< c aoh month. Viaitin« oorarades in «ood same year, but he declared that the of Lincoln and Grant to a rac< of tandine eordiaily invited to attend. value of the personalty' in the state Skylocks on the one hand, aud H. H. N ichols , Post Com. IT. H. N osleb , Adjutant. ___ was at acy rate quite equal to the on the other. It begins to look as value of the realty. if a good healthy war with Englapd EN. LYTLE , W. R. C., NO. 9. MEETS Now, as ex-President Harrison might he the only possibility of in Coquille City on the first and third said, “ five-sixths of the voters of the saving the United States from abso­ Wednesday afternoon In each month. Mas. V iola E lliott , Pres. country favor a revision of corpora­ lute imbecility and rottoness. If ba . Ida H abbinoton , Sec. tion laws, limiting the purposes for Oregonian: Mr. W. S. U ’ Rcn, AHADWICK LODGE. NO. C8. A. F. which corporations maybe organized, J and A. M., meets on Saturday eveniOR supervising the issuing of stocks one of the Populist representatives I or before each full moon. Visiting hreth- and bonds and putting other re­ iu the legislature for Clackamas in oordially invited. J . P. G oolmah , W. M. straints upon them. Au even larger couuty, will visit Roseburg and . W . W h it e , 8ec. ________ proportion of our people would give Grants Pass next week and answer JO E L A H CHAPTER, NO. «, O. E. 8.. their emphatic support to the prop­ the charges made against him by J meets Friday evening on or before osition that tax burdens should full Senator 1. D. Driver, ot Lane teh full moon at 8 o’clock from April 1st They do county. Whatever may be the con­ i October Slat, and thereafter at 7:30; and equally on all property. ish fifteen daya thereafter at 2 o’clock in not now, as every one knows. troversy, it is evident that U’Ren te afternoon. „ Lands, houses, live stock and imple­ is loaded for hear, and his explana­ M b s . A l i c i T u ttle , W . M. ments of trade cannot he hidden. tion will prove interesting reading. I bs . N ora G ood , S ec . Stocks and bonds can be, and the C. A. Spreckels, who controls the i-tO Q U IL L E LODGE, NO. S3, I .O . O. F „ assessor has no way of checking meets every Satarduy evening. Visit­ Spreckelsvllle plantation, in H a­ ing brethren in good standing oordially the list” waii, has discharged every white invited. „ _ But while the injustice of cor­ C. A. H aebisotoh , N. G. man on the place with the excep­ poration legislation and tax legisla­ J . S. L awbbnck , R. S. tion o f two, and has put Orientals tion is to be fought strenuously, it /C O Q U IL L E ENCAMPMENT, NO. 25,1. in the places o f the dismissed men. O. O. F., meets every first and third must be fought discreetly and intel­ A desire to reduce expenses is Thursdays in each month at Odd Fellows’ ligently, not as a red rag is rushed given as the reason. hall. Cordial invitation extended to all via at by a bull. The ex-president ilia c patriarchs in good standing. R . E. B uce , C. P. suggests seven cardinal points to he Omaha Western Laborer: Labor O . F. B outell , Scribe. borne carefully in mind when such unions of Pennsylvania are praying and beseeching McKinley not to a m i e r e b e k a h l o d g e , n o . 20. legislation is to be attacked: I. O. O. F., meets every 2nd and 4th First.—That tho people have not appoint so many enemies of labor Wednesdays in ench month, at Odd Fel­ only anthorized, but invited tho to office. That is nerve. Enemies lows' hall. Miaa R at C ollibb , N. G. organization of and the investment of labor elected McKinley, and they S. 8. L awbhhce . R. S. in these corporations. are entitled to the offices. Second.— That the bankruptcy of S. F. Star: Old man Hunting- any legitimate business is a public ton has again been elected presi­ injury. dent of the Southern Pacific. The C O Q U IL L E C ITY . Third.— That we must take those fact that he had to vote for himself things as our unwisdom, or that of to be chosen seems to prove that I Opposite City Wharf. 1 our fathers, has made them. As to the directors do not constitute an EEP8 ON HAND AND MAKES T o the past, we can do little more than altogether happy family. order first-ol ass mend. RAWHIDE : CHAIRS. Fourth.