t to ç u fite C iti] g iu r a la . p i n c ù s s i K l) K V K l i V T U E S D A Y J. S. M H O & I». F. m i Editors and Proprietors. BOTH MRS. RICKMAN ANO CHILO DIED. Mother and Child from Coos County That Wore Burned Near Eugene. T, a . U P P E R - RIVER DEPARTMENT. Coquille School Report. the pupils in Coquille City schools at the close of the term, giving the , ^ Æ y x t l © Eiij{«iie, Or., Jim « 17— D h I h H s average o f each whose grade is 85 a n d . of tlm fatal aeoidt-ni ou the A y r ««’ und upward: Tariii yesterday liav« be«D obtaiucil, follows: m op . h a w k in s ’ d e p a h t m k n t . IP c in / t ' \ 7 Ur ï i a t and. is tilo The grand lodge of the Eastern Star a lso e le e le d officers, as follows: M rs. Madeline Conklin#, of Kose- bur#, grand matron; Hev. (\ (\ Poling, of Portland, grand patron; Mrs. it. Lutkc, of Portland, #rand assistant matron; Mrs. Jessie Cav­ atimi, grand secretary; Mrs. Muckle, St. H eli-nn, granii treasurer. “ The whole newspaper column overflown with advertisements of business no n has mure influence in attracting attention to,and building up a city or town than any other agency thatean lie employed. Peo­ ple go where there is business. Capital and labor will locate where there is an enterprising i-omm.iiiitv. No power ou earth is so strong to build up a, town lisi» newspaper well patronized, an d ts power should he appreciated. - Da. T almaue . enPmy in, f,’ rc®-” Hp WH" tl,e ‘’'»I»«“ ' » w1,° hft<' ,,Pel> * * " » 5 »* »'» reconnoiter severa! yenrs before. He limi heen woumled, cnptured. Inni a leg amputateti, and was sent to bis In.me in Massachusetts, when exchnnged. In passiug Cimagli III linnapolis it occnrred to Inni l'.iat he ehoulil repurt to Iris coni- inatidmg officer. Mrs. Lewis, wbo discovered mannscripts o f Ilio gospels in a Kyriac ennv“ nton M o l i ut Siimi, hns been explot ing thè com ent agalli, in company witti ber sister, Mrs. Gibson, and has exaniintJ two Palestine Kyriac servine bisiks of thè twelfth cetitury, written ìu thè dialeet snpposed to bave been spoken liy Christ. Tlieir text »vili sooii be published. • • To C’nriN ronttlpitiion V ore ver* Tolte Oasi-m eta i'amlv Cuthar|i& lOo orSS$ If là C. C. fall to curo, Urngu' '»ts re fumi muuoy. Zettie Messer___ . Marvin Lam b ... . Fhebe L a m b ...... . Birdie No.-ler___ Lilly W ilso n ...... . Icy March......... . Lau-el Con w e ll... . Mollie Caldwell.. . Edna Lorenz — . 99 Maud Baloh...... 97 Oliver W ilson... 98 David ( ’oilier___ 9b Chas Whetstone. 92; Albert Johnson.. 97 Henry Bonham.. 9(5 Earl Elliott....... 9(5 John Con well ... 97 Irene L a m b ...... $250,000 " U 'p j p e j i - O c q , V i l l i © G -c in u c n T h e r e . To Be AVm. Noble returned from Mursh- Young potatoes are being sold at 2 cents per pound. weeks Hgo, W. R ick­ •I. L. Lewellen’s new building is David McNair brought a loud of w ifi a till child, arrived nearing completion. fine old potatoes to town lust week. there fmm Coos county, and the Nice raspberries are now in the Many men are now employed by husband soon found a job cutting I r . V l S T T K R , N e WSJ'APEB A l » \ EBT1HINO AOK NT .Vlerc liautH’ Exchan«*», Kxcham L« » 21 Merc.bautH’ Sau Fraui-laco, ia market a t GO cents per gallon. Noble ,V Saunders on the river im­ our authorized ajçeut. ThU paper is kept ou file ; wood no the Palmer Ayres’ place Lis otlice. Capt. IV. E. Rackleff’s sawmill provement work. for Mr. Chapin. Yesterday, about 1 11:30 a. ni., the woman went to Minnie Nosier... . 88 Luiuan R ich___ . 98 The much-needed ruin came, as T U E S D A Y , J U N E 22, 1897. the camp lire to prepare the uoou- Laura W heeler... . 88 Ralph Nosier---- . 94 it always does in Oregon, iu time to On next Friday the “ croakers' Jessie Simmons.. . 