«ÖL Í.-Í YOL. J)R. G. H. CARTER, RESIDENT DENTIST, C ity . O r e g at residence, and door sooth Odd Fellows' Hall. ¿Nothing hut first- O FFICE class work. Charges reasonable. OF INTEREST TO THE PEOPLE. Our Mother Eartt). Whence arise the springs that nourish All oreation from its birth? Whence spring up the oaks, and ttoum li?- Froin the Earth—our mother Earth! } J U . J. B U R T . M O O R E , Where are gems and crystals bidden? Whore sre ores o f wondrous worth? B U R G E O N A N D P H Y S I C I A N . Whence are fire and heat upbidden? — From the Earth—our mother Earth! ILL promptly respond to all calls, Whence nrise the green oases day or night. In the desert's sandy dearth? 00QU 1LLE CITY, OHEOON. What is life’s support and basis?— ’ Tis the Earth—our mother Earth! Bread and tire and crystal water— j j M E r\WK\i;KKG, All within our being’s girth: Gold and gems to those who sought her Hath she given—mother Earth! Attorney and Counselor at Law. HU* is mankind’ s nurse and servant— Still our mother and our slave: Ollice, Empire Cuy, Oregon. Still the same, in labor fervent, From our birthday to our grave! T J F. DEAN, Never yet hath God ordained her T o V trodden by the few! Grasping lords have but profaned her, 2 s T o ta ry I=-CL"bllc, And their crime they yet shall rue! Like the seed within her bosom, bleeps a future, vet, of Right! Man shall see his hopes in blossom! Man shall yet reveal his might! Then, no one, above another, Shall assert his nobler birth; 1 ....BARBER SHOP But each man shall share his mother— Share his glorious mother—Earth! • .• .O ...• vl.r»nlO , W Herald Office, Coquillc City, Oregon. T H E PEO PLE’S:7:7^ r p U E BEST, NEATEST X up-to-date in the city. — A u g u s t i n s a / u u a n k h . AND MOST Hot anti Cold Baths—Reasonable MEMORY OF THE DEAD. Charges, Courteous Treatment. ooqoui LI on v. o & egon . Front street, opposite It. K. Depot, T. W. GILLHAM. MYRON W, R E E D 'S “ SERMON IN M E M ­ ORY OF SOLDIERS.” J lH E C O M M E R C I A L 4------ Ths most modern arrnnged BAUBER SHOP in Coquille City. A Strong Test of Patriotism— A Soldier of If. M. McDonald, Proprietor. Eighty A sks Work on the Streets— Gov­ 3ot and Cold Baths at all hours. Popular prices. Headquarters for Commercial Hen. Next door J orison Bro’s inarkes. ernment by Trusts and Injunction- Ô. L . M D O N , A . t x o m © y - a,t - L a w , M ARSH FIELD, OREGON. Lgvnt for the North America Insurance Co. of Philadelphia, and the London, Liv­ erpool & Globe. ¡ohn F. Hall, A .t t o r n s y a t -, Xja-^r, . M ARSHFIELD, OREGON. Dealer in B ral E state o f all kinds. C. A. Seti A ttorney - at - Law, Roscbnrg, Oregon. — hj-i— Special attention to matters before the Koseburg land ollice. the commissioner o f the general land ollice and secre­ tary o f interior at Washington. i f Y RTLE CAMP, NO. 197, WOODMEN lA o f the World, meets at Masonic Hall it and 3d Monday nights o f each month. A. J. S herwood , Consul, eorge T. Moulton, Clerk. T O U R T C O g iT M ,::. HO. 18, f o r k s r- ^ ers of America, meets everv second and mrth Thursday evening, at Masonic Hall, oquille City, Oregon. H. N. L orenz , C. R. bo . O. L eacii , It. 8. ~1 EN. LYTLE POST. NO. 'll, G. A. B.. JTme *ts every first Wednesday night of itch month. Visiting Comrades in good landing cordially invited to attend. H. H, N ichols , Post Com. L H. N osleb , Adjutant. EN. LYTLE. W. R. C., NO. 9. MEETS JT in Goquille City on the first and third Wednesday afternoon in each month. M bs . V iola E llio tt , Pres. I bs . Ida H arbinoton , 8eo. "1HADWIOK LODGE. NO. 88, A. F. J and A. M., meets on Saturday evening n or before each full moon. Visiting breth- sn cordially invited. J . P . G ooim aw , W. M. !. W. W hite , Sec. UELAH CH APTER, NO. 6, O. E. 8., » meets Friday evening on or before h full moon at K o'clock from April 1st Jotober S lit, and thereafter at 7:90: and h fifteen days thereafter at 2 o’clock in afternoon. M rs . A lice T uttle , W. M. s. N oba G ood , S ec . 