Thanks to onr many friends who YEARS OF INTENSE PAIN. J have brought us apples, potatoes Am,,. > ------------ * •THE K IN Q C U R E OVER ALL POR •©**• / • I f , W mttm, druggist and physi­ and grain ou subscriptions. We TUESDAY, NOV. 26. 1895. cian, Humboldt, Neb., who suffered with announced in tho H erald some heart disease for four years, trying every time ago that we would gladly remedy and all treatm ents known to him­ R E G U L A R TRAINS self and fellow*practitioners; believes that ONDAYS. WEDNESDAYS AND FBI- receive such produce on back sub­ heart disease is curable. He writes: days will run us follows; **I wish to tell what your valuable medi­ scriptions, and many of onr sub­ Leave Arrive cine has done for me. For four years I had 8.00 a. id . 12.15p. m. Mnramield scribers have responded promptly. heart disease of the very worst kind. Sev­ A pension has been granted to Arrive “ Leave D n l k a l .H r . U i l k l s n . 9.15 44 Maoy more might be willing to eral physicians I consulted, said It was COQUILLE CITY 11.00a.m. William H . H. Renfro o f Myitle 9.60 44 Mr. Charles Wilkins, an old res­ 10.25 “ Norway Rheumatism of the Heart. send in such articles as we can use 10.00 44 Z t a r HxnALD has made clubbing arrangements with the following pub-. Myrtle Point 10.15 “ Point ident o f this Coquille country, who It was alm ost un­ lications, as stilted below. \\ e take pleasure in presenting to our or disiiose of in some way and endurable; with Judge Dyer has gone to Pasa­ had been ill aud gradually failing patrons and others these exceedingly fine offers, viz: L O C A L ITEM S. sh o r tn e ss of finally get the money for them. I f dena, Cal., as directed by bis phy­ for a long time, finally went to bis breath, palpita­ The Weekly Examiner, of Snn Francisco ($1.50), and the Coquille so, send them along, and we will tio n s , s e v e r e City H ekald ($2), both for one year for $2.75. T o McDonald's, for hot or cold sicians. long rest ou Wednesday afternoon. pains, unable to give credit for them on subscrip­ The Weekly Call, of San Francisco ($1.50), and the H erald ($2), both batba. sleep, especially Dr. Jennings, the dentist, hits His death had been expected for tion. O f course we menu, good, on the left side. for one year for ¿2.75. Additional locals on 2d and 4th been very busy since bis arrival some days, as he had, from day to N o pen can de­ The Thrice-a-Week World, of New Yo-k ($1), and the H erald ($2), merchantable produce. Then we pagos. scribe m y suffer­ here, and baa made many friends. day, been glowing weaker until both for one year for $2.25. must have some money for our ings, particularly D. H. Divilbisa, o f mining repute, the final change came. The Twice-a-Week Traveller, of Boston—12 pages each week, ($1)— urlng the last Uncle George Stauff, o f Marsh­ cash expenses and we would like was on our streets yesterday. nth» o f those and the H erald , both for one vear for only $2. Mr. Wilkina was almost a pioneer field, was in town yesterday. He for all members of the H erald four weary years. T H E FARM , H O Ü S E H O L D AND L IT E R A R Y . Charley Craddock smiles all over is visiting bis brother above town. o f Coos county, and was 55 years family to pay some part in cash if DR. J. ft. WATTS. I Anally tried The Rural Northwest, of Portland, Or., a splendid local agricultural of age. Wherever be has resided his face now, because it's a son. Rev. W. B. Smith, pnstor of the he has won tbe confidence aud possible. We bnve built a store­ Dr. Miles* New Heart Cure, and horticultural journal (semi-monthly, 50 cts.), and the H erald ($2), and was surprised at the result. I t put new both one year for $2. John qu ick of Parkersburg Methodist church, will bave ser­ esteem of hiB neighbors, aud he room on purpose to bold produce life into and made a new man o f me. 1 The Home and Farm, of Louisville, K y ., (50 cts.), and the H erald spent several days in town last and are willing to fill it to the top. have not had a symptom o f trouble since .