—That the work of reform­ Last year over fifty persons in ing our corporation laws is not for Massachusetts died from blowing Manufactured from best hard wood. I out the gas. And this is in the J. B. FOX, Proprietor. apprentices. Fifth.—That corporation lnw ! highly educated east, which thinks COOS B A Y should be general. It is neither j the wild and wooly west needs wise nor safe to assume that a par­ ! missionaries! ticular case is a representative one, S. F. Star: What “ damnable iter- and to administer the remedy pro­ j ation” that tariff debate is— going C. W. PATERSON, Prop. miscuously. ■ over the same old round nnd round Sixth.— That in public affairs the ! that they were half a century ago Manufacturer o f Marble Monnmenta, H eal- best attainable good is the thing to I - not the ghost of a new, up-to-date stones. Tablets, etc. te sought. ! idea! Cametery lots enclosed with stone coping •Seventh.—That the legislation or curbing. Iron railings furnished to o r ­ must he just Deny men justice and they be- der. Correspondence solicited from parties living in the country or other towns who The reason that corporation law I come listless slaves or dangerous may wish anything in my lino o f business. and tux law reform has not fiends. M a u s i i f i p i d ............................ O pku Attorney and Counselor at Law. TH E PEOPLE’S ::: Johu F. Hall, D & M Chair Factory: K and Slone Works i I BILL'S IN TROUBLE I’ ve got a letter, parson, from m j son away out weat, Au’ my ol’ heart la heavy na an anvil iu my breast; To thiuk the hoy whose future I had once au proudly planned Should wander from the path o’ right an* eoiue to nio’i an end! I told him when he left as, only three abort years ago, He’ d find himself a-plowiu* In a mighty crooked row— He’d miss his father's oounsels, an’ his mither’s prayers, too, But be said the farm was hateful, an’ he guessed he’ d have to go. I know thar'a big temptation for the youngters iu tile west, But I believed our Billy had the courage to reaist; Au* when he left I warned him o’ the over- waitin’ auaros That iie like hidden Harpists in life’ s path­ way every where!. But Bill he promised faithful to be keerful, an’ allowed He’d build a repute: ion that'd make us m lihty proud, But it seems as how my counsel sort o* faded from his mind, Au’ now the hoy’ s in trouble o’ tho very wusest kiud! His letters came so seldom that I somehow sort o ’ knowed That Billy was »-trampin' on a mighty rocky road, Hut never oooe imagined he would bow my head in shame, An* in the dust ’d waller his ol* daddy's honored tiama. He writes from out in Coos, an’ the story’s mighty short; I just can’ t tell his mother; it’ ll crush her p o o ro l’ heart! An' so I reckoned, parson, you might break Ibo nows to her— Bill’s ut tbe legislatur’ , but he doesn’t say what fur. Bryan In Washington. Washington, April 7.— W. J. Bryan, late Democratic candidate for president, called at tbe White House with Representatives Mc- Millin, of Tennessee, and Attorney- General rimythe, of Nebraska, to pay his respects to bis lute opponent. He wns greeted warmly by McKin­ ley. The Inttersaid be had received a copy of Bryan’s book a few days ago, hut had not yet had time to read it. After exchanging court­ esies and pleasantries, Bryan re­ tired. Bryan expressed a desire to he shown through the White House, aud Doorkeeper Dubois conducted him through the various parlors and conservatories. In the main corridor, just as he was emerging, he met Mrs. McKinley, who wns going oat for n drive, and caluted her cordially. Bryan was besieged with news­ paper men, who asked for his views on tho Ohio and Mfefefgau oteu1 tious yesterday. "They iudiente that confidence has teen restored,” he ssid, laugh­ ing, “ and need no explanation from me; they speak for themselves.” ---------------------------------------------- Governor Budd's Vetoes. Sacrameuto, April 5.