1 0Q U IL L E LODGE, NO. 6 8 ,1.O . O. F., J meets every Saturday evening. Visit- g brethren in good standing cordially vited. C. A. H abbinoton , N. G. 8. L awrence , It. 8. /^ O Q U IL L E ENCAMPMENT, NO. 2ft, I. G. O. F., meets every first and third Thursdays in each month at Odd Fellows’ hall. Cordial invitation extended to all vis- itiug patriarchs in good standing. v It. E. B uck , C. P. G. F. B outkll , Scribe. a m i e r e b e k a h l o d g e , n o . 20 . I. O. O. F., meets every 2nd and 4th Wednesdays in each month, at Odd Fel­ low s’ hall. Miss R at C o llibb , N. G . M J . 8 . L awbkncb . K. 8 . Chair Factory: C O Q U IL L E C IT Y . ¡Opposite City Wharf.l eeps on hand K order first class R A W H ID E NO. COQUILLE CITY, OREGON, TUESDAY, JUNE 15, 1897. 15. O o c m ille y — and m akes ro : C H A IR S. Manufactured from best hard wood. J. B. FOX, Proprietor. At the Broadway theater last Sun­ day morning the Rev. Myron W . Iteed preached “ A Sermon in Mem­ ory of Soldiers.” A special musical program had been prepared for the service m which tlio Colorado Mid­ land band took part. Solos were sung by William Howells, Miss Josie Evans ami Miss Julia (Indwell. Mr. Reed was in liis best vein Ho had some sharp criticisms to make of the patriots who staid at homo during the war to make for­ tunes and also of the characteristics of the young men and women of to­ day. But he declared that while tliero was enough to criticise there was no need to despair; on the con­ trary, he saw a safe and bright future ahead of the nation. He took for his text Joshua iv, 6-7: “That this may bo a sign unto you, that when your children ask their fathers in time to com e,‘ what mean ye by these stones?’ then ye shall answer them that the waters of the Jondan were cut olT before the ark of the covenant of tho Lord when it passed-over Jordan. And these stones shall be for a memorial uuto the children of Israel forever.” Mr. Heed said: My patriotism is sometimes a lit­ tle pale aud discouraged. I have found things out concerning the war that I did not imagine at the time. I have discovered that the nation’s danger and distress made an excel­ lent opportunity for people who loved their country aud also an opportunity for people who loved themselves. Sleeping in tho fra­ grant May weeds of Alabama I never dreamed tlmt my fellow-citizens were raakiug money out of the salt and red transactions of battle. It was a great time for trado in rotten cloth and undersized mules. It was the finest opportunity to plunder that a native American scoundrel ever had. The birthday of the millionaire and the tramp is along somewhere between I860 and 1866. Bonds were broken off the Afri­ can slave and carefully welded and riveted on the najion. The war debt is not paid, nor any portion of i t Measured by wheat or corn or cotton or sugar, measured by the toil and sweat, we are as much in debt as in 1865. The news that the war debt wa3 to be paid, wiped out, would make a great many fat and idle Americans sick. The soldier did not know anything about these thrifty things worked out at home. I came home on leave in February, 1865, and tho first words I heard were from a corpu- lenr citizen, up to his neck in con­ tracts. He wanted to know when I was going back. He evidently was afraid that the butchering of breth­ ren was about to cease. The cruel war was kind to a great many peo­ ple, enabled them to marry their worthless daughters to foreign reprobates. The coat of arms of some of them ought to be a wash- tub. DISSATISFIED WITH THE OUTLOOK. I nm not satisfied with the out- I look of things. I do not discover a 0 0 0 3 B A Y l a great man anywhere in all these 1 states. There are plenty of cun­ ning m»n abroad, and men who are not even cunning. It is not difficult C. W. PATERSON, Prop. to find an unnecessary liar. One lias a sneaking admiration for a Manufacturer o f Marble Monuments, Hea 1- grand liar like Napoleon. He left stones. Tablets, etc. Cemetery lots enclosed with stone coping bis army in the snow in Russia and or curbing. Iron railings furnished to o r­ hastened at a gallop to tell France der. Correspondence solicited from parties that his trip to Moscow was the living in the country or other towns who mav wish anything in my line o f business. finest thing in the history of war. M \ 1 UI!