($2), both one year for only $2.10. vices every Sunday hereafter, morn­ leaves a large circle o f friends and and 1 am satisfied your medicine has cured week. From our acquaintance with our ing nud night Womankind, a handsome, attractive, monthly home paper (50 cents), mo for 1 have now enjoyed, since taking it \ acquaintances, who join with bis subscribers we belieye we have the Don't miss the Thanksgiving the Farm News, a practical farm paper, monthly, (50 cents), nud the Rev. J. F. Day, a missionary of bereaved wife and daughters in Three Y ears of Splendid Health. H erald ($2), all one yenr for only $2. best people iu Coos county on onr dinner at the Nasbnrg hotel— the Baptist denomination, reached mourning bis loss. These bereaved 1 might add that I am a druggist aud have W o r d and Works, of S t Louis, Mo., including to each subscriber the list, and we nre trying to merit sold and rocommended your Ileart Cure, for Thursday, noon. here last Friday and baa been con­ relatives « ill have tbe sympathy Word and Works Almanac and Hand-Book, a useful and handsome pub­ 1 know what It has done for me and only their good will by publishing a You can buy a good farm cheap, ducting interesting services since. of tbe entire community. wish I could state more clearly m y suffer­ lication (both $1.25), aud the H erald ($2), the three fo r oDly $2.50. clean, live newspaper. Once more ing then aud the good health I now enjoy. and Adjoining Coqnille City on the Every Where, the famous poet Will Curleton’s charming literary and The funeral took place from the An eugino was moved up to the Your Nervine and other remedies also west, by calliug on It. D. Sanford. we say thanks to our kind friends. illustrated monthly (50 cents), and the H erald ($2), both oue year for $2. give excellent satisfaction." J. H. W a tt s . Barrows coal mine last Saturday, family residence at 2 o ’clock on last Friday. P O P U L IS T P A P E R S AN D P O L IT IC A L POIN TERS. The Florence West: Down iu Humboldt, Neb., May 9, *94. Joseph Ferry, who owns a tarm and Mr. Wilson is putting in a The Road, of Denver, Col., ($1), an 8-pnge weekly worth double the Dr. M ile, H eart O r re la sold on a poelttve Coquille City tbe H erald is and resides above Myrtle l ’oiut, School lie port iruaranteo th at the first bottle «111 benefit. steam pump and also an elevator. price, nnd the H erald ($2), both for one year for $2.15. A ll druggists soil It a t II, 11 bottles for IS, or prioted. Recently Rev. J. 8. Mc­ pnid Coquille City a visit on last O f A department, Coquille City, The Silver Knight, of Washington City, Senator Stewart’s great The Nasburg hotel will serve a for mouth ending Nov. 22, 1895: Cain purchased D. F. Dean’s inter­ Friday. paper ($1), and the H ehald ($2), both one year for $2.35. Thanksgiving dinner. O f course Name. __ Bee. Name.__ Bee. est in the paper, and now McEwen Our Nation’s Crisis, Gov. Waite's paper, of Denver, Col. (50 cts.), and Oregon Kidney Tea for sale by it will be well patronized by muuy Icy March............ 99 Edvv. Lawrence .. 1)1) and McCain nre its proprietors. the H erald ($2), both one year for $2. Dr. S. L. Leneve, o f Coquille City, Mollie Kinnicutt.. 99 FrankBoyrie...... 99 Restores Health IN ADDITION TO THE ABOVE CLUBBING RATES FOR PAPERS, and N. G. W. Perkins, o f My rile citizens, for Mrs. N. is famous in Belle ltich............ 99 < 'liver Sanford... 97 There is a large share of pros­ Zettie Messer......... 99 Thomas Muhl--97 that line. 8. P. C. Johnson, of Johnscn We have concluded to offer the following books as premiums for cash P oin t Mary Drain......... 99, Albert Johnson .. 97 perity in all branches o f business Lorenz.......98| Walter James.... 96 In that country, and it ia to be Bro’s, grocers of this place, Alfred subscribers: Oregon Kidney Tea is the most Emma Aaron Wilson brought us down a Marvin Lamb....... 98; John eimraons ... 95 effective blood-pnrifier known. For Pearl Baxter............ 98 Boy Morgan... 95 hoped that journal will receive its Morran, of Morraa Bro’s, millinen, large lump of coal from the Bar- Coin's Financial School, price 25 Charley Hall and Mr. Rich got in sale by druggists N. G. W. Perkins, Flora Boyrie........... 