G u fili* CUvj JicrafiL TUESDAY, DEC. 10. 1895. for God, and Home and Native land. - XDITXD BT TÏT1 — COQUILLE CITY W. C. T. U. R oy*! T ie ('oquitlle City W. C. T. U. roveti at he Melhodint church, Huuth, every Fri- «y, at 3 o'clock p. m. All interested in the werk sre invited to attend f T ro.n the National W. C. T. U. Bulletin.1 LOCAL IT E M S. colored miners Beaver Hill. has i l m 'i A ll (t ig h t . The Siualaw cannervraen were taken before Justice Wheeler at Eugene recently aud fined $20 eucli for illegul fishing. The suit against Morras Bro’s, on account of which their mill was attached, has been withdrawn and a settlement effected. As near as we cau learn the ageut of Morras Bro’s at Sau Francisco bad ten­ dered the firm of Greenbauia V. SHIELDS. JOHN H. YAGER, J . J . 13 . A . I C E K - ’S Blanco Lodge No. 48, A. F. & A. — dealer in — M. at Marshfield, elected and in- The election for city officers of stalled the following officers Satur- A. H. Black, the Myrtle Point merchant, was on Wednesday’s Empire City was held Monday, 2d night, 30th ult., for the ensuing M YRTLE p o i n t , o k . Ayer’s Sarsaparilla inst., and resulted in a choice of Masonic year: F. A. Golden, W .M.; Prepared by Dr. J. C. Ayer & Co., Lowell, M om . train bound for the bay. The Epwortb League of Georgia Our creamery ib now receiving a the following: Trustees—B. D. A. W. Neal, S. W .; Martin Breen, Cures others,will cure you S IN G L E and D O U B L E R IG S , declined the invitation to have one good price for its output of butter Jones, 43; R. J. Cussans, 44; David j J. W .; C. H. Merchant, treasurer; j F IN E TEAM S, day at the Atlanta Exposition as and the demand is heavy. Moree, jr., 44; J. J. Stanley, 43; j H, G. Ploeger, secretary; O. E. S A D D L E -H O R S E S Epwortb League Day, giving as Wm. Aberuethy of Dora drove Thos. Walker, 45. Recorder— Wm. | Smith, S. D.; W. J. Butler, J. D.; j Prof. Kinuicutt announces th« their reasons the granting of con­ in on last Wednesday and went up Torpen,45. Wm Kahn received 1 1 A. Mattson, S. S.; D. L. Rood, J. S .; opening of his private school on R E A S O N A B L E P R IC E S . cessions to the liquor traffic for the , the 1st Monday following the holi- vote for trustee. A. G. Brown, tyler. to Myrtle Point on business. RDERS BY MAIL PROMPTLY sale o f intoxicants on the exposi­ I days. It will be held in the D u b - attended to, and goods shipped per Ueanlnr trips with fine hnvlis connecting The H eiiald office baa printed a Capt. John W. Felter, of Ban­ The local “ legislature" grows in steamer to all points on the upper river at with trains nt Rost-bnry: two trips daily to tion grounds despite the earnest lic school building, and will afford and from Cuquille City, making prompt prices that defy competition. interest and advantage. You should handsome public sale bill for R. don, a i d on the staff of the depart­ protest o f the church. I the best opportunity yet for get­ connection with river steamers, stupe lines D. Sanford, the sale to be of fine ment commander of the G. A. R. C O A L S'JOVES, take part in it, young men. and ocean steam.us at Coos bav. A petition is in circulation for dairy stock, some young cattle, a and inspector of Bandon and Gen. ting a practical and thorough edu­ W OOD S T O V E S , Oregon Kidney Tea is sold on a cation. See It tins in another place. presentation to the international COOK STO VES positive guarantee by N. G. W. large amount o f farming utensils I Lytle posts, came up lust Wednes­ ------ -----— committee of the Evangelical Alli­ Perkins, of Myrtle Point, and Dr. and nseful articles about a farm day to visit aDd inspect the post at R AN G ES. Adams— What are you reading? ance, praying that one entire day 8. L. Leneve, o f Coquille City. BUILDING HARDW ARE—Snch «8 N »iU and home, and to take place Fri­ Coquille at its meeting on Wed­ Brown— It is a very useful book