(FIELD - ...................... O B K U 1 There was nothing small about a Marble aid Slone Worts Napoleonic lie. It was on the grand scale of Austerlitz. Forty centuries looked down on it, or rather up to it. It was on the scale of the pyra­ mid of Gineh and the Nile. One hesitates in calling Rocke­ feller and Carnegie absolutely great. There is a rumor that Mr, Ixocke- feller is soon to give something away again. If you need any oil you can’t be too quick iu buying it. The other night appeared to me a man with considerable African blood in him. His great-grand­ father was born iu Africa, bis grand­ father iu Madagascar, his father in Guadeloupe, himself in Glasgow. He came to this country in 1861 and enlisted for one year in the navv and served his time, and then enlisted in the Fifty-fourth Massa­ chusetts colored regiment Colonel Robert Shaw commanded. He told me what I did not k n o w -h o w the colonel was buried. I‘ our dead negro soldiers were laid side by side in a trench and then the body of Colonel Shaw crosswise on these, and then four dead black men over him. And so he laid in state. All tears are salt and all blood is red. Now this man who came to me with( this Btory had at one time a pension of $12 a month. F cr some reason during the late administra­ tion his pension was taken from him. He askod me to reckon how old he is. This man was born in 1817. His errand to me was to see if I could not, through the board of public works, get him something to do on these streets. For a minute or so my patriotism went below ft-eeziug. „ _ The first act of Mr. Grover Cleve­ land after he ceased to be president was to take possession of a govern­ ment ship and go duck shooting. Ho lias as much right on there as you have— and as little. TRUST HIGHER THAN THE NATION. The sugar trust seems today to lie bigger than tho nation. ^ For four years I have said to my- self on Sunday morning: “ It is my business to be cheerful. It is Sun­ day and the day of the resurrection. The people have lmd enough of ■'all and wormwood tlirough the week. I will ransoek creation for cheerful news.” I find history on the whole cheerful reading.” W e have all remarked the vitality of the Jews. It is tough and persistent. Years of slavery, war upon war, captivity- on captivity— these have not pre­ vailed. They own both sides of Broadway, New York; both sides of tho Mississippi river and the best part of the Pacific coast. The roll­ ing stone has gathered considerable moss of a valuable kind. Ouo fam­ ily of Jews, the Rothschilds and the Rothschildren (for which phrase I am indebted to one of my deacons) decide whether any nation in Europe goes to war and when the nation shall ground arms. There is no more right or wrong in war. It is merely a question of bonds. Von Moltke said: “ Armies marjb on their bellies.” I make an excep­ tion of the east Tennesseean. He can put up a good nil-day fight on six inches of sorghum cane. But the average human is not an east Tennesseean. I have slept under his roof. He says: “ This is my land, this is ray corn; I moke whisky- out of what I do not need for ash- cake. It is my whisky and more thnu I need for my own use, and I sell it to my neighbors.” The rev­ enue officer goes in there and soon has a bullet in him about the size of a Mexican bean. The moon­ shiner is standing square on a nat­ ural right at conflict with a statute. OBLIGATIONS TO ALL TIME. I have wandered off the main road of this discourse. My mind works off that way; I now come back to the highway. I find that a Hebrew never re­ garded himself as an individual but nlways as one of the family. A link in the chain. The child of Israel never has said the post is nothing to me, this is my day. He felt his obligation to the past, his