98 Ralph Nosier..94 deaerviug share. Julia Dratie.........98*Henry Benham... 93 rows mine Saturday. The coal’s cents, and Coin’s Hand-Book, price last night from San Francisco. of Myrtle Point, and Dr. 8. L. Lillie Way__ /... 97! David Collier...... 93 ---------- , i» > ------------ 10 cents, and one year’s subscription all right. • Susie Tuttle........97:Eurle Elliott....... 93 E. J. Bigelow has moved from Leneve, of Coquille City. F re sh M ilk r o w s . to the H erald , nil for $2. Alice James........... 97 We nre indebted to J. H. James, I want to sell 10 bead of first- the upper river to this place for The dance next Saturday night Effie Collier........... 951 (Coni'. F inancial S chool , by W . H. Kinuicutt.. 95 class, fresh milk cows during No­ schooling advantages for his chil­ Harvey; illustrated, 150 page, anil 84 illua- esq., for a mess of kohlrabi, a vege­ is in the interest of the orchestra Carrie nil «4 il Fannie Norton.... 95 trat financial sub, dren. The H erald , too, greets " io n ,. H e ‘ It aimplifisa ' __________________ijeet "* the to vember and December. table not much grown here, but and under its management, and Lilly Busch............94 «o that nn ordinary schoolboy can under* them weekly with its ed icational Ella Wickham .... 94i R. D. S anford , stand it. It i. tbe text book o f the masses, very good and thrifty. will be a very Dice affuir. Tickets 1 Edna Lorenz....... 94 absolutely reliable ns to facte nnd figures, Coquille City. fenst. Lilly Wilson.......93 nnd the uioet interesting end entertaining Dal Cathcart, the county sur­ only 25 cents. YVilson & McGraw, the black­ Emma James....... 93 book on the eubject o f money published. Maude Baloh....... 92 D r a lh « r M r s . N k c lly . smiths, are kept busy. Their veyor, cam ’ over from Marshfield C oin ' s H andbook , by W . H. Harvey; d e n i, Sol Wise has been appointed None are reported that have fallen with the elementary principles o f money Mrs. W. P. Skelly died at San specialtiee are plow-sharpening on last Friday and weut down the end statistics.] below 90 per cent, 100 being per­ ngent o f the famous WaDamaker Francisco Nov. 18, 1895, nfter a and borse-ahoeing, but they are river, where he had some survey­ Xhylock, price 25 cents, and The & Brown clothing firm of Phila­ fect. Iu recitation, deportment aud protracted illness. Mrs. Skelly was first-clasa mechanics in all kinds of ing to do. Anarchist« of Wealth, price 10 cents, delphia, aud will make bis bead- attendance ley March and Belle well known here, being long a res­ iron woik. Rich stand at the head of the school. and the H erald one year, all for $2. When yon need marble work of quarters at Marshfield. Mrs. Capt. H. R. Reed, of Ban­ F. C. K innicctt , Principal. ident of this locality, and having a don, who has been visiting in 8an any kind, c a ll at the H e r a l d office fttjrln referenc to tho above publications, it is necessary to say but \ T ANTED.—Several trustworthy gentle- number of relatives still resident Francisco for three weeks, came little. Everybody knows what magnificent popera the “ Examiner” and aud give us au order. We can \ VY men or Indies to travel in Oregon for B njrli'-I'ilz Wriltllnx. in various parts o f this county. up on the Areata, and went home “Call’’ of Bun Francisco nre, as nlso the Thrice-n-Week New York World assure you of good work and mod­ established, reliable bouse. Salary. $780 Tbe Oregonian o f Sunday, Nov. She bad been a great sufferer from and expubses. Steady position. Enclose erate prices. on last Friday. She reports hav­ and Twice-a-Week Boston Traveler--each of which nre worth the price references and self-addressed stamped en­ “ A very pleasant wed­ a tumor and the resultant opera­ ing greatly enjoyed her visit. The Dominion Company, Third 17, says: asked. The Home nnd Farm is a splendid agricultural nnd family jour­ Chat Holing, o f the firm of Hul- velope. tions that were made necessary to Floor, Omaha Building, Chicago, Illinois. ding took place last Wednesday We learn from Joseph Rupert, nal, large l(i-pnge paper, nnd of itself worth the price of both papers. ing & Luudy of Myrtle