for Screws, Locks, Hinges, etc., at o f the Week o f Prayer be devoted rock -bottom Drices. The apple market, for Coos day, Dec. 20, at 10 o’clock a. m., nesday eyening. He returned home those who don’t kuow bow to swim. to prayer for the removal of the county red apples, in San Fran rain or shine. See posters for par­ on Thursday. He gave the H e r ­ “ How so?” “ Well, if you fall over- drinking usages of society and the cisco, is said to have improved very ticulars. hoard, all you have to do is to turn a l d office a pleasant cull while here. to page 57 and read the directions, abolition of the traffic in alcoholic much o f late. Claus Spreckels, it is said, is look­ Geo. Moulton agnin accepts the! and you are safe.” bevorages and of the opium habit PER M O N TH ♦ ------------ Miss Lizzie Winchester came up ing about for the establishment ot agency of the Pucitic nursery at j and trad a. Taugent, Oregon, and will canvass two more beet-sugar factories on I n Y o u r O w n L o c a l it y last Friday from a protracted visit Another Free Offer. Root-beer received attention at at Oakland, Cal. She is stopping this coast. Au organization of our Coos county. This is a reliable I made easily and honorably, without capi­ firm and already known ns such j tal, during your spare hours. Any man, the first district convention, Mich­ at Mrs. Back’s. citizens into au “ improvement to Coos couuty patrons, while | woman, boy, or girl can do the work hand­ The long winter evenings can be igan, in an address by Mrs. Emma ily, without experience. Talking un­ Sol Wise, agent for the Wana- club,” or undersome name by which George is also well known ami very profitably devoted to reading, PORTABLE A necessary. Nothing like it fo r money­ R . Greene. It elicited much falk deals fairly with our citizens. I f but there are some things that we to present our advantages and the making ever offered before. Our workers maker clothing house of Philadel­ MARINE. you want fruit trees of any kind, must read the year round. always prosper. N o time wasted in umong Detroit dailies which put One of If you think of buying an engine of any learning the business. W e teach you in phia, went to Myrtle Point on Inst superior claims of the Coquille true to name aud at fair prices, these is a local paper: the best in forth the thought, common among size or kind send for our CATALOGUE I a night how to succeed from the first valley, might induce Mr. Spreckels Friday’s train. give Georgo Moulton your order. the county is before you-—the NO. :io . containing illustrations and hour. Y ou can make a trial without ex­ white ribbon women, that it is the to establish a factory here. What prices of every kiud o f engines from 1 Another is a good home up A citizen of Coos county for 20 Call at the H erald office and H erald . to horse power, at bottom prices, , pense to yourself. W e start you, furnish preparation and sale o f so-called shall we do about it? paper of general circulation, such or L IST NO. *50 for yacht engines, boilers ! everything needed to carry on the busi­ see photos of marble work and years, a resident of thenpper river, innocent drinks that causes the and boat machinery. Either sent free. 1 ness successfully, and guarantee you J. H. Timon, proprietor of the | samples of marble, and if yon as “ Womankind,” for instance, against failure i f you but follow our downfall of many o f the youth of tells us in all that time be has Riverton coal mine, 6pent several want work of that kind, leave your | which comes once a month filled CHAS. P. W IL L A R D & C O ,; simple, plain instructions. Reader, if never bitten into a wormy apple 11*7 CANAL STREET, CHICAGO. with the best things for a busy you are in need o f ready money, and our Country. days in town last week. He has order with us. Patronize home want to know all about the best paying Oregon Kidney Tea is nature’s leased