92 Fred Tuttle...... . 92 jday meal. In putting some beaus Irene Leneve___ will be officially ! insure good crops. . 89 Daisy Leneve___. 92 Myrtle Point State Sunday-School Convention. on to cook, her dress caught fire, Grace Skeels...... . 92 Roy M o r g a n ___ . 91 counted. Mrs. Carver is erecting a nice and she ran to where her 13-month- 1 mor. noslu ’ s intermediate obadk . Children's day was duly observed new barn on her acreage property En. H erai . d : The Annual State old baby lay on the bed to get n Henhaiu Deitz .. Do Lets Barrows...... 99' ill Myrtle Point b y p r o g r a m s a u d in Garden Grange. Sunday-school convention will he quilt. The watch dog prevented Lydia Simmons. N. G. W. Perkins contemplates ur.l-arl Mynatt.. ... !TJ h ttin g cerem onies. Ella K ribs......... held June 2N 30, in the M. E. church Her, and some of the burning pieces Henry Adams...... 80 ('lure Sherwood 90 ! Orvil Dodge, U. S. court commis- ' moving his residence to Maple street at The Dulles. J lie program has from her dress set fire to thecbild's Kennett Lawrence 94 Vera Seed...... SCI ill the near future. been prepared with the view of giv- clothing. The woman then com­ Bessie Conv e ll---- 90 Gertie Johnson. w siouer, left for Eckley last Monday Georgia Jonnson. Katie Wickham. 97 on an official visit. The elJCutioDery entertainment ing the greatest help possible in the nienced crying for help in her nu- Carl W alker....... 98 91 Rose Leneve___ 96 Capt Bullard is placing the ma­ given by J. G. deForest and P. F. time allowed to the delegates in guiah, and her husband ran to Fay son Deitz---- . 97 Vane Maury...... 99 Archie Collier___ 9(5 Earl Nosier...... 91 chinery in his new steamboat, the Chandler last week was a treat to all. attendance. It is practical all the |ier rescue; but it was too late, for Clyde Collier---- . 9(>John Benham... 93 The trial trip will soon I. E. Rose is having a double fire­ way through. In additon to the j when ho arrived, every particle of Willie W hite...... 98 Lilian M artin... ÍM “ Ralph.” place put in his new house, now several addresses by some of the clothing was burned oil her, except Mav Wickham . 9(5 Grace Smith........ ■J7 be iu order. Wells W heeler... . 9(5 Carl Hayes....... 114 best Sunday-school talent in our a band around her waist and her John Johnson... 96 Nellie Kerrigan . 97 Much tlnmnge has been dono to under construction, Mr. Rose be- Howevertbe • lievt-s iu having things comfortable. State, there will he exemplified the j shoes. The baby was also buined Roy Dickson...... 96 I’hoebe Simmons. 97 1 layes...... '.'4 May Bovrio........ 97 working of a model Sunday-school.1 nearly to a crisp. Sir. Avrf-s and Mabel From a drove of about 700 head Walter James___ 99 Mary Deitz........ 99 this school will he organized on the . family and other neighbors rolled Martha Root---- 99!Etta James......... 100 of cattle, recently delivered outside Lam m y... 99 Beulah W alker.. 93 floor of the convention and .the best' her and the child on a sheet filled Ernest Robert Martin has just finished by Knight & Emery, only 19 head Mary Dickson .. 98 Clara H a ft......... 87 methods of conducting a school will j with flour and somew hat relieved Laura Fox......... 941 This speaks well for a neat job of plumbing for Land­ were culled. be illustrated. The current lesson the pain, still the woman’s suffer- lord Nvstrom, including a copper j Coos and Curry county cnttle. MISS MARY QUICK’S PRIMARY GRADE.3 * of the day will be taught. The sub-1 jugs were terrible, and time again Susie Mynatt___ 94 Mamie Blaok...... 