Point, Mrs. Frost will open bar notion afternoon at 2 o ’clock at tho home prolong her life, and was on this who in company with Mr. Allen is Womankind is it most, attractive nnd entertaining home monthly, heartily occasion in the city for medical went to Marshfield on Inst Friday reopening the old Lane blackened welcomed by nnd instructive to the mothers and daughters; aud the store iu this place, instead of at the of the bride's parents at Liuntou, treatment. She leaves two daugh­ to put in the heating furnace for Or. The contracting parties were mines, that they have completed Fnrm News is edited by a staff of experienced agricultural writers, íb bay. She has leased the property ters aud a son to mourn her depar­ the new schoolhouse. Mr. E. R. Boyrie and Miss Fannie their flume Bnd nre now about to handsomely printed, nnd contain« what the practical farmer wnnts. just vacated by McCleary, at the ture. Tbe body was cremated at Pilz. The ceremony was performed begin active operation in the way Word and Work* i« Rev. Irl Hick«’ paper of St. Loui«. Thi» is a scien­ Tho smallest “ cat-botr* is large enough depot. We wish her prosperity. by Rev. Waldecker. Mr. Joseph San Francisco at her own request of taking out tbe shining dust. tific journal and is full pf excellent reading matter. The Almanac, given to show that tho blood needs purifying—a Many poop]«suffer for years from trouble­ YV. Kane acted as best man, and Nov. 20th. The H erald extends We wish them the largest success. with the paper, contaiu« 100 pages of forecasts and other useful infor­ warning which, if unheeded, may result, not in more boils, but in something very some and repulsive sores, boils and erup­ Miss Autonio Pilz, tbe bribe’s sis­ sympathy to the bereaved relatives. mation and is a valuable book. muce worse. Avert the danger in time by tions, without ever testing the marvelous ter, as bride’smHid, aud Miss Annie The Rond is a large, wide-a-wide Populist paper, published by “ mid- Executor's Notice. Rey. Mr. Smith will conduct a curative properties of Ayer’ s Sarsaparilla. the use o f Ayer’s Sarsaparilla. Cured oth­ Grant ns maid of hoDor. After the dle-of-tho road’’ Herbert George, of Denver, Col. Of The Silver Knight The experiment is certainly worth trying. ers; will cure you. OTICE is hereby given that the under* it is only necessary to say that it is Senator Stewart’s fearless paper, and wedding a sumptuous dinner was Thanksgiving service at 10:30 signed lias been duly appointed by the Be sure you get Ayer’s Sarsaparilla and no Now is the time to come to Mrs. ot her. tendered the wedding party. The Thursday, at the Methodist church. County Court o f the State o f Oregon for is published in Washington City. Our Nation’s Crisis is best advertised Coos county, executor of the last will nnd by saying that it is owned and edited by Gov. Wuite, Colorado’s great Martin’s store aud get great bar­ wedded couple wero the recipients A game o f football will be played testamentof William Miller,deceased; and Ou last Saturday night and Sun­ of a number o f appropriate pres­ gains in ladies’, misses’ and chil­ It is good reading. all persons having claims against the estate Populist governor, the War-horse of the Rockies. Thanksgiving day, at the baseball of the said William Miller, deceased, are The Rural Northwest is an Oregon farm journal, nnd is clean aud well dren’s coats, men’s and boys’ suits, day Rev. T. L. Jones, M. E. pre­ ents.” grounds, between the Academy hereby required to present them, with the and in fact anything yon waut, at siding elder, held an excellent proper vouchers, within six months from managed. It will be worth the price we charge for both papers to any team and the Cyclones. A Wumli-rriil Iim -m ion —Xllc I f * prices that will surprise you. the dnte of this notice, to the undersigned farmer in Coos county. quarterly meeting at Bandon. Mr. (■nnoline l-'imiroii. Don’t fail to attend tbe meeting at hia residence at Libby, Coos comity, Or­ JrirThese Club Rates, of course, imply payment in advance. George Leach, cornetist, Jim Jones was enthusiastically wel­ J. M. Inman is