and bonded a large tract of industry. Prices to suit in all lines housewife. We are able by special The fad of teaching children in business before the public, send us your arrangements with the publishers, of marble work. address, and we will mail you a docu­ public schools to cut boles in cats, own remedy for kidney troubles. coal lands nt that place, nnd is con­ to offer “ Womankind” free for a ment giving you all the particulars. For sale by N. G. W. Perkins, of dogs, rabbits, etc., in order to prove year to every poid-iu-ad vance sub­ Myrtle Point, and Dr. S. L. Leneve, fident that the coal in that locality T R U E & C O ., Box 400, scriber to our paper, and are glad facts which no one disputes is of Coquille City. is of a better quality aud is more A ug usta, M aine. to do so, for we are convinced that thoroughly reprehensible. Cruelty Prof. T. W. Johnson, who has abundant tbuu in any other town no home paper in America contains is the certain work o f deviltry; just closed a successful term of in Coos county. If this be true more of practical value to women. 11 I A R K E T every practice of it is evil and con­ school in the McKnight district on this mine, situated directly on the Bright stories, clever poems, the AND trary to the fundamental principle Coos river, returned to his home at river as it is, will develop into one latest fashions, news of womnn’s work everywhere, articles on of Christianity, which is Love (or o f the best paying mines ou the Myrtle Point on last Friday. “ Motherhood,” “ Cultivation of Flow­ kindness). The ladies of the W. coast. ers,” a woman’s parliament for the When Dr. Moore gets his drug­ C. T. U. are doing mankind a ser­ discussion of matters of interest, store and office complete they will (Lorenz Building) N erv o u s Shock. vice in exposing this “ Modern are a few of the bright features of be both neat and attractive. For C O Q U IL L E C IT Y . Inquisition."— Church Union. “ Womankind.” E. W. J oy C ompany — Gentlemen: fresh, now drugs call on him at tho To the head of the house we This is the first time I have attempted Dr. Sarah Hackett Stevenson Gray building near the depot. offer on the same terms “ Farm Equal with the interest o f those having claims apainst the government Is so write for three yenrs. Hnve been gives the following testimony in that o f INVENTORS, who often lose the benefit o f valuable inventions because Wilson McGraw make a spec­ to nervous and weak that I have TXT’ ILL keep constantly on hand a coin- News,” an agricultural paper, edited of the incompetency or inattention of the attorneys employed to obtain their regard to the reform being wrought ialty of plow repairing and wagon laid in bed most of the time. by a practical farmer (Miller Purvis, T V plate line of patents. Too much care cannot be exercised in em ploying competent and reli­ esep, late state lecturer of the Ohio by the National Temperance Hos­ work. Mr. McGraw is in charge able solicitors to procure patents, for the value of a patent depends greatly, if not A friend who had taken your FRESH AND SALTED MEATS, entirely, upon the care and skill of the attorney. Farmer’s Alliance), and filled each pital: "I had always been opposed of their shop in Ccquille and is Sarsaparilla sent me two bottles. With the view of protecting inventors from worthless or careless attorneys, B ologn a. Head Cheese, month with suggestions from able The second one is most gone, and prepared to do general blacksmith- and o f seeing that inventions are well protected by valid patents, we have re­ to the administration of alcohol in VEGETABLES, CANNED GOODS correspondents, that make it an I have gained twenty pounds, and tained counsel expert in patent practice, and therefore are prepared to chronic cases but felt free to use it iug. Ha is an expert on plows and absolute necessity to every wide surely feel a new woman I was