— Governor Build this afternoon signed the general appropriation bill, hut knocked out a sum aggregating 8(503,929. His veto kills the ap­ propriations for the proposed im­ provements to the Capitol grounds, relating to a water supply, which will prevent the sprinkling o f the lawns. It kills the state library fund, an appropriation for the state priutiug-oflicp, $40,000 for school text-books, $90,000 for a Veterans’ Home at Yonntville, $34,000 for the support of the state school at Santa Clara, $10,000 for the viti­ culture department of the state university, $8000 for forestry, and $5000 for agriculture, aud all ap­ propriations for district fairs. NO. 38. II You Want to Be Loved. Tembló Explosion. Don’t find fault. Don’t believe all the evil you hear. Don't jeer at everybody’s relig- ! ions beliefs. Don’t be rude to your inferiors ! in social position. Don’t repeat gossip, even if it does interest a crowd. Don’t underrate anything because you don’t possess it. Dou’t go uutidy on the plea that everybody knows you. Don’t contradict people, even if you are sure you are right. Don't conclude that you have uever had auv opportunities in life. Dou’t believe that everyone else in tho world is happier than you. Don’t he inquisitive about the affairs of oven your most intimate friends. D on ’t get into the habit Of vul­ garizing lifo by making light of the JYom the Chronicle, Chicago, lit. sentiment of it. Don’t express a positive opinion Perhaps In no ru e u yet recorded h u the during all this time, which had the effect •# unless you perfectly understand efficiency of a popular remedy been found completely upsetting my stomach ami nerv­ what you are talking about.— N. Y. so clearly as in that of Mrs. Nora E. Hill. ous system. “ from January to July 1896, T suffered While her condition, caused by a frightful frightful agonies, resulting from the trouble Ledger. li GASOLINE STOVE EXPLODES W ITH FEARFUL RESULTS. The Burning Fluid Falls all Over Mrs. Nora E. Hill. She is Fearfully Burned-Inhales the Flames and is Seriously Injured, but Proper Medical Treatment Saved Her Life. and distressing accident, places her beyond in my stomach, and was ngaiu thrown into the pale of perfect recovery, she has received gastric fever, which kept me in bed thres' weeks. such marked relief that the story o f the ac­ “ A year ago lost October I commenced to cident and the sufferings resulting from it, take Dr. Williams’ Pink Pills for Palo As fruit is rapidly becoming the will be of more than ordinary interest to People. After I bad taken two boxes they broke the gastric fever and enabled me to leadiug industry of the northwest, thousands of invalids. get up. I found also that they gate nnd as this county can easily get to Mrs. Nora E. Hill, before September 1898, strength, and my appetite came back, front rank if the farmers will only was a hale, hearty aud strong woman, past found that I could direst the food I ate, the pains disappeared. I also noticed tl take hold and push things, we have the middle age of life. 1 became lea« nervous; in fact my She tells the following story: made arrangements to do far more condition improved very much. ** September 1, 1893, while attending to “ The following March (in 1896) I was than our share toward pusliing the my duties about the house, a gasoline stove again troubled with the abscessea, out to -O' county forward in this respect nnd which I had used for some time, suddenly much less degree than formerly. Thia waa to the efficiency ot the pills, which un­ will do more if the farmers will show exploded, throwing the burning fluid over doe doubtedly had brought my blood to a much the proper spirit of enterprise. me. Before my clothes which were on fire better condition. I want to explain here that There is now published at Portland, could be tom off, my right arm and hand tbe doctors said that the cause o f the appear­ ance of absoesses waa due to the ulcerated not only the most valuable but the were fearftilly burned. This however, was condition of the stomach, which vitiated tho not my most serious injury, as I had inhaled blood through my entire sTstem. only fruit paper of America which some of the flames, aud I found the inside of “ The pills have allayed my nervousness, admits no reading matter to its col­ my mouth blistered. My hand and arm to they are putting my blood lato better condi­ the elbow were burned to the bone, and my tion, they have cleared my brain, and have umns except that relutiug to fruits physician believed