8 ft bathtub, water heater, etc. Bob is The glorious Fourth of July is jects to bo treated at each session of she begged the attendants to kill lieber Seed........ 88 ;Maud E llis......... 86 a tine workman. coming with a celebration on each Loie Smith........ 871 Em ma Sherwood. 83 the convention are those of “ today," j her. The mother died ahout C Jimmie Collier... 871 Electa W alker___ 81 The new steamer now on the ways side of it. M yrtle Point and Lee not last year or those of some future o'clock, and the child about mid- Hugh Leneve---- 87!Agnes Wneeler... 81 at Wall Bro’s shipyard is receiving will celebrate on the 3d aud 5th, Clarence White.. 861 generation, but that the foundation night. Take ’em both in, her planking. She promises to be respectively. for the future generation may be #Averaees from HO and upwards in this a modal of neatness and beauty. boys! well laid in all our work of the pres­ {The parties above named only grade. Mr. Gilman is the builder. Dr. K. A. Leep’s new windmill is ent time. left the Arago neighborhood, in this School Report. This is a mass convention to which county, a few weeks ago, where they Three fine large horses will be slightly indisposed, although a all Sunday-school workers are i a-1 had resided some time ami were well sold in Myrtle Point at constable’s marked change for the better may The following iu a brief report of sale upon thè arrival of the train on he looked for under the skillful vited. Tho number of delegates known. Mrs. Hickman was the from each school is not limited, daughter of Georgo Pope, who lives the Rundolph.school, for the mouth July 2d. The animals are nbout 6 treatment of J. R. Buckmaster and The greater the number of workers I near Bundon, and was a sister of ending Juno 18, 1897: Class average years old and weigh from 1300 to J. K. P. Elliott. Mr. Morrissey, n tinner of Ban- present, the greater the benefit to i Mrs. Henry Railabaugh, of tho as follows: 1500 lbs each. Division A— Florence Walstrom don, spt-nt several days with Robert bo derived. Free entertainment ' above community.— En. H erald .] Elders Holt and Case, of tho 92, Louisa Hultiu 91, Daisy Russell Martin, the plumber of our town. will be provided for all who present Reorganized Church of Jesus Christ Mr. Morrissey will furnish tlie tanks 90. The Entertainment credentials ns delegates from their Division B— Edith Cnrlson 93, of Latter Day Saints, closed a series for the new steamboat now on the superintendent or secretary. of meetings at this place on last ways at W all Bro’s sawmill. Delegates from points ‘ on the j And strawberry festival, given nt Aimer Walstrom 100, Carl Carlsou lines of the Southern Pacific R. R. I the little church last Saturday 94, Adolph Hultiu 98, James Mi Cue Thursday evening. The interest iu Chat Huling and W. E. Lundy the meetings steadily increased to must buy tickets to Portland, pay-1 night, hy the members and friends 90, Addie Russell 92, Clara Her­ have gone to explore the Johnson the close. The elders made many man 91. ing full fare to that point, take a o f the Church of Redeemed Israel, creek country, where they will Division C— Wayne Carlson 98, friends in the short time they had spend a week’s vacation examining receipt for the money paid, which j was a great success. The house to stay with us, and have the good must bo countersigned by the sec-1 was crowded, mid the program, Frank Carlson 98, Johnnie Hultin 'he many toboggan slides in that will of all good citizens. retary at the convention. On the [ although impromptu,was well given 94, Victor Russell 95, Chas McCuo vicinity. W e are informed that the Last week we mentioned that a boys carried with them a supply of return the agent at Portland will I and highly entertaining. Ice-cream, 90, August Herman 