traveling agent for at the little church on Wednesday egon. Hay We can only make these splendid terms where cash is-fbl Dated, November 19, 1895. Whetstone, violinist, Sam Nosier, comed at Bandon by his many one of the most complete flatirons evening in the interest o f the sash ANDREW P. KELLEY, paid in advance. “'fed Execntor of the Last Will and Testament ever invented. It is as much a and door factory enterprise. slide trombouist, and Miss Daisy frieuds. o f William Miller, deceased. [novl9 5 necessity iu a family as a kitchen Wickham, pianist, have organized Mrs. Martin has just been to the stove or ft sewing machine. It does — FO R T H E — Executor’s KTotios. an orchestra and will furnish music city aud selected her nice stock in away with the old, tedious process o f that character for theutrecal and person. She has a nice lot of of heating irons on a stove. The 'VTOTICE ia hereby Riven that the under- Christmas and holiday goods. cost of ruuuiug the gasoline iron is X x signed have been duly appointed Ex­ social occasions, balls, etc. ecutors of the last will and tvstument o f Come and see them. Don’ t buy -------- --------------- Mrs. R. S. Howels, milliuer of elsewhere until you have priced virtually nothing, and the saving of Henry Schroeder. ar., deceased. and all labor for the women is so great that persona having claims against the eatate Bandon, will be in Coquille City* her goods. the «aid Henry Schroeder, ar., deceased, no family can afford to do without of on Thursday, 28th iust., with a nice, are hereby required to present them, duly Mrs. Beoham, mother o f Jeff a gasoline iron. This aparatus can verified, aa required by law, within six new 6tock of fashionable millinery, - À N D — - months from the date of this notice, to goods, which she will offer on good Beuhnrn of the Fairview neighbor- be used for many other purposes, Aug. H. Schroeder, nt hia rtsideuce near and amounts to u small gasoline Norway, Cooa county, Oregon. terms. Our people will do well to bond, has been ill ever since she Dated November 23.1895. uvail themselves of this opportun­ came from eastern Oregon, bot is stove. It can be used for making a AUG. II. SCHROEDER, cup of tea, warming water or milk, J. FRED 8CRHOEDER. ity to supply themselves with wiuter C O Q U IL L E C ITY . A pply at this office. bàtter just now. Grandma Norris, etc. The H ehai . d has ordered one, CHA8. F. SCHROEDER, supplies in the millinery line. nov26 5tl E. A. DODGE. of the same section, ia recovering and advises its friends to do the WATCHES. CLOCKS, JEW ELRY. SIL­ Key. T. L. Jones, presiding elder Also tor the supplement to same. THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE VERWARE AND OPTICAL GOODS from a sick spell. J N State of Oregon, in and for tbe County S h t l o c k , entitled o f the Methodist Episcopal church, ALWAYS ON HAND. o f C oor : Call at tbe H erald office and v iA icm i.n . Strings for all kinds o f Musical Instru­ will preach in the Methodist church George Bolster, plaintiff,) ments. see photos o f marble work and B oybik -P ilz —At the home of the bride’ s vs. The in Coquille City this, Tuesday, samples of marble, and if yon parents at Linn ton, Oregon, Nov. 13, j Jennie White (formerly I 1895, by Rev. Waklecker, E. R. Boyrie, evening, nt 7:30 o’clock. A cordial want work of that kind, leave your Jennie Elliott, widow I Suit in Equity to late of Coquille City, and Miss Fannie Anarchists o f George H. Elliott, f Quiet Title. , invitation ia extender! to our citi­ order with ns. Patronize home Pilz, o f Linnton. deceased), Mattie Eli- I zens to attend this service. N eil -S trong — -At the residence of the iott and ThoniAfl H. . HVI ..r ,r w ri\nu u p industry. Prices to suit in all lines of Wealth, bride’s parents, near Myrtle Point. Nov. W hite, defendants. j I ^ SELECT STOCK OF Sore Throat. Any ordinary case of marble work. 2*4, 1895. by Rev. W. B.Smith o f this city, To Jennie Wnite (formerly Jennie Elliott, ! NOTIONS, FAN CY GOODS, C. L. Neil and Mias Alice Strong. may be cured in one night by apply­ “ An exposure o f tho plot o f the w .d ow ofG eorg eH . EHiott, deceaeed ) Mat- T O IL E T A R T IC L E 8, ETC. Geo. Moulton agnin accepts the — At Empire City, | tie Elliott and Thomas H. White, the ubove i ing Chamberlain's Pain Balm as di­ ageucy of the Pacific nursery at HiunAnn-CHAMUBBLAiN Red 8 hield(Rothschild) to des­ Nov. 13. 