errand to the future. Therefore he set up memorial stones. He instituted memorial days. The past of the nation was kept alive in the child's mind. He was made to ask ques­ tions. W hat do you mean by this monument, this feast day? Tomorrow the statue of Colonel Robert Shaw will be uncovered in Boston. The children will ask ques­ tions, and will be answered, this is in memory of a rich,educated young American of a first family who was proud to lead a regiment of black men from Boston to Wagner and to die with them nnd be buried with them. That will bo one of the most useful things in Boston. I saw the children of Edinburgh stopping on their wav from school to look at the monument to Walter Scott. He was a. soldier, led a for­ lorn hope, undertook with his pen to clear a debt, not bis fault, of nearly half a million. He almost did it. It is altogether worth while have been acquainted with as brave men as Plutarch knew. They were alive in 1861 and all along. Blood will tell. These hoys and girls that I shall see tomorrow ranked on the streets will, I am persuaded, take care of their country. It will be a great spectacle tomorrow in these states. Millions of the living silent in cemeteries crowning the dead. There is rosemary, that is for remembrance, pray yon I o d " remem­ ber; anil there are pansies, they are MKMOIIJAL DAY. for thoughts.”— Denver Facts. W hat shall be done tomorrow I -------------» «#» * — believe in. It makes the children Some Postscripts. ask questions. If I were a teacher I would devote oue afternoon n week The fly lays four times each smn- to American history. I would begin tner and eighty eggs each time. with Columbus und come along The descendants of a single down to the “ unknown United female wasp will often number 15,- States soldier,"’ buried most any- 000 in one season. whore from the Ohio river to the A spider’s eye is not in his head gulf. I would use no book. I would tell the story by word ot but iu the upper part of the thorax. The army worm has cost Am er­ mouth. I do, not find in Homer anything better than W alt Whitman ica more than the Revolutionary when lie hears the story of Custer: war. The bumble bee has been known “ Thou o f tho tawny flowing hair in battle, I erewhile Haw with erect head, to distance a locomotive going Passing ever in front, bearing twenty miles an hour. A bright sword in thy hand to keep that man nlivo in the mind. N ot very far off is David Living­ stone, I think in brouzai and the children look at him awhile. And not very- far off is Robert iturns. Scotland understands perfectly well how to keep her great history alive. So does Ireland. In my memory the tallest thing in Dublin is tho monument to Daniel O’Connell, the tallest Irishman of his time or per­ haps of any time. One of the tall men of all this world. Now ending well in death the Splendid fever of thy deeds, After thy many battles in which Never yielded op a gon or a color, Leaving behind thee a memory 8weet to soldiers, Thou yieldest up thyself. Flans will never touch an epi­ leptic and will instantly leave a dead or dying person. Foreigners Gambling With Public Franchises. It is reported that within a few weeks a ileal will be made between a syndicate of English capitalists in Cripple Creek nnd Victor, C o l, gold mines, und two liues of railroad connecting the mining districts with the nearest trunk line ruilroads, that will give the syndicate controle of the shipping facilities from the mining camps to the east. In 1800 Spain ownpd more than two-thirds o f the present area of the United States, together with Mexico, Central America, n e a rl y all the W est Indies and a ll o f South America except Brazil. T o­ day she has nothing lift of all these rangnificient possessions save an insecure foothold in Cuba aud Porto Rico. Colonel William R. Brown and W . P. Bruner, 70 aud 82 years old, were indicted by a Marion, 111., jury for the embezzlement of money deposited in their bnnk prior to its failure. Tne verdict fixed the penalty at. one year's imprisonment and a fine of $410 each. To Care Constipation Forever. Take Caeca rots Candy Cathartic. 