91, Jesse Smith 91, Nellie Smith 90, M illie Carlson small child of Mr. and Mr. Charles shothags nud buckskin pokes in sell tickets at one-third fare to des-1 strawberries and cake were after- Dye of Elliott had drank some con­ which to transport the golden treas­ tination, provided, twenty-five full j «a r il served and well patronized, 92, Primary Grade— Those averaging centrated lye on Sunday, the 13th. ure they expect to secure while fare tickets are purchased going. | 1 he funds realized were to be for Ralphie Smith, Ou Monday death called the little away. “ Little Mary” will doubtless The O. It. & N. It. It. will sell full an organ fund and the receipts of above 80 were: Ella Hutchison, Estelle Hansen, one from this world of pain aud bid receive a good share of their atten­ fare rates going, and return at one- this effort netted about 89. It was laid tion. fifth; but in this case also a receipt] ttie program was as follows: Roy Hultin, Elmer McCue, Florence its suffering to cense. to rest in the cemetery on Catching must he taken and countersigned at Opening song, Sweet Voices; McCue. J. M. Johnson’s many friends in Dr. K. A. Lcep was called Coos county were sorely distressed Those having 100 credits in De- creek. the convention by tho secretary, prayer hy K. V. Millard; duet Edith Carlson, and did all that m »dical science over an item in ; lie Kosckurg Re­ A special round-trip rate has been by Mr. uurl Mrs. Sam Nosier; deela- portment were: Walstrom, could do in such cuaes, but medi­ view of last week. mado from Portland to The Dalles 'nation by Dayid Collier; recitation Ralph Smith, Aimer It appears, that of $3, which is ( pen to all. I by Laura Fox; song, Not Ashamed Wayne Carlson, Victor Russell, cine cannot save the body when Mr. Johnson was arrested at Oak­ The family land and lodged in jail as an ab­ Tho D. P. <> worse result than a merit for our section. I gi„. hanTnniebed from our presence, G. T. Parvin o f Burton, Kansas, ., , ,, , . . ,1 She has enlertd fleaven’edoor. organization of the native sons | ducking. In dumping a car- Bnndon Recorder: Loggre and ) hns been taken to the insane asylum. reported progress, hut tho details ‘‘ md of rock Ernest lost bis balauce Marsden Imvs tliken chalge o f , M.v even now rest on the l o r h i l l e , Aud 1 think of tlio time nlit- looked with Mr. Parvin declares that he tins are not yet completed. 11,1,1 A llow ed L ie rock into the tlirir lease, the Bandori Block Goal been dead for two weeks, and says me, ocean and the table o f the ear fnl- m x s o n ic o i t u t i i s . . , , . , . . . . Wlu-ti faith wan small nnd si cut was dim, M ining property, and Mr. L oggie it is a sham? that the authorities ; lowed him in close pursuit, but he She nauelit but sin alld wilderness could should allow a corpse lo lie around lo r t l inil, .1 iiiio In. the M o d 'e in )prij ¡gjgi.y, allhoufih it looked started up mining operations Mou- see. Mr. Marsden took But she prayed to the dear lledei-mer. tiuburied. W orshi) in ( I rand Lodge "I < nregon, M ,f t|,(, t..ir struck the water day morning. Who hears his children's faintest cries, ► . Ancient, I reo unit Accepted Masons,i ,,t (||e same spot at which Ernest a trip to San Francisco last week And nmcc was aivi-n to out- loved one, English, you know.