1895, by Justice R. J. Cussans, | named defendant«, Greeting: troy a R epublic.” One i» a 25- rected with each bottle. This med­ Tangent, Oregon, and will canvass At Prices A stonishingly Low. Bert Hibbard and Miss Aditha Chamber- j In the name o f the State of Oregon: Yon lain . and each of yon are hereby notified th a t! icine is also famous for its cures of Coos county. This is a reliable cent book, tbe other a 10-cent you nre required to appear nnd answer the ! G o to th e I K G O - 1 . . .^ . . .- —-------- --------- r- —r - rheumatism, lame back and deep- firm aud already known as such book; but we have made ar­ smuc^-’v u < i*rf k i 1885, by Just ice Cussans, W.H. Lingo and complaint filed againat you ib the above j entitled court and cause, in which George ■ if mik I1( seated and muscular pains. For to Coos conuty patron«, while rangements with the pablishers Miss Grace Ritchie. i« plaintiff and y o u . the «aid Jennie l sale by Dr. S. L. Leneve, druggist George is also well known and B ylkb -T ubpen —At the residence of the i Bolster by which 25 cents will bny both, or both will be given free to n casb White (formerly Jennie Elliott, widow o f , M a r s h fie ld bride's parent«, at Empire City, Nov. 20, ! George subscriber to the H erald for one year. H. Elliott, deceased). Mattie Elliott I If 1895, by Rev. W .H orsfall, C. M. Byler and nnd Thomas H. White are defendant«, on j Dr. J. K. Reader, who was called deals fairly with oar citizens. Miss Laura Torpeu. you want fruit trees o f any kind, or before the first day o f the next regular j here from his new home in Ash­ true to name and at fair prices, term of the above entitled court, to be be- J non*. gun nud held at the Courthouse nt Empire , land to attend Mrs. Capt Parker, give George Moulton your order. Schweitzer, Tailor,! Execution Sale. C baddook — At Bandon, Nov, 28,1895, to Mr. City, in «aid county of Goon, on Monday, 1 por c heRp good« and nplendid bargain«. I Q took the train for the bay last Fri­ and Mrs. C. A. Craddock, a son. the 4th day o f May, 1896, and if you fail ho ! you can get mnnv good article« nt "VTOTICE ia hereby given that under and BANDON, OREGON, The ladies o f onr Coquille Belief to appear and annwer, the «aid plaintiff will | one half their coat at 1 v by virtue of an execution nnd order o f day, where be connected with the apply to the court for the relief demanded ; other stores. Ik IK ». Furniahe« beat gooda on the market, home- «nle i««ned out of the Circuit Court o f thw Corps desire to return thanks Alice Blanchard for Portland, and State of Oregon for Coo« County on the 6tb apun and foreign. Latent fashion« W il k in s —In Coquille City, Nov. 20, 1895, *'.nbJ h T olS SE BLANKETS AND PILLOW S day of November, 1M95, in favor of L. A. thence home to Ashland. He through tbe H erald to tbe Ban­ rtalemunt o f wbieh relief a . follow»,, at surprisingly low prioe., Charles Wilkius, aged 55 years. Roberta, plaintiff, nnd agninHt the property reports Mrs. Parker as able to walk don corps for its kindnesses and S k . llt —At San Francisco, Nov. 18, 1895, A rtistic - T ailorin g • a • Specialty. of Lizzie G. Lehnherr and J. A. Lehnherrf 1. That the defendants, snd »sob and -------- The KACKET is on the eo-operatiee Mrs. W. P. Skelly, aged 42 year». ____ all o f them, be required to set forth tbe about the bonse. her hnaband, defendant«, commanding mo cordial greetings on their late visit natureof their olaiiu, and that all adverse plan, nnd has good pnyin t stock in the All kind« o f work will receive carefu to nmke «nle of the certain mortgaged attention. Price« reasonable. claims of the defendants, to the premises company for sale. premiae« In »aid execution nnd hereinafter to Baudon. Our ladies went down particularly described, or a snfticienoy U a ta rrn . Manli fidi!. Awarded E r K J T i h * d#terra,ned Aorth