amputation ------------- neceB8arjl given me an appetite which I can gratify by — their culture, care, marketing, etc., but after weeks of great suffering, 1 was eating light food without causing the terrible suffe presented iu such a form by tbe spared the operation, and I have fairly good pain which formerly almost drove m« inst use of my hand and arm now. The pills are doing for me more than any prominent fruit writers of the north­ “ Shortly after the process of healing of medical aid I have ever received, nnd they west and America that nono can arm and hand, my stomach commenced to have ato] d my suffering to a very great me trouble. I did not then realize what extent. do not think nor do I expect read aud study it without becomiug give it meant. After each meal 1 was seized that they will cure me, because all physicians proficient fruit growers. \Ve will with a cramping sensation and then in a are agreed who have examined me that it is few days there were frightful pains, which impossible. Past experience however has give this line 32-page paper free for threw me into clammy perspiration. For shown me that they will to a great extent one year to all subscribers of the eight months I was under tne care o f my make my lifo bearable. This I believe is ihyslcian, battling hard with death. I had doing wonders, and I feel that if they hare H erald who will pay their hack ost 93 pounds, was becoming a mere skele­ this much for me, there must be ma»7 subscription and one year in advance ton, ray appetite was gone, and my nervous done people who are suffering whom they can system completely shattered. surely cure. or to new subscribers who pay one “ I lost confidence in everything, was “ 1 was born and raised in Michigan, and year in advance before July. Call totally discouraged, and determined to go to came to Chicago some ten vears ago. I at this office nnd see sample or write my former home, Grand Rapids, Michigan, know quite a number of people on tho weat and have my old physician make an exami­ side, and have told them of the murvelous for one direct to “ FRUITAGE,” nation of my condition. He did so and relief I have gained by taking Dr. Williams* Portland, Oregon. found that gastric ulcers o f the stomach had Pink Pill« for Pale People; and if any one formed, which he said were incurable, and should like to hear more of the details of were liable to produce cancer at any time. my suffering and more of the details of -Tire Julio: oaiiur: i s - a. .liât., al tire, W h ife in ^ r a n d ^Ra^ids the ulcers which , the relief gained by the Pink Pilla, I shall be governors of ot Oregon Llregon since the ad produced vomiting of large quantities of nut Street, Chicago. and pus. This confined me to a sick (Signed) Mas. N ora E. H ill .” mission c f the 6tnle into the union, blood bed for several weeks. When I became Subscribed and sworn to before me this and the terms of office: John sufficiently strong to get up I came back twelfth day o f January, 1897. A. F. P ostman . Notary Public. Whiteaker, 1859 1862; Addison 0. here to die, as the doctor told me I might last one week, possibly one month. But I proprietors of Dr. Williams’ Pink Pills Gihhs. 1862-1866; George L. Woods determined to make as strong a fight as I for The Pale People state that they are not a patent 1866 1870; Lafayette Grover, 1870- could, aud get all the medical aid there was medicine but a prescription used for many years by an eminent practitioner who produced 1877; 8. F. Chadwick, 1877-1878; in “ Chicago. I was taken before a class o f one of the the most wonderful results with them, curing W. W. Thayer. 