— “ O w !” said to look after their iuterest iu that To make a complete sacrifice. met, in tin- Masonic temple iu this I disappeared. H e m u u p and the cockney. "Y o u can’t really city this morning ami was called to gained the table aud was drawn up place. How could we bear this parting. Lord, like ’ uggiug theu?” “ W ell,” Deprived, of thy wondrous grace? order by Grand Master P h il! on to the jetty with a rotie. The A carload of hay—some 90 or she confessed, ‘‘ I cawu’t really say I hear again her dying word, Metsi-han. 1 lie most important water was nbout ten feet deep 100 hales— caught fire and wns con­ “Come, my brothers, gather home: that I dislike it, don’t you know, business of the day was the election where he fell. sumed last Thursday a short dis­ Time is speeding, health may fnil you, but 1 ’ave bnlways hunderstozd Why will you longer roam?” o f officers, wliieh resulted as follows; ..... — tance below this place. Tho hay In memory still that voice pleads on, that it was a ’armful practice.” YV. 11. Hob on, of Stayton, grand In McClure's Magazine is told was the property o f the Beaver "W h y not, why not come to Him now.” Penelope— W hy should the groom E. B. T albbbt . master; J. B. Ch-land, of Portland, the story of the aid whom Colonel H ill Goal Company. Evidently it obtain the marriage licenue? Leola deputy grand master; J. M. Hudson, ] Dan Mucaulpy seut out liefote a ignited from a spark from the Murderer Butler's Trial Ended— Foun d — Because he’s never allowed any of Ktigene, senior grand warden; j battle ill the Utiernndoah valley to eugine. Guilty. after the ceremony. YV. F. Butcher, of linker City, junior ascertain the force o f the enemy, \Ve welcome the return o f Mrs. grand; warden I.Mayer, of Portland, This was the Inst Colonel Macauley Wes Nosier and Miss Annie Laird Sidney, N S. W., June 1C.— The grand trustee; I). Mi-Kercher, of saw o f the officer. One day while iu improved health from 8auFran­ trial o f Frank Butler, charged Portland, grand treasurer; Jnmrs Macauley was holding court in cisco. They reached homo per with murder o f Captain L ee Weller, F. Robinson o f Eugene, grand Indianapolis ns mayor none-armed steamer Coqutlle R iver last Satur­ while the two were on a gold-pros­ secretary. ' mnn catne in and said: “ Colonel, day evening. pecting trip, was concluded today, e isT' tin s t a r . 1 have to report that I found the the jury rendering a verdict of Demoted to the material and social up- , auil are as building of theCoqoiiie Valley particularly ! A few and of Coos County generally. man, bis Subscription, per year, iu advance, $2. »eeeoooooooooooooooooooaooeoooooouooooooooooftooQ . . . . . . . . . 9(5 90 96 91 97 93 93 91 93 Posstbly W ill Go to Jail. „ San F’ rancisco, June 16.— . W. B. Bradbury, the millionaire, who^con- tends that he has a constitutional right to spit when anil wherever lie pleases will have to serve a sentence of twenty-four hours' imprisonment in the county jail, imposed upon him by P olice Judge Low recently, on Iris eouviction for the second time o f spitting in street cars. Bradbury appealed from this judgment to the superior court, but Judge W all today de­ cided that Ins application for a writ of habeas corpus was without merit, and affirmed the judgm ent * - Merchants should know that slave« are poor customers, nnd that while robbery gives rich profits at first, it gives none at all after a time 1 lamentably short. guilty. Butler attempted to cut his throat with a piece o f tin this morning, bl(, wft8 geized before he did him­ self any injury. Later he made a violent resistance to the keepers, w hile on the way to the courthouse. H e fought like a wild beast. w women to travel for responsible estab­ lished house in Oregon. Salary f 780 an. expenses. Position permanent. Referenced Enclose self-addressed stamped env lope. I’he National, Star Insurance Bidg., Chi­ cago. ____ ------------------ - •-------- — — Buys a Texas Ranch. San Antonio, Tex., June It».— John W. Mackay hft« bought the Thornton ranch near here. The ranch consists of over 100.000 acres, It is one of the finest in Icxas. It is reported that Mackay will start a thoroughbred horsebreeding farm. To people boy ITcod’s Snrmrarilla in p.