Front Street, Friday, 15th inst, returning Mon­ thereof to «ntinfv the demand« o f «aid 2. That by «aid decree it be declared and plaintiff, towit: The sum of #508.50, the JOHN KAINO, MARTIN KL’SSEL E. W. J ot C om pany — Gentlemen: day, 18th. They were met at the H i g h e s t Honors— World’s Fair, adjudged that the defendant« have no estate novl9’ 95J C. H O W E , Agent further smn of #50.00 attorney fee and or interest whatever in or to land«deacribed #13.90 costa, together with co«tH o f «aid Gold Medal. Midwinter Fair. I have just completed the second wharf by the Bandon corps, THE M ARSHFIELD aa follow«, towit: The «outhweat qnarter , writ. I will. ON SATURDAY, THE l« T H - bottle of your VegetableSarsaparilla, escorted to quarters ami most hos­ of the northweat quarter, and the «outhweat DAY OF DECEMBER. 1806. at the hour • D U RIPANS qnarter of the northeast qnarter, and lota of one o’clock in the afternoon o f «aid day, I have had catarrh for years which pitably entertained during their two, three and four. :n auction thirteen, and nt the Courtbouae door in the town o f affected my eyes, hearing and stom­ IL lota «even and eight in aection fourteen, Empire City, in «aid county nnd «late, offer townahip twenty-six aouth of range four-1 U ach. Frequently would have dull visit. The veterans o f tbe Ban­ for aale niul aell at public auction to the SB The modem stand- teen weat o f the Willamette Meridian in highoHt nnd be«t bidder for cash, nil right, headaches for days at a time. Since don Post, G. A. R., bad a complete Cooa oounty, atate of Oregon, containing title and intere«t which the an id defend­ taking your remedy I have felt no surprise, but Boon rallied, discover­ 170.90 acre« of land; and that the tf* ant« or either o f them had on the 19th day U ard Family Medi- v w t r plaintiff thereto ia good and valid. of Mnrch, 1895, or may at anv time since disagreeable symptoms. u ing that the party were friends 3. That the defendant« be forever en- have acquired in or to tho following des­ cine: C u r e s the Trusting you will publish this as t /1 N O R T H F R O N T STREET, cribed real property, to-wit: Beginning nt and not marauders and foragers, I want any oue suffering from any a point 4A»7 feet from the iron com er or u common every-day M A R S H F IE L D . initial point of the town of Myrtle Point, of the above symptoms to he bene­ and joined tbe R elief Corp* in € o tp ii\ U C U \j ¿ fu ra li «»»» »«> »»» «»$ «». OUR N EW CLUBBING O F F E R S ! The “ Herald” and Your Choice at the Price Stated Below. \J\b M Dr. Miles’ Heart Cure N C L . G R A Y ,- Watchmaker "great Revelation of Han- etary Sii,” Jeweler, S H Y L O C K , Mrs. Gray’s Department, R A C K ET S T O R E B t t S lt llS ani W a p m tes * fited. Kindly send me two more capturing and entertaining them ! bottles by return express. (Signed) An entertainment and social was M r . F r e d e r ic k D e R ich m o n d . held in honor o f tbe visitors, and | Seattle, Wash. everything was dooe to make the Every mail brings a new batch of occasion entertaining and enjoy­ testimonials for Joy's Vegetable able— which it waa in a high degree. Sarsaparilla. CREAM B A K IN G P O W D ER Most Perfect Made. 4P Year* the Standard. ____ j costs o f suit. T bs’, on tbe 7th day o f November. 1895, the Hon. J.C . Follerton, indgeof the entitled court, duly made an order, on that day. direct!»« that wiyice ot tne aammona in this auit be made by publics- ai ve week«. a o v i 9*6 w I ALBF.Rl E. SEAMAN. Attorney for Plaintiff ! > 3 ills of humanity. u z o V L KINDM o f black»,nith work »«J \ LL wagon work, new or repair work, done on »hort notice. WE GUARANTEE OUR W O RK To gi .e antiafaction. Come and aee na. MV 19*96] KAINO A Kt’SHEL. (%nm county, Oregon, on the west aide of First street; running thence north.10 degree» east. 253 feet along said First afreet; thence north. 80 degrees west. 120 feet: thence south 263 feet, running parallel with said First street; thence e»«t to the place of beginning, containing one acre, more or less. Dated November 7th, 1895. W. W. GAGE. no* 12 541 Sheriff of C/oou conuty, Oregon «