10c or 25c. If C. C C fail to cure, druggists refund money. GOOD FOR EVERYBO DY Almost everybody takes some laxative | medicine to cleanse the system and keep the blood pure. Those who take SIMMONS L iv e r R e g u l a t o r (liquid or powder) get all the benefits of a mild and pleasant laxative and tonic that purifies the blood end strengthens the whole system. And more than this: SIMMONS LIVER REGU­ LATOR regulates the Liver, keeps It active and healthy, and when the Liver Is In good condition you find yourself free from Malaria, Biliousness, Indigestion, Sick- Headache and Constipation, and rid o f that worn out and debilitated feeling. These are all caused by a sluggish Liver. Good digestion and freedom from stomach troubles will only be had when the liver is properly at work. If trcubled with any of these complaints, try SIMMONS LIVER R e g u l a t o r . The King of Liver Medl- :ines, and Better than Dills. jS J -E V E U Y P A C K A G E -® ^ ff ia H ie / . S ta m p In r e d o n w rap p er. IN J . II. Z c illu & Co.. P h tla.. Pa. The United Slates bus produced two thirds of the cotton consumed Sometimes we may feel that this by the world for the last sixty-seven nation is like a tree without roots, years. tartly pixllqe that it is carpenter’s work and may- Since 1860 the value of grain LATEST tip over any day. Then it is good crops has steadily diminished, BEST to read history. This country is while that of pustorul pioilucts lias CHEAPEST well planted. It has as many roots increased. Shipped to anyone, anywhere, on 10 as it has branches. When a tree Severnl species ot moth never days' free trial, had stood iu this windy world a ent after attaining a perfect state. in y o u r o w n h o m e , without hundred years, and in the cyclone They have no mouths and live but asking one cent in advance. belt, I am not afraid to sit under it a few hours. or sleep under i t The cultivation of heels was 10 years* written People nro quite tame nowadays, warranty w i t h introduced into France by Napol­ each machine. but I have seen them wake up. I eon, in 1830. 1,310,000 acres grew Lave seen high water mark. I know 14,800,000 bushels. A strictly high-grade Sew- what the river has done. ...8 M a c h i n e , fi ni b lied It is estimated that the farmers throughout in the beat pos­ I have seen young men as trifling sible manner. It possess«* all modern improvements audita and mercenary as any I see now run of the United States lose 8100,- mechanical construction is 000,000 annually from the depreda­ over one another to be soldiers. such that in it are combined simplicity with grcf.t strength, When I am scant of hope I conclude tions of various insects. thus insuring ease of running, W asps are the most inveterate durability, nml m ating it im­ that I am not well. There were possible tor the machine to be Beaam er says ox, free o f charge, as follows: Otic aud tasteless the hours when Jesus corruption cannot lie expected to be rufiler and patherer, one binder, one shirring plate, one set o f four hemmers, different widths up to Va o f an inch, one tucker, one under braider, one short or attachment foot, and one thread no longer I sec.” Ho was a great very honest when they get together. cutler. Woodwork o f finest quality oak or walnut, gothic cover and drawers, nickel-plated rings chicken fancier and an expert mid­ It is no more harm to form a sugar to drawers, dress guards to wheel, and device for replacing belt. night cook. He is at present mayor conspiracy than it is to hatch rail­ DIRECTLY OF MANUFACTURERS AND DON’T PAY U F S B JS h BUY SAVE AGENT'S AND DEALER S PROFITS road plots at tho expense of the of bis city and tho most substantial CUR GREAT O F fE ER. R . * 2 3 .8 0 our Special Wholesale Price, but people. This the serrate has beett high in order to introduce this nigh-grade sewing machine, we make a special cou­ man of his town. pon offer, giving