Coffee, Sugars, Teas, wagons, and will guarantee his Obtain Patents in th e United States and all Foreign Countries, Conduct In­ in acute cases, when the patient work to be first-class. awake farmer. This paper is yours pale, thin, no ambition. Had given Tobaccos, Cigars, etc. terferences, M ake Special Exam inations, Prosecute Rejected Cases, Prices are as low as the lowest. . prZ for the asking, provided you are a was bordtring on collapse. I huve up, as I had tried so many remedies Register Trade-M arks and C opyrights, Render Opinions as to R. W. Bullard, proprietor o f the and doctors, but found no benefit. Orders from ans part promptly filled. subscriber to our paper. learned now, however, how thor­ Scope and Validity o f Patents, Prosecute and Bandon ferry, who has been spend­ If you care to publish this you have Remember every paid-in-advance Defend Infringem ent Suits, E tc., Etc. oughly we can meet exigencies of subscriber to the H erald is entitled ing some two weeks in San Fran­ my couscut, (Signed) I f yon have an invention on hand send a sketch or photograph thereof, to­ all kinds without the use of alcohol to his choice in either of these M rs . A. C. T il lm a n , gether with a brief description of the important features, and you w ill be at once cisco, came up on the Arago and in any form, Bnd we have remedies Vie take this opportunity o f inforiuinr papers. Tell your neighbors about advised as to tile best course to pursue. Models are seldom necessary. I f Alemeda, Cal. wont down home on last Wednes­ our subscribers that the new Commission« this offer. A sample copy of both others are infringing on your rights, or if you are charged with infringement by at our command that are better. of Pensions has been appointed. He is a“ others, submit tbe matter tp us for a reliable OPINION before acting on the day. He reports having had a very Headaches, Billiotisness and Tor­ old soldier, and we believe that soldiers and papers lim y bo obtained by address­ matter. Thus 1 am indebted to the National their heirs will receive justice nt his omuls. ing the Hostel-man Publishing Co., pleasant voyage down aud back. pid Liver disappear when you take We do not anticipate that there will be any Temperance Hospital for a new T H E P R E S S C L A IM S C O M P A N Y , radical changes in the administration o f Springfield, Ohio. Prof. Gust Schod, o f San Diego, Joy’s Vegetable Sarsaparilla. W ASH IN G TO N , O .O . view of therapeutics.’’ pension affairs under the new regime. Come in and pay a year in ad- 618 F STREET, N O R TH W E ST, Cal., was in town on last Wednes­ Wo would advise, however, that U. S. P. O. BOX <863. . ‘ - ! vance to the H erald and g e t o n e o f The National Christian Citizen­ sailors, and their heirs, take steps day on his way to Bandon and N A R B M 1 W O IC K N A T I I I D I F .. soldiers, to make application at onoe, if they have these attractive papers free. V a ' Cut this out and send it with your inqu.fy. ship League issues a call indorsed lower-river points. He is engaged A u A e e H c y i n C o q u i l l e - A ( I i i i i u t not already done so, in o rder to secure the benefit o f the early filing o f their claims by leaders of nil parties, for a for­ 1 » l l u 3 ’ T a b l e t N o r in writing descriptions and illus­ in case there should be any future pension 9 ward reform movement which aims The publishers of the H e r a l d legislation. Such legislation is seldom trating the coast country aud will retroactive. Therefore it is o f Croat im­ to identify Christian citizens with spend some time in the county. have accepted an agency for the portance that applications be filed in the URE j department at the earliest possible date. public affairs and thus infuse into _____________ _ ___ _____ the most j REMEMBER He complains that we are making Coos Bay Marble Works o f C. W. j If U. S. soldiers, sailors or their