1878 1882; Zenan I most noted and celebrated medical colleges all forms o f weakness arising from a watery for examination. This examination condition of the blood or shattered nerves, two Ferry Moody, 1882-1887; Sylvester here proved what my physician in Grand Rapids fruitful causes of almost every ill to which Pennoyer, 1887-1895; William told me viz, that there were gastric ulcers ot flesh is heir. The pills are also a specific for the stomach. The opinion of the college the troubles peculiar to female«, such as sup­ Paine Lord, 1895. physicians was that my chances o f a cure pressions, all forms weakness, chronic con­ not one in one thousand. This was in stipation, bearing down pains, etc., and in tha Governor Lord has been ins-ject- were May 1894: in June I was taken down with case of men will give speedy relief and effect a ing the penitentiary. Considering gastric fever, caused by fresh uleers forming, permanent cure in all cases arising from men­ I lay in bed nine weeks. From June to tal worry, overwork, or excesses o f whatever its location, he expressed himself and September in that year I also suHerod ad­ nature. They are entirely harmless and can as satisfied with its conditions nnd ditionally from thirty abscesses forming on be given to weak and sickly children with y arms and shoulders, produced by tbe con- the greatest good and without the slightest surronudings. Ho regrets that tion o f tho stomach nnd blood circulation. I '’ anger. Pink Pills nre sold by all dealers, there is not sufficient employment After got » a little nnd this Liter this iiiis i I gov mire better, inurr, nun mm im- mi- i or will be sent post paid on receipt o f price, to keep the convicts at work. He j roveraent lasted during tbe fall nnd winter I (f»0 cents a box, or six boxes for $2.60—they January 1895, when I bad another siege I ere never sold in bulk or by the 100) by ad- regards regular employment as of 11 gast gastric ’ a ric feve fever. T I “ took n greet ninny drugs dressing Dr. Williams’ Medicine Company, reformatory in its effect on the con­ under the physicians directions Schenectady, N. Y. 1 opiates oc A Valuable Fruit Paper. T f S R vict, and as greatly aiding in the preservation of discipline and order. Cuba has an area of 43,319 square miles, 2000 miles of coast line and about 1,500,000 of population, ot which 231,000 are in Havann. Uc- der favorable governmental condi­ ------------- »- t#V 4 ------------- tions it could easily maintain in Roseburg Review: Washington plenty e population of nenrly 6,000,- voted by a big majority for Bryan 000, reckoning 150 to the sqnnre and free silver and its fusion ad­ mile. ministration of state affairs is able, Mayor Strong, of New York city, honest aud economical. California owns up to 70 years of sge. The voted for McKinley nnd a gold only thing that reminds him of standard and its Republican leg­ three score nnd ten is a measly islature has proven one of the most tiviuge of rheumatism that clings corrupt that ever met in any stnte. to him like an office-seeker. Comparisons nre odions, nnd this one is especially so—to the siugle standard crowd. Oregonian: The question that puzzles not n few people is this, towit: How is prosperity to be re­ stored, aud how is the country to be enriched, by a policy that is intended to take $100,000,000 more each year from the people, and thus give the treasury what is called “ ample revenue,” to be paid out to office-holders, pap-suckers and crib- feeders at the treasury? “FACTS FROM DENVER,” Hie big western reform newspaper which i’erichesi»0,0<)() renders every week, although only 47 weeks old, is filled with reform news and stirring articles from such well-known nnd powerful writers as Rev. F. F. Passmore, Engene Bloodgood Beebe, Myron W. lieed, Henry Cohen, W. SS. Morgan, and a boat of others, equally prominent. To make yon acquainted with Facts is to make you a regular subscriber—for you can’ t get along without Facts — conse­ quently for a short time, we make you this reckless offer: For 10c, we will ».end yon Fac ts every week for 10 weeks on trial and a copy of ’Merrie England*” the ho *k which so startled England that for nearly a year 10C.000 coDies a month have been sold. The work contains about bfi.000 words, nnd we send it complete ami unabridged with Facts 10 weeks for only a dime. We want 50,000 new readers immediately, and trnst that every individual reader o f thiH paper will take advantage of this offer at once, before it is withdrnwn. ns wo reserve the right to return all moneys recetved from above offer which reaches ns later than 30 days from date. Don’ t dissapoint us, but sit right down today and write the publisher* —■The Reed Publishing Co., 1609 Larimer street, Denyer, Colo. Daily Capital OF SALEM . dubscribn for the people's daily—$3 a year; weekly. $1 a year, game rates by the Tbe Daily Capital Journal. 