-eforeuce to any other,— in tact Almost ti, tho exclusion ot all others? > •’!’ * i :* / X t L t They know from actual u*e that Ilood’s i- i he ! >t, i. e., it curt .3 when others fail. II »oil’s 8 i is still made under the \ . raonal supervision of tho educated pharmacLta who originated it. Tho question of l . * ij just as positively decided in favor of Ilood’aas tho question of comparative sales. Another th'nrj: Every advertisement of Ilood’s Sarsaparilla is true, is honest. Ghren Aw ay this year in valuable articles lo smokers o f B iackw ell’s Gonuine w a m Tobacco V on will find one coupon In­ side each 2 -ounce bag, and two c ou p on s iusidc each 4 -ouncc bag. Buy a bag, read thccoupon and see how to get your share. T h e Best Sm oklngTobacco M ade 0900000000000OOOOCOC'jftDOOvCOCOOOOOOOOOOOO' O RD IN AN C E NO. 30. An Oriliuance to Prohibit the Use of, or Firiug of Firo Works. or Fire Crackers. The Town o f Coqutlle City Doee Ordain an Followa: Section 1. Tlmt no person shall fire off, or discharge any firo works, or tire crackers, of any dc senption, within the corporate limits of the town of Coquille City. Section 2. Except ou a Jay of celebration, when they may get permission of the marshal, and be shown bv him where they may or may not fire snid fire works, said tiling positively not to be within the (old plat) of Coquille City. Section 3. That tho marshal shall enforce this ordinance, from, and after its adoption and approval, nnd that parties so offending, upon conviction thei'of shall be fined in the sum of mot less than two dollars and fifty cents uor inbre thau teu dollars, with cost o f prosecution. Adopted, June 19, 1897. Ayes— J. T. Nosier, W. Drain, S. L . Lenovo and L. Harlocker. JOHN GOODMAN, President of Board. Attest: G ko . O. L e a c h , Auditor nnd Clerk, for tho town o f Coquille City. O R D IN AN C E NO. 31. Entitled an Ordinance to Amend an Ordinance [Ordinance No. 5j Regulating the Business of a Peddler. The Town o f Coquille City Itoes Ordain as Follow-»: That any person, or persons, violating any of the sections 1, 2 and 3 of ordinance No. 5, shall bo dicmed guilty of a misde- meanni-r, and upon conviction thereof shall lie fined in the sum of not less than two dollars and fifty cents, uor more than teu dollars, together with cost of prosecution. Adopted June 19, 1897. A; es— J. T. Nosier, L. Harlocker,S. L. Leneve and W. Drain. JOHN GOODMAN, President of Board. Attest: G eo . O. L e a c h , Auditor anil Clerk for Town of Coquille City. We Send it Free ro Weak Pslen, Young and Old. W o will send yon by mail, Absolutely Free,in plain pnckn"o. the All-Power­ ful Dr. Hofman’s Vital Restorative Trblots, with n lcpal cu.irantcc to permanently care lost Manhood, Self- Abuse. Sexual WenkneH*. Varicocele, stops fort‘V< r ui*’ht Emissions and all unnatural drains. Returns to former appearances emaciated organs. I f we could not, cure, we would not send our medicine free to try, and pay when satisfied. Address W E ST E R N M E D IC IN E CO., Foreclosure Sale­ 'V T O T IC E IS H E R E B Y G IV E N T IIA T i\ under arid by vi tue of an execution and order of sale issued out of the Circuit Com t of the State of Oregon for tho County of Coos on the 9th day of June, 1897, in a certain suit wherein J. H. Roberts is plain­ tiff and S. 11. Bryan. M. J. Bryan. James H. Bryan and B. L. Bryan are defendants, and b ein ; case number R»87 of said court and commanding me to make sale of certain real property in snid execution and herein­ after particularly cescribed, or a sufficiency thereof to satisfy the demands of said