every reader :ader o f this paper a chance to get a first-class ma­ notorious in for many years and the chine n l tlie lowest price ever offered. On receipt o f f 18.50 cash aud coupon, NO NEED TO DESPAIR. wc will ship the above-described machine auywhere securely packed and public takes it as a matter of course. crated, andguaranteesafe delivery. A ten years' written warranty sent with The examining doctor of a life each machine. Money refunded I f not as represented nfler thirty days* test The reports of the various county trial. We will ship C. O. D. for <19.60 with privilege o f twenty days’ trial on insurance company is not satisfied receipt o f Jo.OOasa guarantee o f good faith and charges. If you prefer thirty to question }ou as to .yourself. He school superintendents of tire state days' trial before paying, send for our large illustrated catalogue with testi­ monials, explaining fully how we ship sewing machines anywhere to any­ inquires ns to your grnndinothers’ toStareSuperintendeutlrwin show a one at the lowest manufacturer's prices without asking one cent in advance. The !«•'•* plan is to send all cash with order, as you then save the $1.00 dis­ nnd grandfathers’ grip on lifo. larg difference between lire nnraler count prices—at Leneve’ this primitive abode. And if I over MUS. A. O. AIKEN. Pacific, the Astoria k Seaside, nnd cure all Sexual and fail in the affectionate venerntion the Coos Bay, Roseburg k Eastern. Seminal Disenses, for him who reared and defended it These will soon receive the board’s such as Gonorrhea, M r s , S h e p p a r d ’ s . G l e e t . S t r . o t n re, ngainst savage violence, cherished attention. Syphilis, all its > Ì ‘ÌV^.-Z9.«-v forms. Skin in Diseases. all the domestic virtues beneath its v y A N T E D - FAITHFUL MEN OR N e r v o u s Debility. roof nnd through the fire nnd blood V V W'iiuen to travel for responsible estab­ Impotency, Semin..1 Weakness and I joshoí of a seven years’ revolutionary war, lished honse in Oregon. H-ilary $7H0 and Manhood, the conseqaenco of self-abuse shrunk from no danger and no toil, expenses. Position permanent. Reference. and excesses producing the following symp­ Enclose self-addressed stamped env lo)»«. no sacrifice to serve his country and The National, Htar Insurance Itldg., Chi­ toms: Sallow countenance, dark spots un­ der the eyes, pain in the head, ringing in cago. raise his children to a condition the ears, loss o f confidence, diflid« noe in COR. FIRST AND H ALL STS. strangers, palpitation of the better than his own, may my name The British borrf residents of approaching Near H. H. Depot» henil, weakness of the limbs and back, loss and the name of ray children be Astoria will celebrute tho queen's of memory, pimples on the face, coughs, COQLILLE CITY, OBEGON. consumption, etc. blotted from the memory of man-1 jubilee, DU. GIBBON has practised in San Fran kind.” 7IHST-CLASH FAUE, by the single cisco over SOycars an I t hose troubled should Don't Totwro Spit and Sun k* Yuer lift A way. mesl, day or time boarders. It seems to me a cheerful thing not fail to consult him nml receive the ben­ T<» quit u . i - ikco euMtly and forever, be mag efit of Ins great skill end experience. Th" A limited number o f nicelv-kt-pt . that there is no village or hamlet n etir. full of life , nerv • and vigor, take N o To- rooms, with ciann and com fort­ doctor cur s when others fail. Try him. all over this land that did not know P a r. the w onder w orker, that n.akrs w eak men CL11E8 GUAU \ N I EED able bedding. Persons cured Comfortable silting room. ( in 1861 nnd to the end of tho war i strong. A ll druggists, 60c or f t . C ure guaran­ at home. Charges reasonable. Gall or teed B ook let n n i s im p le free. A ddress write. Hates to suit the times nnd DH. J. F. GIBBON. ‘ the force of at least oue hero. I Sterling K ciocd y C o , C h icago or N ew York. made known on application. 020 Kearney street, San Francisco, Gal. flrllnQten” FACTS Daily Capital Journal inery. Dr Gibbon BoardingjHouse, 1