S. K xowi . t O x , especially o f the railways, be ap­ j no politics. We throw our forces : and since the laborer is worthy of ! in gangs. C o q iil l e C it t , w ill r e c e iv e j>ri>mi>t Manufacturer o t Marble Monument*, H eal- proached with a view to seenring ¡ to the party that will nomiuate our his hire, we consent to see the pros- Salem Statesman, Rep.: For the 1 ?1K 8T -C L A SS FAKE, by the single stones. Tablets, etc. • meal, day or time boarders. tnen and pledge itself to work for perity general. When these gain- first time in the history of the state, the largest measure possible of attenton. Cemetery lots enclosed with stone coping A limited number of nicelv-k**pt We vote en masse, biers reap their September crop and I Oregon’s governor has a salaried Sunday rest for all engaged in or curbing. Iron railing* fam ished to o r­ our interests. Who can think rooms, with clean and com fort­ transport service. der. Correspondence solicited from parties early and often, and by the use o f ; put it on maiket there will ho no of tome Himplo able bedding. 1 stenographer employed by the year. thing to patent? • «•» - living in the conntrv or other towns «-ho Comfortable sifting room. Protect your Id»*«*: they may bring you wraith. R d n m t f f T o n f I l n w r U W i t h C n w ra rrts . mav wish anything in my line o f business. common sense, aud anything else , more starvation staring any of our \ This is retrenchment and reform W rlto JOHN WEDDRTtBPVlM * TO . Patent A ttor Kates to suit the times nnd Can't jr Cathartic, v t >rmtipn»; i forever. nev«. W ashington, D. C., P»r their fl.SnO p r lf e offer M i b s u f i f l d ............................ O bko * needed, usually elect our ticket. I citizens in the face. mnde known on application. with a vengeance. 10c, 58c. it C. C. C. fa.l, d: U riels re; und money. an t new UK or on« thou aud Inventions wanted. Dn O. H. CARTER, O O F IN T E R E S T T O T H E P E O P L E . One day through the primeval wood, A oalf walked home, aa good calves should, Sorrows of the Blind. W f * Attorney • at - Law, 0. A. M l l A t Attorney - at - Law, j M B M C h a ir F a c t o r y ^ B u ria l HartlG awl Stone Waits C a s k e t s B o a r d in g H o u se , Lowest Cash Prices. Wanted-ftn Idea__ b