1 year---- $3 00 The H hbald 1 year..................................... 2 00 The two worth....................................... $5 00 Both given for one year for. .$-4 20 The Weekly Capital Journal, 1 y e n r ..f l 00 Tho H bbald ................................................. 2 00 The two worth...................................... $3 00 Both 1 vear fo r.......................$2 40 inery. M HR. A. O. AIKEN HAH NOW A C‘ M- plete and fashionable Stock o f M il­ linery at Leneve's drag store. To tne "C T nforfu.iia.te COMPLETE Dr Gibbon Journal STOCK—EVERYTHING NEW Large Assortment, Seasonable and Up to Date. This old reliable and most Kuccessfnl spec­ ialist In Han Frat cis­ co, still continues to | cure «11 Hexual and Tbe Republicans of tbe senate Heiuinnl Disenses, Call early nnd make selection and get committee on finance are working such as Oonorrben, prices—at Leneve’ s drug store. night nud day on the tariff bill, G lo e t, H t r . c t n re, oc!20) MRS. A. G. AIKEN. Syphilis, in all its Almost everybody takes some laxative with the intention of reporting it forms, Skin Diseases, 1 medicine to cleanse the system and keep the as sood a s possible. It is said that N e r v o u s Debility, pure. Those w ho take SIMMONS when the bill leaves the committre's ! blood Impotency, Heminnl Wenkness and I joss o f j LIVER R e g u l a t o r (liquid or powder) Manhood, the consequence o f self-abnse \ bauds it will he geDPrally remodeled get all the benefits of a mild anJ pleasant and excesses producing the following symp- I nud the rates considerably reduced laxative and tonic that purifies the blood toms: Hallow countenance, dark spots un­ •id strengthens the whole system. And der the eyes, pain in the head, ringing in | in many schedules. I more than this: SIMMONS LIVER REGU­ the ears, loss of confidence, diffidence in j Francisco Gonzales y Borrego, LATOR regulates the Liver, keeps it active approaching strangers, palpitation o f the j heart, weakness of the limbs nud back, loss * Antonio Gonzales y Borrego, Lau- and healthy, and when the Liver is In of memory, pimples on tLe face, coughs, j condition you find yourself free from consumption, etc. riana Alarid and Patricio Valencia, good Malaria, Biliousness, Indigestion, Sick- DR. GIBBON has prnctised in Sun Frsn- CO IL F I 1181 A N D H A L L S T 8 . condemned to death for the murder Headache and Constipation, and rid of ciaoo over 30years sn J those troubled should j of ex-8heriff Frank Chavez, who that worn out and debilitated feeling. rot fail to consult him and receive the l**n- Near H. R . Depot , efit of his grest skill and experience. The These are all caused by a sluggish Liver. , wns killed from stnbush on the 3 o o d digeslion and freedom from stomach doctor can s when others fe ll. Try him. COQUILLE CITY, OREGON. night of May 23,1892, were hanged troubles will only be had when the liver Cl KE8 GUARANTEED. Persons cared ' at home. Charges reasonable. Call or at 9:10 a. m. on the 2d inst. s property at work. If trrubled with any iMKHT CLASS FARE, by the single write. DR. I F. GIBBON. meal, dsy or time bowlders. \ \ r A N T E n ~ FAITHFUL MEN O l! if these com ; lain.s, try SIMMONS LIVER 02'» Kearney street. Han Francisco. Cal. R e g u l a t o r . The L ing of Liver Medi- A limited number of nioelv-’ v* ▼ f women to travel for responsible estab­ Who can think rooms, wit It n> , • and •> ■! lished house in Oregon. Salary $7*4) and | :ines, and Better than l*iils. of norm* simple able bead i > . expenses. position permanent. Reference. thins topatpni ? rtrEVEBY PACKAGE-»* C’« mii tor tabic sitting room. Enclose self-add rested stamped env lope. Protect your Ideas; they may Duns you wealth. , Hates to suit the times nnd J The National, Star Insurance Bldg., Chi- H i . ih r /. S tam p In red m i wrapper. Write JOHN WlDnPRBORN A CO.. Putpnt AIU>r I Beys. WaMhington. I>. O.. for thetr $1.9«) prise offer cago. nuide known ott application. ‘ f J. li. Zciliu & Co., l ’ hila.. Pa. and new Ust of ous tbousaud ln>entlous wsaUd. GOOD FOR EVERYBODY M r s . S h e p p a r d ’s Boarding House, I W anted-An Idea