widows, careful investigation as to our rceponaibil- I Hy and the merita of our Tablets. -industries, policies, aud adminis­ children or parents, desire information in at Marshfield. Mr. Pater- the mistake o f allowiug corpora­ Paterson P H ■ ■ regard t<* pension matters, they should trations the spirit of Jesus Christ READ O U R tions to swallow up our coal lauds son is one of the finest meclmuics I w rite to T h * P bkss C l a i m * C o m pa n y , ,,t j TESTIMONIALS Washington, D. C., and they will prepare In p-irsuanca of this object it pro- nmwiwimmini« and other enterprises—a too com- in his line on the Pacific coast, and \ and send th« necessary application, if they Will completely destroy tho desire for TORACCO In from Rtoft < » « ------— B. M. J A Y LORD, L eslie, M ich. Leneve, ilruggist. anteeing every jo b done by him to 61 , 53 A 65 Opera Block, Donns F errt , N. T. Deafness Cannot be Cured. T ite O hio C hemical C o .:—G entlemen :—£omn time ago I sent Gen. Lytle Post, G. A. It., of I » satisfactory aud in scotmiauce l»y local up plication», hr they cannot lean LIMA, OHIO. for fl.oo worth o f your Tablets for Tobacco Habit. I received Jt he r conn lining o f the eustaohian tube. Wheat word o f praise for your Tablets. My son was strongly addicted to the use o f ■this tube get* inflamed you have a rumbling elected for the ensuing year, viz: business relations with biro. liquor, and through a friend, I was led to try your Tablets. Ho was a heavy and nouml ox imperfect hearing, and when it as constant drinker, but after using your Tablets but three days ho quit drinking, C oll nt th e H e r a l d office and entirely dosed deafness is the result, and H. H. Nichols, post commander; and will not touch liquor of any kind. I have waited four month beiore writing Cavf .ita *nd Tmdc-M ark. r.ht«irwd .nil *11 Pat j you, in oruer to know tho cure was permanent. Yours truly, unless th« inflammation cun tie taken out see sp e cim e n s o f m arble, p h o to ­ ynt busir.c-aconducted for M oocratc F tc s . 3 MIW. HELEN MORB1SON. ami lhis tube restored to its normal condi­ Geo. Wickham, senior vice cora- Oua Office is O ppositc U. *. PsTCNTOrrtccf Lifer? Feed l Ms Stables, Hardware, Stoves, Tin­ ware. Queesware, Glass­ ware, Lamps, Cutlery, Etc., Etc. B A N D O N , OR. O DOLLARS E.li(il\ES P IO N E E R Family Grocery, FOR INVENTIONS. JOHNSON BEOS Props. G. A. R. NOTICE. --* . - P { 3 Double Chloride of Gold Tablets DRUNKENNESS and MORPHINE HABIT Scu?abn V ^ r,B,o 5°SS’ ^ r b- 1 A FEW Testimonials , Hill's Tablets. OHIO CHEMICAL CO, PATENTS tion, hearing will tie destroyed forever. ID a m l O f J o h n Morris* in nine ninn liia* caw* out o f ten «re cnusaU by c.ilnrrb. i J o u n M o r r i s , j u n i o r V ic e g ra p h ic view s o f slat's, m on u m en ts, etc. W e w ill a lso h ave on e x h ih i- .iiid * e i.m » c ure patent ui le*» time than U»« j » c 5 n m n it from Washington. . € ! ?^nd modeL drawing or pnotcnt free. Address» # i r Ä by i Ä -» Quick, «fleer of for nm,l«r¡. free »lift g u a rd ; P. S. Jones, chaplain; | work in this line will ilowell to call j nt the H erald office «nil consult F. J. CHENEY A Co., ToM a, O. . . , ’ r4THo^d bv druggist«. T5e • J a c o b t r o j f , jx i Or*. P atent O ffice . W ashington . D. C. # I with u*. 1 lA \ w \ v v v % \ a v % w \ w w w v \ \ w w » \ w C .A .S N O W & C O .) • c ix c u t k a t i , O h io . T he O h io C h e m ic a l C o :—G en tlem em :— Your Tablets have performed a miracle in iny ease. I have used morphine, hypodermically, for seven years, and have been cured by the use o f two packages of your Tablets, and without any effort on my part. W . L. LUTEÜAT. A d d r e s s a ll O r d e r s to I RESPONSIBLE 2 (AGENTS WANTED: (In wnUnt pk T H E O H IO C H E M IC A L C O ., s ment ón this paner.) ■ 1 S 1 , 3 3 a n d Si* O p e ra B lo ci;. -¡.Y. m , OHIO. il in in i i"ii r ~~ i ■ il in