plaintiff, to-wit: the sum of six hundred ninety-three and 2*5-100 dollars, together with interest thereon at the rate of eight per cent per annum from the 10 th day of May, 1894, an attorney fee of sixty-five dollars, costs and disbursements taxed at | twenty-six and f*5-100 dollars, and also the I costs of said foreclosure, 1 will, O N SAT- I U llD A Y , T H E «1 S T DAY OF J U LY , 1897, at the hour of two o’clock in the after­ noon of said uay. at the Courthouse door in the town of Coquille City, Coos county, state of Oregon, offer for sale and sell at public auction to the highest and best binder for cash, all right, title, interest and j claim which the *aid defendants or either j of them had on the 21st day of April, 1891, or may at any time since have acquired iu or to the following described premises, to-wit: Lots numbered two and three, the southeast quarter of tho northwest quarter and the northeast quarter of the» southwest quarter of section thirty in township twenty-nine south, of range twelve west of the Willamette Meridian in Oregon, con­ taining one hundred and sixty-three acres and 71-100 of an acre. Dated this 18th day of June, 1897, nt Coos county, Oregon. W . W. GAG E, jvn22 fit] Sheriff of Coos county, Oregon. [Incorporated] The Egg Season is Over. Kalamazoo, Mioh. S IDNEY B chool Furniture Co anufacture M th e D E S K S , FOR 15 I SALE- V A IC IF T II». | A G E S , S IZ E S , j P R IC E S . A Few Poland China Pigs for Sale Yet YEARS, nnd any part that becomes broken or unfit for use d uri^j that time will be duplicated without charge. Write for circulars and prices to MRS. NO RA A. GOOD, A ?ent for Coos county, Coquille City, Oregon. I H A VE STOCK F O R F ltE •PtT* Write for what you want. and all furniture necessary for the School­ room. Every desk of this company’s man­ ufacture is WARRANTED UT All celebrated “ B E A U T l ” Automatic Pupils’ v TH E COUNTY COURT O F THE State of Oregon, in and Por Coos County In the matter of the estate of i William G. Way, deceased, f Notice is hereby given that Celia L. Way and William Marshall Way have been appointed executors o f the last will and testament of William G. Way, deceased, bv the County Court of the State of Ore­ gon for Coos County, and all persons hav­ ing claims against the said estate must i present their claims duly verified, as by law required, to the said executors, at Coquille. Coos county, Oregon, within six months Is the One True TBocxl Purifier. All druggists, ft. from date. Coquille City. Oregon, May 28.1897. Prepared only by C. I. flood A Co.. Lowell. Mans. C klia L. W ay , W m . M. W ay , u it are the only pills to take ,'nl 3» I IT O O U S P l l i S Withilood's S a r s a p a r illa h Address j j L. A. M ARSTERS. Cleveland, Oregon. For Sale at a Bargain. W I L L S E L L MY R AN C H , C O N T A IN - ing lfiO acres, 30 in cultivation; 30 acre« creek bottom; 80 acres in pasture, fenced; 12/5 fruit trees, bearing, nnd all kinds of small frnit: large house 7 rooms, plastered and papeied; barn 40x80, stables, cattle sheds, and all necessary outbuildings; good spring water piped to house, milk-house and barn: about f sk) or *900 worth of white cedar timber tor lumber or matchwood; buildings new or nearly so; county road on one side of place: five months* term of school each year, five mi notes’ walk from house; forty minutes’ drive to Bandon or the beach: *H4H) insurance on buildings. | *rlrc 8110(1. W ill also sell farming tools. st'*ck.shop tools, and furniture. I am past 70. too old to farm and mean what I I «»y. - - I will sell: make me an offer and come and se- me. No incumbrance on the place. For full particulars call or address DAVID B A ID W IN . Bandon, Oregon.